Comal atte Volume 46, Number 9. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY May 16, 1929. Subscription $2.00 a Year HTHA Fine Talent Scheduled to . Appear for Big Free Entertainment. With the line-up of talent received for Heppner's Free Chautauqua, June 8-9-10-11, and the promise of j one of the largest tents put out by the Chautauqua people, the second annual event gives promise of sur passing the wonderful time of last year. That interest is keen over the entire county is the assertion of F. R. Brown, president of the local organization, who says that In quiries have been constantly reach ing him for several weeks. The local organization started permanently last year, evolved the system of electing directors for a term of yeara terminating the term of one director each year. To fill the vacancy a new method of election was decided upon at the directors' meeting Monday evening. The president will appoint a nom inating committee to prepare the names of condidates for election and balloting will be held the first two days, all contributors being en titled to a vote. Results will be announced later by the board of di rectors. W. W. Smead is the direc tor whose term expires this year. Committees appointed Monday evening Include advertising, Jasper V. Crawford; reserve seat, Earl W. Gordon; grounds, Albert Adkins, Frank Turner "and George Bleak man; finance, Mrs. F. R. Brown and Mrs. Frank Turner, each to select a helper. The first performance will be Sat urday evening, June 8, with after noon and evening performances each of the remaining three days, making seven programs in all, each program new. Tuesday, the last day, the Chautauqua organization will entertain the pioneers, and a special morning program for their benefit is being arranged by a com mittee for that purpose. Pioneer's day was changed from Monday to Tue'Sday at the director's meeting. To eliminate any misunderstanding, President Brown anonunces that seats for the pioneers will be re served on the one day only. Two plays, one at the start and one at the wind-up of Chautauqua, are headllners on the program. "The Clean Up," clever modern comedy success brilliantly acted, will be seen the first evening. The other, "Smilin' Thru." is slated as the best love story of the century and one of the best plays. . Oliver's Philippine Troubadors, presenting the poignant, exotic South Sea music as only Islanders can play it is one of the versatile programs scheduled. A good radio program plus the personalities of the entertainers make the Corlne Jessop Radio War blers one of Chautauqua's most pop ular attractions. Miss Jessop, one of the platform's best entertainers heads the company. She is assisted by David Hartley from Howard Russell's Collegians and Fern Zln ser from the Chicago Civic Orches tra. George E. Toomey is the Chau tauqua management's answer to the demand for a forceful, educated, understanding type of lecturer, whose principles are grounded in experience. Back In college day George Toomey was named the best "all around" athlete in the middle west "Kicking Goal" is the Inter esting subject dsicussed by Mr. Too mey. Mrs. Harold Peat, a lecturer, a writer and a recent member of the efficiency branch of the British Mu nitions Board, has studied the war industry from A to Z. It is hard to put into print the story she tells. Born in the north of Ireland she has the wit and eloquence of her Irish ancestors and captivates her audience with the story she tells entitled "The International Future of Our Children." Such a program holds for all who can possibly attend a promise of a feast of good things. Make your plans now to be in Heppner all four days If possible. There will be no admission charge. NEW BAKERY OPENS. The Sanitary Bakery opened for business In the Gllman building on Tuesday morning, being in charge of Wise, Brothers and Levern, late of Toppcnlsh, Wash. The new bak ery is equipped with latest bakery equipment, Including a 1000-loaf ca pacity oven, and so far has enjoyed a good business. The front of the bakery has been partitioned off and ' a modern and attractive retail room Installed, where products of the bake shop are displayed. The rooms, formerly occupied by the county agent's office, have been entirely rnnovated and remodeled, and pre sent an attractive appearance. The new bakery will deal exclusively In bakery goods, Including their Blue Ribbon bread, pies, cakes, and other pastries. A delivery wagon is be ing run to serve the local stores and also going to lone and Lexing ton where its products are placed on sale. Proprietors of the new en terprise express confidence in the future of our city through their substantial investment. For Sale Slngor sewing machine, model B6, For quick sale, $35. Phone 843, city. 9tf. Tomorrow P. M. Set For Work at Tank Tomorrow afternoon will be a half-holiday In Heppner, as declar ed by W. G. McCarty, mayor, when everyone who will Is asked to lend a hand at the American Legion swimming tank to assist in doing work necessary to put it in shape for opening In the near future. Le gion boys will be in charge, and will direct the work. In making the proclamation May or McCarty Bald: "Whereas, a swimming tank for the recreation of Heppner citizens is of vital importance in the sum mer time, and whereas, such a tank is available for use this summer with the cooperation of the people of the community; therefore, I. W. G. McCarty. mayor of the city of Heppner with consent of the Com mon Council, hereby proclaim the afternoon of Friday, May 17, a half holiday for the purpose of doing necessary work to put the tank in shape for opening, and do hereby urge the cooperation of the entire community in getting the work done." Men, especially, are urged to turn out equipped with crow bars, ham mers, pick axes, shovels, or what ever tools they may find available, at 1 o'clock sharp. Many Visitors Attend Ruth Chapter Meeting At the regular meeting of Ruth Chapter No. 32, O. E. S., on Friday evening, besides the large attend ance on the part of the member ship, there were many visitors pre sent, the larger number of these being from Locust Chapter at lone. The meeting was of especial Inter est owing to the reception of new members into the order, six joining by Initiation and two by affiliation on this occasion, and the ritualistic work was put on in almost perfect order, headed by Charlotte Gordon, Worthy Matron and Frank S. Par ker, Worthy Patron. Entertainment features on the program were given by Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Thorn, the former presenting a violin solo in his usual artistic manner, and Mrs. Thorn sang "Mother of Mine," a beautiful tribute to the mothers present, Mr. Thorn playing the violin obllgatta while Mrs. Thorn was her own ac companist at the piano. This num ber was especially appreciated. Fol lowing the initiation and close of lodge refreshments of creamed chicken in patty shells, Ice cream, cake and coffee were served. Among the visitors present were noted E. O. Bullard, Margaret Bul lard, R. E. Harbison, Lucy E. Har bison, George N. Ely, Fannie G. Griffiths, Delia McCurdy, Louisa Louy, Martha Ashton Dick, Viola Lieuallen, Mary E. Beckner, Ruby 0. Roberts, Roxy Krebs, Mabel Krebs, Clara Howk, Lola McCabe, Maggie Nord, Anna L. Blake, George Krebs, J. W. Howk, H. D. McCurdy, of Locust Chapter No. 119, lone; Elsie Shipley, Alpha No. 1, Ashland; Vashti Saling, Frank Saling of Bushee No. 19, Pendleton; M. C. Thorn. Wilda Thorn, Ever green No. 1, Goldendale; Ruth Tan blyn, Golden Chain No. 103, Vale. BALDWIN-PEN LAND. Friends were busy congratulating Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Baldwin the first of the week over their marriage. The wedding was an event of last Saturday afternoon at 4:30 and took place at the court house in Walla Walla, whither J. S. Baldwin and Mrs. Rebecca Penland had journey ed. Justice C. M. Wilbur perform ed the ceremony. Report had it that the marriage had been con- sumated some time ago, but this was one time Dame Rumor made a poor guess. The contracting par ties had thought to keep their friends in the dark for a while, but through a Walla