Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 11, 1929, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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&nzttt? QJtmrfl
Established March 30. 1883;
Established November 18, 1897;
Published every Thursday morning by
and entered at the Poet Office at Hepp
ner, Oregon, as second-class matter.
advxrtisxno bates given oh
One Tear $2.00
Fix Months 1.00
Three Months .76
Single Copies .06
Oflelal Paper for Morrow County.
It is food to have money and the
things that money can hay, tout it's
food, too, to check np once in a
while and make sore yon haven't
lost the things that money can't
Bay. -Lorlmer.
THERE seems to be same question
as to whether the county will be
able to complete the Eight Mile
market road, because of shortage
of funds. We understand the county
court has made a contract with Ike
Dempsey to place 15,000 yards of
crushed rock on this road, but
whether this will all be spread is
not settled. For a distance up Jack
Rabbit canyon the road has been
finished and surfaced to a width of
16 feet, making it standard. We
have been told by road officials that
if this policy were followed out, the
contract would cover about 1
miles of 16-foot surfacing. It has
been suggested and the court is
giving the suggestion serious con
sideration, that the surfacing cover
but 9 feet The grading is now
about completed to the Gilliam
county line, and the spreading of
9 feet of crushed rock for that dis
tance would give the farmers tri
butary as good a road, for all prac
tical purposes, as they will need
for some time to come, and to this
could be added more crushed rock
at some future time as traffic on
the road would justify, and finally
the road would be standard; this
to come when the county was able
to meet the expense. In the mean
time, the Eight Mile and Gooseber
ry farmers residing adjacent to this
road would be getting the benefit
of and have a good highway over
which to market their grain. Whe
ther this plan would meet with the
approval of the state market road
department, we do not know, but it
is suggested that Mr. Scott is look
ing upon it with favor. It should
be worked out along this line.
The Heppner-Willow creek road
Is another that might receive the
same treatment This is entirely
in the hands of the county author
ities, as that road was withdrawn
from the state system. This road
is used a lot and is very important,
as all recognize, and should the
funds permit of its being graded
and surfaced as far as the forks of
the creek, there would be much re
joicing on the part of not only
Heppner people, but a large number
of the folks in the north end of the
county. The court should be en
couraged to work this out along the
lines herein suggested, and now
that the road crew is on the job up
that way, they should be continued
there until this much has been ac
complished. A FITTING TRD3UTE.
THAT was a fine tribute to the
Sperry family given at the funer
al of George W. Sperry on Tuesday
afternoon by Rev. Earl Cochran, of
Salem. He spoke, of course, as a
relative of the family and what he
said was from knowledge gained
from personal contact and handed
down from the early years by those
who lived to know all the members
of this family of Oregon pioneers.
It may have been somewhat of a
departure from the usual funeral
service from that habit of making
the ceremonies just about as short
mtfay rljofll Season
International Sunday School Lesson for
April 14
2 Chronicles 30:1-9, 25-27
It is bad enough for individuals
to drift into wickedness, but the
general situation is far worse when
the ruler of a nation actually pro
motes plans for wrong doing. This
was the case in Judah under King
Ahaz. The worship of Jehovah was
spurned and the people were led
into idolitry, with the immoral con
ditions that attended such devotion.
Isaiah's entreaties to turn to and
trust in God had been ridiculed and
the people were under heavy trib
ute to the king of Assyria. Mean
while the Northern Kingdom, Is
rael, had about run its course and
Assyrian captivity resulted.
Hezeklah was the good son of a
base father. Here Is the signal in
stance of a child being superior to
his environment, and pure in spite
of all the filth in home and com
munity. All credit to the boys and
girls of today who refuse to be
dragged down to the level of un
worthy parents, but who make the
most of advantages that are open
to all, and make good in this world
of keen competition.
The king had learned much as
regent and began his own reign at
the age of 25. His life had been
motivated by great fundamental
principles. Jehovah was in reality
king in his own life. The divine will
was indicated In part in the sacred
scrolls. Then there was Isaiah the
prophet, as spiritual teacher and
as possible yet it was refreshing
to have our minds called to the
sacrifices and hardships, to the
great courage and determination it
took to overcome the hardships in
cident to the making of a new em
pire, and to the splendid character
of those taking part in it The pio
neer members of this family were
of this stock, as were hundreds of
others who came across the plains
in the '40s and '50s. It is well to
meditate upon these things when
one is taken from our midst that
we honor and respect because of
the part he had in the making of
this state.
OPINIONS on kissing differ.
First the health experts warned
us all against it as a promulgator
of colds and more serious illnesses.
Now science tells us that kissing
is an exercise that makes for health
by speeding up sluggish hearts and
increasing the circulation of the
blood, and recently a group of cho
rus girls took part in a scientific
kissing contest which showed that
the stimulus of kissing created a
real good response from a health
We are waiting for the doctors to
begin prescribing kisses, and for
men and women to walk about with
special doctor's certificates entitl
ing them to spoon in public for the
sake of health.
Men who haven't done so for
years will begin kissing their wives
with great ardor what difference
that will make in matrimony and
the entire field of domestic rela
tions! And then perhaps kissing will be
made compulsory in the interests of
science and health. What we are
afraid of is that once this happens
people will begin to lose interest in
the time-honored game of oscula
Winter stil seems to hold over,
making garden planting very late.
J. H. McDaniel moved his sheep
to the Stephens brothers farm for
a month or so because of grass
shortage on his place.
