Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 16, 1928, Image 1

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    HWericd Society.
Volume 45, Number 22.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Wool and Grain Show
Again Rodeo Feature
JVeu University of Oregon Dormitory i Catted "Real Home" for Students
Petition City to Buy
New Fire Apparatus
Chapter Organization to
be Completed ; Endorse
ment of Bills in View.
Permanent organization of Hepp
ner chapter of the Izaak Walton
league will be effected at the coun
cil chambers tomorrow evening. L.
Van Marter, chairman of the tem
porary organization, in issuing the
call says that the charter has been
received, sufficient membership en
rolled and everything set for going
Preliminary steps for the organ
ization of a local chapter of the
league were taken early In the sum
mer, when more than sixty local
sportsmen signed the application
for charter. The Izaak Walton
league Is a national organization,
having for its primary purpose pres
ervation of the great, outdoors. Lo
cal, state and national chapters are
Included in the organization, all co
operating to carry out mutual In
terests. At the organization meeting to
morrow, Mr. Van Marter will ask
for the local chapter's endorsement
of three bills to appear on the No
vember ballot, namely those seeking
to protect the Rogue, McKenzie
and Deschutes rivers against en
croachment by private power com
panies, In the interest of fishing
and natural worth of these streams.
"The Rogue and McKenzie rivers
are especially famed for their plen
teous fishing, and the McKenzie is
the greatest salmon spawning
stream in the state," declared Mr.
Van Marter, who has It on author
ity of the Oregon State Game com
mission that installation of a dam
for power purposes would drive the
fish out He cited as example dams
on the John Day river that have
kept salmon from going up It, which
before the dams were installed wgre
found there In large numbers. Since
the dam went out at Spray this
spring, salmon have been caught
abot'e there this season.
"Fishing Is the third largest In
dustry in the state, and produces
far more revenue to the state than
power development Besides, the
tourist business , in Oregon is in
creasing millions of dollars yearly,
Oregon's scenic attractions draw
this business, which again is worth
more In returns to the state coffers
than power development Again,
the Btreams mentioned are not need
ed for power development as Ore
gon has untold water power aside
from these, ample to electrify the
state for many years to come," Mr.
Van Marter continued, basing his
assertions on information obtained
through the Oregon State Game
Protective association. "Oregon's
greatest asset is her scenic beauty
and natural resources. And the
jewels of these, the three rivers
included, should not be allowed to
be prostituted by selfish, private in
terests. California closed the Klam
ath river to power development for
like reasons, and large power In
terests there are looking to easily
accessible power in Oregon to sup
ply parts of that state. Their plans
include development on the Rogue
and McKenzie, and should this go
through Oregon's remuneration
would be small. It is to the Interests
of every Oregontan to vote for the
proposed measures."
A shock to Heppner friends is the
news of the death of HowJtrd Win
nard who was killed in an automo
bile accident near Klamath Falls
Saturday night. At one time he re
sided In Morrow county when his
father, Fred Wlnnard, farmed the
W. C. Lacy place. Dr. N. E. Win
nard, formerly located at Heppner,
is an uncle of the deceased man.
The following account Is taken
from Tuesday's Oregonlan, under
Klamath Falls date line of August
Last rites for Howard Wlnnard,
late editor of the Klamath News,
were held this morning and the
body laid to rest; in Linkvllle ceme
tery. The 28-year-old editor was killed
Saturday night when his car ran
into the end of a fallen jack pine.
The end of the windfall crashed
through the windshield and pene
trated his body.
Mr. Winnard is survived by his
mother and two sisters, Mrs. Fred
Fleet of Klamath Falls and Miss
Winifred Wlnnard of Portland. He
had been employed as editor of the
News for the past two months.
Prior to that time he had been Iden
tified with the Evening Herald, the
Portland News and a Seattle pub
There Is value In independent
thought without a doubt But there
are many things to consider. For
example how Independent can
thought be and yet be reliable? In
dependent thinking will be discuss
ed at the Church of Christ on Sun
day evening. The message will be
preceded by a lively Bong service.
