Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 09, 1928, Image 1

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Volume 45, Number 21.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
All Phases of Industry
Taken Up by Specialists
of Prominence.
As one of a series of district meet
ings being held by the Oregon Wool
Growers association, sheepmen of
the Heppner district are meeting
at the Elks temple In this city this
afternoon. K. O. Warner, president,
and Walter Holt, secretary, of the
association, accompanied by James
Kershaw, wool expert of the Pacific
Cooperative . Wool Growers' asso
ciation, Elmer Williams, of the U.
S. Biological survey, and Dr. J. N.
Shaw, veterinarian for the Oregon
Agricultural college, are conducting
the meeting, and each has an Im
portant place on the program.
In commenting on meetings al
ready held at Enterprise, Baker,
Vale, Canyon City, Burns, Lake
view, Prlnevllle, Shaniko and Fos
sil, President Warner said this
morning, "Those meetings although
coming at a busy season, have been
well attended and as a result the
membership of the Oregon associa
tion has been greatly strengthened.
It has been extremely gratifying to
note the interest that has been
shown toward the work that the
Oregon Wool Growers' association
is doing for the sheep industry and
what it has in view for the future."
Mr. Warner's address to the
sheepmen discusses matters of leg
islation of Importance to the sheep
Industry. The uniform bounty law
and wool tariff are included in
these. He makes a plea for closer
organization for protection of the
sheepmen's interests.
Mr. Kershaw's part of the pro
gram, In a discussion of wool grades
and handling of fleeces, includes a
demonstration of wool grading, in
which he uses eight fleeces of wool
In demonstrating seven grades as
known to the wool-buying trade. His
talk, together with those of other
men taking part on the program,
will be reprinted In full in next
week's Issue.
To acquaint wool men of the
range countries with the activities
of the association the secretary,
Walter A. Holt, deals with facta and
figures of the program and the ac
complishments of the association.
By means of charts, cartoons and
oral discourse Mr. Holt presents a
mass of evidence designed to show
why wool growers should Join the
organization. He makes it very
plain through the use of authenti
cated figures that permittees on the
forests of Oregon will effect an an
nual saving In excess of $125,000 In
grazing fees alone through the fight
put up by the organized stockmen
against proposed increases In fees.
According to Mr. Holt the proposed
average fees of 11c .per head of
sheep per month on the forest was
battered down to the point where In
1931 an average of 4 toe will prevail.
"This tremendous accomplishment
can undeniably be .credited to that
comparatively small band of organ
ized stockmen, sheep, cattle and
horse, who stayed together through
thick and thin, paid their dues and
fought the battles of the industry
against tremendous odds, while the
non-member did nothing and yet
reaped the benefits equal to those
of the men who carried the load,"
said Mr. Holt
In discussing the Hoch-Smith res
olution, passed by a recent session
of Congress as an agricultural re
lief measure, the secretary used a
chart to show present freight rates,
the schedule being asked for by or
ganized livestock interests, and'the
scale of tariffs for which a stiff fight
Is being waged before the interstate
commerce commission by railroad
Interests and Interior meat packers.
The organized wool growers are
asking for a schedule of rates that
will effect saving to sheep shippers
of more than $160 per car on a two
thousand mile haul .when compared
with the tariffs being urged by the
railroads. Membership dues paid
by wool growers re being used In
fighting this case. "Let's not be
forced out of this fight through lack
of funds when a fair measure of
success is in sight," said Mr. Holt
The price of membership in the Ore
gon Wool Growers' association is at
the rate of one and one-half cents
per head of shei on January first
of each year.
To provide an Increasing market
for the growing lamb and mutton
crop of this country the National
Wool Growers' association has In
augurated a campaign of educa
tion among butchers, meat packers
and consumers designed to show
that all of the carcass of the sheep
may be converted Into delicious.
wholesome food at prices within
range of all. "It is truly remark.
able," said the secretary, "to see
these meat cutting demonstrations.
and butchers In more than thlrty-
iive ciues oi tne united states are
showing a tromendously Increased
activity In the greater use of lamb
and mutton. This campaign spon
sored by organized sheepmen has
unquestionably been a big factor in
holding up the price of lambs, and
in spite or a lamb crop this year 8
larger than last the price of lambs
on the Chicago market the second
week In July of this year was from
one dollar to a dollar fifty above the
corresponding period last year.." It
is dillicult to understand why any
sheepman will withhold his support
from a movement of this sort which
as time goes on with increasing
snccp production, will become In.
