Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 25, 1928, Image 1

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Volume 45, Number 32.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Shaver's Jubilee Singers
Composed of Widely
Renownd Artists.
The Shaver Jubilee Singers, pop
ularly known as "W-L-S" (Chicago)
radio favorites, are to appear here
this evening at 7:30, at the Heppner
school auditorium. The program
is under the personal direction of
Mr. J. A. Shaver, widely known ten
or, who has been before the public
as head of his own jubilee organiza
tions, for the past ten years. The
Shavers will open Heppner's Com
munity course.
Mr. Shaver has brought together
a group of sterling artists. His com
pany is much more than a jubilee
singing organization. Each mem
ber has enjoyed a wide education
along musical lines and each is a
soloist of notable distinction.
The company will feature the ne
gro spirituals, old plantation melo
dies, the old favorites from the cot
ton fields and several groups of uni
que negro folk songs. The person
nel of the company is interesting:
James A. Shaver tenor and read
er Rendering favorite selections
from the works of Paul Lawrence
Dunbar, famous negro poet Twen
ty years' success in concert fields,
covering every state in the Union
north of the Mason-Dixon line and
also Canada.
Lu Julia Rhea contralto Pro
tege of Chos. L. Keep of Chicago
Musical college; winner of scholar
ship In that institution. Personally
commended by Herbert Wither
spoon for voice and artistry; win
ner of second prize Illinois Audition
for Atwater-Kent; as representative
of National Dett club recently won
high honors before National asso
ciation. Jamesanna Weathers soprano
An artist pupil of Prof. I. T. Yar
brough; third successive season as
soprano soloist with the Shaver Ju
bilee Singers. An artist of remark
able voice and excellent technique.
Le Roy W. Jennings Basso Pu
pil of late E. W. Georgia; member
of the Pearl Harmony Singers, the
Roland Hayes Glee club and the
Flnnle Harmonle Glee club; exten
sive recital work throughout east
and middle west
Vivian Fowler Gentry pianiBte
Pupil of Prof. Samuel Q. Lee of the
Coleridge-Taylor School of Music.
The Nowetompattlmln Camp Fire
group, composed of girls of the high
school, recently elected their new of
ficers for the coming year as fol
lows: Evelyn Swindig, president;
Harriet Morgan, vice president;
Frances White, secretary and treas
urer. On Wednesday evening of
last week the girls held their Coun-
cil Fire about one mile out of town,
at" which time the rank of Wood
Gatherers was bestowed on Kather
Inc Bisbee, Evelyn Swindig, Harriet
Morgan, Frances White, Jeannette
Turner and Reta McRoberts. Every
member has fulfilled the require
ments of the rank. This is the first
rank to be won by a Campnre girl
and is followed by the rank of Fire
Maker and Torch Bearer. After
the Council Fire supper was prepar
ed and served, the girls enjoyed a
good social time. Miss Fleming,
English teacher in the high school,
is taking the place of Mrs. Walter
Moore who resigned as guardian of
the group. It is announced by the
group that all high school girls In
terested In the Campflre work will
be given a welcome to this group.
The regular meeting of the Amer
ican Legion Auxiliary, Heppner unit
was held Monday evening, October
22. Hostesses were Mrs. Earl Gil
liam and Mrs. Chas. Cox.
Donations for the hope chest are
being received and the committee
requests all members to have their
donations handed in within the next
few days. Kitty was won by Mrs.
J. D, Bauman.
The local Relief Corps and Ameri
can Logion Auxiliary will meet to
gether at legion hall, Wednesday af
ternoon, October 31, at 2:30 to sew
for U. S. Veterans hospital No. 77
Ladles please bring scissors and
Next regular meeting of the Aux-
illary will be held November 6. At
this meeting amendments to our by
laws will be voted upon, and all
members are urgently requested to
attend this Important meeting. Hos
tesses will be Mrs. J. D. Bauman
and Mrs. Harvey Bauman.
Holy communion at 7:30 o'clock,
Sunday school at 9:45 o clock.
