Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 02, 1928, Image 1

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Volume 45, Number 20.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Lighting Starts Conflagra
tion Thursday Burning
Over 20,000 Acres.
Flames Under Control In Most Dis
tricts and Men Are Being
Forest fires that have been raging
over thousands of acres In the Hepp
ner district of the Umatilla national
forest since Thursday were well un
der control today, according to word
from the emergency office of the
service In this city. No definite
check has so far been possible, but
it is etlmated that upwards of 20,000
acres are Included in the burnt over
area. Sunday 31 different fires were
reported reaching as far east In the
forest as Ditch creek and west to
Tamarack mountain.
Yesterday it was estimated that
600 men were engaged fighting fire
in the district, 300 of these being di
rected from Tupper ranger station,
five miles northeast of Parkers Mill.
Many of these men are now being
laid off, a truck load of 37 men
reaching Heppner this morning,
with more reported to be on the
Some of the largest fires have
been at Bull prairie, Skookum
creek, Morphine ranch,. Wilson
creek, Grassy slope, Willow springs
and Camas prairie. Several fires
between Bull prairie and Tamarack
mountain to the west have joined,
and it was reported yesterday that
fire had covered a ten-mile front In
this district
So far aa is now known damage
to merchantable timber fias been
negligible, no large stands of white
or yellow pine having been con
sumed. Main damage has been to
range and watershed, cattlemen be
ing hit the hardest in their allot
ments. Contrary to some current
rumors, there Is no authentic report
of any livestock being lost, sheep
and cattle in all fire areas being
moved out of danger before they
were even threatened.
Eighteen fires were reported Fri
day, following the electrical storm
of Thursday night, all thought to
have been caused by grounded light
ning. These spread rapidly owing
to the' very dry condition of the
forest and the extremely low hu
midity Friday and Saturday. Early
Sunday morning the humidity was
reported at 20, being phenomenally
low for the time of day even during
the dry season. The humidity be
gan to rise Sunday evening, and the
first ray of hope was given forest
officials who were almost at a loss
to cope with the situation, owing to
the speed with which fires had
spread. Spot fires were being caus
ed almost incessantly from sparks
flying from fires already burning.
Immediately all available local
fire-fighting resources were put In
to operation, but these proved whol
ly Inadequate to hold the spreading
llames, and It was necessary to
bring men and equipment from out
side points. Men In 'large numbers
began to arrive Saturday from
Portland, Pendleton and La Grande.
Along with them came rangers and
officials from other districts of the
Umatilla forest and other foresta
in the state, making up a large ar
my of fighters, organization of
which itself was a tremendous task.
For a couple of days the problem
of keeping supplies sufficient to fur
nish the camps kept officials In hot
water, and the fighting machinery
had not reached Its real effective
ness until Tuesday.
Local people have been cooperat
ing to the fullest extent Wheat
hauling trucks have been side
tracked to haul men and supplies,
many of these and others working
night and day in fireflghtlng service.
Local stores also have worked night
and day In getting out supplies, and
the even tenor of business in the
city has been greatly agitated by
the conflagration.
Other fires besides those in the
national forest have been reported,
some on state land and some on pri
vate land. No definite information
has been received on most of these.
A large fire on the Hamilton ranch,
owned by W. V. Pedro, had burned
over 80 acres before it was put un
der control Tuesday. No valuable
timber was destroyed, according to
Mr. Pedro s report, chief damage
being to range.
The airplane which arrived Sun
day for scouting fires In this dis
trict left this morning for Lakevlcw
where It is to be used on fires In
that vicinity. Most of the time the
plane was here smoke prevented its
being used to its full effectiveness
Tractors and plows have been in use
since Sunday In plowing the ridges
around several fires to keep them
from jumping Into new districts.
A paymaster arrived from the
Portland office yesterday and fire
fighters are being paid at the emer
gency office here as soon as they
are taken off the job.
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Jones and son
Donald motored to Portland Sun
day, there to join Mrs. Jeff Jones
and Mrs. Ellis Henrlckson, and the
ladles Journeyed on to Oakland,
Calif., Mrs. Hcnrickson returning to
her home at San Leandro after a
visit of a couple of months here
The other ladles will spend a month
in the Bay section of California with
Big Demand Shown
For Reporters School
The need and demand for the
correspondence courses in commun
ity newswriting In Oregon as con
ducted by the state college exten
sion service has spread to nearly
every state In the union, says C. J.
