HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1929. PAGE FIVE By Arthur Brisbane Nature's Balance. The Price for Pictures. Einstein Puzzle. The "Five and Ten" Law. It is dangerous to Interfere with nature's balance, one thing killing others, all kept in bounds. Yakima County, Washington, of fered a bounty to exterminate hawks and owls, and thousands were killed, to protect game birds and poultry. Investigation by government ex perts, examining hawk and owl in teriors, found that the birds lived on snakes, grasshoppers, field mice and ground squirrels, all dangerous to man especially the ground squirrels that spread bubonic pla gue. Yakima has withdrawn the bounty. Kill off coyotes and foxes and you encourage a plague of field mice and Jack rabbits. Montana made that discovery. The wise plan Is to destroy the objectionable creatures by scientific means. Get rid of small vermin and the bigger nuisances will disappear. When we see news films we rare ly realize the risks run by camera men. Those risks are great and occasionally death proves it. At Daytona, Florida, Mr. Bible, trying for p. new automobile speed record, wa. Instantly killed when his car was going 202 miles an hour. The crowd stood well back, watch ing the race, but Charles Traub, grinding a newareel camera, knew it was his duty to show the ma chine, traveling four miles a min ute, coming head-on. He stood with his camera planted slightly to one side of the straight course. When the driver lost control the car leaped and rolled. It was too late for Traub to save himself. His dead body was laid out beside that of the driver. That Is the price paid sometimes for news pictures. Professor Einstein, fifty years old, retired with his wife from publlo view, to think about relativity and the fourth dimension, and wonder why people make such a fuss over him. He Is especially amazed at the great Interest In his discoveries In the United States. And he well may be. Not ten men in the Uni ted States understand them. What Will Rogers calls the "Five and Ten prohibition law," five years In Jail, and $10,000 fine, went into effect in Chicago, and the first man caught in the Jones net was Carl Mahnke, a policeman. The Chica go federal district attorney expects 250 indictments per month. Impressive figures prove that the radio has come to stay with a ven geance. During 1928 retail sales of radio apparatus totalled $70,877,517. The extent to which radio has transformed human life and en larged Its possibilities Is understood as little as the Importance of print ing was understood when Guten berg began setting up his movable type. Printing opened ail the know ledge of the world to everybody that could read. Radio offers the speeches, music and Information of the world to everybody able to listen. Professor Card of Philadelphia says women will soon wear dresses made of asbestos, fireproof, shiny as silk, more durable than any cloth, easily cleaned with a wet cloth, costing less than other ma terials. All Interesting, but women prob ably won't wear asbestos. Imitation pearls are as handsome as real pearls. Synthetic rubies and sapphires are made exactly like the real. But woman Insists on hav ing the real. his nose. Mother Rabbit looked at him In surprise and said :"I thought I told you not to tell your father where his pipe was." "I felt so sorry for him that I Just couldn't help putting the pipe where he could have a short smoke," whined Billie. Then he added: "But, Mother, how did you know Father had a smoke?" "Easy enough, my dear, the pipe was warm when I gave it to your rather and I remembered you were the only one who knew where the pipe was." "OH!" sighed Billfe. TO THE PLB LIC. Those stop signs along the streets of Heppner entering the state high way, must be observed. Most people recognize them but others do not, seeming to take the signs as a joke and pay no attention to thera. From now on anyone passing them up will be given a tag and sent to the City Recorder to explain. The sign says STOP, not slow down, so take warning. By Order of City Officers. One evening at supper time the Rabbit family were eating and talk ing. Mother Rabbit held the center of attention as she began: "Father, I was over to see Mrs. Squrrel the other day and she has been having a terrible time with her youngest child, he acted a lie." "So?" exclaimed Br'er Rabbit in surprise. "Yes," went on Mrs. Rabbit "She put some cup custard out to cool and somebody ate it Of course she didn't want to accuse her little Jim my, but she knew he must have had something to do with it Even If he didn't take the custard, he knew who did. She felt that he ljad act ed a lie." All this time Billie Bunny was Bhuflllng in his seat "Of course I'm not a detective," said Mrs. Rabbit, "but I believe someone took your pipe from under the table the other day and you had a smoke. Now, whoever did that has a Bpeck of dirt on the end of his nose." ', Billie took his napkin and rubbed NOTICE OF SALE OF ANIMALS. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of the laws of the State of Oregon, the undersigned has taken up the herein after described animals found running at large on his premises In Morrow County, State of Oregon, and that he will on Saturday the 27th day of April, 1929, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at hla place three miles southeast of Hardman. Oregon, offer for sale and sell the said animals to the highest bidder for cash in hand, unless the same shall have been re deemed by the owner or owners thereof. Said animals are described as follows: One bay horse, strip in face, mane has been roached. No visible brand. One gray horse, branded T on left shoulder, roached mane, 10 or 11 years old. One black mare, no visible brand, 5 or 6 years old, weight about 1100 lbs. One light gray mare, blotch brand on right shoulder. One bay blazed face mare, with hal ter on, blotch brand on right shoulder. One bay mare, very old, brand ME on left shoulder. One bay horse, snip on nose, branded horseshoe on right shoulder. One bay saddle horse, star in face, no visible brands. One bay mare mule, roached mane, blotch brand on left stifle. One brown horse, foretop has been roached, no visible brands. One black horse, star in face, roached mane, no visible brands. 