Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 23, 1928, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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District Atotrney S. E. Notano
and Marshall S. P. Devln returned
on Sunday from Boise, where the
past week they attended the three
day convention of the Northwest
Association of Sheriffs and Police,
Mr. Notson has been in attendance
at most of the annual gatherings
of this association since Its organ!'
zation, and he thinks this last meet
ing was perhaps the best of them
all. It was Mr. Devln s first attend'
ance, and he was highly pleased
with what he was privileged to hear,
Both men enjoyed the hospitality
of the Boise people and also the trip
to the big Arrowroot dam, 'some
thirty miles out of town .
Mr. and Mrs. John Gate of Spray,
accompanied by Mrs. George Ro
land and daughter Mildred, were
visitors here on Wednesday. Mr,
and Mrs. Gates had not been in the
city for nearly three years, but will
doubtless come oftener now, as the
Heppner-Spray highway nears com
pletion. The drive over takes about
three hours now and this time will
be shortened, when the last link In
the highway is completed, and these
good people hope that this will not
be delayed any longer than is ab
solutely necessary. Mrs. Roland
and daughter will be in the city for
a week.
George Sperry of thfs city was
quite interested .in the picturelof
the pioneer flouring mill, known as
the inlay mill, which appeared in
the Oregonian of last Sunday. This
, mill has been in operation since
1848, is located on the Calapooia
river about half way between
Brownsville and Crawfordsville, and
as a boy Mr. Sperry made many a
irip 10 tne mm with the grist There
has been little change in the mill
since it was first built and it is one
of the historic land marks of the
Willamette valley.
A. (Tnltlh hflR rmr-nhnaosl tVia Taul
Troedson ranch, 9 miles noVth of
lone irom Julius Fischer of La
Grande. This ranch comprises
some 800 acres of wheat land and
all stock and equipment are In
cluded in tne sale. The considera
tion was 116.000. Mr - Flacher r
ccives'in the trade a small farm in
the "valley." Mr. Holub's son Frank
. will have charge of this ranch.
Jione independent.
Mrs .Bert Kane, denutv . rnnntv
clerk, is confined to her home this
Week. Ufferinar an attack of (nnail
itia. Her place at the court house
is being filled by Mrs .Josephine Ma
honey, Clerk Anderson still being
aDsent on nis summer vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn V. Burroughs
ana Mr. .Burroughs' mother, Mrs.
French Burroughs, were visitors in
the cltv Mondav from their hnm
near Jordan Siding. Mr. Burroughs
maae a vaiuaoie donation or books
to the Hcppner library.
Rev. and Mrs. F R. Spaulding
returned on Friday from Hood Riv
er where they spent their summer
vacation. Rev. Spaulding filled his
pulpit at the Methodist church on
Sunday at the regular services.
Chris Brown and family got home
on Monday from their trip to Yel
lowstone Park. They enjoyed the
park very much, and the journey
going and coming was not in the
v least unpleasant
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Case returned
home on Saturday from a stay of
' several weeks in Seattle. They were
in the city with their invalid son,
who was under the care of a spec
ialist '
The families of Harry and Sam
Turner departed on Monday for an
outing at Hidaway Springs. They
expect to spend a week or ten days
at this popular mountain resort
(Being a brief summary of the
sermon preached by the pastor of
the Church of Christ Sunday eve
ning, August 19.)
There was a time when anyone
called a heretic was apt to be burn
ed at the stake or have his eyes put
out with red hot iron or have his
tongue pulled out by the roots or
suffer any similar punishment ac
cordlng to the whim of the perse
cutor. Now a heretic is simply one
who thinks differently. He is one
whp does not hold the common or
orthodox opinion. The fact that he
is different does not prove him to be
either right or wrong. The old
method was to assume him wrong
and punish him severely. The more
modern method seems to be to as
sume that the one who is different
is right ana to heap honors upon
him. The old system may have had
advantacea but nnuld not hA rni
ated in the same world with free
dom of conscience. However, the
opposite extreme of today leaves
mucn uj oe aesirea ior tne reason
one is not necessarily either right
or independent simply because he
disagrees with orthodox opinions.
Many young people today think
thev arA advanced wIiah thaw ba
merely Biaeiracxea. iney are tak'
lne ud old. oufrrnwn ii nnmvA
skeptical notions and advancing
them as new. Most skeptics and
critics or tne aiDie and the Church
are taking somebody's word for It
The critic of the Bible 'la fminri tn
know little about it The critic of
the Church Is found to know little
about it Thev are slmnlv raiuut.
Ing some old disproved arid castoff
lueaa wnicn nave Deen handed on.
