PAGE FOUR HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JAN. 31, 1929, THE HEPPNER GAZETTE, Established March SO, 1SS3; THE HEPPNER TIMES. Established November 18, 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 1&, 1915. Published every Thursday morning by YAWTEB and SPENCER CRAWFORD and entered at the Post Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second-class matter. ADVEBTISISO SATES OIVEN OH APPLICATION. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Tear Six Months Three Months . Single Copies . $3.00 . too . .71 , .06 Official Paper for Morrow County. Once to every man and nation comes the moment to decide, In the strife of Truth with Falsehood, for the Good or Evil Side Lowell. FOSSIL HELPS BOOST. TTHE matter of getting the Hepp- ner-Spray sector or trie uregon Washington highway on the state road map, has been one of the puz zles that the Morrow county court has been trying these several years to work out The county has, In cooperation with the State High way commission and the Bureau of Public Roads, made some progress in the construction of this link, and has spent a large sum of money thereon, but In spite of all their ef forts, they have failed to get the commission to place the road on the map. It would seem that there Is a similar situation facing the peo ple of Wheeler county with refer ence to the Service Creek-Mitchell sector of the Ochoco highway, and the commercial club at Fossil are now getting busy and will see what they can do by presenting the ques tion of state cooperation to the leg islature, now in session at Salem. Wrhi!e the commercial body at Fos sil is much interested in the road that lies within their own borders, they realize that, their county has also spent a large sum of money in cooperating on the construction of the Heppner-Spray cutotT. They have, in a set of resolutions, called attention of the legislature to the two roads, and are praying that thev both be placed on the state highway map and made units thereof, so that in tne regular course of events the state highway department will be justified in help ine to complete the gaps. As the resolutions, presented here with, speak for themselves, we are not making further comment, ex cept to say that we hope that the commercial interests of Heppner will fall in line immediately and add to the work already done by the Fossil Commerial club their united support, and promptly pre pare a strong set of resolutions memoralizing the legislature to take this action. We are surely as great ly interested in our particular piece of road as is Fossil, and should not , hesitate to back up their proposals We give herewith the resolutions in full: To the Honorable Thirty-Fifth Legis lative Assembly of the State of Ore gon: We the members of the Fossil Com mercial Club assembled, do hereby pe tition you as follows: WEREAS. there is a stretch of 24 miles of road between Service Creek on the John Day Highway nad Mitchell on the Ochoco Highway, which if complet ed would give a direct connection be tween the John Day Highway and the Ochoco Highway, and WHEREAS a considerable part of this road has been built by Wheeler County. Oregon, as a market road, and WHEREAS there is under construc tion, at this time, a highway between Heppner and Spray which highway is almost completed, and WHEREAS, if the Service Creek-Mitchell sector were completed, it would result In the consummation of the most direct route from Pendleton, Heppner and way points to the Ochoco Highway, and would result in the shortest possi ble route from Arlington, Condon and Fossil and way points on the John Day Hiirhwav to the said Ochoco Highway; WHEREAS, the only other way to get to the Ochoco Highway, from said highways will be by way of Spray on the John Day Highway on up the John now River nn lh John Dav Highway to the Picture Gorge at the mouth of Rock Creek and back to Mitchell by wav of Rock Creek and Mountain Creek, which is a much longer route, WHEREAS, the construction of the Mitchell-Service Creek stretch of high way would result In a saving of over mU gdjnol Eanm International Sunday School Lesson for Bebruary 3. THE HOLY SCRIPTURES Psalm 19:7-14; 2 Timothy 3:14-17 BET SAMUEL D. PRICE, D. D. The Christians' Sacred Book is a descriptive statement of the Bible. In fact, it is a library consisting of sixty-six books, divided into the Old and New Testaments. "How We Got Our English Bible," by J. Pat terson Smyth, answers many ques tions in the mind of every investi gator. Beyond all human Bources this Book comes from God. Rev. F. B. Meyer, D. D., says, "Inspira tion consists in the divine quality that inheres in the Bible." It is certainly different and superior to every other book and is well called the Book of Books. One cannot claim to be well educated who is not conversant with the general content thereof. Dr. Meyer also states, "The best argument for the Bible is the character is creates," and William E. Gladstone declared, "The Sunday school is the world's greatest institution