HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 25, 1928. PAGE THREE Tl tor M (D)M by Nancu Hart 'The decorators tell us that every living room should have Its screen. If It is not needed to match the entrance to the dining room or bed room, then it is Invaluable as a "high piece" to balance the tall sec retary, bookcase or upright piano on an opposite wall. Most attractive screens can be made at home at very little cost by covering the bare frame with an tique wall paper or a delightful mod ern paper may be used If the mod ernistic touch Is wanted in the room. Another effective screen that can be made at home is the screen of prints. Wall paper in a tiny gold star, diamond or cross stitch pat tern makes a good foundation; then mount old-fashioned flower prints, Gody or quaint French prints, in panels at the top. A Good Menu Without Meat Cream of turnip soup Eggs baked in tomato sauce Stuffed potatoes Cabbage slaw Butterscotch layer cake Non-stimulating drink A Dessert the Children Like A substantial dessert for little folks Is cold fruit pudding made by dissolving 1 package fruit-flavored gelatin in 1 pint boiling water. When beginning to thicken, stir in a handful seedless raisins, a few nuts, chopped dates and figs and a sliced banana. Mold and serve with or without cream. For Flakier Pie Crust Your pastry will be much liner and more tender if prepared cake flour is used Instead of bread flour. Beef Stew en Casserole Use 1 pound lean raw beef cut In Inch cubes, 3 cups tomato pulp, S sliced onions, 2 tablespoons melted butter, 3 tablespoons quick-cooking tapioca, 1 teaspoons salt; pepper and paprika to taste. Mix all to gether in casserole and bake in moderate oven for one hour, stir ring occasionally. Delicious with baked potato. Use Left-Over Heats In Fatties Dice cold cooked lamb, beef or veal, heat It In gravy to which a little softened onion, celery and green pepper (chopped) have been added. Bake patty shells of pie crust arranged in muffin tins and while still hot fill with the meat mixture. RHEA CREEK. The Grange Hallowe'en party was held Saturday evening and by the many hearty laughs and Intense In terest of everyone it seems to have been the best party given this year, even if the ghosts and goblins were hovering about Bob Allstott, Jr., and Edith Stevens walked off with the prizes given in the dress parade. Several other prizes were awarded for different games. The party finished at 1:30 a. m. with all par taking of a generous supply of pumpkin pie. O. C. Stephens' killed a lrage owl which had been infesting his chick en yard. When outstretched It measured four feet eight Inches. J. W. Stevens was here the last of the week for the last of their farm equipment He Is very anxious to get everything moved to their new home before winter begins. A. E. Wright . and son are im proving their ranch by building a new barn and garage. The Golden West school went on a hike down Rhea creek where they secured a few small fish and other specimens for their aquarium which they started recently. Mr. and Mrs. Clubine were up from their home in Portland visiting with relatives for ten days during the pheasant season. Mra Clubine is a daughter of A. E. Wright Miss Nellie Wright accompanied them to their home for a visit of two weeks. Stephens Brothers have taken their Bheep back to the foothills for a while. June Allstott has been out of school the past week with an attack of flu. When Is It Safe to Send Children to School From State Board of Health. Every conscientious parent In de termining the question of whether or not a child should go to school on some particular day when It does not feel quite normal Is guided by two general principles; namely, first the Interest of the child, and sec ond, the Interests of the neighbors' children. There are certain symptoms, any one of which, If present should automatically decide this question. Among these symptoms are the fol lowing: 1. Fever. 2. Sore throat 3. Diarrhea. 4. Severe abdominal pain. 5. Earache. 8. Discharging sore eyes. 7. Discharging ears. 8. Paroxysmal cough, especially if coughing spells are followed by vomiting and always If fol lowed by whoop. 