HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1929. PAGE THREE THE MMti I jj x w r w i 1 1 mm m ILUmmED Vf IRAHKODRVEN ' WHAT HAPPENED BEFORE I Palmero Is the arena. There An exile. Leonardo dt Marlonl, has come for love of Adrlenne Cartucclo, who spurns him. He meets an Englishman, Lord St. Mau rice, who falls in love with Adrlenne on sight. Leonardo sees his sister Mar, gharita, who tells him his love for Ad rlenne is hopeless. But he pleads with ner to arrange an accidental meeting, to say farewell, between Adrlenne and ilm. She consents. That night the English man is informed of an attempt being made to carry off Signorina Cartucclo ana jaargnariia, wno are warning, by brigands employed by a rejected suitor. on a lonely road. He rushes to the scene, and proves able to rescue the laaies. Influmed by the failure of his scheme, Leonardo sees Margharlta, who shows mm she knows that he was instigator of the attempted attack. The English man now sees Adrlenne often. The Englishman, sitting In the hotel, finds a dagger at his feet. Looking up ,he seeB the Sicilian, ana scents trouDie. "We sat here a week ago," recalls Leonardo. Lord St. Maurice nods. Leonardo and the Englishman quar rel. The Englishman at first refused to accept a chellenge to duel, then when the Italian slaps him consents. The two men face each other ready to fight to the death. Margharlta stops the duel by coming Just In the nick of time to save the Englishman from his ate, with two officers who arrest the exile Leonardo. Leonardo vows vengeance. After 26 years in jail he Is again at his hotel, an old, broken man with only memories left to him. At hlB hotel the proprietor, worried about him, advertises for his friends and Leonardo is first visited by the wo man lie had loved, whom he shoos out of his sight. Then there comes to him the daughter of his sister, whom he greets In great surprise, He learns that its sister is dead. Count Leonardo tells his niece the story of his love for Margharlta. She is sympathetic. NOW 00 ON WITH THE STORY "Yes." "Lumley, twenty-five years have passed away, and he is free." "But, Miss Briscoe?" he asked, be wildered. "How does all this con cern her?" "She is his niece." "His niece! his niece!" Lord Lumley could say nothing. With all the swift selfishness of a man his thoughts were centered round one point Would this new development hinder his purpose, or was it favorable to him? "Leonardo's sister, Lumley, was my dear friend. She married a man named Briscoe, and died very soon afterward. Margharlta Is their daughter, and, Lumley, there is no English blood in her veins. She is a Marlonl! I can see his eyes and his forehead every time I look at hers. They seem to tell me that that wild oath still lives; that some day he will stretch out his hand and redeem that murderous threat Lumley, there have been times when it has terrified me to look at that girl." His face was clearing. A smile even began to dawn upon his lips. "Why, mother, don't you see that so far as Miss Briscoe is concerned that Is all fancy," he said. "You feel In that way toward her simply be cause she happens to resemble the Count dl Marioni. Isn't that a little unfair to her? What can she know of an oath which was sworn flve-and-twenty years ago, long before she was born. Why, I don't sup pose that she ever heard of It" She smiled a little sadly. "Lumley, I do not attempt to de fend my feeling. Of course it is absurd to connect her with it, real ly." "I was sure that you would say so, mother." "But, Lumley, although I cannot defend It the feeling remains. Lis ten. No woman has known great er happiness than I have. My life has been sometimes almost too per fect, and yet I never altogether for got those passionate words of Leo nardo's. They lay like a shadow across my life, darkening and grow ing broader as the years of his con finement passed away. 