HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1928 PAGE FIVE The cart of John Skuzeski of this city and Mr. Cool of lone "locked horns" Just In front of the Wilcox farm on Willow creek highway Sun day evening, and Mr. Skuzeskl's ma chine was considerably crippled as a result John states that the mis hap was evidently caused fey both himelf and the other party trying 10 pass too near the middle of the highway. He drove his machine on toward Heppner as far as the Art Parker place, where a front wheel dropped off, and the car had to be towed to town Monday morninsr. Mr. Skuzeski and family were re turning home from a trip to Alder- aaie, wash. No injury resulted to the occupants of the cars, and the jool car was slightly damaged, Mrs. Alex Green, accompanied by nor son nerman ana little daughter Louise departed on Sunday for Pen- oieton, were to take the overland train for her old home at Fries. Vir ginia, Mrs. Green has not visited her rormer home for thirteen years, and the Journey Is made at this time be cause of the Illness of her mother. She will be absent for several weeks and thought she might make a visit to Washington, D. C, giving Her- man a cnance to view the sights of we national capital. District Attorney S. E. Notson and Marshall S. P. Devin left Wed nesday morning for Boise. Idaho where they go to attend the conven tion of Northwest Sheriff's and Po lice, in session there this week end. SheriB MoDuffee had intended go ing, but meeting with an automobile accident near The Dalles on Mon day when on his return from a trip io cannon, ne was delayed until too late to make the Journey to Boise. Attorney C. L. Sweek, Mrs. Sweek and the children and her sister, Miss Hawthorne, departed on Sunday for Portland, where they expected to spend a day or so and then motor to Eugene for another stop on the way to the coast at Seal Rocks. They will spend a couple of weeks at the seashore, during which time Cal expects to land some of the big fish that are inhabitants of the streams tributary to Seal Rocks. J. H. Cochran spent a few hours In Heppner n Saturday from his home at lone. Mr. Cochran states that he had Just finished with the harvesting of the grain on the ranches of his son, the late Archie Cochran, and the returns have been excellent. On 400 acres of land Just north of lone, the average yield per acre was 32 bushels, while that on the MpMurray place south of lone went around 17 bushels. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Sigsbee and their daughters, Misses Bernice and Elaine, and Miss Hazel Calder of Portland, friend of Miss Elaine Sigs bee, departed on Monday forenoon for a week's outing at Wallowa lake. Mr. Sigsbee and the young ladies drove up from Portland on Satur day, he and Miss Bernice having spent several days In the city the past week. Milton W. Bower and family de parted Monday morning for Biqg ham Springs, going prepared to spend a week camping at that pop ular resort The ministerial con ference of the preachers of the Christian church of the Eastern Oregon district will be held there this week, also, and Mr. Bower was going at this time to take this in. Bert "Palmateer and family and W. F. Palmateer, Morgan residents, were visitors in Heppner on Satur day. Mr. Palmateer and his son have finished with the wheat har vest and report a good yield. Grain turned out unusually well In the Morgan wheat belt this season and when the price gets back to around $1.25 again producers of that sec tion will begin to cash in. Hanson Hughes returned the end of the week from spending a few days In Portland, during which time he attended the meeting of the state central committee of the dem ocratic party, of which he is the Morrow county member. ft Call and see the IN TERNATIONAL COM BINE. See it inaction, examine it thoroughly for any imperfections. We ourselves can't find any. Our stock McCormick Deering Mowers, Rakes and Binders is on dis play for inspection or criticism. We believe we have got the best in that line. We have a full stock of Single Trees, Lead Bars, etc. Don't forget the poul try supplies. Dr. Hess' Panacea for chicks as well as Stock Tonic and Sheep Dip. Sheep camp supplies of all kinds. GILLIAM & BISDEE David McDowell, aged 17 years and 5 months, died at the home of his sister, Mrs. A. C. Warren, at iiooseberry on Monday afternoon, and funeral services were held at the Christian church In lone Tues day afternoon, with burial In the cemetery there. The young man was a victim of tuberculosis from which he had suffered many months ana naa just returned, to the home of his sister from a mountain camp where he had been in hopes that it might benefit his health. He was a native of Gilliam county, but his home had been at Gooseberry for the past five years. Besides his sis ter, Mrs. A. C. Warren, he is sur vived by his father, Bert McDowell of Condon, and his passing Is mourned by .these relatives and many friends In that neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin D. Cox of Hlnton creek were In Heppner short time on Friday, while attend ing to business. Mr. Cox Is Just re covering irom a spell of sickness that had him down for about two weeks. He lays his trouble to a lltr tie too much hot weather. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Valentine were visitors here Tuesday afternoon from their farm home near Lexing ton. Charley finished with his wheat harvest a week or two ago and has the grain In the warehouse ready for selling when the price gets DacK to normal again. Mrs. P. J. O'Riley of San Fran cisco Is visiting with her sisters In this county, Mrs. Walter Kilcup of Lena and Mrs. Roy Brown of lone. she is accompanied by her son Jerry and they arrived here the early part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lundell and Mr. and Mrs. Algott Lundell, with members of their families, were a motor party in Heppner on Tues day evening from their homes at lone, coming up to take In the show at Star theater. The Womans Foreign Missionary society of the Methodist church will have their regular meeting in the parlors of the church on Tuesday arternoon, August 21, at 2:30. It is hoped all members and friends will be present C. H. Furlong was in town Tues day looking after business matters. He has finished with the harvesting of his grain crop on the Sweek land at Eight Mile, the yield proving quite satisfactory. country where they will spend couple of weeks vacationing. Miss Edna Vaughn, daughter of Mrs. Leonrad Barr, was a visitor at the Barr home in this city over the weeK ena. Miss Vaughn Is with the Shaw - Bartholomew company in Portland. WANTS FOR SALE Ford touring Inquire at Heppner Bakery. car. 22-3 For Sale 7-room modern house, shade and fruit trees, also berrv bushes; other adjoining lots for sale. Cash or terms. Elizabeth Smith state. 22tf. Dr. Clarke, of the Clarke Optical Co., 260 Alder St., Portland, Ore., EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS, will be In Heppner all day and evening, Sunday, Aug. 26, at the Hotel Hepp ner. SEE HIM ABOUT TOUR EYES. 22-3 For Sale Some eood two-vear- old Hampshire bucks. E. L. De Lashmutt, Sheridan, Ore. 22-3 Ranch to lease or for sale 1000 acres, plenty water, good orchard, barn, comfortable house. D. E. Gil- man, Heppner. 22tf. man Neilson. 21-2 Wanted Girl or woman for gen eral housework. Inquire this of fice. 21-tf. Nice quiet room for rent Phone 03. 20-22. WANTED! Ambitious, industri ous person to make sales of $150 to $600 a month or more Introducing and supplying the demand for Raw- lelgh Household Products In Gilliam and Morrow Counties and nearby towns. Rawlelgh Methods get bus lness everywhere. No selling ex perience required. We supply Pro ducts, Sales and Advertising Litera ture and Service Methods every thing you need. Profits increase every month. Lowest prices; best vaiues; most complete service. W. T. Rawlelgh Co.. DeDt OR1822 Oak. land, Calif. 20-22 LOST 1 bay mule branded bar ir on lert side; l buckskin mule, branded HFJ connected on shoul. der. H. L. HOLBOKE. istf. FOR SALE Good, young milk cows. Jerseys. L. E. Reaney, Lex ington, Ore. 12-tf. 27 bucks for sale; 4-year-old Ram- bouillet Also beardless rye hay. At Rugg ranch. 22 Wanted at once, man and wife to work on ranch; not more than one child. Inquire this office. 22-tf. Piano sacrificed near Heppner. Partly paid for piano like new. Free delivery. Fully guaranteed. Will accept phonograph, saxophone or other instrument part payment Balance your own terms. Write at once to Geo. Roblson, piano adjust er, 208 Oak St, Portland, Ore. 22-4 FOR SALE Fine piano left on our hands In your vicinity, used less than one year. Will be sold for bal ance due us on contract Terms to reliable party. Continental Secur ity Co., 1304 American Bank Bldg., Portland, Oregon. 21-24. 200 aged ewes for sale. Jack Ayers, Echo, Ore. 21-22. Turkeys For Sale 370 young, mixed and pure bred. L. R. Jones, Monument 21-24. Grant Olden, Rhea creek ranch man,- was attending to business in the city on Tuesday. Mr. Olden states that he has his hay all up and the crop this season was a good one. Edison Morgan of lone was a vis itor here on Friday. He stated that harvesting on the Morgan farm had been finished the day previous, and the results were quite satisfactory. Claude Cox and family departed the first of the week for the coast & it UNIVERSAL FOOD Rich .wholesome milk. Drink all yon want It's good for yo. Alfalfa Lawn Dairy WI0HTMAN BROS, Phons SOTi Props. Ramboulllet Bucks For Sale Thoroughbreds from the Bullard Farm at Woodland, Calif. See them at F. S. Parker ranch, Heppner. Two stray