Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 05, 1928, Image 1

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    lCft Society.
Volume 45, Number 16.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
City Dads Ask Closing of
Driveway, and Pass
Radio Ordinance.
All streets leading Into Main
street in Hopper are to be desig
nated "stop streets" for automobile
and truck traffic, according to ac
tion of the city council Monday
night, when Marshal Devin was
asked to order the signs and put
them in place. It is expected these
will appear within the next few
Numerous, collisions at inter
sections the last few months was
one of the main causes for this ac
tion being taken. The arrival of
wheat hauling season is another
factor. Loaded wheat trucks in
past years have come onto Main
street, particularly off Heppner hill,
at quite a high rate of speed, being
a constant menace to drivers in this
vicinity. Under the new ruling
these will be caused to come to a
stop before proceeding onto Main
J. J. Nys, city attorney, has been
authorized to draft an ordinance
for enforcement of the stop signs,
though the opinion is expressed that
this is unnecessary since a state
law provides that all streets, or
other thoroughfares, shall be so
posted and all vehicles compelled
to come to a complete stop before
entering on a state highway. Hepp
ner's Main street is a state highway,
being on the main trunk of the O.
W. highway. Fourteen signs are
necessary to post every avenue of
approach to Main street, according
to Mr. Devin.
The council also passed the radio
Interference control ordinance Mon
day. This provides that any elec
trical apparatus that broadcasts
radio interference shall be so
shielded as to eliminate the inter
ference. In behalf of their Interests
representatives of the Heppner Ra
dio club appeared before the coun
cil, and were active in getting the
ordinance passed. Similar ordin
ances to the one passed are in force
in a large number of towns and
cities and have proved effective In
eliminating radio interference. The
Pacillc Power and Light company,
in control of the local supply of
electricty, has given hearty cooper
ation elsewhere in eliminating in
terference arising from their lines,
and the company maintains a radio
expert who has charge of this work.
It Is expected they will cooperate
A parking ordinance, providing
for an hour parking limit on Main
street, came up for reading a sec
ond time and was tabled for the
time being. Members of the coun
cil are not quite sure that the ordin
ance In its present form is practical
and It may be amended or a new
ordinance drafted before being
passed. The Intent of this ordin
ance is to protect the merchants'
rights in having space In front of
their places of business to load and
unload freight, especially for con
venience In dealing with country
The council also ordered fencing
of the driveway off the highway
that cuts across the corner at the
schoolhouse. This is considered a
menace not only to trallic but to
school children as It now stands.
Discussion of some needed work
on bridges also claimed the atten
tion of the council Monday. The
bridge across Willow creek crossed
by the Heppner flat stock trail In
the lower end of the city has been
condemned, and if not fixed in the
near future will put wheatralscrs
of the north Heppner flat country
to a great disadvantage during the
wheat hauling season. This has
been kept in temporary repair for
the past year, but needs new con
crete abutments and new timbers
to put it in shape, according to. the
report of S. P. Devin, marshal.
Mrs. Sterling Fryrear Is home
again after being in the hospital at
Hot Lake the past month.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Olden are
about again after a tussle with the
One of the sons of Mr. and Mrs.
Guy Huston Is quite 111 with the flu.
Grange was held at Parkers Mill
on Sunday and a very enjoyable
time was had. Wm. L. Teutsch of
O. A. C, Corvallls, gave a splendid
talk on the agricultural problems
of the farmer. One candidate was
obligated in the mysteries of the
llrst and second degrees.
Every granger is Invited to come
and join the automobile race to be
held at Rhea Creek hall July 21st.
Sandwiches for lunch.
Stephens Brothers have been add
ing to their summer sheep range by
purchasing some land adjoining
their ranch in want county.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stevens and
family have gone camping over the
Fourth in the vicinity of Blue Moun
tain springs.
