Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 20, 1928, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Hal Hoss Will Receive
Secretary of State Job
Hal E. Hosa of Oregon City will
be appointed by Governor I. L. Pat
terson shortly to serve as secretary
of state, filling the unexpired term
of Sam A. Kozer, who is resigning
to take over new duties as director
of the state budget The change in
state officials is set for Monday,
September 24th and Mr. Hoss will
serve by appointment of the Gov
ernor until January 7, 1929, the end
of the term for which Mr. Kozer
had been elected.
Mr. Hoss is the republican nomi-
wheat prices in general Inclined to
go lower last week in the United
States and abroad, soft wheats held
steady. Quotations on No. 2 soft
red winter at Cincinnatti were about
$1.5041.51 a bushel. At St Louis
$1.4141.45 was paid for No. 2 soft
red winter and about the same for
No. 2 white varieties of which some
Federation, Baart and Fortyfold ar
rived. Another premium class of
wheat that is bringing substantial
premiums and for which there may
be a better demand later In the sea
son is high protein types of hard
wheat The present differential in
favor of protein is running 5c-10c
for each additional one per cent
over the base percentage. Further
strength will doubtless be given to
the too-bearish wheat market situa
tion by the new estimate of the Rus-
ian rye crop which Is figured at
783,420,000 bushels or about 184,000,
000 bushels less than last year.
There is nothing authentic to indi
cate that the world supply of all
bread grain is likely to be much
larger if any than last year, but
more of it is located in exporting
Feed grain. Prospects for the
nee for the office of secretary of
state, winning in the primaries by a
wide margin over H. H. Corey and
Tom B. Handley. Prior to entering
the race for election as secretary of
state, Mr. Hoss served as private
secretary to Governor Patterson
and before that was manager of the
Morning Enterprise, published at
Oregon City. He has been active in
newspaper organization work, and
has held a number of offices In pub
lishers' associations. .
Mr. Kozer, who Is nearing the end
of his second term as secretary of
state, was selected by Governor Pat
.terson to direct the state budget
because of his many marked quali
fications. There is perhaps no one
In the state more familiar with the
operative and fiscal affairs of the
commonwealth than Mr. Kozer, due
to his long contact with all Its va
rious departments. As director of
the budget working directly under
the governor whom the 1927 legis
lature delgnated as state budget of
ficer, Mr. Kozer will give Oregon
taxpayers the advantage of his vast
fund of knowledge about public bus
iness, and will fill an Important
place In the administration's official
There will be no drastic changes
In the personnel of the office of sec
retary of state, according to Mr.
Hoss, who has let It be known that
he Intends to conduct affairs as ef
ficiently as possible, without regard
to professional Job-hunters and po
litical hangers-on.' The Hoss fam
ily has moved to Salem and taken
up residence In the Fairmont hill
(O. 3. A. C. 'Extension Service)
Corvallls, Oregon, September 17.
Bread grain. The trend of the wheat
markets is In line with suggestions
of the wheat growers economic con
ference held at Moro In February,
1926, which said, "there Is a special
demand for good quality wheat-
examples of which are the Soft Red
Winter of the Eastern States and
certain varieties of Soft White
wheat of the Pacific Coast
Competition Is especially keen In the
production of hard wheat both In
the Eastern United States and In
Canada, and may be expected to
continue so. On the other hand,
the production of soft wheats Is not
expanding so rapidly " Although
new corn, crop both In the United
States and in Europe are somewhat
less favorable. Feed grain markets
have tended to hold steady to firm
recently, although barley prices in
the eastern states and abroad have
not been very firm owing tp the
large production of this grain. Feed
grains in western states are fairly
Potatoes. Official estimates of po
tato production were again boosted
this month and crop reports con
tinue to Indicate favorable progress
of the crop in general.
Dairy products. An advance In
92-score butter of lc-3c a pound was
noted in western markets last week
but eastern markets made very lit
tle net change. Storage holdings on
September 1 were 27,565,000 pounds
less than a year earlier, but about
average. Production appears now
to be running ahead of last fall, the
situation being more favorable with
respect to pastures and for feeding
cheaper grain, but hay is not so
plentiful. Cheese stocks were nearly
14,000,000 pounds larger than last
year on September 1 and 10,000,000
above average.
Poultry and products. Stocks of
Load of Coal Free
Thru special arrangements
with the manufacturers of
the MONTAG Circulator
Heater, we are offering a
load of coal free with each
of these beautiful portable
Also we will allow you no
less than $5.00 on your old
stove, regardless of its con
dition. Special Terms Nowl
Circulator Heater
Case Furniture Co.
John Day Valley
Freight Line, Inc.
Wishes to announce an extension of its service
to include the towns of Lexington, lone and
Heppner. We have been operating success
fully for over three years from Portland to
Condon and the John Day Valley. Having had
several inquiries of late of our possible service
to Heppner, we have decided to make this
needed extension.
The John Day Valley Freight Line sincere--ly
hopes and will earnestly endeavor to make
this freight line a creditable asset to your city
and a benefit to all.
Overnight service to and from Portland
and The Dalles.
Rates Reasonable.
Prompt and Courteous Service.
Local Agent
case eggs in storage on September
1 exceeded last year and the aver
age by about 300,000 cases, which
reverses the situation of last spring
In this respect Frozen egg hold
ings are materially heavier than
last year and the average. Total
stocks of frozen poultry and of
turkeys is just slightly above last
year and the average .
Livestock. Lamb shipments last
week were very heavy and prices
for killers registered the sharpest
decline for the season, but feeders
held firm on keen demand and
breeders were steady.
Wool and mohair. Wool market
news was a little more cheerful last
week, with mohair about steady.
Fruits and vegetables. Apple
prices were well maintained last
week with some tendency to ad
vance. Winter varieties are ex
pected to be scarcer than the early
kinds. Export demand Is expected
Calvin Coolidge Proves Himself A True MarksmA
Recent stories oi President Coolidge's marksmanship have been a rout
ing admiration for the president in all quarter! of the country. Here h
is ihown at Brule, Wli.. in the act of shooting over clay pigeon. Ha
scored twsnty-ntn out of thirty-seven pigcoca.
to be better than last year, but too
many Immature and off-quality ap
ples are being shipped abroad ac
cording to official advices. The
trend of pear markets is also firmer.
Official estimates place the late on
ion production about one-third less
than last year, or 12,408,000 bushels
against 17,063,000 In principal pro
ducing states. Shipments of Span
ish Oranao onions are running be
hind last year, 138,000 bushels hav
ing been received compared to 191,
000 bushels last year at this time.
Otto Lindstrom, extensive wheat
raiser of the Morgan country, was
looking after business affairs In
Heppner on Monday. Mr. Lind
strom harvested a very fine crop of
wheat this season. To date there
has not been much fall seeding in
that part of the county, but farmers
will soon be at this work in earnest
The rain of last week was good, but
Mr. Lindstrom feels that It would
be safer to await more moisture.
Stone's Cash Stores
Opens Saturday, the 22nd
Saturday, September the 22nd, we open our store
No. 58, located in the Hotel Heppner Building,
fronting on Main Street
This new store will be a model of cleanliness and the low prices will be a revelation to you. Visit
our new store Saturday whether you wish to buy or not and note this large, fresh stock, plainly
marked at SAVING PRICES.
Opening Values SATURDAY and MONDAY
Fancy coiled. A good
food value. 3 lbs.
Short ready cut. Priced
Low. 3 lbs.
Fancy full cream at
saving prices. Lb,
White and
Loaves jxj)
Choice Blue Rose.
5 lbs. 43c. 10 lbs.
Large cans, broken slice
4 Cans
Red, Bayo and Pink
10 lbs.
No. 2 Cans.
Eastern Sugar. 8 Cans
Hard Wheat
FLOUR it. $r89
Fancy Yellow Jerseys,
5 Lbs.
Large Boxes.
Carton of 6
P.&G. White Naptha.
10 Bars
3 LBS.