Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 27, 1928, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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for the
by Nancy fart
There should be a mirror in every
room, interior decorators tell us.
And this they recmomcnd not only
for the convenience and decorative
value of the mirror itself but for
the many clever tricks It performs
for us.
Placed where it reflects a view
through a window or doorway, a
mirror adds distance to the room;
makes a small room seem much
more spacious. Hung opposite a
bright picture, a length of colorful
drapery or the glow of a lighted
lamp, it doubles the life and interest
of the room.
In fact, there is not a room in
the house but is made more attrac
tive by the proper UBe of a mirror
a decorating secret well worth
remembering, since It Is so econom
ically achieved.
Well-Balanced Meatless Heal
Cream of beet soup Macaroni
au gratin Escalloped tomatoes
Cauliflower butter sauce Lettuce
Russian dressing Buttesrcotch
pie Non-stimulating drink.
New Recipe for Liver Loaf
Dissolve 1 tablespoon gelatin In H
cup cold water and add to lMi cups
hot tomato sauce. Put layer of mix
ture In molds and when set press In
1 cup chopped cooked liver. Cover
with remainder of gelatin and allow
to set Serve with mayonnaise.
Ever Try Quince Jam?
To Shi cups of chopped raw fruit
add 1 cup water and juice of 1 lem
on. Simmer 15 minutes. Measure
4 level cups cooked fruit and 7 level
cups sugar Into large kettle; bring
to full rolling boil for 1 minute;
remove, stir In cup liquid pectin;
skim, pour and seal.
Flavoring for Caramel Desserts
Burn any quantity of white sugar
(beet or cane) and then dissolve
It over Are In an equal quantity of
boiling water. If kept well corked,
will stay fresh indefinitely. Use to
flavor caramel custard, cream pie,
pudding, or Icings.
Paper Towels for Kitchen
A roll of paper toweling should
be In every kitchen, for it has many
economical uses, Buch as wiping out
pans, cleaning the sink, cleaning
stove, etc. Use It also to give a
quick polish to glassware, mirrors
and windows.
When Measuring Cocoa
Two tablespoons of cocoa are
equivalent to one quare of choco
late. Remember this when you wish
to substitute cocoa for chocolate.
Most astonishing news of the
week: A celebrity has refused to
write a cigarette testimonial. He is
Gene Tunney, and his name will
surely go down In history as the
name of the first man in the twen
tieth century to decline this honor.
Goes 55 Days Without Food, 7 Days
on Lime Juice.
Toronto, Ont. Peter Henderson,
thirty, whose normal weight is 171,
is reduced to 90 pounds. He is re
covering at the Toronto General
hospital after fasting 55 days and
subsisting seven days more on lime
Juice only. This Is Henderson's sec
ond fast this year. In May he went
without food of any kind for 30
His fasts are on the advice of a
physical culture publication advo
cating this treatment for Indiges
tion, from which he suffered. His
case brought to mind Mrs. Leon
tough, who died last year after
fasting 55 days on the advice of a
Ifg Getting Harder to Hold Out
Every Day!
Athens. The Finance Minister
has decided to tax bachelors. This
is partly with a view to stimulat
ing marriage and partly to tap a
new source of revenue.
Alfred Smith Hoover.
Boston. Add a new one to your
list of queer names: A son, born to
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoover, has
been named Alfred Smith Hoover.
Puzzle: What are the political
beliefs of the boy's parents?
All Alone at Sea.
Kiel, Germany. The Pilgrim, a
small American schooner, with Cap
tain Drake the sole occupant, arriv
ed here from Seattle, Wash.
The lone voyager will start back
to the United States by way of
Dutch, French and Spanish ports.
Presto! River Vanishes!
Meeker, Colo. A portion of -the
headwaters of the White River, at
Trappers' Lake, above here, disap
peared overnight The portion was
three miles long.
One morning last week all the
residents could find of the stream
was a dry bed In which lay thou
sands of trout, dead and dying.
An overflow from Trappers' Lake,
Colorado, maintains a fish hatchery,
starts the headwaters of the White
Suddenly it was noticed the river
was not where it ought to be.
Instead there was a great hole
Into which the water had disappear
ed. Search of three miles of the river
bed disclosed that there was no
running water in the stream. A
little farther on, however, the wa
ter reappeared, coming from a hole
in the side of the hill. Then the
course of the river was continued.
It was generally believed the
stream had cut into an underground
passage or lake that may have
been caused by an earth shock or
a slipping of earth and that the
crevice provided an easier course
for the river.
Hpre's Dog Aviator for You!
Paris. Dogs are taking up avia
tion. At least, they make pretty
good passengers.
Be that as it may, Frieda Hemp-
el, opera star, has chartered a spe
cial airplane as well as two fast
automobiles for her Pomeranian
Bobby Jones Beats British Golf Champ
Presented by Pathe
STAR THEATER, October 14-15-16
1 JT I
When you build, we as?e
ready to serve you
W7HEN you build h Is always a comforting
W thing to know that the building materials
you buy are going to be up to specifications.
Cheap, flimsy construction usually goes
hand in hand with poor quality materials.
Safeguard your building by letting us know
what you require and we wul work with you
to see that your interests are well protected.