9. Severe colds, even when no fe ver is present 10. The presence of an eruption not due to scratches, hard soaps, to some other simple condition, or, in older chil dren, acne. Acne Is very of ten the penalty of a not too clean face or body, and it is granted that it is a little diffi cult to induce a youngster al ways to keep himself clean, especially his face. Theoretically, in order to be per mitted to attend school a child should be perfectly well. Among the individual precautions that the parent can take to prevent the child from contracting certain contagious diseases, there have already been mentioned vaccintalon against smallpox and Immunization against diphtheria. Children should be taught that there are ten objects which com monly carry contagious disease from one person to another and that these ten dangerous objects are nothing more nor less than the ten fingers. He handles a ball or other object gets on It an Infinitely small quantity of secretion from his own nose or mouth through the medium of his fingers, passes the object along to another, who gets an Infinitely smaller quantity of the first child's nasal secretion on his fingers, passes it on to his mouth, and wakes up two weeks later with a large sized attack of measles. Of course, there are other ways in which these secretions can be exchanged, such as the common drinking cup and improperly con- When you build, we are ready to serve you W7HEN you build It is always a comforting W thing to know that the building materials you buy are going to be up to specifications. Cheap, flimsy construction usually goes hand in hand with poor quality materials. Safeguard your building by letting us know what you require and we will work with you to see that your interests are well protected. We are headquarters for all dependable building materials and can also help you select a good, reliable contractor; Tell us what you plan to do-we can and will give you helpful advice. j. .:.-is a- TUM-A-LUM LUMBER COMPANY Yards at Heppner, Lexington and lone structed drinking fountains. No right thinking parents will conceal contagious disease in their own child, and a physician who will do such a thing is unworthy of a parent's c onfldence. Theodore Roosevelt once said to one of his employees: "A man who will steal for me will steal from me." By the same token It may not be safe to trust the life of your child to a doc tor who would connive in conceal ing a case of measles, diphtheria, scarlet fever, or other contagious disease of this kind. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. Rev. Thomas J. Brady. Paator Next Sunday will be the tventy second Sunday after Pentecost and there will be a mass In the Heppner church at 8:30 preceded by confes sions and the distribution of holy communion. There will be a sec ond mass in The Sands at 10:30, also preceded by confessions. The pastor will preach at both services. In the evening at 7:30 there will be rosary, litany, prayers and benedic tion of the Blessed Sacrament Each morning during the entire month of October, there will be mass in the church at 7 o'clock in honor of the rosary month, and on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 7:30 In the eve ning there will be rosary, litany, prayers and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament The pastor returned from Board man last Sunday morning after having held mass in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cooney at which there was a good congregation. There Is no doubt about the con stant development of the Boardman country and a bright future is un deniable. What is In line of devel opment is of the slow but safe and sure quality devoid of all boom ele ments. On Thursday, November first, will occur the feast of All faints, a day of special duties for Catholics in volving assistance at holy mass and refraining from all servile work. To meet the requirement of work ing people and of school children, there will be two masses in the church at Heppner, the first at 7 for working people and for children, and a second at 8 for the general number in the congregation. Con fessions will be heard before each mass. At noon on this same day will begin the commemoration of All Souls day, which will fall on November 2nd, also the first Friday NOTICE We clean chimneys, furnaces, stoves; new and clean way; no pipes taken down; all work guaranteed. GILLIAM &BISBEE Phone 333 of November. On the feast of All Souls there will be a high mass for the dead at 7 in the morning, fol lowed by a second mass at 7:45 and a third mass at 8:15. All Souls day Is the annual religious Memorial Day for the dead. Preparation for this memorial service will begin on October 30 and continue on October 31 and November 1st, at 7:30 in the evening. I. N. Basey, for many years a res ident of the Heppner community, and owner still of the Basey ranch on Heppner flat came over from his home