HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1929. PAGE FOUR ONION' SEED SELECTION. (College News Service, O. S. A. C.) Those who contemplate growing onions commercially in 1929, partic ularly for fall and winter storage, would do well to bear in mind that the solidity and keeping qualities of the bulbs are largely dependent upon the hereditary characteristics transmitted in the seed strains. Variety, usually Yellow Danvers, is by no means sufficient to warrant a desirable crop, but the selection and pedigree of seed is important One reason for Oregon onions being so favorably known on the market, in fact, is due to the years of selection and breeding of seed stock which commercial growers have carried on, says the vegetable gardening de partment of Oregon State college. notice, which dale is the 7th day of March, 1929. Certificate No. 1324. Alex Allar livce and Alex Allardyce. Lot 5' Block 24 East, in Section 20. Tp. 5 S . R. 27 East of Wil lamette Meridian $ 8.89 Certificate No. 132fi Lila M. Bar tholomew uiui Mike Marshall. I,..ts 1. 2. and 8. EKk k 12, of Castle Rook. Oregon 151 Certiiicnte No. 1328. Henry lloenmke and W. V. Ulas.9 cxk. South 8 fort of Lot 3; Lot 4: North 30 feet of Lot 5. ail in Block 6 of the City of Heppner. Oregon 95.58 Certificate No. 1331. Joseph Bur FERTILIZE IRRIGATED LAND. (College News Service, O. S. A. C.) A survey of Oregon vegetable growing conditions indicates that those growers who have facilities for ririgation are the more exten sive users of both manure and com mercial fertilizers. Water artificial ly applied promotes rapid breaking down or rotting of the manure, and the commercial fertilizer can be rendered more quickly available for the use of the plants by having the water dissolve the chemical mater ials. Vegetable land which is Irri gated is also more intensively farm ed and therefore needs a greater amount of fertilizer, says the exper iment station. During the absence of M. D. Clark in Portland this week, Bill Craw ford is assisting Wm. Ball in the store. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY. MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, A Public Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Alex Allardyce, Lila M. Bartholomew. Mike Marshall. Henry Boehmke, W. V. Glasscock, Joseph Burgoyne. Ed ward Casey. P. C. Brennan, W. G. Corey. W. A. Moore. Grace Moore. Peter Farley, Matilda C. McCraw, W. Fitzgerald. E. H. Fleming, L. V. Gentry, Eggert R. Geisie, Heirs of Joseph Haslet, deceased. Joseph Howell. Josie Jones, Orville Ralph Rood, Gerald Andrew Rood, S. H. Kauffman, Ernest Kimble. Hollie Leathers, D. E. Gilman. Bertha D. Gilman. Jane Penland. Minnie Nor dyke, Guv E. Nordvke. Edward Mc E'ntire. Michael McEntire. Thomas McEntyre. Dora Miller. Wm.H.Mur- phy. E. P. Dodo. Estate oi lieorge Perry, deceased. Lawrence A. Per rv. Corda B. Saling, Walter B. Shaw. George Skewis, Edward J. Skewis. Hettie Smith, J. K. Weath erford, Annls Weston. E. O. Neill, Northwestern and Pacific Hypo theekbank. a corporation. E. L. Bar nett, J. E. Cronan. Trustee, T. J. Mahoney. Burt W. Richards, How ard M. Spencer, Chas. E. Hanson. W. R. Walpole. Rebecca I. Knight, Helen H. Conklin. Frank Klossner. Pacific States Investment Company, a corporation, H. K. Haak, C. E. Haak, Laura Shearer. Chas. McAl ister, E. K. Mulkev. Bessie G. Mul key. A. M. Kelly. Alvin J. Kelly. R. S. Howard. Jr., Receiver, Ladd Es tate