Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 27, 1928, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Once more the joyous Christmas
tide hag come and what with grifts,
Christmas programs, both at Sun
day school and school, preparation
for the Christmas feasts, parties,
life has Indeed been filled to the
utmost On Friday afternoon the
school program was given and the
story of the Christ child was por
trayed in a litlte playlet showing
the shepherds, the wise men, Mary,
Baby Jesu and also children and
their Christmas customs of other
lands In adidtion to this there
were songs and recitations and lat
er gifts were exchanged by U1
the school children.
On Sunday evening the Sunday
school program was given before
an audience that taxed the capa
city of the church. The program
is too lengthy to give in detail but
every number was good. The lit
tle folks all took their parts with
aplomb. Special mention will be
made of a few numbers, however.
The quartette by J. F. Barlow and
family, consisting of his daughters,
Mrs. Coates and Mrs. Gillespie and
his son, Ray. Other numbers espe
cially enjoyed were the duet by
Mrs. Rands and Brice Dillabough,
and the duet by Mrs. Rands and
her daughter, Mrs. Roy Howell with
Mrs. Lowell Spagle accompanying
them. A violin selection by Victor
Hango with his sister, Levida, at
the piano was also well received.
A Santa Claus made his appear
ance at the close of the program
with a pop corn ball and a bag of
nuts for each child. The pop corn
balls were made at the L. G. Smith
home one afternoon by Mesdames
Smith, Allen, Gorham, Blayden and
Sherman. Alfred Skoubo very kind
ly donated the pop corn.
Fred Israel left Sunday for his
home in Washington, after a week's
visit at the home of his sister, Mrs.
Claude Myers.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Goodwin made
a trip to The Dalles Saturday, re
turning Sunday.
At the close of the program Fri
day afternoon the teachers who do
not live here, left for their homes.
Miss Alice Falk went to Salem, Miss
Ellen Henry will spend the holidays
at Roseburg, Mrs. Spike at Echo,
and Miss Chapman at Hood River.
Mrs. M. E. Tramine of Portland
came up Saturday with her nephew,
Jimmy Smith, to spend the holidays
with her brother, L. G. Smith, and
Mrs. Lee Mead and children went
to The Dalles on Saturday" to visit
relatives, returning home Christ
mas eve, after attending the beau
tiful midnight mass service at The
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Price and
Billie left Sunday for Portland for
the holidays.
Miss Ona Imus is home from Spo
kane for the holidays.
The Misses Mabel and Katharine
Brown are home from Ellensburg,
Wash. The former will return to
Your Opportunity to Hear
Guy L. Drill
Church of Christ
Revival Services Begin Dec. 30th
Courteous, Friendly, Interesting, In&ru&ive
Everyone Is Invited to Attend
Every Night Except Saturday
resume her school duties at the nor
mal, but Miss Katharine completed
her work this last semester.
The Macombers spent Christ
mas at Pilot Rock wtih Mrs. Ma
comber's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Faler have
rented their ranch to Everett Dug
gan and left Saturday for Portland
for a year's stay. Mr. Faler will
be back and forth during that time
as he has some work he plans to do
on the ranch in the way of level
ling. Mr. Faler has been having
trouble with his back for some time.
Friends are glad to know that their
absence will not be permanent
James Howell, Jr., came Saturday
from Spokane where he has been
employed for some time. He will
return to Corvallis after the holi
days to complete his college course.
Carrol Kennedy and Miss Helen
Chaffee and Mabel Brown motored
to Weston to spend Christmas with
the former's relatives.
Arthur Allen and family came
from Condon to spend Christmas at
the J. M. Allen home.
Richard Berger is still in the hos
pital at Pendleton. It was thought
for a time he could be home for
Christmas, but the doctor thought
it best not to remove the cast be
fore the 15th or 16th of January.
Mrs. L. E. Marschat took the
teacher's examinations at Heppner
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
of last week. Mrs. A. T. Hereim
substituted for her. Mr. and Mrs.
Marschat left Wednesday for Port
land to attend the teachers' asso
ciation meeting. Mr. Marschat is
a delegate from this section.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Humphrey
and son left Sunday for Colfax,
Wash., to visit over the holidays
with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Humph
rey. John Hill is doing chores dur
ing their absence. The Humphreys
traded their Ford roadster to Guy
Barlow for his Chevrolet roadster.
