Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 16, 1929, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Rev. D. A. Thompson of Portland
delivered th bacc&laurakte sermon on
Sunday. The service was largely at
tended by parent and friends of the
graduates. A duet "Whispering Hope,"
was beautifully sung by Mrs. Claude
Coats and Mrs. Z. J. Gillespie with
Miss Henry at the piano. This number
was to have been sung by the Barlow
quartette but because of Ray's absence
the two sisters sang it. Dr. Thompson
took for his subject "What Is Life?"
and spoke on the physical, mental and
spiritual aspects of life. In the evening
Dr. Thompson held a splendid "Moth
er's Day" service which was also well
Doyle Hubbel and family who have
been living on a ranch near Bickleton
for the past several months have re
turned and are at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Agee, for
a time,
Walace Matthews celebrated his ninth
birthday on Saturday when 12 of his
small friends attendad a party given
for him by his aunt Mrs. Nate Ma
comber. After an afternoon of games
the guests partook of an elaborate
luncheon. The young host received
many tokens from his friends. Present
were Lorraine Dillabough, Maxene Bal
lenger, Maxine Strobel. Janet Gorham,
A. T. Hereim, Jr.. Theodore Wilson.
Peter Farley. Helen and Catherine
Mead, Edwin Rainville, Clara Mae Dil
lon. Ralph Skobo. Mrs. Marschat as
sisted Mrs. Macomber,
Harry Crawford was up from Port
land for a few days on business. He
was a guest at the Weston home during
his stay here.
We Strobel and family have moved
to the Walter Knauff ranch, which is
now owned by La Grande parties.
Homer Cason of Portland spent a few
days here on business.
Mr. Wilkins who resides on the Frank
Otto ranch was surprised to have his
wife come in unexpectedly last Sunday.
She is at Forest Grove until the close
of school.
Mother's Day was commemorated at
the Y. P. Rutherford home Sunday
when Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wristen and
Frank Rutherford of Arlington were up
for the day.
John Brice has traded ranch property
here for town property at La Grande.
They will probably not leave until fall.
Mrs. Stella Darling and son Ralph of
Ashwood. Ore., were guests at the Jas.
Howell home recently.
Mrs. J. E. Price has returned to her
home in Portland after a pleasant visit
at the home of her son, W. A, Price
and family. On Sunday they all motor
ed to Cove to visit another son.
D. S. Barlow and wife of Heppner
and Mrs. Allstott were visitors at the
J. F. Barlow home on Tuesday.
Mrs. R. L. Ware of Idaho is a guest
of hre sister, Mrs. Wm. Strobel.
Mrs. Carrick and two children of
Vernonia are visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Wilbanks.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Barlow and baby
Chloe visited relatives at Stayton, Wn.,
last week.
Chas. Hango received a letter from
Roy Lytle of Logan, Kan., this week,
telling of the death of his father, Joe
Lytle, who passed away last month.
Mr. Lytle was one of the early pioneers
here, owning property on the road near
the Myers' ranch. This ranch he had
never developed however. Mr. Lytle
having practiced his trade as black
smith in the early days. Mr. Lytle was
about 70 years of age.
Mr. and Mrs. Massie and three chil
dren of Hood River stopped in Board
man for a short time Thursday. Mrs.
Massie will be remembered as Miss
Naomi Runner, a teacher in Boardman
high school a number of years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Marschat and Mr.
and Mrs. C. S. Calkins and daughter
Alice were dinner guests Wednesday
evening at the Royal Rands home.
Harvey Huff had a foot badly burned
on Friday while working with hot oil
on the highway.
Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messenger and
two children of Athena spent Sunday
with relatives. They were accompanied
here by Miss Ora Messenger who has
been visiting them. She is at the Mes
senger home again.
On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sharpe
of Pendleton and the former's mother,
Mrs. Sharpe, were guests at the Mes
senger home.
The seniors were honor guests at a
lovely party Saturday night with mem
bers of the faculty entertaining at the
Aiarscnat nome. Bug was the diver
sion of the evening and a wonderful
time was enjoyed and a splendid lunch
partaken of. Present in addition to
the seniors and the faculty members
were jnr. ana Mrs. u. b. calkins, not)
Partlow and Ed Barlow.