Rhea Creek Grange met for a
lively meeting Sunday. They will
meet again next Sunday for a clean
up day and also to organize boys
and girls' clubs. All children inter
ested please be present with your
Remember the Grange social
night, April 20.
Mrs. J. A. Adams is home after
a spell of sickness. She has been
staying in Heppner.
E. E. Rugg, rancher residing at
the mouth of McKinney creek, was
attending to business affairs in
Heppner on Saturday.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of the laws of the State of Oregon, the
undersigned has taken up the herein
after described animals found running
at large on his premises in Morrow
County. State of Oregon, and that he
will on Saturday, the 27th day of April,
1929. at the hour of 10 o'clock in the
forenoon or said day at his ranch on
the middle fork of Rock creek, five
miles southwest of Hardman, Oregon,
offer for sale and sell to the highest
bidder for cash in hand, the said ani
mals, unless the same shall have been
redeemed by the owner- or owners
thereof. Said animals are described as
One brown horse, 6 or 7 years old,
weight about 130U pounds no visible
marks or brands.
One bav mare, left hind foot white.
weight about 1300 pounds, no visible
brand, ana age s or I years.
Hardman, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County, administrator of
the estate of Charles O. Ayers, deceas
ed. All persons having claims against
said estate must present same to the
undersigned at tne omce oi c Li. aweek
in Heppner, Oregon, duly verified as
required by law on or before six
months irom tne date oi nrsi publica
tion of this notice.
Date of first publii .tion April 11,
Administrator of the Estate of
Charles O. Ayers, deceased.
personal conscience was to be reck
oned with.
Basic in the experience of relig
ious life is the observance of ordin
ances established by the Almighty.
The Passover had been neglected.
Now the nations were called on to
observe this meaningful feast,
though a month later than the us
ual time. Invitations were sent to
the ten tribes of Israel as well as to
Judah and Benjamin. Many scorned
the call but multitudes did attend.
The law was studied with great
care that the ritual might be exact
ly observed. Confessions of sin
were simultaneous with the offer
ing of sacrifices. Worship was the
Joy of the hour, and when the seven
days prescribed for the Passover
had been completed, the king and
people were so zealous in the dec
larations of their new obedience to
Jehovah that a second period of
seven days was observed with add
ed joy and benefit. As the people
returned to their homes and daily
life they had a personal conscious
ness of the meaning in our Golden
Text: "Jehovah your God is gra
cious and merciful."
Thus king Hezeklah led his peo
ple back to God. Anyone can be a
leader, in fact all are, for each ex
erts unconscious as well as con
scious influence. There are reforms
within the ability of each one and
we are individually responsible for
undertaking them. The Sacrament
of the Lord's Supper for the Chris
tian, replacing the Jewish Passover,
is the fitting place for registering
our purpose after new obedience,
and proceed thence on the King's
Once when I was a sentimental
youth, my soul was inexpressibly
shocked when I heard of an inhu
man fiend who had put out the eyes
of a helpless little bird, in order to
ascertain whether its song would
be made sweeter thereby. And the
brute had puffed with pride over
his heartless experiment!
A greedy theatrical manager con
spired to break the heart of a beau
tiful girl who sang in his troupe in
order to develop a pathos which her
cheery youth lacked. She walked
into the trap the heart was brok
en. The pathetic note came, and
stayed. The human hog filled his
coffers with the proceeds, satisfied
with himself. The songs were more
tender, more appealing to the emo
tions brought a better price.
Bunyan wrote his immortal "Pil
grim's Progress," second only to the
Bible in popularity, while he was
confined within a dismal, half-
Public Corporation, Plaintiff,
Alex Allardyce, Lila M. Bartholomew,
Mike Marshall, Henry Boehmke, W.
V. Glasscock, Joseph Burgoyne, Ed
ward Casey, P. C. Brennan, W. G.
Corey, W. A. Moore, Grace Moore,
Peter Farley, Matilda C. McCraw,
W. Fitzgerald. E. H. Fleming, L.
V. Gentry, Eggert R Geisie, Heirs
of Joseph Haslet, deceased. Joseph
Howell, Josie Jones, Orville Ralph
Rood. Gerald Andrew Rood, S. H.
Kauffman, Ernest Kimble, Hollie
Leathers, D. E. Gilman, Bertha D.
' Gilman. Jane Penland, Minnie Nor
dyke. Guy E. Nordyke. Edward Mc
Entire. Michael McEntire. Thomas
McEntyre, Dora Miller, Wm.H. Mur
phy. E. P. Dodd, Estate of George
Perry, deceased, Lawrence A. Per
ry, Corda B. Saling, Walter B.
Shaw, George Skewis, Edward J.
Skewis, Hettie Smith, J. K. Weath
erford, Annis Weston, E. O. Neill,
Northwestern and Pacific Hypo
theekbank, a corporation, E. L. Bar- '
nett, J. E. Cronan, Trustee, T. J.
Mahoney, Burt W. Richards, How
ard M. Spencer, Chas. E. Hanson,
W. R. Walpole. Rebecca I. Knight,
Helen H. Conklin, Frank Klossner,
Pacific States Investment Company,
a corporation, H. K. Haak, C. E.
Haak, Laura Shearer, Chas. McAl
ister, E. K. Mulkey. Bessie G. Mul
key. A. M. Kelly. Alvin J. Kelly, R.
