Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 18, 1928, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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How Are Your Arteries?
From State Board of Health.
, "The truth of the saying that a
man la as old as his arteries, is dem
onstrated almost daily in the news
papers by items recording the sud
den lllneBS or death of some promin
ent man. The cause is variously
stated as a stroke, apoplexy, cere
bral hemorrhage, or some other
term but all Indicating that an ar
tery gave way, that a blood clot
formed and that paralysis or death
"Generally the newspaper Item
records the fact that the man so
stricken was of middle age, promin
ent and frequently at or near the
height of his career. Two instances
of this kind have occurred recently.
Shortly before the national conven
tions a man prominently mentioned
as a candidate for the presidency
died suddenly from a stroke just
before he was to make a speech in
his home town. A few weeks ago,
a man who has been very active in
public affairs in New York state
also came to the same sudden end
of his human existence.
"It seems a pity that people of
great use to the world should be
cut down at a time of life when they
are of most service. The purpose of
this talk is to emphasize that In the
vast majority of instances such
deaths are needless If persons of
middle age will only observe a few
simple rules.
"Note that most of the persons
who are stricken are usually forty
five or over, frequently overweight
and under the strain either of pub
lic life or business connections
which require work under pressure,
attendance at banquets, or late
gatherings and, in general, Irregu
lar hours for eating, sleeping and
exercise, thus breaking three of the
most important rules for maintain
ing a healthy body.
"We may not fvant to believe it,
but the fact remains that after for
ty with most people, the human
body, instead of continuing to de-
velop in strength and energy, be
gins to degenerate. It is therefore
of the highest importance that per
sons reaching that age, if they
haven't already formed the bene
ficial habit, should without fall have
a complete physical examination
once or better twice a year by a
reliable physician. Such an exam
ination should include not only the
heart and lungs but blood pressure
and all the other tests included in
the standard health examination
"But how will such a procedure
protect a person from hardening of
the arteries, from heart disease and
other degenerative diseases of mid
dle age? The answer Is simple.
Just as it Is easy to blow out a
match, but hard to stop a conflagra
tion, so is it a relatively simple
matter at the outset to check the in
sidious beginnings of these diseases
through removing their cause, but It
is a difficult if not an impossible
task to effect a cure once the con
dition has progressed to any great
"Have a health examination at
least once a year. Select your birth
day as an appropriate time."
B. R. R., N. Y.
(Received too late for last week)
The Alpine high school was clos
ed Thursday and Friday of last
week. This was due to the teachers
having to attend teachers' Institute
which was held at Pendleton.
Regardless of the fact that a num
ber of folks from here attended the
hog and dairy show at Hermlston, a
large number attended the Farm
Bureau meeting at Alpine high
school on Saturday evening. Every
one present spoke of enjoying the
program put on by the school chil
dren with the help of a few outsid
ers. Also the bounteous refresh
ments were enjoyed. The next
meeting will be held November 4.
Mrs. George Lamblrth has re
turned to her home after working
during the summer at Llbby, Mc
Nlell & Llbby cannery at The
Fay Hayes of Portland is visiting
his sister, Mrs. Merle Bannett at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Ben
Celathea Lamblrth spent the
week end with Miss Ina Lenhart at
People in the communities of At
pine and Pine City have combined
to hold divine services every Sun
day afternoon at the respective
school houses. Sunday school at
2:00 o'clock, church services at 3:00
o'clock. Milton W. Bower of Hepp
ner is in charge. Services next
Sunday will be held at the Alpine
school house.
On the evening of November 16,
the Alpine high school students will
present to the public a comedy "The
Triumph of Pauline." At the Alpine
high school. Following the play
there will be a cafeteria lunch for
sale, also a novelty In the line of a
parcel post department
Edward Hounshell of Myrtle
Creek, Ore., Is visiting at the home
of his uncle, G. L. Bennett
A resolution fixing an estimate of the
amount of contemplated expenditures
for the year 1928, and showing the
amount proposed to be expended for
each separate fund, and the total
amount of expenses; also an estimate
of the amount of receipts for said year
from sources other than direct taxation
upon the real and personal property of
the city ot )oaraman.
