Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 10, 1929, Image 1

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Volume 45, Number 43.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
January 19th Set as Date;
Vital Information of
Interest to All.
Frank W. Turner and Earl Gor
don, tho committee from the Busi
ness Men's Luncheon club, are com
pleting preparation for a meeting
of county wheatmen to be held at
the court house in Heppner, Satur
day afternoon, January 19. The im
portance of this meeting is stressed
as it is hoped to develop much ma
terial to be presented at the annual
meeting of the Eastern Oregon
Wheatgrowers' league to be held at
Arlington in February.
With Chas. B. Cox of this city
president of the league, and many
Morrow county farmers and busi
ness men holding important posi
tions on every committee appoint
ed to take part in the Arlington
conference, success of the annual
meeting depends quite largely on
the interest manifested here, ac
cording to Chas W. Smith, county
agent, who has been Instrumental
In lining up the program for the
Saturday afternoon meeting.
Featuring the Saturday program,
to begin shortly after the noon
hour, will be addresses by W. W.
Harrah, of Pendleton; D. E. Ste
phens, Moro; Chas. B. Cox, Hepp
ner and Frank W. Turner, Heppner,
while other outside speakers are be
ing contacted.
Mr. Harrah's topic will be, "Get
ting Our Wheat to the Terminals,"
a subject with which he Is well con
versant, and on which he will lead a
general discussion, as will the other
speakers on the topics chosen.
"How Can We Reduce Our Produc
tion Costs," will be handled by Mr.
Stephens, superintendent of the
Moro experiment station with whom
Morrow county Is already well ac
quainted, he having been a frequent
visitor here In the past Mr. Cox
will tell "What the Eastern Oregon
Wheat League Plans to Accom
plish," and being president of the
league he will have his Bubjcct well
in hand. Mr. Turner, local insur
ance dealer and a member of the
committee on insurance to report
at the Arlington meeting, will talk
on "The Trend of Insurance Costs."
Some vital Information in which
every wheatgrower Is Interested
will be given at the meeting, de
clares Mr. Smith, in urging all to
attend even at a sacrifice to them
selves. Luncheon Club Would
Invite Wool Meeting
Members of the Business Men's
Luncheon club who attended the
Monday meeting favored Heppner
extending an invitation to the Ore
gon Woolgrowers association to
hold their annual meeting here in
1930. Due to the small attendance,
however, no definite action was
A committee appointed by Earl
Hallock, president, reported that
Saturday, January 19, had been
chosen as the time for the meeting
of wheatmen. The club decided
that an afternoon meeting was the
only kind that could be arranged
In the time left for preparation.
The luncheon club Is an organiza
tion with unrestricted membership
having for its purpose the fostering
of business and civic enterprises.
William Gorger of lone, recently
committed to the state hospital at
Pendleton, died there on Tuesday,
January 8, and the remains were
brought to Heppner by M. L. Case,
undertaker, and prepared for burial.
The funeral will be held from St.
Patrick's church in this city at 8:30
a. m., Friday, Rev. Father Brady,
pastor, olllclating, and burial will
be in Heppner cemetery.
Mr. Gorger was aged G6 years,
and had not been well since a year
ago when he suffered a severe spell
of sickness at Mt Angel, Oregon.
Recovering from this, he returned
to Morrow county, and during the
past summer was on a visit to rela
tives in the east when he suffered
injuries, presumably the result of
being struck on the head by a thug
and robbed of his money and be
longings. Just recently ha became
ill again and was taken to Pendle
ton to be cared for and seemed to
be getting better, when a turn for
the worse came suddenly and death
He is survived by four sons and
three daughters, these being Henry,
George, Leo and Joseph of lone;
Mrs. Leo Cooncy of Boardman,
Mrs. E. A. Ramsey of Aberdeen
and Miss Gene Gorger of Hoqulam,
For' many years Mr Gorger fol
lowed farming in the lone section,
but sold his farm holdings there
to his sons and bought a small
place at Boardman, which he sold a
couple of years ago to his son-in-
law, Mr. Cooney, and retired from
active work.
A special meeting of Heppner
Lodge No. 69, A. F. & A. M will be
held at Masonic hall on Saturday
evening, January 12th, at which
time there will be work in the M.
