Society. taper mmtttt Volume 45, Number 6. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, Apr. 26, 1928 Subscription $2.00 a Year "TULIP TIME" WINS LARGE AUDIENCE High School Operetta Is Beautiful, Colorful In Dutch Setting. As bright and pretty an operetta as probably hag ever been present ed before a Heppner audience was the annual presentation given be fore a large and appreciative audi ence In the school auditorium-gymnasium last evening. "Tulip Time" was the offering, its beautiful Dutch plcturizatinn being truly set out in the colorful costuming and abund ance of tulips on every hand. The Dutch lads and lassies who com posed the chorus, wore the typical loose and flowing garments of Hol land, all uniformly blue and white, that lent the basic motif of decora tion, which in contrast with the more brightly colored dresses of the American tourist girls, made in itself a beautiful picture. A row of varicolored tulips across the front and a flower booth on either side, with a big greenwlndmill in the background, gave all the need ed atmosphere to make -the setting striking. The village of. Osendorf was en Joying a holiday, the opening scene presenting the chorus of Dutch lads and lassies gaily announcing it in song. Hans, a young Dutch ap prentice, in the person of Ellis Thomson who carries the weight of the humorous theme throughout, appears and announces the coming of a band of American tourists. Next to appear in the order of their appearance are Aunt Anna, Chris tina's guardian, Margaret Notson; Katlnka, a village maiden, Anna McDald; Hendrick van Ooster, bur gomaster of Osendorf, it's chief of police, fire department, traffic cop, and in fact ruler of the town, Clair Cox; Christina, a charming Dutch girl, Patricia Monahan; Theophilus McSplndle, an authority on botany, John Conder; Nod Baxter, an Amer ican college student, Gerald Slo cum; Dick Warren, a fellow stu dent of Ned, Robert Turner. . Com posing the choruses were Dutch: Hazel McDald, Edna Vaughn, Dor othy Herren, Louise Langdon, Ella Fell, Virginia Dix, Virginia Cleve land, Mary Beamer, Kenneth Ov latt, Louis LcTrace, Duane Brown, Fletcher Walker, Gay Anderson, " Earl Thomson, Homer Hayes and Homer Hager; American: Velton Owen, Alva McDuffee, Mary Thom son, Florence French, Ruth Tur ner, LucHle Beymer, Earle Bryant and Claud Conder; Sailors, Duane Brown, Louis LeTrace, Claud Con der, Kenneth Ovlatt and Earle Bry ant The story, pictured In song and dialogue, brings out the following: The village, enjoying a holiday, is startled by the arival of a party of American tourists, college students under the leadership of Professor McSpindle, a tutor in botany, to study tulip culture. Two of the party, Ned and Dick, are much more interested in Christina and her friend Katlnka. News reaches the village that a thief has been steal ing choice bulbs of prlzo tulips, and a handbill describes the thief and offers a reward for his capture. Ned and Dick Induce McSplndle to wear certain clothing, answering the de scription of the tulip thief. When the Burgomaster beholds McSpin dle so attired he causes his arrest. With McSplndle out of the way, Ned and Dick promote their friendship with the girls, and learn that Chris tina's stock is, unknown to her, fo Immense value. They reveal the truth to her and thwart the Burgo master's attempt to grow rich at her expense. With the assitance of Christina's Aunt Anna, the inno cence of McSpindle is established, and the latter declares his affection for her; and with the prospect of a triple wedding the final curtain falls. All parts were very well taken with special mention deserved by all those who took leading roles, their solo, duet and quartet work being well executed, showing their training to have been well tended to by Miss Kate Francis Ede who had supervision of the production In charge. Though the voices were not so strong as would be expected of professional entertainers, the harmony was excellent throughout. The chorus ensembles we're espec ially well executed and lended the valuable Introductory and final grandocio necessary to a complete rendition of such an operetta. Miss Ede Is especially to be congratulat ed upon the success of the enter tainment. Mrs. Walter Moore efficiently ac- " companled at the piano, working tirelessly from the beginning of re hearsals till the final curtain, as did also Mrs. Harold Cohn who coached the many dancing steps UBed throughout, and which made a largo hit with those who witness ed the presentation.: in apprecta- tion of the work done by Miss Ede, Mrs. Cohn and Mrs. Moore, Jas. M. Burgess, superintendent, presented each with a beautiful boquet of flowers, paying them a fine tribute In his few remarks. Miss Mae Murray, domestic sci- ence and art Instructor, did the de signing and superintended the mak ing of the costumes, and is to be congratulated