Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 02, 1929, Image 1

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Volume 6, Number 7
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Remonstrance to Mackley
Hall Report to Be Car
ried to Congress.
Feeling that Justice has not been
received In the Hall-Mackley report
on the recent grain rate hearing to
the Interstate Commerce commis
sion, representatives of the leading
farm organizations of the Inland
Empire at Pendleton Saturday de
cided to carry a remonstrance to
congressman of their district, In
uie nope mat relief may be found.
Hearings at Portland and Seattle,
in which growers of the Inland Em
pire asked for a third reduction in
rates to north Pacific coast ports,
were befogged by a squabble over
the differential existing between Se
attle and Portland rates, declared
Arthur M. Geary, attorney for the
growers, and the Hall-Mackley re
port asking for a parity of rates, If
followed, will undoubtedly mean a
raising of the rates Into Portland
and lowering of Seattle rates to
reach the parity, and not give the
growers any relief.
To carry the light through, to
what the growers hope may be a
successful conclusion, the Pendleton
meeting passed a resolution asking
Pacific Northwest growers for
funds at the rate of $1 per thousand
bushels of grain grown. To cover
immediate demands, a sum of $6000
was set, being apportioned among
the wheat growing counties in ac
cordance with the amount of wheat
grown, a committeeman being ap
pointed from each county to super
vise its collection. Morrow county's
quota was set at $300, with Geo. N.
Peck, of Lexington, county com
mitteeman. The growers' fight was based up
on the Hoch-Smith resolution of
congress which recognized that
rates on grain and livestock In
many, parts of the United States
were too high, and recommended
that rates of the Canadian Pacific
railway be used In a readjustment
providihg they were found to be
compensatory, said Mr. Geary. The
Canadian Pacific railway freight
revenue derived from grain and
grain products for comparable dis
tances are per car mile, 46.7 per
cent and per ton mile, 63.7 per cent
of the level now In effect from the
Inland Empire to north Paciflo
coast ports. The findings Mr. Geary
has made on comparing operating
costs of C. P. R. and Oregon-Washington
roads, after allowing a 10
per cent differential In favor of the
C. P. R., give a one-third reduction
as still allowing compensatory rates
to north Pacific ports. A compari
son of rates in other sections of the
United States, which the railroads
have declared to be compensatory,
also showed Oregon-Washington
rates to be far out of line.
"Many of our farmers complain
of high taxes, at the same time not
realizing that they are paying three
times as much freight on their
wheat as they do for taxes," was the
declaration of W. W. Harrah, chair
man of the transportation commit
tee of the Eastern Oregon Wheat
league. Mr. Harrah followed Mr.
Geary with the quotation of many
figures to bear out his statement
that grain rates to north Pacific
ports are double per ton mile the
average over the Untied States. Ad
option of the Hall-Mackley report
may be a good thing, he declared,
as it may be the means of bringing
open river transportation at an ear
lier date.
Other speakers at the meeting,
all of whom were emphatic In their
declaration that it Is time the far
mers are arousing to protect their
interests, included Geo. Palmiter,
master of the Oregon State Grange;
H. R. Richards, president of the
state Farmers' Union; and officers
of the Washington State Farmer
Union, who so far have taken the
lead In conducting the rate hearing.
James Hill, president of the Uma
tilla county farm bureau, was act
ing chairman of the meeting held
at the Elks' club.