M. Degree. L. W. BRIGGS, Sec.
Mrs. Polly Church of Dee, Oregon,
Is a visitor at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Hunt In this city.
Called to San Diego
By Death of Father
Dr. Fred K. Farrlor, local dentist,
was called to San Diego, Calif., on
Friday upon word received an
nouncing the death of his father,
John Farrior, at 2 o'clock a. m., on
that day, January 4th. Mr. Far
rior was a victim of pneumonia and
had been ill but a few days, and he
passed at the United States Navy
hospital In that city. He is sur
vived by his widow, Dr. JeaBie Far
rior, who was called to his bedside
from Oakland, Calif., where she is
on the staff of St, Anthony's hos
pital; his daughter, Jeane, a nurse,
and two sons, Dr. John F. .Farrior,
physician In the U. S. Navy, who
arrived from China the day before
his father died, and Dr. Fred E.
Farrlor of this city. Mr. Farrior will
be. remembered by many here, as
he visited Heppner two years ago,
spending several weeks with the
family of his son here. Mrs. Fred
E. Farrior and son Freddie depart
ed also for San Diego on Tuesday
morning, to be with Dr. Farrior
for a short time.
A quiet wedding service united
two well-known Sllverton young
people Christmas eve. Miss Vivian
Esther Cox became the bride of
Reginald Clark at the home of Rev.
and Mis J. A. Bennett and the im
pressive ring service was read. The
bride was lovely in. a gown of old
rose colored silk crepe de chine,
and carried a lovely boquet of roses
and fern. The young people were
attended by Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Johnson, Mrs. Johnson being a sis
ter of the bride. The ceremony was
witnessed by immediate relatives,
the only outside guests being Mr.
and Mrs, H. R. Irish. ' Following
the ceremony a dinner was served
at the home of Mt and Mrs. John
son for the newly weds.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. F. D. Cox of Heppner, Or
egon, and the groom is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Clark of this
city. He Is a graduate of Sllverton
high school, completing his work
here last Bpring. At present he is
enrolled at the state college at Cor-
vallis where he is taking a course
in gardening and landscaping. The
young people will make their home
in Corvallis. Silverton Appeal.
Considerable interest Is being
aroused In Heppner by the unusual
messages which Brother Drill is
giving from night to. night Deep
ly devoted and sincere he yet puts
plenty of spice into the service.
The meetings will continue this
week and next at least He an
nounces the following subjects: To
night, "Is There a Loop-hole in the
Gospel?" Friday, "Heart Religion"
or "A Clean Heart." Sunday eve
ning, "The Worst Thing One Can
Do. Tuesday, "Standardized Re
ligion." Wednesday, "Is There a
Sunday morning our song evan
gelist, Brother Lester Farnum, will
preach. His subject will be, "Who
Cares for a Soul?" There is spe
cial music at every service. You
may place any question you wish
in the question box.
Bible school and Christian En
deavor at the usual hours.
Holy Communion at 7:30 A. M.
Morning prayer and sermon at
11:00 o'clock.
Sunday school at 9:45 o'clock. Let
us all make a special effort to be
on time again this Sunday. Instead
of the closing services of the Sun
day school, the pupils will go di
rectly from their classes into the
church where we will have the an
nual election of officers for each di
vision of the Sunday school. Ev
eryone is urged lo attend In order
that they may take part In the
"Now, faith means we" are con
fident of what we hope for, con
vinced of what we do not see."
Heb. 11:1. Moffatt's translation.
Local attorneys joined with coun
ty officials In presenting George Mc-
Duffoe, retiring sheriff, with a beau
tiful desk set. This gift is in appre
ciation of the faithful services of
Mr. McDuffce, who served the coun
ty well In the sheriff's office for a
period of 14 years, and now retires
with the best wishes of not only the
attorneys and his fellow officers in
the court house, but the entire com
munity as well. Mr. McDuffee has
not announced what he expects to
do, but will find employment for
the Immediate future, continuing
his home in Heppner with his fam
All Scouts who have passed their
tests' are eligible for the overnight
trip tomorrow. We will leave the
schoolhouse at 8:00 p. m. Bring
food for three meals,- material for
passing any test you wish, cooking
utensils, and plenty or warm cloth
ing and bedding. Your stuff should
be rolled up In one roll so that you
can carry it, if necessary to hike In.