S. Howard. Jr., Receiver, Ladd Es
tate Company, a corporation. Strong
& McNaughton Trust Company, a
corporation, James M. Hayes,
Robert A. Thompson, Adolf Skoubo,
John M. Main, Frank Gilliam, H. J.
Hibbord, Sanford Green, G. A.
Bleakman. Mary L. White, Elmer P.
Dodd, Ralph S. Davis, S. L. Beck,
M. B. Willard. W. H. Stewart. W.
A. Murchie, G. M. Schempp, Jose
phine Schempp. Martin Reid. Fred
Ely, C. E. Musgrave, and Sarah D.
Musgrave, and any other person or
persons owning or claiming to own,
or having or claiming to have, any
interest in or to the real estate
hereinafter described. Defendants.
To Alex Allardyce. Lila M. Bartholo
mew. Mike Marshall. Henry Boehm
ke, W. V. Glasscock, Joseph Bur
goyne. Edward Casey, P. C. Bren
nan, W. G. Corey, W. A. Moore,
Grace Moore, Peter Farley, Matilda
C. McCraw, W. Fitzgerald, E. H.
Fleming, L. V. Gentry, Escgert R.
Giesie, Heirs of Joseph Haslet, de
ceased, Joseph Howell, Josie Jones,
Orville Ralph Rood, Gerald An
drew Rood, S. H. Kauffman, Ernest
Kimble. Hollie Leathers, D. E. Gil
man. Bertha D. Gilman, Jane Pen
land, Minnie Nordyke, Guy E. Nor
dyke, Edward McEntire, Michael
McEntire. Thomas McEntire, Dora
Miller, Wm. H. Murphy. E. P.
Dodd. Estate of George Perry, de
ceased, Lawrence A. Perry, Corda
B. Saling. Walter B. Shaw, George
Skewis, Edward J. Skewis, Hettie
Smith, J. K. Weatherford, Annis
Weston, E. O. Neill, Northwestern
and Pacific Hypotheekbank, a cor
poration, E. L. Barnett, J. E. Cro
nan, Trustee, T. J. Mahoney, Burt
W. Richards, Howard M. Spencer,
Chas. E. Hanson, W. R. Walpole,
Rebecca I. Knight, Helen H. Conk
lin, Frank Klossner, Pacific States
Investment Company, a corpora
tion, H. K. Haak. C. E. Haak. Laura
Shearer, Chas. McAlister, E. K. Mul
key. Bessie G. Mulkey, A. M. Kelly,
Alvin J. Kelly, R. S. Howard. Jr.,
Receiver, Laud Estate Company, a
corporation. Strong &. McNaughton
Trust Company, a corporation,
James M. Hayes. Robert A. Thomp
son, Adolf Skoubo, John M. Main,
Frank Gilliam, H. J. Hibbord, San
ford Green, G. A. Bleakman, Mary
L. White, Elmer P. Dodd, Ralph S.
Davis, S. L. Beck, M. B. Willard,
W. H. Stewart, W. A. Murchie, G. .
M. Schempp, Josephine Schempp,
Martin Reicf Fred Ely, C. E. Mus
grave. and Sarah D. Musgrave, and
any other person or persons owning
or claiming to own, or having or
claiming to have, any interest in or
to the real estate hereinafter de
scribed, Defendants:
OREGON: You and each of you are
hereby notified that the above named
plaintiff, a public corporation, is the
purchaser, owner, and holder of certif
icates of delinquency numbered 1324,
1326, 1328, 1331, 1338, 1337, 1342. 1346.
1347. 1351. 1353. 1356. 1363. 1366. 1367.
1369, 1371, 1373, 1380, 1383, 1387, 1393,
1390, inn, 1-lUti, 14U7, 14US, 3414,
1416, 1424, 1434, 1456, 1505, 1543, 1544,
1545, 1548, 1656, 1561, 1574, 1575, 1576,
1679, 1581, 1611, 1614, 1615, 1B18, 1617,
1645, 1646, 1658, 1660. 1661, 1662, 1663,
1664, 1666. 1672, 1676, 1685, 1690, and
1692, issued on the 12th day of August
iv&o, uy me onenn ana collector OI Lie
linauent Taxes for Morrow Countv. Or-
egon, and filed by the said Sheriff and
Collector of Delinquent Taxes In the
office of the County Clerk of the County
of Morrow, State of Oregon, on the 12th
aay oi August, i:kd, lor taxes due and
delinquent, together with penalty. In
terest and costs thereon, upon real prop
el iy Biiuttieu jn morrow county, Ore
gon. You are further notified that the
amount for which said certificate is Is
sued is set opposite and following the
description of the tract or parcel of
land hereinafter set out, the same being
the amount then due and delinquent,
iui lsacq :ui liio year laij, logetner
with Denaltv. Interest and rnin ihnpa.
on, upon real property ailuate in Mor
row County, Oregon, and particularly
bounded and described as hereinafter
set forth, said tract or parcel of land
being assessed for the year 1920, to the
first nerson whose name fmmpriiutoiu
precedes the description thereof, and Is
followed by the name of the person ap-
"iii'ft uc uic iiwuer inereoi, as ap
pears on the tax roll of Morrow County,
Oregon, for the year 1928, now in the
hands of the Sheriff of miiH M,,n,
County for collection, at the date of the
nrHt publication of this summons and
""" " uule 18 tne 7tn day of
March, 1929.