for popularizing the world's greatest Book." Read this Book through, and do so aa often as possible. Then com mit many chosen passages to mem ory. One of these will be the nine teenth Psalm, from which the first scripture portion is taken today. If you wish to note many terms for the Scriptures read Psalm 119, v. here there is some mention in each of the 176 verses. In spite of its 30 miles on the Heppner-Spray route and that said construction would save ' approximatetly 45 miles on the route from Arlington. London, ana i-ossu to connect up with the Ochoco Highway at Mitchell, and WHEREAS, by putting the Heppner- SDrav sector of the Oregon-WashinK- ton Highway on the Highway map, the same would De maintained in gooa con dition and by putting the Service Creek. Mitchell marKet roaa on me state Highway map and completing this stretch of road in the near future, the said highways will be linked up to each other in the most direct route that can be obtained, and WHEREAS, the completion of the Service Creek, Mitchell highway will give a shorter and more direct route to all cars on said highways to Prlneville, Bend, Klamath Falls and Eugene. WHEREFORE, we the members of the Fossil Commercial Club respect fully petition the Honorable Thirty Fifth Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon, that the Mitchell. Service Creek market road, in Wheeler County, Oregon, be incorporated Into the State Highway system ana mat tne same oe built in the near future, and that the Spray, Heppner sector of the Oregon Washington Highway be also put on the Mate Highway system for the maintenance of the same. Dated at Fossil, Oregon, this 25th day of January, A. u. 1929. By H. J. SIMMONS, President. A merger of the two daily papers at Baker was consummated the past week, and the announcement is made that beginning with February 1, the papers will appear as one, published by the Baker Democrat- Herald Co. The new owners are Bernard Mainwaring and Luclan P. Arant, who have been publishing the Baker Evening Herald, and will now publish the Baker Democrat- Herald, having formed an jsu.uuu corporation for that purpose. The Morning Democrat was the pioneer paper of Baker, and one of the old est daily papers in the Pacific Northwest It was established in 1870 and the Evening Herald in 1901. The new publishers announce that there will be many improve ments In the mechanical appearance and news service of the new paper, all of which will make it an out standing publication among the small city dailies of the state, we congratulate Baker and the pub lishers on this consolidation, and believe that it will prove of mutual benefit The publishers are fine, up standing young men, who have ac quired sufficient experience in the newspaper game to be able to put across just -such a paper as tney have planned for their community, and the growing city of Baker will not lack in proper representation from this quarter. "AMERICA" DURING Hoover's recent trip about South America, he had to refrain studiously from referring to the people of the United States as "Americans." The correspondents with him were enjoined to make no use of the term even in their com munications home. It seems that the Brazilians, the Argentines and the Colombians, who feel they have as much right to the word "American" as we have, strongly resent our using it to des ignate this country alone. The term America has no exact significance. So many nations are in North and South America: in referring to our countrymen, for eign papers must of necessity use the long term: "Americans oi tne United States." The word United States is awk ward in many of its forms. No one can be a "united staieser: we can talk of "United States territory' "United States history" but think of talking of literature" or the 'United States United States language." Noah Webster .declared tnat deeper national feeling would be en gendered by the adoption or a fe licitous name all our own. But al ter all usage is everything, usage will keep the name "America" our minds and on our tongues tor centuries. The word is imbedded in our history and literature. will be well to recognize, however, that the outside world is likely to grow intolerant of our claims upon a word that designates not merely one nation but two large continents. HONESTY. GOVERNOR SAMPSON of Ken tucky is starting a very worthy movement indeed. He believes too many people are "indifferent hon est" and thinks there should be more "affirmative honesty" espec ially in business transactions. He wants a nation-wide survey to age, the Bible is still the best seller each year in all literature, both modern and ancient. A very sim ple and yet most comprehensive statement is "Sin will keep you from this Book: This Book will keep you from sin." Study carefully each of the fol lowing selected portions that are a part of this lesson. Deuteronomy 6: 4-9; Joshua 1:8, 9; 2 Kings 22:8-20; Nehemlah 8:1-8; Psalm 19:7-14; Luke 24:25-32; Acta 17:10-12; 2 Tim othy 3:14-17. The first reference indicates