PAGE SIX HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 8, 1928. liluslrjledhyVemcCChrhty Cast of Principal Characters in This Thrilling Story by Zane Grey Buck Duane The Last of the Duanes Cal Bain A Texas "Bad Man" Luke Stevens An Outlaw Bland Leader of an Outlaw Group Mrs Bland His Wife Jennie A Girl at Bland's Camp Captain MacNelly A Captain of the Rangers "Cheseldine A Dangerous Outlaw So it was in him then an inher ited fighting instinct a blood lust a driving intensity to kill. He was the last of the Duanes that old fighting stock of Texas. But not the memory of his dead father, nor the pleading of his soft voiced mother, nor the warning of this uncle who stood before him now had brought so much to Duane realization of the dark passionate strain in his blood. It was the re currence, a hundredfold increased in power, of a strange emotion that for the last three years had taken possession of him. "Yes, Cal Bain's in town, full of bad whiskey, an' huntin' for you," repeated the elder man gravely. "It's the second time," muttered Duane, as if to himself. "Son, you can't avoid a meetin'. Leave town til Cal sobers up. He ain't got it in for you when he's not drinkin'." "But what's he want me for?" de manded Duane. "To insult me When he came to the gate of his home and saw his uncle there with a mettlesome horse, saddled, with canteen, rope, and bags all in place, a subtle shock pervaded Buck's spirit It had slipped his mind the con sequences of his act. But the sight of the horse, the look of his uncle recalled the fact that he must now become a fugi tive. "I am a murderer," said Duane, shuddering. "No, son, you're not An' you never will be. But you've got to be an outlaw til time makes it safe for you to come home." Duane, with blurred sight and contracting throat gripped his un cle's hand and bade him a wordless farewell. Then he leaped astride the black and rode out of town. When the heat of the day began to be oppressive, and hunger and thirst made themselves manifest, Duane began to look about him for man, dropping his hand from his hip. "Howdy," Duane replied shortly. "I seen yeu ain't no ranger," call ed the rider, "an' shore I ain't none." He laughed loudly 'as if he had made a joke. He was small and wiry, slouchy of attire, and armed to the teeth, and he bestrode a fine bay horse. He had quick, dancing brown eyes, at once frank and bold, and a coarse bronzed face. Evidently he was a good-natured ruffian. My name s Luke Stevens, an' I hail from the river. Who'er you?" said this stranger. Duane was silent "I reckon you're Buck Duane," went on Stevens. "I heerd you was a bad man with a gun." This time Duane laughed, not at the doubtful compliment, but at the idea that the first outlaw he met should know him. "Wal, Buck," said Stevens, in a friendly manner, "I ain't presumin' on your time or company. I see you're headin' for the river. But will you stop long enough to stake a feller to a bite of grub?" "I'm out of grub, and pretty hun gry, myself," admitted Duane. "Been pushin' your hoss, I see. Wal, I reckon you'd better stock up before you hit that stretch of coun try." He made a wide sweep of his right arm, Indicating the southwest, and there was that in his action which seemed significant of a vast and barren region. "Stock up?" queried Duane thoughtfully. "Shore. A feller has jest got to eat. I can rustle along without whiskey, but not without grub. Thet's what makes it so embarrass in' travclin' these parts dodgin' your ranger to come along an' plug me. Give me a pardner any day. Now mebbe you re not thet kind of a fel ler, an' I'm shore not presumin' to ask. But I jest declares myself suf ficient" "You mean you'd like me to go with you?" asked Duane. Stevens grinned. "Wal, I should smile. I'd be par ticular proud to be braced with a man of your reputation." "bee here, my good fellow, that s all nonsense," declared Duane in some haste. "Shore I think modesty becomin1 to a youngster," replied Stevens. "I hate a brag. "But every man who s lived along the Texas border remembers a lot about your dad. It was expected of you, I reckon, an' much of your rep was established before you throwed yuor gun. I jest heerd thet you was lightnin' on the draw, an' when you cut loose with a gun why the flgger on the ace of spades would cover your cluster of bullet