Walla paper com ing to Heppner the account of the wedding was given, so Mr. Baldwin had to get busy and set up the cigars. Both are long time resi dents of this place and they have received hearty congratulations of their many friends here. Those present at the ceremony were Mr, and Mrs. R. E. Long of Touchet, Wash., brother-in-law and sister of Mr. Baldwin, and the daughter of the groom, Olivia Baldwin. A wed ding dinner was enjoyed by the party in Walla Walla and then they all departed for the home of Mr. and Mrs. Long who served a deli cious wedding breakfast on Sunday morning before the departure of Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin for their home at Heppner. BIRTHDAY OF THE CHURCH. The Church of Jesus Christ is the grandest Institution on the face of the earth and next year will have been in existence 1900 years. It seems entirely fitting that we should observe the day In a very particular way. The anniversary falls on Sun day, May 19th this year and the local church of Chlst is observing the day. It is making an appeal for every member of the church to be present at the Lord's Table on Sun day morning. The supper will be observed in an unusual way. There will be special music. The morning sermon will be "The Birthday of the (Jnurch." Bible school at 9:45. Christian En deavor at 7 o'clock. The evening service will give over in favor o the high school baccalaureate. MILTON W. BOWER, Minister L Baccalaureate Sunday and Commencement Friday End Year. With the closing of the Heppner schools a week from tomorrow, 17 students will be graduated from the high school. These are Virginia Dlx, Vivian (Cason) Prock, Doro thy Herren, Patricia Mahoney, Mar garet Notson, Vclton Owens, Ger trude Doherty, Terrel Benge, Clair Cox, Harlan Devin, Maurice Ed- mondsen, James Hager, Clarence Hayes. Paul Jones, Hadley Stewart, John Farley and Harry Wells. Saturday evening, a gala event at the auditorium will be the major grade school closing event in the nature of a May fete. All the grades will have a part in the pro gram, featuring music, recitations and cantata. An admission charge of 50 cents will be made and the public is invited to attend. The baccalaureate sermon will be preached to the class Sunday eve ning at 8 o'clock by Rev. B. Stanley Moore, missionary in charge of All Saints' Episcopal church, at the auditorium-gymnasium. Special mu sic in charge of Kate Francis Ede, supervisor of the music department, will also feature the service. The churches of the city will combine at the time making a union service of baccalaureate. The next major occasion of the closing activities will be the Junior Senior banquet, to be held Monday evening at the Christian church. This is an annual affair at which the juniors bid their preceding classmates a gala farewell, and is looked forward to for weelys in ad vance by members of both classes. Commencement exercises will be gin at 8 o'clock Friday evening at the auditorium-gymnasium. Bert Brown Barker, vice-president of the University of Oregon, will deliver the commencement address. Besides the presentation of diplomas, one of the most important events in the life of the high school, another cer emony that is looked forward to with expectancy is the presentation of the Norton Winnard memorial cup. Each year this cup has en graved upon it the name of a junior who, In the opinion of the commit tee supervising the award, has the most outstanding requirements nec essary to win it Qualifications in clude not only scholastic attain ment, but prominence in activities and character as well. The name of the winner is not made known before the time of presentation. With the closing of school faculty announcements for next year have not been made, though it is under stood there will be a considerable shake-up in the teaching personnel of the grades as many of the grade teachers have not re-applied. Philip von Lubken, principal of the high school, has resigned his position to enter Stanford university next fall. Superintendent Burgess expects to take summer school work either at