Certificate No. 1324, Alex Allar
dyce ana Alex Allardyce, Lot
6, Block 24 East, In Section 20,
To. 6 N.. R. 27 East of Wil
lamette Meridian 1 a oa
Certificate No. 1326, Lila M. Bar-
inoiomew ana imikb Marshall,
Lots 1, 2, and 8, Block 12, of
Castle Rock, Oregon ............... 1,51
lighted dungeon.
Our best collection ten volumes
of "short stories," came to life while
the author was an inmate of one of
our state penitentiaries.
Does it require privation, duress,
suffering, to bring out the very best
within the human soul? There are
those that seem to think so but it
is not the truth. Solitary confine
ment may find surcease in active
mental occupation; but the human
mind works best in an atmosphere
of absolute freedom and content
One of the most brilliant writers
I know of, who is blessing people
everywhere with his superb talent
today, has never, to my knowledge,
known misfortune. He Is wealthy,
his mental poise perfect, his stand
ing enviable. He is at his best in
every particular, and could not be
improved by any prison, or by the
loss of any one of his five senses.
Away with the heathenish supersti
tion that bitter duress sweetens the
singing in God's kingdom!
Certificate No. 1328. Henry
Boenmke and W. V. Glass
cock, South 8 feet of Lot 3:
Lot 4; North 30 feet of Lot 6.
all in Block 6 of the City of
Heonner. Oregon flfi.RR
Certificate No. 1331, Joseph Bur
goyne ana josenn isurgoyne,
Lots 9 and 10, Block 6; Lots 1
and 2. Block 22, of the Town
of Lexington, Oregon 479.76
Certificate No. 1336. Edward Ca
sey and P. C. Brennan. SE'4
SW',1 and SWV4 SEV. Sec. 6,
Tp. 6 S R. 28 E, W. M 25.06
Certificate No. 1337, W. G. Cor
ey, and W. A. Moore and
Grace Moore, Lots 14 and 16,
Block 41, of Irrigon, Oregon
Certificate No. 1342. Peter
ley and Matilda C. McCraw,
Lot 2, Block 2 : Fractional Lot
3. Block 2: Lots 10 and 11,
Block 2; all in Ayers' Second
Addition to the town of Hepp
ner; Tract No. 12, City of
Heppner 617.49
Certificate No. 1346, W. Fitzger
ald and W. Fitzgerald, Lot 36,
Block 27 of Irrigon, Oregon 1.06
Certificate No. 1347, E. H. Flem
ing and E. H. Fleming, South
half Lots 1, 2. 3, and 4. Block
3. Sperry's Third Addition to
the City of lone . 24.76
Certificate No. 1351. L. V. Gen
try and L. V. Gentry. West 66
feet of Lot 6, Block 1. Loon
ey's Addition to the City of
Heppner . 204.73
Certificate No. 1353. Eggert R.
Gtesie and Eggert R. Giesie.
SE4 NE54, SE4, and
SEVi SE',4. Sec. 7, Tp. 6 S.,
R. 28, E. W. M 40.27
Certificate No. 1356, Heirs of
Joseph Haslet, deceased, and
Heirs of Joseph Haslet, de
ceased, W14 NE4, Sec. 18, Tp.
2 N, R. 27 E. W. M 19.16
Certificate No. 1363. Joseph
Howell and Joseph Howell,
Lots 2 and 3, Block L, Royse's
Addition to Hardman . 44.37
Certificate No. 1366. Josie Jones,
and Orville Ralph Rood and
Gerald Andrew Rood, Lot 4,
Block 6. Ayers' Fourth Addi
tion to Heppner, Oregon 102.80
Certificate No. 1367, S. H. Kauff
man and S. H. Kauffman, Lots
3. 4 and 5, Block 36 of Irrigon 2.16
Certificate No. 1369, Ernest Kim
ble and Ernest Kimble, Lot
34. Block 27 of Irrigon 1.06
Certificate No. 1371, Hollie
Leathers, and D.E.Gilman and
Bertha D. Gilman, Fractional
S'i NW',4 and NWS SW4,
. Sec. 35, Tp. 4 S R. 25 E. W.
M 70.27
Certificate No. 1373, Jane Pen
land, and Minnie Nordyke and
Guy E. Nordyke, Lots 6, 7, 8.
and 9, in Block 24; Lots 6, 7,
8, 9. and 10. in Block 25; Lots
1. 3, 4, 5, 6. 7. 8, 9, and 10 in
Block 26, Penland's Addition
to the town of Lexington 40.66
Certificate No. 1380, Edward Mc
Entire and Michael McEntire,
and Thomas McEntire, SMi
SEVi, SV4 NE'4, N SEVi. and
NW',4. Sec. 16, Tp. 2 N., R. 24
E. W. M 371.69
Certificate No. 1383, Dora Miller
and Dora Miller, Lots 16 and
17, Block 36 of Irrigon 1.60
Certificate No. 1387, Wm. H.
Murphy and Wm. H. Murphy,
WM, NWVi, Sec. 17, and EV4
NE',4, Sec. 18, Tp. 2 N., R. 27
E. W. M . 50.15
Certificate No. 1393, E. P. Dodd
and E. P. Dodd, Lot 22, Block
8. Town of Boardman 40.74
Certificate No. 1395, Estate of
George Perry, deceased, and
Lawrence A. Perry. SVi SW'i,
Sec. 31, Tp. 4 S R. 24 E. W.
M 9.92
Certificate No. 1404, Corda B.