at Wapato, Wash., the first of the week to look after his interests here. It has been 18 years ince Mr. Basey left here and the town does not look exactly right to him, though he notes that there has been much substantial Improve ment In the appearance of Hepp ner. Mr. Basey has been living at Wapato for the past ten years and is well pleased with tne location. While getting well along in years, he enjoys splendid health and works every day. John Day Valley Freight line (Incorporated) Operating Between Heppner and Portland and John Day Highway Points. We specialize in cream, veal and other prodfice. We pick it up any place on our route. RATES REASONABLE CITY GARAGE, Local Agent. Phone 172 pel .sxO? ,000 OS IT 1 5,000 DEPOSIT W ninthly LA wealth Every Man Mora than (23,000,000 is now on deposit with build ing and loan associations of Oregon. Depositors are Motiving most substantial interest. Their money is loaned on first mortgages on improved real estate homes mostly and all of them in Oregon. DafaaHara with the Waitani Sa rifts an taaaMa. I latw art, mpmU aaal-annaallr. tW an njvrimf twa far aa anrltr. Tht aafcrrttr lint antacaa, all M M MM traat ar tM atatai U UU E has . All flapaattara than la araTHa. lataraat U Mis 1 mm jmv 4 la aaal 4 Hi ki IMM M SUM 4tm af Mtafta 4t b) mn. Tau na mmlm ar waaJtk mmtr aarai abaa4 ajakala ana aiaiaa. twawila, laaaaHaia at tha Wntarn eaa withdraw a part ar all at thalr aarlnsa whan 4 alnd. II ra want waalth wlthont .rfart wrlu toaar far ar falaar Dsnbltaf Yowr Principal by 6 Compound Interest II talU roa aiaetlr haw aiveh ym 4apo.lt and haw a,ulcklr ra aa raaeh roar toal. It hawa how 1 aanta a day rows ta flMI. It talla haw lit Jianthlr aallaa a aaih aatata at M.M-af whlah IIM0S la hv tanat at t aampoanoal aarnl. aanaallr. A paataard aalM aw will hrlng It n jn wftkla ths aast thna aara. WRITE FOR IT NOW Doubling Your Principal BT COMPOUND INTEREST Western Savings & LOAN ASSOCIATION 6th and Yamhill Y.M.c.A.Bidf. Portland, Ore. 6 COMPOUNDED wmi-onnuatly Tha nn war ta (a shaad la ta aeaaatalata small inm at s tiaia. 1 campoundad saaa talMa It n s larg If You Want $10,000 AG! M Sara i.U aiaathlr AO! If Ban IT.ll aaatklr AOS N San 11MI MtUr San Sit ACS at .Tl Nat si sat Is rawr hT arall af mi is r aaa wtta- naad taring fm afaw lam. DEPOSIT MAIL lataraat Jaa. lJntt 1 a- CHAIN STORES Jt5 CASH AND CARRY MODERN FOOD STORES OREGON, WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA, IDAHO HEPPNER HOTEL BLDG., HEPPNER, ORE. Heppner, Ore. MODERN FOOD STORES Phone 1082 iiiiiiiitmimnmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiinniiiiimiiiiiiiiiiw Three Days of UNUSUAL FOOD VALUES Now is the time to lay in your winter supply of foods. We offer only the new pack canned goods at a very decided saving in price. Everything guaranteed to please. Thursday, Friday and Saturday OCTOBER 25i 26 AND 27 Save on Flour Sperry Hard Wheat, the Larg est Seller in the West SPEC IAL THREE DAY PRICE. 49-Pound Sacks . . $1.75 4 Sacks, 1 Barrel . . $6.95 Corn Standard No. 2 Cans 4 Gins 1 2 Cans 24 Gins, 1 Gise 49c $1.45 $2.75 Small White Beans New Crop at about $1.00 under the market. 25 Pounds $2.50 10 Pounds $1.10 5 Pounds 59C Save on Rice No. 1 Grade, New Crop Rice. 25 Pounds $1.59 10 Pounds 65C 5 Pounds 35C Jams Jellies 3 Pound Jars Jam . . . 65c 5-Pound Cans Jam. . 79c 5-Pound Cans Jelly . . 79c Raisins 4-lb. Pkg. Market Day 29c Stone's Coffee The very finest money can buy. Save the price of the can. 3 Pounds Supreme $1.45 1 Pound 49C Peas Standard No. 2 Cans. 4 Cans 49C 12 Cans $1.45 24 Cans, 1 Case . . $2.75 Pink Beans New Crop, Very Reasonable. 25 Pounds $2.10 10 Pounds 85C 5 Pounds . . . 45C Macaroni High Grade Curl Cut. Note the Low Price. 10 Pounds 65C 5 Pounds 35C No. 10 Gallon Fruit No. 10 Peaches 65c No. 10 Blackberries . 59C No. 1 0 Loganberries . 65C Hams Per Pound 33C Soaps and Cleansers CRYSTAL WHITE, the MU lion Bubble Soap. 10 Bars 37C Old Dutch, 3 Cans . . 19c Tomatoes Standard No. Cans. 4 Cans 53C 12 Cans ........ $1.55 24 Cans, 1 Case... $2.98 Red Mexican Beans Very good grade at a low price 25 Pounds $2.10 10 Pounds 85C 5 Pounds 45C Stone's Syrup Pure Cane and Maple, espec ially prepared for waffles and hotcakes. 10 Pound Can.... $1.59 5 Pound Can 85C Pineapple Large No. 2!2 Cans. Standard Grade. 2 Cans 4 Cans 43c 75c Bacon Per Pound 33c :imiiiiiiiiiiiMtomKmmn:mnnmmtcgna:naw Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention if Check Accompanies Order Stone's Serves You Better and Saves You Most ASSBTI IN BXCI8I OF $1,000 T6