Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 16, 1928, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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At the regular Grange meeting
on Saturday evening, August 18, F.
R. Wilbur of the Hermiston, experi
ment station will giv a lecture on
"Curly Leaf Blight" The lecture
hour will be at 8 o'clock so any one
interested is invited to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Imus and
daughter Ona are at the Gross home
having finished work at the Rietr
mann ranch where they have been
working through harvest.
The Boardman Sunday school will
have a picnic Friday night at War
ner s camp grounds.
Mr. and Mrs. C R. Packard and
family of Seattle are expected this
week for a visit at the Leslie Pack
ard and Lowell Spagle homes.
L. G. Smith has been quite ill for
some time with a carbuncle on his
Donald Calvert of Sumner, Wash.,
visited Thursday at the home of
his uncle. Ed Kunze.
Glen Hadley took Bert Richard'
son to the mountains on Thursday.
Mr. Richardson has been ill for
months with asthma and it was
hoped the higher altitude might
give him relief.
Geo. Gross came home Sunday
from the wheat country where he
had had a 5-weeks' run looking af
ter the combine.
C S. Calkins made a business trip
to Heppner Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Hubbell are
parents of a baby girl who arrived
Wednesday, August 8, at Hermis
- Jess Allen has installed a tele
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Knauff and
children motored to Pomeroy, Wn.,
on a business and pleasure trip.
They lived near Pomeroy before
coming here. Mr. and Mrs. Agee
looked after the ranch for Knauffs
during their absence.
Nellie and Marie Messenger spent
their vacations at the home of their
parents. Nellie is employed in Pen
dleton and Marie is in training at a
hospital in The Dalles.
Mrs. Ray Brown drove to Aeith
Friday and visited with her hus
band for a day or so. He is em
ployed on the rock crusher there.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Cheney and
family of Portland were guests at
the Flickinger and Messenger
homes for several days this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fortier and
two children of Albany and Mrs. Ed
Phifcr and daughter of Portland
were house guests at the F. A. For
tier home Tuesday and Wednesday.
Albert is a brother of F. A. and Mrs.
Phifer a sister of the two men. 10
years had elapsed since the brothers
had met so a most enjoyable reun
ion was enjoyed.
W. O. King and family and Mr.
and Mrs. L. E. Marschatt were
guests at the C. S. Calkins home
Thursday evening. Games, music
and later a delicious lunch were
features of the evening.
W. A. Price and family motored
to Portland on Saturday for a short
visit with his parents. Their small
aon Billie will remain for a longer
visit with his grandparents ana wiu
go to the beach with them. Mrs.
Lottie Attebury and grandson Clar
ence Nottingham accompanied the
Prices to roruana.
A most mneenlal ctoud Dlcnicked
at the Dlllabough beach on Sun
day. A sumptuous feast Including
melons and Ice cream followed a
in the old Columbia. There is
an excellent bathing beach at this
place which IS opposite urice uuin
bough's homestead, with water at
i.orvimr dpnths. so that the small
toddler as well as the expert swim
mer may enjoy tne water. Aiier
supper the group sat around the
anri Mn? old time Bones
with musical accompaniment by
Mrs. Packard, in attenaance were
the Marschatts, Rands, caiKins,
vincra Meads. Dlllabouehs. Myers,
and Chas. Wicklander and family.
Dan Ransier was pleased to have
ku cictAT- Mrs. L. A. Lindsey and
son Minard and wife of Boise here
for a short visit The visitors were
on their way to Myrtle Point
Miss Mlidred Morgan spent Sun
day In lone with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Scely are
moving into, the Mrs. A. F. Palma
teer house at Morgan.
Velma Sherrard of Willows spent
a few days lost week visiting Edith
Ely. She returned home Wednes
day. Sam Connett left Saturday for
Spokane where he will make his
v,nm in the future.
Quite a few of the young people-
of Morgan attenaea uie aance oi
Rhea Saturday night, and all report
. f trnnA time
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hutchcroft
are the proud parents of a daugnter
born at McMinnville.
Bob Adams spent Sunday with
H. O. Ely and family before return
ing to his home at Salem after help
ing Mr. Becket with his harvest He
left Sunday evening for his home,
accompanied by Francis Ely of lone
who will spend a couple of weeks
visiting relatives at Salem.
Franklin Ely who has Deen on
the sick list is now greatly Improv
ed. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Palmateer, W.
F. Palmateer and David Ely were
doing business in Lexington and
Heppner Saturday.
vtra Ttf R. Pettviohn and daugh
ters were visiting Mrs. Fred Petty
john at Heppner Friday.
Carrie Medlock was visiting Alice
Nash Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ely and
daughters were visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Sherrard of the Willows Wed
nesday afternoon.