We desire to thank all the friends
and neighbors who so kindly as
sisted us in every way during the
Illness and the burial of our be
loved husband, father and brother,
Paul Rlctmann, and for the many
beautiful floral offerings.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Netherscott
and family came up from Califor
nia last week, visited for a time at
the Nickerson home and then with
Robert Nickerson, Mrs. Nether
scott's father, motored to King Hill,
Idaho, for a few days' visit. They
stopped for a while at the Nicker
son home on their return trip be
fore leaving again for California.
The Netherscotts lived here for a
while, Mr. Netherscott having a bar
ber shop.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Price and son
Blllie returned last week from a
pleasant trip. Mrs. Price has been
in Seattle for some time visiting
her mother.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wlrtz and
three children visited overnight
Saturday at the O. H. Warner home.
They were enroute to Bend where
they will make their home. Mr.
Wlrtz, who has been traveling aud
itor for the Tum-A-Lum company
for several years and has been with
the company for the past 15 years,
has resigned and accepted a posi
tion with the Williams Lumber com
pany at Bend.
Homer Cason left Saturday for
Portland where he will find employ
ment Mrs. Cason has been down
there for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Goodwin mo
tored to Yakima Sunday. Mr. and
Mrs. Goodwin will visit for a week
at Yakima.
Mrs. Frederick Wahlley, her three
daughters and her mother, Mrs.
Stirnwels of Portland were over
night guests at the Cramer and For
tier homes on their way home from
Spokane, and Norma Gibbons went
home with them to Portland for a
two weeks' visit
L. C. Cooney has gone to the har
vest fields to work.
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Miller left Fri
day for their home in Hubbard, Ore.,
after a pleasant visit at the home of
their nephew, Lowell Spagle. Maur
ice Spagle, who has been visiting
his brother for some time, returned
home with them.
Harvey Saari, who was called
here two weeks ago by the death
of his cousin, Clifford Olson, left
Friday for his home in Spokane.
John Koski left the same day for
Mrs. Z. J. Gillespie came home
last week from Lewiston, Idaho,
where she is attending a session of
normal school, for a short visit
Mrs. Geo. Gross was the lucky
person who drew the quilt made by
the Home Economics club. It cost
her the large sum of five cents. It
was raffled recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Arnold and
son Marshall of The Dalles were re
cent visitors at the John L. Jenkins
At the last meeting of the Re
bekah lodge the state president,
Mrs. Louise Perozzi of Ashland, and
state chaplain, Mrs. Reeves of Stan
field, were present and assisted In
draping the Rebekah charter in
memory of Clifford Olson who was
accidentally killed June 15 near
Telocaset, Ore., when his speeder
was struck by a freight train.
'Mr. and Mrs. John Brlce and fam
ily were guests Sunday at the
Claude Myers home at a lovely din
ner. The Home Economics club met
with Mrs. Leo Root last Wednes
day. The next meeting place is un
decided but a picnic dinner may be
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wetherell and
family of Arlington were visitors
Sunday at the John Jrice home.
Mrs. Howard Bales accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Walter KnaufT on
their motor trip to La Grande last
Geo. Gross left Monday for the
Rietmann ranch where he will run
the combine during harvest.
John L. Jenkins left Wednesday
for Montana to shear. There has
been an overabundance of rain
there and the local men who are
with shearing crews at various
places In that stute have been han
dicapped and unable to do much
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Becker of
Longview, are visitors at the home
of the former's mother, Mrs. How
ard Bates. Mrs. Becker Is a bride
of a few days. They will visit until
after the 4th.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Howard
B. Calkins will be sorry to learn of
the death of their baby Cora Mae
who died soon after they reached
Virginia. The Calkins family left
here in May for Starboard, Virginia.
The baby has never been well since
an attack of the flu and died of
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Imus and
daughters Ona and Blanche were
guests Sunday at the Gross home.
Blanche remained for a few days'
visit and plans to return to Moscow,
Idaho, where she was employed un
til called here by the death of her
bethrothed, Clifford Olson.
