Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 02, 1928, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Miss Fay Darr who has been
teaching school at Saunders, Idaho,
the past year, Is spending her vaca
tion with her father, Mr. Darr, on
the Mulkev Dlace.
Mrs. T. Broyles was called to Col
fax. Wash., to attend the funeral of
Mrs. Winters, an old time friend
Chas. Smith, county agent, O. L.
Lundell of Willow creek, and Mr.
SDillman, county agent of Gilliam
county were on the project Wednes
day looking over soil conditions.
E. Kunze returned Saturday from
shearing in Montana.
The Granee has changed the
place for the picnic to across the
Blice Dillabough places along the
river Instead of Geo. Mitchell's
grove. Sunday, August 5 is the date
All Granee members and friends
are invited.
John Jenkins returned Saturday
from Montana and was accompan
ied by Holly Leathers of John Day.
They returned by the Canadian
Thursday being such a terribly
extreme warm day only 14 turned
out to hear Mrs. Brink discuss the
turkey growers' plans. Chas. Wick
lander was elected chairman of the
turkey growers of Boardman.
nDi Viop met Aijitli n nninflll
accident Wednesday while driving
his team hitched to a buck rake on
the highway. A car ran Into him,
leaving Mr. Nizer quite badly hurt
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mathus of
Echo were Sunday visitors at the
Kunze home.
The infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Hendricks passed away
at the Hermiston hospital Friday
Those who enjoyed a night's
camping along the river Saturday
were Royal Rands and family, Brice
Dillabough and family, Lee Mead
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Brown, and Chas. Wicklander and
Engard Skobo and family and
Hans Nielson were visiting alfred
Skobo at Hermsiton Sunday.
Boardman people mustn't forget
the recital Saturday evening given
by Mahara Kutzner at Root's hall.
At the next Grange meeting Aug.
18 F. R. Wilbur of the Hermiston
experiment station will give an ad
dress on "Curly Leaf Blight," and
anyone wishing to hear him can
come for the lecture hour at eight
designed to benefit motorists and
to do all within my power to pre
vent enactment of unreasonable re
I will warn others who violate the
law, and report their violations, If
I will co-operate with the officers
of my club In all public movements
having for their purpose the safe
guarding of life, the furthering of
better roads and the defeat of un
fair laws.
And I will so conduct myself and
drive my car as to keep the auto
mobile in good repute In the community.
The Oregon State Motor associa
tion warns Oregon motorists to be
sure to see that luggage packed on
the running board of their car com
plies with the requirements of the
state law.
Luggage or any other baggage
should not extend beyond the run
ning board of the car as It creates
a distinct traffic menace. Espec
ially Is this true on the left side of
the car which is the side presented
to passing traffic. Numerous acci
dents have occurred by some pro
truding bit of luggage side-wiping
a passing car resulting in damage
and sometimes personal Injury.
Nevada is launched on a program
of construction for 1928 which calls
for an expenditure of $1,701,088.
This sum Includes all types of high-
wav funds and the program In
cludes the building of 100 miles of
new highway and the reconstruction
of an equal amount of existing road
Canadian route from Lake Louise
to Vancouver may ship their cars
between Golden and Revelstoke and
continue thence on fair dirt and
gravel road west across British Co
lumbia to Kamloops. Pavilllon and
down the famous Frazler River
highway to Harrison Hot springs
and Vancouver.
17 out of 50 pedestrians struck by
motor cars in a selected group of
cities were hit while jaywalking, ac
cording to the Oregon State Motor
The total number of motor ve
hicles In Russia last year was 21,035,
according to reports received by the
for the
1 1 10MH
by Nancu hart
ISSUED JULY 30, 1928
Road and touring conditions some
times change very quickly. The in
formation givea below was correct
as of date of issue, but the motorist
btarting on a trip will do well to in
quire at the nearest office of the Mo
tor Association in order to get up-to-the-minute
Oregon's rules governing the li
censing of visiting motorists are
liberal, according to Geo. O. Bran
denburg, manager of the Oregon
State Motor association. The regu
lations governing non-resident mo
torists driving their cars on Oregon
highways were reported to the as
sociation yesterday as follows:
A non-resident operator or chauf
fer who has complied with the laws
of his resident state or country, rel
ative to operating a motor vehicle,
may operate a motor vehicle in Ore
gon for a period not to exceed u
days in any calendar year during
which time he shall be exempt from
being licensed under our law.
If the laws of the resident state
of a non-resident operator or chauf
feur provide for the issuance and
carrying of an operator's or chauf
feur's license certificate, then such
non-resident operator or chauffeur
must possess and carry such license
certificate while operating a motor
vehicle in Oregon.
If a non-resident operator or
chauffeur is a resident of a state
which under its law does not issue
or require a carrying of an opera
tor's or chauffeur's license certifi
cate, such non-resident operator or
chauffeur may, notwithstanding, op
erate a motor vehicle in Oregon for
a period of 90 days in any one cal
endar year, and shall not be re
quired to apply for or carry an Ore
gon operator's or chauffeur's license
during such period of time.