Mcintosh of the college industrial
journalism department who was
here recently organizing the work
in this county. Every eastern Ore
gon community but one Is cooper
ating in the rural reporter training
which will be extended here as rap
Idly as possible.
Reports of the success of the
course have led to frequent re
quests for feature stories describ
ing It In response to the call a
5000-word report of the course has
been sent to the National Printer
Journalist and a similar story is be
ing prepared for the Country Gen
tleman. The course has been given to
nearly 200 students and if the edi
torial campaign for rural reporters
succeeds as now seems likely fully
800 more will take it, Mr. Mcintosh
reports. Success means more and
better rural community news, bet
ter service to the communities and
Improved rural life. The most de
sirable change in community news
reporting Is substitution of informa
tion of value and news of interest
for the lean, newsless personal men
tion story.
Fame of the Oregon way has also
spread to other state colleges lead
ing the American Association of Ag
ricultural College Editors to put Mr.
Mcintosh on the program of the an
nual convention at Baton Rouge,
La., August 29-Sept 1. The subject
aa worded by the program com
mittee is "Country Crossroads Cor
respondence." Mr. Mcintosh be
lieves the plan will be put into ef
fect In many of the states, since al
ready the demand for it has been
voiced by rural reporters.
Association Will Send
Wool Representative
James Kershaw of the Pacific
Cooperative Wool G'owers, and one
of the best posted wool men In the
west today from the standpoint of
both grading and selling, is repre
senting the association at the Ore
gon wool growers meeting being
held at Heppner, Thursday, August
Mr. Kershaw will give a grade
demonstration and general discus
sion of wool marketing as carried
on by the Pacific how it Is sold,
graded, what to look out for in pre
paring the wools for market uses to
which the various grades are put,
and why some wools bring more
money than others.
Mr. Kershaw's wide experience In
buying millions of pounds of wool in
the field for big Boston houses, his
work In charge of wool buying for
the Cleveland Worsted Mills, and
his varied experience since coming
with the Pacific, makes him partic
ularly fitted to give highly valuable
and Interesting Information to wool
growers on the preparation and
marketing of their clips.
Ida Elizabeth Young was born in
Atchlnson county, Missouri, March
23, 1872, and moved with her par
ents to Thomas county, Kansas, in
1885, living there until the summer
of 1902 when she, with her brother,
Stephen A. Barlow, came to Morrow
county, where she has since resid
ed. She was married January 1,
1905, to Egbert L. Young, who sur
vives, and the following brothers
and sisters: Mary E. Horn, Seattle,
Wash.; J. F. Barlow, Boardman, D.
S. Barlow and Joel Barlow of Hepp
ner, Manuel Barlow of Carnation,
Wash., Susan C. Love of Colby, Kan
sas, May Barlow of Oakland, Calif.,
Minnie Schunk of Oregon City, O.
B. Barlow of Portland.
Mrs. Young was a kind and lov
ing wife, and highly esteemed as a
neighbor by the people of her com
munity. When still quite young she
became a Christian and lived in
harmony with her profession until
her death.
Russell Wright, Morrow county
fight promoter, has announced a
card for Saturday night at the Lex
ington gymnasium. As the head-
liner Harold Ahalt of lone will box
Billy Irwin of Umatilla. Judge Car
michael of Lexington is matched
with the Oklahoma Kid of O. A. C.
In the semi-final bout. Preliminar
ies are Merle Cummlngs vs. Jim
Leach, both of Lexington, and Rus
sell Wright vs. Clarence Friend of
Salem. Grover Peck vs. Emmet
Kuns, two local lads, is the curtain
raiser. Jimmy Emmctt and his
Midnight Sons, a Salem dance or
chestra, will play for dancing fol
lowing the smoker.
During the electrical storm last
Thursday evening, lightning struck
at the Joe Devlne place out north
of Lexington. Mr. and Mrs. Devine
were just returning home from a
visit to Pendleton, and a few min
utes before arriving In the barn
yard the bolt struck not a great way
from the barn in the pathway. The
dry grass was fired, and for a time
there was a pretty lively battle on
to get the fire under control. The
striking of the lightning was wit
nessed from the place of George
White, and men from there and the
Devine place beat the flames out
with wet Backs, no serious damage
being done.
Jason Blddle, lower Rhea creek
rancher, was In Heppner yesterday
for a few hours on business.
