HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JAN. 17, 1929. PAGE FIVE CO Theodore Anderson made this of fice a very pleasant call while In the city for a short time on Tues day from his Eight Mile home. Mr. Anderson, who owns a lot of land In that section and usually has In a big acreage, la seeding but 480 acres this year as against about 1100 acres last season. He has rented a half section to his neigh bor, Cllve Huston, who Is taking up farming on his Eight Mile place again after an absence of a few years, and then Harley Anderson, son of Theodore, Is handling a good ly portion of his father's home place along with the Wm. Allison farm adjoining. Mr. Anderson thinks the grain is making it all right and has not suffered so far from freezing, though there is at present a shortage of moisture. W. P. Mahoney, newly elected president of the Oregon Woolgrow ers, accompanied by Mrs. Mahoney and County Agent Smith and Mrs. Smith, motored to Pendleton today, where the gentlemen will attend a meeting of members of the associa tion. Garnet Barratt, one of the newly elected vice presidents of the association, will also attend this meeting, being accompanied to Pen dleton by Mrs. Barratt. David Hynd thinks that the pre sent style of weather Is not Just the very best for the sheepman, and especially when he has to travel for a good many miles over country roads before he reaches the high way. Out toward Sand Hollow there la a lot of frost on the roads and they make motoring a little risky. Mr. Hynd was In town Monday look ing after business. John Wightman returned the end of the week from Yakima, Wash., where he purchased a number of head of dairy cows to be added to the milk herd at Alfalfa Lawn dairy of Wightman brothers. This dairy is constantly adding new stock with the view of keeping up its reputa tion as one of the finest dairy herds In this section of the state. Mr. arid Mrs. Earl Evans were Wednesday visitors in the city. They report lambing progressing on the Evans farm down Willow creek and they will have a bunch of fine lambs for the early market The weather conditions are not bad for this work, especially where provi sion is made to properly care for the stock. R. B. Rice and his neighbor, Gun nar Llndhe, of the Alpine section, were looking after business inter ests In this city on Monday. In or der to find out anything lately, peo ple from out that way have to take a run to town, as the accumulation of frost on the telephone wires has demoralized the country lines. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. McCurdy were visitors in the city yesterday from their home below lone. Both Mr. and Mrs. McCurdy have been on the sick list of late, suffering from in fluenza, but they are quite well again. Henry and Leo Gorger were vis itors here from their home north of lone on Tuesday. Heavy fog still prevails out that way. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Devine were Lexington people in this city for a short time on Wednesday, while shopping. Walter Luckman of Lena predicts a dry year, basing his Judgment on past experience. The fall was too dry, and the winter so far has been far short on moisture, and the con dition will not be remedied unless the unusual happens and there Is a big fall of snow either In the pre sent month or in February. While this may not necessarily affect the crop yield the coming season, it will cause a serious shortage of grass on the range. He is one who would like to see a heavy snow fall, though it would mean a lot of work for the sheep and cattle man in passing out the feed, but perhaps no more than they are having to undergo at the present Mr. Luckman spent sev eral hours in town on Saturday while attending to business. A note to this paper from Mrs. B. W. Gaunt of Cottage Grove, Ore gon, stateB that Mrs. Glen McFerrin was called to Lowry, Mo., to be at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Earl Hamilton, who was not ex pected to live. Mrs. Gaunt is mak ing her home with her brother Glen, keeping house for him during the absence of his wife. Otto Wageman was in the city Tuesday from his ranch north of town. Fog is still thick out that way, but according to Mr. Wage man no damage is resulting and grain is coming along all right. L. E. Bisbee, who was laid up at home for a week or more with in fluenza, is out again and able to be at his place of business in the store of Gilliam & Bisbee. There will be a special meeting of the Past Matrons' club at the home of Mrs. W. O. Dlx, on Friday eve