Saling and Corda B. Saling,
SE',4 NE!4. NEVi SEVi, SVi
SE'i, Sec. 28, Tp. 5 S., R. 26
E. W. M 69.36
Certificate No. 1406. Walter B.
Shaw and Walter B. Shaw,
S',4 NE'i, Sec. 22, Tp. 2 N.,
R. 23 E. W. M 145.26
Certificate No. 1406, George Ske
wis and George Skewis, SV6
NEVi, NW'4 SEVi, and SE4
NW'4, Sec. 14, Tp. 4 S.. R. 29
E. W. M 40.27
Certificate No. 1407, Edward J.
Skewis and Edward J. Ske
wis, WV4 NWVi and NWV4
SW'i. Sec. 4. and NV4 NE'4,
Sec. 5. Td. 6 S.. R. 28. E. W.
M 36.02
certificate No. 1408, Hettie
Smith and Hettie Smith, Lot
5. Block 3. Fereuaon's Second
Addition to nTrvvllla 2.91
uemncate No. 1414, J. K.
Weatherford and J. K. Weath
erford, NE'i SEVi, NEVi
NEU, SV4 NEVi, and fraction
al SViSEVi. Sec. 4. Tp. 1 S
R. 24, E. W. M., and Blocks
20. 21. 23 24 25 tR 27. and 28.
Wills' Addition tn Tono 199 96
uertincate No. 1416, Annis Wes
ton and Annis Weston, NEVi
NW',4, Sec. 3. Tn. 8 N.. R. 23
E. W. M .:. 36.03
uertmcate No. 1424, E. O. Neill
and E. O. Neill, and North
western and Pacific Hypoth
eekbank, WM, SEVi, SEVi
NWS, and NEViSWVi, Sec.
17; WV4 NWVi and SEVi
NW'4, Sec. 18; SEVi NEVi,
Sec. 20; and NV4SWVi, SWVi
NWVi, Sec. 21, Tp. 5. S., R.
29 E. W. M. ; and NEV4NWVi,
Sec. 26. Td. 6 S.. R. 29. E. W.
M : 67.16
uertmcate No. 1434 E. L. Bar
nett and E, L. Barnett, SWVi
Sec. 26. Td. 2 N.. R. 23 E. W.
M 101.87
certificate No. 1466, J. E. Cro
nan, Trustee, and T. J. Ma
honey and Burt W. Richards,
NE'4, Sec. 80; EV4, Sec. 32;
on,. 01. ID, 4 11,, XV 1
E. VV. M . 6.11 46
uertmcate No. 1506, Howard M.
opencer and Howard M. Spen
cer, NWVi, Sec. 8L Tp. 2 N
R. 26 E w m anm
Certificate No. i543,""'Chas.' E.
"anion and ( has. Hi. Hanson,
SWVi, Sec. 16, Tp. 4 N., R. 27
E. W. M
Certificate Nn li2W. R Wal-
poie ana Kebecca I. Knignt,
Lot 6, Block 4 West, in Sec.
25. Tn. b n t oh v. w m iann
Certificate No. 1545,' HJen H.
j-onmin and Helen H. Conk
lin, Lot 2, Block 16 West, in
Sec. 26, Tp. 5 N R. 26 E. W.
M 4 71
Certificate Nb7''l548. Frank
Klossner and Frank Klossner,
Lot 10, Block 23 East, In Sec.
20. Tn K V rj 07 ? W M IDfia
Certificate No.' 1556, Pacific
niaies investment Company
and Pacific States Investment
Company. NM, HV4, Sec. 12, Tp.
4 S R. 29 E. W. M 44.78
Certificate No. 1661, H. K.
Haak and C. E. Haak. and
Laura Shearer, S'4 SE'i, Sec.
24; NEVi, N'4 SE4, Sec. 25,
Tp. 6 S., R. 25 E. W. M ....
Certificate No. 1574. Chas. Mc-
Allster, and E. K. Mulkey,
NEM;. Sec. 16, Tp. 4 N., R. 25
E. W. M
Certificate No. 1675, R. S. How
ard, Jr., Receiver, and Ladd
Estate Company, SWVi NE'i,
Sec. 17, Tp. 4 N R. 25 E. W.
Certificate No. 1576. R. S. How
ard, Jr., Receiver, and Ladd
Estate Company, WM, SE'i,
Sec. 17, Tp. 4 N., R. 25 E. W.
Certificate No. 1579. R. S. How
ard Jr. Receiver, and Strong
& McNaughton Trust Com
pany, SW'4 SWVi, Sec. 25, Tp.
6 N.. R. 26 E. W. M -
Certificate No. 1581, James M.
Hayes and Kobert A. Thomp-,
son, NM, NE'i, Sec. 36, Tp. 3
S.. R. 26 E. W. M
Certificate No. 1611. R. S. How
ard. Jr., Receiver, and Strong
McNaughton Trust com-
pany and Adolf Skoubo, Sec.
l, sec. 13, 'ip. a IN.. It. Z4 u.
W. M.; Section 1, Section 6,
and Section 9, Tp. 3 N R. 25
E. W. M. ; Section 5 and Sec
tion 9, Tp. 8 N R. 26 E. W.
M.; Section 1 and Lot 2, Sec.
9. Td. 4 N.. R. 25 E. W. M 4.445.83
Certificate No. 1614, R. S. How- ,
ard. Jr., Receiver, and strong
& McNaughton Trust Com
pany, Sec. 25, Sec. 29, and Sec
tion 33, Tp. 4 N R. 25 E. W.