The following resolutions were
adopted :
Whereas on Dec. 7, 1928 the Interstate
Commerce Commission presented a re
port to the senate relating to (train
freight rates in Canada in response to
senate resolution 250 and
Whereas that report is believed to be
incomplete and as a result misleading
in various Important respects and
Whereas the proposed report issued
April 20. 1929 by two examiners of the
Interstate Commerce Commission in
connection with the commission's gen
eral investigation of grain rates under
mandato of the Hoch-Smith resolution
fails to give adequate consideration to
the significant facts to be derived from
comparisons of rates, transportation and
traffic conditions on the Canadian Pa
cific Railway and railroads serving the
Northwest (including Washington, Ore
gon and Idaho) and-
Whereas the competition of the Can
adian wheatgrowera is being felt un
der present conditions to be a menace
of alarming proportions to the wheat
growing business of Washington, Ore
gon and Idaho and
Whereas it appears important that
both the United States senate and the
commission should have pointed out for
their benefit the respects in which the
commission's report of December 8,
1928. to the senate Is believed to be
lacking In essential Information and
accordingly misleading,
Therefore be it resolved that we, a
mass meeting of the growers of Wash
ington. Oregon and Idaho assembled
at Pendleton, Oregon, this 27th day of
April, 1929, instruct our attorney Ar
thur M. Geary to prepare an answer to
the Interstate Commerce Commission's
report to the United States senate
minting out the respects in which It Is
inlleved the report is insufficient and
Unit copies of the same be sent to the
Luncheon Club Backs
Rate Fight; to 'Eat Out
Members of the Heppner Business
Men's Luncheon club endorsed the
move of Inland Empire wheatgroW
ers to file a remonstrance against
the report of the Interstate Com
merce commission following the re
cent grain rate hearing which offers
no relief in the way of lower rates
to Pacific coast ports, and will aid
in putting the matter before local
farmers. This was part of the bus
iness of the Monday meeting.
John W. Hiatt and Chas. W.
Smith, committee to work on bus
iness conference, reported that all
business men Interviewed were
heartily In favor, and gave assur
ance that at least 50 would attend
the meetings. The conference, held
by experts from the school of com
merce at Oregon State college, will
be held the latter part of July. Dis
cussions of various angles of bus
iness will be on the program. Mer
chants from lone and Lexington
have also signified their Intention
of attending.
Next Monday at the usual hour
the luncheon club will meet at Le
gion hall, and the luncheon will be
served by the high school domestic
sciene class as part of their year's
work. This meeting is being look
ed forward to with a great deal of
pleasure by all the members.
Heppner-Spray Road
Receives More Funds
At a meeting of the bureau of
public roads in Portland last week,
a number of forest road projects
received financial assistance, and
the bureau distributed $1,290,000 of
federal aid money to Oregon roads.
One .road to receive substantial
aid was the Heppner-Spray route,
the first 11-mile portion of which
has already been "rfaced. Funds
to the amount of $1,000 have been
appropriated to complete the surfac
ing of an adjoining six-mile section.
This will complete the work In the
forest and leaves but a few miles
at either end to finish the Job. We
have no Intimation as to when this
will be accomplished.
A wedding of Interest to their
many Heppner friends occurred at
7 o'leock Saturday morning at St
Patrick's Catholic church, when the
pastor, Rev. Thomas J. Brady, uni
ted in marriage Miss Elsie Owens
and P. A. Mollahan, both of .this
city. Mrs. Mollahan Is superinten
dent of Morrow General hospital,
and Mr. Mollahan, who has been
connected with the Cohn Auto com
pany for some time, recently ac
quired the W. O. Bayless service
station which he now operates. Miss
Cecelia Kenny was bridesmaid and
William Bucknum was best man.
Following a lovely wedding break
fast prepared by the bridegroom's
sister, Mrs. John F. Kenny, the
newlyweds departed for a short
honeymoon spent at Spokane visit
ing at the home of the bride s par
ents. They returned on Tuesday
and have been busy receiving the
well-wishes of their many friends.
Holy communion at 7:00 a. m.
Church school at 9:45 o.'cock.
Celebration of the Lord's Supper
and sermon1 at 11:00 o'clock.
Young Peoples Service League at
Choir practice 8:00 o'clock Wed
nesday evening at the Rectory.
This past Monday and Tuesday
the Rev. and Mrs. Schuyler Pratt
of Hood River visited All Saints'
church, Heppner, and spoke" to
groups of our men and women.