Don't forget to grease your shoes.
Mrs. Carl Cason, stenographer at
the office of C. L. Sweck, departed
for Portland on Monday, taking
her littlo daughter, Beryl, to the
cltv and niacin? her In schnnl
there. Mrs. Cason will go on to
Salem to be in attendance' on the
session of the legislature beginning
Monday, having a position there as
stenographer. During her absence
Mrs. W. V. Crawford will be sten
ographer In tho olllce of Mr.. Sweok
Willows Host at lone; Ask
Security for Farm
At lone on Saturday, January 5,
Morrow County District Pomona
Grange held its regular quarterly
meeting, which was well attended
and proved very Interesting. Re
ports presented at this time from
various subordinate Granges, show
ed that there had been a steady
increase In membership during the
past quarter, and each of the four
Granges had been strengthened
The Home Economics clubs have
been active in holding sewing and
nutrition meetings under the lead
ership and instruction of specialists
from Oregon State college. These
meetings have been held in the dif
ferent communities and created
much interest.
At this meeting of Pomona
Grange it was the turn of Willow
Grange to furnish the dinner, and
they did this by supplying a boun
tiful feast. The dinner was follow
ed by a well prepared program, and
instruction by the lecturers, the fol
lowing numbers being presented:
Song, "Star Spangled Banner,"
Recitation, "A Hearty Greeting"
Mrs. Ingram, Umatilla Co.
Reading, "Uncle Josh Jines the
Grange Mrs Garinger
Piano Solo -Mrs. Roy Lieuallen
Reading, "The Henpecked Coon"
Mrs. Roy Lieuallen
Duet, "In the Harbor of Home
Sweet Home" Mrs. O. C. Ste
phens, Miss Ruth Rue
Reading, "Yacob Setting a Hen"
Mrs. Muir
Rev. W. W. Head
Reading, "Lizzie's Announcement
of Her Engagement ..Mrs. Ganger
Address, "Better Substitutes"
M. S. Schrock, Milwaukee
In the evening the Willows de
gree team, consisting of junior
members, initiated a class of 21 in
the Sth degree. It Is the custom of
Morrow county for the entertaining
Grange to exemplify the degree
work, and much credit is due Wil
lows Grange for the splendid man
ner in which they presented the
work, especially as the majority of
the team were young folks ranging
in age from 15 to 20 years.
Nine members of White Eagle
Grange of Umatilla county were
present and contributed entertain
ing numbers on the program, ex
tending an invitation to Morrow
County Pomona to attend their
meeting in Pendleton on January
A purchasing committee was ap
pointed and the masters of the sub
ordinate granges were instructed to
appoint like committees In their
granges. Mrs. Mary Lundell, the
Pomona Grange lecturer, will at
tend the lecturers' school in Cor
vallis from February 11 to 13.
Resolutions were adopted sup
porting the action of the Oregon
Woolgrowers, Oregon Cattle and
Horse Raisers associations and the
Oregon Poultry Producers associa
tion in getting legislation for the
protection of farm property.
Heppner Postoffice Shows
Gain in Business for Year
While it has not been large, Post
master Smead shows that there was
a substantial gain in business in the
local postoffice for 1928 over the pre
vious year, and this would seem to
point to the fact that general bus
iness conditions at Heppner have
been at least up to the standard of
more recent years.
In total business, the sum of
$8217.67 represents 1927, and the fig
ures for 1928 are $8653.98. For the
Christmas season just past, Mr.
Smead was of the opinion that 1928
would be quite in advance of that
of 1927, but on comparing the fig
ures the business of the two years
was almost neck and neck, that of
1927 being $2501.18 and 1928, $2503.
11. The two years postoffice re
ceipts indicate a fairly prosperous
condition here, and show also that
there has not been much variation,
though it is pleasant to note a small
gain for the past year.
Chas. W. Smith, county agent,
collected the farm account books
on the Boardman project Tuesday
and sent them to the state eolleee
where they will be summarized and
recommendations made. These were
handed out sotne months ago at a
farm accounting school held at
Boardman. The books were com
pleted about 50 per cent, and Mr.