M. ; Section 1 (except NWVi
of Lot 3, NEVi of Lot 4, and
WV4 of Lot 4), Section 6, Sec
tion 9, Section 13. Section 17,
and Section 21, Tp. 4 N R.
26 E. W. M 4,785.66
Certificate No. 1615, R. S. How
ard, Jr., Receiver, and Strong
& McNaughton Trust Com-
any, Sec. 25, Sec. 29, and
ectlon 83, Tp. 4 N., R. 26 E.
W. M.; and Section 5. Section
9. Section 17, less Right of
Way of O.-W. R. & N. Com-
gany, Section 21, Section 29,
ectlon 33, Tp. 4 N., R. 27, E.
W. M 4.454.64
Certificate No. 1616. R. S. How
aid. Jr., Receiver, and Strong
& McNaughton Trust Com
pany, Sec. 25. and Sec. 35, Tp.
6 N., R. 25 E. W. M. ; Lots 1,
2. 3, 4. and 6, and SEVi. EM,
SWVi, Sec. 19, Lot 1. ESE'l
SW'4 SE'4 South of Railroad.
Section 21. all of Section 29
South of Railroad right of
way. NV4 NMi, Sec. 31 except
railroad right of way, Tp. 6
N., R. 26 e! W. M 312.45
Certificate No. 1617, R. S. How
ard, Jr., Receiver, and Strong
& McNaughton Trust Com
pany, Sec. 33, SWV4, Sec. 35,
NM,. EM, SE'4, South of Canal,
North of Canal, NViNWVi,
SEVi. SWVi SEVi South of
Canal, Sec. 36, all in Tp. 6 N.,
R. 26 E. W. M. ; all of Section
29, all of Section 33. Tp. 6 N.,
R. 27 E. W. M. ; and Sb, Sec
tion 25. Td. 4 N.. R. 24 E. W.
M 998.60
Certificate No. 1645, John M.
Main and Frank Gilliam, SE'i
SWVi and SWVi SEVi North
of Canal. Sec. 3. Td. 4 N.. R.
26 E. W. M 67.32
Certificate No. 1646, H. J. Hib
bord and H. J. Hibbord,
Blocks 37 and 37M, West In
Sec 23, Tp. 5 N., R. 26 E. W.
Certificate No. 1658, Sanford
Green and Sanford Green,
That portion of Lot 10. Block
12, lying North and East of
Willow Creek. Town of Lex
ington 2.47
Certificate No. 1660. R. S. How
ard, Jr., Receiver, and Ladd
Estate Company, Blocks 7 to
10, Inclusive; Lots 1 to 6, In
clusive, and Lots 12 to 22, In
clusive, Block 13; Block 14;
Lots 1 to 7. Inclusive, Lot 9,
Lots 15 to 22, Inclusive, Block
15: Lots 1 to 8. inclusive.
Block 16, In Irrigon 41.55
Certificate No. 1661. R. S. How
ard. Jr., Receiver, and Ladd
Estate Company, Lots 25 to
33, inclusive. Block 16: Lots 1
to 17, inclusive, Lots 23 to 40.
Inclusive. Block 17; Lots 4 to
6, Inclusive, Lots 17 to 33, In
clusive, Block 18; Lots 1 to 11,
inclusive, Lots 13 to 33, in
clusive. Block 19; Lots 1 to
15. inclusive. Lots 17 to 22, in
clusive, Block 20: Blocks 21
and 22; Lots 1 to 10, inclusive.
Lots 15 to 29 .Inclusive. Block
25: Lot 4, Lots 9 and 10, Lots
15 to 18, inclusive, Lots 22 to
24, inclusive, Block 26; Lots 1
to 5. inclusive. Block 27: Lots
9 and 10, Block 28, in Irrigon 122.83
Certincate No. 1662, K. S. How
ard, Jr., Receiver, and Ladd
Estate Company, Lots 14, 15,
and 22, Block 28; Lots 1 to 4.
inclusive, Lots 25 and 26. Block
29, Lots 15 to 18, inclusive,
Block 30; Lots 13 to 24, inclu
sive, Block 32; Blocks 33 and
34; Lots 1 to 17, Inclusive,
Lots 24 to 30, inclusive. Block
35; Lots 9 and 10, Lots 21 to
30, inclusive. Block 36; Lots
1 to 10, Inclusive, Block 37;
Lots 8 and 10, Lots 14 to 17,
inclusive. Block 38; and Lot
11. Block 39. In Irrigon 67.49
Certincate No. 1663, K. S. How
ard, Jr, Receiver and Ladd
Estate Company, Lots 15 and
16, Block 39; Lots 19 and 21,
Block 40: Lot 13, Block 41;
Lota 11, 12, and 13, Block 60:
Block 61; Block 62; Lots 13
to 23, Inclusive. Lots 30 to
32, Inclusive, Block 27; Lots
22 to 24, inclusive. Block 37,
in Irrigon 28.92
Certificate No. 1664, R. S. How
ard Jr., Receiver, and Ladd
Estate Company, Lots 7, 8, 9,
and 10, Block 27, In Irrigon .... 2.70
Certificate No. 1666, 5. A.
Bleakman and G. A. Bleak
man, Lot 4, Block F, and Lot
5, Block H, of Hardman 277.98
Certificate No. 1672, Mary L.
White and Mary L. White,
LrfHs ana s, siock 3; xots 1,
14 15, and 18, Block 6, of Cas-
tie Rock 2.67
Certificate No. 1676, Elmer P.