a portion that the Hebrew places in his mezuzah and pyhlactery. This Word has a place on his doorpost and it is taught to his children. The Jew has made an incalculable con tribution In giving this Book to the world. Well does the Psalmist say "The law of Jehovah is perfect, re storing the soul." The Word was indeed law and its precepts were to be accepted and obeyed, for they are "right" Psalm 19:7-8. Take the other descriptions in that Psalm "pure, clean, true and righteous al together." As is stated in Psalm 119:105: "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, And light unto my path." Paul in charging Timothy refers him to the "sacred writings" in which he had been instructed from his youth. Thereby "the man of God may be complete, furnished unto every good work." American Legs R &vtrl ' .. lwnrirmi iiiriiinirriii.iir'nr -"-iw -w.w.q.w. M.reMiiMsjtttt 1 S?S-' Twill Mis Rebecca West, British povelist, recently said she thought American world The legs above belong to the following actresses ; Maurine Holmes, French ; Mai Orton, British ; Haiel Forbes and Hazel Jennings, American. stimulate fair-dealing. "Integrity is not vanishing," he says, "and all of us ought to be emphatic in say ing so. This undertaking is not for the purpose of gathering statistics about acts of honesty. It is a sur vey of thought concerning honesty. The purpose is to increase our realization of the truth that al though we all approve the principle of right conduct none of us is as affirmative as we might well be in our aid of increasing the general belief that honesty and good pur pose are the prevailing motives of most people." A great phrase: "Affirmative honesty." It is a quality well worth cultivating, and Governor Sampson to be congratulated on bringing it so forcibly before the public. Sic Transit A green little freshman In a green little way Drank a green creme de menthe Five or six times a day. And the green little grasses Now tenderly wave O'er the green little freshman's Green little grave. "It is easy to smoke with a cigar holder?" Sure, it's a regular pipe." - - MikMt fc SeMtJdocPots i ' (t m rr 0 Helena Rubinstein If to her share some female errors fall, Look to her face and yon'll forget them alL POPE. In the next few articles I shall go quite thoroughly into the subject of skin texture, telling you of the va rious types of skins, so that you will know whether you possess a thick, thin or normal skin, and how to give it the proper care. This ia a most important subject, for skins differ just as much as tem peraments, color of hair, color of eyes, or body build. And to my mind one of the greatest follies or I might say one of the most griev ous mistakes Is that women simply treat their skins in a general way as thought all skins were alike. I should like to say that no two skins are exactly alike, yet I hesi tate to emphasize that too strongly for fear you will throw your hands up in despair, thinking the task of knowing what to do is hopeless. The preparations you put on the skin must differ almost as much In texture as the skins themselves; so you can easily see why one cream or lotion cannot do everything for a skin, any more than one medicine can have a two-fold purpose. This I shall have to take up step by step in my series of articles, as there is too much to discuss in one day's talk. But there is one thing all skins have in common, and that is this: The general health and beauty depend very largely on the general condition of the system and upon the health habits of the indi vidual. It makes no difference The Fumble -7-- I II f 1 I I 1 I A a Win Laurels for Perfection By Arthur Brisbane Extra Congress, Extra. Trouble. Prosperity's Back Iog. Mr. Lucey Half Right. Wise Kin?, Amanullah. There is to be an extra session of Congress, so well informed Washington reports, and the farm er will wait for "relief" until the new Congress gathers. Mr. Hoover probably wishes that milestone were passed. The farm question is this: How can you make those engaged i -n whether your skin is thick, thin or normal. If your diet is composed of the wrong food, the system can not take care of it properly, and it is bound to be reflected by the com plexion. To keep the skin healthy and at tractive it is essential to lead a reg ular life, taking plenty of exercise, eating the right foods, watching the elimination, getting plenty of sleep and keeping your nerves relaxed as much as possible. If these things are not right you cannot expect your health and in turn, your skin to be right. Again, as I have told you many times be fore, a certain amount of the pois ons of the system must be thrown off through the pores of the skin, and if you do not keep the pores free, you cannot expect them to be able to pass off this way. It is wrong to think that the rough, yellow, outside skin of an orange constitutes the entire Bkin, for the real skin is at least three eights of an inch deep. Think not that a mere soap and water wash ing, or applying to the surface an inactive cold