Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 27, 1928, Image 1

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    n History Society.
Volume 45, Number 41.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Condon Man, Well Known
Here; Cars Hit Head
on in Fog.
very trojmsing
-By Albert T. Reid
Frank Tracey Killed and
Elmer Hake Seriously
Injured in Wreck.
Death stalked the car of Marlon
Cunningham on Saturday night,
when In an automobile accident
near the Ed Clark place on the
highway just a mile and a quarter
below the city, Frank Tracy of
Heppner was killed.
The car, a Star touring, owned
and occupied by Cunningham as
driver, Tracy, Onez Parker and
Elmer Hake, who were on their
way to a dance at Lexington after
having attended the show at Hepp
ner, had Just passed another car
driven by Jack Witcraft, and evi
dently, from evidence produced be
fore the coroner's Jury, was moving
at a high rate of speed when the
curve In the highway was encoun
tered and the car left the road, run
ning along some little distance be
fore striking rocks that turned the
machine completely over and it was
badly wrecked, though the engine
was running and the lights burning
when it stopped.
Onez Parker and Elmer Hake
were riding in the back seat, and
Parker states that when he realized
the car was leaving the road, he
dropped down between the seats,
and this action no doubt saved him
from being hurt and he came out
with only slight bruises. Hake was
badly hurt, and has been confined
at the home of his father, Harve
Coxen, since. His head was badly
cut and he was bruised seriously
on parts of the body. Cunningham
was hurt on the arm sufficiently to
cause that member to be carried In
a sling, but no bones were broken.
Tracy was found to be uncon
scious with cuts on head and face,
and on being rushed to the hospital
at Heppner the examination by the
physician revealed fracture of the
skull and broken neck. He died a
few hours later, never having re
gained consciousness.
Coroner Case called a Jury on
Wednesday, and after deliberation
they brought in the following ver
dict: "We, the Jury called this 26th day
of December, 1928, before Coroner
M. L. Case, of Morrow county, to
inquire Into all the crlcumstances
attending the death of Frank Tra
cy, find that the said Frank Tracy
came to his death In an automobile
wreck, said automobile being then
and there operated and driven by
one, Marion Cunningham, on the
Oregon-Washington highway about
1 1-4 miles northwesterly from
Heppner, Oregon, said operator ap
parently then and there driving
said automobile In an imprudent
and careless manner." The Jury
was C. N. Jones, John Her, Adam
Blahm, S. H. Shanon, H. C. Case
and Hanson Hughes.
Tracy had no relatives residing
here, but on his body was found an
Identification card which said to no
tify G. A. Tracy, Brainard, Minne
sota, in case of accident. This was
done Immediately, and upon instruc
tion received from his relatives the
body was prepared by Undertaker
Case and will be shipped to Brain
ard by train this evening. He had
been living at Heppner for some
time and was engaged at the lunch
counter of Edgar Copenhaver at, the
Curran & Barr pastime. He was 30
years, 9 months and 12 days of age,
and was a young man well thought
of by all who knew him here.
Witcraft, and Lewis LcTrace,
who were on the scene immediately
after the accident, assisted In get
ting the injured men to town.
At their home on Willow creek
below Heppner Friday evening, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Parker entertain
ed a large number of their neigh
bors and friends at a 500 party, and
the occasion was very enjoyable.
During the evening delicate refresh
ments were served by the hostess.
Those reported present were Mr.
and Mrs. J. P. Hughes, Mrand Mrs.
Adam Blahm, Mrs. Hazel Shaw, Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Jackson, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Evans, Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
E. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Val
entine. First honors for men went
to Mr. Hughes, and for the ladies
by Mrs. Valentine while Mrs. Shaw
and Mr. Blahm received the conso
lation prizes.
As the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Mitchell Thorn, the local employes
of Pacific Power & Light company
enjoyed a line Christmas party at
the office building on Saturday
night. Following a general busi
ness meeting there was a Christ
mas tree, a treat of stocking-full
candy and nuts for each one pre
sent, and then a big chicken feed
Dancing followed for a time with
music coming over the radio, and
it was made an occasion long to
be remembered.
The business houses of Heppner
have been distributing some very
beautiful and attractive calendars
this week, reminding us all that
the year 1929 is right at hand. Some
of these are quite elaborate and
Illustrate to "nth" degree the excel
lence of the printer's art, as well
as Illustrating numerous historical
events, and are such remembrances
on the part of the business end of
the community as the people appreciate.