no It Resolved, that the City Council
of the City of Boardman, Oregon, hereby
estimates the amount of contemplated
evnAnriitiirefl for the vear 1029. the re
ceipts from sources other than direct
taxation, ana tne amount 10 oe raireu
bv direct taxation uoon the real and
personal property within said city as
Sinking Fund I 100.00
Interest on Bonds 360.00
Repairs and mainten
ance of Irrigation
Ditch 1BO.O0
Street Improvements .... 150.00
Salary of Recorder 60.00
Miscellaneous 9000
Gasoline and Oil 720.00
Salary of Engineer 1.080.00
2. 700.00 $2,700.00
Estimated receipts from
Lights and Water ....Jl.600.00 $1,500.00
. t .wn In ha rulaert
by direct taxation $1,300.00
(Signed) J. C. BALLENGER,
Attest! 7.'. A. PRICE, Recorder.
Thursday, Friday
and Saturday
OCT. 25-6-7
CorvRiom 1926 Umitio Druo Co.
Thursday, Friday
and Saturday
OCT. 25-6-7
IT IS a sale where you buy an item
at the regular price, then another
item of the same kind for one cent. As
an illustration : The standard price of
Klenzo Dental Creme is 50c, you buy
one tube at this price and by paying 1
Cent more, or 51 cents, you get two
tubes, and save 49 cents. Every Uni
ted Drug Company article in this sale
is a high qualty guaranteed product,
just the same as is sold every day at the
regular price. No limit buy all you
want, but on Thursday, Friday and Sat
urday only!
Produces an abundant moist lather.
May be used with either hot or cold
2 for 51c
You Save 49c
35c Harmony Cream of Almonds
A soothing lotion for
chapped or rough skin.
Apply freely to face
and hands to keep the
complexion youthful.
2 for 36c
You save 84c
50c Harmony Cocoa Butter
Cold Cream
A real tissue builder.
Contains rich, nour
ishing oils.
2 for 51c
You Save 49c
$1.00 Peptona
Full Pint
Enriches the blood and builds
strength. A good tonic for the
2 for $1.01
You Save 99c
50c Jonteel Cold Cream
Face Powder
30c Rexall Shaving
A good cleansing ceam for everyday
use. 1-Pound Can.
2 for 31c
You Save 29c
Also Shaving Stick or Powder
2 for 6c
All Standard Merchandise
-No Limit to Quantities.
Come and Purchase for
Your Fall Drug Needs.
Save Money on These
Toilet Requisites
Juneve Talcum 2 for 51p
Juneve Cream 2 for 1.01
Bouquet Ramee Talc 2 for 51c
Bouquet Ramee Face
Powder 2 for 1.01
Klenzo Tar Shampoo Soap 2 for 26c
Rexall Toilet Soap 2 for 16c
Egyptian Palm Soap 2 for 11c
Georgia Rose Soap 2 for 26c
Harmony Toilet Water,
5-oz 2 for 1.01
Georgia Rose Cold Cream 2 for 26c
Lemon Cocoa Butter Lo
tion 2 for 51c
Lemon Cocoa Butter Skin
Cream 2 for 51c
Hair Fix 2 for 51c
Petroleum Hair Rub 2 for 51c
Antiseptic Tooth Powder 2 for 36c
Rexall Tooth Paste 2 for 26c
Harmony Quinine Hair
Tonic, 7-oz 2 for 1.01
Georgia Rose Vanishing
Cream 2 for 26c
Rexall Shaving Lotion,
7-oz 2 for 51c
Georgia Rose Body Pow
der 2 for 1.01
Tiny Tot Talcum 2 for 26c
Georgia Rose Face Pow
der, Flesh 2 for 51c
Riker's Ilasol, large 2 for 61c
Arbutus Vanishing Cream 2 for 51c
75c Rexall Theatrical Cold
Cream ,
A soft blending powder that appeals
to discriminating women. All tints.
2 for 76c
You Save 74c
35c Narcisse Talcum
Of fine imported talc.
Delightfully soft and re
freshing. 2 for 36c
You Save S4c
49c Harmony Bay Rum
8-ounce Bottle
Made from the finest distilled Oil
of Bay. Men like this excellent pro
duct for general toilet use. Partic
ularly refreshing after the shave.