'The time of his release came at last only a few months ago, and only a few months ago, Lumley, I saw him." "You saw him! Where?" "In London, Lumley! Why did he come, almost on the day of his re lease, here to England? It was a country which he hated In his younger days, and yet, instead of visiting his old home, his love for which was almost a passion, in stead of lingering in those sunny southern towns where many friends still remained who would have re ceived him with open arms, he came straight to London alone. I found him at a hotel there, broken down, and almost, as It were, on the threshold of death! Yet, when he saw me, when he heard my voice, the old passion blazed out. Lumley, I prayed to him for forgiveness, and he scorned me. He had never forgotten! He would never forgive! He pointed to his person, his white hairs, to all the terrible evidences of his long imprisonment, and once more, with the same passion which had trembled In his tone twenty five years ago, he cursed me! It was horrible! I fled from that place like a haunted woman, and since then, Lumley, I have been haunted. Ev ery feature In the girl's magnificent face, and every movement of her figure, reminds me that she is a Marioni!" She had risen and was standing by his side, a beautiful, but a suf fering woman. He took her Into his arms and kissed her forehead. "Mother, you have too much Im agination," he said gently. "Look nt tho matter seriously. Granted that this old man still harbors a senseless resentment against you Yet what could ho do? He forgets that days In which he lives, and the country to which you belong: Vendettas and romantic vengeances such as he may have dreamt of flve-and-twenty years ago, are extinct ' even In his own land; here, they cannot be taken seriously at all!" She shivered a little, and looked into his face as though comforted in some measure. "That is what I say to myself, Lumley," she said; "but there are times when the old dread is too strong for me wholly to crush It I am not an Englishwoman, you know; I come of a more supersti tious race!" "I am sorry that Miss Briscoe should be the means of bringing these unpleasant thoughts to you," lie remarked thoughtfully. "Moth er!" "Yes, Lumley." "Would it be a great trouble to you if some day I asked you to receive her as a daughter?" She stood quite still and shivered. Her face was suddenly of a marble pallor. "You you mean this, Lumley?" "I mean that I care for her, mo ther." "You have not spoken to her?" "No. I should not have said any thing to you yet, only it pained me to think that there was anything between you an aversion, I mean. I thought that If you knew, you would try and overcome it." "I cannot!" "Mother!" "Lumley, I cannot! She looks at me out of his eyes; she speaks to me with his voice; something tells me that she bears in her heart his hate toward me. You do not know these Marionis! They are one in hate and one in love; unchanging and hard as the rocks on which their castle frowns. Even Marghar lta herself, in the old days, never forgave me for sending Leonardo to prison, although I saved her lover's life as well as mine. Lumley, you have said nothing to her?" "Not yet." "She would not many you! I tell you that In her heart she hates us all! Sometimes I fancy that she is here only " "Mother! He laid his hand firmly upon her white trembling arm. She looked around, following his eyes. Mar gharlta, pale and proud, was stand ing upon the threshold, with a great bunch of white hyacinths in the bosom of her black dress. 'Am I Intruding?" she asked quletfy. "I will come down some other evening." Lord Lumley sprang forward to stop her; but his mother was the first to recover herself. 