Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 18, 1928, Image 1

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Volume 45, Number 31.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Heppner's Community
Course Opened by Lead
ing Negro Musicians.
It Is doubtful if any other Jubilee
company in America can boast of as
large a repertoire as is featured by
the Shaver Jubilee company. This
remarkable singing organization,
under the personal direction of
James A. Shaver, has proven tre
mendously popular during the past
few years not only because of Its
concert experiences throughout the
east and middle west, but more es
pecially because of its weekly radio
program given over the WLS sta
tion in Chicago. The Shavers give
the opening number of Heppner's
Community course next Thursday
evening at Heppner school auditor
ium, beginning at 7:30 sharp.
Mr. Shaver has long been a stu
dent of negro folk songs and the
popular negro spirituals. The com
pany has a repertoire of more than
ninety negro songs, many of which
have seldom been heard by concert
audiences. In nine cases out of ten
request numbers from the audience
can be rendered without the use of
The Shaver program is a series of
colorful musical pictures from the
old cotton fields and their old re
ligious camp meetnigs. It is typic
ally a negro musical program thru
out, and Mr. Shaver has selected a
group of talented vocalists in the
personnel of his organization. Each
member has had wide experience
not only in ensemble singing but in
solo work as well.
An outstanding feature of the
Shaver program is the excellent en
semble singing, perfected through
many seasons of constant singing
with the same group of artists. A
delightful feature will be the read
ings by Mr. Shaver, who will give
favorite selections from the works
of Paul Lawrence Dunbar, the fa
mous negro poet
Miss La Julia Rhea, contralto, has
been personally commended by Her
bert Witherspoon, for voice and ar
tistry, and was the winner of the
Illinois second prize for the Atwat-er-Kent
Audition last year. She re
cently appeared as soloist before
the National Association of Negro
Musicians at St Louis. Her work
la another outstanding feature of
the program.
Besides Mrs. Shaver and Miss
Rhea, the personnel includes Miss
Jamesanna Weathers, soprano; Mr.
LeRoy W. Jennings, basso, and
Miss Vivian Fowler Gentry, pianist.
Heppner Defeats Lex;
League Starts in Week
Heppner high school's football
warriors, fo rthe first time this sea
son Bhowing a semblance of smooth
ness and snapiness, carried their
lighter Lexington opponents off
their feet to the tune of 19-0, on
the letter's gridiron. Saturday after
noon. This was not an Upper-Columbia
league game, the schedule for
which will start for the locals next
week when they meet Arlington on
the local Held.
Heppner tasted defeat two weeks
previous at the hands of the Lex
ington team when they clashed
here, and the locals were also tram
pled on at Hermiston last week,
this being their first victory since
the season opened.
But it was a different appearing
team that Coach Poulson placed on
the field Saturday. They kept the
ball almost constantly in Lexington
territory, their opponents threaten
ing only on two occasions. Once
Buster Gentry Intercepted a Hepp
ner pass to race some forty yards
before being downed dangerously
near Heppner's goal. Another time
Lexington marched the ball for sev
eral first downs well Into Heppner
territory before being stopped.
Hake, Gentry and Robertson fea
tured In Heppner's ground gaining
and scoring. These boys tore
through for yardage time and again,
thrice carrying the ball over their
opponents' goal line from well up
field by combined aensal and line
attacks. Harold Gentry was the
outstanding yardage gainer, making
several long end runs in which he
twisted and squirmed past many
Lexington defenders before being
downed, besides -making good re
turns on all Lexington punts. Extra
point after touchdown was made
but once, this by a straight line
With the large amount of lm
provement evidenced In the game
Saturday, hope of copping the lea
gue pennant has risen many de
grees. If the intervening two weeks
of Inactivity does not have the ef
fect of causing the boys to go stale,
they should give a very good ac
count of themselves against Arling
ton. Heppner's line-up In the Lexing
ton game:
Rod Thomson and Clarence Hay
es, ends; Fletcher Walker and Paul
Jones, tackles; Richard Walker and
Harlan Dcvln, guards; Evans, cen
ter; Duane Brown and Elmer Hake,
half backs; Hank Robertson, full
back; Harold Gentry, quarterback.
The next regular meeting of the
American Legion Auxiliary will be
Monday night, October 22. Host
esses will be Mrs. J. B. Cox and Mrs.
Garnet Barratt.
