PAGE TWO HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JAN. 10, 1929, ALPINE. I Mrs. Francis Keenan left Sunday evening for Pendleton to assist with the care of her litUe daughter Betty Gene who has been suffering from scarlet fever. . Miss Ruth Bennett who has been suffering from an attack of pleuro pneumonia, is slowly improving. Glen Shearer of Heppner and Miss Margaret Melville were Thurs day evening guests of the letter's cousin, Miss Gertrude Tichenor of the West Camp ranch. Miss Anna L. Conmey left last Wednesday for her home in Port land after spending the Yuletide season vacation with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Irl Clary. Miss Catherine Doherty, who has been in Pendleton for the past two weeks, has returned to the home of her parents, Mr. and Irs. B. P. Doherty. Mrs. Mike Sepanek who has been suffering from an attack of influen za is greatly improved. Miss Margaret Melville spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Munkers of Heppner. Church services at Alpine were attended by a good crowd on Sun day Mr. Milton W. Bower of Hepp ner had charge of the service and was assisted by Guy L. Drill of Pen dleton. Everyone seemed to enjoy their interesting prayer and service. Rev. Farnum's special number in song was appreciated immensely. Services next Sunday will be held at Pine City. Roeslla Doherty left last Tues day to resume her duties at the Monmouth Normal school, thus concluding the Yuletide season va cation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Doherty. Charles Berry and Miss Gertrude E. Tichenor were Monday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Thompson. G. L. Bennett who has been suf fering from pneumonia, does not improve very rapidly. He is still under the care of Miss Thorn of Pendleton and Dr. Dorn of Echo. Mrs. George Lambirth who has been assisting with the care of her brother-in-law, G. L. Bennett, is suffering from an attack of influ enza. Mr. and Mrs. J. C Thompson who have been suffering from influenza are able to be about their duties on the ranch now. Mr. and Mrs. C. Melville and daughter Margaret were Pendleton visitors on Thursday Messrs. Beach and Keating of Lexington were visitors in this community on Saturday. They have the agency for the McCormick Deering cream separator which they were explaining to the various farmers in the hopes of making a sale or two. Mrs. Dee Neill of Pine City Is suffering from an attack of influ enza. Miss Bernice Sepanek who has been suffering from an attack of in fluenza does not improve very rap idly. Mrs. John Moore who has been suffering from an attack of influ enza is greatly improved. Mrs. Clarence Neill of Sypher's Springs is assisting with the work at the boarding house during the illness of Mrs. Dee Neill. Mrs Anna Heiny attended the Po mona Grange meeting held at lone on Saturday evening. Merle Bennett was a business vis itor in Echo on Monday. Dan Lindsay and sons Guy and Bruce were business callers at the C. Melville ranch on Tuesday morn ing. Mrs. Anna Heiny attended a meeting of the Rhea Creek Grange at Rhea Creek Sunday. C. Melville was a business visitor in Stanfield, Echo and Hermiston on Tuesday. Mrs. Mike Sepanek and daughter Bertha were Heppner visitors on Saturday. Mrs George Lambirth and daugh ter Celatha were visitors in Echo on Saturday. "Mother, dear " "Yes, darling." "I feel lonesome." It was Bobbie Bunr.y speaking. "How can you be lonesome when I am here with you?" "I don't know. Mother, but I am terribly lonesome and " "Just where are you lonesome? In your head, or your feet? I never was lonesome and so I don't know how it feels. "Well. Mother dear, it's terrible. It feels like I had the wibble wob bles in my stomach." Mrs. Rabbit took off her glasses and looked at her Bobbie in sur prise. "What are the wibble wob bles?" she asked. "I don't know what they are. Mother, but they are ten times worse than the piegetsies and " "Have the piegetsies got anything to do with pie?" asked Mrs. Rab bit. "I wasn't thinking of that, but now that you speak of it that was lovely cabbage pie we had the oth er day. It makes my lonesomeness almost gone, just to think of that rpie. said Bobbie. "I don t think I have anything to eat in the house, but "Oh dear, oh dear! I can feel that lonesomeness coming on again." cried Bobbie. "Shall I send for the doctor, or will you take a dose of castor oil?" asked his mother. "I feel better now you needn't send for anybody, but are you sure there is nothing to eat in this house? "Posilutely, I mean, positively." Bobbie Bunny was thoughtful for a moment and then said: "Well, if there is nothing to eat in this house I guess 1 11 go out and play perhaps that will make my lone someness better. Then, too, Benny may be home by that time and my dear, good father might happen in with something to eat "I think if you are sick with lone someness you might go to bed that's the best place for you,' said Mrs. Rabbit "Horrors!" exclaimed