We are headquarters for all dependable
building materials and can also help you select
a good, reliable contractor!
Tell us what you plan to do we can and
will give you helpful advice. y .
Yards at Heppner, Lexington and lone
sum a i ztmm
Phil Perkms, .British Golf Champ (left) shakinp hands with his
opponent Bobby. Jones, before the finish of their final match in the
National Amateur Golf Meet at West Newton, Mass., which Jones
won 10 up and 9.
dog Toto.
Toto was not well and his mis
tress wanted the London veterin
arian who had attended him before
to look him over.
She telephoned to Le Bourget for
a plane, hired a car to take her
there, flew to Croydon and took
another car, which had been order
ed by telephone.
Rooster Struts from Tomb.
Latrobe, Pa. The endurance
prize goes to a rooster discovered
on the T. J. Elmer farm. This
rooster's a regular savant of the
Black Arts.
He was buried 32 days under a
mow full of wheat before being
discovered. When rescued, the bird
appeared doped, but after shaking
himself several times emitted a fee
ble crow and began to strut
Mystics who do the "burled al
ive" trick had better look to their
Add similes: As merry as Buster
Already the influence of a woman
In politics Is being felt Straw votes
indicate remarkable switches in sen
timent which no doubt are due to
woman's ancient and time-honored
privilege of changing her mind.
A railroad is to install radios on
Its de luxe trains. Perhaps trying
to encourage people to ride In their
other trains!
Chang Tsung Chang kissed his
twenty-eight wives goodbye and
went out to fight With twenty
eight wives we should think we
would have been tired of fighting!
Scientists are now trying to find
out where we go when we die.
Some of us have a pretty good Idea
on the subject ourselves.
Even the man whose life is an
open book would hate to have any
one read It right straight through.
We Invite You
to attend Morrow
County's own
Wild West Show
September 27-8-9
Thee-LW Sedan t IWy by FWier
Because Pontiac Six offers infinitely more than
other cars of comparable price, over 350,000
Pontiacs are now in use , , It is the lowest
priced six offering the style, comfort and
silence of bodies by Fisher. It is the only low
priced six offering a 186 cu. in. engine with
the G-M-R cylinder head. It is the only six of
its price combining the advantages of cross
flow radiator, of foot-controlled headlightsand
of coincidental transmission and ignition lock.
It is such features as these which are so impres
sive when Pontiac Six is compared with any
other car of similar price. They typify the ex
ceptional quality and value being built into
this low-priced General Motors Six. Come in
and learn how much more you get for your
money when you buy a Pontiac Six.
2-Door Sedan, $74S; Couhe, $749t Spart Roaditrr, $74St Phaeton,
77Sj Ciihrinlet. 7V? -boor Mail. S25 Snort Landau Sedan,
W!. Oakland All-American Sir, $HHt to720. All price, at fac
tory. Check Oaftlami-Ponfiar de!Uered price, they include lnues
handling charret, Ucncral Motor, Time Payment Plan available at
minimum rata.
I. R. R0BIS0N, lone, Or.
She dreaded
fount St ttooEi orally 1 2 flnomu?
this is what she ironed.
5 theets
1 ZyL table doth
4 night go
12 handkerchiefs
19 towels
1 tUp
1 suit wndtrwear
4 napkin $
she used the new Thor Rotary Iron
Acres of flat wotk - how Mrs.
H. H. dreaded their ironing!
A half day it used to take her.
But now, only a half hour
and its done. How long
would you need? Marvelous
time and strength saver is
the new Thor Rotary Iron
that fits on the Thor washer
in place of the wringer and
does everything that a big
costly ironer will do. Come
in and see few yourself.
Thor's Complete Laundry 1 down
Washer and Iron combined foe no more now. The amazing new Thor Rotary
than the average washer alone. Lowest Iron is also sold alone, or to fit on other
priced quality washer and ironer in the late model Thor washers. Every home
world. Special terms and cash prices can now afford a Thor Washer and Iron.
Pacific Power &
Always at your service.
Double Your Savings
By 6 Compound Interest
Item 6 KJ
S r
You Can Have
$1000 for $2.20 monthly - $5000 for $5 monthly
$10,000 for $10 monthly, or 6 interest compounded semi-annually on any
lump turn deposit from $100 to $10,000
Comfort in exchange for nlckles and dimes you throw State supervision and the protection of a substantial
away. Independence and WEALTH for a few dollara a institution whoa resoureea ara OVER ONE MILLION
month you will hardly miss 1 Two for 1 flrat mortgage DOLLARS. Deposit by maiL and enjoy good interest
security held in trust by the state back of your savings without tying up your funds.
Your Savings Always Available
Either by Withdrawal or Loans We Make You
If you want tl.000 or $20,000 It's yours without sacrifice
through the magio of 6 compound interest and the
Western's lump sum deposit or divided savings plana.
Make your money do double duty as thousands
Write for our
"Doubling Your Principal by Comfxmnd Intertit"
It tells you exactly how much you ean make, and how long
it will take. The eoupon is for your oonrenienee mall It
Send me your 6 compound Interest tables
and folder l
Y. M. C A. Building Portland, Oregon
Resources Otw $1,365,000