HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1928. PAGE EIGHT L S Mrs. W. A. Reid of Corvallis, state secretary of the Women's Mis sionary society of the Christian church, will speak at the church here this evening. Mrs. Reid is on her way home from the national convention at Columbus, Ohio, and will have an interesting message for all members of the church. She is being accompanied on her trip through eastern Oregon by Mrs. An na Keithly of Pendleton, district secretary. Sheriff McDuffee departed today for LaGrande and other points in eastern and central Oregon. He will attend a meeting of peace officers of this district at Vale, and will also take part In spreading some Notson - for - Congress propaganda. He will be joined by Mr. Notson at LaGrande today and they will trav el together for a few -days. W. O. Staver, attorney of Pilot Rock, has declared his intention of running for joint representative on the republican ticket and will ask the voters of Morrow and Umatilla counties to write in his name at the primaries on the 18th. A more detailed announcement will appear in these columns next week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner and daughters .leanette and Ananbel and Miss Ruth Turner visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. James in Pilot Rock on Sunday. They were joined by Mrs. Roy Mis sildine and daughters who had been on a visit to Walla Walla. Mrs. S. P. Devin is quite ill at her home in this city suffering an at tack of kidney and stomach trouble. She returned home with Mr. Devin on Friday from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. John Clouston, at Pendleton, and upon her arrival here was taken suddenly ill. Mrs. Mack Smith is a patient at Hot Lake where she. has been for the past week or more, suffering from a heart affliction. Mr. Smith returned from Hot Lake Sunday, and reports that Mrs. Smith may have to remain there for some weeks yet Buster Keaton in COLLEGE, Star Theater, Sunday and Monday, the screamy side of higher education. Miss Gladys Benge was a week end visitor at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Eph Eskelson, coming over on Friday from Whit man college at Walla Walla, Mr. and Mrs. Eskelson meeting her at Pen dleton. Mrs. Harold Cohn is enjoying this week a visit with her mother, Mrs. W. O. Ames of Ellensburg, Wash., and her sister, Mrs. Egan O'Shea and small son Dick of Wallace, Ida. They came Sunday to spend the week at the Cohn home here. Mrs. Mae McPherrin of Athena is visiting this week at the home of her parents, Mr. nd Mrs. W. J. French in this city. Take a course in COLLEGE and graduate with a perpetual smile, Star Theater, Sunday and Monday. to her bed during the past week, suffering with flu and complications. Nellie Mahon, ill for the past two weeks, is now slowly improving. Percy Cox ran a splinter in his hand on Monday, requiring the as sistance of a physician to remove. The splinter was an inch long. Lo tus Robison of Hardman is suffer ing with a badly- infected foot, the result of a cut by a knife some two weeks ago. Mrs. Harlan McCurdy of lone met with a painful accident on Tuesday, receiving a cut on the back of the left wrist that required five stitches to close. Walter Wright of Hardman was able to be in town on Wednesday after a seige of some ten days with flu and rheumatism. Jim Stout is suffering blood poison ing in his hand, the result of a blis ter. The case is quite serious. Per cv Jarmon of Butter creek was in the city today With his daughter, Miss Helen, who was injured some time ago, but is now quite well again. O. E. S. CHEER CLUB. The Cheer club of Ruth Chapter No. 32, O. E. S. held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. W. P. Mahoney on Saturday afternoon, April 29. The ladles spent their time in sewing and an interesting discussion of plans for future work. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess, Mrs. W. P. Mahoney. The May meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Jf A. Patterson. Those present were Mrs. John Her, Mrs. J. A. Patterson, Mrs. Bennett. Mrs. Kate Slocum, Mrs. A. H. Johnston, Mrs.- W. E. Pruyn, Mrs. Hanson Hughes, Mrs. S. E. Strodtman, Mrs. F. S. Parker, Mrs. Paul Gemmell. Mrs. Chas. Cox, Mrs. J. F. Lucas, Mrs. Earl Gordon, Mrs. Will Ball, Mrs. Bullard and Mrs. Farrens of lone and Mrs. W. P. Mahoney. BOY SCOUTS. This week we had a good meet ing in the Legion hall. Geo. W. Clark, forest ranger, spoke to the boys on "Forest Conservation and the Menace of Forest Fires." After Mr. Clark's talk the meeting broke up into patrol groups and had elec tion of patrol officers and selected patrol standards. There are now three patrols the Crow, the Flying Eagle and the Wolf. Leaving the hall, Mr. Moore gave a demonstra tion of starting a fire by means of friction between two sticks. It can be done just as the Indians did it The meetings beginning with next week will be on Thursday evenings at 7 o'clock, instead of Tuesday. The change in