Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 27, 1928, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Jason Blddle thinks the farmers
should have some snow for the ben
efit of crops, but does not like the
signs very well and fears the need
ed moisture is going to be long de
layed. However, we are sure that
he does not want to be classed with
the weather prophets, as anything
might happen this time of the year.
Mr. Biddle was attending to busi
ness affairs here on Monday fore
noon. W. P- Mahoney, C. L. Sweek and
John Kelly motored to Condon on
Saturday to attend the funeral of
George Mayhew, prominent citizen
of that community who was killed
in an automobile accident near Con
don on Thursday last Mr. Mayhew
was very well known in this city,
as he was called here frequently on
business matters.
Troy Bogard is able to get around
pretty well again, having about fully
recovered from the effects of his
recent automobile accident when
his car turned over on him in the
ditch while coming down Porcu
pine canyon. He was in town Sat
urday looking after business.
Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Patterson
will leave on Saturday for Pasa
dena, Calif., where they go on busi
iness. J. Dagenars, graduate phar
macist of Portland, is In charge of
the store of Patterson 4 Son dur
ing Mr. Patterson's absence in Cal
ifornia. Floyd Worden, who farms a por
tion of land in the Eight Mile sec
tion, was a visitor in this city on
Saturday. He has no complaint to
offer concerning the winter wea
ther, but thinks that either snow
or rain would prove beneficial.
Vawter Parker got home on Sun
day from Eugene and will lay off
from the strenuous duties of col
lege work for a couple of weeks
while enjoying the Christmas va
cation season with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank S. Parker.
Dr. and Mrs. Fred E. Farrlor and
their son Freddie are spending the
Christmas holiday In Portland with
relatives. They departed for the
city on Sunday morning, taking
with them a big turkey for the
Christmas dinner.
Mr. and Mr. Jess Hall who are
located on the Harry Rood place
southwest of Heppner, made a ship
ment of dressed turkeys to tne
Portland market the past week, the
consignment going down for the
Christmas trade.
Ralph Moore is spending the va
cation days at Heppner at the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Moore. He has been working for
the state highway department out
from Eugene adjacent to the Na
tron cut-off.
Word received by Mr. and Mrs.
George Sperry of this city announ
ces that their daughter-in-law, Mrs.
Roxie Sperry, is recovering nicely
from an operation which she un
derwent the end of the week in
Mrs. Phlll Cohn and daughter,
Miss Eleanor, of Portland, are
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Cohn In this city for the
Christmas holidays. They arrived
from Portland the end of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Becket came
up from Corvallis the end of the
week to soend the holidays with
the home folks. Mr. Becket has
been employed at his trade In Cor
vallis during the fall and winter.
Cyrus Aiken arrived the end of
the week from Corpus Christ!, Tex.,
to visit the folks in Heppner. He
expects to leave on the return Jour
ney shortly after New Year, hav
ing driven through by car.
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Thorn went
to Prosser, Wash., where they spent
Christmas with relatives.
Harley Anderson, Eight Mile far
mer, was doing business in this city
on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Van Mar-
terN and son, La Verne. deDarted
the first of the week for Montesano,
Wash., to spend the Christmas hol
idays at the home of Mr. Van Mar
ter's parents. The elder Mr. Van
Marter is pastor of the Methodist
church at Montesano.
District Attorney Notson and
Sheriff McDuffee got home on Sun
day evening from Portland. The
gentlemen had been spending a few
days In this city attending the con
vention of sheriffs and district at
torneys, and report a very interest
ing meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Jones are over
from Seattle to spend the holiday
season with the parents of Mrs.
Jones, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Case.
These young people recently went
to Seattle from Astoria.
Gene Doherty, son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. G. Doherty of Blackhorse,
who Is a student at Columbia uni
versity, Portland, arrived home on
Friday morning to spend the holi
days here.
Roland Humphreys, an Instructor
in the Medford high school, arrived
home on Monday morning and will
spend the holiday season with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Humphreys.
During the illness of Miss Flem
ing, high school teacher, the place
was filled by Mrs. Arthur McAtee,
who a number of years ago filled a
place as instructor in the local high
The Misses Mary and Marjorie
Clark, University of Oregon stu
dents, are home for the holidays.
which they are spending with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm D.
Miss Dorothy Anderson, teacher
in the primary department of the
Tillamook schools, is home for the
holidays with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Theodore Anderson of Eight
Miss Mary Monahan, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Monahan, who
is a student at St Mary's academy
in Pendleton, Is spending the holi
day season with her parents here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Turner and son
Don arrived Saturday from their
home at Salem, and are spending
the holiday season with folks here,
visiting the Turners and Crawfords.