They Are Getting Dog-gone Tired of This Job
K0AC Closed Summer;
New Quarters In the Fall
Oregon State Agricultural Col
lege, Corvallis, July 31. KOAC, col
lege radio, will close down today for
the remainder of the summer.
When broadcasting Is resumed
about September 15 the ftatlon will
be installed in new studios having
new 1000-watt transmitting equip
ment of latest design.
With its fall program KOAC
plans a schedule in keeping with Its
policy of "carrying the college, to
the people of the state." Programs
will contain a wide variety of lec
tures on cultural and technical sub
jects entertainment such as athletic
contest broadcasts and programs by
student musical organizations and
farm service.
The farm service programs, to re
ceive particular emphasis, will in
clude weather reports, market news
and interpretations, news bulletins,
and timely topics
As in the past the keynote of
KOAC programs will be service to
the state," says W. L. Kadderly, pro
gram director. The college sta
tion occupies a unique situation
among coast broadcasters in that it
',s operated as one means of enab
ling Oregon residents to get direct
returns on their Investment in re
search, extension, and resident in
struction activities here, and does
not attempt to enter the broad en
tertainment field covered by many
commercial stations."
The studio will be In the new phy
sics building constructed by use of
tuition fees.
Mrs. E. S. Duran of Lexington,
who has been 111 at the hospital for
some time following a major oper
ation, was discharged this week and
returned to her home.
Mrs. Shelly Baldwin, who has
been seriously ill, is much better
now and able to sit up.
Mrs. Ed Bergstrom of Eight Mile
was admitted to the hospital Tues
day to undergo medical treatment.
Alice Cason, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs.-John Cason, underwent a mi
nor operation recently for a badly
Infected finger.
Mrs. Lawrence Reaney and baby
have returned to their home at Lex
Chas. Ritchie, who has been ser
iously ill with Influenza, Is much bet
ter and On the road to recovery.
Di.'lbert Emart, who has been un
der medical treatment, has returned
to his home at lone.
Mrs. J. C. Stapleton is 111 with a
light form of intestinal influenza.
Sidney Zinter of Eight Mile was
Injured Wednesday while fighting
fire in the mountains. He fell and
injured his knee Joint.
The Heppner Farmers Elevator
company is rapidly completing new
quarters for their office in the east
end of the warehouse above the ele
vator. A light cheery and modern
ofilce in every respect will be had
when the work Is completed. A
room has been built In the north
east corner of the warehouse, with
a wide window facing the east en
trance through which the trucks
drive on the weighing scales, for
handling the hauling business. The
walls have been' papered with a
light-colored tint paper, and all elec
trical fittings and equipment to be
installed are up to the minute.
W. W. Smead returned home Sun
day evening from a visit to Port
land to which point he acomDanlod
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Curtis, who were
returning to their home In Marsh-
field after a visit at the Smead
home hore.
Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Crawford ar
rived from Joseph on Wednesday
afternoon and are visiting here over
the week end with the Heppner rel
atives. Mr. Crawford, who has been
editor of the Joseph Herald for the
past seven years, has disposed of
his paper to Lawrence Allen of Eu
gene, who took charge this week,
and now the former editor is look
ing for a Job, or new location. From
here the Crawfords will motor to
Astoria and thence to Pasco, Wn.,
for short visits with sisters resid
ing at these points, and then will
return to Joseph; Mr. Crawford
has in contemplation the taking
over of the Republican at Union,
though the deal has not yet been
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Broggs and
daughter, Miss Opal Briggs, re
turned Friday evening from their
vacation trip of two weeks, which
took them as far north as Chewelah,
Wash., where Millard French, bro
ther of Mrs. Briggs, now resides.
While they had a pleasant trip In
many respects and saw much of the
Inland Empire, their trip was some
what marred by the excessively hot
weather that prevailed over the
Northwest at the time.
George Noble, wife and three chil
dren of Winnemucka, Nevada, and
Mrs. Jennie McCarter of Oakland,
California, arrived here on Friday
afternoon for a visit at the home
of their mother, Mrs! Mildred Noble.
Frank Noble came over from Mt
Vernon, Ore., on Tuesday and with
their brother, Mayor Eugene No
ble of this city have been enjoying
a family reunion at the home of
Mother Noble.
Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Gemmell and
children and Mrs. Emma Gemmell
departed Sunday morning for Sea
side. The elder Mrs. Gemmell will
remain at the ocean resort with
the children while Paul and his wife
attend the Legion convention being
held at Medford this week end.