Stanford or the University of Ore gon. GEO. D. ANDERSON PASSES. Geo. D. Anderson, who some ten days ago was brought to Heppner hospital from the Rose Lawn ranch of Hynd brothers in Sand Hollow. suffering from an attack of pleu risy, passed away rather suddenly at about noon on Friday. His death came unexpectedly, as he had been Improving, and was not thought to be In any danger whatever. While the nurse was busy for a short time in another part of the hospital, Mr. Anderson was seized by heart- failure, and upon her return to his bedside he was found beyond any human help. Funeral services were held from Elks temple at 2 p. m. on bunday, being quite largely attend ed by membres of the order and friends of the deceased. George D. Anderson was born In Garnett, Kansas, April 24, 1864. and he came to Morrow county in the spring of 1887, making this part of Oregon his homo since that time For six years he worked for C. C. Curtis at Cecil, and following that ror the past 23 years has been a faithful employee of Hynd Bros, He is survived by two brothers, W. A. Anderson of Ukiah, Oregon and rank s. Anderson of Garnett, Kan and two half sisters, Mrs. Stella Tefft of Ontario, Cal., and Mrs. Lola Flynn of Garnett, Kan. MISSIONARY MEETING. The May meeting of the Woman's Foreign Missionary society will be held downstairs in the Methodist church next Tuesday, May 21, at 3:30 p. m. There will be the reeu lar program, followed by a social hour. Both members and friendB are urged to come, and as prompt ly as possible. secretary. SPECIAL MEETING O. E. S A special meeting of Ruth Chan ter No. 32, O. E. S.. will be held on Wednesday evening, May 22. There win be initiation, beginning Dromnt ly at 7 o'clock, followed by a fare well party to the teachers of the Heppner schools who are members of the order. ATTENTION LEGION MEN. Working party called for Sunday morning, May 19, to repair and clean up veterans' graves at the cemetery. Bring shovels, rnkes and hoes, and meet at Legion hall at 9:30. EARL GILLIAM, Com. FROM HIGH SCHQO RESERVED SEATS i FOR CHAUTAUQUA Reserved seate for those con tributing to Chautauqua may be had at Gordon' by presenting re ceipts after May 15th. One reserv ed seat given for each $2.50 con tributed. Those who have not so far contributed to the Free Chau qua, and who desire reserved seats, may get same by sending In money to Gay M. Anderson, treasurer, immediately. Postal cards notifying each contributor of the reserved seat arrangement are being mailed this. week. HEPPIR DROPS T Dust Storm and Other Blows' Feature Hectic Fray Here. LEAGUE STASMM08 Won Lost Pet. Wasco .6 0 1.000 Condon . ...6 lone 2 1.000 .400 .333 .250 .148 Heppner 2 Fossil 1 Arlington 1 Last Sunday's Besulta At Heppner 4. Condon 7; at Wasco 8, lone 5; at Fossil 3, Arlington 4. Another "comedy of errors" and Heppner bit the dust before the Condon Invaders at Rodeo field Sun dayscore 7-4. Heppner's ball play ers were not alone In biting the dust as a heavy real estate transfer in the nature of a moving summerfal- low field impelled by a high wind gave the visitors and spectators a tasty morsel of the real thing. The Condon boys are said to be thor oughly weathered for such a storm, and this may be the reason they were the less affected by It That as it may be, "blows" were undoubtedly the order of the day. In the second inning there was one away when Gerald Smith singled and Brown picked one of Drake's spitters for a roller, made to order for a double play, down to DeVaney at short. DeVaney tossed the pellet to Van Marter on second, but It popped out of his clove and both runners were safe. H, Smith struck out and DeVaney took Clow's dus ter and heaved It over the first baseman's head, G. Smith and Brown scoring. No further catas trophe happened until the fourth when Brown was again permitted to score on a bobble by Cason at third. Condon was then held until their turn In the ninth, in the meantime Heppner tying the score in the fifth and eighth innings. In the fifth Dale Bleakman 'gained first on a fielder's choice and was scored by Thorn's double