creaslngly Important in providing a
Amusement Features
For, Rodeo Obtained
The Hildebrand United shows,
one of the largest carnival amuse
ment companies ever to come to the
Heppner Rodeo, will be among at
tractions that will draw one of the
largest crowds ever to attend Mor
row county's annual fall - cowboy
convention, to be held this year
September 27-8-9. AH preparations
have now been completed, and with
the exception of bucking tryouts to
be held at Intervals between now
and rodeo time and listing of en
trants, the management is in posi
tion to take things easy, Fletcher's
Round-Up band of Pendleton, wo
proved so popular with last year's
crowds, will again keep the air
filled with lively music, playing for
the dances each evening as well as
during the last two days.
Coming with the Hildebrand
shows will be several rides for the
kiddles, whose good time would not
be complete without a merry-go-
round. Six tent shows, besides the
usual run of concessions, are also
Included in their outfit A decora
tor has been enlisted to properly at
tire the city in holiday garb, and
Heppner's main thoroughfare will
present a warm welcoming atmos
phere with brightly hued pennants,
streamers, and flags.
It is expected the liberal prizes,
totaling $2000, offered for competi
tion on the track and arena will
draw many of the first class per
formers to take part In the Pendle
ton Round-Up the week previous.
Many local followers of the cowboy
sports have already signified their
intention of taking part Reputa
tion of local outlaw broncs need
not be dwelled upon. These have
always proved plenty tough, and
the management reports the string
of buckers to be Intact Texas
longhorns will appear again this
year to trouble the boys in the bull-
aoggmg events.
Climaxing the many fine racing
events scheduled for the three days
win be the Morrow County Derby
on Saturday. This race, Instituted
two years ago, will be for three
quarters of a mile distance, and
prizes of $100, $50 and $25 are of
fered the winners.
Red Cross to Give Free
Swimming Instructions
G. A. Howard. Red Cm nwlm-
ming Instructor, will have charge
of classes in swlmminc pt tho Amat-
lean Legion tank in Heppner be
ginning next Monday and continu
ing until baturday evening. There
will be classes in swimming nH Ufa
saving, and anyone Interested Is
aked to sign up Immediately, either
wun Mrs. w. f . Mahoney, chairman
of the lOCal chanter nr TTVonlr
Farnsworth, in charge of the tank.
instruction win be free to every
one. This Instruction is helno- nnnn.
sored by the local chapter of the
Red Cross with the cooperation of
the American Leclon Dost Chil
dren unable to swim are especially
urgea to take advantage of this
opportunity, though Instruction Is I
not limited to them, and anv nHnlfa
either desiring to learn to swim, or
to iane lessons in life saving are
also privileged to enter the classes.
Mrs. Paul M. Gemmell who oloot.
ed delegate from Oregon to the na
tional American Legion Auxiliary
convention, to be held at San An
tonio. Texas, earlv in October Th
election was made at the state Aux
iliary convention which ended at
Medford Saturday. Mrs. Gemmell
was also elected district committee
woman for this district for the com
ing year. She attended the state
convention as delegate from, the lo
cal unit of which she is president
Mr. Gemmell attended the Ameri
can Legion convention as a dele
gate from the local post, held at
Medford at the same time. He was
appointed a member of the State
.am committee or the Legion.
Mrs. Ed Berestrom has rphirnpH
to her home.
Henrv Rohprtsnn la at th. hia-
pltal under treatment for ulcers of
uio niunmun.
Fire fluhtprn nrimlttnri Vin r,u
week for treatment were R. H. Rob
inson, wno sunered ash burns on
the feet; W. R. Gilroy, who was
kicked by a horse on the side and
albow; L. V. Junk, who fell and tore
some ligaments In his ankle; Sidney
Tinter. who fell nnri mmin V.I.,
knee; Paul Schwab, who had a ser
ious sKin micction irom smoke and
reasonably profitable outlet for
Among other activities of the as
sociation touched upon by the sec
retary was the second annual Ore
gon ram sale sponsored by the Ore
gon Wool Growers' association to be
be held at Pendleton on Tuesday,
August 21st. Five hundred choice
Rambouillet, Hampshire, Lincoln
and Panama rams have been con
signed to the sale which will be
handled by America's ace of auc
tioneers, Dwlght Lincoln of Marys
ville, Ohio. The management is de
veloping this sale to be one of the
outstanding ram sales of this whole
western country, according to Mr.
