Oregon Historical Society, Public Auditorium Volume 45, Number 28. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, Sept. 27, 1928 Subscription $2.00 a Year evemth Rodeo Off With Ban clouds failto dwjpeii spirits of GATHERING Mil, IE FOR Fl Best Show Yet Promised Hildebrand's Carnival Company Here Since Monday; Fletcher's Round-Up Band Coming Tomorrow and Saturday; Parades at 10:30; Dancing Will Be Big Feature of the Evenings. A cloud-canopied city, spectacularly adorned, with the scintillating lights of the large carnival company reflected in the sky since Monday, awaits with tense expectancy the opening of the seventh annual Hepp ner Rodeo this afternoon. The threat of rain so far has not dampered the spirits of the gathering crowd one whit, and every indication points to the largest crowd and the best show in Rodeo history. Stock, all in readiness, is in the very best condition he has ever seen it, declares C. W. McNamer, presi dent of the Rodeo since its inception. Besides all ar rangements are better in hand and cared for than at any time in the past. Mr. McNamer f orsees nothing to cause a hitch in the smooth running of events. Events at the arena will' start promptly at 1 :30 each afternoon. Tomorrow and Saturday the big show will be preceded by the cowboy street parade at 10:30 in the morning. Queen Inez I with her attend ants, Mae Groshens, Ruby Matteson, Katherine Bisbee and Roxie Sperry, will be seen at the head of the par ade. The mounts will step to the lively music of Flet cher's Round-Up band. Season tickets are on sale at Gordon's confection ery at $2.50. These will admit to grandstand. Single admissions are $1 for adults and 50c for children, with 25 cents being charged for admittance to grandstand on single admissions. All school children will be admit ted free tomorrow. All housing accommodations are being taken care of through Hotel Heppner, where available rooms in the city outside of the hotel will be found listed. To help In feeding the expected crowd various church or ganizations are Berving meals, be sides the regular restaurants and the "hot dog" stands. Cooperation Is being given on every hand to give visitors cordial hospitality. The Hildebrand United Shows ar rived in Heppner Sunday and have been entertaining the public since Monday with a large number of con cessions, shows and rides for the kiddles. Heppner youngsters were seen investigating the packing cas.es of the merry-go-round horses, pick ing out their mounts before they were unpacked. Some hleped spread sawdust on the ground to earn free rides. A ferris wheel and gilder help divide the time of the kiddles. Fletcher's Round-Ub band, which will be here all day tomorrow and Saturday, as well as playing for the dance tonight, started things off last night with a dance of their own at the fair pavilion. In their western attire, entirely in accord with the prevalent motlff on every hand, this lively band will keep things pepped up as only a good band can. Their dance music ha proved popular on many occasions In the county, and they made many friends for themselves at last year's Rodeo. Dancing at the pavilion will start at an early hour and continue into the wee small hours of the morn ing. The well ventilated pavilion, though large, has failed to comfort ably accommodate the large crowds In attendance In the past, but the dances, better called stampedes. have proved none the less popular and have always been a source of Jollification and merriment for those who attend. They will be con ducted on the "jitney" order, at iu cents a gallop. Business houses on every hand have cooperated wholeheartedly In decorating their places of business, as well as members donning distinc tive rodeo attire. On every hand the city Is attuned to the spirit of the day the revival of the Old West In Its most picturesque form, The latch string Is hung outside the city door. It bids you welcome, and how! to the biggest and best Rodeo. Legion Boys to Partake Venison Feed Monday Heppner