Company, a corporation. Strong & McNaughton Trust Company, a n a j John M. Main. Frank Gilliam. H. J. cornoration. James M. Hayes. Robert A. Thompson. Adolf Skoubo, Hibhord. Sanford Green. G. A. Bleakman. Mary L. White, Elmer P. Dodd, Ralph S. Davis, S. L. Beck. M. B. Willard, W. H. Stewart. W. A. Murchie. G. M. Schempp. Jose phine Schempp. Martin Reid. Fred Ely, C. E. Musgrave. and Sarah D. Musgrave, and any other person or persons owning or claiming to own. or having or claiming to have, any interest in or to the real estate hereinafter described. Defendants. APPLICATION TOM JUDGMENT FORECLOSING TAX LIENS. (1920) SUMMONS AND NOTICE. To Alex Allardyce. Lila M. Bartholo mew. Mike Marshall, Henry Boehm ke, W. V. Glasscock, Joseph Bur goyne. Edward Casey. P. C. Bren nan. W. G. Corey, W. A. Moore. Grace Moore, Peter Farley, Matilda C. McCraw, W. Fitzgerald. E. H. Fleming. L. V. Gentry, Eggert R. Giesie, Heirs of Joseph Haslet, de ceased, Joseph Howell. Josie Jones, Orville Ralph Rood, Gerald An drew Rood, S. H. Kauffman, Ernest Kimble. Hollie Leathers, D. E. Gil man. Bertha D. Gilman, Jane Pen land, Minnie Nordyke, Guy E. Nor dyke, Edward McEntire. Michael McEntire. Thomas McEntire, Dora Miller, Wm. H. Murphy, E, P. Dodd. Estate of George Perry, de ceased. Lawrence A. Perry. Corda B. Saling. Walter B. Shaw, George Skewis, Edward J. Skewis, Hettie Smith, J. K. Weatherford, Annis Weston, E. O. Neill, Northwestern and Pacific Hypotheekbank. a cor Doration. E. L. Barnett. J, E, Cro nan, Trustee, T. J. Mahoney. Burt Chas. E. Hanson, W. R. Walpole, ti-vne ami josepn nurgoyne. Lias 9 and 10. Block t: Lots 1 and 2. Block 22. of the Town of Lexington. Oregon 479.76 Cei titicate No. 1336. Edward Ca- sev and p. c lirtnnan. bti'4 SW'4 and SW'4 SK'4. Sec 6. Tn 5 S.. R. 28 E. W. M 25.05 Certificate No. 1337, W. G. Cor- ev. and W. A. aioore and Grace Moore, Lots 14 and 15, Rinck 41. of Irrigon. Oregon 29.52 Certificate No. 1342. Peter Far ley and Matuaa Aicuraw, Lot 2, Block 2 ; Fractional Lot 3. Klock 2; Lots 10 and 11, Block 2: all in Ayers' Second Addition to the town of Hepp-npr- Tract No. 12. Citv of Hennner - 517.49 certificate o. vv. r lutger- 11 m nmi vv. h'ltzeeraia. loi at. Rlnrk 27 of Irrieon. Oregon 1.06 Certificate No. 1347, E. H. Flem ing and Uj. ri. f leming, soutn half Lots 1. 2. 3. and 4. Block a. Suerrv's Third Addition to be Citv of lone 24.76 Certificate No. 1351, L. V. Gen try and L. V. Gentry, West 5t feet of Lot 6. Block 1. Loon evs Addition to the Citv of Hermner 204.73 certificate inc. uoa. cjggeri ri. Giesie and fcggert K. Giesie, SE'4 NE'i, Ni-j SE'4, and SE'i SE'i. Sec. 7. Td. 6 S R. 28, E. W. M 40.27 Certificate No. 1356. Heirs of Joseph Haslet, deceased, and Heirs of Joseph Haslet, de ceased. WU NEU. Sec. 18. Td. 2 N R. 27 E. W. M 19.15 Certificate No. 1363. Joseph Howell and Joseph Howell, Lots 2 and 3. Block L. Rovse's Addition to Hardman 44.37 Certificate No. 1366. Josie Jones, and Orville Ralph Rood and Gerald Andrew Rood. Lot 4, Klock 6. Avers' Fourth Addi tion to Heppner. Oregon 102.80 Certificate No. 1367. S. H. Kauff man and S. II. Kauflman, Lots 3. 4 and 5, Block 36 of Irrigon 2.15 Certificate No. 1369, Ernest Kim ble and Ernest Kimble, Lot 34. Block 27 of Irrigon 1.05 Certificate No. 1371. Hollie Leathers, and D.E.Gilman and Bertha D. Gilman. Fractional S'i NW'i and NWii SW'i. Sec. 35. Tp. 4 S., R. 25 E. W. M - 70.27 Certificate No. 1373, Jane Pen land, and Minnie Nordyke and Guy E. Nordyke. Lots 6, 7, 8. and 9. in Block 24; Lots 6, 7, 8. 