PAGE TWO HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JAN. 31, 1929. BOARDMAN Mrs. L. G. Smith who is chairman of the work committee of the La dies Aid asked a few friends In on Thursday afternoon to complete the overseas sewing for the missionary hospital. After the work was done the hostess served a dainty lunch. Guests were Mesdames Johnson, Blayden, Fortier, Cramer, Messen ger, Macomber, Allen, Kelly, Porter. Mrs. Royal Rands entertained the H. E. club. After a delicious luncheon officers were elected. Mrs. A. B. Chaffee was elected chairman, Mrs. John Brice, assistant, and Mrs. I. Skoubo, secretary-treasurer. In vited guests were Mesdames Porter, Gorham, Blayden and Wilbanks. Dr. Lancefleld, who took charge of Dr. Sears' practice while he had the flu, was called to Boardman on Thursday to see Clayton, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stane who live on the Jenkins place. Clay ton had an attack of flu. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Barlow are de lighted over the arrival of a 6-lb. girl who came Sunday at The Dalles. The Boardman city water plant blew up again Sunday. Every so often this occurs, this being the third or fouth time it has happened. Alec Wilson and Pete Slevin were Heppner visitors on Friday. Mr. Wilson was also over the first of the week when his suit against Glen Carpenter was heard in court which meets this week. Boardman played a practice game with Hermiston Saturday, 20-16 in favor of Hermiston. At the end of the first half the Boardman boys were ahead but a few good shots on the part of the Hermiston team brought them victory. It was a stormy night so only a few Board man rooters made the trip. Board man will play at Condon Friday night This is a league game. Mrs. W. H. Mefford spent a week in Hermiston where she took a series of treatments from Dr. Rowe. Mrs. J. R. Johnson will entetain Wednesday, Feb. 7, at Silver Tea. Everyone is invited to attend these teas which are given by the Ladies Aid. Newly installed officers of the I. O. O. F. are: N. G., Jack Gorham; V. G., Z. J. Gillespie; Chaplain, F. F. Klitz, secretary, Geo. Wickland er, treasurer, John Brice; warden, Jack Rainville; inside guard, Ralph Minnick of Messner; outside guard, Claude Myers, R. S. N. G., C. G. Blayden; R. S. V. G., Alfred Skoubo; L. S. V. G., Walter Knauff. Mr. Knauff is also past grand and has tne honor of having attended every meeting during his year in the chair and missing only one meeting dur ing his term as vice grand. Rebekah officers installed were: N. G., Mrs. Ed Barlow; V. G, Mrs. Gorham, secretary, C. G. Blayden; treasurer, Mrs. John Brice; chap lain, Mrs. Blayden; warden, Mrs. Packard. Mrs. John Brice was in stalling officer. The Grange had an interesting business meeting Saturday night ana later enjoyed lunch. Helen Mead who was sent home from school with what was feared was a case of mumps, has returned after a doctor's examination. Mrs. Ella Shell who was quite ill with flu at Umatilla continues to remain at the McFarland home there for a while longer. Elder Payne who has been con ducting a series of meetings at the Adventist church will speak Friday night on 'Why Did the Lord Per mit Sin to Enter the World." Marion Van Metor who has been in charge of the pumping plant at Messner for the past two years has resigned. mg. Serve on crisp lettuce garnish ed with stuffed olives. Jam Pudding 5 eggs, 1 cup sugar, M cup melt ed butter, hi cup jam, cup flour, 1 teaspoon soda dissolved in 3 tea spoons sour milk, cinnamon and nutmeg to taste. Beat all together and bake in buttered pudding pan. Serve with foamy or custard sauce. Pinning the Ironing Blanket Use artist's thumb tacks to fasten the ironing blanket and you will save yourself bruised fingers and much aggravation when it comes time to replace the covering. Salt Preserves Teeth and Gums The best remedy for incipient pyorrhea is a morning and evening massage of the gums using salt wa ter in proportions of M teaspoon salt to H glass hot water. Massage with downward strokes on upper gums and upward movement on the lower set Mfe for the mm d( Nancy hart DID YOU KNOW that if the living room be without a natural fireplace you can have a very charming hearth built in at little cost, and without even cutting into the wall? A chimney breast of beaver-board can be built out from the blank wall and a "tailor-made" mantel with space for an artificial grate set Into the breast The beaver board should then be covered with canvas and painted or papered to match the old walls. Finish with a cornice or molding at the top to match that used in the balance of the room, and insert a grate for artificial, electric-lighted coals or logs in the hearth-space. Decora tivcly speaking, the result will be all that one could ask. Frederick B. Mumford Heft) and Herbert W. Mumford, two farm brothers who rose side by side to the head of two great agricultural col leges, one in Missouri, and the other in Illinois. Prevent Typhoid by Safe Guarding Water Supplies (From State Board of Health.) Prior to 1903 there were no health regulations in this state. It was the usual thing in most of the cities of Oregon to have two epidemics of typhoid fever annually. In the spring and in the fall. Physicians in general practice drew a goodly proportion of their income from the care of typhoid patients. There were no reliable records previous to 1908 but in that year the record was over 14 deaths for 100,000 pop ulation or over 140 cases of typhoid to the 100,000 population. The economic loss from typhoid fever ran annually into more than a mil lion dollars. As a contrast read the reports for 1927 which record only four deaths for 100,000 population or about 40 cases. This was