Mr. and Mrs Vawter Crawford
nnd Mrs. Alice Adklns were guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Olden on Tuesday evening, to help
those good people celebrate the
birthday anniversary of Mrs. Olden.
Other guests had been invited, but
were prevented from attending. One
of these was Mrs. Zena Westfall,
head nurse of Morrow General hos
pital, whose birthday Is on the same
date as Mrs. Olden's, and who was
prevented from attending by the
influx of new patients arriving the
first of the week at the hospital.
A dinner of wonderful fried chicken,
with what goes with It, was enjoyed
to the limit and a most pleasant
evening spent, during which time
interesting talks and splendid mu
sic were listened to over the radio.
The Olden home is situated on the
place where Mrs. Crawford was
born, but In the long years that have
passed since she was a child there
many changes have occurred and
little Is left to remind her of those
days, except the everlasting hills.
Mr. and Mrs. Olden have a very fine
home on this place, and it is Indeed
a pleasure to visit there.
Latest word from Mr. and Mrs.
D. A. Wilson who have been In
Portland for the past week with
their small daughter Dorotha, a
patient at the Doernbecher hospi
tal for children, was to the effect
that the child was progressing
nicely. She took nourishment twice
on Sunday and enjoyed the visit by
her parents that day. Little Doro
tha Is afflicted with intestinal trou
ble similar to that reported to have
attacked several other children In
this vicinity.
Before a sheriff's jury on Mon
day an attachment case was tried
out, wherein Jack Gorham of
Boardman was plaintiff and Rlver
vlcw Farm corporation, defendant
A ferry boat was under attachment
by Gorham, and B. C. Russell & Co.
of Seattle were intervenors, claim
ing ownership of the boat The Jury,
however, held ownership to be in
the Riverview Farm Corporation,
and awarded judgment to Mr. Gor
ham In the sum of $1249.35 and $16
The Pioneer reunion at Lexington
is a matter of considerable Interest
here. This occurs on Friday, Octo
ber 26, with a big dinner in the
high school gymnasium at noon,
followed by a fine program at the
same place in the afternoon and
evening. We had been promised the
program for this week's issue, but
for some reason it did not reach us.
Henry Rauch, who farms in the
Lexington section, visited Heppner
on Saturday. A few days previous
It had been quite cold out his way,
ice freezing on the watering trough
quarter of an Inch thick. Mr.
Rauch stated also that It was still
too dry for seeding and rain was
badly needed for any grain that had
been put In the ground.
Orders taken for fresh cider. See
Harold Case at Case Furniture Co.
Kathryn Brooke, field worker for
the children's homes of the Eugene
Bible university, will give an illus
trated story of this work Sunday
night at the Church of Christ at
7:30. At the close of the lecture the
solo, "Jesus Savior, Pilot Me," will
be pantomimed.. Offering will not
be taken
"Big Mat" Matthews, who has
been on the road as a traveling
salesman making this territory for
many years, was numbered among
outside sportsmen enjoying a 'bird
hunt near Heppner Sunday. His
home Is In The Dalles.
Dan Stalter, veteran manager of
the Heppner Mining company, re
turned yesterday from the Green
horn mountains where he has been
conducting operations during the
summer on the property of the com
pany near Austin.
G. A. Bleakman, Frank Standley
and John Osteen returned this
morning from a day and a half's
hunt in the mountains that netted
them four fine buck deer.
Earl W. Gordon returned yester
day evening from a business stay of
a few days in Portland He took
In the Emanuel-Lohman fight Tues
day night
Elmer Matteson arrived In town
Monday from a hunt In the moun
tains, during which time he was
successful in bagging two buck
Harry Turner of Sand Hollow Is
at Hot Lake where ho underwent
an operation at the end of the week,
He is reported to be doing well.
The Union Missionary meeting of
the churches of Heppnre will be
held in the Christian church Thurs
day, Nov. 8th, at 2:30 o'clock.
In a letter received this week by
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner, the In-
fromation Is given that Miss Lorena
Palmateer, formerly high school
teacher here, but who has been at
Albuquerque, New Mexico for the
past three years, was married on
June 18th to Mr. Emery E. Tally,
Mrs. Tally states that while her
husband Is awny.much of the time
she Is still very contented and hap
py, has greatly improved in health
and the futuro seems bright. Nu
merous friends at Heppner will be
glad to hear of this good news con
cerning a former resident, who for
many years has been putting up a
fight to regain ner neaitn.
