wzwmzx Subscription $2.00 a Year Volume 46, Number 3. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, April 4, 1929. SEWERAGE SYSTEM PLAN IS PRESENTED Cost to City $55,000; New Bridge Ordered on Cannon Street. A preliminary report of the sur vey and estimated cost of a sewer age disposal system for the city, and methods of procedure were pre sented to the city council at an ad journed meeting Tuesday morning, by L. R. Stockman, engineer in charge. The approximate total cost for a system serving some 625 lots 60x150 feet, was given as $55,000. The report was placed on file by the council. An Instruction by J. J. Nys, city attorney, read by Mr. Stockman, stated that the city, under its char ter, may proceed under the Ban croft bonding act This act provides for the establishment of a district in which the improvement is to be made, giving ten years In which to pay assessment in annual instal ments, and provides for the Issu ance of general obligation bonds to cover the cost of making such Im provement. According to the present rate of interest on bonds issued under the Bancroft act, Mr. Stockman declar ed the interest rate should not ex ceed 6 per cent, thus making the total assessment per lot, estimated on a cash basis at approximately $87, approximately $133 if paid un der the Bancroft act The instruc tion, containing the high lights of the method of procedure that may be followed by the council, follows: "1. Whenever the Council shall deem it expedient to construct any sewer, it shall require the City En gineer, or any engineer it may em ploy to furnish plans, specifications and estimates. "2. If the Council shall find such plans, specifications and estimates satisfactory, it shall approve the same, and determine the boundaries of the district benefitted and to be' assessed. "3. The Council shall then by reso lution declare its intention to con struct such improvement, describ ing the same and the location there of, including the Engineer's esti mates of the probable cost and de fining the boundaries of the assess ed district. "4. The resolution shall be pub lished In a local newspaper for at least two weeks, and also notices of such Improvement posted along the line of the contemplated improve ment. "5. Within twenty days after the first publication of the resolution, the owner or owners of any prop erty to be assessed may file a re monstrance against the proposed Improvement Upon the hearing the Council may order the improvement or may discontinue the same. "6. Within three months from the first publication of the resolution, the Council shall provide by ordin ance for such improvement, which ordinance shall conform to the pro visions of the resolution, and shall order such Improvement. Within twenty days any property owner to be assessed, may file application with the Recorder to come under the Bancroft Bonding Act to Py the assessment In ten annual instal ments, In case the assessment Is $25 or over." Mr, Stockman quoted the state law prohibiting the dumping of raw sewerage into streams, which makes necessary the construction of the sewerage disposal plant, In install ing the system. The estimated cost of the plant, approximately $26,000, is the largest Item of construction. The plant, a diagram of which was shown the council, will dispose of the sewerage for 1500 population, thus caring for a natural increase In population for a long term of years, Heppner's present population being given at 1300. Refuse from the plant, according to findings of the state board of health, Is 95 per cent purified, thus being perfectly safe when it leaves the plant Mr. Stockman's bill of $125 for making the survey and preparing the report was allowed by the coun cil, and Mr. Stockman departed Tu esday afternoon for his home at Baker. Council convened for Its regular meeting Monday evening, adjourn ing until Tuesday morning that (Continued on Page Eight.) Will Repair Telephone Lines in Forest Area Beginning Immediately, George Clark, local forest ranger, assisted by O. G. Rollins, who arrived on Tuesday from LaGrande, work of repairing and placing the telephone lines on the west end of the Uma tilla forest will go ahead. Mr. Clark states that the line up Willow creek will be the first to receive attention, These two rangers will be joined the coming week by Ranger E. A. Hlnton of Ukiah, and It is the pur- nose of the force to proceed until the lines have all been put In good condition. Mr. Clark, who has been spending several days In his territory, report; that there Is still a lot of snow In the timber, and It has been going