Post No. 87, American Legion, will feature its installation meeting next Monday evening by a feed of venison, to which all ex-ser vice men In the vicinity are invited The feed will take place at 6:30 at Legion hall, with installation of offi cers following. J. M. Biggs of Hor- mlston, committeeman for the sixth district, will be installing officer. Officers to be installed are, Karl Gilliam, commander; Walter Mooro, vice-commander; Alva Jones, ad jutant and finance officer. Former Boardman Man Dies at Newberg, Ore. Boardman Correspondent. The many Boardman friends of A. W. Cobb were grieved to hear of his sudden death which occurred Thursday, Sept. 20, at Newberg, Ore. Funeral services were held Sunday, Sept 23, at that place. Mr. Cobb was born In Kent county, Eng land, September 2, 1864, and came to the United States in 1885. He was one of the pioneers of the Boardman project, having develop ed the ranch on the West end which he later sold to M. Mulligan. Mr. Cobb was a public spirited citizen and active In various civic affairs. We recall a community dinner giv en here in the early days sponsored by the commercial club at which Mr. Cobb made a witty and genial toastmaster. His keen wit and ready tongue made him excellent company. Two sons and one daugh ter survive him. He was a mem ber of the local lodge of I. O. O. F., a Modern Woodman and was for merly active in the Umatilla Rap ids association project, of which he was one of the oftlcers since leaving uoaraman. Mr. Cobb has made periodic visits and was always much entertained by his various friends who were always glad to welcome him back and his presence will be missed. Visit Points of Interest in South Part of County Ed Miller and David Piper of the Oregonlan staff drove to Heppner from Pendleton on Saturday eve ning, and on Sunday morning, ac companied by Judge R. L. Benge, Commissioner G. A. Bleakman and Dist. Atty. S. E. Notson, went out for a trip over the completed por tion of the Heppner-Spray road The gentlemen found that the sur facing of the forest road was being completed that day, and Mr. Smith contractor, was preparing to take down the rock crusher nad remove It to another point where he has road work in progress. The gentlemen were royally en tcrtalned for dinner at the home of Harry French, Mr. French himself being chef and preparing for them a meal they will long remember for Its excellence. A visit was also made to opal mountain, and the Pat Shea mine. Some very good opal speci mens were gathered, the Oregonlan men got some excellent views, and the party returned to Heppner late In the evening to report a fine day or it Mrs. George Thomson entertain ed Informally at her home on Tues day afternoon, In honor of Mrs, Stanley Moore's sister, Mrs. Harry Nutt, who has been visiting here from Pennsylvania. Bucking Champions at Past Rodeos 1922 LLOYD MATTESON. 1023 JACK TERRY. 1924 JACK TERRY. 1925 JACK FRENCH. 192ft BERT TROUB. 1927 TIM DERRY. GRAIN PRICE TREND F Hard Red Spring Wheat Up 7c; Others Gain as Much as 5c. (U. S. B. A.-0. S. C. Farm Market Review.) The trend of grain prices was up ward last week according to the weekly Farm Market Be view of the O. A. O. Extension Mrrioe. The aliike clover seed crop U very snort and prices are firm. World dried prone crop 60,000,000 pounds leu with European demand keen for Urge lies. Domestic wool steady, foreign markets somewhat lower. Butter hardly steady in eastern markets. BREAD GRAIN. Price advances made by most bread grains last week. Rye went up 8c-9c a bushle. Premium grades of hard red spring wheat advanced as much as 7c a bushel, but hard red winter prices were not materially changed. Soft red and soft white wheats were about 5c higher at the close than a week before with Cincinnati paying up to $1.53 for No. 2 red. Hard white was sold up to $1.40-$1.42 at Portland. Canadian wheat prices also went higher while Europe was firm on bread grains. The new wheat crop in Argentina has made good progress to date, but Austral ian