9. and 10, in Block 25; Lots 1, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7. 8, 9, and 10 in Block 26, Penland's Addition to the town of Lexington 40.55 Certificate No. 1380. Edward Mc Entire and Michael McEntire, and Thomas McEntire, SH SE'i. S'4 NE'i. NVi SE'i, and tsw'i, sec. ib, -rp. an., t. 24 E. W. M 371.69 Certificate No. 13S3, Dora Miller and Dora Miller. Lots 16 and 17. Block 36. of Irrieon 1.60 Certificate No. 1387. Wm. H. Murphv and W m. H. Murphy, W4 NWV4, Sec. 17, and E'4 NE'i, Sec. 18. Tp. 2 N., R. 27 E. W. M 50.15 Certificate No. 1393, E. P. Dodd and E. P. Dodd. Lot 22, Block 8. Town of Boardman 40.74 Ceitificate No. 1395. Estate of George Perrv, deceased, and Lawrence A. Perry, S'fc SW'4, Sec. 31, Tp. 4 S., R. 24 E. W. M 992 Certificate No. 1404, Corda B. baling and corda a. baling. SE'i NEVi. NE'i SE4. S'i SE',, Sec. 28, Tp. 5 S., R. 26 E. W. M 59 36 Certificate No. 1405. WaHer B. Shaw and Walter B. Shaw. S2 NE'i. Sec. 22, Tp. 2 N., R. 23 E. W. M 145.26 Certificate No. 1406. George Ske wis ano ueorge SKewis, NE'i. NWVi SE'i. and SE'i NW'i, Sec. 14. Tp. 4 S., R. 29 E. W. M 40.27 Certificate No. 1407. Edward J. Skewis and Edward J. Ske wis, WH NW4 and NW',4 SW?i. Sec. 4, and N'4 NE'i. Sec. 5, Tp. 6 S R. 28. E. W. M 35.02 Certificate No. 1408. Hettie Smith and Hettie Smith. Lot 5. Block 3, Ferguson's Second al S'-;SE4. Sec. t Tp. 1 S.. R. 24. E. W. M., and Blocks 20. 21. 2i 24. 25. 26. 27. and 28. Wills' Addition to lone 139 96 Certificate No. 1416. Annls Wes ton and Annis Weston. ii!.l4 NW'4. Sec. 3. Tp. 3 N.. R. 23 E. W. M 35.03 Certificate No. 1424, E. O. Neill and E. O. Neill. and Nortn westein and Pacific Hypotli eektiunk. W'v SE'4, iE" NW1. and NE'.SW'i. Sec. 17; W'- NW'i and SE'i NWV Six. 18: SK'4 NKV Sec. 20: and N'vSWU, SW' NW't. Sec. 21. Tp. 5. S.. R. 29 E, W. M. ; and NENW1,. Sec. 26. Tp. 6 S., R. 29. E. W. M .....!! 67.16 Certificate No. 1434. E. L. Bar nett and E. L. barnett. swi Sec. 26, Tp. 2 N., R. 23 E. W. M 101.37 Certificate No. 1456, J. E. Cro nan, Trustee, and 1. J. ma honey und Burt W. Richards, NK',4. Sec. 30; E'-j, Sec. 32; SE'4. Sec. 34, Tp. 2 N R. 24 K w M. 531.46 Certificate No. 1505, Howard M. Spencer and Howard m. bpen cer, NW'4. Sec. 31, Tp. 2 N., R. 2fi E. W. M 30.01 Certificate No. 1543, Chas. E. Hanson and Chas. E. Hanson, SWV4. Sec. 16, Tp. 4 N R. 27 K w. M. 27.27 Certificate No. 1544. W. R. Wal- Eole and Rebecca 1. linigni, ,ot 6, Block 4 West, in Sec. 2fi. To. 5 N.. R. 26. E. W. M. 13.09 Certificate No. 1545, Helen H. Conklin and Helen H. uonK lin. Lot 2, Block 15 West, in Sec. 25, Tp. 5 N R, 26 E. W. M 4.71 Certificate No. 1548. Frank Klossner and Frank Klossner, I ,nt in Rln,-k 23 East, in Sec. 20. Td. 5 N R. 27 E. W. M. 10.53 Certificate No. 1556, Pacific States Investment Company and Pacific States Investment rnmnnnv W4 S'i. Sec. 12. Td. 4 S R. 29 E. W. M 44.73 Certificate No. 1561. H. K. Haak and C. E. Haak, and Laura Shearer, S'i SE'i, Sec. ?i NF.i. MU SK'l. Sec. '25. Td. 6 S.. R. 25" E. W. M 111.41 Certificate No. 1574, Chas. Mc Alister. and E. K. Mulkey, Bessie G. Mulkey, A. M, Kelly, and Alvin J. Kelly, SE'4 NE'i, SW'i NEU. WVi NW'i NE4, and W E'i NW'i NE'i.. Sec. 16. Td. 4 N R. 25 E. W. M 179.45 Certificate No. 1575, K. s. How ard. Jr.. Receiver, and Ladd Estate Company, SW'i NE'4. Sec. 17, Tp. 4 N., R. 25 E. W. 41.56 