blow. In the eighth with one away, Turner walked and took second on Cason's hit, both runners scoring on Gentry's single. So, everything was tied up when the ninth rolled around, and Con don came to bat. Then it was that a combination of three hits, a hit batsman, and errors by Cason and Sprouls netted them four more tal lies. Heppner started a spurt in the same inning but was forced to retire with one additional marker. There was some good ball along with the bad, however. Outfielders on both teams made some beautiful catches, there was some good hit ting, and good pitching, and all told It was not a bad game from the spectator's point of view, though a hard one for Heppner to lose. The umpiring of Poulson and O'- Rourke was especially free from criticism. Next Sunday Heppner goes to Fossil. The box score and summary: HEPPNER B R H O A Thorn. 1 5 0 2 1 0 LaMear, c 4 0 0 4 2 0 4 0 2 2 0 0 3 1 2 2 11 0 1 0 1 0 2 Drake, p 5 Van Marter. 2 5 Turner, m -....4 Cason, 3 4 Gentry, 1 ..4 Sprouls. s 1 DeVaney, s ....1 Erwin. r 2 D. Bleakman, r 2 Totals 37 0 0 7 27 14 CONDON Ashenfelter, 2 5 1 Wagner. 1 ..6 0 Raker, m 4 0 Willlmott, s 5 0 G. Smith. 3 4 1 Brown, c 4 2 B. Smith, r 4 1 Clow, p 2 1 Rannow, 1 4 1 Totals -..37 7 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1- B 27 14 3 Earned runs Heppner 2. Condon 1 ; first base on balls off Drake 0, off Clow 2; sacrifice bunts Baker, Clow: left on bases Heppner 11, Condon 6: wild pitches Clow 3. Drake 1; first base on errors Heppner 2, Condon 3; two base hit Thorn; struck out by Drake 4. Clow 6; hit by pitcher Cason, Sprouls, La Mear by -Clow, Clow by Drake. SISTERS IN DOUBLE WEDDING. At the Methodist parsonage on Sunday, Rev. F. R. Spaulding per formed the ceremony In a double wedding, uniting in marriage Wil liam Milton Spuilock and Florence Cason, and Elmer Vernon Prock and Vivian Cason. The brides are sisters, and daughters of Mr. and Mrs. John Cnson of this city. The wedding was a quiet affair, and we understand that the newlyweds will continue to make their homes In this city. PIONEER COMMITTEE NOTICE. The committee appointed to ar range for the pioneer reunion dur ing the chautnuqua will meet at the council chambers Friday eve ning, Moy 17, nt 8 o'clock HERE COMING WEEK Thirteenth Annual Meet ing Churches of Christ, to Start May 21st. "The citizens of Heppner and vi cinity are to have an unusual op portunity to receive Inspiration and Intellectual exhaltation," states Mil ton W. Bower, pastor of the local Church of Christ. "Entirely out of the ordinary and the commonplace is the Thirteenth Annual conven tion of the Churches of Christ of Eastern Oregon, which is coming to Heppner next week. It will begin on Tuesday evening and last over the next two days, closing on Thurs day evening. "Among the speakers are number ed some of the best preachers in this part of the state, and the pro gram as outlined gives them a fine opportunity to express themselves. The messages will be somewhat va ried in nature but there will be four addresses on the Holy Spirit which you cannot afford to miss. "Special plans have also been made for the music of the conven tion and it will be abundant and splendid. It will be under the di rection of Mrs. Guy L. Drill of Pen dleton. "At least eighty visitors from out of town are expected to share with us this feast of good things and it is to be hoped that they may be shown that Heppner 'knows how' to show hospitality. "The whole community is invited to attend these services." We present herewith the program for the convention in detail. Tuesday Night, May SI 7:30 Praise Service, Mrs. Laura Drill. 8:00 Address, "Jesus as Lord," Guy L. Drill. Wednesday Forenoon, Hay 22 9:00 Devotional Study, M. A. McQuary 9:30 Scripture Character Study, "Pe ter Geo. H. Ellis. 10:15 The Pension Fund, Elijah V. Stivers. 11:0 Address, "The Holy Spirit and the Early Church." O. W. Jones. 11 :45 Announcements. 12:00 Noon Recess. Wednesday Afternoon -2:00 Devotional Study, M. A. McQuary 2:2 Address, "The Restoration Move ment." M. W. Bower. 2:45 Bible School Session, led by W. G. Moseley. 