meeting time is made necessary because of other meetings in the hall. , Rev. Stanley Moore, scoutmaster, the hearing of confessions and dur ing the mass Holy Communion will be distributed. The mass will be said early so as to give an opportun ity to all to make their Easter Com munion. There will be a second mass In Heppner at 11 o'clock, with sermon by the pastor. Every morning of the week there will be mass in the Heppner church at 7 o'clock during the entire month of May unless the pastor is away on his parish rounds in the county. Each evening at 7 there will during the month of May be rosary, litany, prayers in honor of the Mother of Christ, the month of May being es pecially dedicated to the Mother of God. On evenings that warrant it there will also be Benediction of the Blessed-' Sacrament The pastor hopes that the parishioners will manifest their appreciation of these many services. Friday of thiB week will be the flrs$ Friday of May, and there will be mass in Heppner at 7 o'clock and in the evening at 7 there will take place the Holy Hour. As soon as the pastor has completed his parish visitations the classes in Christian Doctrine will be resumed. The pastor urgently requests the parishioners to call at the rectory and become acquainted, and ar range personal matters for the year 1928. The hearty thanks of the parish ioners are due to Mr. and Mrs. Jer ome O'Connor for a very substan tial gift to the parish. On May 13, there will be an early mass in lone at 8:30 In the morning, so as to give the people there an opportunity for making their Easter Communion. On the same day there will be a second mass in Heppner at 11:00 clock. home on the ranch below town, with an attack of tonsilitis. Wm. Nichols, who has been 111 with a light attack of influenza, is now able to be around. Robert Burnside, operated on re cently for hernia, has been dis charged from the hospital. August Liebel of lone, suffering from bloodpoisoning, the result of tepping on a rusty nan, u now able to be up. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Rev. Stanley Moore, Missionary- -Charge. Next Sunday being the first in May there will be celebration of the Holy Communion and sermon at 11 clock. We are having a series of sermons on the Character or tne Patriarch David. This Sunday the subject will be, "David's Strength." Sunday school at 9:45. Young People's Fellowship at 6:30. "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom then shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom then shall I be af raid?" Psalm 27:1. NEW HOSPITAL OPEN. Dr. McMurdo reports that Hepp ner hospital is now ready for the reception of patients. The new hospital is well equipped and there will be room for the care of a num ber of patients at a time, and Dr. McMurdo and his hospital force are quite proud of the fine appearance of their new service they are now prepared to offer to this commun ity. Dr. McMurdo makes the fol lowing report from his office: Born Sunday, April 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Owen Leathers of Hardman, an &M pound son. Owen is looking for ward to a good assistant in the deer hunting game in the not far distant future. Oscar Keithley of Eight Mile suffered injury to his back on Tuesday when he was get ting out from under a horse and the animal placed a foot on his back over the right kidney, badly bruising the muscles. Shirley E. Grover of Lexington is suffering from an injured arm from the kick of a mule on which he was placing harness on Wednesday. The x-ray showed no fracture. Mrs. Canfleld, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Pearson of Lena, has been confined LEGION AUXILIARY MEETS, The American Legion Auxiliary met Tuesday evening, May 1, in Legion hall with 18 members pre sent The new bulletin was read and the different committee chair men reported. The hospital chair man gave out 14 hot water bottle covers to be made for Hospital No. 77. Mrs. Paul Gemmell gave an interesting paper entitled, "The Flag of the United States." The Auxiliary will give a card party May 16th at the home of Mrs. Jas. Burgess to which the public is cor dially invited. The charge of $1.00 a couple will be made. The Auxil iary urges every woman to vote at the election May 18. Mrs. Chas, Smith and Mrs. Owen Flory were hostesses. Mrs. Flory won the kitty. Secretary. DANGERS OF SUMMERTIME. In summer we are accustomed to seek for relaxation and pleasure and to a certain extent this is well But there is a danger mark and is concerning this we will speak on Lord's Day morning at the Church of Christ On Sunday evening the theme will be, "Believing a Lie." The question to be answered is, "Is it possible for people to talk in tongues today as it was in the time of Pentecost .' The contest is over and the Blues won! Really, though, the whole school won in a very fine way. Let us keep the Bible school going big, MILTON W. BOWER, Minister. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. Rev. Thomas J. Brady, Pastor. On next Sunday, May 6, there will be mass in the Hirl school house at 8:30; this mass will be preceded by Write in the Name R. R. BUTLER HOSPITAL NOTES. Charles Ayers, who has been ill with flu at the Morrow General hos pital has returned home. Geo. Burnside was kicked in the lee by a horse Saturday while working with the road crew on But ter creek. He wa3 brought to Mor row General hospital and the x-ray revealed no fracture. He suffered painful wound as a result of the kick and this was dressed. He will be laid up for a few days. Paul Gemmell is confined to his home in bed with a light attack of influenza. Shirley Straight was operated on Wednesday at Morrow General hos pital for removal of bad tonsils. Arthur Parker Is confined to his Requirements of Secre; . tary of State Stressed By Edward E. Brodie Publisher of Oregon City enterprise, Ex-President of National Editorial As sociation, and former American Minister to the Kingdom of Siam. When Hal Hoss came to Oregon City, a gangling youth, about fifteen years ago, he started In his charac teristic and energetic fashion to lay substantial foundation for suc cess. His experience in newspaper work at that time was somewhat rudimentary, but it had the advan tage of variable elements in max u ommented at the bottom ana pro gressed upward through the several channels of the editorial depart ments and Into the business office where he proceeded to make the most of opportunity. It was not for him a long step to a position of re sponsible management in which he coupled the qualities of initiating policies with those of carrying them to a sure termination, uver a per iod of six years of newspaper direc tion, he developed steadily, building good will, which Is the most valua ble of newspaper assets, for the property with which he was identi fied, and forming close and lasting contacts throughout the s,tate. Occupied as he was in a place that demanded constant applica tion, Mr. Hoss shook irksome de tails from his shoulders and tied into his job an active appreciation of public service. He became worker for the brothers of the craft, acting indefatigably for their Inter ests, without expectation or hope of reward. It was only natural that his efforts would bring him a flock of non-salaried and honorary posi tions which he filled acceptably, and it was inevitable that his activities, as their scope broadened, would be accorded recogniiton which came to him in the form of an urgent invitation to join, as private secre tary to the governor, the state ad ministration. Some of his friends, including the writer of these lines, shook their heads, not then realiz ing that Hal Hoss would be unwill ing to stagnate in a place that seemed to offer little future. But his study and interest in the affairj of his native state went beyond his immediate place. He made the most of a membership on the parole board and became a student of penal problems, accepting director ship in the national association. There was no good reason, In the mind of Hal Hoss, why the prln ciples of sound business should not be applied to the business of the people. It seemed to him that pub lic service ought to mean more than a mere political job, and that the same fundamental ideas that he utilized in newspaper offices o .Id and should be put Into ( practice through the conduct of an Import ant state office. He was not in cumbered with political entangi--ments and was prepared and equip ped to transact the state's business on the basis of common sense, hav ing in mind that the taxpayer's dollar is not a gift of God, but is entitled to economic consideration and should be stretched as far as practicable with proper results as a primary objective. . . These facts may be construed as arguments for the nomination and election of Hal Hoss fof secretary of state. He has become person ality. His friends are . not giving his candidacy perfunotory support but they are enthusiastically urg ing the people of Oregon to choose a man who has always made good who has a clear conception of ser- ice, who is young and alert and who is free to promise and who has the ability to deliver that particular character of an administration that our citizenship irequires. The im portance of the' office demands se lection of a man who is qualified by temperament and experience to ren der a high type of service to the public. Hal Hoss is that man. A 1000-acre stock ranch for sale; 150 acres cultivated. 7 miles north of Monument $7000. Easy terms. If interested write or phone I. N. Harrison, Top, Oregon. 