Chas. Dillabough was unfortunate In
losing nearly 100 of his earliest turkey
poults when rats visited his poultry
yarq Killing tne pirqs wantonly.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Calkins and Alice
leave the last of this week for their
new home near Jefferson, Ore. On Sat
urday Mr. Calkins had a public sale
and disposed of all of the articles which
ne aid not pian 10 iaxe along, air.
Hendrickson acted as auctioneer and
things brought a very good price, es
pecially tne cowa. one cow wun can
bringing $142. and another J125. The
sheep were purchased by the Delano
Adolf Skobo and family were enter
tained at (lie A. A. Agee home Sunday
at a lovely dinner.
Mrs. Bert Bennett has been suffering
with an ulcerated tooth and her face
has been swollen badly.
O. B. Olson and Robert Wilson each
received a shipment of 300 baby chix
the past week.
F. B. Swayze, of Hermiston, was a
visitor on the project Sunday.
Finishing up some small bands at the
Kin&r and Shane ranches completed
shearing on the project. Approximately
1.1.0UU lieau oi sneep were sneareu mis
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mefford spent
several days visiting relatives near Se-
attle. returning tne early part oi tne
Mr. Chamberlain, a representative of
the McGuire Real Estate company of
Portland, was looking over prospects
on the project last week.
Dr. Thompson was an overnight guest
at the J. R. Johnson home Saturday.
On Sunday he was entertained at Rev.
Miller's home in Umatilla.
Mrs. Everett Duggan was pleased to
have her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Smith of La Center, her sister, Mrs. J.
W. Meidl and husband of Ridgefleld,
Wn., with her for Mother's Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dillon extended
their hospitality on Monday evening
at a sumptuous dinner party with Mr.
and Mrs. L. E. Marschat and the Misses
Spike and Henry as guests. The eve
ning was spent in a social way.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Marschat left the
day after commencement for Berkeley,
Ca'l. Miss Henry returned to her home
at Athena and will later go to Mon
mouth for the summer. Miss Chapman
plans to spend the summer at Hood
River. Mr. King will remain at home
this summer as will Mrs. Gillespie. Miss
Falk will spend the summer at her
home in Salem. Miss Spike's plans are
still Indefinite.
The high esteem in which Mrs. C. S.
Calkins is held in the community was
shown Thursday at the farewell party
given for her at the home of J. R. John
son. Forty-four ladies were present and
enjoyed spending an afternoon with the
honor guest before her departure for
the new home near Jefferson. A pro
gram was given consisting of piano
solos by Mrs. Mead and Mrs. Spagle,
a reading by Mrs. Messenger, a piano
duet by Mesdames Spagle and Mead,
reading Mrs. Hereim. Mrs. Royal Rands
read a clever original poem. Mrs. Chaf
fee as president of the H. E. club pre
sented Mrs. Calkins a prettily decorated
cake tray and cover and read an orig
inal poem. Mns. Messenger on behalf
of the many friends in the community
made a neat speech of presentation.
She gave the honor guest a fine slumber
robe. An elaborate lunch was served
by Mrs. Johnson and her assistants.
Mrs. Calkins with her quiet unassum
ing way, counts her friends by her
acquaintances and everyone regrets her
Following is the original poem by
Mrs. Rands: t
Old friends are leaving us every day;
It seems so many are going away.
The homes look lonely with loved ones
It doesn't seem right; it seems all
Oh, how we'll miss their kindly faces.
They tell us others will take their
Of course we welcome the friends that
are new:
But, oh, how we'll miss the old ones too.
These partings are coming too fast to
suit me;
My eyes fill with tears and I hardly
can see
When I think of the Calkins'g going
They know it is best we can't bid
them stay,
But dear friends, we'll miss your many
kind deeds.
They'll live on when you're gone so the
Holy Book reads.
So God bless you and keep you from
harm and all care;
May happiness be yours for all time,
is the prayer
Of your many Boardman friends.
Ray Barlow took the railroad exam
inations in Portland last week. If suc
cessful he will be qualified for a posi
tion as operator, having had his train
ing at a school in Portland and his ex
perience working with Mr. Mead at
Y. P. Rutherford is driving a new
Durant sedan.
Mrs. J. C. Ballenger spent several
days last week in The Dalles with her
Sarents. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Murchie.
rs. Murchie who was seriously ill a
few weeks ago is much Improved.