Morning prayer and sermon at 11
"A good name la rather to be
chosen than great riches, and loving
favour rather than silver and gold
Prov. 22:1.
ev, Stanley Moore, Missionary in
From this week on the Boy
Scouts will meet in the Legion hall
every Thursday evening promptly
at 7:15 p. m. All boys twelve years
of age or over are Invited to join,
Mr. Douglas Hawley, the scout ex
ecutive for the Blue Mountain coun-
cil, expects to be in Heppner Nov,
7 to meet with the troop and hold
a Court of Honor. We want to be
ready for htm so come out to the
Mr. Moore, Scoutmaster.
Death came to J. A. Douglass at
Morrow General hospital In this
city on Friday, following an illness
of short duration, though he had
been a sufferer for some time with
serious bladder and bowel trouble.
Mr. Douglass was taken ill at Port
land, and was but recently brought
to the hospital here. Funeral ser
vices were held at the Episcopal
church on Sunday at 1:30, p. m.,
Rev. Stanley Moore officiating, and
burial was in Heppner cemetery.
At the time of death Mr. Douglass
was aged 77 years, 6 months and 3
days. He was the father of Mrs.
Chas. Swindig of this city and Mrs.
E. J. Starkey of Arlington, and he
had been a resident here for some
two years before going to Portland
early last spring.
Rebekahs of County
Hold 8th Convention
The eighth annual convention of
Rebekah lodges of District No. 20
convened at Lexington Saturday,
October 20.
The convention officers were:
president, Lena Lundell; vice-pres
ident Ella Benge; secretary-treasurer,
Verda Ritchie. The Right
Supporter of the President, State
Assembly President Louise Perozzl;
the Left Supporter, Past State Pres
ident, Etta Sanderson, vice Alice
McNabb; warden, Opal Ayers; con
ductor, Hattie Wightman, vice Le
tha Smith; chaplain, Lucy Harbi
son; right supported of the vice
chairman, Clara Kincaid; left sup
porter, Florence Hughes; Inside
guardian, Delia McCurdy; outside
guardian, Emma Peck.
The address of welcome was given
by Emma Peck and the response by
W. W. Head. Talks were given by
Etta Brlstow on "The Good We De
rive from District Conventions," and
by Past President Etta Sanderson
on "Why Members Loose Interest
and Become Inactive," and a mu
sical selection was given by Gladys
Drake and Bculah Lundell.
lone was selected as the next
place of meeting.
Elective officers chosen, for the
ensuing term were: chairman, Mary
S w a n s o n ; vice-chairman, Ella
Benge; secretary-treasurer, Verda
A talk was given on the duties of
the captain of the degree team and
duties of the lodge to the degree
team captain.
The convention then closed for
the banquet which was served at
the Congregational church. Reop
ening alter the banquet San Souci
lodge gave "The Street of Mem
ories." Degree work was exempli
fied by the Hermiston degree team.
Following the exemplification of
degree work an inspiring address
was given by State President Lou
ise Purozzi.
Five Per Cent Increase
Shown in Registration
Upon closing the registration
books of Morrow county, Clerk An
derson has figured the increase
over the preceding registration, and
finds it to be 5 per cent This is not
yet up to some former years, and
no doubt quite a number of those
eligible to vote have failed to get
their names on the lists, and will
thus be denied this privilege on
election day.
The total registration is 2297, dis
tributed as follows: republicans,
1067; democrats, 530; socialists, 20;
miscellaneous, 68; progressives, 3;
prohibitionists, 9.
The membership campaign of the
Neighbors of Woodcraft is ended
with 21 new members added to our
circle and a large class ready for
Initiation at our first meeting In
November. Neighbor Ralph Wilcox
and his team won in the campaign
by around 200 points. Neighbors
Eleanor McFerrtn and Elsie Cowins
won the prizes for securing the
highest number of candidates. The
prizes were Neighbor of Woodcraft
pins, given by the circle and pre
sented by Rosa Howell, clerk. After
the business session the losing team
entertained the winners, first by a
banquet in the dining room and af
terward by games and music. Prizes
were won by Hazel McDaid and
Delbert Hiatt. Leatha Rippee en
tertained with popular music at the
piano, Roy Quackenbush played his
banjo accompanied at the piano by
Fred Buschke. There were 54 pres
ent and all report an enjoyable
time. Correspondent
A series of six evening addresses
will be given by the pastor of the
Church of Christ on the general
theme, "The Story of the Church,
The first one on next Sunday eve
ning will be on the subject "Begin
ning of New Testament Church."
These addresses will be full of
interesting information and you
should not fail to hear them.