Party on Way to Entertainment
When Mishap Occurs; Auto
Nearly Demolished.
Jack Hynd, prominent stockman
of the county, and one of the mem
bers of the firm of Hynd Bros. Co.,
was the victim of an automobile
accident on Saturday evening, and
as a result he is now confined at
Heppner hospital in charge of Dr.
McMurdo and recovering from a
pair of broken legs, and some min
or injuries.
With Mrs. Hynd, Miss Vada Mon
tague and Messrs. Willie George
Wilson and Jim O'Neil, who are
members of the Hynd "household,
he was going to the basket social
and school entertainment at Cecil
hall. When about sixty rods up the
highway from the home place, Mr.
Hynd attempted to pass a car In
front of him, belonging to Elmer
Tyler, who also works on the Hynd
ranch, in which Taylor and Jackie
Hynd were riding. The sedan of
Mr. Hynd was speeded up for this
purpose, and he had no sooner pass
ed the smaller car than he realized
the the steering of the car was dif
ficult, and apparently the front
wheels had locked. This took him
into the ditch at the side of the
highway, then the car suddenly re
versed its course obliquely across
the road to the opposite side, in
the meantime somersaulting and
then landing right side up in the
concrete irrigation ditch, practic
ally a total wreck. All the doors
but one were taken off, the left front
door only remaining intact, the
glass all smashed, the top off and
the occupants of the machine scat
tered about. Mrs. Hynd landed
along side the car near the rear,
was bruised in several places about
the body, but received no cuts,
though her coat and dress were
badly cut and torn by the broken
glass and she was slightly dazed by
the force of the impact with the
ground. Miss Montague was near
with cuts to her left knee and leg
below the knee, but none very ser
ious, and she was also bruised some.
Mr. O'Neil received some cuts on
the head that required bandages,
and Mr. Wilson came through en
tirely unhurt, evidently being
caught In such manner by the top
of the car as to escape cuts and
Mr. Hynd, who was driving the
car, was not quite so fortunate as
the others, and when discovered he
was sitting In the back seat, having
received a break of one leg near
the ankle, and a fracture of the
bone In the other about the same
distance from the ankle Joint A
black eye resulted from a glass
cut Just below that member, and
there was some sore spots here and
there as a result of bumps he re
ceived, but otherwise he escaped
serious hurts.
Just exactly what went wrong
with the car is not known, but It is
surmised that the steering gear
was faulty as it had been giving
some trouble previously, and the
cut of the tire in the macadam
would indicate the locking of the
wheels. At any rate the car Is
seriously wrecked, and the miracle
is that not more of the party were
hurt, or that any escaped fatal in
juries. Mr. Hynd is reported to be
doing fine, and expects to be whole
again before long, and in the mean
time he will greatly appreciate calls
of friends while he is laid up In
the hospital.
Episcopalians Enjoy
Christmas Cantata
The Episcopal Sunday school had
its Christmas cantata on Christmas
Eve. The title of the cantata was
"Grandfather's Christmas." Mrs.
Paul Gemmell told the story while
members of the school and the
church choir rendered the music
that Illustrated the beautiful story.
Solo and duet parts were taken
by Miss Patricia Mahoney, who
snng a solo, Alice Cason and Vir
ginia Dix, two duets, W. O. Dlx and
the Rev. Mr. Moore, a duet, Dean
Goodman, Jr., and Viola Kirk, a
duct. Two choruses, one composed
of girls of the Sunday school and
one by the boys, helped In the mus
ical rendition.
Mrs. W. P. Mahoney directed the
cantata and had charge of drilling
the children for the cantata. Al
though many were sick and others
were preparing for the Christmas
festival, many were out to hear the
program and to enjoy the good
fellowship together.
The church was beautifully dec
orated, with the brightly bedecked
Christmas tree centering the Christ
mas motif, and when the lights
wont out candles placed in all the
windows were lighted, making the
decorations more impressive than
before. The children enjoyed the
treat dispensed at the close of the
All Saints Episcopal Church.
Holy Communion at 7:30 a, m.
Sunday school at 9:45.
Morning prayer and sermon at 11.
"Oh give thanks unto the Lord,
for He is good; for His mercy en
dureth forever." Ps. 107:1.