wheat is still in need of mois ture. FEED GRAIN. The general trend of feed grain markets was upward last week. Corn and oats advanced about 2c, barley 5c-6c and flax 6c-7c. Poor corn and potato crop prospects in Europe are improving export de mand for United States corn and barley. SEEDS. The alsike clover seed crop is expected to be only 59 to 60 per cent of that last year, accord ing to a report issued by the Bureau of Agricultural Economics. The short crop is due to less acreage and smaller yield per acre, the re sult of winter damage and unfav orable growing conditions. Prices to growers on August 28 averaged the highest for that date since 1920. Imports of alsike clover seed for the fiscal year ending June 30 am ounted to 7,608,600 pounds, compar ed with 4,163,200 in 1927; 10,989,400 In 1926; 10,425,300 in 1925; 11,056,000 in 1924; 5.566,100 In 1923; and 4,984, 200 pounds the 18-year average. The carryover in the United States Is regarded as larger than in other recent years. Information regard ing the new crop and carryover In foreign countries is incomplete. The white clover seed crop in the United States is expected to be smaller than last year because of winter damage, but good-sized crops of fine quality are reported In Eu rope. Imports for the past year were the highest on record or 1.778, 000 pounds compared to 974,700 in 1927, 1,666,400 in 1926, 1.227,300 In 1925, 1,407,500 In 1924, 519,000 In 1925, and about 737,200 pounds, the average for the past 18 years. Au gust imports were 197,800 pounds against 67,100 last year and 42,600 two years ago. Prices being paid growers for new-crop seed are somewhat higher than last year. Meadow fescue grass seed has been moving rapidly from growers hands. Kentucky blue grass and Orchard gross seed Is moving slow ly, but prices are a little better than last year. Timothy seed is bringing growers a little more money than In 1927. Clover seed futures were about steady last week, with December red a little firmer. HAY, PASTURE and FEED. Es timates of hay production were low ered somewhat in August. Clover and timothy hay is low In quality. Alfalfa markets remained firm for good hay, with dairy Interests pay ing $2-$5 a ton premium for extra leafy types. Feeds picked up as seasonal demand Increased and prices were advanced on some lines. POTATOES. Some potato blight, rot and frost damage was reported last week, but the potato crop gen erally made good progress. Grow ers are being advised to grade close ly and feed culls to livestock DAIRY PRODUCTS. Butter mar kets were unchanged on the Coast but lower in the East last week The trend appears to be toward In creasing production and smaller withdrawals from storage, thus tending to reduce the storage short age. Pasture conditions are very favorable in principal dairy states, and most other dairy feeds are somewhat cheaper than a year ago. LIVESTOCK. Livestock supplies were liberal last week and prices on cattle, hogs and lambs In prin- (Continued on Page Sight.) Program Seventh Heppner Rodeo Sept. 27, 28, 29, 1928 c c 1. Saddle Horse Race. Daily Event. 2. Pony Express. Best Time Three Days. 3. Calf Roping. Daily Event. 4. Boy's Pony Race. Daily Event. 5. Bulldogging. Daily Event. 6. Bareback Riding. Daily Event. 7. Bucking Contest. Daily Event. 8. Relay Race. Best Time Three Days. 9. Special Race. 10. Cowboy Race. Daily Event. 11. Morrow County Derby. Saturday. 12. Chariot Race. Daily Event. 