Dodd, and Ralph S. Davis, S.
L. Beck, M. B. Willard, Elmer
P. Dodd. W. H. Stewart, and
W. A. Murchie, Lots 6 and 7,
Block 2; Lots 10 and 11, Block
4; Lots 8, 9, and 20, Block 7;
Lots 7 and 24, Block 8; Block
10; Block It of the Townslte
of Boardman. Also, all that
gortlon of the Townslte of
oardman North of Riverside
Drive 50.76
Certificate No. 1686, G. M.
Schempp, and Josephine
Schempp and Martin Relet, Lot
1, Block 19, Mount Vernon Ad
dition to the City of Heppner 68.70
Certificate No. 1690, Fred Ely
and Fred Ely, Beginning 427
feet South of the Southeast
corner of Lot 5, Block 1, ac-
coruing 10 tne original sur
vey and plat of the town of
Douglas, Morrow County, Or
egon, thence West 300 feet,
thence South 260 feet, thence
East 300 feet, thence North
250 feet to the place of begin
ning, In the Town of Douirlaa
fnow Morfiranl . .. . Kn 10
ueruncaie ino. iijaii, u. ti. Mus
grave and Sarah D. Musgrave,
NE'4, Sec. 19, Tp. 1 N R 2&
E. W. M
That said amounts bear InterAat at
the rate of ten Der cent, ner annum
from the 12th day of August, 1925, the
date of Issuance of said certificate.
And you and each of vou ar herphv
summoned to appear within sixty days
after the date of the first publication of
this summons, exclusive of the day of
first publication thereof, to-wit: March
7, 1929, and defend the suit in the
Court aforesaid, or pay the amount due
as shown above against said tracts or
parcels of land, respectively, above de
scribed. Of Which VOU Am the, nmnnr-
or in which you have or claim to have
any interest or estate, together with
interest and costs accrued in this suit
Service Of a COnv nf vnnr nnauAi ftp
other process may be made on the un-
unrsigneu attorney tor pialntlll, at the
place specified below na hi miiii-nua
and In case of your failure so to do!
Judgment and decree will be entered
against you and each of you foreclos
ing said tax liens for the amount set
OnnOflltA And fnllmvlnir (Via
of said parcel of land above set forth,
together with interest and costs there
on, against said tracts or parcels of
land, and said tracts or parcels of land
will be sold to satisfy said judgment
and decree obtained in this suit.
You are further hereby notified that
the plaintiff will apply to the Court
atoresam lor juugniem aim ueciee
foreclosing said tax liens against said
iperty liereinbelore aesciiuea.
This summons is published once each
week for six consecutive weeks in the
Heppner Gazette Tunes, a newspaper 01
general circulation In Morrow County,
Oregon, published weekly at Heppner
in said County, the date of first publi
cation thereof being March 7, 1929, and
said publication being made In pursu
ance of the statutes of the State of Or
egon, said newspaper having been des
ignated by the County Court of the
State of Oregon for Morrow County as
the newspaper m which said summons
should be published, by order duly en-
terea ill saia court on me dim uay ui
March. 19:!9.
By C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Mor
row County, Oregon, and
torney for Morrow County, Ore
gon, and Attorney for Plaintiff,
whose address is Heppner, Ore
gon. Date of first Dublicatlon. March 7. 1929.
Date of last publication, April 18, 1929,
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of the Estate
of Hiram E. Clark, deceased, has filed
his final account In the County Court
of the State of Oregon for Morrow
County, and that said Court has des
ignated as the time and place for hear
ing on said final account May 6, 1929,
at the hour of 10.00 o'clock A. M. of the
said day in the Court Room of said
court in Heppner. uregon. Anyone
having objections to said final account
must file same on or before said date
of hearing.
This notice is published by virtue or
an. order of the County Court made and
entered on the 23rd day of March, 1929.
Administrator of the Estate of
HIRAM E. CLARK, deceased.
George W. Dykstra, Plaintiff,
Sherman Wakefield and Nancy J. Wake
field, (also known as Jane Wakefield),
his wife; William Salzewedell, and
The Pennsylvania Fire Insurance
Company, a corporation. Defendants.
Notice is hereby given that, by virtue
of an execution and order of sale Issu
ed out of the above entitled court in
the above entitled cause, to me directed
and dated the 2nd day of April, 1929,
upon a decree rendered and entered in
said court on the 30th day of March,
1929, in favor of George W. Dykstra,
plaintiff, and against the denfendants.
Sherman Wakefield. Nancy J. Wake
field (also known as Jane Wakefield),
William Salzewedell, and The Pennsyl
vania Fire Insurance Company, a cor
poration, for the sum of $3672.15, with
interest thereon at the rate of 9 per
cent per annum from the 2nd day of
April, 1920, less the sum of $654.00, and
the further sum of $390.00 attorney's
fees, and the further sum of $43.15
costs and disbursements and accruing
costs of and upon this writ, I will, on
the 4th day of May, 1929, at the hour
of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said
day, at the front door of the Court
House in the City of Heppner, Morrow
County, State of Oregon, sell at public
auction, subject to confirmation of the
above entitled court and subject to re
demption by the said defendants, all
the right title and interest which the
above named defendants had on the 4th
day of February, 1919. the date of the
mortgage herein foreclosed, or since
that date had In and to the following
described real property, to-wit:
The West twenty (2(1) feet of Lots
numbered One (1) and Two (2) and the
East thirty (30) feet of Lots numbered
Seven (7) and Eight (8) in Block num
bered Nine (9) in Stansbury's Addition
to the town (now City) of Heppner, in
the County of Morrow and State of
Oregon, to satisfy said execution, or
der and decree, interest, costs and ac
cruing costs.