Bobbie. "I don't want to go to bed. I want something to eat" "Why didn't you say so? Here you have been all this time worry ing me and making a lot of conver sation just because you are hungry. Is that lonesomeness? "It's pretty bad what ever It Is," sighed Bobbie. "Good bye, I'll go out and play. Perhaps I'll starve to death and you'U find me" "Come on, dear, I'll see If I can't find some carrot pie for you." "I feel ever so much better, Moth er," said Bobbie, as he trotted off behind his mother to the kitchen, where she found some pie for him. LIVE LOCAL ITEMS. L D. Neill, Butter creek farmer and sheepman, was in Heppner Tu esday on business. He reports most of the hay on the creek taken up, though not as much feeding as he looked for at this time. Mrs. F. D. Cox returned to her home in Heppner on Wednesday morning last after a two weeks visit with her daughters, Mrs. R. Beer and Mrs. J. J. Johnson at Sil-verton. The Reid apartment house in this city was recently purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Dick Sperry, who have moved into the building and will personally conduct the apartments. Neal Knighten, young Hardman farmer, was a Saturday visitor In Heppner. Up his way there was some snow that covered the foot hills a few inches. Ruth Chapter No. 32, O. E. S., will hold its regular meeting at Masonic hall on Friday evening. The reg ular order of business, and practice. Officers are urged to be present fl A FHrrens. rftnrhmsn resid ing near Hardman, was in Heppner on Saturday for a few hours, while attending to matters of business. Mr. and Mrs Chas. Vaughn mo tored to Portland on Sunday, going to the city on a ombined business and pleasure trip. Julian Rauch, who farms out north of Lexington, was looking af ter business here on Saturday afternoon. Cummings & Witcraft 17.8.1 BATTERY SALES Complete Battery Service Recharge Rental Repair Satisfaction Guaranteed USED CARS WITH 1929 LICENSE '27 Star Coach, leather upholstery. '28 Chevrolet Coach. Checked up and in good condition. '27 Chevrolet Truck. Reconditioned. With an 0. K. That Counts '27 Chevrolet Touring. Reconditioned. With an 0. K. That Counts. Olds Demonstrator, 4-door. New car guaran tee At a good discount. Olds 2-Door. Run 2600 miles. New car guar antee. Three closed Oldsmobiles will be sacrificed to make floor space for the new Chevrolets. ALL REAL BUYS! YOU'D BETTER HURRY ! Ferguson Chevrolet Co. R. B. FERGUSON and A. H. BERGSTROM L " i When you build, we are ready to serve you W7HEN you build It la always a comforting W thing to know that the building materials you buy are going to be up to specifications. Cheap, fttmsy construction usually goes hand in hand with poor quality materials. Safeguard your building by letting us know what you require and we will work with you to see that your interests are well protected. We are headquarters for all dependable building materials and can also help you select a good, reliable contractor. Tell us what you plan to do-we can and will give you helpful advice. :..-v TUM-A-LUM LUMBER COMPANY Yards at Heppner, Lexington and lone The Fir Thousand Nearly every successful man can say: "My hardest job was the care ful saving that accumulated my first thousand dollars." And is wasn't this first thousand that brought him success. Don t get that idea. It wasn't that at all. It was due to the SAVING habit form ed while accumulating his first nest egg. Learn to take care of your dol lars. Place them in our Bank where they will be safe. You are then fair ly on the road to financial success. Fir National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON x i x x X I X X t ? ? ? t T ? ? T t t ? T ? Y t T ? ? ? ? ? ? i x x I X T T X X X X ? T T I ower Goodyear All-Weather Tread Cords 29 x 4.40 Balloon 810,15 30 x 4.50 Balloon 11.25 29 x 5.00 Balloon 13.20 31 x 5.25 Balloon 16.35 33 x 6.00 Balloon 19.75 30 x 3 Kl. Oversize 9.40 31 x 4 S.S. Oversize 14.80 32 x 4 S. S. Oversize . . ...I 15.75 Other Sizes Priced Proportionately All Goodyear Tires are guaranteed FOREVER against defect. There is NO TIME LIMIT and NO MILE AGE LIMIT. Goodyear unquestionably offers you the greatest tire values on the market today. The one outstanding fact of the tire industry a fact undisputed by any other manufacturer is: EVERY YEAR MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOOD YEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER MAKE. Compare these prices with any other brand and re member they include service of mounting. Buy your tires from a reputable tire dealer equipped to give you efficient tire service. Goodyear Blue Seal Cords 29 x 4.40 Balloon $ 6.95 30 x 4.50 Balloon 7.75 29 x 5.00 Balloon 9.95 31 x 5.25 Balloon 11.85 33 x 6.00 Balloon 1585 30 x 3h CI. Dble. Oversize 6,45 31 x 4. S. S. Oversize ... . 10.45 32 x 4 S. S. Oversize .... 10.95 Other Sizes Priced Proportionately Vaughn & Goodman Heppner Garage Phone Main 213 t T T Y ? T t ? T Y Y f ? ? ? t t Y t t t I f Y t ? f Y ? ? Y f T t f T Y