Missionary in Charge.
Gay Anderson, county clerk, has
been confined at home some time
this week by Illness.
Evangelistic Meetings
Begin Sunday Morning
The series of evangelistic meet
ings at the Christian church will
begin with the morning service at
11 o'clock on Sunday, and will con
tinue through the most of January,
or as long as the interest justifies.
The meetings will be in charge of
Evangelists Drill and Farnum. Mr.
Drill is the popular pastor of First
Christian church at Pendleton, and
he will do the preaching each eve
ning, except Saturday, while the
singing will be In hcarge of Lester
Farnum of Eugene, and the music
promises to be one of the striking
features of the series of meetings.
Some sermon themes announced
by Mr. Drill follow:
The Worst Gambler In Heppner."
"Will We Know Each Other In
Heaven ?"
"Standardized Religion."
"A Clean Heart, or Heart Relig
"Is There a Hell or Is It a Myth?"
"The Worst Thing Anyone Can
"What Must I Do to Join the
"How Can One Be and Not Be
a Christian?"
Evangelist Drill announces that
he preaches sermons, not haran
gues; gospel, not hobbies; Christ,
not creeds, without offense; differ
ences In faith and opinion treated
with courtesy.
College Short Courses
Will Begin in January
Detailed plans are now complete
for the opening of three special ag
ricultural short courses scheduled
to begin In January at the Oregon
State college at Corvallis. Descrip
tive folders on these may be obtain
ed by addressing the school of agri
culture there.
The first course to open is a pow
er farming conference and school
from January 11 to 23, conducted
by the department of agricultural
engineering under Professor W. J.
Gilmore, head of the department
rom January 14 to 26 a hay, grain
and seed grading school will be con
ducted by the farm crops depart
ment Several visiting instructors
and government officials will assist
the resident staff headed by G. R.
Hyslop and D. D. Hill.
The eighth annual canners school.
which draws students from all wes
tern states and Canada every year,
will be held this year from January
28 to February 13. This Is conduct
ed In the horticultural products de
partment under the direction of
Professor E. H. Wiegand.
Wm. Gorger, age 66, of lone, who
has been at the Heppner hospital
receiving medical attention, was
committed to the asylum at Pendle
ton on Wednesday forenoon, after
a hearing before Judge Benge. Mr.
Gorger has been ill more or less
for the past two years, his condi
tion being brought about ljt is
thought, by Injuries he received
while on a visit in the east a couple
of summers ago; at any rate, since
that time he has suffered from Ill
ness. Mr. Gorger has been cared
for by his sons who reside near
lone, but his condition having
reached such a stage that it was
feared he would soon be beyond
control, it was thought best to place
him in the hospital where he can
receive proper attention at all
Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Nickerson
have been confined to their home
all the week, suffering with Influenza.
West Point, Annapolis
Examinations, Jan. 12
Congressman Robert R. Butler
announces that he will arrange for
competitive examination open to
all qualified young men in his dis
trict on January 12, 1929, to fill va
cancies which will occur in 1928 in
the military academy at West Point
and the naval academy at Annapo
lis. The mental tests covering both
academies will be conducted by the
U. S. Civil Service Commission on
Saturday, January 12, 1929, at 9 a.
m., at the postofflces in the follow
ing cities In the Second Congres
sional district of Oregon: Baker,
Bend, Klamath Falls, Pendleton,
The Dalles.
Candidates for designation to
West Point will be examined in
algebra, plane geometry, English
composition and literature, United
States history, general history, and
English grammar. They must be
actual residents of the Second Ore
gon Congressional district, not less
than five feet four inches in height;
they must have reached their 17th
birthday, but must not have reached
their 22nd birthday, on the date of
entrance, which is approximately
July 1, 1929. Congressman Butler
will appoint the candidate receiving
tfte highest rating in this test as
determined by the Civil Service
Commission principal cadet and the
two ranking first and second alter
nate cadets.
Candidates for designation to An
napolis will be examined in alge
bra, plane geometry, English com
position and literature, United
States history, ancient history, and
physics. They must be citizens of
the United States and bona fide res
idents of the Second Congressional
district of Oregon, and must have
reached their 16th birthday on
April 1, 1929, but must not have
reached their 20th birthday on
March 31, 1929. Congressman But
ler will appoint the candidate re
ceiving the highest rating in this
test as determined by the Civil Ser
vice Commission principal midship
man ana tne tnree ranking next
first second and third alternates.