Following the convention they ex
pected to return to Seaside for the
balance of their vacation.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Lydla
Virginia Ritchie was held at lone
last Friday forenoon, being largely
attended by relatives and friends.
Mrs. Ritchie had been a resident of
lone for many years. She was the
widow of the late John H. Ritchie
and at the time of her death was
aged 59 years and 3 months. She is
survived by three sons and four
John Williams who farms south
west of lone was in Heppner on
Tuesday for a short while. He has
finished with his wheat harvest and
the grain turned out many bushels
to the acre better than he expected.
The yields in that vicinity have been
very good so far this season.
H. D. Fear and wife of Portland
were visitors In this city for a short
time on Tuesday, driving up from
their Portland home. After spend
ing a few hours In this county they
motored to Wapato, Wash., where
Mrs. Fear has a sister living, for a
short visit
W. V. Pedro reports considerable
damage by fire to his range on the
Hamilton ranch. Some 80 acres of
range land were burned over but
there was little loss of timber. He
reported the fire well under control
when he was In town Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Thorn and
Mrs. Thorn's mother, Mrs. Woolley,
departed on Friday evening last for
the Tillamook beach. They will
spend two weeks vacationing at
Oceanslde, one of the lovllest re
sorts on the Oregon coast
Manager Farnsworth announces
that the Legion swimming pool will
be open on Saturday and Sunday,
August 4 and 5, and should the
weather be excessively warm, It will
be open on Friday afternoon, also.
By Albert T. Reid
Beware Typhoid Carrier
At Your Picnic or Social
(From State Board of Health)
Several months ago there were
reported from Warrenton, Oregon,
eleven cases of typhoid fever. Sus
picion naturally fell upon the water
and milk supplies of that city, since
these substances are the most com
mon vehicles of typhoid fever In
fection. The water supply was
found safe. Milk was excluded as
the causative agent because at least
half the patients were adults who
drank little or no milk, and because
those who did drink milk obtained
it from their own cows. There was
no common supply. A careful study
of the epidemic showed that all
were infected approximately within
the same day. Further investiga
tion brought out the fact that about
two weeks previous to the outbreak
a social was held at the house of
one of the patients, each guest con
tributing some food for the Tneal.
All of the persons who came down
with typhoid fever partook of a sal
ad prepared by one of the woman
guests. This woman was a recent
arrival from Washington and was
convalescing from some intestinal
trouble which she stated the doctor
had diagnosed as typhoid fever.
Correspondence with the Washing
ton State Board of Health brought
out the fact that this woman did
have typhoid fever about six weeks
previous to her arrival In Oregon.
typhoid carriers, convalescent or
healthy, are practically always the
the sources of outbreaks of typhoid
at picnics and socials, particularly
where each guest contributes some
dish to the general food supply.
Outbreaks of so-called "ptomaine
poisoning" which are frequently re
ported in the newspapers also have
their origin in carriers, these be
ing paratyphoid carriers. Paraty
phoid germs are very closely relat
ed to typhoid germs, and are the
cause of many food infections.
Foods which are frequently Involv
ed In outbreaks of paratyphoid in
fections are milk, ice-cream, salads,
and meats.
There is evidence that paraty
phoid food infections may also be
caused by the contamination of
food by rodents. While such con
tamination can be very easily guard
ed against and prevented, avoid
ance of contamination by the hu
man carrier presents a more ser
ious problem, since such carriers
can be detected only by a laboratory
examination of the fecal and urin
ary discharges.
Personal cleanliness plays an Im
portant part in the prevention of
the spread of disease. At the ex
pense of being called squeamish or
uncouth refuse to eat dainty sand
wiches, tempting salads, or refresh
ing Ice cream if you know that the
person who prepared these dishes
was careless in personal hygiene
and sanitation. At every picnic and
social the sword of Damocles is the
typhoid and paratyphoid carrier.
"God is not far from each one of
us," but few of us realize It enough
to let our lives be guided by that
fact. How near is He? How near
is he to you? This theme will be
discussed at the evening service at
the Church of Christ Be there for
the song service at eight o'clock.
The morning theme, "Hearing the
Word, is a study of the Roman let
ter. This service Is at ten o'clock
Besides these services we also in
vite attendance at Bible School and
Christian Endeavor at 9 a. m. and
7 p. m. respectively.
MILTON W. BOWER, Minister,
Annabel Turner has as a guest
this week Marjorle Holman of Yak
ima, who is visiting with relatives
at lone and Heppner.