. Mrs. R E. Harbison and son, Mr.
and Mrs. Lowe and Mrs. Lax Mc
Murray of lone were shopping in
Heppner Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McCormick
were calling on Mrs. White at Lex
ington Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hynd were
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ely
Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gibson of
Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Art Scog
gins of Arlington and Mrs. Hale of
Redmond were visiting Mr. and
Mrs. H. O. Ely Thursday evening.
Of th
b JVancu Hart
upa sugar and bring to a boil.
At once add a bottle of liquid pectin
and bring again to full rolling boll
and boil for hajf a minute. Remove,
add teaspoon spearmint extract
Let stand one minute, aklm, pour
and seal.
FOR SATJE Cannlnir naanliAfi!
Earlv Cmwforda and Tucon clinea.
$1 per box prepaid. A. E. Ander
son, . l, i ne utuiea, ure. zu-z2
The father rushing up to the
nurse as she emerges from the
room and asking: "Well, will It use
a razor or a lipstick?
Cleanliness within the refrigera
tor is most important especially if
baby foods are stored therein. The
old-fashioned ice box should be
scalded out periodically to keep It
sweet and clean. In the best auto
matic refrigerators, however, the
use of scalding water and soap is
not necessary. Simply wiping the
box out quickly with a cloth wet
in a cold solution of baking soda
and then wiping dry is sufficient
In the automatic type, defrosting
the chilling unit is necessary about
twice a month in order to maintain
proper radiation of cold from the
unit It can be done over night
Before retiring, turn off the cur
rent or gas, if you have one of
the new noiseless refrigerators
which operates by gas. By morn
ing the refrigerator is again ready
to function and the drip pan can
be emptied and Iresh water put In
the ice-cube trays.
Satisfying Vegetarian Menu.
Cream of tomato soup .
Spanish rice Escalloped egg plant
Buttered string beans
Cottage cheese salad
Ripe plum tarts
Non-stimulating drink
Foundation for Fresh Fruit
Cream together a cup sugar (beet
or cane) and tablespoon butter and
beat one egg into it Then add al
ternately a cup milk and two cups
flour sifted with three teaspoons
baking powder and a fourth tea
spoon salt Half fill with any
sweetened fresh fruit Fill balance
of mold with batter, cover and
steam. .
An Apple Sauce Children Like
Cook six tart apples until tender
in pint of boiling water. Add a
half cup sugar and while still boil
ing, stir in package of fruit-flavored
gelatin. Beat thoroughly and
strain. Set in molds to harden and
serve with sweetened cream.
A Hint for the Man of the House
Except for sports wear the rum
pled soft collar is yielding to the
new type of light pliant white col
lar which, although starched to con
tribute neatness of neck and tie,
sacrifices nothing In comfort
A Tart Mint Jelly for Meats
Mix a cup vinegar with a cup
and a half water, add green vege
table coloring and stir until dis
solved. Add six and a half level
iluhUr (BpittUm
ISM. Therapld expansion of all kinds of
chain interests, Including chain stores,
throughout the United States will even
tually arrest individualism in America.
No small individual interest can with
stand the crushing power of a chain
corporation in any branch of economic
life, resulting in arresting the economic
evolutienary procedure of every indi
vidual interest; causing a centraliza
tion of the wealth of the United States
into trusts, corporations and syndi
cates; eliminating individual ownership
of any professional or business life;
destroying chances for a small individ
ual business to evolute itself to a high
er standard of business life.
Such economic evolution will become
a direct contradiction to the traditional
and fundamental principles of this great
nation. Destruction of individual own
ership of any kind of business will flirt
with Carl Marx socialism or bolshevism
of Russia. Bolshevism of Russia rep
resents the extreme teachings of Carl
Marx. Socialism stands for confiscation
of all Individual ownership. It consists
oi a strong centralized government, cen
tralizing and nationalizing its wealth
under the dictation of a certain group
representing less than 20 per cent of
the voice of the population, its leaders
ruling with despotism and tyranny.
Bolshevist Russia is not a representa
tive form of government like that of
America, for the towns' population has
a majority voice over the provincial
population In Russia Bolshevism rep
resents dictatorshio over its nennle. Tt
is monarchlsm upside-down. The phiios-
uapny oi socialism nas a European or
igin, caused through oppression of peo
ple in certain European countries by
the kings or czars rebelling against
tyranny. The safeguard axuiiMt social
ism is individual property and business
ownership with economic evolution in
tact For a workingman once influ
enced with socialistic ideas by gradual
evolutionary change of his profession
automatically changes his views and
becomes in accord with the true Ameri
can spirit and detests socialistic ten
dencies. Only by arresting the facil
ities of business evolution of all pro
fessions do the ideas of a workman be
come stationary; like in some European
countries a workingman remains a
workingman the balance of his life.
The perpetual individual, professional
and business evolution will protect this
country against the spreading germs of
bolshevistic propaganda.