Hence thev hava nn elntm in Ha
title of independent thinker, for an
inaepenuent ininKer is one who
takes all available facts into consid
eration and then reaction a wii
The Old Testament folia hn Ma a
man. CaDtain of the Host nt Rvrio
was told to go to the prophet in Is
rael to De neaied or his leprosy. He
was so independent that he went to
the Kine instead. Cnmlntr finniiv i
the Prophet he was angry because
tne anair was not conducted as he
had expected. He thmirht tho
Prophet would come out and see
uim. ne tnougnt ne would be heal
ed bV the WHVin a nt h a nrnnhat'a
nana, ne tnougnt the rivers of Da
mascus better rnr henlino- than th.
river Jordan. In fact he thought
so independently or all facts as to
be absurd and childish. He never
thought in a truly Independent way
at all until he llRtonnri fn his Uo-,,
ant and decided to be reasonable.
mis neaiing rollowed.
Paul tells In the 2Rth MiAittA. f
Acts that he had verily "thought"
that he ought to do many things
contrary to the name of Jesus of
Naze re th. He pntirolv irnnr-aA tu.
" - J IgiwtHl U1C
marvelous history of Jesus and the
unurcn ana arrived at a nnrtitiAitn
so independent as to be a long way
wide of the facts. It took a special
vision, a stroKe or .blindness and a
period of contemplation for him
to become truly independent of his
natural prejudice so that he could
think rationally.
Some modern nnnoliialnna aa 4.,-
as foolish. Just as far from the
trutn, just as entirely reached with
out taklne into cnnalrWntinn ah
available facts before making de
cision. or example, those who say
that the Bible is man's book are not
familiar with the book, nnr what it
has accomplished nor what it is ac
complishing. Again those who say
there is no harm in the dance say
it because they hope it is true but
they have made no study of It's re
sults. Those Who aav nna nhnrih la
as good as another do not know
mat tnere is only one church spok
en Of in the New TantomAnt nr.
that churches do not teach the same
things. In short they do not know
the churches. Those who say that
Christ does not pvnprt unHflAo n
contradicting the statements of
f'hrldt hlmool Tf
- a. uiiv otxy a um L
one can be a good Christian and not
be a church member it shows that
he does not know what a Christian
is nor how one becomes ,a member
of the divine church. The man who
says that, baptism is a non-essential
!nsn inrianAnriAnt that V i j
, vmu .U D CIJUIO
ly independent of God's wnrrf Wh.
another man says that It makes no
airrerence wnat you believe as long
as you are sincere he is saying that
you can think crooked and live
straight Everyone of thaaa
elusions, and many more we might
name are reached without consid
erlng all OHnvallable facts, Hetfte
Levi Strauss
Two-Horse Brand
Waist Overalls
rare patented. The patent has long
line expired, but the sales increase
tach year,
rl.de of extra heavy 9 ounca Indi-0-dyad
Denim, cut full and roomy,
fitted at the waist like tailor-made
ants, with belt loops for added con
ference. Copper riveted at all
itrain points, plenty of big, roomy
pockets. Sewed with special thread,
nd buttons riveted on to stay on.
Insist on getting the make you can
always depend on for everything
that spells overall satisfaction,
comfort, fit and longest
. .
Look for this Trade Max
.J .a . MASS
Rmmher this Cuaranted
A New Pair FREE if They Rip
M.de by Levi Strauss 4c Co. Sin Frindico
Also makers of Two-Horse Brand
Bib Overalls for Men and Hoys.
Rtllibl Merchndl- 11 Inc. 1853
lvl Strauss "Two Horse" Brand
Overalls For Sale by WILSON'S.
Call and see the IN
BINE. See it in action,
examine it thoroughly
for any imperfections.
We ourselves can't find
Our stock McCormick
Deering Mowers, Rakes
and Binders is on dis
play for inspection or
criticism. We believe we
have got the best in that
We have a full stock
of Single Trees, Lead
Bars, etc.
Don't forget the poul
try supplies. Dr. Hess'
Panacea for chicks as
well as Stock Tonic and
Sheep Dip.
Sheep camp supplies
of all kinds.
they do not represent Independent
thinking at all. They represent
mental slavery to handed-down
ideas. For remember that no think
ing is truly independent which does
not take into consideration all avail
able facts and then form reasonable
FOR SALE 9 head of weanling
pigs good thrifty stock. Wm.
Kummerland ranch. 22-6
FOR SALE Player piano, cab
inet and bench, 70 high class rolls.
All in excellent condition; $250, cost
$600. Mrs. Glenn Burroughs, lone.
Ore. 23-4.
I have at my place, S miles west
of Heppner.'a stray Jersey cow,
branded EL on right hip. Jack Dos
ser. 23-5
27 bucks for sale; 4-year-old Ram-
boulllet Also beardless rye seed.
At Rugg ranch. 23
' House for sale or rent in Hepp-
ner; barn and orchard; known as
Bisbee property. B. F. Swaggart,
Lexington, Ore. 23tf,
Piano sacrificed near Heppner.
Partly paid for piano like new.
Free delivery. Fully guaranteed.
Will accept phonograph, saxophone
or other instrument part payment
Balance your own terms. Write at
once to Geo. Robison, piano adjust
er, 208 Oak St., Portland, Ore. 22-
FOR SALE Good, young milk
cows, Jerseys. L.. E. Reaney, Lex
ington, Ore. 12-tf.