East. Oregon Doctors
Confer at La Grande
Dr. A. H. Johnston returned on
Sunday from La Grande, where he
attended the meeting of the East
ern Oregon Medical society, held
there on Friday and Saturday.
With twelve eminent Northwest
doctors giving papers before an as
semblage of nearly fifty medical
men from over the state, the largest
annual Eastern Oregon District
Medical society meeting yet held
convened at the Sacajawea hotel.
Dr. Alfred H. Johnston of Heppner,
president presided at the sessions.
Dr. oger Biswell of Baker, vice
president, and Dr. J. B. Gregory of
Wlalowa, secretary, were present
and Dr. Lee Bauvy of La Grande
was chairman of tie committee of
The sessions were devoted purely
to discussions of problems of the
medical world, and subjects were
so technical that they meant little
directly to the layman, but they
meant much to the physician and
surgeon as evidenced at the sessions
where the keenest interest was man
ifested. One sensed in the groups
of doctors a concenrtation of
thought on problems and a whole
hearted absorbtlon of the discuss
ions of the particular moment The
importance of such a gathering of
men versed and skilled in a fore
most science that has as its pur
pose service to humanity is evident
The counties embraced in the as
sociation are Baker, Crook, Gilliam,
Grant Lake, Harney, Malheur,
Morrow, Umatilla, Sherman, Union,
Wallowa and Wheeler.
The list of distinguished speakers
contained the names of Dr. Hugh
Mount, president of the State Med
ical society; Dr. Richard Dillehunt
Dr. Ray Matson, Dr. Harold Bean,
Dr. G. C. Schauffler, Dr. Louise K.
Poyntz, all of Portland, also prom
inent speakers from Seattle and
Denver and Dr. Phy of Hot Lake.
At the business session officers for
the coming year were elected as
follows: Dr. John B. Gregory of
Wallowa, president; Dr. John P.
Brennan of Pendleton, vice-presi
dent; Dr. Lewa Wilkes, La Grande,
secretary-treasurer; Dr. Thomas
Higgins of Baker and Dr. W. D.
McNary of Pendleton, delegates to
the state convention. The next
meeting place will be Wallowa lake.
The convention was brought to a
close by a banquet at Sacajewa Inn
for the doctors and their wives, dur
ing which there was a special pro
gram. The visiting ladies were en
tertained in the afternoon at a
bridge luncheon .and the forenoon
was given to rides about the city
and environs. The meeting was a
pronounced success, and Dr. John
ston received much praise for the
plendid program he was able to pre
Big Fire Consumes Two
Sections of Range Land
A large range fire on the east
branch of Sand Hollow, set by the
electrical storm Thursday evening,
burned over two sections of land
on the Mike Kenny and W. B. Bar
ratt & Son ranches before it was
put under control. Lack of water
made fighting very difficult, and af
ter residents in the vicinity had
fought it all Thursday night a call
was sent in to Heppner Friday
morning for help. Many responded
to the call and it was in hand by
Friday noon.
It is reported no wheat or grain
fields were included as the entire
area covered is range land. The
fire was approaching the John Ken
ny ranch where considerable grain
is grown when it was controlled.
Mrs. Pauline Quaid spent several
days here this week, coming up
from her home at Portland on Mon
day. While here Mrs. Quaid dis
posed of the 4500 acres of land com
prising the old Quaid homestead on
Balm Fork to W. H. Cleveland. Mr.
Cleveland has thus added to his
holdings in the county, and as the
land adjoins his Willow creek place
he now has one of the best layouts
of any of the sheepmen In the Hepp
ner vicinity. Mrs. Quaid still owns
considerable land here and is mov
ing to make disposal of it all. She
states that it was In 1874 when she
and her late husband, Thos. Quaid
located on the Balm Fork ranch,
and their home was established
there for a great many years pre
vious to their going to Portland
twenty years ago. The Quaid home
in the city at that time was pretty
well out from the business center
but now it is being surrounded by
big buildings and Mrs. Quaid be
lieves the time has arrived to make
sale of this property also, and she
will place it on the market Mrs.
Quaid went to Pendleton today for
a visit with relatives there before
returning home.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Johnson
and Miss Irene Johnson, all of Port
land, motored to Heppner on Fri
day and were guests at the home
of their brother, Dr. A. H. John
ston. They came up for a visit with
their mother, Mrs. Arabella John
ston, who is still a patient ta the
home of her son and is slowly re
covering from a prolonged Illness.