3:45 Women's Missionary Session, led by Mrs. Anna Keithley. Address. "One Plus What?" Mrs. Day, Eugene. Address. "Our Task," Mrs. Bai ley, Eugene. 4:46 Adjourn. Wednesday Night 7:30 Praise Service. Mrs. Laura Drill. 8:00 Address, "The Holy Spirit in Conversion," H. L. Ford. Thursday Forenoon. May 23 9:00 Devotional Study. M. A. McQuary 9:30 Scripture Character Study, "John," David L. Kratz. 10:15 Address, "Manifesting the Spirit of Pentecost," G. L. Matlock. 11:00 Address, "The Holy Spirit In the Church Today" Wallace E. Jones 11 :45 Announcements. 12:00 Noon Recess. Thursday Afternoon 2:00 Devotional Study, M. A. McQuary 2:20 Address. "The Unfinished Task of the Restoration Movement" C. F. Swander. 2:45 State Missions Session. 1. What State Missions has done for Eastern Oregon, C. F. Swan der. 2. Address. G. E. Williams. 4:00 Business Session. 4:30 The Pension Plan. Thursday Night 7.30 Praise Service, Mrs. Laura Drill. 8:00 Address. "The Mission of the Holy Spirit" R. L. Putnam. MRS. CHRISTINA TROEDSON. Funeral services were held at the Congregational church in lone Sat urday, May 11, Rev. Stanley Moore of Heppner officiating and assisted by Rev. W. W. Head of lone. Burial was in lone cemetery, and the ser vices were attended by a large num ber of the friends and neighbors of the deceased, who had long been a resident in the community, and was highly esteemed. Mrs. Christina Troedson was born in Shane, Sweden, Feb. 5, 1851. She came to America in 1875 and was married in 1878 to John Carlson, to which union was born one child, J. A. Carlson, of King City, Calif. Mr. Carlson died before his son was born. On January 19, 1884, Mrs. Carlson married Johannes Troedson In San Francisco. To this union there were born three children, Mrs. Clara J. Smouse, deceased; Mrs. Anna C. Smouse and Carl F. Troed son of lone. Mr. and Mrs. Troedson came to Morrow county In 1889 and lived near lone since that time, Mr. Troedson passing away just about a year before his wife. Mrs. Troedson was a lifelong member of the Luth eran church. CARD OF THANKS. We are deeply grateful for the kind words of sympathy and acts of kindness shown us in our sad bereavement in the death of our beloved mother, Christine Troedson, and for the many floral offerings. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Smouse and family, J. A. Carlson, Carl F. Troedson. EPISCOPAL CHlTRCH. Rev. Stanley Moore, Missionary-in-Charge. Holy communion at 7 a. m. Church school at 9:45. Morning prayer and sermon at 11. Young People's Service league at 6 p. m. "Let not mercy and truth forsake thee; bind them about thy neck;, write them upon the table of thine heart; so shalt thou find favor and good understanding In the sight of God and man." Prov. 3:3-4. Club Workers Expect to Go to Summer School Miss Helen Cowgill, assistant state girls' club leader, spent Mon day and .Tuesday in the county and accompanied by Lucy E. Rodgers, school superintendent, and Chas. W. Smith, county agent, visited all the boys' and girls' clubs. The purpose of her visit was to give assistance in any way and to stimulate Inter est in the 4-H club summer school held each year at Oregon State col lege, the dates this year being June 10-22 inclusive. Since the boys and girls have heard Miss Cowgill several have ex pressed their intention of attending, among them being Donald Drake and Raymond Drake, Eight Mile; Earling Thompsen. Gooseberry; Fred Rauch and James Neill, Pine City. Also attending will be Ken neth Duggan, Boardman, whose sig nal attainments last year entitled him to the scholarship offered by the First National and Farmers and Stockgrowers National banks of this city. This is the first year since the inception of the club summer school that more than one Morrow county worker has been In attend ance, declares Mr. Smith. Several of the boys are paying their way from profits made on projects last year. Outstanding among the accom plishments of club workers In the county is that of the Irrigon school band, composed entirely of club members. This band took second In a