Come and hear and think. I
The morning theme at 10:60 will
be "The Basis of the Faith Life."
It Is a study of the twelfth chap
ter of the Roman letter. Bring
your Bible. '
Bible school at 9:45 o'clock. Chris
tian Endeavor at seven.
MILTON W. BOWER, Minister.
"The Gorilla," greatest thrill pic
ture of the season, Star Theater,
Sunday and Monday.
With woof exhibits already col
lected and grains for display roll
ing In, Charles W. Smith, county
agent, reports the Morrow County
Wool and Grain show, to be held
again this year during the Heppner
Rodeo, will surpass former shows
in number of exhibits and excell
ence. This Bhow will be open Fri
day and Saturday, Sept 27 and 28,
the last two days of the Rodeo.
An added incentive for showing
Is given this year by thaaddition to
the premium list of the prize money
given last year In the sack sewing
contest. This contest will not be
held for lack of a place to stage It,
The platform at the Heppner Far
mers Elevator company, used the
last two years, is not available ow
ing to the space having been util
ized by the company. '
Both wool and wheat displays will
be of high class this year, says Mr.
Smith. The wool clip this spring
was or very nigh quality and many
choloe fleeces were saved for ex
hibit The wheat harvested this
year is also of exceptionally good
quality, and competition will be
close in the various divisions. -.
The wool and grain show - has
proved very popular in past years
witn more than 80 per cent of the
Rodeo visitors going through last
year. It should be an even greater
drawing cara at the coming Rodeo.
While on the way to Heppner on
Sunday morning, N. S. Phelps of
Kelso, Wash., met with misfortune
in having his car, a Chrysler sedan,
tin turtle on the highway about
four miles east of Arlington, At
the time of the accident the car was
-rounding a curve, and on this turn
another car passed at a rapid speed.
In setting the brakes to slow down
the car skidded off the highway and
struck the sand on an incline. The
machine rolled over easily, once and
a half, but the occupants were not
all so fortunate as to escape Injury.
In the sedan were Mr. and Mrs.
Phelps and Mrs. Wm. Luntsford
and two daughters. Mrs. Phelps
received a severe cut on the leg
that required several stitches to
close, and Mrs. Lunceford was cut
and bruised, while Mr. Phelps was
cut on the wrist and had a foot
somewhat bruised by being caught
between the door and body of the
car. The girls were unhurt The
accident happened about 8 o'clock
Sunday morning while the people
were on their way to H?o;er. Mrs.
Phelps and Mrs. Luntsford are sis
ters of Mrs. Shelly Baldwin, and
were hurrying here in response to
a telegram calling them to the bed
side of their sister who Is critically
Turkey Picnic Plan
Is Making Progress
, (Pilot Rook Record)
Ukiah, represented by the Camas
Prairie Grange, has accepted Pilot
Rock's invitation to attend the tur
key growers' picnic scheduled for
August 25 in the local park, and a
number on the program will be pro
vided by the visitors from Camas
M. D. Orange of the committee is
In communication with speakers
and It Is expected that when the
committee meets tomorrow, Satur
day, a report will be ready.
The people of Ukiah, Albee, Hepp
ner, lone, Echo, Stanfleld and Her
mlston are being invited and It Is
reported that there will be attend
ance from all of these places.
Morning and afternoon programs
of interest to growers and an af
ternoon entertainment program are
planned. A pot luck lunch will be
served at noon. Coffee and ice
cream supplied by the business men
of Pilot Rock will be dispensed.
The Pilot Rock Turkey Growers'
association, the White Eagle Grange
ana tne fiiot nock Commercial as
sociation are cooperating In putting
on the picnic.
Dr. J. Arthur Craig, a dentist
from San Francisco, took over the
dental office and practice of Dr. E.
E. Baird, last Thursday. Dr. and
Mrs. Baird left the end of the week
for Toledo, Ore., where the doctor
was formerly located. -Dr. Craig
uses the latest methods of painless
dentistry, and welcomes the ac
quaintanceship of Morrow county
people. He expects to be joined by
Mrs. Craig the first of the month.