Holt "All along the line sheepmen
are Interested In learning at first
hand about the activities of the
state association and the member
ship sign-up 1b gratifying," says the
It's A Great Gam?
Sickness Claims Pioneer
Sheepman; Funeral is .
Largely Attended.
Another prominent and pioneer
citizen of this community has been
called to his reward in the death
of L. V. Gentry at his ranch home
on Hinton creek on Saturday morn
ing, August 4, after an Illness of a
week's duration.
Funeral services were held at
Elks temple on Sunday afternoon
with burial following in Masonic
cemetery, the beautiful ceremony of
the order being used both at the
hall and at the grave, the officers
of the lodge being assisted by Rev.
Stanley Moore, minister of the local
Episcopal church. These services
were attended by one of the largest
gatherings of friends, neighbors and
lodge brethren that has ever assem
bled on a like occasion In this city,
many coming from adjoining com
munities to attest in this manner
their esteem for one they had
known so long.
Mr. Gentry was born in Madison
county, Iowa, July 18, 1873, and died
at Heppner, Oregon, August 4, 1928,
being aged 55 years and 16 days. He
was the son of Frank M. and Nancy
ShaelTer Gentry, and with his par
ents and other members of the fam
ily came to Morrow county when a
small lad, growing up in this com
munity. He was married at Hepp
ner on November 2, 1897, to Miss
Alice Donahue. In early manhood
he learned the barber business and
for many years was engaged In the
trade at Heppner. Some twenty
years ago he went Into the sheep
business and acquired the ranch on
Hinton creek where he operated
until his death.
L. V. Gentry was known as a
generous hearted man, and the mis
fortunes and needs of those about
him never failed to appeal to his
spirit of generosity. He was public
spirited to a marked degree and
was instrumental in starting1 Hepp
ner s annual tall event, the Rodeo,
in wnicn association he was an
officer from the beginning. It was
largely through his efforts that
Heppner now has a splendid ath
letic field, the rodeo grounds and
ball park bearing his name. Be
cause of these characteristics which
had become so generally known.
Mr. Gentry had made many friends
in mis and other communities, and
his passing at this time is keenly
regretted Dy tnem all.
Mr. Gentry is survived by his
widow, Mrs. Alice Gentry, and five
brothers and three sisters. These
are Loren of Alberta, Canada; El
mer of Colfax, Wash.; F. A., M. T.,
andJ. H. of Heppner; Mrs. B. F.
Ward, of Meeteetse, Wyo.; Mrs. H.
S. Parcell of Dillon, Mont, and Mrs.
A. J. Brock of Portland. All the
brothers and sisters were able lo be
present for the funeral services
with the exception of Loren, who
is ill at his home In Alberta.
We wish to thank nur f Henri
neighbors and the Elks for the
many beautiful floral offerinc-a for
their kindly assistance and many
expressions of genuine sympathy
tenaerea us in the bereavement of
our beloved husband and brother.
The star couple, Conrad Nagle
ana naeanor Boardman, Star Thea
ter, Sunday-Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hogan of
Portland were visitors here for a
few hours on Friday. Mrs. Hogan
was formerly Ann Roberts, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roberts,
and tne young people called on nu
merous Heppner friends while here.
Mr. Hogan, who is in the employ
of the Foshay Gas Co., a public util
ity organization with plants In va
rious parts of Oregon, Washington
and Idaho, was being transferred
from Portland to Pocatello, Idaho,
where be will have tharge of the
company's business in that city, and
he and Mrs. Hogan were on their
way there to take up their resi
dence. Fire, originating from some un
known source, totally destroyed the
Harris combine of Lee Beckner on
the Shaffer ranch southwest of lone
last Wednesday night Mr. Beckner
had finished combining and the ma
chine had been brought in prepara
tory to putting it away. Mr. Beck
ner carried insurance on the ma
chine and it was therefore not a to
tal loss.
B.v G. Sigsbee accompanied by his
daughter Miss Bernice departed
Wednesday morning for Portland
where they expect to remain for a
week, then with their daughter Miss
Elaine joining them they will jour
ney to Wallowa Lake for a short
stay, expecting to be absent from
the city for some two weeks. Mrs.
Sigsbee will also join them on the
trip Into Wallowa county.
E. H. Turner, lone wheatralser,
was a visitor here on Monday. Mr.
Turner had a light crop this season
owing to the fact that he did no
seeding last fall. However, he
threshed a fair volunteer crop
which yielded some splendid grain.