This Bcctlon of the country which
produces so prollflcally is not a fruit
country, and nothing Is so uncertain
as a fruit crop, as the frost is al
most sure to wreck the farmers'
anticipation, but this year is one of
the happy exceptions and trees are
loaded with fruit. Apricots, apples,
peaches, pears, prunes are found
In abundance. Olsons have been
having ripe peaches for some time,
a variety of Indian Cling or Alex
ander, and the trees of all varieties
are burdened with fruit. Both Ol
sons and Hangos smudged this
spring and that it was effective is
proved by the appearance of the
apricot trees.
Mrs. Richard Dingmon is pleased
to have her daughter, Mrs. Altz of
Chicago with her. Mrs. Altz arrived
(Contlnuad on Pag Six)
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Alfred E.
(State Board of Health)
High blood pressure is a symptom
rather than a disease. It is a reac
tion that appears after certain
changes in the structure and func
tions of the body have occurred.
Unless we can remove the changes
that have caused the high blood
pressure we might do harm by di
rectly lowering the blood pressure.
When the blood pressure begins to
rise we do well to enforce general
hygienic measures.
Faults of hygiene, infected teeth,
tonsils, adenoids, or other low
grade infection must be corrected.
The removal of an 4nfectious focus
may be followed by a return of the
blood pressure to normal. If the
high blood pressure has been long
continued and the changes that un
derlie it have become fixed and in
separable there can be only alle
viation, for high blood pressure is
only an adaptation of the circula
tion to certain underlying changes.
In the early stages these changes
may be removable but later on they
become fixed and irremovable. At
no stage is it wise to treat the re
sults only 'and let the cause of the
condition stand.
The use of drugs or electrical
treatments to reduce high blood
pressure direct is inadvisable. Im
provement of habits or changing
them to suit the changed condition
is advisable. Worry, hurry and ex
cesses of all sort must be elimin
ated. ,
A calm, quiet life, free from busi
ness and social cares is absolutely
essential to ensure relief. Relaxa
tion must supplant tension. Sleep
must be restful and plentiful. The
food must be moderate in amount
and simple in character. A mini
mum amount of meat should be al
lowed and condiments should be
avoided. Focal Infection in teeth,
tonsils and sinuses should be eradi
cated. Avoid high blood pressure by an
observance of good personal hy
giene and the cultivation of regular
The visit of Mr. and Mrs. Loy
M. Turner of Long Beach, was the
occasion for bringing the R. W.
Turner family together on Sunday
in a family reunion at tlyir home
in this city. All members of the
family, and their families, with the
exception of Robert and Jeannette
Turner, children of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Turner, were present on this
occasion, and they enjoyed a grand
good time. A picnic dinner was
brought together and this was
spread and partaken of with appre
ciation. Following this, the entire
company motored out to the B. F
Swaggart farm, where they wit
nessed the performance of the
crcamolincs under training for the
past two months by Mr. Christen
sen. They pronounced this a real
treat, as it is really wonderful the
progress Mr. Chrlstenseh has made
with these beautiful horses. Those
present at the reunion were Mr. and
Mrs. R. W. Turner, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank W. Turner and daughter An
abel, Mr. and Mrs. Loy M. Turner,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Turner and
children Ruth and Keith, Mr. and
Mrs. J. O. Turner and son Donald,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam J. Turner and
daughter Jean,.Mr. and Mrs. Walter
LnDusire, John Turner, and Miss
Helen Bennett.
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District Attorney Notson and W.
T. Campbell motored over to La
Grande Monday morning In time to
attend a 9 o'clock breakfast of the
chamber of commerce of that city.