W. Richards, Howard M. Spencer, Rebecca I. Knight. Helen H. Conk lin. Frank Klossner, Pacific States Investment company, a corpora tion, H. K. Haak, C E. Haak. Laura Shearer, Chas. McAlister, E. K. Mul key, Bessie G. Mulkey, A. M. Kelly, Alvin J. Kelly, R. S. Howard, Jr., Receiver, Ladd Estate Company, a corporation. Strong &. McNaughton Trust Company, a corporation, James M. Hayes, Robert A. Thomp son, Adolf Skoubo. John M. Main, Frank Gilliam, H. J. Hibbord, San ford Green, G. A. Bleakman. Mary Unh s. Davis. S. L. Beck. M. B. Willard. L. White, Elmer P. Dodd. Ralp W. H. Stewart, W. A.' Murchie, G. M. Schempp. Josephine Schempp, Martin Keid. Fred fcly, u. i. Mus grave, and Sarah D. Musgrave, and any other person or persons owning or claiming to own, or having or claiming to have, any interest in or to tne real estate nereinaiier de scribed. Defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are hereby notified that the above named plaintiff, a public corporation, is the fiurcnaser, owner, ano noiaer oi cerui cates of delinquency numbered 1324. 1326, 1328, 133L 1336, 1337, 1342. 134S. 1347, 1351, 1353. 1356, 1363, 1SP6. 1367, 1369, 1371. 1373, 130, 1383, 1387, 1393. 13r, 14(14 1405. 140fi 1407. 1408. 1414. 1416, 1424, 1434. 1456, 1505, 1543, 1544, 1545. 1548. 1556, 1561, 1574. 1575. 1576, 1579, 1581, 1CU. 1614, 1615, 1616, 1617, 1645. 1646, 1658, 1660. 166L 1662, 1663. 1664, 1666. 1672. 1676, 1685, 1690. and IBM issued on the 12th dav of August. 1925. by the Sheriff and Collector of De linquent Taxes for Morrow County. Or egon, and filed by the said Sheriff and Collector of Delinquent Taxes in the office or the countv cierK oi tne uounty of Morrow, State of Oregon, on the 12th day of August. 1925, for taxes due and delinquent, logeiner wivn penauy, in terest and costs thereon, upon real prop erty situated in Morrow County, Ore- rrin You are further notified that the amount for which said certificate is is sued is set opposite and following the description of the tract or parcel of lund hereinafter set out, the same being the amount then due and delinquent, for taxes for the year 1920, together with penally, interest ana costs inere on, upon real property- situate in Mor row County, Oregon, and particularly bounded and described as hereinafter set forth, said tract or parcel of land heing assessed for the year 1920, to the first person whose name immediately Fiiecedes the description thereof, and is ollowed by the name of the person ap pearing to be the owner thereof, as ap- Rears on the tax roll of Morrow County, rcton, for the year 1928, now in the hands of the Sheriff of said Morrow County for collection, at the date of the flrat publication of this summons and M. Certificate No. 1576. R. S. How ard, Jr., Receiver, and Ladd Estate Company, W'2 SE'4, Sec. 17 Tn. 4 N.. R. 25 E. W. M - 8.68 Certificate No. 1579, R. S. How ard Jr. Receiver, and Strong & McNaughton Trust Com nnnv SWI-. SW'i. Sec. 25. Td. 6 N R. 26 E. W. M 11.65 Certificate No. 1581, James M. Hayes and Robert A. Thump-, mm N '., KK: Sec. 36. Td. 3 S.. R. 26" E. W. M 36.08 Certificate No. 1611, R. S. How ard, Jr., Receiver, and Strong & McNaughton Trust Com- ?any and Adolf Skoubo, Sec. , Sec. 13, Tp. 3 N R. 24 E. W. M. ; Section 1, Section 5, and Section 9. Tp. 3 N.. R. 25 h. W. M. ; Kecuon a ano bec tion 9. Tp. 3 N.. R. 26 E. W. M. : Section 1 and Lot 2. Sec. 9. Tp. 4 N., R. 25 E. W. M 4.445.83 Certificate