The coming season he expects to
have In full acreage and states that
his summerfallow is in very excell
ent condition now.
Mrs. H. Scherzinger returned
home this week from Monmouth
where she has been a student at
the State Normal. On the way to
Heppner, Mrs. Scherzinger stopped
at Trout Lake, Wash., for a visit
of a few days at the Tiome of her
daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs.
R. G. Stearns.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Campbell
have been guests this week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T.
Campbell. He Is a brother of Judge
Campbell ond with his wife has
been visiting Portland and other
points. They departed today for
their home at Spokane.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Mahoney and
daughter, Miss Patricia, returned
the first of the week from an auto
trip of some ten days duration, dur
ing which they visited Seattle, Spo
kane and their former home at Bon-
ners Ferry, Idaho, and greatly en
joyed the outing.
Mrs. Cora Beardslcy of Salem and
small niece were visiting friends In
Heppner Sunday, coming up from
Lexington where Mrs. Beardsley
has been visiting for some time
with her brothers, the Miller boys
A. J. Westoff and wife and Ray
Ovlatt and wife were Heppner peo
ple in the Ditch creek country over
the week end gathering huckleber
ries. The fruit is not so plentiful
this season as In other years.
Mrs. Chas. Ritchie, who has been
on a visit to relatives In southern
Oregon and northern California for
the past month or more, returned
to her Heppner home during the
W. O. Dix has been quite 111 this
week at his home in this city. His
aflliction seemed to be in the nature
of bloodpolsonlng, and for several
days his condition was serious.
Herman Ncllson, extensive grain
grower of Rood canyon, was doing
business in Heppner on Saturday.
By Albert T. Beid
Regulating Statute Has
First, Second Readings ;
Hour Parking Tabled.
Standard state highway stop
signs, bearing the inscription "Stop
State Highway," have arrived,
and Marshal Devin has been busy
this week painting posts on which
to erect the signs. The signs are
yellow with black lettering, and the
posts are being painted yellow with
a black stripe. Ordinance for en
forcement of the stop signs passed
first and . second readings Monday
night and will come up for third
reading and vote at the next meet
ing of the city dads. The ordin
ance bears an emergency clause to
make it effective immediately on
The ordinance providing for an
hour parking limit on Main street
between May and Baltimore streets,
passed third reading at this meet
ing, and was tabled before being
put to a vote because of absence of
several councilmen. Members of
the council present Monday evening
were undetermined as to the desir
ability of the ordinance in its pres
ent form, believing tn"e regulation
might be misunderstood by out-of-town
people. A clause of the ordin
ance makes enforcement contingent
upon the will of business houses in
this section, it being the original
idea to keep a space clear in front'
of stores for convenience of the far
mer trade. It is the opinion of Mar
shal Devin that the ordinance would
be very difficult to enforce In its
present form. He suggested that it
would be better to give the business
houses the privilege of designating
a "No Parking" zone in front, using
a removable sign that could be tak
en in When the store is closed thus
permitting parking evenings, Sun
days and holidays.
The ordinance for enforcement of
the stop signs provide that all
streets, alleys or other thorough
fares leading into the Oregon-Wash
ington highway within the city, be
made "stop streets,'" necessitating
the coming to a complete stop of all
motor vehicles when coming onto
the highway from any . of these
thoroughfares. Since Main street
is a part of this highway, every
street leading into it will be made
a stop street If the ordinance passes
in its present form. There is a state
law already, making it compulsory
for motor vehicles to come to a
complete stop before entering on a
state highway, and the city is but
aiding In Its enforcement by means
of this ordinance.
The council voted to send S. P.
Devin, city marshal, to the Anti
Crime conference, being the annual
meeting of the Northwest Associa
tion of Sheriffs and Police, to be
held at Boise, Idaho, August 16, 17
and 18. S. E. Notson, a state vice
president of the association, will ac
company Mr. Devin.
Mr. Devin was also Instructed at
the meeting to start work imme
diately on the enforcement of the
radio Interference elimination or
dinance which took effect Monday.