Any qualified candidate mav take
both examinations if he desires.
Those wishing to enter this compe
tition should Immediately write or
wire Congressman Butler at Wash
ington, D. C, so that they mav be
listed with the Civil Service Com
mission to take the examination
and a set of question papers for
each competitor sent to the local
Civil Service board at the post office
in the city where the examination
will be held. Candidates should In
form the Congressman in which
city they desire to take the exam.
inatlon. Those requesting it, will
be sent a circular of information
regarding the scope of the examin
ation in the different branches.
Pleasing Program Given
at the Church of Christ
"The Christ Child the Best Gift
to all Children," was the theme of
the special services given on Christ
mas eve at the Christian church by
the Bible school, and the thought
therein contained was carried thru
the exercises.
The program was not long, but it
was well rendered In both song and
recitation and pantomime. Appro
priate scripture readings were giv
en as Introductory to the program
and then children from the primary
department came with their gifts.
Decorations were appropriate to the
season. At the close of the pro
gram children were given their
Christmas treat. The offerings of
this service will go to the orphan
age work of the church, helping to
make others hnppy who are less
fortunate than the members of the
local Bible school.
M. E. Sunday School
Has Christmas Pageant
Star Beams," a Christmas pa
geant was the feature of the exer
cises at the Methodist Community
church on Monday evening. Led
by a few of the older children, the
little tots of the primary depart
ment delighted their audience with
their verses, songs and drills. The
parts were well played throughout
the pageant
Mrs. C. W. Smith, Mrs. Lola Tay
lor and Mr. Harold Case, assisted
by other members of the primary
department, had charge of the drill
ing of the children.
The stage was decorated in white
with evergreen trimmings, and in
one corner of the church a minia
ture forest was arranged to show
Santa- and his sleigh. The small
fur tree with cedar and Oregon
grape made a pretty setting for
St. Nick and his red suit At the
close of the pageant Elizabeth
Vance gave a recitation and Misses
Lucile Moyer and Ireta Taylor en
tertained with a piano duet Santa
met all the children at the close
and presented each with a treat
Talking Movies to Have
First Showing Locally
On Monday, December 31, there
will be a road show demonstration
of Melophone, one of the new sys
tems of talking-movies, with Patsy
Ruth Miller in "Beautiful But
Dumb," coming to the Star theater
on that date. The big theaters have
been taking all available machines,
says Manager Sigsbee, but the
smaller towns will soon be able to
give their patrons the "talkies" and
Mr. Sigsbee welcomes this oppor
tunity for the people of Heppner
to see and hear this new develop
ment. Rest assured that your can
did opinion will be appreciated, he
The regular meeting of Heppner
Chapter No. 26, Royal Arch Masons
was held at Masonic hall on last
Thursday evening, when the annual
installation of officers took place.
Frank Gilliam was installing offi
cer and the new officers for the
chapter are Fred E. Farrior, high
priest; Bruce Kelley, King; Hanson
Hughes, scribe; Alfred H. Johnston,
captain of host; Spencer Crawford,
principal sojourner; Paul Gemmell,
Royal Arch captain; Gay M. An
derson, master third veil; Charles
Cox, master second veil; John
Wightman, master first veil; W. E.
Pruyn, sentinel; E. R. Huston, sec
retary and Frank Gilliam, treasur
Revival services begin on Sunday
morning at the regular morning
hour. Our song evangelist, Lester F.
Farnum, will be with us at this ser
vice and the sermon will be preach
ed by the pastor.
At the evening hour Guy L. Drill
of Pendleton will preach. He will
be with us every night except Sat
urday for the duration of the meet
ing We are going to have great serv
ices and we urge and Invite the at
tendance of the community.
The regular meeting of the Wo
man's club will be at Legion hall
on Saturday afternoon at 2:30.
There will be a round table discus
sion on the Indians of Oregon, sev
eral book reports, and nlusical num-
I bers.
Banquet and Program Feature
Ceremonies; Officers for New
Year Named.
Joint installation of Heppner
Lodge No. 69, A. F. & A. M., and
Ruth Chapter No. 32, O. E. S., was
held at Masonic hall Friday eve
ning. Preceding the installation, at
six o'clock, the annual installation
banquet was served in the dining
room. Turkey and all the "flxin's"
was served to about 150 members of
the two orders. After the banquet
a short program of musical num
bers and readings was presented.