4-6 CLYDE WRIGHT. Heppner. Ore. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County. In the Matter of the Estate of Lydla Ritchie, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the under signed administrator of the estate of L,yuia nitcnie, deceased, will, on bai- urday, the 4th day of May, 1929, at the nour or lu ococK in the rorenoon or said day, at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Oregon, sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand the following described real estate, sit uated In Morrow County. Oregon, to wlt: Lots 1. 2, 3 and 4, Block 1, duff's Fifth Addition to lone, Oregon. Dated this 2nd day of April, 1929. T. C. TROGE, Administrator of the Estate of ' Lydia Ritchie, deceased. a mtvts PUS. VlL'lc!r!V6 Of Helena ?utinteirt W AM m mjijiiiiiJ Her gesture, motion and her miles, Rer wit, her voio my heart beguiles, Beguiles my heart ; I know not why, And yet I love her till I die. Anonymous. The greatest determining factor of a beautiful mouth Is your smile. A very wise and very kind man once said that "When the first baby smiled for the first time, it broke into a million pieces and that was the beginning of fairies." I can think of nothing more charming and nothing more logical, for the sweetness, the gentleness, the sheer beauty of a smile cannot help but be the basis of all lovely things. To be very scientific about it let me tell you that Science claims with solid proofs to substantiate the statement that even the express ion of your eyes Is determined by your mouth. The eyes themselves, they say, are no more than reflectors the "expression," as we call it, being caused by the muscles of eyelids and eye area which in turn depend upon the mouth muscles for their cue. In fact, so important are these unheeded muscles of your mouth that they set in motion mus cles as far removed as the skull, above, and the collar bone below! We, judging only from exteriors, know that the mouth is the key to all facial expressions. We know that the good looking woman guards her mouth against the ageing droop which disfigures not her mouth alone, but her whole face as well. We know from countless authori ties and from wide observation that there is no face lifter so potent as a smile and STILL we don't smile not half enough! A smile tones tired muscles. It catches them when they are droop ing downward, and turns them about again, neutralizing bad ef fects, encouraging and cultivating good ones. It stimulates those same muscles, forces them Into ac tion, and through this alone pre serves the beauty and youth of healthy, animated tissues. Of course, if your muscles have lost their vitality, if the tissues are undernourished, wrinkled, perman ently drooping, you need scientific corrective treatment You need massage movements to lightly coax the muscles upward again, and you need righ, nourishing, anti-wrinkle cream to be patted in gently, night and morning, and left on over night if the condition is advanced. And more than ever, for your beauty's sake, you need to smile! NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice Is hereby srlven that the Dart- nership heretofore existing between H. A. Colin and P. M. Gemmell. and car ried on under the assumed name of Conn Auto Co., has been dissolved, and the business has been taKen over by f. M. Gemmell and will be conducted hereafter bv P. M. Gemmell under the assumed name of Cohn Auto Co. By reason of said dissolution of part nership, all debts due the firm are due and payable at once at the office of J. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon. M. A. CUMIN. P. M. GEMMELL. StrMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MOR ROW COUNTY. The Federai Land Bank of Spokane, a corporation, nainun, vs. Leroy Virgil Woodard, same person as L,. V. woodard, and Llilie May woou ard, husband and wife; J. B. Way and Maurine Way, husband and wife; West Extension National Farm Loan Association, a corporation; N. W. Usher and Frank Partlow, Defendants. To N. W. Usher and Frank Partlow, Defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in me aoove emiuea un within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this Summons, and if you fall to appear and answer plain tiffs complaint, or otherwise plead thereto, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in its complaint which Is as follows, to-wit: For a udument aea list the deren- dants Leroy Virgil Woodard. same per son as L. V. Woodard, and Lillle May woodnrd. nusrmnfl anq wire; j. . way The finest gasoline we have ever offered to Pacific Coast Motorists STANDARD ETHYL STANDARD ETHYL GASOLINE A GREAT NEW GASOLINE plus ETHYL A PREMIUM MOTOR FUEL STANDARD OIL COMPANT OF CALIFORNIA and Muurine Way, husband and wife, and West Extension National Farm Loan Association, a corporation, for the sum of $45. W with Interest at the rate of 8 per annum from the 23rd day of December, 1926: the further sum of $45.50 with Interest at the rate of 8 per annum from the 23rd day of June, 1927; the further sum of $45.50 with Interest at the rate of 8 per an num from the 23rd day of December, 1927; the further sum of $45.50 with interest at the rate of 8 per annum from the 23rd day of June, 1928; the further sum of $1302.06 with Interest at the rate of 