On Sunday morning the topic will
be, "The Supreme Task of the
Bible school at 9:45. Be on time,
Christian Endeavor at 6:30.
MILTON W. BOWER, Minister.
The doubtful profession (7) of
stealing sheep received a set-back
In the Willamette valley recently
when three men pleaded guilty of
stealing eight ewe lambs from E,
G. Young and T. B. Garrison of
Douglas county, Oregon, and were
each sentenced to five years In the
Miss Case Coming Next
Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday.
Miss Lucy Case, nutrition special
ist from the Oregon State Agricul
tural college, will present the sec
ond of the series of three nutrition
meetings being conducted by her In
the county, starting Wednesday at
Heppner, Lexington Thursday and
lone Friday. The schedule and In
formation on meetings follow:
October 31, Wednesday, Heppner
school house: Sandwich and school
lunch demonstration In morning.
About 20 different kinds of sand
wiches will be made and everyone
present will have a chance to sam
ple them and take home printed
recipes. The proposition of a hot
school lunch will be discussed.
Talk In afternoon on How to Eat
and Grow Thin, How to Eat and
Grow Fat, and Planning Balanced
Hours 10 to 3:30. Chairman, Miss
Lulu Hager.
November 1, Thursday, Lexington
church: Same program and hours
as Wednesday. Chairman, Mrs. Em
ma Peck.
November 2, Friday, lone school
house: Salad demonstration in
morning. About 25 different kinds
of salads will be made, and every
one present will have a chance to
sample them and take home a new
set of printed recipes just off the
press. About ten other salads of
more fancy nature will be made for
The afternoon talk will be on the
most important subject in nutrition,
the feeding of mothers and chil
dren. Hours, 10 to 3:30. Chairman, Mrs.
Earle Brown.
Ladies are asked to bring a large
pan or bowl and paring knife and
apron, and not wear best clothes.
This applies to each meeting.
At 3 o'clock each afternoon the
timely question of storage of fruits
and vegetables for winter will be
discussed by Charles W. Smith,
county agent
Fine interest was manifested in
the first of the meetings held two
weeks ago and the meeting was
felt to be very helpful to the ladles
who attended. Those who failed to
attend the first meeting should
make It a point to attend this one,
if possible, Mr. Smith feels, as it will
be worth much more to them than
the time taken to attend. The meet
ings were arranged through the
county agent's office with the O. S.
extension service.
Walter L. Matteson, democratic
nominee for sheriff, makes the fol
lowing statement: "I am a Morrow
county pioneer and an ex-service
man, having had eight years exper
ience as an officer fof the law. I be
lieve in enforcement of the laws
without fear or favor, with just and
fair treatment to all. I will abso
lutely appoint Morrow county of
fice help, if elected, and an exper
ienced bookkeeper if possible. I al
so believe In not making any more
expense than necessary on taxpay
ers. I will not send out of the state
to get a hard boiled deputy sheriff,
as some are called. .
"I thank you for your attention,
voters of Morrow county.
Truly yours,
"Candidate for Sheriff."
rFor Men Must Fight
illllillllllll! "&l MoJHLQ-f Paous Have' a mice
The county court on Monday let
the contract for hauling aome 12,000
cubic yards of crushed rock from
the rock crusher on the upper Eight
Mile market road, to Ike Dempsey.
Mr. Dempsey takes the contract on
the basis of 25 cents for the first
mile and 20 cents per mile for each
subsequent mile of delivery. Mr.
Dempsey has been doing hauling for
the county these many years, and
his service has been very satisfac
tory to the county court. These
figures are practically the same he
has been receiving heretofore.
Judge Alger Fee was over from
Pendleton today for a short time,
going over the circuit court docket
and checking up on cases. The
regular term of court will be in De
cember, but Judge Fee desired to
get any motions and other matters
out of the way that could be dis
posed of at this time.
The Shaver Jubilee Singers ar
rived on this morning's train In
readiness for their entertainment
at the Heppner school auditorium
this evening. Their repertoire, said
to be the largest of any negro sing
ing group In the Country, includes
more than ninety negro spirituals
and folk songs.
Wm. Stauffer, formerly a resi
dent of this county, but for a num
ber of years past residing at Long
Beach, Calif., was here the first of
the week, looking after his Morrow
county interests. From here Mr.