The operetta "Snow White," was pre-
sented Friday night by the children of
the grades under the direction of Miss
Hemy and Mrs. Marschat. Snow White,
the heroine, was ablv played by Mary
Smith who is developing a splendid
voice. Adeline Wilbanks took the part
of the cruel stepmother. The hunts
men, the dwarfs, were interesting fea
tures. A Chinese dance was given by
the primary grils that was very pleas
ing. The Rhythm Orchestra played
several selections and as always on
their appearance, received a good hand.
The work of training 20-odd small
"wigglers" to a proper sense of rhythm
so that they could handle the tambour
ines, the sticks, the cymbals, bells and
other music-making appurtenances is
indeed an accomplishment and much
credit is due Mrs. Marschat for her
efforts. Carl Wicklaiuier gave the ora
tion. "The Call to Arms," which he
spoke at Heppner and Pendleton.
Mrs. Corda Saling is in Heppner to be
with her son's wife. Mrs. Earl Saling,
who underwent an operation there on
Mr. and Mrs., Lotus Robison and son
Richard were in town Friday.
The community picnic which was to
have been on Saturday last, was post
poned until the coming Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Mahrt went to Eugene
Sunday to attend a meeting of Delco
Light dealers which was held on Mon
day. The Shell Oil company men did their
bit of spring cleaning on Thursday,
brightening up the service station with
some paint.
J. N. Batty purchased a Delco-Light
plant for his farm home, also a pump.
The sale was made through the local
dealer. W. V. Mahrt.
No More Gas
In Stomach
and Bowels
If you wlh to be permanently re
lieved of gas in stomach and bowels,
take Baalmanna Gas Tablets, which
are prepared especially for stomach gas
and all the bad effect a resulting from
gas pressure.
That empty, gnawing feeling at the
pit of the stomach will disappear; that
anxious, nervous feeling with heart pal-
Eitation will vanish, and you will again
e able to take a deep breath without
That drowsy, sleepy feeling aftel
dinner will be replaced by a desire foi
entertainment. Bloating will cease.
Your limbs, arms and fingers will no
longer feel cold and "go to sleep' be
cause Baalmann's Gas Tablets prevent
gas from interfering with the circula
tion. Get the genuine, in the yellow pack
age, at any good drug sty re, Trice $1
Rotary Rod Weeders
12-M90; 13-M110; 15-ft. $115
Karl L. Beach
Results of Thinking
Benefits from never wasting anything
are clearly emphasized if we, a as scient
ist would, think about the matter, consider
our condition and possibilities of "arriv
ing" if we are prudent.
Just notice how people who save reg
ularly do succeed.
Farmers & Stockgrowers National
Heppner Bank Oregon
Miss Louise Torre was a week-end
guest of Mildred Farrena at her moun
tain home south of Hardman.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Johnson enter
tained at their home on Saturday last
the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Avi
AleRoberts, George C. Medloek, James
Wolfe. Wayne Baird and Oscar Let race.
Part of the day was spent on a picnic
near Rock creek. A good time is re
ported by all.
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson mo
tored to the Jack DeVore place on
Rhea creek to visit with Charlie Hack
man. Ella Farrens and Mrs. Hattie Johnson
were shopping in Heppner on last
Hardman schools will close Friday,
May 17. after one of the most successful
school terms the system has ever en
joyed. Those graduating from the
eighth grade are Leon Chapin and El
vira Bleak man. The only senior grad
uating from the high school is Mildred
The high school student body was en
tertained at a charming banquet given
Friday evening in honor of Miss Mil
dred Farrens who is graduating. Toasts
and short talks were given oy Miss
Louise Torre and Wm. Johnson. Fol
lowing the banquet gifts were present
ed to Miss Farrens and the remainder
of the evening was spent in playing
games and singing. Those present were
Zetta Bleakman, Marie Saling, Luclle
barrens, Mary msKeep. cora Kue, uar
rel Farrens, Mrs. Blaine Chapel, Mrs.
Myrtle Mahrt and Miss Louise Torre.
Wise old Mother Nature made milk
for children. Into It she put every
thing needed for sustenance, and in
the most easily assimilated form.
So, Drink More Milk. Let the
children have plenty. It is the
cheapest food you can buy.