The moderrily equipped dental of
fice established by Dr. Baird is in
the Case apartment building, with
entrance on Center street.
Charles W. Smith, county agent,
announces a demonstration meeting
of animals used In club work at the
H. E. Cool farm at McNab all day
next Sunday. The purpose of the
meeting is to demonstrate the fit
ting and showing of those animals.
The meeting will Include demonstra
tions by all animal clubs of south
morrow county. A similar meeting
will be held In north Morrow coun
ty, the time and place to be an
nounced later.
Celebration of the Holy Commun
ion at 7:00 a. m.
No 11:00 o'clock service during the
month of August.
Sunday school at 9:45 o'clock.
"I will cry to God with my voice:
oven unto God will I cry with my
voice, ana He hall hearken unto
me." Ps. 77:1.
Experienced girl'want housework
In country. Inquire this office. 22
gene. "A Heal Homel" This Uthe
expression used by a prospective
student and his parents, who had
just Inspected the new dormitory
for men at the University of Oregon,
a modern, fireproof structure that
will house 27 students. Work on
the building, which is declared to be
' the finest dormitory in any institu
tion on the Pacific coast, is practi
cally completed, furnishings have
been purchased, and every room will
be ready for occupancy when first
year students report September 24.
Reservations are already pouring
Wo Blng of Portland was here on
Tuesday with several other Chinese
as his assistants and visited Mason
ic cemetSry where seven of their
countrymen were buried, six of
whom were victims of the Heppner
flood in June twenty-five years ago.
These men took up five of the bodies
to be prepared for shipment to
China, but two they found could
not be moved at this time. One of
these had been buried for 25 years.
and the other was the remains of
the Chinese gardener who died some
nine years ago at the Alex Cornett
place. Mr. Lie. Wo of Portland was
here last week and located the
graves and obtained permission to
have the bodies removed. The
work of exhuming the bones of the
dead men was completed on Tues
day and the crew went on to Pen
dleton and Baker at which points
they will take up some more. The
bones are placed In metal contain
ers about 8 inches square and 20
inches long, and these are sealed up
and taken to Portland where they
are prepared for shipment to Hong
Kong, China, and from that point
each Individual will be sent to his
former place of abode and the bones
deposited with those of their an
cestors. Mr. Wo. Bine has been en
gaged in this business for a good
many years, and stated that he had
exhumed at least 500 bodies of his
departed countrymen in the East
ern Oregon country.
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Knox of Los
Angeles are the proud parents of
ran eight-pound daughter born on
Saturday. Mrs. Knox Is a sister
of Mrs. Zena Westfall and formerly
lived at Athena, Ore.
W. R. Gilroy and R. H. Robinson,
who were Injured recently while
fighting fire, have returned to their
homes In Portland.
Marshall Jackson received a bad
ly Injured thumb Thursday at the
l.ee Scrlvncr ranch on Dry Fork
when his right thumb was caught In
the fan of a tractor and the end
nearly severed.
Mr. and Mxs. Henry Rowell of
lone are the nrnud rmrentot nf an
8-pound lloy, born Saturday, Aug. 11.
bam Leadbettcr of lone under
went a minor operation Saturday
for an abscess of the neck.
Jack Hughes received a badly cut
finger Sunday in a combine acci
dent on the Harry Rood ranch.
Henry Robertson has returned to
his home from the hospital.
Paul Collins is ill at the hospital
with intestinal flu.
Mack Ingram, son of Mr. and Mrs.
R. C. Ingram of lone is seriously ill
following a ruptured appendix. He
was operated on Tuesday under
spinal anesthesia.