The occasion of the gathering was
the discussion of the Eastern Ore
gon state normal situation. Govern
or Patterson was pacing through
the city at that time on his way to
Enterprise to attend the meeting
of the stockmen's association, and
a large number of other prominent
men of the eastern Oregon district
were also there on the way to the
same meeting, and It was thought
proper to get them together on the
normal school question. There has
been delay in starting work on the
new school, and just from what
cause the La Granrip people are not
fully aware, no doubt feeling that
there was such a sentiment aroused
at the time of the selection of the
site on the part of other places that
desired the school, that it was bring
ing about a delay. It was clearly
manifested at the meeting Monday
morning, Mr. Notson thinks, that
no other section of the state is
"sore" over the selection of La
Grande, and the sentiment express
ed was such as to fully demonstrate
to the La Grande people that the
entire Eastern Oregon country is
ready for the work on the new
school to proceed. Some other cause
for the delay must be found than
that suspected. Mr. Notson reports
the spirit of the meeting very fine,
and he received much applause
while he addressed the gathering
on general educational matters.
THE CROWD, Star Theater, Sun
day and Monday; a great drama of
every-day life.
Commissioner L. P. Davidson is
on the job for the meeting of county
court today. With his family he
spent the Fourth at Ukiah, where
there was a very large crowd gath
ered to enjoy the big program. The
people there were fortunate in hav
ing good weather while the celebra
tion was on.
County Agent Smith, with his
family departed for Enterprise on
Monday, their destination being
Wallowa lake and Enterprise. At
the latter place Mr. Smith attend
ed the state meeting of the Cattle
and Horsemen's association In ses
sion there on the 2nd and 3rd.
The Junior lodge of the Degree of
Honor will meet promptly at 2:30
Friday, July 6th, in Legion hall.
All juveniles are urged to be pres
ent as the Juvenile Director has a
picnic planned for them as soon as
the lodge meeting is over. Secre
tary. Roy Scott, postmaster and mer
chant of Cecil, was a Heppner vis
itor Monday. Harvesting is quite
generally on in the Cecil country
with prospects for a better yield
than last season. Rain had caused
some delay the first of the week.
Charles Notson arrived home on
Saturday from Kentucky where he
has been attending school the past
year. He will spend his summer
vacation at Heppner with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Notson.
. David A. Wilson and family mo
tored to Umaplne on Sunday for a
visit of a few days at the home of
Mrs. Wilson's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Elder.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Huston of
Eight Mile were in the city for a
short time on Monday.
Zane Grey's DRUMS OF THE
DESERT, Star Theater, tonight
and Friday.
Camp Fire Girls Go
to Sandy on Monday
Eight girls, members of Heppner
Camp Fire groups, left on Monday
morning for the camp on Sandy,
near Bull Run station, where they
will remain for two weeks. Trans
portation for the girls was furnish
ed by Heppner Lodge of Elks, and
Frank Turner and George Thom
son used their cars In taking the
girls to the camp. Mrs. Turner and
Mrs. Thomson accompanied their
husbands. This work is being spon
sored this year by the American
Legion Auxiliary, and one of the
girls will have her expenses paid
by the unit here.
The girls attending are Daisy Al
bee, who goes as a delegate through
the auxiliary; Jennie Swindig, Beat
rice Thomson, Mary Thomson, Ma
rie Scrivner, Ruth Turner, Phylis
Jane Jones and Evelyn Swindig.
This camp is named Camp Nam
anau, a national Campflre camp
and the only national camp west of
Arizona. This means that it is un
der the direct charge of national
officers, some of whom will be there
to direct the work. The girls will
be given a regular course of study
and the different branches will have
experts in charge. Under direction
of an Instructor from U. of O. the
girls will receive lessons In swim
ming, and others will teach nature
study along with other phases of
the work. Seven girls will be as
signed to a cottage and each cot
tage will have a councillor to be
with the girls.
