HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1928. PAGE SEVEN Local Mippeiki 1 S. E. Notson returned home on 1 T. A. Huehea and Vawtur nnvfnnl motored to Canyon City on Monday and' on Monday evening attended the big banquet of the John Day Chamber of Commerce tendered the Oregon Cattle and Horse Raiiur association. The object of their visit to tne Urant county section was to meet Sam Notson, and as sist mm a day in his campaign In that and adjoining counties, reach ing home late Tuesday evening. These gentlemen are pleased to re port that the candidacy of Mr. Not, son Is being well received in the counties adjoining Morrow, and they confidently expect he will re ceive good endorsement in this part oi tne district at the polls on pri mary day. Oscar Keithlev. Elcht Mils rm. er, was transacting business In the city the first of the week. . He had just received word of the death on Sundav evenlnsr of hln former neigh bor, Ben Thomas, at Astoria. The Thomas (amily have been making tneir nome in fortland since leav ing Morrow county last fall. The news Of Mr. Thnmm'n riftnth onSko as a shock to friends, who thought mm to nave been In the best of health on leaving here. No partic ulars were given In the telegram received Dy Mr. Keithley. E. 3. Evans, Lexington wheatrals er, was attending to business In Heppner Saturday. Mr. Evans re ports the change to warmer wea ttapr conditions as an Improvement that will be beneficial to crops, though there has been no complaint as to the manner In which wheat Is coming alongln his section. The pastor of the Catholic church, Rev. Thomas J. Brady, is a patient at the Heppner hospital, with Dr. A. D. McMurdo, where he has been confined to bed since last Sunday. It is very probable that a substi tute priest will attend to the church and the parish until Rev. Father Brady's recovery. Frank B. Tlchenor, delegate at large to the democratic national convention, was a Heppner visitor the first of the week, having busi ness connected with the W. O. W. special meeting and at the same time meeting some of his fellow party members. His home is at Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Helms and family of Pine City spent Saturday afternoon and evening in Heppner. Mr. Helms and wife were called here on business, and remained over to take In the declamatory contest Saturday evening. Ollie Klncald and son were Hepp--- ner visitors on Saturday. Mr. Kin caid is one of the farmers of the lone section that is well pleased with the present outlook for crops and looks forward to a bumper yield again this season. Edward and Walter Reitmann, farmers of the north lone section, were visitors here on Saturday. The Reitmann boys are looking forward to a fine yield of wheat this season. Mr. and Mrs. George Hayden were In Heppner on Saturday from their home at Hardman. They re port the weather conditions much improved out that way now. AFTER SIXvDAYS, Magnificent Film Version of the Old Testament, Star Theater, Sunday and Monday. COMING TO The Dalles and Pendleton MELLENTH IrJ SPECIALIST In Internal Medicine for the past fifteen years DOES NOT OPERATE Will be In THE DALLES ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, AT THE DALLES HOTEL, and in PENDLE TON ON THURSDAY. MAY 17, AT THE DORION HOTEL. Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. ONE DAY ONLY No Charge for Consultation. , Dr. Mellenthln Is a regular grad uate In medicine and surgery and is licensed by the state of Oregon. ,He does not operate for chronic appen dicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stom ach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit wonderful re sults in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, ' sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ail ments. ' Below are the names of a few of his many satisfied patients In Ore gon who have been treated for one of the above named causes: H. H. Blake, Marshfleld. Elmer Booker, Condon. Bessie Ecklcs, Emprle. D. O. Horn, Bonanza. W. C. Hclyer, Kent P. M. Kostcr, Mt Angel. Mrs. L. H. Martin, Moro. DavlB Stelnon, Allegany. Fred Shellds, Klamath Falls. Joe Sheoshlps, Gibbon. D. I. Wagonblast, Portland. Remember above date, that con sultation on this trip will be free and that his treatment is different Married women muBt be accom panied by thCTr husbands. ' Adress: 224 Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles, California. C. L. Sweek, Burton S. Hutton, Tuesday evening from Grant coun ty, where he spent Sunday and Monday on his campaign tour. Sam states that he is having the time of his life In getting around among the people of his district Mr. Not son departed on Wednesday for La Grande. to address a meeting there, and then motored to Wasco county. He was accompanied by Mrs. Not son. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Swick came over from Monument the past week and will spend the summer here, wniie Mr. Swick is receiving treat ment He has been ill for a long while from the effects of a stroke of paralysis. Mr. and Mrs. Swick will be guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner during their stay in Heppner, Mrs. Swick being a sister of Mrs. Turner. Attorney C. L. Sweek drove to Arlington on Sunday to meet Mrs. Sweek and the children and Miss Hawthorne, who were returning alter a stay ot a few weeks in Port land. George N. Peck was a Lexington ranchman In the city on Friday. He has just finished with his spring plowing and the ground was In ex cellent shape when he got through. Prof, and Mrs. Howard M. .TumoH and their daughter, Lois, were vis itors at Heppner on Saturday eve ning, coming over to attend the de clamation contest Bub Clark and Bernie Gaunt who went south to start the shearing season, have returned home and are now engaged in shearing the woolies in this county. Mrs. T. A. Hughes returned Mon day evening from Portland, where she spent several days on business connected with the Hughes Hat shop. Geo. Mayhew, representing Ore gon Livestock Loan company of Portland, was here on Wednesday, looking after business for his company. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bechdolt of Hardman and son Archie were vis itors In Heppner on Sunday, guests at the home of Mrs. N. S. Whet stone. ALPINE. The senior class of Alpine high school Is very busily preparing for the commencement exercises, to be held May 16, at 8 o'clock at the high school auditorium. The public is invited to attend. This is the first graduating class of the high school since It was established. The class feels very proud. Mrs. E. L. Jones accompanied bv a close friend, Mrs. Griffen, drove over from their residence in Seat tle, .Washington, and spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lambirth and family in lower Sand Hollow. G. L. Bennett made a business trip to Hermiston Saturday. Mrs. Anna Schmidt Is having some repair work done on their lit tle bungalow house, a carpenter from Echo doing the work. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McDaniel spent the day In Hardman Sunday. Tne baseball team have their letters on their suits now. Wonder if that will help them to play any better? "Let the Buyer Beware" By B. R. RICKARDS, New York. (From State Board of Health.) People who take so-called cures or remedies on the strength of the claims made by "the manufacturers in advertisements or on the labels may not only be doomed to disap pointment but may frequently do themselves harm or even jeopardize their lives. Too many individuals believe health is purchaseable at the drug store. If anyone doubts this statement let him pick up the daily newspaper and see how many advertisements he can find which promise, nay, guarantee, miracu lous relief or cure from some one of the many ills to which flesh 1b heir, by just purchasing what the advertisement recommends. How profitable such methods are, is shown by the vast sums of money spent for advertising these so-call ed remedies. The day on which this is written, the display advertisements In a cer tain newspaper contained a dozen or more remedies for relief or cure from some form of Illness. Three of these were selected for discus sion that you may see the foolish ness and the danger of accepting the claims of the advertiser and at tempting to purchase health by the bottle, tablet or by the use of some particular- apparatus. The first advertisement stated that by buying a certain product one could quickly and safely reduce his, perhaps we should say her weight. Analyses which have been made of this proprietary article have proved It to contain thyroid extract, a substance which, it Is true, will reduce weight, but which has a very powerful and dangerous effect on the heart and should therefore be taken only "under a physician s orders and careful supervision. Another advertisement depicted a method' of removing superfluous