Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 25, 1928, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Spencer Crawford chaperoned a j
party of ladies on a trip to Milton
Monday, the ladies going there to
attend a one-day missionary meet
ing of the Christian church, while
Mr. Crawford went on to Walla
Walla for a short visit with O. O.
Crawford, recently located In the
printing business there. Those
composing the party to Milton were
Mesdames M. W. Bower, Frank
Parker, Spencer Crawford and
Frank S. Parker.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Kelthley and
Mrs. D. C. Wells were here on Mon
day to attend the funeral of the
late Crocket Kirk. Mrs. Keithley
came over Saturday by stage from
Pendleton, and Mr. Keithley and
Mrs. Wells drove over Monday fore
noon. Returning they were accom
panied by Mrs. Carrie Vaughn, who
will visit a Bhort time at the Keith
ley home.
Alfred Ayers was here on Wed
nesday, stopping over on his way
home to Portland from Walla Walla.
He had been spending several days
In the Washington city, and reports
that the dry weather up that way
is quite disappointing to the wheat
farmers and seeding of fall grain
has been much delayed.
Mrs J. W. Stevens, son and
daughter, were visitors at Heppner
Tuesday from their new home at
Courtrock, Grant county. While It
has been pretty dry over that way,
the feed on the range Is coming
along well and with rains a little
later will be In excellent shape for
fall feeding.
E. L. Bucknum, who is assisting
with the building of a bouse for
W. B. Bales over on the John Day
river near Kimberley, was home for
a few days the first of the week,
being somewhat Indisposed. He will
return to finish the Job, which will
take the most of November.
Barney McDevltt was In the city
from Sand Hollow on Saturday. He
states that, he does not own a car,
and because of this handicap, his
visits to Heppner are less frequent
than In former years, when it was
not considered out of place to travel
by buggy and team.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Poulson, Dan
Beighle and Miss Grace Fleming
motored to Portland the end of the
week and took in. the big football
game Saturday between University
of Washington and University of
Oregon, gathering great satisfaction
out of the result
Dr. John Perry Conder, candidate
for joint representative, Morrow
and Umatilla counties, returned the
end of the week from a thorough
canvas of his district He reports
having visited all precincts of Uma
tilla county, and met with much en
couragement Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kirk of Junc
tion City arrived at Heppner on
Sunday evening by motor. They
came to attend the funeral of the
late Crocket Kirk, brother of Tom.
They returned home Immediately
following the burial services.
L. A. Florence was In the city
Monday from hiB home up Willow
creek. While It has continued dry
up that way, Mr. Florence says the
fall feed 1b coming along pretty
well and rains soon will make It
Just about right
E. L. Kirk arrived from Eugene
early Sunday In response to word
that his father, J. C. Kirk, had
passed away. Mrs. Kirk arrived on
Monday In time for the funeral ser
vices. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk are Btlll
visiting here.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Garland of
Cuprum, Idaho, arrived here Bun
day in answer to word announcing
the death of Mrs. Garland's grand
father, J. C. Kirk. They departed
for home1 on Tuesday evening.
Milton W. Bower, pastor of the
Christian church, arrived home Sat
urday night from his visit to Kan
sas City, where he attended the
North American Christian conven
tion. The trip going was fine, but
returning not quite so good because
of stormy weather that made auto
travel over the plains a little un
comfortable. It was all compensa
ted for by the fine convention, how
ever, and the trip was very worth
Gay M. Anderson, Gay, Jr., Dr. F.
E. Farrlor and Spencer Crawford
arrived home late Sunday night
from Portland. They went to the
city on Friday evening and took In
the big football game there between
Washington and Oregon on Satur
day, which event they greatly en
Henry V. Smouse, lone wheatrals-
er, was a visitor In Heppner on Sat
urday. Like others In his locality,
Mr. Smouse would be pleased to
have some good rains, which would
prove a blessing to the sown grain.
Harold Cohn, Phillip Mahoney
and Pete Kilkenny took in the Oregon-Washington
football game at
Portland on Saturday, and got a
lot of genuine thrills out of the
Coming to Heppner, Nov. 4 and 5,
Dr. Tyler, eyesight specialist of
Bend on his regular trip. Will be
at Peterson's store. Correct glasses
guaranteed. 32.
Andy Olson, representing a motor
supply house of Portland, was call
ing on his customers at Heppner
Six cars of sheep went out from
the local stockyards on Friday for
Rupert, Idaho. John J. Kelly, Hepp
ner sheepman, was the shipper.
A. E. Chambers, from the head
office of Tum-A-Lum Lumber com
pany at Walla Walla, visited the
yard at Heppner on Tuesday.
Albert Nelson, of Lexington, one
of the leading grain growers of that
section, was attending to business
here on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Justus were
visitors in the city Monday from
the big Justus ranch on Hinton
Lawrence Palmer was a Lexing
ton wheatralser In Heppner for a
few hours Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Maude Howell has disposed
of her property In this city to Mr.
and Mrs. Frank E. McDanlel.
Charley Valentine spent several
hours in the city Wednesday from
his farm near Lexington.
Mrs. C. G. Saling was a visitor in
Heppner on Saturday from her
home at Hardman.
Lawrence Redding was In the city
from his Eight Mile farm on Wednesday.
ler, Heppner.