Editor Gazette Times:
There seems to be much misun
derstanding in regard to the effect
of the proposed bills changing the
license fees for motor vehicles. Peo
ple should be careful to look into
these measures before voting upon
The so-called $3.00 license fee bill,
if enacted, will stop further exten
sion of the state road program. It
will also deprive the counties of
their share of the fees. The main
tenance of the highways will be
suspended and the roads will soon
be in ruins. The automobiles will
be placed on the assessment rolls
and assessed as personal property,
so the owners will not save much,
if anything, by the change, but the
property tax can not be used on the
road program. The state, in order
to pay the principal and interest on
the road bonds, will exact more
money from the counties. The
counties will not be able to meet
this unless they exceed the six per
cent limitation, which can be done
only by a vote of the people, and
the expense of a special election
would be so much lost. In the event
the people refused to vote the in
crease, other enterprises carried on
by the county would suffer. The
most likely place, and in fact about
the only place, where the county
courts would make a cut in the
county activities would be in the
general road levy. This would
mean that all the county roads
would be allowed to run down. So,
that before the situation could be
properly adjusted an immense
amount of confusion and damage
would result.
The bills proposed by Mr. Dunne
do not go so far. One of these bills
would cut the license fee for pleas
ure cars one half. There would be
a decided cut in the fees for the
trucks and busses. This would crip
ple the road program very serious
ly if nothing was done to counter
act this result. The second Dunne
bill proposes an increase of the gas
oline tax. If this bill prevailed and
the bill cutting the license fees in
two also carried, the situation would
not be unfavorable. But the bills
are separate, so it is likely that the
bill cutting the fees may carry and
the gasoline tix bill fail. In that
event, the results would be disas
trous to the road program. If the
gasoline tax bill should carry and
the bill cutting the license fees
should fail, then the burden upon
the owners of motor vehicles would
be greater than at present. If the
measures had been combined, there
would have been no danger of ser
iously crippling the road program.
It is generally conceded that
something should be done to rem
edy the inequalities 'in the present
system, but it seems to me that the
whole procedure should be combin
ed in one measure. It seems to me
that the best course to pursue is to
defeat all three of the bills and try
to put through a measure which
will remedy the inequalities of the
present system. Let us be sure we
are right, and then go ahead.
The writer does not own an auto
mobile, but he has devoted much
time to the road program and does
not want to see a mistake made.
Lexington Postollice
Has Prosperous Year
Figures at the close of the fiscal
year, June 30, indicate that the. Lex
ington postollice has enjoyed a good
business. We are informed by the
postmistress, Mrs. Emma Brashcars
who has held the position for many
years, that this is perhaps the best
business the olllee has enjoyed dur
ing that time. The figures show
that the total for the year reached
a sum In excess of $18,000.
Mrs. Brashcars is quite proud of
this showing, nnd it Is also an indi
cation that business at Lexington
has not been so bad for the period,
as postollice business is always an
Indication of what has been done
along general lines.
Art Hunt and Guy Shaw of Lex
ington were setting up the new
combines of H. O. Ely and W. F.
Palmateer the last week.
Martin Bauernfiend and M. D.
Farrens returned home Tuesday
from a week spent in the Willam
ette valley.
Jim Hardesty helped A. F. and W.
F. Palmateer cut right of ways the
past week.
T. M. Benedict of Lyle, Wash.,
was looking after his interests in
Morgan and vicinity Thursday and
Friday, before going to Walla Walla
to visit relatives.
Hal Ely and son Elvin were at
tending to busniess In Heppner on
Sam Bink of Salem stopped here
a short time Wednesday on his way
to Kamela to visit his brother.
Mrs. John Nash and daughter are
cooking for Leon Logan of Four
Mile during harvest season.
Mildred Morgan is working for
Mrs. George Mahoney.
Mrs. Mary Ball of lone is visiting
her son, Glenn Ball.
H. O. Ely and sons started com
bining Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mellinger and
family of California were visiting
Mr. and Mrs. James Hardesty over
the week end. They were on their
way to Indiana to visit relatives.
Delorous Crowell is spending
some time visiting Mrs. Rlaph Mc
Cormlck. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Harbison and
son Robert left Saturday for Hills
boro to spend a week visiting rela
tives. Stanley Seely helped J. A. Troed
son the past week.