Stauffer left for Hood River, where
he also has some real estate.
Mr. and Mrs. R, B. Rice of Arte
sian Well farm were in the city on
Satiday for a few hours. Mrs.
Rice had just returned on Friday
from a visit of six weeks at the
home of her parents in Kansas City,
Mo., which she greatly enjoyed.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Barlow, and
E. F. Smith, brother of Mrs. Bar
low, were visitors in the city on
Saturday from their respective
places on Rhea creek.
Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Clark of Her
miston were visitors here on Satur
day. Mr. Clark owns a wheat farm
in the north Sand Hollow country.
The Luncheon club will resume
meetings at Cottage Inn, beginning
next Monday, October 29, at the
usual dinner hour.
Dr. Tyler, eyesight specialist of
Bend, will be at Peterson's store,
Heppner, Nov. 4 and 5. Comfortable
glasses guaranteed. 32.
The ladies of the Episcopal
church will have a chicken supper
in the parish house of the church
on Nevember 1.
E. J. Evans, Lexington farmer,
made this office a pleasant call
while In the city for a short time
on Saturday.
The Eastern Star Cheer club will
meet on Saturday afternoon at 2:30
at the home of Mrs. E R. Huston.
Guy Huston, one of the leading
farmers of Eight Mile, was here to
day looking after business matters.
Troy Bogard, Eight Mile wheat
raiser, was attending to busniess in
this city on Wednesday.
Thos. O'Brien and family were up
to Heppner Saturday from their
ranch on Butter creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Copenhaver of
Swaggart's buttes, were visitors in
the city on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Noah Pettyjohn and
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Troedson were
Morgan folks in this city today.
and Women Must Weep".
Morning Program, Foot
ball Game and Dance
Scheduled for 11th.
Celebration of Armistice Day in
Heppner this year will furnish op
portunity for everyone to enjoy the
particular type of entertainment
that pleases them most, and at the
same time will include features
in keeping with the more serious
aspects of the day. Auto races,
football game and dance will be the
main features of entertainment and
a patriotic program and parade will
be held. The program, as planned
by Heppner Post No. 87, in charge
of the observance, will be held at
11 o'clock in the morning and be
sides musical numbers will include
an address The speaker, as far as
is known now, will be Harold J.
Warner of Pendleton. Mr. Warner
Is an ex-service man who has aid
enviable reputation as a public
The parade will take place imme
diately after noon and preceding
the auto races and football game
at Rodeo field. Six entries already
have signed for the auto races, for
which liberal prizes are being ar
ranged. The races are limited to
Model T Ford cars and anyone de
siring to enter may do so by get
ting in touch with P. M. Gemmell,
C. W. Smith or W. R. Poulson. The
rules and regulations of the races
will be published next week.
Hermiston and Heppner high
schools will mix nl the first league
game of the season after the races.
Hermiston has a real team this year
and Coach Poulson of the local
squad promises fans a fast exhibi
tion. The Armistice Day dance will be
held in Elks' hall Saturday evening
preceding Armistice day. Good
music is being arranged and many
special features are planned. The
other Armistice Day features will
be held on Monday. Complete de
tails of the day's activities will
be announced soon.
Whereas, the messenger of death
has again visited our number, and
removed the name of our brother,
John A. Patterson, from the roll of
workmen, and taken our brother
from our midst to his eternal rest;
Whereas, Brother Patterson was
a true and faithful Mason, and we
wish to make permanent record of
his fidelity;
Therefore, be it resolved, that we,
his brother craftsmen of Heppner
Lodge No. 69, A. F. & A. M., at this
time pause in sorrowful submission,
to recall his many virtues and to
drop a tear because of his depart
ure. We extend to the sorrowinf wid
ow and son of our deceased brother
in their bereavement our deepest
Be it resolved that a copy of these
resolutions be sent to the family of
the deceased, that a copy be en
tered upon our records, and a copy
handed the Heppner Gazette Times
for publication.
J. E. Gillespie, who left here some
five years ago, Is visiting In the
county for a few days. He has a
son residing at Boardman and while
there he decided to run over to
Heppner and see old time friends.
Mr. Gillespie was here today. He
maks his home at Lewiston, Idaho.