Smith praises the showing made
very highly, saying there were
many exceptionally good records
All persons are herebv notified
that all dog taxes are due and pay
able on or hpfnrf. thn flrnf Hnv nf
January, each year. They are now
delinquent, and the neglect to pay
becomes a misdemeanor on the part
of owners of dogs. The license fee
Is due and payable to the city mar
shal at the council chambers. This
matter should have your Immediate
S. P. DEVIN, City Marshal.
For Sule 200 acres good pasture;
40 tons good grain hay; good place
to feed, plenty of water. Ralph
Butler, city, 40tf.
S 1' 1 I
SAM GRATHWELL started his
career as a boot-black and
newsboy in Cincinnati,, where he
was the sole support of a widowed
mother. He entered college at the
age of nineteen and was graduated
from Stanford with highest hon
ors. In the early spring of 1927
he visited the Orient and his fea
tured subjects for this season are:
"China a Vision or a Night
mare?" and "Japan of Myth and
Fact." j
I.O.O.F. Lodges Hold
Installation of Officers
At their hall on Friday evening
members of Willow Lodge No. 66,
I. O. O. F and San Souci Rebekah
Lodge No. 33 held installation of
their new officers, both elective and
appointive. Preceding the installa
tion ceremonies a pot luck supper
was served at 6:30, and then the fol
lowing program was given to de
light all those present:
Vocal solo, Mr Lester Farnum;
piano solo, Miss Falconer; Piano
solo, Miss Gingrich; reading, Miss
Gladys Benge; piano solo, Miss
Jeanette Turner.
A marked feature of the evening
was the presentation of a 25-year
jewel to Mrs. Lilian Turner by San
Souci lodge. Members of the order
state that Mrs. Turner is well de
serving of her jewel, as she has been
so faithful in her work as secretary
for many years, and It is largely
due to her faithfulness that the
lodge is in such splendid financial
condition at the present time. The
retiring Noble Grand, Miss Reta
Neel, also comes in for many words
of praise because of her efficiency,
being listed aa one of the best pre
siding officers the lodge has had.
The entire evening was greatly en
joyed by all those attending. San
Souci officers were installed by Ella
Benge, district deputy president, as
Opal Ayers, Noble Grand; Alice
Rasmus, Vice Grand; Lillian Tur
ner, secretary; Reta Neel, treasur
er; Olive Frye, R. S. N. G.; Rose
Eskelson, L S. N. G.; Etta Devin,
R. S. V. G.; Mabel Chaffee. L. S. V.
G.; Gladys Benge, Warden; Anna
Brown, Conductor; Florence Paul,
Inside Guardian; Rublna Corrigall,
Outside Guardian; Bessie Campbell,
Geo. W. Sperry, district deputy
grand master was Installing officer
tor Willow lodge and the officers
installed were: Lester Rasmussen,
Noble Grand; F. R. Brown, Vice
Grand; A. J. Chaffee, secretary; Al
bert Adkins, treasurer; Sherman
Shaw, R. S. N. G.; J. J. Wightman,
L. S. N. G.; W E Mikesell, R. S.
V. G.; Ralph Justus, L. S. V. G.;
George Sperry, Inside Guardian;
W P. Prophet, Outside Guardian;
J. L. Yeager, Right Senior Support-
Chris P. Bown and family have
returned home from Southern Cali
fornia. They left Heppner on No
vember 1st, and had a delightful
trip south, spending the major por
tion or their time in and about
Redlands, where they Had a splen
did visit at the home of Ed Brown
and other members of the J. C.
Brown family who reside there.
They also took In all points of In
terest thereabout and then went
on to San Diego to visit with their
son Vernon Brown, now in the Na
val Hospital Training school. Of
course, being this near the border,
they took a run over to Tia Juana
and veiwed the races. Returning
north the trip was pleasant until
they reached the Siskiyous, when
snow was encountered on the high
way and going was not so pleasant.
At the recent session of county
court, Ralph Harris of lone, who
has been county surveyor for the
past two years, following Joe Kirsh
ner, tendered his resignation, which
was accepted, and H. Tamblyn, ap
pointed to serve out the unexpired
term. Mr. Tamblyn has served
Malheur county in this capacity,
and comes well recommended He
has moved to Heppner with his fam
ily, and on Monday became one of
the official staff of Morrow county,
entering upon his duties at the
court house.