Season's Deer Kill Larg
est in Years; Quail May
Be Had Sunday.
Probably the most successful deer
season ever opened in the county
will come to a close day after to
morrow. No exact check has been
made on the number of deer bagged,
but it Is a safe estimate to say that
at least 200 have been brought In
and through Heppner alone. Hard
ly a day has passed since the open
ing day that one or more have not
been brought in, and some days
there have bene as high as a dozen.
Birds are also numerous, judging
from the fine bags brought in each
hunting day. So far Chinese pheas
nat and Hungraian partridge have
been the game, but beginning Sun
day quail will be added to the list
for each open day, Wednesdays and
Sundays, till the end of the month,
making four more days of bird
hunting before the season closes.
Some hunters say that birds are
scarcer this year. . However, It is
known that the game becomes ex
ceptionally wild and elusive soon
after the opening of the season and
very little successful hunting is
done without the aid of a good dog.
Hunters with such dogs are having
little trouble in bagging their limit,
three roosters and a hen for any
one day.
The Blue mountains are especially
popular with deer hunters from the
outside because of the prevalence
of the mule-tailed deer, the largest
deer inhabiting forests of the state.
The male deer not uncommonly
weigh well over 200 puonds. So far
the largest deer to come to Hepp
ner, judged by he contest conduct
ed by the Peoples Hardware com
pany, weighed 247 pounds. This
deer was killed by Foster T. Collins
of Hardman, and so far is the larg
est deer to be entered In the hard
ware company contest. The weight
of the animal is taken hog-dressed,
with head and legs attached.
The largest number of deer to be
brought in in one bunch, was
brought in last week by a party of
hunters composed of several of the
Matteson boys and E A. Bennett
There were 11 In this bunch. Lyle
Matteson so far has the buck with
the largest spread of horns, measur
ing 3254 Inches from tip to tip.
Mayor Noble Issues
owe en
"Hallowe'en is commonly accept
ed In this land of ours as a time for
revelry and the general display of
good spirits. As such it is befitting
for the citizens of Heppner to enter
into the spirit of the day and en
joy themselves to the fullest," says
Mayor E. G. Noble in his 1928 Hal
lowe'en proclamation.
However, it has become a cus
tom in years past for some unthink
ing persons to make of the time an
occasion for devilment, resulting in
destruction of property and the
jeopardy of life.
"Therefore, I, E. G. Noble, mayor
of the city of Heppner, believing
that the latter custom is not in ac
cordance with the true spirit of Hal-
lowen and not to be tolerated, do
hereby declare offenders to be a
public nuisance and hereby empow
er all citizens wjth police duty to
arrest any miscreant who may tres
pass upon his property on that eve
ning, and urge that such power be
thoroughly and stringently used."
Beautiful Apples Come
From Grant Co. Ranch
By parcel post today this office
rceived a box of very beautiful ap
ples, sent us from the ranch of Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Stevens. They are
very large and a winter variety, the
name of which Mrs. Stevens did
not mention and we shall have to
get this from some fruit expert that
may happen In the shop.
Mr. and Mrs. Stevens but recent
ly moved to this place at Courtrock,
some eighteen miles beyond Monu
ment, and evidently they have a
very fine orchard on the place. They
like their new home very much, and
will be pleased to have any of the
Morrow county friends call -on them
should they be over that way.
Mrs. Lillian Turner, who teaches
the 7th and 8th grades of the Lex
ington school, hands in a report of
those of her pupils who have had
their names placed on the honor
roll during the past week. In or
der to reach this goal, each one
must have made at least 4 As in
their markings.
Those reaching the honor roll for
the 7th grade were Eva Lane 10 As,
Sam McMillan 8 As, and Grace Bur
chell, 5 As. The 8th grade pupils
were Dale Lane 10 As, Beulah Bur
kelson 9 As, and Annabel Strodt
man 9 As.
The county Rebekah convention
will be held In Lexington on Satur
day, beginning at 1 p. m. All lodges
in me county will participate, hav
ing a place on the program, and
Louise Perozzl, state president, of
Ashland, will be In attendance. The
degree team from Hermiston will
I put on the floor work,
Photo by Sigsbee
Foster T. Collins of Hardman, Is
here shown with a big buck deer
killed by him and brought to town
last Friday to be entered In the
contest being conducted by the Peo
ples Hardware company. -It weigh
ed in, hog dressed, at 247 pounds
and to date is the largest buck
weighed in over the hard ware com
pany's scales. It may be noticed
from the picture that a considerable
chunk of meat was cut out of the
neck, which reduced the weight of
the animal by several pounds.