Mrs. Keller and Mrs. Shippey of
lone are staying at Harbisons dur
ing the absence of the latter family.
Cleta McCormick and Delorous
Crowell were visiting at the Ely
and Pettyjohn homes Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. VanDussen and son
Lyle left Monday for their home in
Richmond, Calif., after spending
some time visiting relatives here.
Mrs. Gladys Ely lost a bull dog
pup which she valued very highly,
as it had been a gift
Range Sale Continues
Until 14th of Month
Pacific Power & Light company
announces that the time on their
electric range special sale has been
extended over the first fourteen
days of this month, during which
time the greatly reduced prices on
the3e utilities will prevail. Mr.
Thorn reports that many new
ranges have been placed in this ter
ritory since the company began
pushing the electric ranee business,
and he feels that it will be but a
matter of time until people gener
ally within the range of the com
pany's lines will be installing the
electric cooking devices.
New ranges have been placed as
follows: E. A. Brown, lone; Stacy
Roberts. Heppner; A. G. McMillan,
Lexington; Earl W. Gordon, Hepp
ner: L. A. Palmer, Lexington; Chris
Moehler, Lexington; L. M. Barr.
Heppner; J. E. Copenhaver, Hepp
ner; W. F. Barnett, Lexington: T.
J. Humphreys, Heppner; Carl Allyn,
Lexington; A. A. McCabe. lone; F.
R. Brown, Heppner; R. M. Parker,
Lexington: Bert Thornburg, Lex
ington: M. D. Clark, Heppner;
Laura Scott, Lexington; C. D. Hus
ton. Heppner; John Wightman,
Heppner; H. A. Cohn, Heppner; E.
G. Franks. lone; J. S. Lawther,
Heppner; M. Gramse, Heppner.
At a quiet wedding at the family
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank S.
Parker at 2 p. m. Tuesday, occur
red the marriage of their daughter,
Frances Crawford to Mr. Dorrls E.
Mitchell of Joseph, Oregon. Milton
W. Bower, pastor of the Christian
church performed the ceremony.
The beautiful ring service was used,
and all appointments were modest.
Miss Mary Crawford, cousin of the
bride, and Vawter Parker, her bro
ther, stood up with them. The bride
is a graduate of Heppner High
school and Monmouth state normal.
She has followed teaching since her
graduation from normal school and
for the last three years has had
charge of the primary department
In the Joseph school. Mr. Mitchell
is a fine young man of Joseph,
where he has spent all his life. The
young couple departed immediately
after the ceremony for their future
home. Mr. Mitchell going on the
farm of his parents near Joseph
where they expect to reside.
Karl Beaeh, Lexington implement
dealer and hardware merchant,
thinks that the business in com
bines in his little town has not been
at all bad this season. To date he
has sold and delivered 17 machines,
15 of which were new and 2 second
hand -the latter, of course, being
really harder to sell than the new
machines. Many of these have gone
Into Mr. Beach's immediate terri
tory, while others have gone out to
more distant parts of the county.
As harvest is now on, the sales for
this year can be considered about
all made, though a few prospects
yet remain.
Twenty nine thousand young
trout were planted in Willow creek
on Tuesday by the state fish and
game commission. The fish were
from the Pendleton hatchery, and
were brought over In the new truck
of the commission, made specially
for hauling live fish. It is the pur
pose of the commission to release
more fish in the streams of Morrow
county, stocking them quite gen-
Claude G. Bowers' Key
Note Speech Causes
Big Demonstration.
Written Especially for Heppner
Gazette Times
Through Autocaster Service
In the heat of a scorching Texas
sun, the Democratic National Con
vention foregathered here to define
the party policies and select their
standard bearers. The session at
which Claude G. Bowers, of Indiana
and New York, was to deliver his
keynote address was postponed un
til an evening hour, so that more
people might have the opportunity
of listening in to the speech over
the radio. The speech of Bowers
had all the ferocity and heat of the
Texas sun. The thin figure of the
editorial writer and historian
swayed the convention hall with the
power and clarity of his utterances.