On Saturday evening, January 19,
Frank J. Lonergan, district deputy
Grand Exalted Ruler, will visit
Heppner, at which time there will
be a special meeting of Heppner
Lodge No. 358, B. I'. U. E., with in
Itiatlon ceremonies.
D. T. GOODMAN, Secretary.
Miss Hansen New Teach
er; Basketball Season
Opens Friday.
Heppner public schools convened
Monday after the Christmas and
New Year holidays, with the teach
ing force intact and a good enroll
ment of pupils considering the epi
demic of colds and influenza preval
ent locally the past few weeks, ac
cording to Jas. M. Burgess, super
intendent One vacancy in the teaching
force, that of seventh grade in
structor, caused by the resignation
of Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers to assume
her new duties as county school
superintendent, was filled by the
appointment of Miss Blanche Han
sen, of Flora, Ore. Miss Hansen is
a graduate of Oregon State Normal
school at Monmouth where she has
been for the first part of the year
taking post graduate work. She
has had five years teaching exper
ience, three of which were in the
public schools of La Grande, com
ing to Heppner highly recommend
ed and well qualified. Miss Hansen
has taken up her residence at the
Eugene Campbell home.
Miss Grace Fleming, high school
nistructor, has not returned, due to
the illness which kept her from her
duties previous to the closing of
school for the vacation period, and
Mrs. Arthur McAtee is supplying
for her.
Coach Poulson has been round
ing his basketball squad into shape
for more than three weeks, and be
lieves the boys wlil make a good
showing when they open the season
at Fossil tomorrow night The team
has been handicapped this year by
the lack of seasoned materia, with
but four lettermen around whom to
build. The lettermen are John Far
ley, Rodney Thomson, Harold Gen
try and Henry Robertson. Other
boys are showing up well, however,
and with more playing experience
can be relied on to hold up their
An improvement made in the
gymnasium during vacation was the
installation of sliding stairs for the
dressing lofts, which were reached
before by means of ladder and man
hole. The lofts are now reached
from the main gym floor instead of
from the adjacent alcoves, doors
being cut to enter. The stairs are
pulled down for entering or leaving
the dressing rooms and as soon as
released slide back to their con
cealed compartments.
Farmers & Stockgrowers
Bank Has Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Far
mers and Stockgrowers National
bank of this city was held on Tues
day afternoon at the bank's office.
After presentation of reports by the
officials, election of directors took
place, resulting in the old board
being retained. These are J. W.
Beymer, J. D. French, J. G. Thom
son, R. L. Benge, and W. G. Mc
carty. These elected J. W. Bey
mer, president, J. D. French, vice
president E. D. Hallock, cashier,
L. A. Allinger, assistant cashier.
The stockholders and directors
expressed themselves as well pleas
ed with the condition of the bank,
business for the year being good,
and they look forward to a bright
future for the institution.
To Continue Study of
Early Indian Life
The study of early Indian life in
Oregon is proving a most instruc
tive and valuable one to members
of the Woman's club, who have de
cided to continue with the same
topic at the next meeting, which
will be the first Saturday in Febru
ary. At the last session a most in
teresting discussion was held, de
spite a small attendance due large
ly to inroads made by the flu. Sev
eral fascinating books on the In
dian subject have been obtained
from the state library and are be
ing circulated among the members.
The Heppner town basketball
team took a one-sided drubbing
from Arlington on the letter's floor
Tuesday evening, emerging from a
roughly played game on the short
end of a 30-15 score. Six players
were in suit for Heppner, Francis
Doherty, Paul Aiken and Bill Buck
num, forwards, Dan Beighle, cen
ter, W. R. Poulson and Raymond
Ferguson, guards. Poulson was
high point man for the locals while
Bud Fisk, forward, held the hon
or for Arlington.
Charles R. Voile, aged 37 years
and 3 months, died at his home at
Rhea Siding yesterdoy a victim of
dropsy. Mr. Voile had been a res
ident of the Rhea Siding section
for about a year, moving there
from Arlington where he had been
for some ten years. Funeral ser
vices will be held from the Meth
odist church at Heppner at 1:30
o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Besides
his widow, Maude E., he is survived
by four brothers, Reuben W., R.