field of 13 bands entered In the state high school band contest at Portland on May 10. The contest sponsored by Pontiac distributors was held in the Jefferson high school bowl. Klamath Falls won first place. Prizes Awarded Students In Dress-Making Contest In the domestic art dress-making contest of the Heppner high school, Daisy Albee was awarded first prize, Lucile Beymer, second prize and Anne McNamee, third prize. Two of these garments have been enter ed in Borden Fabrics national dress making contest which is to be held in New York, June 15. The judges were Mrs. M. L. Cur ran, Mrs. E. F. Campbell, Mrs. Nora Brown and Mrs. C. C. Patterson. The domestic art and science de partments extend a cordial Invita tion to the patrons, especially the parents, of the Heppner school to attend a home economics exhibit to be held in the respective depart mental rooms from two to five, May 17. A short program will be given by students of the depart ment at 4 o'clock in the high school auditorium. MORROW GENERAL HOSPITAL. Miss Bertha Vaughn who recent ly underwent an operation for ap pendicitis, has returned to her home at Lena. Mrs. D. M. Ward of lone, who was operated on for tonsilitis last Thurs day, had a slight hemorrhage due to the condition of her blood. Mrs. Ward is now able to be up and soon will be fully recovered. Wilbur Flowers underwent a mi nor operation Friday for an infect ed finger. Ollie Ferguson was operated on Tuesday for the removal of tonsils. The operation was under local an esthesia. L. Rasmussen underwent a minor operation Thursday for an infected finger. Arthur Johnson, son of Bert John son of lone, underwent a minor op eration Wednesday for an abscess in his back. Mrs. Claude Cox is confined to bed for a few days with tonsilitis. Herbert Olden received a badly fractured leg Wednesday when a sheep ran into him, knocking him down. Both bones of the leg were broken. He was brought to town, x-rayed and the fractures reduced and put In cast It will be some time before Mr. Olden is able to walk again. BRINGS LOAD OF POWDER. A. J. Chaffee returned on Tues day evening from Oregon City with a truck load of dynamite which he delivered to the road camp on Rhea creek. This powder is to be used largely in shooting the rock quarry located at the Jim Rhea place. Work on the extension of the Rhea creek market road is now In progress and this will extend up Keck canyon to the top of the hill near Liberty schoolhouse The coun ty hopes to have It in shape for use by the time the crops are ready to move to market this fall. There is considerable heavy rock work along up Rhea creek and the grading will progress a little slowly on this ac count The road crew are now at work in Keck canyon, having es tablished their camp near the Mike Healey place on Rhea creek. WHERE THEY PLAY Following is the Wheatland Basoball League schedule for the remainder of the season: May 18 Heppner at Fosall. Condon at lone. Arlington at Wasco. May 26 Fosall at Heppner, lone at Arlington, Wasco at Condon. May 30 Heppner at Arlington, Wasco at lone. Fossil at Condon. Juna 2 Heppner at lone, Condon at Wasco, Arlington at Fossil. June 2 lone at Heppner, Condon at Fossil, 'Wasco at Arlington. June 18 Heppner at Condon, Arling ton at lime, Fossil at Wa-sco. Jun 23 Wasco at Heppner, lone at Fossil, Condon at Arlington. June 30 Heppner at Wasco, Fossil at lone, Arlington at Condon. July 7 Arlington at Heppner, lone at Condon, Wasco at Fossil. Large Audience Greets Colorful and Pleasing Musicale. The climax of the high school musical year came on Thursday evening with the presentation by the music students of "Pickles," charming operetta, before a very large audience In the gym-auditorium. Entailing a great amount of effort on the part of both students and Kate Frances Ede, supervisor, the production was capably given and well received. The two scenes, garden of the Wurtzelpraeter Inn in Vienna at carnival time, and a gypsy camp near Vienna, were well represented in the stage settings. A high red brick wall with white-barred gate in the center formed the