Monday evening some of the men
with Mr. Pratt and Mr. Moore got
so Interested In a discussion of re
ligion that the group did not, break
up until after 12:00 o'clock. Mr.
Pratt spoke to the women about
Sunday school work Tuesday after
noon, and later the same afternoon
Mrs. Pratt spoke about organizing
an order of the "Daughters of the
King," a church organization for
prayer and service.
senators representing Washington, Ore
gon and Idaho.
Whereas the wheatgrowera of Wash
ington, Oregon and Idaho because their
production costs are higher than their
competitors in the western provinces
of Canada are faced wtih a serious
problem that threatens the very exist
ence of their Industry and
Whereas the obtaining of the lowest
possible legal freight rate to north
Pacific ports is of vital Importance and
Is the principal issue involved in the
Interstate Commerce Commission's
pending investigation of train freight
rates and
Whereas the rates on grain from the
Inland Empire to north Pacific ports
are double the per ton mile as compar
ed with many rates in the United States
be it
Resolved that we urge the public ser
vice commission departments of Wash
ington, Oregon and Idaho to Join with
us on the growers' Bide of the main
issue. Be It further
Resolved that the chairman appoint a
committee of five growers to investigate
the extent to which cooperation has
been given to date and the extent to
which cooperation Is accorded our at
torney In the briefs and oral argument
yet to follow and that the committee
make report immediately after the final
decision has been rendered.
beIoltTtion NO. 3
Whereas the further prosecution of
the present grain rate right Is contin
gent on raising additional funds Imme
diately, be it resolved that this group
of farmers assembled in Pendleton, Ore
gon, tills 27th day of April, 1929. rep
resenting the wheat growing districts
of the Pacific Northwest take immediate
stops to raise additional necessary
funds at the rate of $1 per thousand
of bushels of grain grown.
Woman's Club May
Meeting Last of Season
An especially good program Is
promised members of the Woman's
club and any others who care to at
tend at the May meeting, which
will probably be the last until fall.
This meeting will be held In the
parish house, Saturday, May 4, at
2:15 p. m. The program will con
sist of;
Vocal solo, Patricia Mahoney.
Reading (Declamatory contest
winner) Scott McMurdo.
Whisllng solo, Elizabeth Phelps
Study topic, "The Coming of
the Pioneers," led by Mrs.
' George Moore.
Review of "The Cabin at the
Trail's End," Mrs. A. M. Phelps
The program will be of particular
interest to those who have had per
sonal experience with pioneer life
In Oregon, and members of, the club
wish to extend an .urgent invitation
to them to attend. Any woman Is
of course welcome, -whether or not
she Is a club member or a pioneer.
J. O. Kincaid, extensive grain
grower of the lone county, was at
Heppner on Wednesday, paying
taxes and looking after some bus
iness pertaining to roads before the
county court. Mr. Kincaid was In
excellent spirits over the crop out
look, stating that the grain in his
vicinity is coming along fine. While
the weather has been somewhat
backward, spring work has pro
gressed well, and with two eight
horse teams and one tractor on the
plows he has just about completed
this part of his work, and the
ground has worked the best it has
for many seasons past.
Shearing is on at the Krebs Bros,
and Hynd Bros, places at Cecil. The
Frank Turner crew finished the
past week at the Ralph Corrlgall
place on Butter creek and imme
diately moved over to the Krebs
place at Cecil, and several bands
will be sheared out at this point.
The American Legion Auxiliary
will hold its regular meeting at Le
gion hall on next Tuesday evening,
May 7, and a large attendance is
requested as there is to be initiation
of candidates.
Mrs. R. E. Driskell was able to
return to her home at Eight Mile
the first of the week. She had been
a patient for some time at Heppner
hospital, receiving medical treat
f. W. Bower, pastor of the Chris
tian church, returned yesterday
evening from Eugene where he at
tended a meeting of alumni of the
Eugene Bible university.