Among the list of divorces grant
ed In the court of Judge Morrow
at Portland on Wednesday, as re
ported in the Oregonian, is noted
the case of Josephine Schempp vs.
George M. Schempp. The schempps
were formerly residents of Heppner
and still own some property here.
Yields Better Than Ex
pected and Grain is of
High Quality.
Wheat movement has been slow
into Heppner the -past week, with
the excessive heat and forest fires
causing delays In the harvest fields
and in hauling. Reports coming in
show very few fields making less
than a 15-bushel average, and the
grain is of exceptionally high qual
ity generally. Movement to market
is also slow, and with the exception
of some contract grain practically
no shipments to the outside are be
ing made. No grain sales are re
ported this week, with the market
in a Blump. The bid price on hard
red winter at Heppner yesterday
was $1.08.
Local warehousemen expect the
peak of the season's hauling in an
other week, which should reach in
the neighborhood of 3000 sacks a
day. The very hot weather exper
ienced for several days last week
caused many harvesting crews to
lay off, the horses especially suffer
ing intensely from the heat On top
of this came the forest fires, start
ed by the electrical storm of Thurs
day night which caused many
wheat trucks to be commandeered
for hauling men and supplies to
the mountains, thus making a big
slump in wheat delivery.
In all sections growers have been
pleasantly surprised to find their
wheat making a better yield than,
expected. The long dry spell dur
ing the growing season was gener
ally thought to have cut the yield
very greatly. But during much of
this time the weather was cool, and
this is thought to have saved the
wheat to a great extent Most of
the fall sown wheat filled well, and
with the exception of some soft fed
eration that was nipped by a late
freeze, Is making a high test Spring
wheat in some sections waa bene
fitted greatly by the rains the lat
ter part of June, but generally
speaking, the spring crop is very
It is Impossible to give anything
like an exact estimate on, the total
county yield at the present time.
However, the earlv reDorts show an
average per ticre yield several bu
shels less than last year, and the
total acreage in crop being consid
erably leas than a year ago. It la
safe to say the county wheat output
will be at least a fourth less than
for 1927, but should be well abeve
the ten-year average.
A peculiar feature of the season
in Morrow county is that barley,
which in some sections almost In
variably makes a good yield, failed
to make a crop this year, and re
ports say there will be no barley
harvested anywhere In the county.
Though the stand in many places
was good, and the heads appeared
to be plump and healthy, it was
found when starting to cut that
there were but a very few kernels
in each head.
Dan Engelman Dies at
The Dalles on Monday
Word was received by friends here
on Tuesday of the death of Dan
Engelman at a hospital in The
Dalles on Monday night He had
been ill for a long time and was be
ing cared for in the hospital, his
condition being such for many
months that death was expected to
occur at most any moment
Mr. Engelman was for a good
many years a resident of Heppner
and Morrow county and had formed
many warm friendships here. He
was a member of the Masonic fra
ternity, holding his membership in
an eastern city, and Robert Wight-
man, master of Heppner lodge of
Masons, ordered a wreath of flowers
as a token of esteem from the or
der here to be presented at the fu
neral which was held In The Dalles
at 2:30 Wednesday afternoon.
Dr. McMudo was called to Lex
ington this morning to attend Ted
McMillan, who was suffering from
food poisoning.
Homer Mankin suffered fracture
of the collar bone while cranking
a combine on the Ed Engleman
ranch in the lone district one day
this week.
Jim Bates is suffering from a
badly infected finger caused from
a splinter which he picked up while
at work on the Albert Bowker farm.
Elsie Tucker is suffering from an
infected thumb.
Mrs. Jim Stout and infant daugh
ter returned home from the hospital
L. V. Gentry, who has been 111 for
the past week was reported in a
very critical condition this morn
ing. Mrs. Wm. LcTrace is much Im
proved after her recent Illness and
will leave the hospital shortly.
O. Michael Jones received a bad
ly sprained ankle when thrown
from a header at the W. L. Copen
haver ranch this week.
Gene Doherty is confined to the
hospital, suffering an attack of ap
pendicitis complicated by Influenza.
Celebration of Holy Communion
at 7:00 o'clock.
Sunday school at 9:45 o'clock.
"O worship the Lord In the beauty
of holiness; let the whole earth
stand In awe of Him."
Missionary in Charge.