Heppner Lodge No. 69 installed
the following officers: A. H. John
ston, W. M.; Frank S. Parker, S.
W.; Earl W. Gordon, J. W.; Frank
Gilliam, Treasurer; Leon W. Briggs,
Secretary; Earl D. Hallock, S. D.;
John Forbes, J. D.; W. O. Dix,
Chaplain; R. C. Wightman, Mar
shal; and W. E. Pruyn, Tyler. Spen
and F. E. Farrior, installing mar
cer Crawford was installing officer
R. C. Wightman, retriing master,
was presented with a beautiful past
master's jewel.
The beautiful and impressive in
stallation ceremonies of Ruth Chap
ter were presided over by Mrs. W.
O. Dix, past worthy matron, who
inducted into office the following:
Charlotte Gordon, Worthy Matron;
Frank S. Parker, Worthy Patron;
Hattie Wightman, Associate Ma
tron; Gertrude Parker, Treasurer;
Vivian Ball, Secretary; Sara McNa
mer, Conductress; Florence Hughes,
Associate Conductress; Eloise John
ston, Ada; Lera Crawford, Ruth;
Lena Cox, Esther; Hazel Vaughn,
Martha; Clara Cox, Electa; Selina
Bauman, Chaplain; Hanna Jones,
Warder; Coramae Ferguson, or
ganist; Ealor Huston, Marshal and
Chas. B. Cox, Sentinel. Jessie
Pruyn was installing marshal.
The Past Marton's club presented
the new worthy matron with a
beautiful boquet using a very im
pressive ceremony. The installing
officer was presented with a large
boquet of roses, and the retiring
worthy matron, Carolyn Johnston,
and retiring worthy patron, Har
vey Bauman, were presented with
gifts from the chapter officers.
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Thorn play
ed and sang during intermissions
and Miss Kate Francis Ede sang
during the installation.
Tom Hughes is leaving this eve
ning by train for Portland, and
after'a visit a day or so in the city
will take a boat for Los Angeles,
going from there to Tucson, Ariz.,
where he expects to spend the com
ing months in an effort to build up
his health. Mr. Hughes has been a
sufferer for several years with tu
berculosis, and he hopes that the
warm, dry climate of Arizona will
be beneficial. He has resigned the
office of justice of the peace of this
district to which he was elected
in November, and it will now be up
to the county court to fill the va
cancy at the coming January meet
ing. Supt Jas. M. Burgess, accompan
ied by Mrs. Burgess, is spending the
vacation season at Hood River and
Portland, visiting with relatives.
Mr. Burgess will take in the meet
ing of the State Teachers' associa
tion at Portland before returning to
Heppner for the opening of school
after the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Irving A. Mather
of Prairie City, where Mr. Mather
is superintendent of schools, are
spending the holiday season here,
guests at the home of Mrs. Mather's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ma
honey. Philip Mahoney is also
home from Portland for the holi
days. Charley Smith, county agent,
who was laid up for more than a
week while recovering from an at-
tacK ot influenza and threatened
with pneumonia, is now about his
duties again.
Miss Evelyn Humphreys, who has
a place with Pacific Christian hos
pital at Eugene as bookkeeper, is
home for the holidays with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hum
phreys. Mrs. S. E. Notson and Miss Mary
Notson have both been confined to
their home this week by illness.
Mrs. Notson is reported better and
will be able to be out soon.
Floyd Adams of Hnrdman depart
ed for Portland on Friday to spend
tna Christmas holidays with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Adams.
Miss Viola Brown is home for the
holidays with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Orve Brown. She is attending
bt Mary s academy at Pendleton.
Born at their home in this city,
this. Thursdnv morninir. to Mr. find
Mrs. Milton W. Bower, a daughter.
All reported to be doing well
The family of Carl Gillilan came
up from Portland the first of the
week to spend Christmas with Mr.
Gillilan here.
For Sale 200 acres good pasture;
40 tons good grain hay; good place
to feed, plenty of water. Ralph
Butler, city. 40tf.