Woman's Relief Corps will meet
Wednesday afternoon at 2' o'clock
sharp at Legion hall. Full attend
ance Is desired as there will be In
itiation. President
Mrs. R. J.' Juday, who has been
visiting at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hughes in this
city, returned to her home at Port
land on Saturday.
Attorney Frank A. McMenamln
was ' a visitor here on Saturday
from his home at Portland. He
was looking after legal business
while In the city.
Jas. Penland departed for his
home at Kelso, Wash., on Friday,
after spending some three weeks at
Heppner with his sister, Mrs. Mary
J. Sperry.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Beymer were
down from their Hlnton creek home
for a short time Tuesday afternoon,
while doing some trading in the
Martin Lovgren was among those
from Eight Mile visiting Heppner
on Saturday, spending a few hours
here while transacting business.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Adams were
visitors here for a short time on
Wednesday from their home at
Members of Heppner Rod and
Gun club to participate in the shoot
off match of the Oregonian state
telegraphic trapshooting tourna
ment at Portland Saturday, were
taking their departure for the city
today. Most of the members are
accompanied by their wives. Those
making the trip are L. Van Marter,
Chas. Latourell, Chas. Vaughn, Dr.
A. D. McMurdo, Albert Bowker,
Glen Hayes and Adam Knoblock.
Some of the men expect to enter In
the three-day state shoot starting1
The schoonibrary is in receipt of
bound copies of all Oregon Histor
ical Society quarterlies since 1900.
This Is the most valuable collection
of bound magazines now contained
in the library, says Jas. M. Burgess,
superintendent, being especially
valuable for reference work in Or
egon history.
HcDUner hln-h Rphnnl war vletnr.
lous over the visitors from lone at
Rodeo field Thursdnv eveninir last.
5-2, retaliating their defeat at lone
the week previous. Henbner's sched
ule was enforcedly short this sea
son aue to a lack of high school
teams in this vicinity.
IVan Marter Responsible
for Lone Happner Run;
Wasco Scores Five.
Won Lost Pet.
Wasco ." ...4 0 1.000
Condon 2 0 1.000
Fossil l 1 ' .600
lone 1 2 .333
Heppner 1 3 .250
Arlington 0 4 .000
Maybe It was because the wind,
blew, or because the boys were ner
vous from being so far away from
home but whatever it was Hepp
ner dropped her second successive
game to Wasco in the Wheatland
league at Wasco Sunday, 5-1. The
wind did blow, making "Sky" Sod
en seem skyhigh, indeed, with his
usual fast ones impelled still faster
by the wind. His 15 strikeouts and
allowance of three hits kept the
Heppner boys pretty much confined
to the bench when their batting
turn came.
Van Marter seemed to be about
the only local who could distinguish
the pellet from the balls of dust that
rolled down to the plate with Sod
en's deliveries, and he made two of
his team's hits, the first of which
was responsible for Heppner's lone
tally. He was first up in the second,
singled, and went to second on a
passed ball. Having been shaken
up the inning previous when block
ing a runner at second, Van was
relieved by "Crocky" Sprouls who
stole third and scored on a wild
Heppner's only other threat was
in the seventh on Van's two-bagger.
Drake followed with a walk, both
runners advancing on a passed ball.
Soden then put a stop to things by
breezing the next three batters.
Wasco's tallies came in the sec
ond, third and fourth innings, most
ly the result of walks. With one
gone in the second. Bates and Brock
walked, scoring on Jackson's single,
Jackson in turn scoring on Wilson's
single, after Soden had flyed out to
Drake. Gurlach layed down a boun
der to Van Marter who threw him
out at first The next Inning, with
one gone and Tucker on first Weed
man walked. Tucker was taken at
third on Bates grounder, Weedman
advancing and going on to third
and home on a passed ball. Brock
walked, and Jackson flyed out to
Turner. Wasco's last tally in the
fourth came when Cason muffed S.