Lee Mead has purchased the
Chevrolet sedan from Z. J. Gillespie.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Howell and
baby of Hood River arrived Sunday
to spend Christmas with Mr. How
ell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Royal
Mrs. Elva Perry of Hood River
came Saturday for a fortnight vis
it with her daughter, Mrs. Guy
Chas. Nlckerson and family came
Sunday from Wiley City, Wash., to
spend the holidays with the for
mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Nickerson.
Dr. D. E. Thompson of Portland
occupied the pulpit Sunday a. m.
Communion service followed the
Mrs. Z. J. Gillespie was pleasant
ly surprised Friday evening to have
several couples walk in unexpected
ly to help her celebrate her birth
day. There were four tables of 500.
After a good game the uninvited
guests served a dainty luncheon.
Guests were Messrs. and Mesdames
J. F. Barlow, Jack Rainville, J. F.
Gorham, Ed Barlow, Claude Coates
and F. A. Fortier.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ransier gave
a farewell party Thursday evening,
honoring Mr. and Mrs. Nick Faler.
There were three tables of 500.
Fraulein Likes University
1 9 -X.
Fraulein Luis Huls, Berlin, Germany, right, is attending the Uni
versity ot Oregon through the foreign scholarship fund conducted by
the Women's League of the Institution. With her Is Edith Dodge,
Ashland, president ot the league, Fraulein Huls says she is too bus;
to become lonely.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Nick
Faler, Mr. and Mrs. Houghton of
Umatilla, Mr. and Mrs. Gorham,
Mr. and Mrs. Royal Rands, Marvin
Ransier and R. Wasmer.
Paul M. Smith was over from
Easton, Wash., for business for the
week end. Mr. Smith has been
working for a big construction com
pany since last spring.
All the young people are home for
the holidays. Ray Barlow and Ra
chael Johnson from Portland, Nel
lie Messenger from The Dalles
where she is in training at one of
the hospitals.
J. R. Johnsons are driving one
of the new model Fords.
The Boardman high school will
play Helix, January 27, on the
Boardman floor.
Mr. and Mr. W. H. Mefford were
Pendleton visitors Friday.
The Boardman high school play
ed an interesting basketball game
Saturday night with the alumni
team, with a party to be given by
the losers. The alumni made the
team look like pigmies and defeated
them by an 11-20 score. The local
boys, although very light, are quick
so hope that the conference games
will not be a repetition of the alum
ni game. Playing for the alumni
were Russel Mefford, Eldon Wil
son, Ray Barlow, Robert Berger,
and John Graves. The Boardman
line-up consisted of Alvle Mefford,
Buster Rands, Carl Wlcklander,
Eugene Mingus, Vernon Root and
Dallas Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messenger
and children of Athena spent the
holidays at the Barlow and Messen
ger homes. They came to attend
the Messenger-Sharpe nuptials on
Christmas day.
Dinner parties characterized the
day on Christmas and there were
many bountiful feasts given at var
Uj,tf? ' ':
V;; ' f
ious homes with tables groaning
with good things. One of the most
elaborate and loveliest of the din
ners was given by Mr. and Mrs.
Lowell Spagle and Mr. and Mrs. H.
Apagle and son Maurice of Hub
bard, Ore., and Kenneth Spagle of
Arlington were house guests at the
home of their son and brother, and
they with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Pack
ard and Howard, Mr. and Mrs. John
L. Jenkins and Elvira, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Brodley of Everett
Wash., Mr. Berger and sons Glen
and Robert Berger were all pre
sent to help enjoy the turkey.
A wonderful family dinner was
partaken of at the F. A. Fortier
home, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Cramer, Earl Cramer and son, Mr.
and Mrs. Glen Hadley and Stanton
guests of the Fortiers.
Another of the many sumptuous
parties was that at which Mr. and
Mrs. C. S. Calkins presided on
Christmas day. Turkey with all the
trimmings was enjoyed by the Lee
Mead family and Mr. and Mrs. W.
O. King and children.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mefford had
several of their children with them
on Christmas day. , All were not
able to come. Those who were pre
sent at the Christmas feast were
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Root and son
Vernon, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barlow,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Macomber of
Condon, and Russell Mefford who
is home from O. S. C.
Grandma Partlow is quite ill at
lone where she is making her home
this winter. She is suffering from
some sort of growth on her neck.