Ray Drake watf in from his Eleht
Mile farm this morning. He brought
Martin Lovgren to town for a doc
tor s care. Mr. Lovgren was In
jured while' banking wheat In har
vest and has been confined to his
bed for several days, suffering In
tensely. Frank Gllllnm W P Vihnnnn
and Walter Moore, president vice
president, and cashier respectively
of the First National bank, depart
ed yesterday In Mr. Mahoney's car
on a business trip to Wallowa coun
ty, xney expected to return this
There Will be a sneclnl mootlnc-
of the American Legion Auxiliary
Tuesday evenlnar. Aiicust 21 nt the
Legion hall. This Is a very Import
ant meeting and all members are
urged to attend. Secretary.
"The Gorilla," greatest thrill pic
ture Of the RMann Ktnr Thontaf.
Sunday and Monday.
v.T.:r:. . .:r .: st..
K Kits jnmtt.
in for rooms in the new dormitory,
and a booklet describing it and giv
ing all details has been prepared.
This will be sent to any student or
prospective student on request by
the University registrar.
The dormitory will be divided into
six separate units, each of which
will have its own living room. In
this way student organizations for
participation in athletics and for
social affairs can be formed, Eaeh
unit is so constructed that only two
men occupy each room. In these are
found two study tables, easy chairs,
rugs, dressers and ample closet
Experts Cover Big Range
of Problems; Over 60
Flockmasters Attend.
President K. G. Warner of Pen
dleton, now at the head of the Ore
gon Wool Growers' association, ap
peared on the program at a meet
ing of more than 60 sheepmen of
this district held In Elks temple last
Thursday. Mr. Warner discussed
matters of legislation of importance
to the sheep Industry, urging a clo
ser study of public affairs Insofar aa
they affected sheep owners. He re
ferred to the uniform bounty law,
known as the Utah law, wherein by
state law .livestock owners would be
assessed to provide funds for pay
ing bounties and otherwise encour
aging the control of predatory ani
mals. Among other things Mr. War
ner said, "I am rather Inclined to
oppose this law, but urge stockmen
to become familiar with this
proposed legislation In order that
they may act in a manner best suit
ed to the proper solution of this
important matter. Mr. Warner
went on to discuss the wool tariff,
pointing out that wool growers will
never derive fuii benefit from the
tariff until they get together on a
wool selling plan that will handle
their clips in an organized manner.
The migratory stock tax law was
touched upon by the president who
indicated that in some counties the
law is not being utilized as intend
ed when passed by the state legis
lature. "If the present law Is not
satifactory," Mr. Warner said, "let's
get together and pass one that will
fill the need."
In arguing for closer organization
Of the men now in the wool produc
ing business, Mr. Warner cited the
organized dairymen and poultry
owners of this state, each organiza
tion having secured state funds for
Investigating diseases now causing
heavy losses. At the present time
very little is being done toward
stopping the severe disease losses
of Oregon sheep. Other matters
dealt with were what Mr. Warner
termed freak legislation aimed to
prevent stockmen from using the
public highway for moving live
stock, In connection with which he
asked sheep owners to give consid
eration to motorists and other per
sons and do everything fair and
reasonable to all concerned when
handling stock on the highways. He
closed his remarks by stating that
there Is developing some sentiment
for a consolidation of the Oregon
Wool Growers association and the
Oregon Cattle and Horse Growers'
association. According to the speak
er this is a matter for consideration
by interested parties, but not a
thing to be done hastily.
Kershaw Gives Demonstration.
Walter Holt, secretary of the as
sociation, whose talk was covered In
lust week's issue of this paper, made
a plea for cooperation, responded
to by a number of new association
Another Important feature of the
meeting was a wool grading demon
stration and talk by James Ker
shaw, wool expert of the Pacific Co
operative Wool Glowers' associa
tion. Mr. Kershaw made the state
ment that there are more klnda of
wool grown in Oregon than in any
other state, going on to show why
it is necessary for all fleeces to be
graded as to length and strength
of liber and as to color before the
t.t... m
space, bleeping rooms are separate,
and are so arranged that but ionr
men are allotted to each. This
means that every student hat pri
vacy and quiet for study Mid rest,
essentials to good work.
The attractive halls are eentrally
looated, just a step from the elaes
buildings. The dining room, where
all students will dine, is one of the
attractive features of the struetus.