off slowly. The prospects for good range this coming season are good, and the water supply Will be ade- qunte. COUNTY SCHOOL DECLAMATORY CONTEST, APR. 13 IBRIGON CLUB BAND AMONG PROGRAM FEATURES ; TWO SESSIONS TO BE HELD. The fourth annual Morrow county all-school declamatory contest is slated for Saturday, April 13, in the Heppner public school auditor ium, with the grade section to be run off beginning at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and the high school section beginning at 7:30 in the eve ning. Entertainment features, Including the appearance of the Irrigon club band, are planned to make this year's contest more attractive than ever, declared James M. Burgess, local superintendent of schools and president of the declamatory league. A supper served between the two contests will also probably be a feature. The county all-Bchool declamatory contest, started four years ago, has grown to such proptortiona, Mr. Burgess declares, that it now ranks as one of the largest of its kind in the state. Interest has grown to such an extent that a large major- ty of the schools of the county are represented, all hotly competing for honors. Prizes this year will again consist of medals similar to those given last year, a silver medal for first places and a bronze medal for second places in each division. Both the grade and high school contests are divided into three div isions, dramatic, oratorical and hu morous. Contestants are graded not only on adherence to the ver batim rendition of the piece select ed, but on stage presence and de livery as well. Those who have attended the contest in year's past know the fine qualities that have been shown by pupils in this work. Winners In the local contest go to Pendleton, probably the next week, to compete In the inter-coun ty contest with the winners in Uma tilla county. The Morrow-Umatilla contest was held last year at Hepp ner. The arrangement for holding it interchanges it between Heppner and Pendleton every other year. Judges for the local contest are being selected by Lucy E. Rodgers, county school superintendent, and will not be announced prior to the contest. However, It is stated that the judges will be appointed from districts far enough removed to as sure their absolute impartiality. County Teachers Meet at Boardman for Institute (Boardman Correspondent) The teachers of Morrow county journeyed to Boardman on Friday for an all day session of institute. The morning session opened at 10 m. G. W. Crites, assistant state school superintendent was the prin- ipal speaker taking "The Chang ing Schoolroom" as his topic. A reading by Mrs. Johnston of Lex ington, a vocal solo by Miss Ede of Heppner and the second appear ance of Mrs. Marschat's Rhythmn orchestra comprised the morning session. At noon the P. T. A. serv ed a chicken dinner. The tables were beautifully decorated with daf fodils. Superintendent Marschat acted as toastmaster with responses by various teachers. Some peppy songs were sung and a social hour enjoyed. The Irrglon Club band gave a concert in the afternoon. This was followed by departmental conferences. A school playlet "King Lazy Bone" was given by some Boardman youngsters. Miss Mar garet Gillis, R. N., gave a talk about the county nurse. The rest of the meeting was taken up with reports and business. In the elementary conference, planned by Mrs. Rodgers, county superintendent, Mrs. Marschat gave a Palmer demonstration with some of her little people. Superintendent Burgess of Heppner spoke on spell ing methods and Mr. Beighle dis cussed a county field day. An O. S. T. A. report was read by Lillian C. Turner. In the high school de partment Supt. R. J. Maaske spoke on "Music in the High School," and Mr. Crites on "Educational Legis lation In Oregon." The various ex hibits were well worthy of mention and showed some excellent work in the various Morrow county schools. P. T. A. WILL MEET TUESDAY. The Patron-Teachers association will meet in regular session Tues day afternoon, April 9, at 3 o'clock In the high school auditorium. An interesting program Is being pre pared, which will include selections from the operetta shortly to be given by the high school, one or more recitations by pupils prepar ing for the declamatory contest and a talk on "The Desirability and Practicability of Manual Training In the Schools," by Mrs. Lucy E, Rodgers, county school superinten dent Dues which are being solicited now are for the full ensuing year till March, 1930. Since no solicita tion was made for 1928, the treas ury is practically empty and It Is hoped that