Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 02, 1929, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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By Arthur Brisbane
Hurting Hoover's Hand.
Two Dire Possibilities. "
Capital Punishment.
News for Farmers.
President Hoover's hand is sore
after shaking hands with 1757 fel
low citizens In one day.
cially when your fellow citizen,
pushing a plow professionally,
shows his appreciation with a grip
developed by holding the furrow
straight among stones.
In France Important men greet
ing embrace each other. We don't
do that Why shake hands? Why
not Invent something else? Rub
bing noses, Indian-fashion, would
not do; too many germs. Why not
simply look the row of 1757 proud
Americans straight in the eyes, and
say "How do you do?"
Will Rogers understands public
sentiment, expresses it tersely and
affects inaccurate use qf English,
despite the training at Eton and
He says "There is two things that
can disrupt business in this coun
try. One Is war and the other is a
meeting of the Federal Reserve
War, fortunately, Is suspended
for the moment.
Fifty-two thousand Brltalns de
mand abolition of capital punish
ment. In England criminals are
hanged. They don't use fancy elec
tric chairs, reserving science for
better things than killing men.
An end of capital punishment
would be a step toward civilization.
Meanwhile British capital punish
ment shows common sense.
When one Briton kills another,
they hang him a few weeks later.
No years of delay for appeals, deliv
ery of bouquets and sympathetic
letters from ladies.
British criminals, knowing this,
rarely carry deadly weapons on bur
glary expeditions, since using them
to kill would mean hanging. Here
it means hiring an able lawyer.
Rudolph Kawllkowski, head of
the Kosmos Machine Works, of
Goerlitz, Germany, and a serious
scientist, has Interesting news for
He says they can run motors with
dust made of pulverised coal, char
coal, farm waste and other substances.
Kawllkowski runs an eighty horse
power Diesel motor with pulverized
vegetable materials, costing 75 per
cent less than gasoline costs in
Dried and ground cornstalks
could run all the farm machinery.
Everybody knows the terrific ex
plosive power of dust as demon
strated in exploding grain elevators.
Controlling that power in motors is
Twelve hundred advertising agen
cies and writers are asked to com
pete for a prize of $1,000 answering
the question, "Why Go to Church?"
What would your answer be?
An answer to the question would
be, "The only Important thing
about a man is his conception of
Divine intelligence and wisdom."
In other respects, he is like mice,
frogs and guinea pigs. So, go to
church and prove that you are not
a guinea pig or a mouse.
Rsleased by til Oregon Stat Chun I
Commission, Oregon Bldg., Portland
A contest among .the amateur
cougar hunters of Oregon for the
state championship and a cash prize
of J175 will be started by the Ore
gon State Game commission on
June 1, and the competition will ex
tend until June 1, 1930. The com
mission has set aside $500 to be
awarded to cougar hunters in addi
tion to the regular bounties. The
hunter who kills the second largest
Fugitive Chops Dead
ft I sip?, m
David bteinhardi, fugitive bank
ruptcy lawyer, dropped dead in Phila
delphia just as his capture was im
minent. He was souglrt as an em
bezzler of "millions.
is still
a good car
TlIE Model T Ford led the motor industry for twenty
years because of its sturdy worth, reliability and econ
omy. Those same reasons continue to make it a good car.
As a matter of fact, nearly one-fourth of all the auto
mobiles in use today are Model T Fords. Millions of
them can be driven two, three and even five more years
with reasonable care and proper replacements. Figures
show that the average life is seven years.
Don't sacrifice your Model T, therefore, but take it to
the Ford dealer and have him estimate on the cost of
putting it in Al shape. A very small expenditure may be
the means of giving you thousands of miles of additional
For a labor charge of $ 20 to $25 you can have your
motor and transmission completely overhauled. This
price includes new bearings, reboring cylinders and any
other work necessary. Parts are extra.
Valves can be ground and carbon removed for ,$3 to
$4. The cost of tightening all main bearings is only $6.
The labor charge for overhauling the front axle is $4.50
to $5 rear axle assembly, $5.75 to $7.
' New universal joint will be installed for a labor charge
of $3. Brake shoes relined for $1.50. Rear spring and
perches rcbushed for $1.75. The cost of overhauling
the starting motor Is $3. A labor charge of approxi
matcly $2.50 covers the overhauling of the generator.
It will pay you, therefore, to see your Ford dealer
and have him put your Model T in good running order.
By doing so .you will protect and maintain the invest
ment you have in your car and get months and years of
reliable transportation at a very low cost per mile.
Ford Motor Company
1 1ST xm
1 fhiwiffinrtYifc
Of Helena Kubinsteirt yj
Beanty, how (rail and how fleeting,
The bloom of a fin summer's day.
Spring is a most difficult season
for the skin, for at this time the
general system is undergoing subtle
changes which are quite naturally
reflected in the complexion.
Usually the blood Is thinner and
more acid in content, which causes
a rash to break out Tiny raw sur
faces and itching white lumpy pla
ces almost too small to be visible
to the naked eye but large enough
to admit microbes which infect the
skin form on the back and shoul
ders, face, neck and chest.
Even women whose complexions
are never affected in this way at
any other time of the year may
show these disturbances in the
spring. And those who suffer all
year round from acne, that distress
ing, humiliating affection common
ly known as pimples, find It aggra
vated. This changed spring condition of
the system has always been acknow
ledged, as we know from the old
fashioned habit of taking "spring
tonics"--sulphur and molasses or
figs and senna. And these relics of
grandmother's day are still In vogue
with certain women in sections of
the country.
But better than any tonic how
ever tine the tonic may be both for
the system and complexion is a
proper diet Modern scientific
knowledge of proper dieting is a
safe and certain way to the cure of
many ills.
In the spring and summer season
eat plenty of fresh green vegetables
and fruits. The leafy vegetables
and the citrus fruits oranges, lem
ons and grapefruit are among the
Avoid greasy fried foods, pastries,
sweats and starches. Eat less meat
although fresh meat and fish may
be eaten profitably once a day, un
less one is suffering from acute
acne, when it is wiser to refrain
from meat entirely.
Protein foods such as nuts, eggs
and cheese may be substituted for
meat or fish in the diet. Remember
that these are rich and highly con
centrated and do not over-indulge
in them.
Drink plenty of water. Bathe fre
quently with soft water and a mild,
pure soap. Cleanse the face, night
and morning, with a special wash
ing preparation not a soap unless
It Is a reputable acne soap, or use
a medicated antiseptic cleansing
Never irritate the skin by harsh
rubbing. Instead pat it dry softly.
Protect It with a film of good non
greasy astringent .lotion and finish
with a fluff of pure, fine powder.
number of cougars during the year
will receive $125 and the men next
in rank will receive $100, $75 and
$25 respectively. For some time
the game commission has had un
der consideration a plan which
would stimulate greater activity
among cougar hunters and thus
save the lives of many deer and It
was decided that cash prizes be
awarded to the five men who have
been paid cougar bounties during
the last year, explaining the rules
of the contest
There was an increase of more
than $15,000 in license fees received
by the state game commission dur
ing the year ending December 31,
1928, according to figures Just com
piled. License fees for the year
ending with the last day of 1927 to
taled $370,390.20 as compared with
$385,459.95 for the year 1928. Non
resident anglers licenses Bhowed an
increase of from 4,613 to 5,368 and
there was an increase of from 702
to 849 in non-resident hunters' li
censes issued. These last increases
are important to the state as it has
been estimated that the non-resident
angler or hunter will spend
approximately $50 while making
use of our fields and streams. While
the commission gained $15,000 in
license fees, non-residents are esti
mated as having expended more
than $265,000 in Oregon.
The Crane Prairie egg taking sta
tion of the state game commission
bids fair to be one of the best in
the state, according to Harold Clif
ford, state game warden. A total
of 7,000,000 rainbow eggs will be
taken from it this year. Diamond
Lake station is the largest operated
by the commission, but eggs taken
from it are approximately six weeks
behind those taken from the Crane
Prairie station which is located on
the upper Deschutes. All eggs tak
en there are hatched in the Fall
River hatchery and the same crew
of men operate both the station and
the hatchery.
The "fish Pullm,an," or the auto
mobile truck used by the state
game commission for fish distribu-
Bigger Values
Than Ever
at our
Ending Saturday
Many lots of the original articles
purchased for this sale have been
wiped out and we have replaced
them with articles from stock
costing us three times the price.
Come In Saturday
Take advantage of the bargains
on Houseware and Hardware to
be found for 9C.
tion will be at work at the Oak
Springs hatchery four miles below
Maupin on the Deschutes river this
week. Rainbow trout will be plant
ed. The Oak Springs hatchery has
the advantage of other similar
places operated by the commission
in that the water used by it, due to
feeding from a warm spring keeps
a year around temperature of 55
degrees. This Is regarded as the
ideal temperature for fish culture.
Fish raised there have a year round
growth, while those hatched and
cultured In water of changing tem
peratures grow only during the time
when the thermometer is forced up
by warm weather. Fish that were
hatched less than a year ago have
grown to from four to six inches
in length at the Oak Springs hatchery.
To save shelling peas, they may
be thrown, pods and all, into a ket
tle of boiling water, after washing
and discarding all spoiled ones.
When they are done the pods will
stay at the bottom of the kettle,
sta at the bottom of the kettle.
Peas cooked in this manner have a
fine flavor.
Children who dislike milk will
often like it with sugar and vanilla,
particularly If allowed to drink
through a straw.
A steak will be more juicy if it
is not salted until after it is cooked
as salt draws the juice out of the
Paulino OzciKlun, strong man of
the Pyranees, has" arrived in New
York from Cuba, ambitious to annex
the heavyweight boxing title of the
Mr. Edison
Would you move to a town where
you couldn't have electric service,
if you could help it.
Yet, it is only within the past five
years that 4,000 towns and vil
lages of the United States were
supplied with electricity for the
first time.
In these days, when even the
most modest cottage is wired for
electricity, it is difficult to real
ize that within the short span of
seven years 9,000,000 homes the
hearth-stones of 40,000,000 peo
ple have been added! to those
already served.
Mr. Edison was ridiculed in 1882
when he set about to prove that
artificial light could be furnish
ed over wires from a central sta
tion. Today less than 50 years
later 19,000,000 homes have ar
tificial light at the touch of a button.
Pacific Power & Light Co.
The Major Musical Fete of the
High School Tear
The Students of Heppner
High School Present
An Operetta in Three Acts
, School Gym-Auditorium
Thursday, May 9
TT Bright, snappy, with the
-most extensive stage set
tings ever used in a local high
school production.
Colorful Cottumes of Old Vienna
Tickets now on sale at
Humphreys Drug Co.
All Seats Reserved at 50c. Curtain at 8 p.m.