Big interests of any kind, Including
chain stores, should receive restriction
by enacting federal or state laws to the
extent of allowing a Dlace under the
sun for a small Individual business own
ership of any kind to exist and evolute
itself to a higher standard in business
life, and prosperity to reign not only
from a million dollars up, but also
nmongst the middle class and Individual
business ownership to give them a
chance for higher business achieve
ments. M. H. KOPPLE.
Qojlll Owners of
Walter P.Chryslek.
You, more than anyone else,
are entitled to know the pur
pose behind our recent acqui
sition of the assets and facili
ties of Dodge Brothers, Inc.
For upon that purpose de
pends the security of your
investment in Dodge Brothers
In acquiring Dodge Brothers,
Inc. for the Chrysler Corpor
ation, we have secured one of
the largest and most modern
automobile factories in the
world and with it an organi
zation of exceptional ability.
We intend that these facilities
hall be utilized to increase the
value and quality in Dodge
Brothers cars and Graham
Brothers Trucks and Motor
We have secured, in addition,
a dealer organization that hat
always been recognized as ona
' of the finest in the industry.
It is our intention to deserve
the continued loyalty of this
group of substantial, progres
sive merchants by making it
possible for them to enjoy in
creasing prosperity through
the sale of Dodge Brothers
We have secured, moreover.
that which transcends in im
portance either Dodge
Brothers superb plant equip
ment or Dodge Brothers
splendid dealer organization.
For we have become the law
ful heritors of Dodge Brothers
Good Name, with all the sol
emn obligation which that in
heritance implies.
We have become the trustee!
of Dodge Brothers good faith
to -their customers, and it is
our purpose to execute that
trust with fidelity.
The priceless identity of att
Dodge Brothers products will
be preserved as well as the
sound policies that have made
the words Dodge Brothers
synonymous with Honest Val
ue and Dependability.
Dodge Brothers Works will
continue to produce Dodge
Brothers Motor Cars and
Graham Brothers commercial
vehicles. Dodge Brothers
dealers will continue to sell
and service them.
The men to whose capable
support the success of the
Chrysler Corporation is due,
unite with me in pledg
ing perpetuation of Dodge
Brothers ideals, to the end
that a Good Name may be
made still better.
President Dodge Brothers Corppritioa
PlVaM oCkrytior Corporation
law, to said administrator at the law
office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Ore
gon, within six months from the date
of this notice.
Dated and first published this ltitn
day of August 1928.
C. W. McNAMER. Administrator.
on the second Monday In September,
(Monday. September 10th, 1928), the
Board of Equalization of Morrow Coun
ty, Oregon, will attend at the Court
House in Heppner, Oregon, and pub
licly examine the assessment rolls of
said County for the year 1928, and will
correct errors in valuation, description
or quality of land, lots or other proper
ty assessed by the Assessor of Morrow
County, Oregon, for the year 1928.
All persons Interested or having any
complaint against their assessments for
the year 1928, should appear at that
time. Petitions for reductions in as
sessments must be made in writing,
verified by oath of applicant or his at
torney and must be filed with the board
the first week it Is in session and any
petition or application not so made, ver
ified and filed shall not be considered
or acted upon by the board.
Dated at Heppner, Oregon, August
15th, 1928.
Assessor Morrow County. Oregon.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly aoDoInted bv
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Morrow County, the adminis
trator of the estate of 1j. V. Gentry, de
ceased, and all persons having claims
against the estate of said deceased are
hereby required to present the same
wun proper voucners as requireq py
or leave orders at
Phelps Grocery Co.
Home Phone 1102
was Ma
Drop in and See the
New Fall Suits
Arriving Right
Along Now
"Styleplus" suits are all the name implies.
Style plus quality, They're mighty pop
ular with men and young men. Aways
reasonably priced.
Many a Dispute
Has Been Settled
and loss and law-suits avoided, by
producing checks which told in no
uncertain terms that payment HAD
BEEN MADE. Another advantage
of a checking account is the advan
tage of having at your finger tips, at
all times., a correct showing of when,
how much, and to whom you have
We will be glad to talk it over
with you.
Fir& National Bank
When you build, we are
ready to serve you
WHEN you build h is always a comforting
W thing to know that the building materials
you buy are going to be up to specifications.
Cheap, flimsy construction usually goes
hand in hand with poor quality materials.
Safeguard your building by letting us know
what you require and we wUl work with you
to see that your interests are'well protected.
We are headquarters for all dependable
building materials and can also help you select
a good, reliable contractor.
Tell us what you plan to do-wc can and
will givo you beipnn aavwa.
Yards at Heppner, Lexington and lone
Buy Your Clothes
S :
are Better
Custom-Made Clothes
must be
made-to-measure and
personally tailored
Order Yours from
a Dependable House
Thomson Bros.
Dry Goods - Shoes - Groceries