Extension Division and
Editorial Association
Hold Ad Meetings.
University of Oregon, Eugene,
October'17. Completion of arrange
ments for a statewide business im
provement service, to be carried out
through a series of educational lec
tures dealing with advertising to be
extended eventually to every busi
ness community of the state, was
announced today through the office
of Harris Ellsworth, field manager
of the Oregon State Editorial asso
ciation. This will bo one of the
major activities of the editorial as
sociation initiated this year, and
brings to materialization one of the
original plans which the executive
committee of the association had at
the time of establishment of the
field manager's office.
The first of the series of short
courses will take place on next
Thursday night October 18, 1928, at
Grants Pass, when Mr. Ellsworth
with Frank Jenkins, editor of the
Morning Register and president of
the Eugene chamber of commerce,
will discuss advertising with the
business men of Grants Pass at a
dinner. On Friday night Mr. Jen
kins will again- speak with the bus
iness community of Medford, at a
dinner to be held at the Medford
These two meetings will get the
state-wide program under way, and
further dates are being scheduled.
The lectures will be given through
the cooperation of the University
of Oregon extension division, and
will be extended to all communities
of the state where there are both
daily and weekly papers, as rapidly
as funds can be obtained for carry
ing on the program. In each in
stance the field manager will con
duct the meeting and he will usual
ly be assisted by a man experienced
in the practical side of advertising,
frequently by one of the officers of
the association.
Mr. Ellsworth will leave early
next week on a trip into the south
ern part of the state and will ar
range meetings in Roseburg and
the Coos Bay district. Already, ex
pressions of endorsement to the
plan are being received at the field
manager's ollice, and the co-operation
of both newspaper men and
merchants of the state is assured.
"From the time I took the field
manager's post, It has been my de
sire to work out some plan for pro
moting a better understanding of
advertising among the merchants
of Oregon," declared Mr. Ellsworth
today. "With the co-operation of
the university extension bureau, I
believe that we have the sort of ar
rangement that we want for an ef
fective educational program, and
its success seems assured."
The first meeting at Grants Pass
was arranged with the cooperation
of A. E. Voorhies, of the Grants
Pass Daily Courier. C. A. Swlgart,
manager of the Medford Daily
News and vice-president for South
ern Oregon of the editorial associa
tion, and S. Sumpter smith, mana
ger of the Medford Mall Tribune,
assisted In arranging the Medford
Mrs. Rose Howell, clerk of Maple
circle, Neighbors of Woodcraft, re
ceived a check the first of the week
covering the insurance of $2000 car
ried in tho order by the late Mrs
Ella Florence. This is prompt re
sponse, as it had been less than two
weeks since the prooi or death had
gone Into the head office.
Young Folks Joy Ride
Into Wee Hours ; City
Business Discussed.
That an ordinance closing public
dances at midnight would not have
the desired effect of putting Hepp
ner's young folks securely under
their bed covers at an early hour,
Is the belief of Mayor Noble. He
expressed the opinion that the city
was not as much at fault as the
home for the averred late hours of
many of the city's younger set
This statement was made at the
special meeting of the city council
Monday night in answer to a query
on behalf of the school board If
there was such an ordinance on the
city statute books. It developed
that no such ordinance now exists.
Mr. Noble related that from his
personal observations many auto
mobiles are seen parked on the
highways adjacent to the city even
after dances that have run until 2
or 3 o'clock in the morning. He
said also that the school grounds
are a popular parking place for
many of the late joy riders. The
mayor could not see any good to
be accomplished by sending the
young folks away from the dances
earlier that they might joy ride
longer. However, if the school board
desired such an ordinance, he
would not stand in the way of Its
The special meeting was called to
consider proposals for improving
the water supply. As no proposals
were made, no action in this re
gard was taken. It is expected that
the engineer's report will be pre
sented at the regular meeting in
two weeks.
Some discussion was had of the
proposed bridge improvement, but
as bids so far received are deemed
out of reason, the only action taken
was to appoint a special committee
to go into the matter further.