2 for 50c
You Save 48c
50c Rexall Cherry Bark Cough
Gives relief from
coughs and colds. Safe
for children and
adults. Pleasant tast
ing. 2 for 51c
You Save 61c
Milk Chocolate Bar, lb 2 for S6c
Hard Candles, 1-lb. tin . for 61c
Liggctfs Wafer Rolls 8 for 6c
Catarrh Jelly, 5-8-oz. 2 for 26c
Antiseptis, 16-oz. 2 for 70c
Cold Tablets, Special, 30s 2 for 26c
Corn Solvent, H-oz. 2 for 26c
Larkspur Lotion, 2-oz. 2 for 26c
White Pine and Tar Comp.
with Chery, 7-oz. 2 for 51c
Fl. Extract Cascara Aro
matic, 2-oz. 2 fo 36c
Registered druggist on duty at all
times. All prescriptions promptly
filled with purest chemicals obtain
$2.00 Maximum Hot
Water Bottle
Moulded in one piece.
2 for $2.01
You Save $1.99
2Jor $2.01
llTunrConibs . 2 for S6c
75c Puretest Rubbing
Full Pint
Used in hospitals,
gymnasiums and
training camps for
bathing and rub
down. 2 for 76c
You Save 74c
Zinz Oxide Oint, 1-oz tube 2 for 21c
Glycerin and Rose Water,
4-o z.
THIS sale has been developed by the
United Drug Company as an ad
vertising plan. Rather than spend large
sums of money in other ways to con
vince you of the merit of these goods,
they are spending it on this sale in per
mitting us to sell you two full size
packages of high quality merchandise
for the price of one, plus one cent. It
costs money to get new customers, but
the sacrifice in profit is justified, be
cause we know the goods will please
you. -
50c Klenzo Dental Creme
rra V. n nlaan wHItA
and heaiitifnl without lniurv 'J
to the enamel. Pleasant tast
ing. A common-sense denti
2 for 51c
You Save 49c
50c Klenzo Liquid Antiseptic
Kills germs, banishes
bad taste, purifies the
breath. Valuable in
the treatment of py
orrhea, 2 for 51c
You Save 49c
69c Puretest Aspirin Tablets
Castor Oil, 3-oz.
Cod Liver Oil, 16-oz .
2 for 36c
2 for 26c
2 for 1.01
Tr. Iodine with Applicator 2 for 26c
Epsom Salt, 16-oz. 2 for 26c
Zinc Stearate, 1-oz. 2 for 26c
Bottle of 100
Prompt relief from pain.
Will not depress the heart
2 for 70c
You Save 69c
Also Box of
24 Tablets
2 for 36c
Syrup Hypo. Comp., 16-oz 2 for 1.01
Mentholated White Pine and
Tar, 3-oz. 2 for S6c
Petrofol, 16-oz. 2 for 61c
Cod Liver Oil Emul., 16-oz. 2 for 1.01
Mineral Oil,
Russian Type,
2 for 1.01
This is Your Opportunity to
Obtain Seasonable House
hold Items at Money
Saving Prices.
25c Tooth Brushes
An assortment of styles and
sizes that will satisfy the re
quirements of your family.
2 for 26c
You Save 24c
Many Other Items
Too Numerous
to Classify
Up-to- Date Druggists Heppner, Ore.
50c Puretest Milk of Magnesia
Smooth as cream. A good laxative
for children and elderly people.
2 for 51c
You Save 49c
I .;"lj.F.r !
50c Lord Baltimore Stationery
An up-to-date box of good
writing paper. Large size
sheets, popular-shaped en
velopes. A real value in good writ
ing paper.
2 for 51c
You Save 49c
Guardsmen Papeterie 2 for.-1.51
Pierre Papeterie 2 for 76o
Cascade Pound Paper 2 for 51c
Cascade Envelopes 2 for 41c
50c Marsala Pound Paper
A Quality Paper at a
Big Saving .
2 for 51c
You Save 49c.
Also 50c Marsala En
velop1 to match
2 for 5to
S;i'l'!li'S;il'"l!j I 8w