Earl W. Gordon, president of the
Heppner Radio club, told the coun
cil the plans of the club In helping
to bring about the Intentions of the
It was voted to increase the wages
of Frank Nixon, caretaker at
the intake of the city water works,
from $35 to $40 a month, Regular
routine business and allowing of
bills was disposed of, the report of
Certified Wheat Fields
Listed by County Agent
The production of certified seed
wheat In Morrow county has gained
considerable prominence in certain
sections of Washington and Oregon
and those producing certified seed
should find no difficulty in placing a
large per cent of the seed wheat
this year, according to C. W. Smith,
county agent. Inquiries have come
to the county agent's office from the
Grand Ronde and Baker valleys for
certified seed wheat end Chas. N.
Jensen and A. Mattison of Bickle
ton. Wash., were in Heppner Mon
day getting certified seed for sowing
seed plots on their farms. The fol
lowing farmers of Morrow county
had grain that passed the field In
spection for certification and should
have plenty of good seed to supply
their neighbors.
E. Hellicker, lone, 320 acres Khar
kov Turkey, 60 acres Regal; A. W.
Lundell, lone, 15 acres Federation;
Carl Bergstrom, lone, 240 acres Fed
eration; Lawrence Redding, Eight
Mile, 6 acres Hybrid 128; Floyd Ad
ams, Hardman, 70 acres Fortyfold;
R. A. Thompson, Heppner, 350 acres
Fortyfold; Sanford Farming Co.,
Heppner, 100 acres Fortyfold; R. L.
Benge, Heppner, 120 acres Forty
fold; J. P. Hughes, Heppner, 200
acres Hybrid 128; Kelly and Turner,
Lexington, 240 acres Federation; E.
J. Copenhaver, Heppner, 80 acres
To grow certified seed wheat the
grower must take particular pains
in keeping the seed clean so that no
mixture is permitted to get In, says
Mr. .Smith. As it is usually sold in
small lots the advantage of dispos
ing of the entire crop in one sale is
lost Therefore it Is necessary in
most cases for them to charge a
premuim for good seed, which is
entirely justified. Farmers that do
not have seed that is comparatively
free from mixture will find it prof
itable to purchase certified seed,
and produce a crop of wheat that
will not be subject to dockage when
sold because of being mixed.
Pendleton Preparing
For 1928 Round-Up
Pendleton, Ore., August 8. It
may be said (and very truthfully)
that Pendleton, at the close of one
year's . Round-Up, begins plans for
the next For the great Western
exhibition, now in its nineteenth
year, has become so well established
as a community enterprise, that it
is a part of the life of the commun
ity itself. .
Nevertheless, these pre-autumn
days find Fendletonlans especially
busy with preparations for the an
nual event as the dates, September
19, 20, 21 and 22, come on apace.
The town wears an expectant air,
and everywhere there are evidences
of Round-Up plans.
Cowboys nad cowgirls who are
champions and champlons-to-be,
are coming In their usual numbers.
Among the competitors this year
will be the big aggregation of fine
performers and beautiful stock
known as the Charley Irwin and
Eddie McCarty outfits (two separate
Included in the galaxy of femin
ine stars is Mabel Strickland, queen
of the 1927 Round-Up, and the only
woman steer roper In the world.
Pretty Mabel, despite a serious acci
dent to her hand while roping last
year, would not relinquish the hemp
until she had the steer tied with a
neatness and speed which the cow
boys envied.
Of course the bucking, as always,
will be a most colorful event and
to its stock of capricious horseflesh
the Round-Up recently added a
large group of bronks which are
conscientious objectors so far as
saddles and riders are concerned.
Dan Clark, livestock agent for the
Union Pacific, has gone south to
bring back Mexican steers guaran
teed to give ropers and bulldoggers
plenty of occupation. Ticket orders
are being received daily and plans
for special trains made.
The Heppner garage has just in
stalled a new hoist for lifting auto
mobiles In their shop, It being one
of the latest machines of the kind
available. A feature of the ma
chine is its compactness. The en
tire machine is on top of the floor,
lying flat on it, the lift being oper
ated by means of screws and chains,
a screw and chains on each end of
the lift being driven by an electric
motor. When the hoist is being
lifted, the chain links come together
to form a solid post under each
corner of the hoist The capacity
of the machine is 4800 pounds, and
it is used in connection with a pow
er greasing machine, or for any
work underneath a car.
Charles Notson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. S. E. Notson, a student minis
ter, filled the pulpit at the Meth
odist community church last Sun
day morning, substituting for the
Rev. F. R. Spauldlng, who with Mrs.
Spaulding is spending his vacation
in Hood River, former home of the
Spauldings. The young Mr. Notson,
who is reported to have acquitted
himself very creditably, will supply
again next Sunday morning.
the city watermaster being read,
accepted and placed on file.