Miss Luola Benge, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Benge and a
student at University of Oregon, ar
rived home from Eugene on Satur
day for the Christmas holidays.
Marvin Wightman, O. A. C. stu-
, HK : v , ul J ;; J.' At.
L , V?'r in 1 J. imMf '' - ,0&siiimJSm 11 1 nfutrmir :f j
water In house: small orchard. D.
E. Gilman, Heppner, Ore. 38tf.
FOR SALE B-room house, lot 75
by 100, in city. Half down, balance
terms. Mrs. Chas. Furlong. 37-42
For Sale Giane Bronze turkeys;
toms $12, hens $7. The large kind
none better., Cora Burrougns, lone,
Oregon. 33ti-
Ezra Meeker, champion of the Old Oregon Trail, who died recently in Seattle, posed not long ago tor .
Avard Fairbanks, University of Oregon sculptor. Mr. Fairbanks made a bust of the old pioneer. Mr. Fair
banks Is also the designer of the Old Oregon trail marker.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Furlong
were in the city from their Eight
Mile home on Saturday. They were
accompanied by Mrs. Tyndal Rob-
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Padberg, 11:40 a. m Saturday, De
cember 21, 1928, an 8 pound son, at
the home of J. S. Lieuallen in Hepp
ner. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Goodman, of
Portland, parents of Dean T. Good
man, are holiday guests at the!
Goodman home.
Mr. and Mrs. Riley Juday are
vacation season visitors at the
homes of Sam and Hanson Hughes
in this city.
Merle Becket, O. A. C. student,
arrived from Corvallis on Friday
to spend the holidays with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shively.
Elmer Bucknum, who has been
at Los Angeles, Cal., is home for
the holidays with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Bucknum.
quire at this office.
AH Winter Coats at 25 per cent
off during the month of December.
Curran Hat Shop. tf.
For Sale Mammoth bronze tur
key gobblers. Emma Anderson,
lone, Oregon. 40-41
lost Sack of wearing apparel,
between Heppner and 5 miles east
on Hinton creek. Notify this office.
I have for sale a new Pontiac
Six car. For particulars inquire of
Mrs. Geo. Aiken, city. 41tf.
Notice I am discontinuing the
service of my male hog for outside
sows; please do not bring any more
to the ranch. Walter Jepson, Rhea
creek. 41.
If you are seeking ideas for the
table decoration for Christmas and
dent, arrived home on Friday from do not want to UBe nowers, remem-
Corvallls to spend tne unnsimas
vacation season with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Wightman.
David Hynd was in town on Sat
urday from the Hynd Bros. Rose
Lawn ranch In Sand Hollow, lay
ing In some good things for the
Christmas dinner.
for th0
1 1 HBto
bu Vancu Hart
around the cone.
Use a small boudoir lamp with
on low monthly payments. PEN
ton, Oregon. 39-40.
For Sale 55 h.p. caterpillar trac
tor in fair condition; ro will trade
for sheep. Harry B. Pinkerton, Mo
ra, Oregon. 6o-v.
For Sale Dairy cows, any kind
of cow you want Ellis Minor, Her-
miston, Ore. 38-41.
For Sale Creek ranch of 800
acres; creek bottom unaer aitcn;
nearly all place fenced sheep-tight;
comfortable buildings with running
Picked up on the McCullough
place on Willow creek, two black
hogs. Owner may have hogs by
calling for them and paying ex
penses of advertising and keeping
same. Frank Wilkinson, Heppner,
For Sale or Trade Harris com
bine, 16-ft cut, model 22x33, run
2 seasons. Small payment down,
year on balance or will take as
down payment, sheep, hogs or cat
tle. Make me an offer. Edw. A.
Lindeken, lone, Ore. 40-tf.
65 tons bulk measure, choice Tur
key Red straw for sale. Feed lot
and water in connection. B. H.