. . By Albert T. Reid
Death came to William T. Scott at
Heppner hospital early Tuesday
morning, following an illness of but
a dav or so. Mr. Scott had not been
well, however, for several years, and
recently he was stricken with a very
severe cold that threatened to de
velop into something more serious,
but on going to the hospital for
treatment, appeared to be Improv
ing satisfactorily, when suddenly
turning worse after midnight he
passed away in the early hours of
Tuesday morning. Mr. Scott was
aged 71 years, 1 month and 15 days.
He bad never been married, and had
no near relatives here except two
nephews, Oral and Ralph Scott,
with whom he had made his home
alternately the past several years.
Other relatives are two sisters who
resiu in the middle west Funeral
servicse are being held this after
noon at the Christian church, Mil
ton W. Bower, pastor, officiating,
and burial following at Masonic
(cemetery with the srevices in charge
of Willow Lodge No. 6, L O. O. F.,
of which deceased was a member.
Attention Is Called to
Misuse of U. S. Mails
The season of the year is again
here when young people leave their
homes to attend the higher insti
tutions of learning. These students
are extensive users of the mails for
their suit cases, laundry bags, sup
plies from home, etc., and postmas
ters at college and university towns
report that in many instances the
suit cases, laundry bags, etc., con
tain unauthorized written matter,
such as note books of school work,
old letters, memoranda, books and
magazines bearing marginal notes,
etc., on which postage at the fourth
class rate only is prepaid. Such
parcels are rated up according to
their classificaiton and the deficient
postage collecten on delivery. One
postmaster states that such postage
ranges from $2 to $12 a parcel at his
office. In many instances thee col
lections work a hardship on the
Postmasters and postal employees
are directed to give special atten
tion when accepting suit cases,
laundry bags, and other parcels in
tended for students in college and
university towns and see that action
is taken to - prevent the disaptch
from their respective offices of par
cels offered for mailing at less than
the first-class rate of postage which
contain written matter not permiss
ible with the class of matter as of
fered, thus improving this situation
and making the service more satis
factory to its patrons and at the
same time avoiding unnecessary la
bor, expense, and criticism. Eternal
vigilance at the office of mailnig Is
the only way to stop this trouble
some practice.
3rd Assistant Postmaster General.
Grand Lodge Officer to
Visit O.E.S. Tomorrow
Ruth chapter No. 32, O. E. S., will
hold their regular meeting at Mas
onic hall on tomorrow, Friday eve
ning, at which time they will re
ceive an official visit from Mrs. Eli
zabeth Tipton, associate grand ma
tron. Because of this official visit
the officers of Ruth chapter are
urging a large attendance of the
membership. Special music will
also be on the plogram. There will
be initiation, and following all this
there will be entertainment in the
dining room prepared by the com
mittee on refreshments.
Tomorrow the pioneers will gath
er at Lexington for their second an
nual reunion, and from what we
have been hearing, the people of
that city, who are entertaining the
oldtimers, will have a record crowd
on their hands. Many of the early
settlers in Morrow county were
present at the gathering a year ago,
which was the starter of the occa
sion which will be celebrated for
the second time tomorrow. The
forenoon gathering will be for the
purpose of registration of those con
sidered eligible to be called pion
eers of Morrow county, and then at
noon will come the big spread of
eats in the gym of the high school.
The afternoon is to be well filled by
an interesting program. Walter M.
Pierce and Samuel E. Notson will
deliver adresses, and there will be
music and community singing. Oth
er features of entertainment will be
put on In the evening for all those
who desire to remain. Lexington
people extend a hearty welcome to
all, and for the dinner it is expect
ed that visitors will bring along
their baskets of eats.
Whereas, the Angel of Death has
visited our Chapter and removed
therefrom to his eternal rest our
Companion J. A. Patterson, and
Whereas, Companion Patterson
was a true member of our Chapter,
and we wish to record in a perma
nent manner his fidelity;
Therefore, be it resolved by Hepp
ner Chapter No. 26, R. A. M., that
we extend to the sorrowing widow
and family of our deceased compan
ion our deepest sympathy in this
their hour of bereavement
Be it resolved that a copy of these
resolutions be spread upon the rec
ords of the Chapter, a copy sent to
the family of the deceased, and a
copy given to the local paper for
Wm. T. Matlock came In this
morning from his home in Montana
io look after Interests here.