cream that scarcely removes the soil and dirt, will thor oughly cleanse the skin! It is the thorough cleansing of the under skin that counts. The soil and dirt that are lodged in the pores can only be reached by using creams that will penetrate beneath the surface of the skin. And in my aritclcs following I shall tell you the best ways to cleanse the various kinds of skin so that you will know how to treat the type you possess. ray HiUm Kuttmltim j Family he got m ByDunkei ' V ARE- MfvTEK. Ks f. I yv t I HAD TO GIVE IT of Form girls' legs the most perfect in the American j Mme. Mistinguette, in a thoroughly disorganized hap hazard industry as prosperous as those in industries thoroughly or ganized on a scientific production and selling basis? Changes in the tariff .are predict ed. "Big financial and industrial interests feel that tariff changes are needed." If they feel that way, the changes will be made, and probably should be made. Big business has its faults, but it knows what the country needs, realizing that the big man can get only his part of what the little man can earn. All of our prosperity comes down to the fact that people EARNING more can SPEND more. Mr. Ecker of the Metropolitan Life Company puts it in words: "The people earn fifteen to twenty billions more than it costs them to live. Those extra billions are pros perity's back log." Mr. Lucey, the old Northampton cobbler, who knew President Cool- idge when a boy, is supposed to have given little Calvin this advice, "Keep your shoes laced tight, and never let your tongue wag." President Coolidge took that good advice about the tongue. There is no information as to the advice con cerning shoes. It is harmful to lace children's shoes too tight Lacing tightly around the ankles, pressing on blood vessels, impeding the flow of blood, gives the heart more work to do. Cobbler Lucey was only half right King Amanullah of Afghanistan Praises Peace Pact Guitav Stresemann, the famous Foreign Minister of Germany, who has expressed the opinion that the genera acceptance of the Kellogg Treaty will help to modify the hard ships under which the German Reich i laborinR faUATlQONEOFTMBN FIRST SKjNS Of VHEN A rcuMAs IPOWO AVAV THANK? .;!? . ARTHUR X discovered suddenly and violently what American prohibition enthusi asts are discovering slowly, that it isn't easy to change men's habits by proclamation or law. Amanullah came back from his visit to England wearing European clothes, his wife fashionably dress ed, short skirts, silk stockings, nothing to cover up her face. He announced that women in ai- ghanistan were also to go with their faces uncovered, no more "seclu sion." Tribes rose against him, armed, drove him Into a fortress. King Amanullah changed his mind. Afghan girls sent to be edu cated in Turkey are to come home. European dress is to be abolished. Soldiers of Afghanistan are to be allowed to follow and bow down to their religious leaders, the Holy men, or Pirs, and women will be kept in seclusion. All the suggested reforms will be thrown overboard. Wise Amanul lah, he wanted peace. The Chinese, poor creatures, butchered, starved, forced into rev olutions of which they do not know the meaning, know at least one tiling, and that is, that it is Im portant to have good roads. Mr. G. Walter Reed, of the Santa Fe Railroad, quotes an engineer just back from China: "Food from South China cannot reach those starving In Northern China because of fifteen hundred impassable miles." Some Boy! Racine, Wis. A ten-year-old boy has ordered a pair of 25 size shoes from a Racine shoe company. The purchaser is Robert Wadlow, an el ementary school student of Alton Miss. The boy is said to be six feet 10 inches tall, and weighs 250 pounds. Five square feet of leath er were used to manufacture the shoes. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE OF ANIMAL. Notice is hereby given that un der and by virtue of the laws of the State of Oregon, the undersign ed has taken up the hereinafter de scribed animal found running at large on his premises in Morrow county, State of Oregon, and that he will on Saturday, the 9th day of rcb-ruary, 192, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the Barney Doherty place in Sand Hollow, offer for sale at pub lic auction and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the said animal, unless the same shall have been redeemed by the owner there of. Said animal is described as fol lows: One black mare, wcgiht about 1500 pounds; two white hind feet; blotch brand on right shoulder. WM. J. DOHERTY, Lexington, Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has died his final account as administrator of the estate of Sarah Elizabeth Swift, deceased, and that the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County has appointed Sat urday, the 16th day of February, 199, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the fore noon of said day, as the time, and the County Court room In the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, aa the place, of hearing and settlement of said final ac count. Objections to said final account muBt be filed on or before said date. JOHN CLYDE SWIKT. Administrator. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has filed his final account as administrator of the estate of Istallna Bauernnend. deceased, and that the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow Countv has anDointttd Sat urday, the 16th dav of February. 1929. at the hour of 10 o'clock In the fore noon of said dav as the time, and the County Court room In the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as the . place of hearing and settlement of said final account. Objections to said final ac count must be filed on or before said date. PETER MARTIN BAURNF1END, Administrator. NOTICE OF BALE OF ANIMALS Under Foreclosure of Agister's Lien. Notice is hereby given that the under signed, by virtue of a notice of lien. duly filed and recorded In the office of the County Clerk of Morrow County, State of Oregon, upon request of the lienholder, O. M. Scott, will, on Satur day, the 2nd day of February, 1929, at uie rancn oi u. m. aeon, v miles north west of the Citv of HeDnner. Oregon, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, offer for sale and sell at pub lic auction, for cash In hand, the follow ing described personal property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said Hen, the costs of keeping said property, and the costs of making said sale, said lien being for the sum oi o.ou, to-wii: One brown sreldlne:. star in forehead. branded MC on right shoulder, weight about 1150 pounds, and one sorrel mare, strip on nose, 10 or 12 years old, brand ed J on left stifle, weight about 1150 pounds, left hind ankle crippled. The owner or reputed owner of said properly is Koscoe Moore. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby Riven that the under signed executors of the estate of Thom as McCullough, deceased, have filed their final account of the administra tion of said estate with the County Court of the State of Oregon for Mor row County, and the said Court has fixed Monday, the 4th day of February, 1929, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock In the torenoon of said day In the County Court Room in the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as the time and place iur Hearing oDjeciions tnereto,ana all persons having objections are hereby required to file the same with said Court on or before the time fixed for saiu neanng. Dated this 27th day of December, 1928. JOHN McCULLOUGH, DAVID McCULLOUGH, Executors, MATERNITY HOME f am prepared to take care of a limited number of maternity cases. Room and board reasonable. MRS. G. C. AIKEN Box 142 HEPPNER Phone 975 J.O.PETERSON faitost Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches Clocks - Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon AUCTIONEER E.J.KELLER The man wh mad the reasonable prloe. LEXINGTON, OREGON WM. BROOKHOUSER PAINTDJO PAPERKAHQING INTERIOR DECORATING Leave orders at Peoples Hardware Company DR. ARTHUR CRAIG DENTIST Caw Building, Entrants Center St. Telephone Main 1012 Open Evenings and Sundays by Appointment DR. A. H. JOHNSTON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Graduate Nuroe Assistant L O. O. F. BUILDING Phones: Offloe, Main 983; Res. 493. Heppner, Oregon DR. F. E. FARRIOR DENTIST X-Ray Diagnosis X. O. O. P. BUILDING Heppner, Oregon Frank A. McMenamin LAWYER Phone BEaoon 44S1 1014 Northwestern Bank Building, PORTLAND, O'REGON Residence, GArneld 1949 A. D. McMURDO, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Trained Name Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon C L. SWEEK ATTOBNET-AT-LAW Offices in First National Bank Boil ding Heppner, Oregon MORROW GENERAL HOSPITAL SJWvSJffl, Wards and Private Rooms. Rates Reasonable. MBS. SENA WBSTFAXL. Graduate Nurse, Superintendent A. H. JOHJrSTON, Ms. D., Physiclan-ln-Charga. Phone Main 822 Heppner, Ore Morrow General Maternity Department "The Rome of Better Babies" Rates Reasonable; Dependable Service. Phone Main 322 Heppner, Ore S.E.NOTSON ATTOBNBT-AT-LAW Office In Court House Heppner, Oregon AUCTIONEER Farm and Personal Property Sales a Specialty "The Man "Who Talks to Beat the Band" O. L. BENNETT, Lexington, Oregon C. J. WALKER LA WYE and Notary Fublio Odd Fellows Building Heppner, Oregon F. W. TURNER & CO. FTBB, AUTO AND LIFE INSURANCE Old Line Companies. Real Estate. Heppner, Oregon JOS. J. NYS ATTONEY-AT-LAW Roberts Building;, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon J. Perry Conder, N. D. Wth year lOgpraotloe In Heppner and Morrow County. HEPPNER HOTEL BUILDING Office Phone 02, Residence Phone OS. Heppner Sanitarium ITncnif al Dr- Perry Conder UOSpUai Physician In charge Oldest Institution of Healing and Oldest Practicing Physician In Mor row County: with the least percent age of fatality and greatest percent age of benelft. ALEX GIBB PLUMBING) AND HBATINQ GENERAL REPAIR WORK Estimates Frso. WHEN IN TROUBLE CALL 702 PEOPLES HARDWARE GO.