8-10. FOR SALE 1927 14-ft Case com bine. Has cut 600 acres. Good as new. See or write Harry or Sam Turner, Heppner, Ore. tf. NOTICE TO CXESITOBS. Notice is hereby given that Ethel MrDaniel has been appointed admlnia- tratrix of the Estate of Elmer McDan lel, deoeased. by the County Court of the state of Oregon for Morrow County, and that she has qualified as such by filing her bond and oath of olllce. All persons having claims against sold estate must present them to the administratrix on or before six months from the date of first publication of this notice to said administratrix at the office of C. L. Sweek in Heppner, Ore gon. Said claims must be duly verified as required by law. Date of first publication. April 26th, 1928. ETHEL McDANIEL. Admintrttratrlx. MORE AND BETTER LAMBS . SUGGESTED BY LINDGREN Lower cost of unit production is needed if Oregon Is to enjoy fullest success in the llestock business, thinks H. A. Lindgren, extension specialist in animal husbanury at Oregon State Agricultural college. 'One of the big problems of the sheep business In this state is tha1. the breeders are not getting a lare enough lamb crop," Mr. Lindgren said. "The state of Washington re ports an average of 120 per cent lambing while the average for this stale is only 80 to 90 per cent Mjre attention paid to breeding and lambing time is profitable. Ewes giving a large amount of milk and having a good heavy fleece with lots of quality together with good con formation are I what make sheep pay. This state has very good mar keting conditions for both sheep and cattle when handled correctly." If You Want the Best Ask for Serv-Us Our 'No..l, fancy pack, canned fruits," vegetables, etc. You'll never be disap pointed. RedandWhite is our second grade always good qual ity. It's standard, though cheaper than "Serv-Us." A TRIAL AND YOU'LL REPEAT. HIATT & DIX Phone Main 1072 We Deliver SATURDAY last day of the telSALB Place your order NOW and get this of THE DALLES Candidate For Congress To Succeed Nick Sinnott Butler is the logical candidate for the Republicans of Oregon. Served four sessions as State Senator; was Circuit Judge of Gilliam, Sherman and Wheel er Cunoties; a long resident of Eastern Ore gon and is familiar with the needs of his section of the state. Ls one of Oregon's out-" standing attorneys, an orator of state-wide note. Is experienced in legislative matters. Twice presidential elector. Write in the Name of R. R. Butler and mark an X in front of his name. Your ballot will have a blank space under heading FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS, SECOND DISTRICT. Paid Adv, by Butletyfor Congress Club, Ben R. Lltfin, Sec. 304 First National Bank BUlg., The Dalles, Oregon. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, MAY 3. AND 4: Tom Mix and Marjorie Daw in "OUTLAWS OF RED RIVER" . GERALD BEAUMONT'S DRAMA OF THE FIGHTING . TEXAS RANGERS. 1 Action Thrills Suspense Laughter and a romance of love and adventure among the cloud capped hills of California. Also oCock-eyed Ben Turpin in A HAREM KNIGHT, a two reel comedy wow. ' $12.00 Waterless Cooking Set FREE worth of Monarch Electric Ranges sold first 3 days of sale $1390.50 SATURDAY, MAY 5: Johnny Hines in - - "THE EARLY BIRD" A treat foraded appetites and low spirits. A barrel of fun and a vat of laughs in this hectic comedy of milk and money. Flora Finch is in the cast. ' 'Nuf sed. Also Cartoon Comedy, Kinograms News Reel and Scenic "Be low the Equator." SUNDAY AND MONDAY, MAY 6 AND 7: Buster Keaton in ' "COLLEGE", ....... V. A hilarious comedy of college life. The frozen-faced star's photo scream of varsity life, with the world's greatest college athletes In the supporting cast. He took tin education In everything but his brain. - Also two reel comedy SUGAR DADDIES. CHILDREN 25c ADULTS 50c. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, MAY 8 & 9: ' Constance Talmadge and Ronald Colman in "HER SISTER FROM PARIS"? Connie's snappiest comedy in which in dual rleB sne Plav w0 sides of a triangle with many complications. Also comedy and Kinograms News Reel. COMING NEXT WEEK Buck Jones In HILLS OF PERIL May 10 nad 11 William Haines in 8LIDE, KELLY, SLIDE -- May 12th AFTER SIX DAYS, magnificent film version of the Old Testament May 13 and 14. Harry Langdon In LONG FANT8 . .i May 15 and iq. The Luxury of Electric Cooking is Now Within Your Reach In fact, you may be astonished to find how economical it will be. We will gladly help you figure just what it will cost you to cook with electricity. Think what a delight it would be to cook with a MON ARCH Electric! Always so beautifully clean and Oh, so convenient. You can put your dinner in the oven, set the oven regulator, nd go away for the after noon. The current is turned on the heat kept uniform current turned off again, all automatically. The stored up heat finishes your dinner, and you come home to find it hot and ready to serve. You will find over 100 MONARCH styles from There are several with built-in wood and coal fire-box a wonderful convenience for heating and burning waste.' Visit our display no obligations. , 4 which to choose. We Can Arrange Monthly Payments To Suit Your Convenience. . fcgtl III I rhii model Monarch 1 1 I J Eleotrio priced as I I low u $129.50 with I U J antomatlo oven 1 7 control, 1 Case Furniture Co. dcuaXcft Trade in your old range on a MONARCH JtffettOXcfli IVnsnus pay balance on easy terms without interest. Vnssms i i