No. 1614. R. S. How ard. Jr.. Receiver, and Strong & McNaughton Trust Com pany. Sec. 25, Sec. 29, and Sec tion 33. Tp. 4 N R. 25 E. W. M. ; Section 1 (except NW'i of Lot 3, NE'i of Lot 4, and W1- of Lot 4). Section 5, Sec tion 9. Section 13. Section 17. and Section 21, Tp. 4 N., R. 26 F W. M - 4,785.66 Certificate No. 1615. R. S. How ard. Jr.. Receiver, und Strong & McNaughton Trust Com pany. Sec. 25, Sec. 29, and Section 33. Tn. 4 N.. R. 26 E. W. M. ; and Section 5. Section 9. Section 17, less Right of Way of O.-W. R. & N. Com pany. Section 21. Section 29. Etinn aa Tn 4 N.. R. 27. E. V M .' 4.454.64 Certificate No. 1616, R. S. Kow aid. Jr., Receiver, and Strong & McNaughton Trust Com pany, Sec. 25. and Sec. 35, Tp. S n' R. 25 E. W. M. : Lots 1, 2 3, 4, and 5, and SE'i. E'i SW'4. Sec. 19, Lot 1. E'.SE'i, SW'i SE'i South of Railroad. Section 21, all of Section 29 South of Railroad right of NVi N 'ij, sec. ai except SEM. SW'i SE'4 South of Canal. Sec. 36. all In Tp. 6 N.. R. 26 E. W. M.; all of Section 29. all of Section 33. Tp. 5 N., R. 27 E. W. M. : and SVi. Sec tion 25. Tp. 4 N.. R. 24 E. W. M 998.50 Certificate No. 1645. John M. Main ana Frank uiiuam, li'4 SW4 and SW'i SEV4 North of Canal. Sec. 1 Tp. 4 N., R. 26 E W. M 67.S2 Certificate No. 1646, H. J. Hib hord anil H. J. Hibbord. Blocks 37 and 37H West in Sec. 23, Tp. 6 N.. R. 26 E. W. M 46.66 Certificate No. 1658. Sanford Green and Satuora Green, That portion of Lot 10, Block 12, lying North and East of Willow Creek. Town of Lex- intiin 2 47 Certificate No. 1660. R. S. How ard, Jr., Receiver, ana Ladd Estate Company. Blocks 7 to 10. inclusive; Lots 1 to 6. in clusive, and Lots 12 to 22. in clusive. Block 13: Block 14; Lots 1 to 7, inclusive. Lot 9. Lots 15 to 22, inclusive. Block 15; Lots 1 tn 8, inclusive. Block 16 in Irrigon Certificate No. 1681, R. S. How ard, Jr., Receiver, ana laad Estate Company, Lots 25 to 33, inclusive, Block 16; Lots 1 to 17, inclusive. Lots 23 to 40. inclusive. Block 17: Lots 4 to 6. inclusive. Lots 17 to 33, in clusive. Block 18; Lota 1 to 11, inclusive. Lots 13 to 33, in clusive, Block 19; Lots 1 to 15, inclusive. Lots 17 to 22, in clusive. Block 20; Blocks 21 and 22; Lots 1 to 10, inclusive. Lots 15 to 29 .inclusive, Block 25; Lot 4, Lots 9 and 10, Lots 15 to 18. inclusive, Lots 22 to 24. inclusive, Block 26; Lota 1 to 5. inclusive. Block 27; Lots 9 and 10. Block 28. in Irrieon Certificate No. 1662, R. S. How ard, Jr., Receiver, ana Ladd Estate Company, Lots 14, 15, and 22, Block 28: Lots 1 to 4. inclusive, Lots 25 and 26, Block 29, Lots 15 to 18, inclusive, Block 30; Lots 13 to 24, inclu sive, Block 32: Blocks 33 and 34; Lots 1 to 17. Inclusive, Lots .24 to 30. inclusive. Block 35; Lots 9 and 10, Lots 21 to 30, inclusive, Block 36; Lots 1 to 10, inclusive, Block 87; Lots 8 and 10, Lots 14 to 17, inclusive. Block 38: and Lot 11, Block 39, in Irrigon Certificate No. 1663, R. S. How ard. Jr., Receiver, and Ladd Estate Company, Lots 15 and 16. Block 39; Lots 19 and 21, Klock 40; Lot 13, Block 41; Lots 11, 12, and 13, Block 50; Block 51; Block 52; Lots 13 to 23, inclusive. Lots 30 to 32, Inclusive, Block 27; Lots 22 to 24. inclusive, Block 37, in Irrigon Certificate No. 1664, R. S. How ard Jr., Receiver, and Ladd 122.83 67.49 28.92 2.70 Estate Company, Lots 7, 8, 9, and 10. Block 27, in Irrigon .... Certificate No. 1666, 5. A. Bleakman and G. A. Bleak man. Lot 4. Block F. and Lot 5. Block H, of Hardman 277.98 uenmcaie no. lbva, Mary L. White and Mary L. White, Lots 7 and 8, Block 3; Lots 1, 14. 