It was also reported at the meet
ing that a secon-hand truck had
been bought for hauling the city
fire-hghting apparatus.
Ordinance In Effect Since
Monday; Radio Club
Aids In Work.
Eetter radio reception in Heppner
is the design of the Heppner Radio
club, whose Interests are protected
by a city ordinance in effect since
Monday, after its passage 30 days
previous. The ordinance, copied af
ter similar laws In other cities, pro
vides that any kind of electrical ap
aratus that brodacasts radio inter
ference, shall, upon being reported
to the city marshall, be ordered
fixed or not to be run during recep
tion hours.
The radio listeners' club, with a
membership comprising a large
number of radio set owners as well
as other citizens of the city who be
lieve that radio reception in the city
should be made as good as it is pos
sible to make it, has undertaken the
task of locating interfering noises.
The club completed steps of organ
ization last Friday evening at the
council chambers wjien Earl W.
Gordon was elected president and
Jasper V. Crawford, secretary-treas
'There is a great deal of local in
terference," states Mr. Gordon, "and
it may take at least three months
to get rid of it All that can be done
is to fix the noises that are now
known to interfere with reception
so that other noises may be located.
It is a gradual elimination process
and will take time." ,
Mr. Gordon says that investiga
tion so far has revealed a willing
ness on the part of most everyone
to cooperate, and already a few per
sons have had noises fixed where
they were known to interfere. Oth
ers are but waiting to be notified by
proper authority to eliminate inter
ference arising from aparatus on
their premises.
According to expert authority re
ceived by the club there is no kind
of radio Interference that cannot
be overcome. In some instances,
such as x-ray machines and electro
magnets having a make and break,
it is necessary to install quite an
expensive shield to overcome it com
pletely. Induction motors need only
to be grounded, however, to elimin
ate what trouble they may cause.
In case anyone has any kind of elec
trical device that he is not certain. .
about it will be appreciated by the
club and it may save the owner any
futuce bother, if he will report it to
the club who will make necessary
tests and advise if it is throwing out
interierence ana ir so what may be
done to eliminate It
The Pacific Power & Light com
pany cooperates to the fullest ex
tent in eliminating noises coming
from their property, wherever they
maintain service. They keep a ra
dio expert on the job to locate and
fix these, and he will come to Hepp
ner when word is sent him by the
radio club. i
It is pointed out that the work of
eliminating radio interference is not
being done because of any pet
grievances of just a few owners of
sets. Everyone owning a set or who
appreciates "listening in" is inter
ested. The total expenditure for
radio sets in the city is probably as
large, if not larger, than the amount
invested in electrical devices that
are causing interference, and the
rights of the radio owners are equal
to those owning other electrical
equipment even though this equip
ment be operated for a profit Co
operation on the part of everyone
will speed the work, and obviate the
necessity of anyone being penalized
as provided by the ordinance.
Marshall Devin Is already busy
notifying owners of trouble-causing
machines who are taking necessary
steps for stopping interference.
David A. Wilson is the holder of
a new record for the Heppner Coun
try club golf course, displacing the
record of 37 for the nine holes for
merly held by L. Van Marter, with
a 3b which he turned in Sunday af
ternoon. Accompanying Mr. Wilson
on his round were Leonard and Earl
Gilliam, who vouch for the authen
ticity of the score. Dave says there
is quite a bit of luck involved in
getting through the sagebrush and
off the sand greens at such a low
figure. However, his luck was not
all good luck, as natural hazards
caused him considerable grief. Hol
ing out with his mashie on the fifth
hole for a par made up for some of
the tough breaks.
The Brown Warehouse mmmnv
report having filled all July con
tracts on wheat, contract wheat be-
ins shipped auite raDldlv from their
warehouse. The wheat hauling sea
son Is now at its heitrht nnri
house crews are kept mighty busy.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Veatch of Fos
sil were at Heppner on Sunday to
attend the funeral of the late L. V.
Gentry. Mrs. Veatch was formerly
Mrs. Frank Natter of this city.'
F. B. Nickerson and fnmllv
sojourning for a time at HIdaway
springs, enjoying tne vacation sea
son. J. W. Becket Is up from his Port
land home this week, looking after
his interests In the Eight Mile sec
tion. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Clark, prom
inent Eight Mile resident were vis
itors In this city Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Blsbee motor
ed to Portland on Sunday to spend
several days In the city.