Uany new features will be found
in this home for men students, and
both students and parents who have
looked over the structure are en
thnaiaetie in their praise for tU
utility and beauty.
wool can be used by the mills. This
wool expert Is carrying with him
for this series of ten meetings eight
fleeces of wool which he utilizes in
demonstrating seven grades of wool
as known to the wool-buying trade.
It was interesting to note that wools
grading as sixties are capable of
making sixty hanks of yarn, each
hank containing 560 yards, this fea
ture being used by the United
States Department of Agriculture
in its new method of classifying
wools. "Contrary to common opin
ion," said Mr. Kershaw, "all the
wools prdouced in Australia are not
of superior quality, the high tariff
on wool imported into this country
making It necessary that first grade
wool be shipped here. While
handling the various fleeces he told
for what each grade is used, men
tioning suitings, flannels, felts, blan
kets, etc., adding that certain de
fects in wools as they come from
the sheep have a very definite ef
fect on values. What is known to
wool interests as kemp is a dead,
white fiber which has no spinning
qualities and does not take the same
dyes as do wools, according to Mr.
Kershaw. Colored fleeces, In fact
any wools not pure white, must be
given a lower grade in the market
due to the fact that such wools re
quire special handling. Another off
grade wool comes from what are
known as broken fleeces, the fiber
in these breaking very easily, the
defect being caused through the
sheep having been sick or In some
other manner thrown temporarily
out of thrifty condition. "Stained
wools are a cause of much loss to
careless wool growers," said this
wool expert who continued by say
ing that "producers should avoid
packing wools that are damp, as
discoloring and rotting are sure to
result. Tags should never be put
into the same bag with better wools
and the practice of rolling wet tags
inside an otherwise good fleece is
avoided by those interested in plac
ing on the market a satxisactory
product" According to Mr. Ker
shaw the grower is only fooling
himself when he mixes defective
wools with good. Vegetable matter
intermingled with fleece fibers is
responsible for many clips being re
duced in grade, and what are other
wise top notch wools are often ma
terially lowered in price to the
grower. If there is more than 3
of vegetable matter in wool it goes
into the seedy or burry grades for
the reason that the foreign material
must be removed by carbonizing
through the use of acids, the charge
for this treatment being about 5
cents per pound. By, no means
should binder twine be used for
wrapping fleeces or sewing wool
bags, and the informed wool man
always uses paper twine around the
fleeces. The reason for this being
in the fact that paper twine will
scour out and the other will hot
Mr. Kershaw closed his remarks by
urging sheepmen to use only the
best grades of branding fluids for
marking their sheep and to strictly
avoid branding with tar, pitch,
house paint and other similar ma
terials, the latter being impossible
of removal from the wool. It is ap
parent that one of the least under
derstood phases of the wool 'grow
ing business, insofar as the grower
is concerned, is the matter of wool
grades and how to best prepare it
for market
Glstf Absentee's Talk.
H. A.' Llndgren, livestock fleld
man of the Oregon Agricultural
college, who could not be present
was to have discussed the distribu
tion of sheep production. His man
uscript states that the United States
produces about 7 per cent of the
number of sheep in the world. Ex
pansion in the sheep business is not
likely due to the fact that the avail-
(Continued on Fan Si)
A petition, signed by 45 freehold
ers of the city, was preented to
Mayor Noble, this week. It asks
for procurement by the city of an
up-to-date fire-fighting apparatus.
The petition reads:
"To the Mayor and Common
Council of Heppner, Oregon:
"We, the undersigned citizens of
the City of Heppner being mindful
of the loss by fire in the past occa
sioned by inadequate Are equip
ment and realizing the fact that
our present equipment is insuffi
cient, and that it will be a waste of
money to attempt a remodeling
thereof, and that It will not only
add to appearance, but it will be
economy In the future to procure
an adequate factory assembled fire
apparatus for fire protection, a pro
tection which the citizens of Hepp
ner are entitled to, we do hereby
petition the Council of the City of
Heppner to procure an ample fac
tory assembled fire apparatus for
the City of Heppner and to trade
in or dispose of our present truck
and body."