back ground for the garden scene, with the Inn of green and white set to the right made a colorful contrast The camp scene was represented with a gypsy tent, fire In front, be fore a screen background with painted rustic motif, while opposite the tent a real rock fountain into which water was running was re produced through the ingenuity of the stage managers. Act one opened showing Hans Maler. proprietor of the Wurtzel praeter Inn, in the person of Homer Hayes preparing for the coming carnival with the expectation of a good business. Louisa, a waitress, cleverly presented by Jeanette Tur ner came in during the preparations and also Captain Klnski, brightly uniformed chief of the Vienna De tective Bureau, Harlan Devin, fol lowed by his faithful servants Bum ski and Rumski, Earl Thomson and Eddie Kenny, who brought the house down on their first appear ance as alert sleuths. Uniformed as policemen, the boys, contrasting in height and humorous in makeup, did a clever dance that was one of the outstanding hits of the evening. The coming carnival was an nounced in story and song by the characters and the Burgher and Vi ennese maiden choruses, the chor uses being outfitted in the colorful and historically correct uniforms of Old Vienna, made by the domestic art department of the school. Bur ghers were Alcy Peck, Gerald Swag- gari, uay Anderson, Homer Hayes, Lee Vinson, Billy Cox, Raymond Clark, Earl Bryant and the maid ens Blanche Howell, Opal Staple ton, Ella Fell, Mary Beamer, Mary McDuffee, Lola Hiatt, Lucille Bey mer, Lucille Hall. The pretty songs were especially well brought out by the ensemble. The plot thickened with the arri val of J. Jennison Jones, advertis ing expert a very snappy part well played by Clarence Hayes, who first made himself unpopular by sticking on the wall a sign advertising Pen nington's Peter Piper pickles. On proving himself a free spender, however, he overcame the first odium and soon had the innkeeper featuring his commodity. Jigo, the gypsy leader, Fletcher Walker, ar rives with Ilona, a gypsy girl, Anna McDald, and immediately Jones falls in love with her. Arthur Crefont a young Ameri can artist John Franzen, meets with reverses until he comes upon Jones who brightens his future by purchasing his picture to use in ad vertising. Jonas H. Pennington, Ter rel Benge, by whom Jones is em ployed arrived to find that Jones had made his name all too popular through his pickles. His daughter June, Louise Langdon, accompanies him and recognizes her old sweet heart in the person of Crefont American tourists arriving for the carnival were Adele Nickerson, Phyllis Jones, Nancy Cox and Jean Huston, who joined in the chorus parts. Lady Vivian DeLancy, charming ly portrayed by Donna Brown, ar rives in search of her daughter, lost at carnival time years before when a baby. Captain Kinskl formed a plot designing on the hand of Lady DeLancy in which he Impresses Louisa, the waitress, to act as the lady's lost daughter, only to marry her in the end. In the end Ilona is revealed as Lady Vivian's lost daughter, and love affairs climaxed are between Ilona and Jones, Lady Vivian and Pennington, and June and Crefont Anna McDaid proved herself a gypsy dancer of real ability, and won a deal of applause through her dance and use of the tambourine. An interpretative ensemble dance given in the last act by Zella Mc Pherrin, Patricia Monahan, Virgin ia Cleveland, Alice Cason, Doris Hiatt and Theodore Thomson, was one of the colorful and pleasing spots of the entertainment Carrying the load of the solo and duet work in a capable manner were Clarence Hayes, Fletcher Wal ker, Anna McDaid, John Franzen, Louise Langdon, Terrel Benge and Donna Brown. The success of the operetta is accredited largely to the work of the accompanist, Helen Falconer, music director of the Lex ington schools. As a specialty between the first two acts Mitchell Thorn played two violin numbers that were well re ceived. He was accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Thorn. Robert W. Service's TRAIL OF )8, Star Theater Sunday-Monday.