Soden's grounder who scored on
hits by Wilson and Tucker.
Umpires were Andrews and My
ers, both of Wasco. Following is
the line-up and summary:
Thorn, 1 4 0 0 3 0 0
uevanev. s .; 3 u o
LaMear, c ....4 6 6
VanMarter, 2 4 1 2
Drake, p .... 3 0 0
Gentry, 1 4 0 0
Snrouls. 3 1 0 -0
Cason, 3 2 0 0
Turner, m 3 0 0
D. Bleakman, r ...l 0 0
B. Bleakman, r 2 0 1
Totals 31 1 8 24 14 3
Wilson. 2 4 0 2 0
Gurlach, 1 5 0 2 7
Tucker, s 4 0 2 1
J. Soden. c 5 0 0 16
weeuman, m 4 10 1
Bates. 3 3 10 0
Brock, 1 1 110
Jackson, r 4 111
S. Soden, p 4 1 0 2 16
. Totals 34 5 8 27 20
Earned runs Wasco 0, Heppner 0;
first base on balls off Drake 7, Soden 2;
left on bases Heppner 6. Wasco 13;
wild pitch Soden; first base on errors
Heppner 1. Wasco 1; two base hit Van
Marter; struck out by Drake 6, Soden
Outside Scouts Join
Local Troop in Hike
Accompanied by scouts from Pen
dleton and Hermiston, the majority
of members of the local troop hiked
to the mountains Friday evening,
staying all night and hiking back
Saturday evening. The hike was in
charge of Scoutmaster Moore, As
sistant von Lubken, and F. Douglas
Hawley, head of the Blue Mountain
council. Mr. Hawley expressed him
self as being well pleased with the
progress of the local troop since his
last visit. Tests were given in many
parts of the work, and an especial
ly good showing was made in first
aid and signalling. Theodore Thom
son and Earl Thomson very nearly
qualified as first class scouts.
The night was spent at the Thom
son cabins, a few miles above'the
forks of Willow creek. Mr. Moore
himself was unable to attend due
to illness.
The merchant must know what
he has tosell. An Instructor must
know his subject and have a pleas
ing personality. Even so each in
dividual should be acquainted with
his possessions, talents and abilities
and be able to make proper use of
them. What have you? It will be
the subject at the evening service
at the Church of Christ. This ser
vice will be at the summer hour of
8 p. m.
The morning- service at 10:50 is
centered about the Lord's Table.
The morning sermon will be, "The
New Testament Builder."
Bible school at 9:45, Chrlstlon En
deavor at 7. '
MILTON W. BOWER, Minister.
Forest Week Observed;
Pupils Write Essays
National Forest week will be ob
served In the Heppner schools next
week, with lessons in fire preven
tion and other forest preservation
topics, according to Jas. M. Burgess,
superintendent District Ranger
Wehmeyer has offered a prize of a
year's subscription to the National
Geographic magazine to the pupil
writing the best essay on "Present
Needs of Forestry." The contest is
creating much interest and should
result in some good . productions,
Mr. Burgess says. The essay judged
to be the best will appear in the
Heppner Gazette Times.
National Forest week is spon
sored by the national department
of forestry and all large industries
depending upon the forests have co
operated In making it a time for
general education of the public on
forest preservation. Human care
lessness and cussedness is estimat
ed 10 piay a very large part in the
destruction of timber through fire.
J. H. Cochran was in town a short
time this forenoon from lone. He
reports that he has been pretty
busy of late with Harold Dobyns,
government hunter, capturing coy
otes. They have been well over the
lone territory, and Mr. Cochran re
ports that the grain outlook at pres
ent is splendid; there is an abun
dance of moisture in the ground,
and with occasional showers and
warmer Weather the wheat is com
ing along fine.