Are you finding It difficult to keep
the bed looking as immaculately
dressed as though It had "just step
ped out of a band box?
Then have a look at the new tint
ed damask spreads and their cool
smoothness will certainly tempt you
to try them as a solution for the
The damask surface is as satiny
as one's best table cloth, and like
tinted table linen stands a great
deal of handling before It shows
signs of soiling. Then the spread
may be popped Into a bowl of suds
and laundered quickly, with no loss
of its original beauty of texture. The
spreads come In maize, green,
mauve, raspberry, amber all
shades that tone in with modern
decorative schemes and provide an
interesting color note for the room.
stimulating drinks. The personal
thought pleases them Immensely,
and adds much to their enjoyment
of the meal. t
To Clean Piano Keys
Dicolored piano keys disfigure the
Instrument and give an appearance
of slipshod housekeeping. To bleach
them, cover with a paste of prepar
ed chalk and alcohol and when dry,
remove, rub keys with alcohol and
dry with soft cloth.
To Whip Cream Rapidly
Wrap the jar In a wet towel
sprinkled with salt; keep close to
the Ice for a short time before whip
ping, and add a pinch of salt to the
Makes Them Like Carrots
Have you ever tried mashing and
beating carrots as you would mash'
ed potatoes? It makes them dell
cious, and even those who think
they do not like carrots find them
acceptable when prepared this way.
When Custards Curdle
Do not be alarmed if the custard
curdles In cooking. If the saucepan
is placed in cold water and the cus
tard beaten briskly with an egg
beater the texture will become
smooth again.
Removing Tea or Coffee Stains.
An easy way to take out tea or
coffee spots Is to apply a little gly
cerine to the spot as soon as possi
ble. Then when washed the stain
will come out easily.
Glycerine Removes Coffee Spots
Delicate material that has been
spotted with coffee may be restored
by brushing the spots with pure
glycerine and rinsing in luke-warm
those things that are so unfair,"
said one.
"What is that?" said his friend.
He pointed to the scene: "Wo
men doing men's work!"
Pa (to his bright infant): "What's
Son (twelve years old): I had a
terrible scene with your wife."
Her father retiring for the night
at twelve o'clock says to the boy
friend: "Give me a call when you
go, please, I've got to be up early
in the morning."
The dollar down idea don't seem
to have hit the hotels yet; there it
is still a few dollars up.
'I don't suppose you don't know
of nobody what don't want to hire
nobody to do nothing, don't you?"
When Caesar took a westward ride
And grabbed the Gauls for Rome,
What was the first thnig that he did
To make them feel at home?
Did he increase the people's loads,
And liberty forbid?
No. He dug in and built good roads
That's what old Caesar did.
He built good roads from hill to hill,
Good roads from vale to vale,
He ran a good-roads movement
Till Rome got all the kale;
He told the folks to buy at home,
Built roads their ruts to rid.
Until all roads led up to Rome
That's what old Caesar did.
If any town would make itself
The center of the map,
Where folks will come and settle down
And live in plenty's lap;
If any town its own abodes
Of poverty would rid.
Let it go out and build good roads
Just as old Caesar did.
Kansas City Journal-Post
Oregon roads are in exceptionally
good condition and carrying the
maximum traffic of both local and
tourist travel. The greatest per
centages of gain in traffic have been
over The Dalles - California, the
Roosevelt and the John Day high
ways, but all highways are carrying
an increased volume.
Oiling is being carried on over al
most every highway in the state but
with no Inconvenience to travel.
Wherever possible, detours are pro
vided but where detours are not
possible, oiling operations are car
ried on one side of the road at a
time, allowing one-way traffic with
out inconvenience or discomfort
The only place in the state where
sticky oil will inconvenience tour
ists during the coming week will be
between Grave and Wolf Creek on
the Pacific highway but this situa
tion will exist for only a short time.
Mount Hood Loop Mount Hood
Loop is In the best condition that
it has ever been. So good is it that
the tourist believes that it Is pave
ment that they are driving on.
Roosevelt Highway is now open
from California state line to Reeds-
port and In exceptional condition,
Old Oregon Trail and John Day
Highway to the Eastern borders of
the state are in fine condition and
both are carrying a representative
volume of traffic.
The "Ten Commandments" of mo
toring have been promulgated for
the motorist by Dr. E. B. McDaniel,
president of the Oregon State Mo
tor association. Dr. McDaniel
"commends" this creed to the con
structive motorist and if followed,
promises pleasant and safe driving
conditions for all.
I will obey all the laws of the
state and municipality in which I
am driving my car.
I will have my car in perfect me
chanical condition so as to avoid
I will keep my car under control
at all times.
I will be on the lookout for chil
dren and heedless pedestrians who
might dash out Into the street with
out warning.
In the event of an accident I will
Btop and render assistance.
I will observe conditions of the
highway which makes driving dan
gerous and support efforts to have
such conditions remedied.
