PAGE EIGHT HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 1, 1928. BREAD GRAIN FIRM WITH PRODUCTION FIGURES LOWERED Alfalfa ml U marine rtpldlj (ram powui' hand at higher prices, ngn th WMkly Fim lUrkat Bovlew of th O. A. O. Extension Barrio. Soma leveling up of better market wa noted laat weak. Wool and egg mar ket chow some aifns of improvement. The dried prima situation appear firmer. Import of onion now large. Corvallis, Oregon, Nov. 6. Bread Grain. The general tone of the bread grain markets was a little firmer last week. Some reports of lower production than expected, and declining receipts at terminal mar kets were strengthening factors, while large stocks on hand and lib- "NO ARGUMENT THE NEW ZEROLENE the modern oil A STANDARD OIL fRODUCl eral offerings continue to keep price advances in check. Soft red winter advanced In some markets and declined in others. Pacific coast markets were rather inactive under influence of slower eastward move ment of soft white wheats. Last year soft white wheat prices at St Louis declined through November and then began to advance to a high point about May 1. The future trend of bread grain prices depends largely upon the outturn in the sou thern hemisphere and the export movement of hard red winter wheat from the United States. New crop wheat improved last week in most parts of the country but conditions remained poor in the Pacific Northwest. suant to a petition of the requisite num ber of lepal voters of Road District Number One of Morrow County State of Oregon, and an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Mor row county, niaae ana enierea on tne th dav of November. 1928. a meeting of the legal voters of said Road District Number One of Morrow Countv. State of Oregon, will be held at the School House in lrrigon, Mrcrow County, Ore gon, in said Road District Number One. on Saturday, the 24th day of Novem ber, 1!28, at the hour of Two o'clock in the afternoon of said day, for the pur- NOTICE OP DISTRICT BOAS MEETING. NPTTCP IS HEREBY GIVEN, pur- BAYNARD SAGER TEACHER OF VIOLIN Terms $5.00 Monthly, Box 521, Pendleton. iiiiiitniiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiintiuiiiiifiiiiiiitliitiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiu I MIRRORS RESILVERED : It will pay you to have those old tarnished mirrors resll- 1 vered. Work Guaranteed. I W.H.andE.L AYERS : Oilman Building, Heppner Phone 1212 nillllHIIIIHMIIIHHIlHIIIIllllllMmillllNltlimiHIIIIIIIIt pose of voting an additional tax for Road Purposes upon ail the Taxable Property In said Road District to the amount of Five (5) Mills on the dollar, said Tax to be expended as follows: For constructing and maintaining pres ent roads in Road District No. 1, R. L. BENGE, County Judge. Attest: GAY M. ANDERSON, (SEAL) County Clerk. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned have been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, administrators of the estate of William T. Scott, deceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, are hereby required to present the same properly verified as required by law, to said ad ministrators at the law office of Jos. J. Nys. at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 8th day of November, 1928. O. M. SCOTT, W. R. SCOTT. Administrators. GORDON'S "First for Thirst" HHIHItltllMltlllMniHIMIIIIIMMUIlllIllllllllllllltlllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHllHHIIIIIIMIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIII!!!!!!!- Now Offering Kitchen Konvenience Set Special Photo Enlargement Offer Your negative enlarged to 8 inches, colored in oils and framed. Price $1.98 Handy little sprinklers for pepper, salt and sugar. These shaker cans are of brightest s hues of yellow, blue and rose, decorated with daisies. A The same as above except in dainty addition to the well managed kitchen. Ql 4 ft 1 Price per set $ J-XU black and white (not AO a colored. Price vOx i Bread Board and 1 Knife Bread Board and Knife eith- er round or square, hardwood I with a floral design on enam- eled background. A practical gift which will add much to E the charm of the Q4 (D7 I table. Per set $ JL9 I Bridge Table Markers I Set of four table numbers in delicate colors. Just what