highly on her work. As an Interlude, Mitchell Thorn, virtuoso violinist, a graduate of Chicago Conservatory of Music and one-time artist wtlh the Redpath (Continued ... Tug 8) J. T. Mitchell W as a Former Resident Here J. T. Mitchell, who has resided near Salem for the past twelve years, formerly a resident of this city where he was for a number of years engaged in. the dray and transfer business, died at his home on April 17, at the age of 69 years. His funeral was held at Hayesville church, near where he lived, on Thursday, April 19, at 2 p. m. James Thompson Mitchell was a native of Missouri. Coming west by team in 1875, he settled in Idaho, and for the year following he served in the Indian war in that state. He returned east by wagon In 1880 from Boise, and in 1890 came west again, arriving at Heppner on the 14th day of June. After -a residence of many years In this community he went to the Willamette valley and had resided since near Salem. About a year ago he suffered a severe stroke of paralysis, this making him practically helpless, and another stroke four months ago rendered him helpless entirely. His near relatives in the west are several nephews and nieces residing at Doty, Washington. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS The local music club will meet Monday evening, April 30th, at 8 o'clock In the home of Mrs. T. J. Humphreys. At this time the life and works of Schumann will be studied. An interesting program is being arranged consisting of two papers, and both vocal and Instru mental music. All persons inter ested are invited to attend. At this time the club will make further ar rangements for Music Week which begins the week following. A full attendance is desired at this meet ing. Delbert N. Deen of Portland and Marjorle V. Knox of Fossil were granted license to wed by Clerk An derson on the 17th, and the young people were united .in marriage by Judge Huston the same day. Mr. Deen was formerly a Morrow coun ty boy, being raised at Hardman, but making his home for several years at Portland. Lee Beckner, who resides south of lone, received a kick by a mule on Saturday and narrowly escaped very serious injury. The mule left the imprint of his foot on the fore head of Mr. Beckner just over the left eye, causing bad lacerations that required several stitches to close. Dr. McMurdo was called to wait on-him. Frank Shively Is sponsoring a free show at the Star theater Sat urday afternoon, its purpose being to snow tne Advance-Rumely com bined harvester, for which he Is lo- cal agent Every phase of the man ufacture and uses of this harvester are said to be depicted in the pic ture. The Women's Missionary society of the Christian church will meet In the church parlors Tuesday af ternoon, May first.-at 2:30. Mrs. M. W. Bower Is the leader and the topic to be discussed is "That Tltey All May Be One." Members and friends are Invited to be present uari Hallock, V. J. FiUpatrlck and Leonard Schwarz motored over to Monument Saturday afternoon to have a day of fishing in the Cot tonwood. They did not return with glowing accounts of the day's sport, as they found members of the finny tribe rather scarce. Mr. ami Mrs. W. W. Bechdolt were Heppner visitors Tuesday from tneir farm home near Hardman. Mr. Bechdolt says crop prospects are fine in his sectioa. Wheat has been a little slow in coming but there Is an excellent stand. Mrs. Florence B. Sine died at the home of her mother, Mrs. Piggott, In lone at 2 a. m. Tuesday, follow ing an illness of some months du ration. Funeral services were held on Wednesday afternoon, with bur ial in the lone cemetery. ine u. uls. Cheer club will meet on Saturday afternoon at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. W. P. Mahoney. Sewing will be the order, for the children in the Eastern Star home. Nellie Mahon, who was brought to town last week from the home of her parents near Ried's mill, is still quite sick, and threatened with Intestinal flu. J. C. Kirk, who has been very ill during the past week with an at tack of Influenza, is now much Im proved, though still confined to his bed. Cyrus Aiken Victim Of Automobile Smash Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Aiken received word early last week that their son Cyrus, who has been residing In New York for some time, was a vic tim of a very serious automobile accident which occurred at Bay Shore, N. Y. The first Information was not very definite, but later tel egrams gave the information that Mr. Aiken had been picked up on the street following the accident, and it was found that he had suf fered very serious fracture of the skull. Word received this week is to the effect that he is ye uncon scious, but the authorities at the hospital where he Is being cared for report a steady Improvement and that he should come through all right. All the word so far received by