6,4 per annum from the 23rd day of June, 1928; the further sum or with interest at tne rate or 8 per annum from the Bth day of Octo ber, 1926, and for any sum or sums paid by the plaintiff In payment of delin quent taxes subsequent to the filing of plaintiff's complaint and prior to entry of decree, together with interest on said sums at the rate of 8 per annum from the date of payment. The fur ther sum of $26.00; the further sum of $150.00 attorney's fee in the above en titled suit and plaintiff's costs and dis bursements incurred in said suit, and that the sum of $70.00 stock in plain tiffs bank held in trust by said Bank for the defendant West Extension Na tional Farm Loan Association be can celled and the proceeds thereof applied to the satisfaction of plaintiffs judg ment. That the mortgage which plain tiff holds on the following described real property in Morrow County, State of' Oregon, to-wlt: That part of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section twenty-one in Township Four North of Range twenty-flve. Raft of Willamette Meridian, lying Northerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 100 feet Northerly, measured at right an gles from the certain line of the main canal of the West Extension of the Umatilla Project as now constructed ana containing a total or thirty-two and three-fourths acres, more or less, and of which amount a total of twenty six acres, more or less is irrigable land, subject to the exceptions and reserva tions contained in the deed from the Northern Pacific Railway Company for said land and subject to the U. S. Rec lamation law and rules and regulations thereunder. be foreclosed, and the mortgaged prem ises be sold at foreclosure sale and the proceeds anDlled to the navment of plaintiff's judgment including costs and attorney's fees and that all of the de fendants be foreclosed of and from all right, title, claim or Interest In the premises described in said mortease and herein described, except the statu tory rigm oi redemption, and tor such other and further relief as to the Court may seem mete and equitable. This summons is published by virtue of an order of the Hon. R. L. Benge, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, made and entered on the 10th day of April, 1929, which order provided that this summons be published in the Heppner Gazette Times, a newsoaner of zenprnl circulation, published in Heppner. Mor row county, uregon, lor tne period of four weeks, and the date of first pub lication of this summons is April 11, 1929. C. L. SWEEK, Attorney for the Plaintiff, Address: Heppner, Oregon. Now is the time to fix up your Model T Ford RIGHT now, after winter lay-ups and winter driving, is the time to go over your Model T and find out just what it needs in the way of replacement parts and adjustments. For a very small cost, you may be able to protect and maintain your investment in the car and get thousands of miles of additional service. To help you get the fullest use from your car, the Ford Motor Company is still devoting a considerable section of its plants to the manufacture of Model T parts and Mill continue to do so as long as they are needed by Ford owners. These parts are quickly available through Ford deal ers in every section of the country. Note the low prices in the partial list given below i Piston and pin $1.40 Connecting rod .......... 1,60 Crankshaft - 10.00 Cylinder head .......... 6.00 Cylinder .......... 20.00 Time gear . ,75 Time gear cover ......... 1.00 Crankcase - .......... 12.00 Magneto coil assembly 5.00 Kir wheel 13.00 Transmission gear shaft ....... 1.65 Transmission cover 6.00 Clutch pedal .65 Steering gear assembly (lei wheel and bracket) 8.50 Starter drive 4.25 Generator ." 12.50 Battery - 8.50 Carburetor 3.00 Vaporizer assembly (with fittings) 9.00 Hear axle shnft .......... 1,75 Differential drive gear ........ 3.00 Universal joint assembly ........ 2.50 Drive shaft pinion ......... 1.50 Front axle ........ 9.00 Spindle connecting rod . . . ... 1.75 Front radius rod ......... 1.80 Hear spring 6.00 Radiator less shell (1917-23) 15.00 Radiator less shell (1923-27) 14.00 Hood (1917-1925) 6.50 Hood (1926-37) black 7.00 (iasolino tank - ......... 6.00 Front fenders (1917-1925) each 4.00 Fiont fenders (1926-1927) earh 5.00 Rear fenders (1922-1925) each 3.75 Rear fenders (1926-1927) each 4.00 Running bonrd 1.23 Horn (battery type) 1.50 Headlamp assembly (1915-26) pair 5.50 Touring car top (1915-25) complete 27.00 Touring rar top ((1926-27) complete, Include curtains and curtain rods 35.00 These prices are for parts only, but the charge for labor is equally low. It is billed at a flat rale ho you may know in advance what the job will cost. Ford Motor Company 2 &ayc M .0 ST. L $227, cash delivered, or $10 down and $10 monthly with a small carrying charge . Sweet, WBnoHecoime! At the General-Electric laboratories, f oast beef was kept in a General-Electric refrig erator twelve days! At the end of that time it was as fresh and wholesome as the day it was put in. Think of the economy . of such refrigeration! No mote food spoil age! And roast beef hash can now be "removed by several days from the time of the roast beef itself! Pay now only balance on new plan This is certainly welcome news to every housekeeper! Test after test showed that foods could be preserved longer in a General-Electric! You, too, may keep your foods fresh and wholesome! You, too, may safeguard the health of your family! Own an all-steel General-Electric refriger ator today . . . 1 10 down, $10 nonthly! Pacific Power & Light Company "Always at your service" Our New Serial "Jingle Bells" By FRANK R. ADAMS Starts This Week This bids fair to be the best serial story we have ever published. START IT NOW! Heppner Gazette Times