you want for that MCn bridge prize. Price TtO Mennen for Men Combination Set Regular $1.25 retail consisting of shaving cream, skin balm for after shaving and talcum for men. Special price $1.19 Gardenglo Travel Case Consisting of Gardenglo Cold Cream, Vanishing Cream, Face Powder and Perfume. Just the thing for that week end trip. Just a few left at 21c nillltlllltllllMIIIIIHMflltllllllllHIIIIIItlMllllltlllMlltlllllllMlltlllllllllllllllllHIIItMIHMMIIItllMlliniMIMtllllli: WE FILL PRESCRIPTIONS ARE YOU SHIPPING TURKEYS? Get our rates for dressed poultry of all kinds be fore you ship. We will pick them up any place on our route. John Day Valley Freight Line (Incorporated) Operating between Heppner and Portland and John Day Highway Points. CITY GARAGE, Local Agent, Phone 172 BigMillinerySale AT THE FAIR STORE 500 Ladies' Hats just received from a New York close-out purchase. $1.95 Values from $3.50 to $5.00 Your Choice at The Fair Store ORIGINAL ESTIMATE AND ACCOUNTING SHEET SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. ONE This original estimate shows in parallel columns the unit costs of the several services, material and supplies for the three fiscal years next preceding the current year, the detail expenditures for the last one of said three preceding fiscal years and the budget allowances and expenditures for six months of the current year. ("Six months of the current year" means six months of the last school year.) EXPENDITURES ITEM Estimated expendit'res for the en suing school year ExDenditures and bud' get allowance for six monins 01 lasi year. Exp'ndit'res in detail PERSONAL SERVICE: Superintendent Principal, High School Principal, Grade School 5 Teachers 1 Teacher 1 Teacher 3 Teachers 6 Teachers 7 Teachers Janitors Clerk Stenographer Other services, Supply High School and Grade! Total Persnoal Services MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES: Furniture (desks, etc.) Supplies (chalk, etc.) Library books Flags Playground equipment Janitor's supplies Fuel Light and water Postage and stationery Total Material and Supplies . MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS: Buildings and grounds Total Maintenance and Repairs INDEBTEDNESS: Bonded, and interest thereon Warrant, and interest thereon Total Indebtedness INSURANCE: Insurance . Total Insurance MISCELLANEOUS: Premium on Clerk's bond Audit of Clerk's books Total Miscellaneous EMERGENCY: Emergency 3,000.00 2,025.00 1,600.00 6,750.00 1,215.00 7,020.00 1,500.00 200.00 360.00 $23,670.00 300.00 500.00 250.00 50.00 300.00 900.00 375.00 100.00 $ 2,775.00 $ ' 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 4,325 00 2,900.00 $ 7,225.00 $ 120.00 $ 120.00 Total Emergency 500.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 500.00 ,'S34,"!0.00 1,400.00 1,012.50 800.00 3,375.00 607.50 3,510.00 750.00 100.00 $11,555.00 $11,555.00 $ 725.00 250.00 125.00 25.00 150.00 675.00 187.50 50.00 $ 2,187.50 $ 1,695.00 $ 1,695.00 $ 2,200.00 $ 2,200.00 $ 215.00 $ 215.00 $ 250.00 $ 250.00 $18,102.50 Budget allowance in detail Expenditures for three fiscal years nexi preceuiiig me msi school year. Exp'ndif re for last of Secon(J yr. First Year three-year period $ 1,400.00 1,012.50 800.00 3,375.00 607.50 3,510.00 750.00 100.00 $23,875.00 $ 725.00 250.00 150.00 25.00 150.00 675.00 187.50 50.00 $ 2,187.50 $ 1,695.00 $ 1,695.00 $ 2,200.00 $ 2,200.00 $ 215.00 $ 215.00 $ 250.00 $ 250.00 $ 2,800.00 2,025.00 1,600.00 6,705.00 8,145.00 1,500.00 200.00 900.00 $23,750.00 $ 1,350.00 500.00 200.00 50.00 300.00 1,300.00 375.00 100.00 $ 4,185.00 $ 3,390.00 $ 3,390.00 $ 4,400.00 $ 4,400.00 $ 430.00 $ 530.00 $ 2,800.00 1,900.00 1,600.00 6,525.00 8,100.00 200.00 1,125.00 $24,080.00 150.00 500.00 200.00 10.00 150.00 300.00 1,300.00 375.00 $ 2,885.00 $ 700.00 $ 700.