his parents here has been by telegram, but Mr. and Mrs. Aiken expect a letter giving more complete details of the accident E Third Annual Declama tory Meet Set for Sat urday at 7 o'Clock. Saturday evening Heppner will be the mecca of the schools of the county, when nearly every school will have entrants in the third an nual Morrow County Declamatory contest, to Btart at 7 o'clock sharp in the school auditorium-gymna-4 sium. Judges have been secured, all three coming frosa The Dalles, and the contest will be run off with all the snap possible, says Jas. M. Bur gess, superintendent of the local schools. He asks that all contest ant report at the auditorium as soon as possible that the contest may be thoroughly organized be forehand. "Though the number of contest ants will be quite large," says Mr. Burgess, "little time will be con sumed by each, and by having ev erything well organized we are sure it will not prove unduly lengthy. In former years these contests have proved very interesting and enter taining, and competition this year is expected to be keener than ever before. I am sure it will be well worth everyone's time and money to attend. An added incentive to good work this year is given by the announce ment of an inter-county declama tory contest to be held May 6 in Heppner, between the winners of the Morrow and Umatilla county contests. It is planned to make this an annual event with the contest being held one year at Heppner and the next at Pendleton. The Heppner Luncheon club at a recent meeting decided to stand good for the jnedals to be given at this contest .' There will be three classes of rec itations in the high school division, humorous, oratorical and dramatic and two in the grade division, hu morous and non-humorous. Each school Is entitled to one entrant in each class. There are no reserved seats for the contest and the gen eral admission will be 50c, the pro ceeds to go toward paying expenses of the contest which aggregate quite a large sum. Contestants are judged on enunciation, stage pres ence and delivery. Program Received for Coming Chautauqua The program and advertising matter for the Morrow County Chautauqua coming May 31, June 1, 2, 3, were received this morning, and the posters and window cards will appear this week end. Fea tures of entertainment besides the Chautauqua are being rapidly work ed out by the various committees and will be ready for publication the next week or two. A fine array of talent is outlined on the Chau tauqua program for the four days, as follows: First Evenlnir "ADDlesause." the biz success of last year's six day circuit and one of the great comedies of re cent 'years, is the play for this season, and it conies first night a sure cure for the blues. Second Afteraoon-The Ben Nak Play ers rump thru a diverting entertain ment oi music ana novelties. Then, Louis Williams, scientific wizard, with a platform full of apparatus, gives a laboratory demonstration of modern chemical wonders. Second Evening- The Ben Naks come on again for an hour of cheerful non sense ajid popular melodies after which "ine wonders or Electricity, with leaping tongues of fire, radio freaks, thrilling phenomena of high voltage are presented by Louis Williams in memor able, vivid fashion. Third Afternoon A hilarious carnival of happy harmony by the Dixie Jubilee Singers, intermingled with old time salvation songs of colored worshippers, make up an utterly delightful afternoon program. Third Evening- Haunting melodies from Southern cotton fields, camp meet ing shoutR, weird superstitious hymns and gay pranks given by a company of appealing voices of the Dixie Jubilee Singers, under the direction of a leader who knows the songs of "the old South." The Sacrilice Hit. delivered to over one million people in over forty states, is one fo the humorous lecture classics of the coui.try and a high spot of Chau tauqua week by "Sunshine Dietrick. Fourth Afternoon The "Music Box Girls' and Wendell Wise are fun mak ers and popular melody artists pure and simple. Their program Is all 1928 style. Fourth Evenincr Here we have a typ ical "Revue," most popular type of modern "snow. A gay carnival ot mu sical hilarity makes this night program of the "Muflr Box Girls' the most spec tacular and most diverting of the week. There will he a ten minute intermis sion during each evening program whrtn the audience will be at liberty to visit, get refreshments, and move about. Remember the entire expense of the Chautauqua is being borne by popular subscription and there will be no admission charge. Plan now to spend as much time In Heppner as possible May 31, June 1, 2, 3. June 1 will be Pioneers' Day and June 2, Grange Day, with many special features or entertainment T. T. A. SPONSORS CLINIC. A health clinic for children of pre-school age is being sponsored by the Patron Teachers association