Peck, Lexington, Ore. 39-41,
For Sate At a sacrifice, two play
er pianos belonging to an eastern
manufacturer. Can be purchased
ber that you can make a gay and
modernistic Christmas tree center
piece by simply forming a cone of
cardboard and applying rows of
frineed green crepe paper round
and round it
Cut double thicknesses of paper
in two inch strips and fold it
, , i ii iiuiKc LH. v u v ' r-
nTof the-' week ?oT Ihe hoHdays I
. i nurrinnurii i'mmm hihi linn lc uaauc ua,
with his parent., Mr. and Mrs Lee coorg QVer ho,es
Slocum. Gerald is a student at O. rowg of fr,nge
A. KJ. Hi vurvmua.
MpWiiirnv who rnlnpfl a lot
;v.... a ,i. v,io ranh I elobe as mounting for the tree
at Jordan Siding each season, was and when the light snaps on you'll
... Christmas centerpiece as the heart
couia desire,
Miss Mildred Green, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Green, arrived I Vegetarian Menu
home on Friday from Monmouth Corn anj tomato soup
where she is a student a,t the state Nuj cutlets Creamed cabbage
normal. Salad of peas and cheese
T2KHia T,n.r la with the home Popovers and stewed apples
uuuuiu - ' - XTmi ntlmlilQtinlT TM n IT
the no. may season. I Good Sundav-Nieht Supper Salad
man at wnitman college, waiia -
WaIla Crisp and shred lettuce, place in
the center a naro-DOiiea bkb imivcu
Gunnar Lindhe, resident of the I and stuffed with deviled yolk and
Alpine section, was a Heppner vis- chopped anchovies. Pour over the
itor on Saturday, spending a few lettuce a French dressing flavored
hours in the city attending to bus- with anchovy paste and chopped pi-
iness. miento,
Auto Owners-
Our electric hoist and
power greasing equipment
enable us to give you the
in the city and at reason
able prices.
For Sale 2 gentle mules and 2 or
3 head horses at Frad place in
southeast Heppner. 38-9.
GOLD SEAL Congollum Sale Oct
1 to 6. ugs and yard goods extra
special. Case Furniture Co.
FOR SALE Select seed rye, Ro
sen and Fall, from premium seed.
J. Frank Spinning, phone 61, Echo,
Ore. 29-tt-
Forshaws, pioneer florist of Pen
dleton, have arranged with the
Case Furniture Co. to represent
them in Heppner. 33tf.
For Sale 7-room modern bouse,
shade and fruit trees, also berry
bushes; other adjoining lots for
sale. Cash or terms. Elizabeth
Smith state. 32tt
Wanted 4- or 5-room furnished
house, with fence. Inquire this of
Heppner, Ore.
Local and Long
Distance Hauling
Headquarters at
Heppner Garage
Phone 213
deluxe Stages
Stages leave from
P Express Packages Carried
Bacon Delights
u.ira o oolite hv nnnkln? in dou-!
ble boiler for 15 minutes 1 1-2 cups
tomato puree, -i teaspoon musmiu,
salt and pepper to taste ana a m
kioonnnna nnirk ronkinc; taoloca.
out a allies hrnad in baking pan,
cover each with thin slice of cheese,
then a slice of
bacon. Bake in hot oven until ba
con is crisp and brown.
Wanted General housework;
ixnnrl cook: country preferred. In-
F. W. Turner & Co.
We can think of no better way to greet
you than simply to repeat the words that
have been repeated a hundred hundred times
"Happy New Year" and yet have new
meaning each time that they are uttered.
We mean them sincerely and warmly.
iiu JAN
Hurrah! The New Year's here ! We've
just finished a smashingly successful 1928,
and look forward to a bigger and better
1929 with your co-operation. Thank you
for all your kindness in the past and may
1929 be a Happy Year for you in every way !
?rrr."! naonn nit. ail whit fttV
All ready for flyinf? w wm ul v.b
comnanied a group OI university - .--
over rte campus. She is Mis. Glenna Fisher, who is secretary to Vice-
President Burt Brown Barker, 01 me uu,,,.,.
I wua nlH Mother Nature made milk
for children. Into it she put every
thing needed for sustenanoe, ana in
the most easily assimuatea lonn.
So. Drink More muk. li tne
I rhiliirnn have Dlentv. It is the
cheapest food you can buy.
Alfalfa Lawn Dairy
pWe Ktt
Just three words "Happy New Year"
but behind them are all our thanks to you
for your friendship and patronage during
the past yer, and all our hopes for your con
tinued encouragement and support.
Farmers & Stockgrowers National
Heppner BHlk Oregon
We wish you A Happy New
Year! May you be blessed
with all things good in 1929 1
We thank you for your pat
ronage and co-operation
during 1928. May you pros
per well!
Your patronage and friend
ship during the past year
have made us very happy in
deed, and it is with a full
heart and the greatest sin
cerity that we extend our
greetings and say to you:
"Happy New Year"