A silver tea was given at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Huston
on Tuesday afternoon, served by
Mesdames E. R. Huston, Raymond
Ferguson and Emma Gemmell on
behalf of the Willing Workers of
the Christian church. Musical en
tertainment was furnished by Jean
ette and Annabel Turner, and all
those attending enjoyed a pleasant
social afternoon from 2:30 to 5:00.
C. W. Smith, county agent, Geo.
N. Peck and Jasper Crawford at
tended the grain rate meeting at
Pendleton Saturday. Going over
they were accompanied by Clifford
Driskell who went to Pendleton to
seek employment Clifford returned
on Tuesday but may go back later.
The Jim Furlong shearing crew
is now busy at the Harold Cohn
place on Hinton creek. They will
shear the Cohn sheep and several
other small bands here before mak
ing a move.
Dr. J. H. McCrady, local dentist,
drove to Cle Elum, Wash., on Sun
day, where he enjoyed a visit of
several hours at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William H
Sheriff Bauman motored over to
Pendleton Monday evening to take
In the wrestling match between Bil
ly Edwards and Ira Dern. Dern
was the victor in the bout
Mrs. Sterling Fryrear and baby
daughter have arrived home from
Bend where Mrs. Fryrear has been
spending the past couple of months
at the home of her parents.
Bert Kane came up from Port
land on Saturday for a visit of a
few days with Mrs. Kane. He is
still taking treatment at Portland
for his injured arm.
Mrs. Pat Connell of Spring Hol
low, was brought to Heppner hos
pital on Friday to receive medical
attention. She has been in poor
health for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Chapin, Jr.,
were visitors this week at the home
of Mrs. Chapln's brother, Paul Hls
ler. The Chapins make their home
at Coquille.
Mr. and Mi-9. Emery Gentry were
over from Pendleton Sunday, guest?
at the home of Mr. Gentry s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gentry.
Mont Bttndy, successful farmer
of the north Lexington section, was
looking after business in Heppner
on Saturday.
Rev. Dockstedter of Hood River
will occupy the pulpit at the Meth
odist church Sunday both morning
and evening. Rev. Dockstedter is
well known here having conducted
revival meetings at the local church
last winter. Rev. and Mrs. Dock
stedter will accompany Rev. and
Mrs. F. R. Spaulding who are re
turning home from Hood River to
Following is the Wheatland Baseball
League schedule for the remainder of
the season: ,
May 6 Arlington at HcDDiier. lone at
Condon, Wasco at Fossil.
May U Condon at Heppner, lone at
Wasco, Fossil at Arlington.
May lf Heppner at Fossil. Condon
at lone, Arlington at Wasco.
May SS f ossil at Heppner. lone at
Arlington, Wasco at Condon.
, May 30 Heppner at Arlington, Wasco
at lone, Fossil at Condon.
Jan I Heppner at lone, Condon at
Wasco, Arlington at Fossil.
June 9 lone at Heppner. Condon at
Fossil, Wasco at Arlington.
June 16 Heppner at Condon. Arling
ton at lone, Fossil at Wasco.
Jan 83 W asco at Heppner. lone at
Fossil, Condon at Arlington.
Jane 30 Heppner at Wasco. Fossil
at lone, Arlington at Condon.
Jaly T Arlington at Heppner. lone
at Condon. Wasco at Fossil.
Roy W. Ritner to Speak
at Alpine Saturday Nite
Roy W. Ritner of Pendleton, pres
ident of the Eastern Oregon Wheat
league will address the Alpine Farm
Bureau, Saturday evening on "Riv
er transportation and other subjects
that are a factor in the farm relief
problem," says J. Perry Conder,
farm bureau president A general
invitation is extended all Interested
to attend.