13. Roman Race. Friday and Saturday. II lWfl 1WB Yitlt I1M1I mil 1MB lwn mil imn mu LOCAL n ITEMS Mrs. Thomas Mitchell (Sadie Wil kin), formrely a resident of Hepp ner, died at her home In Anacortes, Wash., on Saturday, Sept 22. Mrs. Mitchell was born in Wlntersett, Iowa, In November, 1869, and came to Morrow county when a small child, growing to womanhood here. She was the daughter of the late Robert Wilkin who was a pioneer of this community. Mrs. Mitchell visited at Heppner for about six weeks last summer, being a guest at the home of her girlhood friend, Mrs. Henry Howell. Heppner schools will be closed for two days next week, Thursday and Friday, while the teachers go to Pendleton to attend the joint in stitute of Umatilla and Morrow counties. In fact this will be the rule of all the public schools of the two counties, as it is required by law that the teachers have so many hours of institute work each year. Supt Burgess of the Heppner school will have a prominent part on the program at Pendleton next week. Dr. A. D. McMurdo and W. W. Smead, postmaster, returned the first of the week from a week's hunt In the mountains in company with L. Van Marter and brother, J. Van Marter, of Portland, and "Buck" Bigbee, also of Portland. The lat ter three gentlemen remained for a more extended hunt Three bucks had been bagged by the party when he came In, according to Mr. Smead. See Rodeo Specials in Star Thea ter ad, back page. The Misses Mary and Marjorie Clark departed during the week for Eugene where they again enter the University, Miss Mary to finish her senior year, majoring In music, and Miss Marjorie to begin her second year In the school of journalism. They accompanied Frank Rlggs, who was a guest for several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Clark in this city. The members of the Women s club of Heppner, recently organized for literary work, are studying Oregon history this month. They plan to give a very interesting program in the Legion hall on Saturday after noon, November 3. Any woman In terested, who Is not yet a member, Is invited to call Mrs. George Thom son for information or study mater ial. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Olden and their daughter, Mrs. George Snyder were Rhea creek folks In the city for a few hours Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. Olden recently returned from a very enjoyable trip over McKenzle pass and through south central Oregon. M. L. Case was In Pendleton on Saturday, where ne attended a meeting of furniture dealers dur ing the forenoon and then took In the Round-Up In the afternoon. He was accompanied by Mrs. Case and the Misses Frances Ede and Har riett Case. Johnnie Cochran was a visitor here yesterday from lone. He had just returned from Yakima, Wash., where he spent a short time visit ing with Mrs. Cochran, who Is at the home of her daughter there. He reports Mrs. Cochran slowly regain ing her health. By action of the Methodist con ference just closed this week at Hood River, Rev. F. R. Spauldlng Is returned to the Heppner charge for another year. This Is a matter for congratulation on the part of the Heppner church. Miles Martin, extensive grain raiser of the Lexington country, ac companied by Mrs. Martin, was a visitor here on Monday. imit ikm imn mu Jum mi Jmu mn mc Juu mit mm Entrants and Numbers In the Rodeo Lists at Five O'Clock Yesterday. 1 Tom Zahm. 2 Buck Rose. 3 Peggy Adams. 4 Genevieve Zahm. 5 Blaze Thomson. 6 Gerald Thomson. 7 Gerald Swaggart 8 Frank Swaggart 9 B. F. Doly. 10 Mike Neitling. 11 Johnny Eubanks, 12 Stub Johnson. 13 F. E. Stubneck. 14 Sylvia Stubneck. 15 Emery Moore. 16 Dutch Happold. 17 Bruce Clinton. 18 Slim Nickols. 19 Roy Workman. 20 Rusty Darling. 21 Duggan Smith. 22 -Clifford Gardner. 23 Scandalous Bill. 24 James Crockett 25 Red Moore. 26 Everett Hunt. 27 Tom Marshall. 28 Dave Hart 29 Fred Keiser. 30 Dewey Troub. 31 Bill LeTrace. 33 J. B. Hubbard. 34 Smoky Moore. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Whittington of Bend, who were visitors at the Pendleton Round-Up on Saturday, stopped over to see some of the rolks on Rhea creek and Eight Mile as they reutrned home the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Dix and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thomson entertained a few of Mrs. Shurte's friends in her honor on last Friday evening at the Dix home. DO YOU KNOW YOUR JOB? COMPLETE LIST OF COMMITTEES FOR 1928 SHOW GENERAL RODEO COMMITTEE C. W. McNamer, president; Pete Kilkenny, Chas. H. Latourell, J. J. Nys, treasurer, L. L. Gilliam, sec