I will Interest myself in legislation
Motorists planning trips into the
Rocky mountains will find the route
to Spokane and thence north into
Canada in good condition. Beyond
Spokane, conditions are reported as
follows by A. K. Snearer, manager
of the Touring Bureau of the Ore
gon State Motor association:
Hard-surfaced road to Sand Point
and fair dirt and gravel road to the
border. Some rough road beyond
Kingsgate with good gravel road,
somewhat narrow, to Cranbrook;
thence good gravel surfaced road to
Banff and Lake Louise.
The Triangle trip, known as the
Kicking Horse Trail, from Lake
Louise to Golden, thence to Radium
Hot Springs and return, is open and
in first-class condition.
Motorists wishing to use the All-
Mocaroni Salad
Cut fine' a cup of cold cooked
macaroni and add to it a half cup
each of shredded cabbage, diced eel
ery and green pepper; season and
mold the mixture In lemon-flavored
gelatin. Serve with mayonnaise and
garnish with stuffed olives.
Jam in a Jiffy
When you hear a home-maker
boast that she made raspberry jam
in less than fifteen minutes from the
time she took the berries from the
ice box until pans were washed and
put away you will know she used a
short-process recipe and the natural
jellying agent of liquid pectine in
stead of the long-cooking method
used by old-fashioned cooks.
Protecting the Egg Beater
Put only the ends of the rotary
egg beater In water, being careful
to keep the cogs and wheels dry, or
they will rust
Cleans Smoked Ceilings
Painted ceilings that have become
smoked may be cleaned by washing
with cloths wrung out of water In
which a small piece of washing
soda has been dissolved.
To Peel Onion Quickly
If you will drop onions into scald
ing water for a few seconds before
peeling the hard outer skin will
come off very easily.
A Hint for the Hostess
It is a nice courtesy to keep on
the pantry shelf a small supply of
decaffeinized coffee or a cereal bev
erage for guests who do not use
"No, I don't"
Tom: 'If you won't marry me
I'll commit suicide."
May: "Well, clear out I won't
have you hanging around here."
"Who is playing the castanets
around here?"
"Don't be silly, that's my uncle
eating his pie with his new set of
"What is puppy love?"
"It's the beginning of a dog's life."
Cultural practices that aid in con
trol of strawberry root weevil in
Oregon are not to be neglected, says
the experiment station even though
applications of poison bait show
promise of giving good returns. Se
lection of good vigorous plants, use
of fertilizers and cover crops with
systematic rotation help by keeping
the plants in condition.
E. B. Wattenburger, Butter creek
farmer, was transacting business in
the city Wednesday.
Ted was discussing automobile
experiences with a friend.
Every time we have a break
down I get my wife to keep saying,
'Auto, auto, auto'," he said.
"Yes?" put in his friend.
"Yeah, and what she says goes,"
Ted ended.
Two very pretty girls met on the
street and kissed each other rap
turously. Two young men watched
the meeting. "There's another of
or leave orders at
Phelps Grocery Co.
Home Phone 1102
Mow on
The news is outt The whole thrilling story of the
Silver Anniversary Buick awaits you at our Ituick
New Masterpiece Bodies by Fisher a tremendous
Increase in power in what was already the most
powerful automobile engine of its size in the
world new elements of speed, pick-up and accclrr
ation far beyond'any previous standard . these are
high-light features of this most brilliant and beauti
ful of motorjears.
kf Visit our Buick showroom See the Silver Anniver
I he sary Buick today!
Heppner Garage
1 XX X
DENVER !7.10
OMAHA 71.60
TORONTO 118.01
NEW YORK 1(1.70
Low fares all parts of mid
west, south and east.
Fine fast trains.
Liberal ttopmTl
mnabU yam
to vitit
Zlcm National Park
Grand Canyon Nat'l Pk.
Ysllowstono National Pk,
Rocky Mountain Nat'l Pk.
For Illustrated Booklet!, Reaerva
tloot and Information, addreei
Agent named below.
C DARBEK, Local Agent,
Heppner, Oregon
Get Your Measure
Taken Now
llEffilfA Book of Fall and
iBffl M Winter Samples
I I MrV now n conain" I
I (IV Jr3 IX ing a fine show-
1 tV Y- IN J f ne latest
1 tTT" "uj styles in suits and
I llA " lv Give us the order 1
I W ' W 1 now' tnfore the
I rusn s on "
I VI l you can arrange
I ah rl pay 'aer I
Ill BV fciv ill I
Su 11 I
Many a Dispute
Has Been Settled
and loss and law-suits avoided, by
producing checks which told in no
uncertain terms that payment HAD
BEEN MADE. Another advantage
of a checking account is the advan
tage of having at your finger tips, at
all times, a correct showing of when,
how much, and to whom you have
We will be glad to talk it over
with you.
Fir& National Bank
Hot Weather
Keep cool in
Boys' Athletics 65c, 75c, $1
Men's Athletics, 75c, $1, $1.50
With Sleeves and Legs
Men's Athletics, 75c, $1,$1.50
$2, $2.50
Sleeveless and Legless
Dress Shirts -- $1.50 to $5.00
Thomson Bros.
Dry Goods - Shoes - Groceries
ill limillltlllllMIMMMMMItM