heifers picked up at' my place near Hardman; red with white faces and white spots. Heis On these hot summer days everyone craves Cooling Drinks You will find our fountain equipped to give you your favorite mixture. ELKHORN RESTAURANT ED CHINN, lrop. For Vacation You go away to play not to worry. A neat wallet of American Express Travelers Checques is as much a part of a well ordered vacatio nas a traveling bag. These Cheques represent peace of mind over the funds upon which your good time depends. American Express Travelers Cheques are a form of "per sonal money" spendable as cash, but only by the proper owner. They enable anyone to carry any amount of funds at all times without fear of loss. They also entitle their holders when traveling to very opportune and helpful assist ance from American Express offices in this country and around the world. The method of using Travelers Cheques Is simplicity it self. When you buy them you write your name on each Cheque, thus making It your own. When you wish to spend one you write your name a second time on the Cheque in the presence of the person accepting It ' No Identification other than your second signature ls necessary. If your American Express Travelers Cheques are lost or stolen (uncounterslgned or not exchanged for value) your money Is refunded. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Heppner BsUlk Oregon WreCTIVE MAT as TO SEPT. so Mswnn umit WCT. 31. XQZS HOUND TBI TO Low fares all parts of mid west, south and east. Fine fast trains. DENVER M7.20 OMAHA 75.SO KANSAS CITY.... 7S.S0 DES MOINES 81. SS ST. LOUIS MM CHICAGO 00.19 DETROIT 108.S1 CINCINNATI 110.46 CLEVELAND 1U.M TORONTO 118.6S ATLANTA 1M.SS PITTSBURGH 124.M WASHINGTON .. 14S.M PHILADELPHIA 14S.2X NEW YORK. U1.70 BOSTON 1S7.7S Liberal a MnpNl you tO VtMt Zloa National Park ran Canyon Natl Pk. Yell awttM National Pk. Rocky Moon tainNatl Pk. For niurtrated Booklets, Rnern tiont and Information, sddretjt nsent named Delow. UNION PACIF C. DARBEE, Local Agent, Heppner, Oregon Custom -Made Suits AS LOW AS $29.50 and you see them before you pay. WE CAN "SUIT" ANY TASTE High-grade hand tailoring, with a wide range of virgin wool fabrics from which to choose. YOU GET THE MOST FOR TOUR MONEY AT SKUZESKPS HEPNER'S TAILORING SHOP. BETTER homes are built with better lumber and that doesn't mean high priced lumber either. Our quality, our service, and our prices will satisfy you. Heppner Planing Mill & Lumber Yard A. R. REID, Proprietor Phones Mill 9F25, Yard Main 1123 FIRE! The Unsparing Thief Human thieves, fortunately, specialize. They stick to their respective "lines." Fire spares nothing. It often leaves a house gutted and ruined from cellar to attic This means that fire Insurance should fully cover all that fire can destroy or damage. A few thousand dollars added to your Inventory will In crease your annual premium but little. Yet, after a fire, "fully covered" is far better than "par tially covered." Let us help you. F. W. Turner & Co. Representing FIRE ASSOCIATION of Philadelphia The Peak of the . MELON SEASON Now Here Choicest cantaloupes, watermelons, musk melons, ice cream melons (they're delicious) may now be had at Lowest Prices of the Season Wide variety of fresh vegetables always here for your selection. PHELPS Grocery Co. "THE HOME OF GOOD EATS" Phone Main 53 ' We Deliver 24-HOUR SERVICE The FERGUSON CHEVROLET CO is now maintaining 24-hour service OVERNIGHT WASHING AND GREASING Leave your car here in the evening and it will be ready for you the next morning. OFFICIAL A. A. A STATION Towing Service Day or Night. Ferguson Chevrolet Co. R. B. FERGUSON and A. H. BERGSTROM General Managers Heppner Gazette Times, Only $2.00 Per Year QiSuldn't you peter a car built in the Worlds Most Modern Lutqmobile Plant? r1 . m m m Today you demand infinitely more in your automobile than you did five years ago. . In order to satisfy you, Oakland now build the - Ail-American Six and the Pontiac Six with greater care than ever before. Oakland and Pontiac Sixes are built in fac tories constructed almost entirely within the past two years. Oakland is constantly discarding and replac ing equipment, content to use only the very newest, most accurate designs. Oakland in spection standards are second to none. Wouldn't you prefer a car built in the world's most modern automobile plant with standards of precision such as Oakland employs! Drive Un Ail-American Six or a Pontiac Six, and you'll find the answer in superior performance, stamina and reliability. VMmA AO-AmcHrm Six, $04S to SUM. PbMioe Six, S74S k 4B7S AU fricm mt 1ctor-r. CKdi OdJUand-Ponlioc delivered pricrn m ifcij iwi lne. leiHfW rumdlraf charge. Uftkerol Motor. TiM Pmf MM Plan moouabU of HMinurat retto. FERGUSON MOTOR CO., Heppner, Or. I.R.R0BIS0N,Ione,0r. 0AIOAND-P0NTIAC rueowcTt