retray, John French. SUB-COMMITTEES Committee In Charge of Dances and Tickets C. B. Cox, W. E. Moore, C. L. Sweck. Committee on Parking Cars Frank Shively, chairman; W. L. LaDusire, Pat Mollahan, Ray Fer guson, J. O. Rasmus. Housing Committee Frank Turner, L. L. Matlock, C. J. Walker. Amusement and Music Committee C. H. Latourell, W. E. Moore, C. L. Sweek. Advertising Committee Jap Crawford. RODEO First Day Ticket seller In charge, J. G. Thomson. Ticket seller at grandstand, J. J. Nys. Ticket collectors: C. M. Scrivner, chairman; C. L. Sweek, H. A. Cohn, Marlln Grames, E. A. Bennett Ticket takers at grandstand, Han son Hughes, Frank Connor. RODEO Second Day Ticket seller in charge, EarUHal- lock. r Ticket seller at grandstand, Spen cer Crawford. Ticket collectors: C. M. Scrivner, Attendants of Queen Inez I MAE GROSHENS RUBY MATTESON KATHERINE BISBEE ROXIE SPERRY L Fine Array of Exhibits Will Tell Results of County's Crops. The Morrow County Wool and Grain show will be ready for exhi bition tomorrow at Rodeo head quarters In the Garrigues building. A fine array of exhibits has been prepared, well worth the time of all Rodeo visitors to Inspect C. W. Smith, county agent, has had the work of gathering the ex hibits in charge. He has been ab sent this week at the state fair but will be back today to take charge of arranging the display. Both of the major crops of the county made an excellent showing the past year. Though the wheat production was not as large as last year, the winter grain especially was of better quality and fine for show purposes. Spring wheat was below par both as to production and quality. The wool clip was especially good. Favorable weather at shearing time caused a good Sow of grease, at the same time eliminating the large amount of sand content so often present especially in the north end clip. Competent judges have been ob tained, and winning exhibits will be sent to the Pacific International Livestock exposition. Umatilla Project Fair Will Be Attractive The Heppner - Hermiston high school football game will be only one of the attractions at the Uma tilla Project fair to be held at Her miston, October 5 and 6, and the town is getting ready for a big crowd. The amount of premium money for livestock and agricultural exhi bits is much larger than in previous years and keen competition is prom ised, particularly In the dairy cattle and poultry divisions, as this sec tion is coming up rapidly in these industries. Women's exhibits and boys' and girls' club displays are being well organized. The entertainment features are many and attractive. The La Grande high school band will play both days of the show, as well as for the parade on Saturday. Con cessions, sports and the football game will amuse the crowd, and the Hermiston post of the American Legion have charge of the conces sions, hot dog. stands, jitney dances and the "Days of '49" show. The juvenile lodge of the Degree of Honor will hold Its regular meet ing immediately after school Fri day, October 5th, in the Legion hall. It's going to be an Interesting meet ing, so don't miss it chairman; Al Bergstrom, Chas. Thomson, Claud Cox, V. J. Fitzpat rick. Ticket takers at grandstand, W. Y. Ball and W. E. Moore. RODEO Third Day Ticket seller In charge, Vawter Crawford. Ticket seller at grandstand, Al bert Adkins. Ticket collectors: C. M. Scrivner, chairman; Carl Cason, Jap Craw ford, H. A. Duncan, D. A. Wilson, Chas. Vaughn. Ticket takers at grandstand, J as. Thomson, Jr. and F. B. Nickerson. Dnneo First Night Ticket seller, C. B. Cox. Ticket collectors: P. M. Gemmell, chairman, Frank Turner, E. E. Gil liam. J. G. Cowins, B. E. Isom. Dunce Second Night Ticket seller, C. L. Sweek. Ticket collectors: H. A. Cohn, chairman, L. Van Marter, Dean T. Goodman, Alva Jones, R. I. Thomp son, W. H. Cleveland. Dance Third Night Ticket seller, W. E. Moore. Ticket collectors: Gay M. Ander son, chairman; Dr. F. E. Farrior, B. P. Stone. F. B. Nickerson, Glenn Jones. Frances Doherty, Clarence