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $18,102.50 $ 500.00 $36,780.00 $ 2,800.00 1,900.00 1,800.00 1,350.00 3,915.00 8,145.00 1,540.00 200.00 2,430.00 $ 150.00 500.00 200.00 - 10.00 50.00 300.00 1,300.00 375.00 75.00 $ 2,960.00 $ 1,650.00 $ 1,650.00 $ 6,180.00 $ 6,180.00 50.00 25.00 75.00 $ 525.00 $ 500.00 $ 525.00 $28,410.00 $35,470.00 I, Clara L. Cox, do hereby certify that the above estimate of expenditures for the year 1928-1929 was pre pared by me and that the expenditures and budget allowance for six months of the current year and the expenditures for the three fiscal years next preceding the current year as shown above have been com piled from the records in my charge and are true and correct copies thereof. CLARA L. COX, District Clerk. (3 11 M. D. Clark : Hiatt & Dix Our Definition offr Bargain When the Quality is higher than the price, then you have a BARGAIN. Grouped buying plus expert selection brings you BARGAINS every day at these Red and White Stores. Try us. The Owner Serves You at R. & W. Stores. LOOK TO THE RED & WHITE FOR BARGAINS Owner Service Guaranteed Quality Chain Store Prices Saturday and Monday (Nov. 10 & 12) Red & White Super-Specials BVE THE B 31c WE BESEBVE THE EIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Quaker Quick Oats Large SERVUS COFFEE. M 1-lb. Package rt I C SERVUS COFFEE. 1-lb. Tin 55c Thompson's Chocolate Malte Milk T ? ? T ? ? Serv - us , Marshmal- lows, 10-oz. Tins ........ mOk, White Wonder Soap. QO) 7 Bars for Om Serv-us Matches. 6 Boxes for 27c 49C k N. B. C. GRAHAMS. Q"7 2 Pounds for Olt Beechnut Spaghetti. 3 Tins for 39c Surf Rider Broken Slice Pine apple. 2's 3 Tins for 59c T T T T T ? Serv-us Strawberry tQ Preserves, 47 oz UOv Serv-us No. 4 Peas. OJZZgt 2 Size, 2 Tins for Offls INDEPENDENTLY OWNED UNITEDLY OPERATED Bed White Radio Program 9 to 9:30 p. m. KGW Friday. Bo sure to hear It For Friday- Clams, Oysters and Shell Fish OF ALL KINDS We are off ering these with our regular stock of fish for Friday. Central Market HENRY SCHWARZ & SON Heppner Gazette Times, Only $2.00 Per Year Learn the Lesson of Thrift! The truly educated man has learned this important lesson. He knows the value of putting money aside for a rainy day. He knows the danger involved in making no provision for the future. Saving money is as important as earning money. It is essential to be protected against emergency. Start an account today one dollar will do it. It will be a great comfort to you to know that you have a nest egg stowed away for the fuure. It will make you happier. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Heppner Bank Oregon THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8-9: J. FARRELL MacDONALD and POLLY MORAN In "BRINGING UP FATHER" He was so henpecked he thought the statue of Liberty was a roll ing pin. You'll laugh longer and louder than you thought possible at the famous comic strip characters come to life. Also "Our Gang" In "EDISON, MARCONI & CO." SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10: SUE CAROL AND RICHARD WALLING In "WALKING BACK" A gripping picture story of speed-mad, pleasure-mad, heedless, fool ish modern youth, yet at bottom glorious, reliable, honorable the salt of the earth the boys and girls of 1928. Tragedy, comedy, drama, thrills. Also Felix, Curiosltios and News Reel. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11: HAROLD LLOYD In "GRANDMA'S BOY" Mirthquakes of laughter! Tidal waves of Joy! Flee from the dan ger zone of gloom to the safety of sunshine and cheer dispensed by the giver of glee, Harold Lloyd, In the picture that marked a milestone In the history of comedy. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12: WILLIAM BOYD in "DRESS PARADE" With Bessie Love, Romance of a West Point Cadet and his girl. Shown under auspices of Heppner Post No. 87, American Legion. Preceding the picture will be a short patriotic Armistice Day pro gram which will start at 7:30. Doors open at 7:00. TUES. AND WEDS., NOVEMBER 13 AND 14: MAY McAOY and CONRAD NAGLE in "IF I WERE SINGLE" A little cigarette lighter given a man by his wife ignites a lot of trouble when he loans it to a vamp. It's as funny, farcical and hi larious as matrimony Itself. ALSO THE TUNNEY-HEENEY FIGHT PICTURE Round hy Round, Blow by Blow, In fast and slow motion moving pictures. Probably your last chance to see Champion Tunnoy In actio ,n A BIG DOUBLE HEADER, 20c AND 40c COMING NEXT WEEK: Jack Mulhall and Charlie Murray in THE POOR NUT, Nov. 1S-16. Tim McCoy In WYOMING and four reels of the 1928 PENDLETON ROUND-UP, Saturday, Nov. 17. Ronuld Colman and Vilma Banky in THE MAGIC FLAME, 18-19. Clnlr Windsor and John Bowers In THE OPENING NIGHT, 20-21.