to be held in the high school build ing beginning at 10 o'clock Satur day, May 12. Dr. Storey and Miss Wlllmeyer, nurse, from the state health department will conduct the clinic assisted by Drs. Johnston and McMurdo of this city. An excep tional opportunity for free examin ation of children Is afforded by this cnnio ana an mothers having chtl dren of pre-school age are urged by me association to bring them. Heppner To Observe National Music Week National Music Week is not a campaign for something to be su perimposed on tne people. It is a suggestion. It asks for no support except from those who desire to give It Music rendered a great service during the war and is need ed to an even greater extent in these days of readjustment National Music Week is a radio in which everyone becomes either a sending or receiving station or both. Music will bo in the air bring ing pleasure, refreshing relaxation and melody to the public as a whole. The national observance is the culmination of the many city-wide music weeks which have been held In all parts of the counti-y. The week beginning with the first Sun day In May is nationally known as music week. As far as we know Portland and Salem are the only towns in Oregon that have ob served this special week in the past The concentration of several mu sical events into a single week has for its purpose the awakening of the whole community to the import ance of music as a factor in one's life. The variety of the programs makes it possible to reach all the people with the message of music in some form and to demonstrate to every individual that at least some type of music appeals to and helps him. The .town which through local observance "gives more thought to music," has not only the immediate benefit of a succession of carefully planned entertainments, but has the prospect of continued development in its musical life and therefore in Its civic and social life as well. The local music club has taken the initiative and planned several musical events, and it is hoped that a large number of individuals and organizations will give their hearty support The churches are asked to give special attention to music on the opening Sunday. There will be a community sing of religious and patriotic songs on Sunday after noon, the place to be announced later. On Monday evening at the Church of Christ there will be a piano recital of the pupils of Mrs. Roy Missildine and Mrs. Milton Bower. This will consist of piano solos and ensemble numbers with two pianos. On another evening Miss Esther Fredreckson of Stanftoid and Miss Endicott of Pendleton will give a violin and piano recital. Plans are under way for a home talent concert more details later. The crowning event of the week will be the "May Festival" given by the children of the grades. S. E. Notson Expected to Declare for Congress S. E. Notson returned Wednesday evening from Portland. He had spent a day or two in the city In conference with other men of the second Oregon congressional dis trict who, like himself, are inter ested in becoming candidates to succeed Representative Sinnott, withdrawn from the race because of his appointment to a federal po sition. While Mr. Notson has not yet fully decided to declare himself a candidate, he is being urged to do so by his many friends in this county, as well as elsewhere, and there will be a strong move made at Heppner, we are sure, to get him to enter the race. , The time is short for canvassing the district and a strenuous cam paign would haveUo be made, but we feel Bure that Mr. Notson will be in position to make such a cam paign should he decide to throw his hat in the ring. Being urged as he is by friends here to declare him self, and should this decision be that he will enter the race, we shall expect that republicans of Morrow county will get behind him to a man and help him win the nomination. He will have oposing him such men as Roy W. Ritner of Pendle ton, R. R. Butler of The Dalles. Hawley J. Bean of Echo, who have already declared themselves in, while there is prospect that Dan Boyd of Wallowa county and Den ton Burdlck of Jefferson county will also be candidates, and maybe Bruce Dennis of Klamath Falls. Ritner, who had filed for joint rep resentative of Umatilla and Mor row counties, announces his with drawal from this race, and this will leave only the name of J. P. Con der of Heppner on the ticket. It Is stated, however, that republicans of Umatilla county will come to gether and endorse another man, whose name will have to be written In. In the case of those men who enter the race tor representative in congress, their names will have to be written in on the primary nom inating bullot i CARD OF THANKS. We desire to thank the neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted us in every way during the Illness and death of our little boy, Arthur Don; also for the many beautiful flowers. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Gammell and Family. EASTERN STAR MEETING. An important meeting of the Or der of Eastern Star is announced for tomorrow evening by Mrs. A. H. Johnston, Worthy Matron. There will be initiatory work and a spec ial musical program, and all mem bers are urged to attend. I COMING ELECTION Filing, Registration Time Past; List Candidates and Offices Sought. April 18 ended the time for filing of candidates for nomination to the various offices May 18, as well as closing the registration books till after the primary election. There Is now no chance for new candi dates to have their names appear on the ballot, nor is there any chance for any voter not already qualified to cast his ballot Every qualified voter should by this time have received his certificate of reg istration from the county clerk's of fice as these were mailed out two weeks ago. No swearing in of vot ers on election day will be permit ted. A list of names to appear on the ballot for national, district and state offices was received this week from the state secretary's office, and the list of names for the county offices obtained from the county clerk. With but one exception, all candi dates who have announced them selves In the county field have qual ified. The exception is Creed Owen, who failed to file with the county clerk. We have not heard of Mr. Owen's withdrawal from the race for county commissioner, but it will be necessray for those who desire to cast their ballot for him to write in his name. In writing in names care should be taken to place an "x" before it as it might not other wise be counted. The sheriff's office seems to be the most desired among county office seekers, there being three republicans and one democrat after the nomination. Geo. Bleakman, C. J. D. Bauman and E. Albee are the republican candidates, while Walter Matteson seeks approval at the hands of the democratic constit uency. Another contest appears for the office of caunty clerk on the republican ballot with Gay M. An derson and W. O. Hill, the only candidates, asking for the nomin ation. Besides Creed Owen, who declared himself a candidate but failed to file, there are three other republicans who desire the nomina tion for this office, namely L. P. Davidson, E. S. Duran and Chas. Wicklander. There- are no demo cratic aspirants. Helen M. Walker and Lucy E. Rodgers, the only can didates for county school superin tendent are both republicans. The democrats have but one contest to decide in the county election. E. R. Huston and Joe Lieuallen seek en dorsement for the office of justice of the peace, sixth district T. A. Hughes is the republican candidate for this office. - The withdrawal of N. J. Sinnott republican, from the race for rep resentative in congress, 22nd repre sentative disrtict, has coused some what of a free-for-all for this job. Mr. Sinnott was appointed a mem ber of the U. S. court of appeals in New York by President Coolidge and withdrew from the race. He was the same as conceded the nom ination, being the only republican candidate when he withdrew. Since his resignation from the race, how ever, candidates have been coming out right lively. S. E. Notson, of this city, on the urgent request of friends, is contemplating running and will make decision today. Other republican possibilities mentioned: Roy Ritner, Pendleton; Dan Boyd, Enterprise; R. R. Butler, The Dall es; D. E. Burdick, Madras; Bruce Dennis, Klamath Falls, and A. R. Shumway, Milton, Whether or not all of these will be candidates is not yet definitely known. For the job in Undemocratic camp, who before had no candiate announced, two leading figures appear, Walter M. Pierce of La Grande and W. B. Strayer of Baker. As. Mr. Sinnott's withdrawal came too late for other candidates to file it will be neces sary for the voter to write in the name of his choice for this office. Following is the list of district, state and national offices and the candidates for each to appear on (Continued on Page Eight.) SWEEK RESIDENCE DAMAGED, The sounding of the fire alarm at about 7:20 o clock Tuesday morn ing called the citizens of the com munity to the residence of C. L. Sweek on Court street and it was found that fire was burning in one of the inside rooms, starting, evi dently from spontaneous combus tion, as paint and paint rags had been left there by workmen in charge of painting and decorating. The fire had eaten through the floor in this room and was beginning to show on the outside when the alarm was given. The Sweek fam ily was absent, and there was no one in the house at the time, but it was not long until water applied by a garden hose had extinguished the flames. Freshly painted rooms upstairs were badly smoked, and the floor In the room where the Are started was damaged some. Mr. Sweek and