At the request of Mayor Noble
and Councilman Bisbee the council
authorized graveling on Elder
street in front of the residence
property of these gentlemen, Mr.
Noble and Mr. Bisbee to cooperate
with the city on a 60-50 basis. This
is the plan that has been followed
by the council in other parts of the
city. The aid was asked largely to
better parking conditions at the
school grounds opposite their prop
erty, where they say several school
children are in the habit of park
ing their cars. During rainy sea
sons in the past this parking space
is said to have been in very bad
Arrangements have been made
for a Grand Masquerade dance to
be given at the Elks temple Satur
day night October 27. Prizes are
being offered for the best costumes,
most comical, and best character,
both lady and gentleman, also a
special prize to every masker on
the ball room floor at 9:30. It has
been a long time since Heppner has
enjoyed a masquerade and already
costumes are being gotten ready for
this gay event Fun, frolic and
amusement will prevail, and Bob
Fletcher and his famous music will
be on hand to furnish their latest
Theater, Sunday and Monday.
Jubilee Singers Appear
THE SHAVER JUBILEE SINGERS have been a most popular plat
form attraction for the past ton years. W,hen the radio came into
popularity a few years ago, the work of the organization attracted the
attention of the management of Station WLS (Chicago), and this
group of singers was asked to appear at that station. So Immediate
was their success that they were engaged by the broadcasting com
pany for a semi-monthly concert, which has been given for some
years now. The organization will feature the old plantation melodies
and negro folk songs and spirituals.
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Wilson of
Portland are the proud parents of
an 8-pound boy, Arthur Jr , born
Saturday, October 13. Mr. Wilson
is here as representative of the
Western Savings and Loan associa
Charles Ferguson, young son of
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ferguson, is
ill with acute entritis or Inflama-
tion of the bowels.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Conn are the
proud parents of an 8-pound boy
born Monday, October 15. Both
mother and baby are doing nicely.
Edward Fitzpatrick has been ill
the past few days with a severe at
tack of tonsilitis and pleurisy.
Arthur Bergstrom, young son of
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bergstrom,
is ill at the hospital with an acute
attack of enteritis.
Mildred Clary, young daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Irl Clary of Alpine, Is
111 with broncho-pneumonia at the
N. L Semper of Lexington is ill
with a severe attack of acute en
Raymond Ferguson, who has been
ill with tonsilitis, is fully recovered
and able to be around again.
Mack Ingram of lone is under
medical treatment at the hospital
for acute indigestion.
J. A. Douglass, age 77, who re
cently arrived from Portland where
he was taken ill, underwent a major
operation this morning under spinal
anesthesia for a malignant tumor
of the bladder, In the hope of gain
ing temporary relief necessitated
by his suffering. Mr. Douglass is
the. father of Mrs. Charles Swindig
and Mrs. E. J. Starkey. '
Claud Burchell Killed
in Accident in California
The sad news was brought to
Mrs. Cora Parker, of Lexington that
her oldest brother, Claud Burchell,
was instantly killed while at work
in a lumber camp in Soquel, Calif.
Claud Burchell was born in Lex
ington, Oregon, October 4, 1901, and
was the oldest son of Henry and
Janie Burchell, both of whom have
preceded him to the great beyond.
When about nine years of age he
moved with his parents to Hills
boro, Oregon, where he resided un
til the death of his mother, then
returned to Lexington to make his
home with his uncle, Charles Burch
ell and family and attended the
grade and high school there. Later
he went to Portland and three
years ago was married to Fay Pas
tor. Claud and his wife moved to
Soquel, Calif., and he was employed
at Soquel Lumber company camp
until his accidental death, caused
from being struck on the head by a
line and thrown some 40 feet and
killed instantly. The body was
shipped to Portland for interment
in Lincoln Memorial park. The fu
neral services were held from the
East Side Funeral directors at 10:30
on Friday, October 12.
Besides a loving wife and little
son, Richard Dale, Mr. Burchell
leaves a number of relatives and
friends to mourn his early death.
To these dear ones the people of
Lexington extend their heartfelt
sympathy. May the Father above
send comfort to the hearts of these
sorrowful ones. Contributed.
A rousing big meeting is planned
for castle hall of Doric Lodge No.