ning at 7:30. Mrs. Eppa Ward, president. Owing to the special meeting of the Elks on Saturday night there will be no dance as heretofore an nounced. Dean T. Goodman, secre tary. Ed Kelley, who farms the J. O. Turner ranch north of Swaggart buttes, was attending to business here on Saturday. Harry Duvall, Lexington wheat- raiser, was looking alter Business in this city on Wednesday forenoon. Fred Ashbaugh, pioneer resident of the Hardman section, was a vis itor in Hcppner on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Tyndal Robison were Eight Mile folks in the city for a short while on Saturday. Oral Scott Blackhorse wheatrais- er, was looking after business af fairs at Heppner on Tuesday. EYffd MrMurrav. lone ranchman, was doing business In this city on Saturday. Mike Sepanek was a visitor here from his ranch near Alpine on aai urday. Wanted Work on ranch by man and wife. Inaulre this office. 42-5 Bankers to be Milkers While Studying Farms The best milker, the best judge of dairy cows, and the best judge of sheep among Oregon DankerB will be determined as a side light this year of the second annual bankers' agricultural short course at Corval- lis January 23-25 under the joint auspices of the state college exten sion service and the agricultural committee of the Oregon bankers association. The program this year features the dairy and sheep industries and is desgined to acquaint bankers with their opportunities in further ing the Btandard of these projects on Oregon farms. The final day will be spent in Portland inspects ing the facilities of the Pacific Co operative Wool Growers association. The annual meeting of the Ore gon Cooperative council at Salem, January 17 and 18, will consider proposed changes in the Oregon co operative laws, announced George O. Gatlin, secretary, and market ing specialist of the state college extension service. Thirty associa tions are members of the council. JANUARY CLEARANCE OF SILK AND CLOTH DRESSES. The woman who knows values will be niiiok in take advantage or Wis January Clearance Opportunity. 42-43 CUKKAW tlAL snur. WANTS Couple wish work together, or will go separately. Address L. Bey, Box 115, Hermlston, Ore. 44-lttp. Unincumbered middle-aged wo man wants steady work cooking on sheep or stock ranch. Phone Pen dleton Sheep Co., 65F2, Echo. 44. For Sale Year old pure bred Jer sey bull. Enquire John McEntire, Cecil, Ore. 44-46. Maternity Home I am prepared to take care of a limited number of maternity cases. Room and board reasonable. Mrs. G. C. Aiken, Box 142, Phone 975, Heppner. 44-lt For Sale Horses, chain harness, collars, hitches and hitch timber. Also John Deere tractor and three Oliver plows, three bottom, No. 40. Will trade for anything I can use. John Michelbook, lone, Ore. 44tf. For Sale Three 3-bottom Oliver plows; used hardwood hitch and doubletrees. Good bargains. Gor ger Eros., lone, Oregon. 44-47. WANTED Position on ranch as helper. Girl 17. Write or call Mar garet Herndon, Lexington, Ore., car of A. E. Miller. 42-3p-tf. Unincumbered middle-aged wom an wants steady work cooking on sheep or stock ranch. Write or In quire this office. 43-4p. complete service. W. T. Rawleigh Co., Dept OR-1822, Oakland, Calif. Wanted Ranch work, any kind, by experienced man and wife, no children. Phone 712, Heppner. 43p. Lost At Elks hall Saturday eve ning, lady's vanity case, containing pair of glasses. Leave at G. T. of fice. No questions asked 43p. Wanted: Millions of Jack Rabbit domestic rabbit, and other raw furs. Highest prices. Valcauda Fur Co., 2131 Western Ave., Seattle. 42-5 Wanted General housework; good cook; country preferred. In quire at this office. 40tf. All Winter Coats at 25 per cent off during the month of December. Curran Hat Shop. tf. I have for sale a new Pontiac Six car. For particulars inquire of Mrs. Geo. Aiken, city. 41tf. For Sale or Trade Harris com bine, 16-ft cut model 22x33, run 2 seasons. Small payment down, year on balance or will take as down payment sheep, hogs or cat tle. Make me an offer. Edw. A. Lindeken, lone, Ore. 40-tf. For SaleCreek ranch of 800 aoa. a1t hnttnm under ditch! nearly all place fenced sheep-tight; comfortable buildings wiin running water in house; small orchard. D. E. Gliman, Heppner, Ore. 38tf. WATJTFnv Amhltious. industrious person to introduce and supply the demand for Rawleigh Household Products in Gilliam and Morrow counties and other nearby towns or rural districts. $150 to $400 a month or more clear profit Rawleigh Methods get business everywhere. No selling experience