The petition will be taken up for
action of the council at Its next
meeting the first Monday in Sep
tember. It is believed the action
will be welcomed by the committee
in whose hands the matter of ob
taining a truck for this purpose has
been placed, as they were uncertain
that the city would stand the ex
pense of obtaining new equipment
A special meeting was not called
by the mayor due td the fact that
several members of the council are
on vacations.
Paul M. Gemmell and family and
Mrs. Emma Gemmell returned on
Thursday evening from a vacation
trip. The elder Mrs. Gemmell and
the children spent the time at Sea
side, while Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gem
mell divided the time between the
coast resort and the American Le
gion and Auxiliary conventions held
at Medford. Mrs. Gemmell received
the signal honor of being elected
state representative to attend the
national Auxiliary convention at
San Antonio, Texas, early in Oc
Cards were received here Wed
nesday announcing the birth of i
baby daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Har-
ley Hall of Portland. The ' young
lady has been named Gladys Deane,
and arrived at the Hall home Tues
day, August 14. Mrs. Hall was for
merly Miss Pauline Happold of this
city. (
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Hughes of
Woodburn are visiting at the farm
home of Mr. Hughes' parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Matt Hughes, and with
other Morrow county relatives and
friends. Mr. Hughes, who graduat
ed from Heppner high school and
O. A. C, runs a drug store In Wood
burn. Miss Cecil Stevens, teacher during
the past year in the school at Grand
Ronde, Oregon, is spending a part
of her vacation season at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Stevens, near Hardman. Mr. and
Mrs. Stevens and Miss Stevens were
visiting in this city on Saturday.
Clerk Gay M. Anderson and fam
ily departed the last of the week
on their summer vacation. They
struck out for California, their des
tination being Oakland where rela
tives reside, and they might possi
bly go as far south as the Mexican
border before returning.
Fred Beymer and family of Klon
dike, Sherman county, spent the
week end In this county, visiting
with relatives. They were accom
panied to Heppner by Mr. and Mrs.
W. P. Luttrell of Newberg, who vis
ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
M. D. Clark.
Tom Driskell spent the week end
in Heppner from Portland visiting
at the Glenn Hayes home, Mrs.
Hayes being a sister of Mr. Dris
kell. Tom says he has been in Port
land for the last four years, being
engaged continuously at the carpen
ter trade.
C. A. Warren, Gooseberry farm
er, and E. C. Kennedy, drayman of
Condon, were Heppner visitors Mon
day afternoon. Mr. Kennedy is an
uncle and Mr. Warren a brother-in-
law of the late David McDowell,
whose funeral was held In lone on
Geo. R. White, Lexington wheat-
raiser, was in the city Saturday.
He came to town to have a finger
dressed that was Injured Saturday
forenoon when he was adjusting a
belt on the wheel of a gasoline en
gine. Andrew Olson, former manager of
the local Union Oil office, was in
Heppner over the week-end, work
ing the town in the Interests of an
automobile supply house which he
Is now representing.
The executive committee of the
local post, American Legion, will
meet at Legion hall Monday eve
ning, and it is urgently requested
that all members of the committee
be present
Philip Mahoney stopped hauling
wheat yesterday to assist for a
couple of days at the First Nation
al bank. He has been moving the
Archie Ball crop to the warehouse.
The F. M. Moyer family have re
turned to Morrow county from West
Linn, Oregon, where they have re
sided since early in the spring.
Red Cross Pupils to Show
Skill Sunday; Large
Interest Taken.
More than 50 pupils have been
enrolled In the free swimming
classes being conducted by the
American Red Cross under the in
struction of Glenn W. Howard, at
the American Legion natatorium
thill W0Alr Ta Maaaaa nrlll nlno.
Saturday evening and Sundav after
noon from 2 to 4 o'clock will be
itaced A life-flaviner rtAmnnatratlnn
by members of the advanced life
savinsr class for which an ndmiaainn
fee of 25 cents will be charged.