family motored to Port land on Sunday and the house was left In charge of carpenters and painters. There had been no fire In the house, so there seems to be no other theory of the fire than that mentioned above. Robert Burnslde, who was oper ated on 10 days ago at Morrow General hospital for hernia, is now able to be up and around. K. of P. District Meet Held at Arlington Fourteen members of Doric Lodge No. 20, Knights of Pythias, of Hepp ner, journeyed to Arlington Monday evening to attend a district conven tion of the order. A feature of the evening's entertainment was a con test In degree work. Three grand lodge officers were present, Robert G. Morrow, Grand Chancellor, Wal ter G. Gleeson, Grand Keeper of Records and Seal, and F. 0. Seaton, head of the insurance department of Oregon. The convention was called by W. W. Smead, district deputy, of this city. Large delega tions were present from Condon and Arlington lodges and the Ar lington lodge proved itself to be a royal host Those in attendance from here were W. W. Smead, Chas. Thomson, Chas. Jones, Frank Shively, Robt Wightman, M. L. Case, A. M. Phelps, E. R. Huston, Jasper Crawford, E. J. Keller, Albert Wilkinson, Emmet Smith, O. E. Johnson and Nils Johnson. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner was the scene of a delight ful party on Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Turner and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Walker entertaining a number of friends at bridge, in honor of the teachers of the Lexington and Heppner schools. Late in the eve ning dainty refreshments were served by the hostesses. Honors went to Miss Vail and Miss Ede for the ladies, and H. A. Johnson and M. F. Johnston for the men. Be sides the hosts and hostesses, the following were present: Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Burgess, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown, Miss Helen Richolson, Miss Mary Gingrich, Miss Pearl Vail, Miss De Loris Pearson, Miss Anne Murray, Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, Mrs. W. O. Dix, Miss Martha Wilson, Miss Kate Ede, Miss Esther Thorpe, Miss Leo tia Bennehoff, Dan Beighle, Wm. Meidinger, H. A. Jonhson, Philip von Lubken, B. S. Hutton. Rose L. Hamilton, who will be remembered as one of the teachers in the Heppner schools a good many years ago-, when D. V. S. Reld was principal, is the author of a new book, "Fickle Fortune, a Romance of Life Among the Ozarks," which she is now placing on the market Miss Hamilton is having the book published in New York, and she hopes soon to have copies on sale at Heppner. She Is a resident of Pendleton now. . Hon. H. L. Fraser of Milton, pres ident of the First National bank of that city, was a visitor here on Wednesday. Mr. Fraser is the own er of the C. T. Walker land south of lone, and was down looking after his interests In this county. August Liebel of lone was taken to Morrow General hospital Mon day and underwent an operation on his foot for bloodpolsoning, the re sult of stepping on a nail. He is improving rapidly and will soon be able to return home. C. L. Sweek returned from Port land on Wednesday evening, being accompanied by S. E. Notson. The family of Mr. Sweek will remain in the city for some time because of the illness of Miss Hawthorne, sis ter of Mrs. Sweek. Dr. McMurdo reports that the work of repairs and fitting up of the new hospital is about complet ed and he is now moving in the equipment The hospital will soon be ready for the reception of pa tients. Mrs. Chas. Eby, While houseclean ing, ran a large sliver In her hand on Thursday last which was re moved by her physician after ad ministering a local anesthetic. The sliver was over an inch in length. Eugene Doherty of Blackhorse suffered a broken nose this morn ing from the kick of a horse he was working with. He came to town and had his injuries dressed at the office of Dr. McMurdo. Ralph Barton has been very ill during the past week at his home in this city, a victim of flu and pneu monia. His physician, Dr McMur do, reports him as improving but still confined to his bed. Mrs. Rebecca Penland, who has been very 111 for the past ten days with influenza, complicated with pneumonia, is reported as improv ing, but not yet able to leave her bed. Earl Redding, who was kicked in the leg 10 days ago by a horse, breaking both bones in the lower leg, has returned to his home at Eight Mile with his log in a cast OUle Ferguson, who has been ill with pneumonia at the Morrow General hospital, is better and will soon be able to return to his home in Sand Hollow. C. L. Wagner of the road oiling crew at lone, underwent a minor operation Thursday at the office of Dr. Johnston for an Infection of the hand and finger. Judge Alger Fee came over from Pendleton today to take up such cases in the circuit court here as were ready to be heard. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brown, at their home in this city on Sunday, April 22, a 101b. daugh ter. Mrs. Josephine Johnson, who has been ill with influenza at her home in this city, is reported to be much better. Mrs. Edna Slocum Is up from her home at Portland, looking after her Interests in this city. BY HEPPNER, 3-1 Anderson Stars ; Umatilla Tops League; Wasco Defeats lone. WHEATLAND LEAGUE STANDINGS W L Pet. Umatilla Heppner lone Arlington Wasco . Condon . 2 0 1000 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 500 BOO BOO 500 000 Last Sunday's Beraltsi At Heppner 3, Arlington 1; at Wasco 4, lone 2; at Condon 2, Umatilla 5. ' 5 -JiiiiMiiiiiHiiiiiiiMiiiiiiHitmmiiiiimiiitiiiiiiiHiiitiiiHii? Where the Teams Flay Next San day 1 Heppner at Umatilla: Wasco at Ar lington; Condon at lone. Heppner's ball tossers pulled themselves out of several bad holes Sunday and drubbed their Arling ton opponents 3-1 on Rodeo field. It was anybody's game until the last ball was tossed, and the locals are congratulating themselves on their close win. Gay Ander3on, stellar center field er, could easily be voted the most valuable player In this contest as he has been in many others. Twice he proved a thorn in Arlington's side. Once with two men on bases and one racing toward the home plate, he picked up a hot grounder that had passed the infield for a base hit, threw it in home perfect ly, allowing Catcher LaMear to tag out the scoring runner. This pre vented one Arlington score. Then again he pulled down a long fly that would have beera good for at least two bases If he hadn't caught it On this occasion he was forced to run way back and at the end of the run jump as high as he could In the air to grab it Such was his momentum that after making the jump he could not regain control of himself and turned a complete somersault frac turing a rib in the fall that caused time to be taken out for several minutes and the spectators to hold their breath until it was announced he was not seriously hurt In spite of this he held the ball and con tinued in the game. ' S Arlington 8 lone score came In the second inning, just after the first named play by Mr. Anderson. Fisk it was, the first batter up, who was thrown out at home. Sailing, who knocked the hot grounder, gained second on the play and scored on an error by Matthews at short The rally was ended when Weatherell and Montague both went the route of Van Marter to Erwin on two In field grounders. Heppner tied the score in the sec ond inning after there were two outs, when hits by Aiken and Mat thews successively combined with an overthrow at third allowed Aiken to come in. Aiken's big stick was twice responsible for scores. Again in the seventh he led off with a two- bagger, the longest hit of the day. and scored on Matthews' hit Hepp ner s other run came in the eighth when LaMear clouted a base hit stole second and scored on Drake's hit Montague for Arlington and Drake for Heppner both pitched nice ball. While Montague took the edge on strikeouts, getting eight to Drake's three, Drake showed he could pitch ball in pinches. In the eighth with a man on second and third and two down, he whiffed Ed die Ashenfelter, one of the visitors' most dangerous hitters. In the other league games Sun-, day, Wasco defeated lone 4-2 at Wasco, and Umatilla defeated Con don by a like score at Condon. Wer ner Rietmann's homer was an out standing feature of the Ione-Wasco game. The box score: HEPPNER Thorn, r Anderson, m ..... LaMear, c Drake, p Van Marter, 2 . Aiken. 1 Matthews, s Cason. 3 .. Erwin. 1 Hisler, s ARLIN'GTOX- Dc-uglass. c Blaikwell. 2 . Parrish 1 Ashenfelter, 3 ... Fisk. s Sailing, r McDonald, m ... Weatherell. 1 .... Montague, p .... Grote, 1 AB R H O A E .. 4 .. 4 .. 4 .. 4 .. 4 .. 4 .. 3 ... 3 .. 3 .. 1 34 0 0 10 0 oooo 3 10 27 17 AB R H O A E 0 2 10 0 0 0 1 3 7 1 0 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 ... 3 ... 3 ... 1 35 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 8 24 13 I'MATOXA WIN'S. Special from Condon Globe-Times. Condon suffered a 5 to 2 defeat at the hands of the Umatilla team in a slugging match here Sunday before a $175 crowd, the largest gate receipts ever taken in at a game here. Condon gained the lead in an early period and held It un til the decisive eighth inning when eight visitors faced Condon's pitch er and circled the diamond for three runs. A two-bagger by Blake ly, Umatilla short stop, with the bases full climaxed the day. Errors featured the game, there being only two earned runs made. Umatilla's short stop was responsible for Con don's two scores. Battery for Condon was Rannow and Patterson; Umatilla, Berry and Bernard. Rannow struck out 7 and Berry struck out 8. Condon made 4 hits while Umatilla Made 7. Chas. Ayers is confined to Morrow General hospital with a light attack of flu.