holes. Thet's the word thet's gone down the border. "It's the kind of reputation most sure to fly far an' swift ahead of a man in this country. An' the safest too, I'll gamble on thet It's the land of the draw! I see now you're only a boy, though you're shore a strap pin', husky one. Now, Buck, I'm not a spring chicken, an' I've been long on the dodge. Mebbe a little of my society won't hurt you none. You'll need to learn the country." There was something sincere and likeable about this outlaw. "I dare say you're right," replied Duane quietly, "and I'll go to Mer cer with you." Next moment he was riding down the road with Stevens. "Stevens, have you got any mon ey?" asked Duane. "Money!" exclaimed Luke blank ly. "Say, I haven't owned a two-bit since wal, fer some time." 'I'll furnish money for grub, re turned Duane. "And for whisky, too, providing you hurry back here without making trouble." "Shore you're a downright good pard," declared Stevens in admira tion as he took the money. "I give my word, Buck, an' I'm here to say I never broke it yet Lay low an' look for me back quick." Presently Stevens rode out of sight into town. Duane waited, hop ing the outlaw would make good his word. Probably not a quarter of an hour had elapsed before Duane heard the clear reports of a rifle, the clatter of rapid hoofbeats, and yells unmis takably the kind to mean danger for a man like Stevens. Duane mounted and rode to the edge of the mesquite. He saw a cloud of dust down the road and a bay horse running fast Stevens apparently had not been wounded by any of the shots, for he had a steady seat in his saddle, and his riding struck Duane as admir able. He carried a large pack over the pommel and he kept looking back. The shots had ceased but the yells increased. Duane saw several men running and waving their arms. Then he spurred his horse and got into a swift stride so Stevens would not pass him. Presently the outlaw caught up with him. "Was jest comin' out of the store," yelled Stevens. "Run plumb into a rancher who knowed me. He open ed up with a rifle. Think they'll chase us." They covered several miles before there were any signs of pursuit and when horsemen did move into sight out of the cottonwoods, Duane and his companion steadily drew far ther away. Stevens was pale and his face bore beads of sweat The whole front of his shirt was soaked with blood. "You're shot!" cried Duane. "Wal, who'n hell said I wasn't? Would you mind givin' me a lift on this here pack? Duane lifted the heavy pack down and then helped Stevens to dis mount The outlaw had a bloody roam on his lips and he was spit ting blood. 'Oh! whv didn't you Bay so?" cried Duane. "I never thought You seemed all right." 'Wal. Luke Stevens may be as gabby as an old woman but some timeshe doesn't say anythin.. It wouldn't have done no good." (Continued next week.) 'What should be done in a case of drowning?" asked the timid man who was learning to swim. "Well," replied the 'instructor, "I should think the natural thing would be to have a funeral." "Kind of tough on Jones to ie perpetually finding himself in such a tight place." "Why, does he?" "Yep. He's doorkeeper up at the Home for Inebriates now." Modern conveniences mate HOMES! Home life today reflects comforts and con veniences not obtainable In other years. Enough Telephones, convenient ly placed, are among the true signs of a thoughtfully equipped home. The cost is so small and the convenience so great, just call our Business Office and say, "I want an extension telephone." ( RE8PON8IBILITY Our duty U to provids you v(tj adtjuatt, 1 deptndabU and tadtfaetorj ulaphont frvic 1 at a natonabU cost TMi rttponttbfllty wf I acctpi oj a public trud A THH PACIFIC TBLBPHONB AND TELBGRAPH COMPAmV again? I won't stand that twice." "He's got a fever that's rampant in Texas these days, my boy. He wants gunplay. If he meets you hell try to kill you." Here it stirred Duane again that bursting gush of blood, like a wind of flame shaking all his inner being, and subsiding to leave him strange ly chilled. As towns go, Wellston was small enough, but important in that un settled part of the great State be cause it was the trading center of several hundred miles of territory. On the main street there were per haps fifty buildings, some brick, some frame, mostly adobe, and one third