'Pray don't go away, Marghar- ita," she said, with perfect self-possession. "Only a few minutes ago ve wero coiniiialnins that you came down so seldom. Lumley, open the piano, and get Miss Briscoe's songs." He was by her side In a moment, but ho found time for an admiring glance toward his mother. She had taken up a paper knife, and was cutting the pages of her book. It was the savoir-faire of a great lady. A CORRESPONDENCE ' Letter from Count Leonardo dl Mnrloni to Miss M. Briscoe, care of the Earl of St. Maurice, Mal lory Grange, Lincolnshire. "Hotel de Paris, Turin. "My Beloved Niece: Alas! I have but another disappointment to re count. I arrived here last night, and early this morning I visited the address which I obtained at Flor ence with bo much difficulty. The house was shut up. From inquiries made with caution among the neigh- bors I learned that Andrea Pas- chull had left a few months before for Rome. Thither I go in search of him. "The delay Is Irksome, but it is necessary. Although my desire for the day of my vengeance to come is as strong as ever, I would not have the shadow of a suspicion rest upon you. Truly, yours will be no crime, but the world and the courts of justice would have It otherwise. You will, in verity, be but the in strument. Upon my head be the guilt, as mine will be the exceeding joy, when the thing for which I crave is accomplished. Bless you my child, that you have elected to aid me In carrying out this most just requital! Bless you, my child, that you have chosen to bring peace Into the heart of one who has known great suffering! "Your last letter was short; yet I do not wonder at it. What is there you can find to say to me, while our great purpose remains thus in abey ance? My health continues good, I am thankful to say, yet, were it. otherwise, I know that my strength would linger with me till my oath is accomplished. Till that day shall come death itself has no power over me. Even though ita shadow lay across my path I could still defy it. Think not that I am blaspheming, Margharlta, or that I believe in no God. . I believe in a God of Justice, and he will award me my right. Oh, that the time may be short, for I am growing weary. Life is very burdensome, save only for its end. "Sometimes, my beloved Marghar lta, you have sought to lighten the deep gloom through which I strug gle, by picturing the happy days we may yet spend together in some far-distant country, where the shad ows of this great selfish world bare ly reach, and its mighty roar and tumult sound but as a faint, low murmur. I have listened, but I have answered not; for in my heart I know that it will never be. Those days will never come. I have shrunk from throwing a chill upon your warm, generous heart; but of late I have wondered whether I do well in thus silently deceiving you. For, Margharita, there is no such time of peaceful happiness in store for me. I am dying! Nay, do not start! Do not pity me! Do not fear! I know it so well; and I feel no pang, no sorrow. The limit of my days is fixed not in actual days or weeks, but by events. I shall live to see my desire accomplished, and then I shall die. The light may flicker, but, till then, it will not go out. You will ask me: Who am I that I dare to fix a limit to an existence which God alone controls? I cannot tell you, Margharita, why I know, or how, yet it is surely so. The day which sees me free of my vow will also be the day of my death. "Trouble not, my child, at this thought, nor wonder why I can write of the end of my days so calmly. Ask yourself rather what further life could mean for . me. There is no joy which I desire; my worn-out frame could find no pleas ure in dragging out a tasteless and profitless existence. I look for death as one looks for his couch who has toiled and labored through the heat of the day. I shall find there rest THE FAIR STORE'S PRE-EASTER SALE COMMENCING FRIDAY, MARCH 15, WILL LAST TILL APRIL 1. An avalanche of all kinds of bargains on Silk Crepe Spring Dresses, Spring Coats, and Novel ty Shoes for Ladies and Misses will be offered. Drastic reductions in prices on Men's Clothing, Shoes and Silk Hosiery for the entire family. Watch our window display. The Fair Store will hold the leadership of low prices. THE FAIR STORE Where Your Dollars Buy More and peace. I have no