Ranch to lease or for sale 1000
acres, plenty water, good orchard,
barn, comfortable house. D. E. Gil
man, Heppner. 22tf.
RATHER RARE Wants to sell
Buick sedan with privilege of buy
ing back at same figure. Guarantee
enuf ? See George Thomson. 23
WANTED Experienced woman
or girl for housekeeping in country.
Write P. O. Box 509, or call 9F25.
Wanted Girl or woman for gen
eral housework. Inquire this of
fice. 21-tf.
FOR SALE Ford touring car.
Inquire at Heppner Bakery. 22-3
For Sale 7-room modern house,
shade and fruit trees, also berry
bushes; other adjoining lots for
sale. Cash- or terms. Elizabeth
Smith state. 22tf,
Dr. Clarke, of the Clarke Optical
Co., 260 Alder St, Portland, Ore.,
n Heppner all day and evening,
Sunday, Aug. 26, at the Hotel Hepp-'
EYES. 22-3
For Sale Some good two-year-
old Hampshire bucks. E. L. De-
Lashmutt, Sheridan, Ore. 22-3
Wanted at once, man and wife to
work on ranch; not more than one
child. Inquire this office. 22-tf.
FOR SALE Fine piano left on
our hands in your vicinity, used less
than one year. Will be sold for bal
ance due us on contract Terms to
reliable party. Continental Secur
ity Co., 1304 American Bank Bldg,
Portland, Oregon. 21-24.
Turkeys For Sale 370 young,
mixed and pure bred. L. R. Jones.
Monument - 21-24.
Rich .wholesome milk. Drink all yo
wane It's good for yoa.
Alfalfa Lawn Dairy
Phone 80FS
On these hot
summer days
craves ,
You will find
our fountain
equipped to
give you your
favorite mix
For Vacation
You go away to play not to worry. A neat wallet of
American Express Travelers Checques is as much a part
of a well ordered vacatio nas a traveling bag. These
Cheques represent peace of mind over the funds upon
which your good time depends.
American Express Travelers Cheques are a form of "per
sonal money" spendable as cash, but only by the proper
owner. They enable anyone to carry any amount of funds
at all times without fear of loss. They also entitle their
holders when traveling to very opportune and helpful assist
ance from American Express offices in this country and
around the world.
The method of using Travelers Cheques Is simplicity it
self.. When you buy them you write your name on each
Cheque, thus making it your own. When you wish to spend
one you write your name a second time on the Cheque In
the presence of the person accepting it
No identification other than your second signature is
necessary. (
If your American Express Travelers Cheques are lost or
stolen (uncountersigned or not exchanged for value) your
money is refunded.
Farmers & Stockgrowers National
Heppner gflnk 0regon
BETTER homes are built with better
lumber and that doesn't mean
high priced lumber either.
Our quality, our service, and our
prices will satisfy you.
Heppner Planing Mill & Lumber Yard
A. R. REID, Proprietor
Phones Mill 9F25, Yard Main 1123
Custom - Made
and you see them before you pay.
High-grade hand tailoring,
with a wide range of virgin
wool fabrics from which
to choose.
FIRE! The Unsparing Thief
Human thieves, fortunately, specialize. They stick to
their respective "lines."
Fire spares nothing. It often leaves a house gutted and
ruined from cellar to- attic.
This means that Are insurance should fully cover all that
fire can destroy or damage.
A few thousand dollars added to your inventory will in
crease your annual premium but little.
Yet, after a fire, "fully covered" is far better than "par
tially covered."
Let us help you.
F. W. Turner & Co.
Representing FIRE ASSOCIATION of Philadelphia
maintaining 24-hour service-
Leave your car here in the evening and it will be
ready for you the next morning.
Towing Service Day or Night.
Ferguson Chevrolet Co.
General Managers
The Peak of the
Now Here
Choicest cantaloupes, watermelons, musk
melons, ice cream melons (they're delicious)
may now be had at
Lowest Prices of
the Season
Wide variety of fresh vegetables always
here for your selection.
Grocery Co.
Phone Main 53 .We Deliver
Heppner Gazette Times Only $2.00 Per Year
f EftElO! EEID in Color
Enhanced in Style
and Offering Even
Cireater Performance
Beautiful as Pontiac Six has been in the past
great as its performance has proved
today's Pontiac Six is even more beautiful,
even more thrilling than ever to drive!
To the beauty and style of bodies by Fisher,
Oakland has added the swagger touch of
smaller, smarter wheels and larger tires.
Mechanical advancements result in greater
speed and power. Until you have seen and
driven it you cannot realize what style, color
nd performance today's Pontiac Six affords.
CahrxoUt.ST-.Dftar Sedan. $H2S: Sport Landau Sedan, SH?5. Oak
land All-AmrrieanSix.$l(H5to$126S. All prices at factor. hrck
OoMandPomior oelivered price the tnciudt loun Handltngchaf
gen, Uciural Motor, Time Payment Pimn available at minimum rate.
I. R. ROBISON, lone, Or.
PfflllK SIX