Dean and John R. Voile of Hepp
ner, and F. M Voile of Mitchell,
and one sister, Viola Sodcrstom, of
Los Angeles, Calif.
Wanted Work on ranch by man
and wife. Inquire this olllce. 42-6
New County Officials
Assume Their Duties
Beginning Monday, there were a
few changes in the officials at the
county court house, but in the main
the old faces will be familiar around
the offices there for the next two
years at least The new sheriff is
Clarence Bauman, who has for his
deputy Elbert Cox, and a little later,
when the tax gathering rush is on
he will be assisted by Howard Mc
Duffee, retiring deputy under his
father, George McDuffee. Gay An
derson succeeds himself as county
clerk and continues Mrs. Vivian
Kane as deputy. The other newly
elected and qualified official Is Mrs.
Lucy Rodgers, county school sup
erintendent, succeeding Mrs. Helen
M. Walker at the close of her four
year term. The roster of officials
in other positions continues the
same as heretofore with R. L.
Benge, judge; L. W. Briggs, treas
urer; J. J. Wells, assessor; S. E.
Notson, district attorney; M. L.
Case, coroner; L. P. Davidson and
Geo. Bleakman, commissioners.
Ralph Harris resigning as surveyor,
a new man is in that office by ap
pointment, H. Tamblyn, recently
from Vale, Malheur county. W. L.
McCaleb continues as county road
master. With the beginning of 1929, the
servants of the people enter upon
their responsible duties, and there
is promise that the citizens and
taxpayers will be well served as
Heppner-Spray Road
Receives Federal Aid
Twenty-five thousand dollars was
allotted for surfacnig six miles of
the Haystack section of the Heppner-Spray
road, at a meeting of the
United States bureau of public
roads in conjunction with the Ore
gon state highway commission In
Potrland last week-end. This will
be matched by $15,000 from Wheel
er county, making a total of $40,000
to be expended on the road this
G. A. Bleakman, county commis
sioner, attended the Portland meet
ing and felt much encouraged with
the action, though the amount was
not as large as he would like to
have seen. He is In hopes that the
state will now get busy and lend
some aid toward the completion of
existing gaps, All told $1,240,000
will be expended by the United
States forestry department on 70
miles of Oregon roads this year.
We, the undersigned, desire to ex
press our heartfelt thanks to the
friends and acquaintances of Frank
R. Tracy for their kindness and
sympathy to him and to us, during
the time he lived with and in your
community, and especially for the
help extended him and us due to
the accident and his death.
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Tracy,
Brainard, Minn.,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Tracy,
DeKalb, 111.
Pacific Power and Light company
h8ve been suffering a lot of trouble
right recently in maintaining ser
vice. This has been caused by the
continuous foggy weather and accu
mulation of frost on the wires. The
past three weeks of fog has gather
ed on the wires, fences and trees,
and in many places they appear as
large as your arm; wires have been
broken in places as a result and the
current interfered with. No amount
of fussing and complaint, however,
will change this condition, we shall
have to wait for the weather man
to do that
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Bleakman in this city on Thursday
evening, January 3, Judge R. L.
Benge performed the ceremony
uniting in marriage Dale Bleakman,
their youngest son, and Miss Ora
Akin of Monument The wedding
was a quiet affair, only immediate
relatives being present. Mr. and
Mrs. Bleakman are making their
home at Heppner for the present
he being engaged with the state
highway department
Next Tuesday, January 15, the
regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Foreign Missionary so
ciety of the Methodist church will
be held downstairs in the church.
The program, which will begin at
2:30, will consist of several inter
esting numbers. Members and vis
itors will be most welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Medlock came
in from the Medlock & Voile saw
mill Wednesday to do some shop
ping. They report very pleasant
winter weather out that way, no
fog, some snow and plenty of bright
sunshine, all of which is somewhat
different to conditions in the Wil
low creek valley.
Mr. and Mrs. John Brosnan of
Lena were here early Tuesday
morning, Mrs. Brosnan taking the
stage for Portland, where she goes
to consult with specialists. Mrs.
Brosnan has suffered an affliction
of the ears for a number of years,
and the trouble has caused almost
total deafness.
Ex-Sheriff McDuffee was called
to Portland the first of the week
to appear as a witness before the
Federal court in an auto stealing
case, involving a young man appre
hended at Heppner some weeks
ago by Mr. McDuffee.
woman who knows values will be
quick to take advantage of this
January Clearance Opportunity.