George Mayhew, prominent citi
zen of Condon, and well known In
Heppner, was instantly killed on
Thursday evening last in a head-on
collision of two automobiles on the
John Day highway about four miles
north of Condon. Mr. Mayhew had
been a visitor in Heppner a couple
of days preceding the accident
From the Condon Globe-Times of
Friday, we have the following ac
count of the accident
George Mayhew was instantly
killed and Mrs. Mayhew is in the
local hospital with severe scalp
wounds, the result of a head-on col
lision four miles north of town on
the John Day highway at 5 o'clock
Thursday evening. It is believed
Mrs. Mayhew will recover.
H. Dean Young, sole occupant of
a Studebaker car with which the
coupe driven by Mayhew collided,
received only minor injuries. A
heavy fog is thought to be respon
sible for the accident. Mr. Young
is district manager for the White
Sewing Machine company with
headquarters at Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Mayhew had start
ed for Seaside to spend the holidays
with the latter's mother and sister,
Mrs. Crownover and Mrs. Ed Haw
The accident was directly in front
of the A. C. Wells ranch house on
a straight road. Young says he
had just turned on his parking
lights and that Mayhew had not
done so as it was hardly dark.
Mr. Wells and other men on the
ranch were first to appear on the
scene. They found Mr. Mayhew
with his head and arm beneath the
running board of his car. his face
mutilated almost beyond recogni
tion. Mrs. Mayhew was on her feet
near by. The Mayhew car was
completely demolished.
The cars, it appeared, had collid
ed by the left front wheels. Trafflo
officer Pyle examined the wreck
Friday morning. "Mr. Young was
exonerated from all blame," says
Officer Pyle. Tracks show plainly
that the Mayhew car was on the
wrong side of the road and also he
did not have his lights turned on.
Mr. Mayhew was born in Eng
land about 44 years ago. He came
to America when a lad and was
raised by A. C. Ruby of Portland,
by whom he was. employed at the
time of his death as a loan broker.
He was a corporal in the 162nd
infantry, U. S. army during the war
and was discharged at San Fran
cisco, October 3, 1919. He had made
his home in the Condon community
for many years.
Herbert Taylor, son of sheriff
Taylor of Lane county, accompan
ied by Otis Boyd, a student of Was
co, wrecked his car at the railroad
crossing at the lower end of Main
street at 3:30 a. m., Thursday. The
car, a new coach, was badly wreck
ed and the body completely ruined.
The young men escaped with minor
cuts and bruises. A bottle of liquor
and a revolver were picked up at
tne scene of the wreck, and a bro
ken bottle was found in the car by
Marshall Frank3. The young men
denied ownership of the liquor in
Justice Robinson's court, but Tay
lor, who is a deputy sheriff in Lane
county under his father, claimed
the revolver. No charges were plac
ed against them. lone correspon
dent in E. O.
G. W. Bush, who first came to
Umatilla county in 1873, died here
on December 24. The funeral is to
be held from the Folsom funeral
parlor at 2 p. m. Thursday after
noon and burial will be in Olney
cemetery. Mr. Bush was born at
Jacksonville, Oregon, on January
22, 1861. He Is survived by two
daughters, Mrs. William Eldridge,
Pendleton and Mrs. Ralph Shafer,
Hermiston, by two brothers, T. M.
Bush of Pilot Rock and Willis
Bush of Lexington, Oregon, also by
a sister, Mrs. B. F. Swaggart, Lex
ington, Oregon. Wednesday's E. O.
Mrs. Lilian Turner departed on
Wednesday morning for Portland,
going to the city to attend the State
Teachers' association meeting, as
one of the delegates from Morrow
county. Other delegates are R. J.
Maaske, principal at Irrigon, L. A.
Tolles, principal at Pine City, and
L. E. Marschat, principal at Board
man. As the next regular meeting of
Heppner Unit American Legion
Auxiliary comes on Tuesday eve
ning, January 1, a holiday, the
meeting has been postponed until
Wednesday evening, January 2, at
Legion hall. All members are re
quested to take note of this change
in the meeting time.
Mr. and Mis. Herbert Hynd of
Cecil came to Heppner this morn
ing, bringing with them Miss Vada
Montague who was hurt In the auto
mobile accident at Cecil on Satur
day evening and received cuts on
her left leg below the knee. She
was brought to Heppner to have
her cuts dressed.
Mr. and Mrs. Glon Boyer of Klm
berloy, are spending the holidays
at Heppner, visiting with friends.