Another lovely dinner was that
at which Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Blay
den presided with Jack Gorham
and family and Mr. and Mrs. John
Pruter as the fortunate guests.
Alton Klitz, Eldon Wilson and
Russell Mefford ail spent the holi
L. Farnum
day with home folks. The three
are attending O. S. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Goodwin, Mrs.
Emma Sherman and son Lloyd
were Christmas guests at the War
ners at the Highway Inn.
Mr. Barzee has been buying stock
on the project Last week he ship
ped out a carload of sheep.
Mr. and Msr. J. F. Ransier were
hosts to a number of relatives on
Christmas day, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Ransier and son and daughter and
Bob Simmons of Echo, and the
Marlows from Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mackan and
children spent Christmas at Stan
field. Mr. and Mrs. Brice Dillabough
and children and Chas. Wlcklander
and family spent Christmas togeth
er. On Wednesday Mrs. Dillabough
and children left for Portland to
visit a few days with relatives.
Clarence Berger Is back from
Cosmopolis where he has been act
ing as relief operator.
One of the loveliest of the many
holiday festivities wa the party giv
en by Stanton Hadley on Christ
mas eve to several of his small
friends. After playing a number of
games Santa's sleigh bells were
heard and soon old Santa appeared
with a gift for each little one. There
were small trucks, airplanes, per
fume containers and what not, for
the small folks. Old Santa then
brought in a 'sack of candy and nuts
for each guest and after all this
a lunch of jello, cake and cocoa was
served. The small guests were Bob
by and Stanley King, Erma, Asta
and Eleanora Skoubo, Maxene Coo-
ney, Ann Elizabeth Kristensen and
Orthun Hereim. Mrs. King and
Mrs. Hereim and Nels Kristensen
enjoyed the party as much as did
the smaller folk. Mrs. Kristensen
was unable to come because of an
attack of flu from which she was
just recovering.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Knauff pre
sided at a sumptuous banquet on
Christmas day with turkey as the
piece de resistance. The guests
were Mr. and Mrs. John Brice, War
ren and Lillian, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Wlcklander and son, Mr. and Mrs.
H. E. Bates, Mr. and Mrs. A. A.
Agee and daughter Emma.
G. A. Harju and family were
guests at the Hereim home on
It was Indeed a merry Christmas
at the Weston home this year, with
the children and grandchildren
gathered about the tree and later
the dinner table. Mr. and Mrs.
Neal Bleakney and children of Echo
and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Morgan and
sons Bobby and Billy of Portland.
Ray Browns were guests at the
Robert Wilson home on Christmas
Rachael and Deibert Johnson
drove to The Dalles Wednesday for
a short visit Miss Marie Messen
ger accompanied them, returning
to her work at the hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Graves held
a family dinner at home Christmas.
Their oldest son, Henry A. Graves
and wife of Arlington, were with
The next Silver tea will be held
January 2, at the home of Mrs.
Mr .rM Mm W A. Wilbanks and
riaiurhtai- iHnllno and the Carrlcks
of Vernonia, who are visiting here,
spent Christmas day wim reiauves
on Willow creek.
Mr and Mm Cl B Olson BDCIlt
Christmas at Mayger, Ore., at the
A. Koskl home.
Mi- anri Mm T Sknuho entertain-
ed Mr. and Mrs. Claude Myers and
We will be dedicated to your service every
day of the New Year as we were every day
of the old and we want to take this occa
sion to wish you the best of all things good
during the coming year.
Ferguson Chevrolet Co.
General Managers
BETTER homes are built with better
lumber and that doesn't mean
high priced lumber either.
Our quality, our service, and our
prices will satisfy you.
Heppner Planing Mill & Lumber Yard
A. R. REID, Proprietor
Phones Mill 9F25, Yard Main 1123
Another year may it too be
blessed by your friendship and co
operation. In sendnig our greetings
to you, we wish to express our
thanks to you for having made our
good progress possible.
Fir& National Bank
children, Wm. Strobel and family
at a lovely dinner on Christmas.
Murchies came up from The Dall
es to spend the holidays with the
Mr. Dutcher who lives on the
Broylea place on the west end had
his brother from Pilot Rock with
him for Christmas.
Otto Lindstrom was a Morgan
wheatraiser in this city on Saturday.
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