15. and 16. Block 6, of Cas tle Rock 2.57 Certificate No. 1676. Elmer P. Dodd, and Ralph S. Davis, S. L. Beck. M. B. Willard. Elmer P. Dodd. W. H. Stewart, and Addition to Dairvville Certificate No. 1414. J. K. Weatherford and J. K. Weath erford, NE',i SE'4. NE'4 NE'i, S'i NE'i. and frnctlon- 2.91 W. A. Murchie, Lots 6 and 7, Block 2; Lots 10 and 11, Block 4; Lots a 9. and 20. Block 7: Lots 7 and 24, Block 8; Block 10; Block 11, of the Townsite of Boardman. Also, all that portion of the Townsite of Boardman North of Riverside i Drive 60.76 Certificate No. 1685. G. M. Schempp. and Josephine Schempp and Martin Reid, Lot 1. Block 19. Mount Vernon Ad dition to the Citv of HeDDner 68.70 Certificate No. 1690. Fred Ely and Fred Ely. Beginning 427 feet South of the Southeast corner of Lot 5. Block 1, ac cording to the original sur vey and plat of the town of Douglas, Morrow County, Or egon, thence West 300 feet, thence South 250 feet, thence East 300 feet, thence North 250 feet to the place of begin ning, in the Town of Douglas mow Morgan) 50.19 Certificate No. 1692. C. E. Mus grave and Sarah D. Musgrave, NE'j, Sec. 19, Tp. 1 N., R 26 E. W. M 8.06 That said amounts bear interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from the 12th day of August. 1925, the date of issuance of said certificate. And you and each of vou are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, exclusive of the day of first publication thereof, to-wit: March 7, 1929, and defend the suit in the Court aforesaid, or pay the amount due as shown above against said tracts or parcels or land, respectively, aoove de scribed, of which you are the owner, or in which you have or claim to have, any interest or estate, together with interest and costs accrued in this suit thereon. Service of a codv of vour answer or other process may be made on the un dersigned attorney for plaintiff, at the piace specineo Deiow as nis address, and in case of vour failure so to do. judgment and decree will be entered uKaiiisi you anu eacn oi vou iorecioa- ing said tax liens for the amount set opposite and following the description of said parcel of land above set forth, together with interest and costs there on, against said tracts or parcels of ian, ana said tracts or parcels oi land will be sold to satisfv said iudgment and decree obtained in this suit. You are further hereby notified that the plaintiff will apply to the Court aforesaid for judgment and decree foreclosing said tax liens against said property hereinbefore described. This summons is published once each week for six consecutive weeks in the Heppner Gazette Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Morrow County, Oregon, published weekly at Heppner in said County, the date of first publi cation thereof being March 7, 1929, and said publication being made in pursu ance of the statutes of the State of Or egon, said newspaper having been des ignated by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County as the newspaper in which said summons should be published, by order duly en tered In said Court on the 6th day of March. 1929. MORROW COUNTY, STATE OF OREGON. By C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Mor row County, Oregon, and SAMUEL E. NOTSON, District At torney for Morrow County, Ore gon, and Attorney for Plaintiff, whose address is Heppner, Ore gon. Date of first publication. March 7. 