TTie class In advanced life-saving
in Heunner is one of the most k in
fill it has been my lot to coach,"
said Mr. Howard in announcing the
demonstration. "They have already
mastered the work in good shape
and the demonstration they will put
on Sunday will be worth anyone's
time to see."
Classes in pvprv nhflu r.f swim
ming are being taught by Mr. How
ard. In the moraines ha fpnchM
the kiddies, ranging in age from 6
to id, including tnose who cannot
swim and those who have Just
learned. In the, nflpmnnn Moa...
for men and women are held, and
in the evening the life-saving class
es Classes in lifp-fmvino- InnlnHa
both juvenile life-saving and ad
vanced iiie-Baving.
The admission fees Snnrtnv will
go into the coffers of the local post
of the American Legion, who so far
mis season nave run Dehind on ex
penses of runnincr tha tnnir rv.i1
weather part of the season and lack
of water at other times have caused
the tank to be closed much of the.
time. Mr. Howard has nfferaH n
suggestion which would remedy the
latter trouble if followed w
gests the installation of a recircu
lating system, which would permit
using the same water for at lont
half a season. This svqtpm ia nuH
at the University of Oregon, where
Mr. Howard attended school, and he
says new water is taken into the '
tank but once a term. When the
water from the tank is recirculated
it is nltered and thus kept pure all
the time. ,
The Leg-inn bnvH huvs Mr Unv.
ard's suggestion under advisement,
and if the cast dnan Tint nrnv. nm.
hibitive this may be done another
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. MrCnTrnlrV nf
t V. - C 1 . , I , . - .
visits twice before, and says she is
sun more tnan pleased at the re
ception she has always received
here. She nreacheH at th M.thn
dist Episcopal church Sunday night
They are working out of the Port
land headquarters of the Army and
carry credentials from the Divis
ional Commander, Brigadier A. E.
oaynton. This is a wonderful
countrv and anlenrilH tunni.
workers sav. and inrlrientaiiv iu
McCormick said the newspapers are
a great asset to tne Salvation Ar
my, and in giving so much public
ity make the work easy.
They take this method of thank
ing one and all for thoir hoin in
this great work for the uplifting and
upuuuuiiig oi numanity.
An imnnrtnnt moatlnc nt rtnl
Lodge No. 20 will be held next Tues
day evenine. Good turnout do- ,
sired. '
Mr. and Mrs. Claude WVilta and
daughter were vistiors hera TW.
day from their farm home in Sand
The women nt tha Trnio.nt.t
Church Will serve thraa mania a Aaxr
in the hotel dining room during the
Victor Rletmann. enternrialno
young wheat farmer of lone, was
transacting Business in the eltv vea-
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Farrana and
children were visitors in the city on
jjaonuay irom tneir home at Hard
man. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Paid wata
in the city for several days this
ween irom tneir nome at Portland.
James Cartv. sheeDman of Tuh
Springs, was in the city yesterday
moKing aiter matters of business.
Frank L. Harwood forma u.nn.
, - - - - ,j t
ner jeweler, has been In the city
ior a coupie oi days on business.
Tod Reasnnpr naaaad tni.o,icrt.
Heppner yesterday on his way to
.uuuuuiiieui 10 visit relatives.
IALIST, in Heppner Sunday, Aug
ust 26th. at Hotel Heppner. 22-3
Consult Dr. Clarka rrw atr.HT
SPECIALIST. In Hsnnn.r Snndav
Aug. 28, at Hotel Heppner. 22-3
"The Gorilla," greatest thrill pic
ture of the season. Star Theater,
Sunday and Monday.
R. B. Rice of Artesian Well farm,
.was attending to business in this
city on Saturday.
Anson Wright and son, Hardman
ranchmen, were visitors In Heppner
on Saturday.
A real gorilla upsets the town at
Star Theater, Sunday and Monday,
nic oaivcLuuu Army were in xiepp
ner a few days in the interest of'
the State Salvation Army work.
Mrs. McCormick, who was formerly
Envoy Grav. has made Ttmnnw