required. We supply Products, UUUit aies auu Service Methods-everything you need. Profits increase every month. Lowest prices; best values; most BAILEY TRANSFER Heppner, Ore. Local and Long Distance Hauling Headquarters at Heppner Garage Phone 213 UNION PACIFIC : STAGES INC.; operating deluxe Stages between PORTLAND TOE DALLES PENDLETON WALLA WALLA LEWISTON nd M INTERMEDIATE POINTS 1 L 8tagM leave from L ARLINGTON HOTEL f DRINK MORE MILK Wise old Mother Nature made milk for children. Into it she put every thing needed for sustenance, and in lha mnnt PA xllv assimilated form. Sn Drink More Milk. Let the children have plenty. It Is ths cheapest food you can buy. Alfalfa Lawn Dairy WIGHTMAN BROS, Phone 80F8 Props. We Guard Savings There are many sharpers who lie awake nights scheming how to get their hands on people's money. Your savings in our bank are guard ed against loss and earn good interest as well. Don't wait, bring them in today. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Heppner Bank 0reon F. W. Turner & Co. GENERAL INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE WHET AND GRAIN ALE Ends Jan. 19th Overcoats We have just a few left and are cutting them below cost. $40 Overcoats cut to 32.00 $35 Overcoats cut to $28.00 $30 Overcoats cut to $24.00 Suits STYLEPLUS late styles, fine materials. $45.00 Suits for $38.25 $40.00 Suits for $34.00 $35.00 Suits for $29.75 $30.00 Suits for $25.50 ONE LARGE LOT An assortment of suits selling regularly from $25.00 to $45.00, thrown into one large lot. You take your choice for $19.95 These are exceptional values. MANS STORE FOR MEN ttMtmgs Son E'aola ace RCA RADIOLA 60 Table model of the incomparable RCA Super-Heterodyne. Finest receiver of its type ever designed. Super-selective. Super-sensitive. A. C. house-current operation. $ff (less Radiotrom) Complete At with No. 10 sptakir and radiotrons $219.10 In addition to Radiola 60 other outstanding models art! RADIOLA 18 $AIT 'Without radiotrons. Completely Tr socket operated set. Single dial Control. (Completi with 100 A speaker and radiotrons $144.00) RADIOLA 41 Without radiotrons, with dynamic speaker. Beautiful console model superheterodyne at t moder ate price. (Complete with radiotrons $241.2;) Why postpone the delights of a Radiola any longer? Radio reception is always best in winter and early spring months. Radio stations put on best pro grams then. And Radiola will give fullest enjoyment. It brings line radio within the reach of every home. Convenient terms. From our complete display you can select the model you like best. Look to your Radiola for outstanding tone quality, selectivity and distance. Radiola performance is backed by the largest radio manufacturers and by our own guarantee of performance. Pacific Power & Light Company Always at your service n 1 1 Qfie Outstanding Chevrolet of Chevrolet History a Sue in the price ranqe of the four! represents 4 years of Development and over a Million miles of Testing Years ago, the Chevrolet Motor Company designed and built its first experi mental six-cylinder motor. This far-sighted step was taken because Chevrolet engineers knew that the six-cylinder motor is in herently the most perfect ly balanced motor the ideal power plant to meet the, growing public de mand for greater reserve power, faster get-away and, above all smooth, quiet performance. During the last four years, over a hundred six-cylinder motors were built by Chevrolet engineers and tested on the General Motors Proving Ground. Day and night, through winter's cold and sum mer's heat, the incessant testing went on until the present motor was de veloped and finally pro nounced correct. At the same time other Chevrolet engineers were perfecting other parts of the chassis. And another great automotive organization the Fisher Body Corporation was devoting its gigantic re sources to the creation of the finest, sturdiest and most beautiful bodies ever offered on a low-priced automobile. As a result, the Outstand ing Chevrolet offers an order of well-balanced ex cellencea combination of performance, comfort, beauty and handling ease that is truly remarkable with a fuel-economy of better than 20 miles to the gallon of gasoline. You owe it to yourself to see and inspect this re markable car. Come in today! COACH '595 RdK 525 PK.cioo 525 2i. 595 2i. .'675 ?695 The Convert- $ m - ibicUnJaa ... LO BS&r, .'595 cSSlK,.'T.f400 ?545 with Cab OOU AU prim f. .. b. Fliiu, Michigan Ferguson Chevrolet Co. Heppner, Oregon E. R. Lundell, lone, Ore. QUALITY AT LOW COST