as many as possibly can will pay their dues now so that we may have funds with which work. The President. to Al Troedson, Morgan wheatraiser, spent a few hours In this city on Wednesday, while looking after bus iness matters. TARIFFNOTTOCAUSE E Nothing in Situation at Washington to Alarm Sheep Men.. The effect of possible tariff changes upon present wool prices is frequently referred to in current reports from the wool markets at Boston and Philadelphia, states a bulletin sent out by National Wool growers' association, under date of March 29. It should be understood by grow ers that there is no tariff change now In prospect or under discussion at Washington that would cause lower wool prices. During the hear ings held last month by the Ways and Means committee of the house, the officers of the National Wool growers' association presented data to justify their recommendation that the present duty of 31 cents per pound of clean content should be raised to 36 cents. This data in cluded figures upon nearly two mil lion sheep owned In six states and showing a wool production cost of 40 cents per pound in the grease. Comparison with official reports of wool production costs in countries exporting to the United States fully justified the proposed rate. The representatives of the wool growers who appeared in the con gressional hearings did not oppose the recommendation of wool manu facturers for a rate of 24 cents, in stead of 36 cents, upon wools of the common and braid grades which constitute less than one per cent of the United States clip. This class of wool is principally used in the manufacture of linings and is in danger of being displaced by veg etable fibers. It cannot be used in cloth making as a substitute for the lower grades of the finer wools grown in the United States. As a result of a court decision in respect to the language of the present law considerable quantities of low grade wools are now being imported at a rate of 24 ceiXs and without duty when used for carpets. Under the terms of the growers' proposals these wools would be required to pay a duty regardless of how they are to be used. The latest reports from the Bos ton wool market refer to uncertain ty in the trade as to how values would be effected if congress should establish duty rates upon rags and wastes as requested by the wool growers. The only effect which these proposed rates could have would be that of strengthening wool values. In his testimony before the Ways and Means committee at Washington on February 6, Presi dent F. J. Hagenbarth of the Na tional Woolgrowers association ar gued that the plan and purpose of the protective tariff upon wool was, to a considerable degree, being de feated by the large imports of wool en rags and of wool factory wastes, amounting in 1928 to the equivalent of 80 million pounds of grease wool. These imports have resulted from the present unreasonably low duW les upon such articles. Woolen rags are being imported in large quan tities from Europe under a tariff rate of 7 1-2 cents per pound. This rate, Mr. Hagenbarth told the com mittee, was wholly unjustifiable and should be raised to 36 cents, since a pound of woolen rags represents the equivalent of more than a pound of scoured wool. Rags, was tes, and other types of re-worked wool have been used in the effort to turn out cheaper cloth. Consum ers do not know the origin of the material in such fabrics and seldom are able to recognize it until it is too late, the poor wearing qualities of cloth having a large proportion of such material. Womans Club to Meet Satuday at Parish House Members of the Heppner Wo mans club will be Indebted to mem bers and friends in Lexington for most of the numbers on the pro gram to be given this month. The study topic for this meeting, which will be held at the parish house in Heppner at 2:15 p. m., Saturday April 6, will be the part mission aries and missions played in the early history of Oregon. An espe cially Interesting meeting is prom ised and all women, whether or not they happen to belong to the club, are cordially Invited to attend the meeting. Those who have read Honore Wlllsie Morrows recent book, "We Must March," will espe cially enjoy the informal discussion of It. The program is: Instrumental solo by Miss Fal coner, music supervisor at Lexing ton. Paper, "The Missions of Oregon,' Mrs. Fred Lucas of Lexington. Reading, Mrs. Melvln Johnston of Lexington. Discussion of "We Must March,' led by Mrs. Glen Jones. Many students have Improved their grades after having properly fitted glasses to relieve eyestrain, The last