20, Tuesday evening, Nov. 6, at
which time report of important bus
iness at the recent session of grand
lodge will be made. Lota to eat Be
FOR SALE Ford Truck Good
cab and express body. Good condi
tion. Very cheap. Heppner Garage.
Here Next Thursday
John B. Yeon, Good Roads
Father Who Died Mon
day, Makes Statement
"People who favor the Dunne mo
tor vehicle tax bills should look the
facts squarely in the face and real
ize that there Is absolutely no
chance of passing the two-cent gas
tax increase measure," declared
John B. Yeon, one of the fathers of
Oregon's highway system and pres
ident of the Oregon Good Roads
association, the day before he was
taken to a Portland hospital for a
serious operation from which he
never recovered, being called to the
great beyond on Monday.
'Those who say "The Dunne bills
are fundamentally sound, even if
they have a few weaknesses that
can be ironed out by the legislature,'
must realize that the people who
vote for license fee reduction be
cause they think they are paying
too much tax, are not going to vote
at the same time for an increase in
gas tax," continued Mr. Yeon. "Peo
ple simply don't vote that way, and
particularly the more than 50,000
Oregonians who pay no tax other
than that on their automobiles.
"This is the fundamental weak
ness of the position of practically
all well-meaning people who favor
the Dunne bill, which in itself takes
$4,500,000 annually from our high
way fund, prevents any new con
struction, prevents us from accept
ing Federal aid, and robs vitally im
portant maintenance of nearly 40
per cent of the money required.
Once let them realize that the gas
tax increase bill will be snowed un
der, 20 to one, and that real prop
erty, already over-burdened, must
carry an extra load if our highway
system does not go to rack and
ruin, and the Dunne license fee pro
posal would receive no more votes
than the gas tax increase.
It lsn t necessary to vote for the
Dunne bill in order to register dis
approval of our present system.
Everybody realizes that It is time
for a change. What the Oregon
Good Roads association is after Is
a tax readjustment that will satisfy
tne majority of motorists and per
mit the state to go through with
our highway program without bank
rupting real property.
'While the Joe Dunne bill pro
posing a reduction in fees for mo
tor vehicles has many glaring de
fects, probably the most important
of these is the provision relating to
me tees ror trucks and trailers. It
is conservatively estimated that
transportation companies using the
state highways built and paid for by
me motorists or Oregon would save
around 80 per cent through the pas
sage of the Joe Dunne measure.
Analysis of the bill shows that the
huge trailers equipped with solid
tires would be entirely relieved from
the payment of fees, regardless of
weight, capacity or use. This is not
all, for examination of the bill dis
closes the fact that two-wheel trail
ers are wholly exempt from the
payment of any license fee, wheth
er they be operated as common car
riers for compensation, and regard
less of the load on their wheels and
their weights.
Under existing schedules a six-
ton trailer, weight 7,300 pounds and
equipped with 32-inch solid tires
would, on the Eugene-Portland run,
pay $254.16 common carrier fees,
while under the Joe Dunne bill, the
receipts by the state would be only
$15.00. The present license fee of
$63, and an extra fee of $16 collect
ed by the state for solid tires is also
eliminated by the Joe Dunne meas
ure. "Giant trailers with solid tires
pound along the highways, causing
considerable damage to the roads,
and the state would not be compen
sated under the provisions of the
bill initiated by Joe Dunne."
Judge R. L. Benge and Commis
sioner L. P. Davidson went to Port
land last week to hold a consulta
tion with the state highway com
mission concerning the release of
certain roads In the county from
state market road supervision. This
matter had been up before, and the
county court were led to believe
that their request might be accept
able to the commission, and they
were to make an answer at this
meeting. However, as we get it,
this application is still held up, and
there is little to encourage the
court as matters now stand. The
members of our court got a standoff
in snape of a promise from one of
the commissioners that at their next
meeting he would recommend that
the application be accepted, but
there is not a great deal to hang
their hopes on, if we have the cor
rect slant of the court
Louise A. Perrozi, president of the
Rebecca Assembly of Oregon, will
visit the local Rebecca lodire tomor
row night October 19. All members
who possibly can are urged by Relta
iNem, Nome Grand, to attend. A
most pleasant and profitable eve
ning Is assured.
The regular meeting of the Degree
of Honor lodge will be In Legion
hall on Tuesday evening, October
23. A good attendance is wanted.
The officers are reauested tn rm.m
early for practice as there will prob-
aoiy De initiation. secretary.