For Sale Shire stallions and
mares; prize winners at all the
leading eastern fairs. Will be at
Pacific International barns from
Oct 15 until Nov. 12, 1928. Visitors
welcome, inspection Invited. RALPH
M. FOGLEMAN, Callender, Iowa.
Present address care of O. M. Plum
mer, General Manager Pacific Int'l.,
Portland, Ore. 31-33.
Baldwin's Furniture Exchange. '
Just received, a large assortment
of cheneal rugs, all fast colors. We
handle the Armstrong Quaker felt
rugs and floor coverings. A big as
sortment of mattresses and beds.
Peerles built-in cabinets a specialty.
Come and look 'em over. 30tf.
FOR SALE Select seed rye, Ro
sen and Fall, from premium seed.
J. Frank Spinning, phone 61, Echo,
Ore. . 29-tf.
GOLD SEAL Congollum Sale Oct
1 to 6. ugs and yard goods extra
special. Case Furniture Co.
For Sale Fine quality Netted
Gem potatoes at $1.00 a sack. R.
Wasmer. Boardman, Ore. 32 3.
Now ready to weave your carpets
and rugs. Get orders in early. Mrs.
T. W. Rlppee, Heppner. 32-5.
For Sale Art square velvet rug. I
Call 813. 32-3.
Special Low
Prices on
Hree's an opportunity that
you can't afford to miss. The
finest custom-tailored, made-to-your-measure
clothe ob
tainable anywhere, at prices
that are astonishingly low.
Get out of the ready-to-wear
habit! You don't know how
comfortable it is to wear a
Come In and pick out the
material, chooso your own
stylo, and direct the fashion
ing of YOUR SUIT. It doesn't
cost any more than sticking
to ready-modes!
Just try it out!
Heppner Tailoring Shop
FOR SALE Chester White brood
sows and pigs; also good yearling I
Rhode Island Red roosters out of
287 trap-nested hens. Ralph But-
Dry Goods & Shoes
$12.50 16-inch Shoes $11.00
$5.50 6-inch Shoes $4.95
5.75 6-inch Shoes $5.00
$4.75 Shoes .. $3.73
10 Off On
$4.35 Fancy Sweaters at $3.00
Let me figure on your Grocery Orders.
Everything selling, at a reduced price
for cash.
W. P. Prophet
When that phone order
is received here, it is
promptly filled with
QUALITY merchandise
In the city you get it on the
very first delivery. That's why
we say "Quality Service"
Grocery Co.
Phone .Main 53 We Deliver
The Fire Alarm!
"How near is It to us?" That's what one hears as the en
gine clangs Into the neighborhood. Evryone is alarmed
until the location of tjie fire is learned.
' Then, those at a safe distance breathe a sigh of relief,
and only the close neighbors continue to be concerned.
But the next Are in your vicinity may be nearer to your
home so near as to endanger your own property. On that
day, or night, adequate insurance In a good company is
worth far more than it possibly can cost
Let us plan full coverage for you.
F. W. Turner & Co.
Representing frlRE ASSOCIATION of Philadelphia
We have the glass for your broken
windows and the parlor furnace to
make your home cozy Inside. Case
Furniture Co. -
For Sale Poland China pigs, all
sizes. J. G. Barratt 27tf
Wanted 4- or 5-room furnished
house, with fence. Inquire this of
fice, v
FORD TOURING Looks fine,
runs fine, good tires. Many thous
and unused miles in this car. Very
For Sale 7-room modern house,
shade and fruit trees, also berry
bushes; other adjoining lots for
sale. Cash or terms. Elizabeth
Smith state. 22tf .
Ranch to lease or for sale 1000
acres, plenty water, good orchard,
barn, comfortable house. D. E. Oil
man, Heppner. 22tf.
$100.000 in Premium! 18th Annual Expoiltlon
combine! 10 complete showi in one Live ttock Show; Dairy,
Land and Manufacturer Prodocte Shown Sheep Show; Wool and Mohair
Showi Industrial bapoaMoni Fox Show: Borr and Girls' Club Work Exhibits
and America'a ireatest Hon Show. Coven 10 acrea exhibiting million, of
dollars worth of fine pure bred Beef and Dairy Cattle, Hones, Sheep, Hog;,
Goeta and Foxes. Attendance each rear exceeds 1 2000 persons. Portland,
Oregon, November 3-10. Reduced Fane All Tramportadon Lines.
I ' gtw,
sj ILL- ld mmmk
&9 ftfla fl&sG
(flay srsn awm'-jgetJ itBa
The lowest priced quality washer and ironer
in the world. The new Thor Agitator
Washer and the new Rotary Iron, together
cost no more than the average washer alone.
Uaasnally attractive cash prices also
Wings for your washing and ironing. The
Rotary Iron can also be purchased separately
to be operated on a table, or can be used
on any of the late model Thor washers.
Sale ends October 31st.
.ytrS. A Ipf Iffll
The new Thor Agitator washer,
lowest priced quality washer in
the world.
To iron, remove tit wringer
from the wringer abaft.
Plan the Thor Rotary Iron in
the wringer position.
Then you tit in a comfortable
chair while you feed the clothes
The Thor home laundry combination is hailed by
editors of leading publications as the greatest con
tribution to woman's freedom. Saves time and
strength. Less than an hour, for instance, to iron what
used to take half a day. Priced so that every home
can afford it. But the special sale ends next Friday.
Don't delay! The Rotary Iron can be purchased
alone, or for use on any late model Thor washer.
Always at your service