"The road from Irrigon to Alpine
is now being pushed and when com
pleted will carry the greatest ton
nage to the Columbia of any road
in Morrow county," Mr. Conder de
clares, "but this is only a matter of
smaH importance compared with
what is hoped to be accomplished
by river transportation for freight
Freight rates will certainly be af
fected by good roads to the Colum
bia river and barge transportation
for freight"
Two hundred were present at the
last meeting of the Alpine bureau
to near Chas. W. Smith, county ag
ent, speak on this and other import
ant matters and it is the aim to
have three hundred present to hear
Mr. Kitner.
Winners Announced In
Poppy Essay Contest
The "Story of the Poppy" contest
of the American Legion Auxiliary
closed last week and the judging
committee from the local unit was
well pleased with the response from
the Heppner grade pupils. The com
petition was keen, especially in the
intermediate grades, the fourth,
fifth and sixth, and the judges af
ter much consideration named the
following winners: Roberta Thomp
son, upper grades; Cleo Hiatt in
termediate, and Dorothy Dale Mon
roe, primary section. The stories
written by Margaret Farley, 5th
grade, Mary Knoll and La Verne
Van Marter, 4th grade, and Ruth
Green, 3rd grade, received honor
able mention. -
The winning papers were sent to
the state president of the Auxiliary
and will compete with the best es
says from other Oregon grade
schools. The final result and prize
winners will be announced later in
the month.
The committee would have enjoy
ed publishing the essays of the win
ners if space had been available.
The following stories were chosen
for their outstanding originality:
"Poppies Bring Joy to Our Soldiers"
by Mary Knoll, 4th grade; and "The
Lone Poppy," by Cleo Hiatt, 6th
"The Lone Poppy."
One day in France a young boy
by the name of Jak White was tend
ing a flock of sheep in Flanders
Fields. The boy was five feet eight
Inches tall, with blue eyes, light
hair, and a straight form. His
father had lived at Flanders Fields
all his life, and had no thought of
leaving. The boy who had been
tending his lather's sheep for sev
ers years had grown strong.
Then came the news that the
Germans were marching through
Belgium and had been burning and
destroying farms and houses and
killing the people. The Belgium
people had no large armies to fight
the Germans. Many of them fled
to France. This aroused the French
people. They organized an army
and sent word to all parts of their
country that the Germans were
coming to make war upon them.
The Germans made their first at
tack on France about ten miles
from Flanders Fields. The French
soldiers were, driven back to their
fort on a hill above Flanders Fields.
Jack was among the soldiers at
the fort and fought bravely. Mean
while "his father was trying to move
their sheep out of the way of the
Germans. Though the French won
in that battle, many lives were lost
and were buried in Flanders Fields.
Jack was not hurt but his cousin,
who was a lieutenant was killed.
Jack packed his body over in his
own fled and buried him there.
Not many months later a little
poppy came up right over the sol
dier's heart and burst into bloom.
It was called the "Lone Poppy" for
miles because it was the only poppy
that came up over the grave. Many
people talked about it and were
glad to think that it was the sol
dier's blood that made the poppy
so red.
Two years went by. The United
States entered the war because the
Germans were sinking their ships.
When the war was over they
found that there were some soldiers
that were unknown on the battle
field. Among these soldiers were
Americans. The United States
brought one of these unknown sol
diers to Arlington Cemetery In
Washington, D. C. Many mothers
visit this grave and place a wreath
of flowers on It because they think
It might be their son who was killed
In the war.
Meanwhile, Jack made up a poem
about the" Lieutenant and the Lone
It goes like this:
Under the spreading elm tree,
Where the brave Lieutenant lay,
There came a little poppy,
On a beautiful day in May.
The poppy was red from the sol
dier's blood.
Who had fought so bravely on,
And lost his life on a fatal day
Before the break of dawn.
(Continued on Page Eight.)
Presentation Next Thurs
day Colorful; Other
Features Added.