hair by means of the x-ray. Here again there is some truth in the advertisement for these rays will actually kill the hair follicles, but to get the desired effect prolonged exposure to the rays is necessary a procedure liable to produce burns or even cause actual destruction of human tissue. When physicians ex pert in x-ray work refuse to use this method of hair removal be cause of the danger, do you believe that a beauty parlor operator Is ca pable of safely operating such a machine? The third advertisement picked out advised the use of a germ kill ing throat tablet One gained the Impression that one or more of the tablets would kill all the germs in the mouth capable of causing a sore throat or a cough, leaving the throat tissue healthy and vigorous. The facts are that if the disinfect ant remained in contact with the germs long enough to kill, It would SPEEDWAY ' CORDS Built by Goodyear 30x3i2 $5.95 29x4,40 $7.45 Heppner Garage also Injure the surface lining of the mouth. "Let the buyer beware," is a well known phrase In the business world. Any person who thinks to improve his health through the use of some product which he finds ad vertised in newspapers and maga zines had better have this phrase very firmly In mind. He may find strongly worded "money back guarantees on the label or package but there are usually many excuses ready when a disgruntled purchaser tries to return the goods. The phrase "try and get it" ought to be added to the guarantee. graph or musical Instrument as part payment Write at once to Geo. Robison, factory piano adjust er, 208 Oak St, Portland, Ore. 8-9 NOTICE! The hours for irrigation are from A. M. to 9 A. M., and from 5 P. M. to 8 P. M. There will be no whistle to regulate the irrigation hours so please watch your clocks and -do not irrigate out of these hours. Irrigating without a nozzle or sprinkler is not permitted. CITY OF HEPPNER WATER DEPARTMENT. 8-9. P. E. Burke, brother nf Mrs T T Nys, from Salem, was a visitor in una city mis morning, making a short stay on his way to Pendleton. Mr. Burke is a newspaperman, be ing recently witn me World, a Sa lem daily. MugSale Spring Special Oval Rugs in Many Bright Patterns Big reduction in Axmin ister Rugs, large and small. and up 9x12 Felt Base. Rugs $6.75 Small Felt Base Rues at 75c Large Rugs, 12x12 and 12x15 ft. Congolium and Linolium in 6-9- ank 12-ft;. widths. Beautiful embossed patterns. Armstrong's and Naions Guaranteed Linoleums GOLD SEAL quality; You will neecfto see this fine display. MAY 10 to 20 Case Furniture Co. WANTS - LOST Short strine of npn il a Finder return to Mrs. G. C. Aiken city. AT BALDWIN'S FURNITURE EXCHANGE, we have on' hand a supply of second hand ranges at very reasonable prices, 1 Monarch, 1 Majestic, 1 Rose and several oth ers. Also several sewing machines, Singers, Whites, Automatics and different makes. We handle the W. P. Fuller line Paints, Enamels, Var nish, Stains, and Kalsomlne. This is headquarters for Linleum Rugs and Floor Coverings. Built in fur niture a specialty. Step in and see our display. 8tf. Will exchange a few White Leg horn hens for Rhode Island Reds. Mrs. Geo. Moore, city. 2tf. FOR RENT 8500 acres sheep pasture, stock fenced; good grass, plenty of shade and water. Good chance to add 2000 acres more if leased soon. Joins county road fhm Heppner to Ritter. Write, telephone or see C. O. DININS, Ritter, Ore, Lexington, Oregon. 62-tf. FOR SALE Late model all steel 22x36 Case thresher, complete with bagger, feeder and blower. Guar anteed in Al condition. A snap at $300.00. Terms. Peoples Hardware Ce., Heppner, Ore. 4tf. AFTER SIX DAYS Mimiflr, Film Version of the Old T.gi.m.nt Star Theater, Sunday and Monday!. Have your photos taken now. Mrs. Boggs will close her studio at the end of the school year. 8-9p STRAYED Sorrel 2-year-old fil ly, running bred. $5 reward for in formation leading to recovery. Ger ald Swaggart 8-10p FOR RENT TVinrl .t,.r. ,!u lots of water, $2.00 a month. Troy Bogard, Eight Mile, Ore. Two wonderful rjlflrm harnlni stored at Heppner. Partly paid for pianos like new. Full guarantee, free delivery. Will accept phono- FOR SALE 12 good horses make fine team. 1 ground power Holt combine, in running order, will trade for cattle or anything I can use. Want to buy calves or stock cattle. Phone John Michelbook, lone, Ore. 4tf FOR SALE 1923 Case Hillside Harvester. This machine has cut small acreage and will be overhaul ed and be put in first class condi tion. Guaranteed to be ready to pull in the field. A bargain at $650. Terms. , Peoples Hardware Co, Heppner, Ore. 4tf. Eggs For Setting Rhode -Island Reds The cockerels out of May- hood strain; 287 trap nested hens. 50c per setting. Ralph Butler, Hen- riksen ranch, Heppner, Box 71. 