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
Dated this 2nd day of April, 1929.
First publication April 4, 1929.
Last publication May 2, 1929.
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed has filed his final account as
administrator of the estate of Charles
A. Harrington, deceased, and that the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County has appointed Mon
day, the 6th day of May, 1929, at the
filed on or before said date.
H. J. CASON, Administrator.
13 1 929
NOTICE is hereby given that Bercla
Wavel Wilkinson, whose post-office ad
dress Is Heppner, Oregon, did, on the
3rd day of December. 1925, file In this
office Sworn Statement and Application
No. 024966, to purchase the SWViSEVi,
Section 5, Township 4 South, Range 28
East, Willamette Meridian, and the tim
ber thereon, under the provisions of the
act of June 3, 1878, and acts amenda
tory, known as the Timber and Stone
Law," at such value as might be fixed
by appraisement, and that, pursuant to
such application, the land and timber
thereon have been appraised, One hun
dred thirty-five dollars, the timber es
timated 50 M board feet at $1.50 per M.
and the land $60.00; that said applicant
will offer final proof in support of his
application and sworn statement on the
aisi aay or May. 1929. before Gnv M
Aiiueison, unueu states commissioner,
at Heppner. Oregon.
Any person is at llhertv tn nmtaa
this purchase before entry, or Initiate
a coniesi at any time Deiore patent Is
sues, by filing a corroborated affidavit
in this office, alleging facts which would
ueieui tne entry.
J. W. DONNELLY, Register.
Mar. 14-May 16.
Serial No. 037046
United States T.nnd nfflca Tlia nDllAa
Oregon. Mar. 5. 1929. ' '
Walter, Helen and Harry Rood and
Millie R. Doolittle, heirs of Andrew
Rood Sr., whose address is elven
u-o narry kooo, Heppner, Oregon, did
on Feb. 18, 1929, make application under
Act of Mar. 20, 1922 (42 Stat., 466) to
cut ana remove certain timber from
approximately 150 acres located In Sees.
10 aim au, r, 3 k. 43 SJ. w. M., Wal-
owa national sorest, Wallowa County,
Oregon, In exchange for the SEViSEVi
Sec. 18, NE'tNE'4, NEViSWVi, N'ASE'4
SEViSEVi. Sec. 19. W'ANW'.. fiec on
T. 6 S R. 27 E. W. M Umatilla Na
tional rorest, Morrow county, Oregon
Serial 027046.
Any and all Demons rlnim!no tu
lands selected and timber thereon, or
uaviiiK uuna nue onjeciions to tne ex
change should file their protests on or
before the 24th of April, 1929.
J, W, DONNELLY, Register.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned executor and executrix of the
estate of Rebecca J. Warren, deceased
have filed their final account of the
administration of the estate of said do.
ceased with the County Court of the
State of Oregon for Morrow County,
and that said court has fixed Monday
the 6th day of May, 1929, at the hour
of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said
day as the time, and the County Court
room at the COUrt HnllSn Ut Hnnnna
Oregon, as the place for hearing objec
tions to said final account and the clos
ing or said estate, and all persons hav
ing objections thereto are hnrehv re.
quired to file the same with said court
on or before the time fixed for said
Dated and first mihlished thin Dtat
day of March, 1929.
MINN IK B. FURLONG, Executrix.
I am prepared to take care of a
limited number of maternity cases.
Room and board reasonable.
Box 142 HEPPNER Phone 176
Leave orders at Peoples Hardware
Case Building, Entranoe Center Bt
Telephone Mala 1012
Open Evenings and Sundays by
Graduate Nurse Assistant
X. 0. 0. T. BUTLDINa
Phones: Office, Main 983; Res. 492.
Heppner, Oregon
X-Ray Diagnosis
Heppner, Oregon
Frank A. McMenamin
Phone BE aeon 4461
1014 Northwestern Bank Building,
Residence, GArfleld 1949
A. D. McMURDO, M. D.
Trained None Assistant
Office In Masonic Building
Heppner, Oregon
Offices in
Pint National Bank Building
Heppner, Oregon
Wards and Private Rooms,
Rates Reasonable.
Physician -ln-Charge.
Phone Main 322
Heppner, Ore
Morrow General
Maternity Department
"The Home of Better Babies"
Rates Reasonable; Dependable
Phone Main 322 Heppner, Ore.
Office in Court House
Heppner, Oregon
f- , ... , .....
Farm and Personal Property Sales
a Specialty
"The Man Who Talks to Beat
the Band"
t- I BENNETT, Lexlagtea, Oreg-oa
latest Jewelry and Gift Goods
Watches - Clocks Diamonds
Expert Watch and Jewelry
Heppner, Oregon
Old Line Cempanlea, Real Xstate.
Heppner, Oregon
Roberts Building, Willow Street
Heppner, Oregon
J. Perry Conder, N. D.
20th year In praotloe In Heppner and
Morrow County
Office Phone 02, Residence Phone 03.
Heppner Sanitarium
Hospital PnVs'ilctt
r&f Jn'"onof Healing and
Practicing Physician in Mor
row County: with the least percent
age of fatality and greatest percent
age of benefit.
Estimates Free.