of the lot by far the most prosperous, were saloons. Prom the road Duane turned into the street It was a wide thoroughfare, lined by hitching rails, saddled horses, and vehicles of various kinds. Duane's eye ranged down the street, taking in all at a glance, particular ly persons moving leisurely up and down. Not a cowboy in sight When he came to within fifty paces of a saloon he swerved out into the middle of the street, stood there for a moment, then went ahead and back to the sidewalk. He passed on in this way the length of the block. Sol White was standing in the door of his saloon. "Buck, I'm tippin' you off," he said, quick and low-voiced, "Cal Bain's over at Everall's. If he's a huntin' you bad as he brags he'll Bhow there." Duane knew himself to be cold, steady. He was conscious of a strange fury that made him want to leap ahead. He seemed to long for this encounter more than any thing he had ever wanted. But vivid as were his sensations, he felt as if in a dream. Before he reached Everal's he heard loud voices, one of which was raised high. Then the short door swung outward as if im pelled by a vigorous hand. A bow legged cowboy wearing wooly chaps, burst out upon the sidewalk. At sight of Duane he seemed to bound into the air and he let out a savage roar. If Bain was drunk he did not show it in his movements. Red. sweaty and hisheveled, his face dis torted and expressive of the most malignant intent, he seemed a wild and sinister figure. He had already killed a man, and this appeared manifest in his demeanor. "Won't nothin' make you draw, vou ? he shouted. "I'm waiting on you, Cal," replied Duane. - Bain's right hand stiffened moved. Duane threw his gun as a boy throws a ball underhand a draw his father had taught him. He pulled twice, his shots almost as nnA. Bain's big Colt boomed while it vi minted downward ana ne was falling. His bullet scattered dust anri travel at Duane's feet Bain fell loosely without contortion. a place to halt for the noon hours. The trail led into a road which was hard-packed and smooth from the tracks of cattle. He doubted not that he had come across one of the roads used by border raiders. He, headed into it, and had scarce ly traveled a mile when turning a curve he came point-blank upon a single horseman riding toward him. Mawnm', stranger," called the shadow. Now I'm on my way to Mercer. It's a little two-bit town up the river a w.ay I'm goin' to pack out some grub. "Stranger, in this here country two's a crowd. It's safer. I never was much on this lone wolf dodgin,' though I've done it of necessity. It takes a good man to travel alone any length of time. Why, I've been thet Bick I was jest achin' fer some ...The... "ZERO" HOUR Shadows lengthen ! . . . The city's lights begin to glow. A call comes through from the load dispatcher's desk and the man at the generator, control board knows that the "zero" hour is at hand. Deftly, skillfully, he "floats" one genera tor after another each a giant as strong as a million men through increasing speeds until they come within 1-1500 of a second of absolute synchronization with the generators carrying the day the great switch is trown. The strength of four million men goes "over the top" over the wires to homes, to theatres, to transportation lines in an swer to the city's call for the elecricity on which modern life depends. As you make fuller use of the potential ities of electric service, that service is enabled to increase its usefulness not only to you, but to every department of our civic, social and business life. Pacific Power & Light Co. r ? ? ? T ? ? Under Auspices ol Heppner Post No. 87 ? Armistice Day Celebration! HEPPNER, OREGON MON.. NOV.1 Big Parade at 1:30 to Heppner Rodeo Field AUTO RACE 2 1 Tho Tiio-o-pst Fun Makino- Event in the History nf Hpnnnpr. on , ' t t i GOOD PRIZES Hermiston vs. Heppner K This will probably be the best football game played in Heppner this season. Adm. 25c-75c Program and Picture Show, Star Theater, 7:30 wm. boyd in "DRESS PARADE" One of the best war comedies ever produced. A Super-Special at Popular Prices 25c & 50c BIG ANNUAL DANCE :: ELKS' TEMPLE Saturday, Nov. 10 X t t f ? t f t T T t ? T t ? ? t f T t t ? t Y t T t t t t f ? T T ? ? ? t t t T ? ? T t Y t t t T ? t ? Y t t t t ? ? T Y VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVv