PAGE SIX HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1928. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. ReT. Thomas J. Brady, Pastor. On August 26, which Is next Sun day, there will be a first mass In Heppner at 7:30 sharp, preceded by confessions and distribution of Holy Communion. Immediately after this mass there will be a second one in the Sands at 9:30 sharp. Bene diction of the Blessed Sacrament will be given in Heppner before the first mass. On the first Sunday of September which is September 2, the congrega tion will hold religious service with mass at 9 o'clock at the home of Frank Nixon. This will be the first official annual outing of the parish oners. In future years additional features will be associated. Light refreshments will be served by the Ladies' Altar society. The first communion service last Sunday was a very beautiful and impressive ceremony. The pastor presided and preached upon the text: "This child is set for the rise and fall of many." The parents of each child approached holy Com' munion with their children. The pastor and the congregation wish to express their thanks to the Misses Anna and Margaret McDev- itt The Rev. Stanley Moore of the local Episcopal church kindly let the parish have the use of extra chairs for which service and favor gracious thanks are extended. WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT THE DEVIL, Some say there is no Devil. But what does the Bible say? And then where does all the sin in the world come from? This will be Sunday evening's subject at the Church of Christ The morning subject at 10:50 will be, "Why Attend Church?" Bible school meets at 9:45 end please be ON TIME. Christian fcindeavor is at seven and a large turn out is desired. MILTON W. BOWER, Minister. Holy EPISCOPAL CHURCH Early celebration of the Communion at 7:00 o'clock. Sunday school at 9:45. "It is a good thing to give thanks to Jehovah." Ps. 92-1. . REV. STANLEY MOORE, Missiorany in Charge. Movie Star Chosen For Round-Up Queen Pendleton. Ore., Aug. 21. Visit ors at the Pendleton Round-Up this year, September 19, 20, 21 and 22, will have the opportunity to meet a motion picture actress in person, for Mary Duncan, renowned on both stage and screen, has been chosen queen of this yera's Round-Up. Miss Duncan, a vivacious, auourn- haired beauty, comes to Pendleton to play a leading role in "Our Daily Bread, a Fox Film corporation mo tion picture which F. W. Murnau will direct The picture will have for its locale the wheatfields and hills of Umatilla county. A native of Virginia, Miss Duncan attended Cornell University and left college to go on the stage. She made a phenomenal success In the role of "Poppy," in the "Shanghai Gesture." Largely on the merits of this performance she was signed by the Fox people for outstanding dra matic roles. She appeared in Mur nau's "Four Devils" and Frank Bor- zage's "The River," and each time scored as an outstanding motion picture actress, her talent for the screen equalling that for the stage. Queen Mary will ride in all Round Up parades and hold sway over the western kingdom with its cowboys and cowgirls. The honor of ruling the Round-Up is a signal one and last year went to Mabel Strickland, world's champion cowgirl. The Round-Up dynasty is made up of a long list of attractive girls who have been accorded this honor. Dr. Clarke, EYESIGHT SPEC IALIST, in Heppner Sunday, Aug ust 26th. at Hotel Heppner. '22-3 award in a wage dispute between the Western railways and their conductors and trainmen. It held that the fact that employees of these classes on eastern and southeastern lines recently had "been granted an increase was no reason why an ad vance should be granted in western territory, because road conductors and trainmen in road service in the west previously had been earning 6' to 7 per cent more than those in the east and southeast, and De cause, as the roads of the western group were earning relatively much smaller net returns than those of the east and southeast they could not afford to pay such an advance. While refusing ah advance to con ductors and trainmen in road serv ice, the arbitration board awarded an advance of 7H per cent to the yardmen of the western lines. The award was effective until March 1, 1928, but in November, 1927, the conductors and trainmen renewed their demand upon tre western railways for advances. Be cause of wage negotiations that were pending between the western railways and their locomotive en gineers and nremen, negotiations between the Conference Committee of Managers and representatives of the conductors and trainmen were not begun until July 16. Meanwhile the firemen secured an advance of 654 per cent by arbitration, and the engineers accepted a settlement on the same basis wfthout arbitration. "The Conference Committee of Managers was willing to give the conductors and trainmen increases equivalent to those received by the engineers and firemen, but asked for the elimination of certain rules which are not in effect in any other territory. These are rules arbitrar ily restricting the use of more than one locomotive on a train and also the numbir of cart that may be hauled In a train with two locomo tives. They thus restrict the effi ciency and economy that may be at tained in operation. "Desiring to effect an early and satisfactory settlement the Confer ence Committee of Managers on August 1st after two weeks of ne gotiation offered to grant the con ductors and trainmen either an ad vance of 6tt per cent in wages with out any change in rules, or an ad vance of 7tt per cent if they would agree to elimination of the restric tive rules in question. Either offer would raise then- wage rates and earnings above the highest in his tory, that is the rates awarded by the United States Railroad Labor Board in 1920. The representatives of the employees refused to accept either of these propositions but In sisted, as a minimum, upon the re tention of the rules and an advance ot TA per cent As previously stat ed, the engineers and firemen al ready have accepted 6H per cent It is estimated that without any change of rules, an Increase to the conductors and trainmen of 6 per cent would cost the western rail ways $6,500,000 a year, while an in crease of 7 per cent would cost $1,000,000 more. "Mediation between the two part ies has been conducted by the Hon orable John Williams, a member of the United States Mediation Board. Mediation having apparently failed. the Conference Committee of Man agers asked Mr. Williams to use his good offices to bring about arbitra tion of the matters till in dispute. What this meant was simply that there should be arbitration as to whether the objectionable rules In question should be eliminated and the employees should be given an advance of 7 per cent or the rules should be allowed to stand and they should be granted the same ad vance as has been received by the engineers and firemen. "There has been no favorable change In conditions on the west ern railways since an arbitration board held on June 25, 1927, that their road service conductors and trainmen were not entitled to any advance in wages. The railways of this territory are still' falling far short of earning a fair return' and are earning a relatively much smaller return than those of east ern or southeastern territory. The Conference Committee of Managers has offered the settlement It has with the conductors and trainmen because the engineers and firemen of these lines already have secured lnereases. It seems clear the con ductors and trainmen are not en titled to larger increases than those received by the engineers and fire men, but the Conference Committee of Managers has even offered to leave to arbitration the remaining KOAC BEING IMPROVED. Preliminary work for the installa tion of a new 1000 watt crystal con trolled radio broadcasting set is un derway at the Oregon State college where KOAC will open this fall with four times its former strength. Al though the former set was 500 watt strength, recent improvements have made it possible to modulate 80 per cent instead of 40 per cent of the available power, thus doubling the effective strength under the old rat ings. NOTICE OF EQUALIZATION MEETING. Notice is hereby given that the board of directors of the West Ex tension Irrigation District, acting as a board of equalization, will meet at the district office, in Irrigon, Ore gon, on the first Tuesday in Octo ber, 1928, at 2 P. M., for the purpose of reviewing and correcting the as sessment and apportionment of taxes to be levied on the first Tues day in September, 1928. A. C. HOUGHTON, Secretary. 23-27 ' f uhltr pittum THE RAILROADS PRESENT THEIR CASE. J. W. Higgins, chairman of the Conference Committee of Managers of the Western Railways, today made the following statement: "The refusal of the Order gf Rail way Conductors and the Brother hood of Railroad Trainmen to arbi trate certain differences between them and the western railways cre ates a situation of great concern to the public. The Watson-Parker Railway Labor act was passed by Congress only two years ago to af ford a peaceable means of settling such differences. It was drafted by representatives of all the railway labor organizations and of a major ity of the railways, and its passage was urged by both of them. Per sistence by the conductors and trainmen in their refusal to arbi trate would amount to a repudia tion of this law. "On June 25, 1927, an arbitration board formed under the Watson Parker Railway Labor act made an Girl or woman wanted for general housework and cooking in small family. References required. Box 37, Arlington, Ore. 23-5 FOR SALE 1 3-year-old Hamp shire ram, also 7 ram lambs. W. H. Cleveland, Heppner, phone 8F11. 