few weeks of school are the hardest, so be sure your child'! eyes are free from strain. Dr. Tyler, eyesight speciaist, will be at Peter son's store, Heppner, Sundny-Mon day, Apll 7-8. Correct glasses guar anteed If needed. Adv. APRIL 1 INSPIRATION AT LUNCHEON CLUB The date of Monday's meeting of the Heppner Luncheon club was Impressed firmly on the minds of those present at Mrs. Huston's Cottage Inn, In a man ner causing a deal of merriment Just who the practical jokester might be was not revealed, though considerable suspicion was reflect ed on C. L. Sweek as having been in league with Mrs. Huston, re sulting in some unexpectedly strong beverages being served at the luncheon. One Imbiber of the coffee broke the rules of etiquette by bolting suddenly out the front door, and thoughtlessly gave the joke away before many of the fellows were "stung." Another, who ordered milk, be came suspicious of it and had the waitress refill his glass. Forget ting the episode for a moment he became interested in the conver sation and upon again desiring a drink, tilted his glass for a big draught, and immediately made the same social blunder as the aforementioned bolter. Mr. Sweek, himself, being sus picious of the sugar bowl, prefer red his coffee black, but declared it too bitter to suit his taste. Mrs. Huston was chastised by having the money for the dinner hid, though her relenting guests tele phoned her Its location shortly af ter their departure. Easter Cantata Greeted by Large Audience The presentation of the Easter cantate, "The Resurrection Song," at the Methodist church on Sunday evening was the occasion which brought together a large audience which listened in rapt attention to the chorus, solo and duet work of the singers who had been trained to perfection under the leadership of Miss Kate F. Ede, director of music in the Heppner schools. The presentation was by the com bined choirs of the Methodist Christian and Episcopal churches, and the work of preparation had been carried on for some three weeks, and it was Indeed a real treat to all those who attended. It was noted that quite a large num ber of people came in from the outside and the church building was filled to capacity. Miss Ede as director and Mrs. Milton W. Bower as pianist deserve much praise for y .excellence of their work. At all times the sing ers were under perfect control and responded to the directing in a splendid manner, while the work of the soloists showed how well they had prepared their parts. Solo ists were Milton W. Bower, bass, Dean T. Goodman, baritone, Miss Margaret Notson, alto, and Mrs. Raymond Ferguson, soprano. The cantata is beautiful and appropriate to the occasion, and we are sure that none regretted having been present on Sunday evening to listen to the fine rendition by the home folks. Heppner Defeats Three Teams With Score of 73 Only one straight string of 25 was available from the list of scores from the first trip up at the local traps Sunday, and Heppner had to be content with a 73 team score, which nevertheless, was sufficient to defeat the three opponents ,in the Oregonian state telegraphic trapshooting tournament for the day, The Dalles, Klamath and Sa lem, all of whom turned in a 72. Lester Doolittle broke Into the team ranks for the first time this season by going straight. Dr. A. D. Mc Murdo and Glen Hayes, the other team members, broke 24 each. Next Sunday Heppner shoots with Birch Creek, Monitor and Baker. L. Van Marter, leading for the Latourell trophy being offered to the local high gun during the tour nament, broke 94 out of a hundred Sunday. He now has a fairly secure lead, barring accidents. The local club is practically ussured of mak ing the ten high teams to compete in the tournament shoot-off match with only three weeks of competi tion left Joe Brosnan, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Brosnan of Lena, was quite severely hurt Wednesday forenoon by being thrown from his horse while riding on the range horse back. The animal he was riding was perfectly gentle, but it evident- lv stumbled and fell and the boy struck on his head, being rendered unconscious, in which condition he must have laid for a' couple of hours. When he came to he was able to get to the sheep camp where he was assisted home. Dr. John ston being called, the boy was brot to Morrow General hospital where ho is now recovering all right, all danger of brain concussion having passed. No bones were broken, Paul Hisler, who has been confin ed for some time, undergoing opera tions for removal of tonsils and appendix, has recovered