accomplished by an improvement of the water sup plies under the supervision of the State Board of Health. Every year the inspection has been more thor ough and the result is that there is very little water-bourne typhoid fe ver in the State of Oregon at the present time. Natural water in a settled com- Cummings & Witcraft V. S. I BATTERY SALES Complete Battery Service Recharge Rental Repair Satisfaction Guaranteed munity can be regarded no longer as safe. There is an unavoidable contamination of the ground and surface water by human waste. Rarely can water by proven abso lutely to be a source of an epidemic, for the reason that the germ caus ing contamination will rarely per sist In the water long enough to be found after the epidemic has devel oped. Other signs of contamination which are considered very good cir cumstantial evidence are often found, however. Colon bacilli, for instance, will not cause typhoid, but when they are found in water It really means that probably bowel contents have reached the water and such water is very liable to have typhoid germs In It Sometimes the contamination la not continuous but intermittent, and in such a case It may be Impossible to prove actually by laboratory ex periment that the water is at fault In case the water is suspected, it Is wrong to conclude that it Is safe because of one or two or even more negative laboratory reports. Owing to the need of highly technical supervision the water sup plies of this state can only be safe guarded by men who are familiar "What is the TIME?" (Just call the Operator) In accordance with our plan of contin uously improving and broadening the service, Beginning February 1st, in every community in which this company operates, our. patrons may obtain the TIME from the telephone operator. It is with pleasure we make this an nouncement to our customers. The charge for this additional service will be the same as the charge at your regular rate for any other local call. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company with scientific methods of prevent ing disease. This Is a lesson that the building of the Panama Canal taught The citizens of this state should pause to consider any legis lation that places the safety of our water supplies in other hands. It la right and wise that a state shall levy taxes more and more heavily to prevent disease and pro long life. Vhcnycu build, we are ready ta serve 5 W7HEN you build It is always a comforting W thing to know that the building materiali you buy are going to be up to specifications. Cheap, flimsy construction usually goes hand in hand with poor quality materials. Safeguard your building by .letting us know what you require and we will work with you to see that your interests are well protected. We are headquarters for all dependable building materials and can also help you select a good, reliable contracton Tell us what you plan to do--we can and will give you Wpfol advic. TUM-A-LUM LUMBER COMPANY Yards at Heppner, Lexington and lone Sont a tarns The amazing nw Thor Rotary Iron fits right on the washer, in place of the wringer a shown. 52.50 cash, or 1 down and fJ.25 monthly for 17 months. Vegetarian Meun Mock oyster soup Cheese and nut cutlets Creamed cauliflower Buttered beets Egg and apple salad Date torte Beverage Recipe for Cream Hash Cut up a pint of cold meat and a small onion, add 2 teaspoons butter, stew in a pint of water until liquid is almost absorbed, then add a cup of cream, chopped parsley, salt and pepper. Serve on buttered toast Eggs Used With Asparagus Lay stalks of canned asparagus (drained) In saucepan containing M cup drawn butter and heat to boil ing. Season highly and put in but tered baking dish. Break 8 eggs over surface, dot with butter and seasoning, cover with grated cheese and bake until eggs are set Oyster Salad Drain two cans cove oysters and chop them slightly; add S finely rolled crackers and half as much chopped celery as oysters. Blend with mayonnaise or Russian dress- am a m r cT7 New Low Washer Prices The Thor Agitator Fewer parti, big capacity, fatter, moat unitary, colorful, enunelined tub, direct gear drive, won't break buttons. General Electric motor. $108.75 CASH fl down, 16.73 a month for 17 months, total 1113.73. Washer and Iron $161.25 Cash or the aims combination, fl down, f9.i0 a month far 18 months, total 0172. Lowest priced table Iron In the world The new Rotary Iron in a style for operation on table, shown at the left. The equal of 10 flat irons. All you have to do is feed the clothe through. Pressure ii automatic. A touch of the hand work the control. $82 cash, or 1 down and 05 monthly for 17 months. In February Unisonally attractive caoh prlcco, aloo A new American record for sales was established last fall when we introduced this new Thor combination washer and iron. Hundreds of people purchased. They told their friends how this complete home laundry washes clothes faster, and better, and safely, then cuts down ironing time from hours to minutes. "Won't you have another special sale?" these friends have bombarded us. So here it is for the month of February only. The lowest priced quality washer in the world and a rotary iron that the washer motor operates- both for the price of the average washer alone 1 Present Thor and Maytag Ownoro! The new Thor Rotary Iron can be used on your late model washers. You, too, can have this time and strength saver. Get one. You sit down as you feed the clothes through. agamic rs-in i Wbn you'v. nnliiied mulling and wringing you lift the wrktgar of Than you place the new The Rotary Iron m tb wringer poakioa, turned to the place you want k. Attt you're Dnishedonlng, tOp the Rotary Iron Into drawer, doMt, ot comer. Always at your service