Settler of 1870 Continuous
Resident; Made Home
in City Since 1908.
It was In the year 1870 when
Crocket Kirk came to this part of
Oregon from Lane county. He set
tled on Rhea creek, some seven
miles south of Heppner, at thej
mouth of Sanford canyon, and here
he lived many years under pioneer
conditions, and prospered. His pros
perity was the result however, of
patient and persistent toil. His
family was moved onto this Rhea
creek place the year of 1871, and
the home was there until they mov
ed to Heppner in 1908. During the
years spent on the ranch, Mr. Kirk
engaged largely in the stock busi
ness, principally sheep, in which he
met with success, and for a long
time he was numbered among the
prominent men engaged in that in
dustry in the county. He retired
from these activities on moving to .
Heppner, and enjoyed the fruits of
his labors in a quiet and unassum
ing manner.
Becoming afflicted with an incur
able ailment some three or four
years ago, Mr. Kirk was caused to
suffer much, but through it all was
patient and forbearing. His death
occurred at the home here on Sat
urday morning, and funeral ser
vices were held at the Christian
church on Monday afternoon at 2
o'clock. Rev. F. R. Spaulding, pastor
of the M. E. church delivering the
address, and burial was in the fam
ily plot at Masonic cemetery, with
Willow Lodge No. 66, L O. O. F., of
which he had long been a member,
committing the body to Its last rest
ing place with the beautiful service
of the order.
J. Crocket Kirk was born In
Kirksville, Mo., (the town being .
named after his grandfather, Jesse
Kirk, an early pioneer of that re
gion), on January 28, 1844, the son
of James T. and Virginia (Adkins)
Kirk. At the time of his death,
October 20, 1928, he was aged 84
years, 8 months and 24 days. In his
native city he received a good pub- '
lie school education, and there he
psased the years of his minority,
going in 1863 to Henderson county.
Illinois, where he spent two years.
In 1865 the entire family crossed
the plains by ox team to the Wil
lamette valley, settling first in Yam
hill county and then removed to
Lane county. It took six months to
make the trip across, and the jour
ney was safely made without any
interference from Indians. In this
same train was his future wife,
Mary McConnell, whom he did not
meet until their families settled on
adjoining farms in Lane county.
near Junction City. It was in 1870
when he came to what was then a
part of Umatilla county and took
up a homestead on Rhea creek.
He was married to Miss Mary A.
McConnell, July 19, 1868, and to this
union four children were born, two
of whom now survive, Mrs. Emma
Jomes of Heppner and E. L. Kirk of
Eugene. Mrs. Kirk passed away
July 11, 1927. Besides the two chil
dren, he is survived by nine grand
children and three great grandchil
dren; also two brothers, Chas. Kirk
of Oak Grove, Calif., and Thos.
Kirk of Junction City, Oregon.
Mr. Kirk was a highly respected
citizen of this community where he
had lived so long, and this respect
was attested by the very large at
tendance of the older residents here
at the funeral services. Many very
beautiful floral pieces were banked
about the casket and placed at the
grave, speaking louder than any
words the esteem in which he was
held. Mr. Kirk was a lifelong mem
ber of the Methodist church, and
also held membership for long years
in Willow lodge, I. O. O. F. of Hepp-
Mildred Clary, young daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Irl Clary of Alpine,
who has been ill with broncho-pneumonia,
has returned home.
Mack Ingram of lone, who has
been ill with acute Indigestion, has
lert trie hospital and with his mo
ther has gone to California for a
Arthur, baby son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Bergstrom, who has been ill
with acute Inflammation of the in
testines, has returned home.
Mrs. Ed Adkins, who has been ill
for the past two weeks, has recov
ered sufficiently to be out again.
The first Upper Columbia league
football game will be pulled off at
Rodeo grounds at 2:30 tomorrow af
ternoon, the contestants being Ar
lington high and Heppner " high.
This game Is expected to be very
hotly contested as both teams have
been working hard.
Walter M. Pierce, candidate for
congress from the 2nd congressional
district of Oregon, will speak at the
Star theater next Saturday after
noon at 2:30 o'clock, according to
word handed out by the county
democratic central committee.
Heppner and Condon grade school
football teams clash Saturday af
ternoon on, the Heppner gridiron.
Coach Beighle of the local school
expects his proteges to give a good
account of themselves.