sufficiently to be obovit. onee more and Is fast regaining his strength. Paul was being looked to to fill the position of shortstop on the Heppner base ball team this season, but owing to his Infirmary may not be able to play this season. His many friends - are glod to see him progressing so 'well. FREE CHAUTAUQUA BEGMJIKO Pioneer Reunion Features Again With Date Set for the 10th. Heppner's free Chautauqua for 1929 will start June 8, according to announcement made following a meeting of directors of the associa tion Tuesday evening. The Pioneer Reunion will be a feature again this year with the date tentatively set for Monday, June 10. The directors were pleased to be able to obtain such an early date, feeling that it will be more satis factory especially to the farming community. In previous years the date at times has come so late as to conflict with harvesting operations. Another welcome feature this year is the assurance of a larger tent, in fact one of the very largest that the Chautauqua people put out which will mean that the crowd will be taken care of more comfort ably than last year. No lineup on the talent has yet been given out but it is expected this will be available within a few weeks. It has been assured, how ever, that a program of high caliber can be anticipated. Business before the director's meeting included the election of of ficers, which was taken care of by manitaining the present men in of fice, F. R. Brown, president; J. W. Hiatt secretary, and Gay M. Ander son, treasurer. President Brown has appointed as a committee to arrange details of the pioneers' re union, S. E. Notson, Grant McCarty, and R. W. Turner, of Heppner; E. J. Bristow, of lone, and Fred Kuntz, of Lexington. The free Chautauqua idea was in stituted In Heppner last year and was so favorably received that more than enough money was sub scribed last year to assure putting it on again this year. The commit tee plans to send notices in the near future to all those who subscribed. That the pioneer's reunion was a welcome and popular feature last year was evidenced by the large number whose names appeared on the roster, and by the smiles of the old-timers wherever they were seen together. The reunion can be ex pected to be enlarged and improved upon this year, since it was an inno vation last year and there were bound to be some rough spots in the organization. Anyway, Heppner is planning to hold a homecoming for all Morrow county pioneers, whether they be now residing in the county or have moved away, if they can possibly come. Fix the date June 10, and plan to be in Heppner on that day sure, and for all the Chautauqua as well, if you can conveniently do so. Talking Pictures Coming To Star Next Saturday The miracle of the age! That is the way talking and singing motion pictures have been described thru- out the country. And now, through the energies of Manager Sigsbee of the Star theater a scries of talking and singing acts will be presented to Heppner people on Saturday. The Paratone Talking Pictures cor poration have been signed to bring a portable set to town, and install it in the Star theater. Then it will be up to picture patrons to decide, by their attendance and comments, whether they will want "talkies" permanently or not If they should favor this latest advancement of science, the theater will install a Paratone equipment The Paratone equipment is prob ably the newest and most perfected of synchronized sets, bringing a per fect tonal quality and marvelous re production of voice to the otherwise silent drama. Many of the favorite stage and screen stars, vaudeville headliners and revue leaders have been signed by Paratone and are at present making singing and talking pictures in their big studio at Uni versal City, California. TURKEY MEETINGS SUCCESS. Turkey meetings at lone and Boardman last week were a pro nounced success, declares Chas. W, Smith, county agent. McKinley Huntington, president of the Doug las County Turkey Growers associa tion from Roseburg, addressed the meetings, and showed himself qual- flied through his years of exper ience in the turkey business to dis cuss all phases. Success in turkey raising depends largely on looking to what might seem minor details says Mr. Smith, and these were stressed bv Mr. Huntington. A good turn-out was present at both meetings. Growers of the Board man section are very largely sign ed up with the Idaho Turkey Grow ers Marketing association again this year. NEHiHHOKS OF WOODCRAFT. You will not be fooled if you at tend the meeting Monday evening, though the entertainment commit tee may have something of an April Fool's nature In store for you. A large class will be initiated to add to the interest of the meeting. Correspondent. The office of county school super- Intendent will be closed Saturday, April 6.