2tf. Twelve head of jacks, the best in the west, for sale or lease; 40 head of good mules for sale; also 4 head of milk cows. B. F. Swaggart Use Princess for the best baking results, A high-patent' flour that you needn't be afraid to use for cake baking. " Baby Chick Feeds of the same standard that has given success in past years. Brown Warehouse Co. Phones: Warehouse 643, Residence 644 WHY Ship Your Cream to Portland When You Have a Market at Home? We need the support of every dairyman in Morrow County. How can you expect your county, town or business in town to prosper if you ship out? We will pay 42 cents for No. 1 butterfat and give honest weights and tests. We pay on the 5th and 18th of each month. Morrow County Creamery Company W. C. COX, Manager I X X EFFECTIVE MAT SS TO SEPT. SO IU.TUHN LIMIT OCT. JI, XfJM ROUND TRIP TO DENVER 7.I0 OMAHA. 74.60 Ivira5 CITY.... 7S.BO DES MOINES SI. 65 . 8S.WF . 60.30 .100.91 .110.40 112.88 118.0S 121.61 121.00 145.86 ST. LOUIS CHICAGO DFTROIT CINCINNATI... CLEVELAND.... TORONTO ATLANTA PITTSBURGH . liilllMr:Tnw PHILADELPHIA iit.n r" 'UKIt 1SI.70 BOSTON W7.70 Low fares all parts of mid west, south and east. Fine fast trains. Liberal f topovara MaUl yoa to Zlen National Park Grand Canyon Nat'l Pk. Ycllowttom National Pk. Reeky Mountain Nat'l Pk. For IUurtrattd Booklet Rfxm tiom and Information, addrcaa Agent named below. UNION PACIF C. DAHBEK, Local Afront, Heppner, Oregon rUrnTraF You won't need to wait about that wall paper job. We have the stock at from 5c to 30c a single roll. CASE FL'RNITCBE CO. Watch our win dow for display of quality linoleum and rugs. FOR SALE Flett ranch, 440 ac res, 100 alfalfa; on Rock creek. Rea sonable price; terms If desired. See or write Mrs. Maude Hurt, Arling ton, Ore. 3-9 Bring Produce Here. Bring your produce to the Central Market, Heppner. We bay poultry, beef, pork, mutton. Teal in fact any thing you have to offer in this line, always allowing the highest market price. See u before selling. 41-tf. CENTRAL MARKET. KILLS 'PTTl liPniie V-aVXJL UVMU -V ELY aoMsdSaMiardOq STANDARD OIL COMPANY OP CAUFOUTU. THE SUCCESS OF WILLOW CREEK SPECIAL' DAIRY AND POULTRY FEEDS is assured by the growing demand for these products. YOU CAN SECURE YOUR SUPPLY FROM Peoples Hardware Company . . Heppner Independent Warehouse Co. . Lexington C. W. Swanson lone Heppner Farmers Elevator Company ST a NEW HOUSE Are you dissatisfied with the appearance of your house? Is it "old fashioned" ugly out of step with the times or the neighborhood? You can have it remodeled and improved at small costl Let us estimate on the ma terials. We en n help you. Heppner Planing Mill & Lumber Yard l A. R. REID, Proprietor Phones Mill 9F25, Yard Main 1123 1 3 r a Successful Six low winning Even Greater bucccag big features found in no other low-priced six Offering bodies by Fisher, the Pontiac Six brings to the low-priced field not only the style and smartness, but also the luxury, roominess and staunch construction inherent in Fisher design. Embodying the G-M-R (General Motors Re search) cylinder head, Pontiac combines amazing smoothness and silence with economy of operation, using ordinary gasoline. And providing the thermostatically-controlled cross-flow radiator, it practically eliminates losses of water and alcohol and assures the proper temperatures for highest engine efficiency. Bodies by Fisher G-M-R Cylinder Head Cross-flow Radiator . . . here are three big fea tures found in no other low-priced six that no buyer of a six in Pontiac's class can afford to overlook. If the New Series Pontiac Six offered no other exclusive advantages, it would still hold its rightful position as the world's finest low-priced Six. J D.ior Srian. $741 Coupe, 74?J Sport Roadster, Phaeton, S775 Cabrialtt, $7Vit 4-Ooor .Seantt. AHJ5i .Sport Ldmjau Sedan, wu.iii.a nii-Animam .nx, to JUO All pnee) at factory. Check Oaktami Kinliac deU.-ered prtcej ihey include "" nunaime cmirrn. ln-ncrtH Moror I una raiment available at minimum rate. FERGUSON MOTOR CO., Heppner, Or. I. R. ROBISON, lone, Or. PONTTA 1 a C SIX PRODUCT OF fTiWmOoiNtRU MOTOR. i