Bauman. Dress-l'p Committee E. G. Noble, chairman; Frank Gil liam. W. P. Mahoney, M. D. Clark, J. W. Beymer, A. M. Phelps, W. G. McCarty. R. L. Benge, Geo. Bleak man, John Kilkenny. HOTTER IN EVER Bucking and Bulldogging Most Popular With Cowboys Who Come In Large Numbers GIRL RIDES BRONCS Exhibition Ride for Tomorrow and Saturday by Peggy Adams: Chariot Race to be Held All Three Days. Lists of contestants were swell ing rapidly at 5 o'clock yesterday evening, with numbers up to 35 al ready issued. From all indications when the registration books closed for today a larger number of con testants than ever before would be signed. Many faces of former performers are in evidence. The Troub broth ers, Dewey and Bert the latter win ner of the bucking championship two years ago, are here. Smoky Moore, Duggan Smith and Dutrh Happold are others familiar to past Rodeo fans, while Emery Moore, a home product and runner up in the bucking every year, is again on deck. At least three relay strings will make this event more hotly con tested than in years past Lonnle Copenhaver, Frank Swaggart Ger ald Swaggart have already signed up and the Bayes string of Condon was said to be on the way. Arden Gilliland of Ukiah has come with some fast mares that he expects will place in the money. Bucking and bulldogging are the most popular events, with 17 atened up in the first and 12 In the latter at 5 o'clock yesterday, and Indica tions that the bucking lists would reach nearly 30. It will probably be necessary to split the bucking contest again as it was last year, giving half the boys mounts today and the other half going up tomor row, those qualifying going into the semi-finals on Saturday. Bluebird is again in the lists this year, after having been put on the shelf last year with a barbed wire cut Bluebird has been a final horse for several years, one of the tough est of the buckers and in a tryout yesterday shows plenty of the old fire. Thirty tough broncs all told are' in waiting, and will give the cowboys plenty to think about Col ored Boy and Black Diamond stand a good chance of making the finals again though they will have to strut their stuff to make the grade for a few of the new-comers showed themselves mighty capable In the tryouts Sunday. Other familiar buckers are Whirlwind, Whistling kuius, rea crump, Brown Bov. Bobby Burns, Miss Heppner, But ter Creek, Rim Rock, Roan Gur- dane, Muckamuck. Connie Mack. Fox Valley, Wickieun. Rollins Pin. TNT, Teapot Dome, Speedball. Wild Aimee, Snow Mountain, Steam boat and Grey Eagle. Just who will be up on who may be seen from today's program at the grounds, the drawing being made too late last evening to be announc ed here. It is certain, anyway, that the boys will have to do some rid ing if they stay in the running. f eggy Adams, an ambitious cow girl who rides 'em straight up, will be seen in exhibition rides tomor row and Saturday. She is a fearless cowgirl and those who know her say she will give the spectators their money's worth in entertain ment when she goes up. The chariot race, a popular fea ture event of past years, will be run all three days, two local boys. sterling tryrear and Orrin Wright providing the teams, said to be as pretty as any ever seen In this event A large number of racers for all the race events assures plenty of hot competition. Pomona Grange Meets At Irrigon October 6th Morrow County Pomona Grange will meet at Irrigon, Saturday, Oct 6. A program including an address by Walter M. Pierce, ex-governor of Oregon and democratic candi date for congress from this district, will begin at 2 o'clock in the after noon. The program follows: Music, group number, Club Band. "America," Grange. Reading, Greenfield Grange. Monolog, Willows Grange. Music, Club Band. Address, "More Profitable Farm ing," R. S. Besse, O. A. C. Reading, Irrigon Grange. Address, "Farm Problems," Wal ter M. Pierce. Closing Song, Grange. Mrs. George Moore is attending the district convention of the De gree of Honor this week In La Grande.