other de sire. "For yourself, Margharita, have no fear. I have made your fortune my care, and God grant that it may be a happy one. Honest men have made a good profit out of my lands during my Imprisonment I have wealih to leave and It is yours. The Castle of the Marionis will be yours, and well I know you will raise once more and uphold the mighty, tho fallen, traditions of our race. I leave all fearlessly In your hands, at your entire disposal. Only one Leaves School for Stage Re-roof With JOHNS-M ANVILLE Asbestos Shingles ABESTOS SHINGLES, ROLL ROOFING, ASPHALT SHINGLES and ROOFING For Sale By Heppner Planing Mill & Lumber Yard A. R. REID, Prop. Phones: Mill 9F25; Yard Main 1123 V4 ft t I V : " Y 'f f S A ' ,- tlizabetn Bowman, 19, member . . . of Boston' mot exclusive social set, has left an exclusive school to pake her debut on the stage. Her father is a multimillionaire stock broker. thing I beg of you, and that with out fear of refusal. Marry not an Englishman. Marry one of the no bility of our own island, if you can find one worthy of you; If not, there are nobles of Italy with honor, and also a profit. You will be rich as you are beautiful; and the first lady in Italy, our distant kinswoman, Angela di Carlotti, will be your guardian and your friend. May you be very, very happy, dearest; and all that comes to you you will de serve, for you have lightened the heart of a weary old man, whose blessing is yours, now and for ever. "Leonardo di Marioni." (To be continued.) PHONE or leave orders at Phelps Grocery Co. Home Phone 1102 HEPPNER TRANS FER COMPANY Central Market for the best in Meats. FRESH AND CURED MEATS Fish on Fridays. Oysters, Clams, Shell Fish. Central Market HENRY SCHWARZ & SON Heppner Gazette Times, Only $2.00 Per Year i Corn, Peas and Tomatoes assorted as you wish at Case Prices, or dozen prices. Note the Saving. Heppner Hotel Building CASH AND CARRY" Phone Main 1082 larch Canned Goods Sale Never before since we came to Heppner have we been able to offer Foods at the unusual Low Prices that we offer in this sale. Every item backed by a Money-Back Guarantee assures you of the unusual quality of these goods. Many items in canned goods are now becoming scarce, which means higher prices. Consequently the more you buy the more you save. PRICES EFFECTIVE FROM MARCH 22nd TO MARCH 29th. PEAS CORN TOMATOES Standard No. 2 Tins Extra Standard No. 2 Cans Large No. 2Y2 Cans, Standard 4 Cans .- , .. 47C 4 Cans 47C 4 Cans 47C 12 Cans .... 8139 12 Cans Si. 39 8 Cans 8lc39 21 Cans (Case) .. 82.75 21 Cans (Case) .. 82.75 12 Cans .... 82.75 FLOUR Sperry Hard Wheat. GUARANTEED TO PLEASE 49 Pounds . 81.75 4 Sacks (Barrel) 86.95 CLAMS Fancy Minced, free from sand 2s Flat 3 Cans 49C SARDINES Booth's Large Oval Cans 3 Cans 35c CATSUP Large Bottles Det Monte 3 Bottles 59c SPINACH Large No. 2 Cans Del Monte 4 Cans 69C PEAS No. 2 Cans Del Monte, Early Garden 4 Cans 69C SOAP Large Bars P. & G. 10 Bars 37c BROOMS 5-sew, $1.00 Value Each 79C COFFEE Stone's Supreme 3 Pounds .. 81-45 SUGAR Pure Cane C. & H. Berry 25 Pounds .. 81.49 100 Pounds .. 85.59 Not Sold to Dealers SALMON No. 1 Tall Cans, Pink 2 Cans 35c OYSTERS 5-oz. Cans American Beauty 3Cans 49C PEACHES Large No. 2 Vi Cans, Rosedale Yellow Cling 3 Cans 59c HOMINY Large No. 2'2 Cans 3 Cans 39c SAUERKRAUT Large No. 2l2 Cans, Libbey's 4 Cans 65c CLEANSER Old Dutch Chases Dirt 3 Cans 19c SOUP Campbell's Tomato 3 Cans 25C SYRUP Stone's Cane and Maple 5-Pound Tins . 79c BEANS -RICE Red Mexican Beans 5 Pounds .... 39c RICE QtZs 5 Pounds OtlC SALMON No. 1 Tall Cans Libby Red Sockeye 2 Cans 55c SHRIMP 5-oz. Cans American Beauty 3 Cans 49C PINEAPPLE Large No. 22 Tins, Broken Slice 3 Cans 65c SWEET SPUDS Large 2'2 Tins, Del Monte 2 Cans 35c JAM 10-Pound Cans .. 81.25 3-Pound Jars .. 59c MATCHES 6-Box Cartons 2 Cartons .... 35c JELL WELL The Perfect Jell Powder 3 Packages ... 19c RAISINS Market Day Sunmaid 4 Pounds .... 25c Stone's Serves You Better and Saves You Most