-Lucy E. Rodgers, Supt HEPPNER BOYS TO APPEAR IN NEW UNIFORMS DRAKE AND LA MEAR FORM BATTERY FOR LEAGUE OPENER SUNDAY. Players on the Heppner baseball team will appear in brand spanking new uniforms when they meet lone on Rodeo field Sunday in the open ing game of the Wheatland league season. The familiar blue trimmed in white has been replaced by grey with blue stripes, with "Heppner" standing out In deep red and blue on the shirt fronts. Thus attired the boys should make a good appearance in at least one way, though cold weather has pre vented them from getting their eyes and arms in as good trim as might be expected. "Ducky" Drake, Portland pitcher who has been with the team for the past two years, put in his appear ance yesterday at the local camp and will do the heaving in the lone game. "Ducky's" ability need not be cited as he is too well known to local fans. Suffice it to say, his pitching and hitting combined have been responsible for a large part of Heppner's success while he has been with the team. He will be re ceived by his old running-mate, Clair La Mear. A little disheartening to the team has been the announcement that Gay Anderson, veteran, has with drawn from the lists, Gay deciding that he has served his time. Mana ger Ferguson has not announced the full line-up, there being some question as to some of the positions. However, it is quite certain that L. Van Marter will be found at his old stand at second, Carl Cason at third and "Mitch" Thorn and Guy Cason in the field. "Buster" Gentry, of Lexington, has declared his inten tion of playing with the locals and may be found either at short or first "Bub" Bleakman, Lowell Tur ner, Crocket Sprouls, Vaughn Hiatt "Slim" Edwards are other boys who have been warming up with the team and may be found in the open ing line-up Sunday. The game will start promptly at 2:30. Grange Meets Saturday April 6th, at Boardman -Morrow County Pomona Grange will meet at Boardman on Satur day, April 6th, as guests of the Greenfield Grange. The following program will be given in the afternoon and the pub lic is invited. J. D. Mickle of Portland, Dairy and Food Commissioner of Oregon the speaker of the day, is a very fluent orator and recently returned from a trip to Europe and Asia. His message will no doube prove very interesting as well as of much value. Many have heard the Irrigon Club band, trained by Superinten dent Maaske, which has gained much renown throughout the state, having played at several Pomona Grange meetings, the State Fair at Salem, as well as for many enter tainments in their own community. The other numbers on the program are more or less of the entertain ment type. Visiting grangers will please bring pastry and fruit salads for the banquets served at noon and in the evening. The program: Music, Group Number Irrigon Club Band Song, "Star Spangled Banner" Grange with band accompaniment Reading .... George Wilkins, Willows Duet "Whispering Hope" Mrs. Stephens and Mrs. Lundell Music Irrigon Club Band Address J. D. Mickle Dairy and Food Commissioner Reading, Mildred Morgan, Willows Singing Famous Peck Family Seniors to Present Play For Alpine Farm Bureau Featuring the Alpine Farm Bu reau meeting Saturday evening will be a one-act play by the senior class of Heppner High school. Slated for talks are Dr. J. P. Conder and C, W. Smith, county agent, of Heppner. The live program announced for the occasion follows: Annual election of officers and other business. Achievements of the Eastern Ore gon Wheat League, Charles W. Smith, County Agent. Announcements, resolutions and in troductions, Dr. Conder. Song, Dan Lindsay. Reading, Miss Irene Riechel. One Act Ploy, "A Bunch of Roses," Senior Class of Heppner High School. Scene: Pctlove Court, Pass Christian. Cast: Mr. Pet love, Clair Cox; Mrs. Peter Pet- love, Margaret Notson; Miss Hll da Graves, Patricia Mahoney; Mr. Molvina Peikington, Dorothy Hcrren; Mr. Herbert Mason, Ter- rel Benge; Higgs, Vivian Cason; Hopson, Paul Jones. Miss Velton Owens will entertain with a reading, 'Aunt Cornelia Visits the Sick," between the Mr. and Mrs. J. D. French were here from their home at Gurdane on Wednesday. Lambing is on at the French ranch, but the weather conditions are none too good, being cold and stormy up that way. WHITMAN GLEE CLUB WINS BIG11CE Choral, Orchestra Music of High Type; Variety Adds