1929. Date of last publication. April 18, 1929. ailllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll AUSPICES HEPPNER POST NO. 87, AMERICAN LEGION I I Actually photographed on the battle fields of the Great War. 1 I "BEHIND THE I GERMAN LINES" will thrill you with its realism its colossal drama its poignant human appeal ! Star Theater I Tues., March 26 1 I Adults 50c Children 25c Tlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiillllr: V4-V44v44y4.VV atV:" MIIIUHIIIIIirilllllllMIIM lllllllllllinilllllllllMlllllllltMlllMlllTlllllTllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll II mill lilllilllllllllillllltllllllmillMillllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllMltlll t A railroad right of way, Tp. 5 N.. R. 26 E. W. M. Certificate No. 1617. R. S. How ard Jr., Receiver, and Strong & McNaughton Trust Com pany. Sec. 33, SW'4, Sec. 35. N'.. E'i SE'i, South of Canal. NW'4 ' SW'i. NW'4 SE'i North of Canal, N"jNW'i, 312.45 It Costs 4 Times as Much to transport a kilowatt-hour of elec tricity to the light switch on your walls as it costs to make it in the power house. Keeping down the cost of distribu tion, is, therefore, one of the biggest problems of the light and power company. To keep down this cost, millions of dollars have been spent in the re search laboratories of the electrical industry on studies of the loss of electricity through leakage, the technique of constructing under ground cables, improvements in in sulators and transformers and the accuracy of meters. Bookkeeping, meter reading, bill collecting, are other items entering into the cost of giving service. Improvements in the art of gener ating and distributing electricity are in the interest of the consumer and the company by reducing the cost and increasing consumption. Pacific Power & Light Co. ?1 ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?i ?! ?! ?! ?! ti ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! Ti ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ? ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! 5 What Are You Selling? Anyone knows that wrapping up a package and taking the money is but a small part of a business transaction. The merits of the goods must first be established, the price must be fair value is set when the customer accepts the goods at the price asked; but, above "all, the customer must be attracted to the store before the deal can be closed. Behind all this must lie an idea a basic idea of merchandising, and success or failure depends soundness of the idea. on the People do not object to paying for credit accommodations just as they expect to pay less for cash. They are particular about quality, and do not object to paying for it. Some stores operate on the idea of selling for less, making primarily a price appeal; others stress service and credit accommodations. Every store has goods on its shelves for sale, and most everyone knows it; but the merchant who suc ceeds is not selling merchandise he is selling an IDEA. Telling People Your Idea Is Advertising The Largest Morrow County Audience Is Reached Through the Heppner Gazette Times t "J,,,,,,,,,, )11M11llllltHIM1,,,,i,NMimiiiwiiiimm""iHi J I? !? i? i? i? !? !? !? !? !? !? !? !? i? !? i? i? !? !? !? !? !? !? !? !? !? I? !? I? !? !? !? !? i? K !? if i? it if ! if !? if !? if if if if if if if if if 1? if if if