Alfalfa Lawn Dairy
Phone 30?S
The regular meeting of the Amer
ican Legion Auxiliary will be in
Legion hall Tuesday evening, May
21. Hostesses will be Mrs. Doris
Burgess and Mrs. Lera Crawford.
The meeting of the executive com
mittee will be held the same eve
ning at 7:30. Secretary.
Notice Is hereby given that by
virtue of the laws of the State of
Oregon I have taken up the follow
ing described animals and will sell
the same at public sale, subject to
the right of redemption, at my
place 1 mile southeast of Heppner
on Willow creek, at 10 o'clock a. m,,
Saturday, May 18, 1929, unless the
same shall have been redeemed by
the owner thereof. Said animals
are described as follows:
One brown horse, about 6 years
old, weight about 1150 pounds. No
visible marks or brands.
One bay horse, strip in face, two
white hind feet, wire cut on right
front foot Blotch brand on left
stifle, weight about 1050.
Heppner, Ore.
New York Life Insurance Co.
W. V. Crawford, Agent
Heppner, Ore.
Our stock of Implements
is complete.
Oliver and P. & O. Gang
Flows from $190 to $90
Spring Tooth and Pig
Tooth Harrows
Disc Harrows at Whole
sale Cost.
Without question the best
Combined Harvester
Investigate the 15-30
International Tractor
Lead Bars, Single Trees,
Clevises, Plow Shares, etc
We have it, will get it, or
it is not made.
at these
Seiberling Tire Prices
29x4.40 Seiberling Arrowhead $ 6.44
30x3 Vi CI. Seiberling Patrician 7.76
29x4.40 Seiberling Patrician 9.21
30x4.50 Seiberling Patrician 10.09
30x3 Vi Seiberling Arrowhead Tube .... 1.15
29x4.40 Seiberling Arrowhead Tube $1.35
"PROTECTED FOB ONE YEAR" means then tins are flx.4
FBEE of charge for ONB YEAR regardless oi what the damage la
to the tire, excepting lire.
Heppner, Oregon
Starling Next Thursday
Introductory Sale
Allen-A Underwear
20 Reduction
May 16 to 20
Including Shirts and Shorts, Athletics
and Fine Knits.
Guaranteed Regular Stock
The New Straw Hats are "Dingers"
"a mans store for men"
Can't Float
What is will power? Well, it is
persistency of effort-unwillingness to
surrender dogged determination to
carry on. These things decide hu
man destiny.
It is always easy to follow the lines
of least resistance. But one can't
very well float UP STREAM. It
takes effort. Many who have achiev
ed greatness in life, financially 'and
otherwise, developed WILL POW
ER early in life. You can do what
you want to do if you really WANT
Fir& National Bank
ROADSTER . . . .' 525
PHAETON .... 525
CABR?OLET . . .'695
Th Convert- 1705
Th Sedan IKQK
Th Light MAA
Delivery Chassis
Ton Chassis....
rnl4Ton lLCA
Chassis with Cab "OV
Mlpricti! o.h. factor
Hint. Michigan
tha delivered pries
as wall as th Hat
price In considering
automobile value.
Chevrolet's deliv
ered prices Include
only reasonable
charges for delivery
ana nnanang.
Value for Value
Priceybr Price
If you are considering the purchase of an auto
mobile, you owe it to yourself to check the new
Chevrolet Six against any other car value for
value and price for price!
Here, In the price range of the four, is offered a
smooth, powerful, six-cylinder valve-in-head
motor which- delivers fterrer than 20 miles to
the gallon of gasoline awl whose smooth, quiet,
velvety operation, with its complete lack of drum
ming and vibration, is a revelation. Here are
beautiful bodies by Fisher with fittings byTern
stedt . . . rich, defp-tufted upholsteries and
adjustable driver's seat. And throughout the
entire chassis are found numerous examples of
advanced engineering such as quiet, non -locking
4-wheel brakes . . . ball bearing steering
mechanism . . . and automatic acceleration pump.
But no mere recital of features can give you any
conception of Chevrolet's value leadership. So
we urge you to come in and see for yourself
why over 500,000 people have chosen the new
Chevrolet Six since January 1st !
I r M aaieaaaaaaaaaa ea""aar I
Ferguson Chevrolet Co.
Heppner, Oregon
E. R. Lundell, lone, Ore.