Spice. A near-capacity audience, of more than 500 people, at the Heppner public school auditorium Monday evening to greet the Whitman All College Glee club from Whitman college, Walla Walla, evoked a deal of praise from the club manage ment Not only were they pleased at the size of the audience, but were enthusiastic in their praise of the fine behaviour toward and attention given the student musicians. A high compliment was also paid the build ing in which the concert was given, it far exceeding their expectations for a town the size of Heppner. In turn, the fine reception given the concert can truly be said to have been but the natural result of such an excellent entertainment. The two hours and fifteen minutes captivated the audience so complete ly that it passed all too quickly. In the club ensemble, the har mony seemed so nearly perfect the effect was such that Howard E. Pratt the director, appeared to be playing upon the voices much as a master violinist brings forth per fect tones from his instrument, with the least change of the baton bringing a noticeable response from the singers. "Greeting Song," by Wooler, "The Open Road," Stickles; Ah, 'Tis You," Scott, and "In the Merry Month of May," Gaines, were included in the opening group by the ensemble. Catherine Hoxsey played the difficult "La Ronde des Lutins," by Bazzini, in a pleasing manner, followed by "Song at Sun rise," Manney, a beautiful incident al duet by Sarah Somerville and Edwin Beach, wtih the first part of the pogram being rounded out by a second group by the ensemble, 'Would God I Were the Tender Ap ple Blossom" (Irish air) arranged by Fisher; "Water Million Time," Condlyn, and "Seraphic Song" (cho ral paraphrase by Gaines), Rubin stein, with incidental contralto solo by Vaughn Haskins and violin ob- ligatto by Miss Hoxsey. Part two was partly given over to the orchestra, directed in a capa ble manner by Miss Hoxsey, acting director in the absence of Mrs. Es ther Sundquist Bowers, who was un able to acompany the group due to recent illness. "Orpheus in der Unterwelt," an overture by Offen bach, was the first offering, with a group of three numbers following soprano solo, "Walta Song of Love," Moszkowski, by Mary Cath erine Breck. "Serenade," Drdla; Menuetto All'antico," Karganoff, and "Serenade Espagnole," Bizet composed the group. A feature of the second part lighter in nature, was of the ballet type, depicting through Interpreta tive dances leading college activi ties, football, basketball, baseball and tennis. Dances were given by Helen Meyers, Marion LeFevre and Robert Garrett to the accompani ment of Whitman songs. The dances were thoroughly original and captivating by the manner pre sented. The second part ended with singing of the Whitman Hymn, by Penrose. Part three opened with "Strolling Through Melody Lane With the Varsity Quartettes," in which a boys' and a girls' quartette exchang ed in singing a group of songs in cluding "Invictus" Huhn; "Spring time," Donizetti; "The Bill of Fare," Zollner, and "Carmena Waltz Song," Wilson. The quartettes were well selected and with the fine choice of numbers made a very favorable im pression. A unique finale was effected thru libretto from the Chicago Record, an act of up-to-date grand opera, with music arranged by Frank J. Smith. Something of a parody In nature, the act contained familiar strains from leading operas, at the same time being humorous. Tak ing a lead part in the opera was Edwin Beach, of Lexington, whose fine tenor voice was well suited to the part. As most operas have their ballets; so was introduced a ballet, Russian in motif, which rounded out the operatic effect quite com pletely. Dancers were the same who presented the interpretative skits of the activities. The entire personnel of the Whit man organization totaled 34 people. Congressman Butler in The Dalles for Recess Congressman R. R. Butler arrived in The Dalles on Sunday morning, and will remain here until about the tenth 'of April, when he leaves to attend the special session of con gress, to convene April 15th. The past few months in Washington nave been busy ones for the newly elected member from tho Second Oregon district, and he is enjoying to the limit the change from Wash ington to his home district. Congressman Butler left for Port land yesterday for a brief visit, and will make a stop at Vale on his way back to attend to some busi ness connected with the project at that place. A number of people from all over Eastern Oregon have been In touch with him during the short time he has been in the city. The Dalles Optimist