Sewage Problem First to
Get Attention; Reser
voir Progressing.
After ten years of service to the
city, E. G. Noble, mayor, handed
over the gavel of authority to his
successor, W. G. McCarty, Monday
evening. Gay M. Anderson was the
only newly elected councilman pre
sent to qualify, the other two,
Frank Shlvely and L. E. Bisbee be
ing prevented from attending.
Mr. Noble was Heppner"s mayor
for eight consecutive years follow
ing two years as councilman. On
qualification by his successor he
quietly left his seat and Mr. McCar
ty preceded at once with the trans
action of business.
First to gain attention of the new
regime, under head of new business,
was an open sewage ditch on Gale
street termed a public nuisance,
steps for elimination of which were
taken. The council will ask that
sewage water thus disposed of be
carried off in pipes.
T. G. Denisse, bridge contractor,
reports that concrete abutments for
the bridges on Elder and Morgan
streets, are completed and that tim
ber work will be preceded with Im
mediately. On claim presented the
city for $2000 on work thus far, said
claim was allowed on condition that
Mr. Denisse complete his bond as
required by contract
L. R. Stockman, engineer for the
water department was present at
the meeting. Work on the new res
ervoir is being pushed rapidly, with
excavating well under way. Con
siderable blasting has been neces
sary, and a series of "shots" Sun
day afternoon made window panes
rattle in the vicinity.
S. P. Devin will retain his position
as city marshal for the coming year
by appointment of the council, with
the positions of recorder and treas
urer remaining in the hands of E.
R. Huston and W. O. Dix respec
tively. First National Bank
Holds Present Officers
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the First National Bank
of Heppner was held at their offices
in the bank building on Tuesday.
Reports for the past year showed
the bank's business to have been
quite satisfactory, and the institu
tion maintainnig its lead as one of
the strong financial institutions of
Eastern Oregon. Directors who
have been serving the bank during
the past year were re-elected as
follows: Frank Gilliam, W. P. Ma
honey, Jack Hynd, John Kilkenny
and Walter E. Moore. These chose
Frank Gilliam, president; W. P.
Mahoney, vice president and man
ager; Walter E. Moore, cashier and
Rubina F. Corrigall, assistant cash
ier. Miss Corrigall has been with'
the bank for the past 14 years as
stenographer and teller, and be
cause of her faithfulness and prov
ed ability, she has now been ad
vanced to the more important sta
tion, an honor she well deserves.
The bank has been without an as
sistant cashier during the past year.
Keith Turner, young son of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Turner, who was
seriously ill with influenza, has re
turned home completely recovered.
Claude White of Lexington, who
has been ill with influenza, is now
able to be up again.
Sam Turner and baby Jean, who
have been ill with influenza, are
now able to be around after re
covery. L. W. Briggs is confined to his
home the past few days with pto
maine poisoning, but is much better.
Elmer Hake, injured In an auto
mobile accident recently, is at the
hospital for further treatment but
will soon be around again.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Adkins are ill
with influenza, but are on the road
to recovery and will soon be able
to leave the hospital.
Mrs. Mitchell Thorn is still Indis
posed as the result of a recent at
tack of ptomaine poisoning, but will
soon be out again.
Mrs. S. Knox, Levi and Patty
Westfall are ill with influenza, but
should be able to be out again soon.
Relatives at Heppner received
the sad intelligence that L. D. Swlck
died at 5:40 a. m., Wednesday morn
ing at his home at Monument at
the age of 65 years. Mr. Swlck had
been an invalid for the past fifteen
monhts, suffering from the effects
of a paralytic stroke. He suffered
another severe stroke just recently,
and had been gradually sinking
since, and his demise was not un
looked for by the family. The fun
eral will be held at Monument on
Friday morning. Mr. Swick was a
brother-in-law of Mrs. Frank W.
Turner of this city and members of
this family will attend the funeral.
He is survived by his widow and
one son, Howard Swick.
There will be an important meet
ing of the officers and teachers of
All Saints' Episcopal Sunday school
in the Parish House, Monday, Jan.
14th, at 7:30 p. m. Please attend
and take your part in our delibera
tions and plans.