23-4 Auto Owners- Our electric hoist and power greasing equipment enable us to give you the MOST EXPERT , GREASING in the city and at reason able prices. HEPPNER GARAGE Announcing RCA Radiola 60 The famous Super-Heterodyne Now with powerful AG Tubes No matter what set you now have you owe it to yourself to hear this new Radiola one of the greatest advances made in radio to date. Gome in today and let us demon strate it to you no obligation. LATOURELL Auto Company Heppner, Oregon The School ot Quatlv Thai Servee the Entire State k thorough cultural and proteaiionai scholarship is tfat outstanding char acteristic of the State University Training te offered in 22 departments of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts Arclritecture and Allied Arts Business Administration Edu sation Journalism Graduate Study Law Medicine Musis Physical Education Sociology- Social Work Estension Division. 01! Year Opens Sept 1!, 192? For inomta(iMi or catalogue wrtU Ike Regietrar.. Univentitu ol Oregon, Eugene. Ore. Wateh for our Red & White Special Offerings Saturday & Monday September 1 & 3 "Quality Always Higher Than Price" HIATT & DIX questions In dispute. "In refusing to accept the actual ly . generous offer of arbitration made by the Conference Com mittee of Managers the representa tives of the conductors and train men have acted in plain disregard of the' spirit and purpose of the Watson-Parker Railway Labor act and thereby imperilling its useful ness as a means of peaceful settle ment of wage controversies be tween railways and their employees." Phone Main 1072 ,"44i V"' '-" 4r We Deliver Mr. Farmer You have plowed, harrowed and weeded and your summerf allow is now ready , for the final process, seeding. After seeding, you have done all in your power and you await the results of all this work. Seeding is the most vital process. Do you think it is economy to keep in use a brolcen-down, old drill " that has long outlived its usefulness? John Deere - Van Brunt Drills have a double run positive feed and when you set the gauge to sow a certain number of ptfunds of grain to the acre you can bet your life that just that amount will be sown, no more and no less, not dumped here and skipped there, but uniformly over your field. They are strongly, yet simply constructed, and are made to wear without everlastingly and contin ually replacing parts and tinkering. The gears are self-aligning and free from dust and dirt. All disc bearings are guaranteed for life. Let us show you the exclusive features of this durable drill. ' PEOPLES HARDWARE CO. We'll Sell You a Goodyear Tire Sell it to you at a mighty low price for the highest tire quality made. For example: 31 x 5.25 GOODYEAR ALL-WEATHER TREAD BALLOON$17.20. We'll-put this tire on your wheel quickly and correctly. , - We'll inflate it to proper pressure." We'll inspect il regularly, after it's on and , running, to make doubly certain that you get long and trouble-free mileage from it. Try Us This Time! Ford and Chevrolet Special 20x4.40 Speedway Balloon $6.70 Heppner Garage (Vaughn & Goodman) Heppner, Ore. THURSDAY, AUGUST 23: TUNNEY-HEENEY FIGHT PICTURES Round by round, blow by blow, in fast and slow motion moving pictures. Your last chance to see Champion Tunney in action. CHILDREN 25c; ADULTS 50c ' FRIDAY, AUGUST 24: JACK HOLT and BETTY JEWEL in "THE MYSTERIOUS RIDER" . By Zane Grey. Whoopee! Ride 'em Cowboy! And they do In Zane Grey's "The Mysterious Rider." A red blooded thrillodrama. Also LloyHamilton in "AT EASE" two reel comedy. - I. SATURDAY, AUGUST 25: ; CLAIRE WINDSOR in . "BLONDES BY CHOICE" ' With Walter Hiers. She was a brunette until she hit on the happy Idea of becoming a blonde by phoice. What happened then will keep you howling with laughter. . 1 Also Felix, News, Reel and Scenic. SUNDAY AND MONDAY, AUGUST 26 & 27: Alice Terry and Ivan Petrovich in "THE GARDEN OF ALLAH" The famous book at last In the films. The desert and sand storm scenes alone will make this the year's film sensation. The desert Is the Arab's "Garden of Allah," and in It 1b played a drama of pas sion and sacrifice. A thousand thrilling moments another Rex Ingram triumph., Filmed on the continent and the Sahara desert Also Charlie Chase in "NEVER THE DAMES SHALL MEET.' Children 25c; adults 50c. TUES. AND WEDS., AUGUST 28 AND 29: GEORGE JESSEL in 'SAILOR IZZY MURPHY" " With AudreyFerris and Warner Oland. Perils of a passionate perfumery peddler, touring the high seas with his prospective bride, her peevish papa and a crew of escaped lunatics. A grouch cure. , "Also Comedy and News Reel. ' COMING NEXT WEEK: Louise Fazenda In FIVE AND TEN CENT ANNIE, August 30-31. Karl Dane and George K. Arthur in BABY MINE September 1 Norma Talmadge In CAMIIXE September t and 3 Myrna Loy and Walter Pigeon In TURN BACK THE HOURS, September 4 and 5.