The invective he poured on the op
posing party was vehement and
The speech aroused an exuberant
demonstration. For twelve minutes
delegates from North, South, East
and West followed in a thrilling pa
rade, the banner of North Dakota.
It was a delirious march in response
to Bowers' talk on "the tragedy of
the farms."
"Now we do not ask paternalistic
privilege for the farmer," said Bow
ers, "but we do demand that the
hand of privilege shall be taken out
of the farmer's pocket and oft the
farmer's throat"
A North Dakota delegate stood up
and started the parade, which be
came a stampede. There was an
other wild demonstration, but one
not quite as big, when Bowers paid
tribute to the memory of Woodrow
Bowers assailed the Hamiltonian
form of government and called for
Democratic legions to battle under
the Jeffersonian banner. His thrill
ing talk closed as follows:
"In this convention we close de
bate and grasp the sword. The
time has come. The battle hour has
struck. Then to your tents, O Is
rael!" Bowers' speech took ne hour. It
was an exciting, thrilling, closely
packed sixty minutes!
The first early session of the con
vention showed that Houston had
built in 64 days what is perhaps the
most magnificent structure ever to
house a National convention. An
elaborate ventilating system kept
the convention hall cool during the
hottest onslaughts of the sun.
Clem Shaver, who called the con-'
vention to order, had a hard time
getting it to obey. Excitement
reigned from the minute the con
vention opened its doors and came
came to its highest pitch when Bow
ers spoke on the subject of the
Everywhere in Houston there
were bands playing, and celebrities
abounded on all the thoroughfares.
Amng them were Mrs. Woodrow
Wilson, Gov. Moody, John W. Davis
of New York, Joseph P. Tumulty,
Admiral Carey T. Grayson, Frank
lin D. Roosevelt Josephus Daniels
and so on ad infinitum.
A gigantic radio hook-up made it
possible for millions of persons from
coast to coast and border to border
to hear the thrilling keynote speech
of Claude G. Bowers.
Rev. Thomas J. Brady. Pastor.
Next Sunday will be the Sixth
Sunday after Pentecost, and there
will be mass at 8:30, preceded by
confessions, Benediction of the
Blessed Sacrament, and the bless
ing of the congregation. The mass
that will follow will be a low mass
with the singing of hymns.
Tomorrow will be the first Friday
of July and at 7 o'clock there will
be mass in the church along with
exposition of the blessed Sacrament,
the hearing of confessions and the
distribution of Holy Communion.
The pastor went over to Condon
on Tuesday in the early morning to
assist as deacon at a Solemn High
Mass celebrated in the Condon
Catholic church by the Rev. Father
John B. Wand, local pastor. The
Reverend Father Hugh J. Marshall
of Hood River was the sub-deacon.
The mass was a service for the re
pose of the soul of Mrs. John Far-
Icy who died in Ireland about three
months ago. Mrs. Frank Monohan
and Mr. Peter Slevin and wife, as
also Mrs. Patrick Farley of Willow
Ranch, were present. The pastor
returned to Heppner on Tuesday
Supream Marciel was Injured
Saturday at the Arbogast saw mill
south of Hardman, when his foot
was caught between the log carrier
and log roller. He was brought in
to the hospital when his foot was
x-rayed. No bones were broken
but he had a badly sprained foot
with torn ligaments.
Mildred Green, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Alex Green fell from a
horse Sunday at the ranch on Eight
Mile and was severely bruised and
shaken up. The horse was running
away when Miss Green was thrown,
and fortunately she received no bro
ken bones.
Mrs. Ed Adklns has left the hos
pital and returned to her home in
the mountains, much Improved.
Mrs. Robert Griggs, who has been
ill the past few days at the hospltul,
has returned to her home.