Your favorite kind of pickles may
be sour or dill, but you will be given
nothing but sweet if you attend the
annual high school operetta at the
gyrn-auditorium next Thursday eve
ning, Is the assurance of the man
agement All seats for "Pickles"
have been reserved, and are now on
sale at Humphreys Drug company
at 50 cents. Your favorite seat may
be obtained if you call at once.
The reserved seat plan was adopt
ed for the occasion that those who
find it inconvenient to get around
early on week-day nights may be
protected and assured a seat If
the experience of former operettas
can be taken as a criterion, seats
wil be at a premium by Thursday.
The curtain will rise promptly at 8
Ensemble practice was begun un
der the direction of Kate Francis
Ede, music supervisor, this week,
who announces that tie members
of the cast are throwing themselves
into it with vim and showing up
well. The many voice parts are
well under control and are now be
ing harmonized in the ensemble
All costumes and many of the
stage decorations are being made
by the domestic art department of
the high school. In a production
of this magnitude, every resource
of the high shool is drawn upon,
says Jas. M. Burgess, superinten
dent, and the entire school is co
operating to. make "Pickles" the
biggest success in years. The cos
tumes of Old Vienna, colorful and
picturesque, will be historically cor
rect In every detail. Stage settings.
more intricate and more attractive
than ever before attempted, are be
ing arranged, declares Mr. Burgess,
and this feature alone will be worth
everyone's going to see.
An additional feature of the pro
gram will be the Carnival Specialty
dancers, a group of high school pu
pils who have been hard at work for
several weeks on a group of folk
dances especially appropriate for
the occasion. Included In the group
are Patricia Monahan, Virginia
Cleveland, Alice Cason, Doris Hiatt,
Zella McFerrin and Theodore
Thomson. Some of these have ap
peared in dances on numerous oc
casions before and their ability In
the terpsichorean art is well known
to Heppner audiences. Mitchell
Thorn, violin virtuoso, will also be
heard In a group of numbers, that
will hold a leading pace on the pro
gram. "Pickles" itself is one of the fa
vorite late operettas, having a
catchy theme. The musical scores
are quite enticing, and the humor
ous element makes it a type of en
tertainment that lightens the hearts
of all who hear and- see it Esthet-
ically the entertainment will carry
one beyond the drudgery of the
work-a-day world, and all told it
will be such an evening as no one
can afford to miss.
Mrs. Frank Munkers who was op
erated on last week for acute ap
pendicitis returned to her home in
Lexington today.
Miss Bertha Vaughn who was
operated on recently for acute ap
pendicitis underwent a minor oper
ation Tuesday which will confine
her to bed for a few days.
Richard Cohn, young son of Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Cohn, who has
been seriously ill the past two weeks
is rapidly recovering and will soon
be well again.
George Wilson underwent a mi
nor operation for an infected finger
Thursday .'
Ollie Ferguson who has been ill
the past week with influenza is now
on the road to recovery.
Mrs. Frank Wilkinson and baby
daughter returned to their home on
Willow creek today.
Miss Helen Curran, graduate
nurse, has been assisting at the hos
pital the past week.
Mrs. D. M. Ward of lone was op
erated on for hemoval of tonsils
this morning.
There will be work in the M. M.
degrees at the regular meeting of
Heppner Lodge No. 69, A. F. & A.
M., on Saturday evening. This
meeting will also be important from
the fact that an invitation has been
extended to all the lodges In this
district to attend, and many from
the surrounding towns are expect
ed to be in Heppner on Saturday
evening for this session of the
lodge. Lunch will be served follow
ing the Initiatory work.
The meeting of Doric lodge No.
20, K. of P., mistakenly announced
In this paper last week for last
Tuesday, will be held at Castle hall
next Tuesday, May 7. Business of
Importance to all members. Late
For Sale Poland China weanling
pigs, $5 each, on Rhea creek, 12
miles from lone. Walter Jepson. 7-8
Wanfa'd A woman to help with
housework on farm. Address Box
402, lone, Ore. 5tf,