Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 22, 1928, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Mr. and Mr. Cecil "Buck" Lieu
alien were visitors here on Tuesday
from fendeiton. This Is Buck s first
visit to the old home town since his
return from California where he
went with the Los Angeles officers
when they were taking Hickman to
the Southern California city. Mr.
Lleuallen, with Tom Gurdane, who
assisted In the capture of Hickman
will each receive a small slice of
the reward offered for the murderer
but 'nothing In proportion to what
they were led to believe would be
their share at the beginning. Buck
thinks those "native sons" down
California way hate mighty bad to
let any money get away from the
state. He Is not complaining, how
ever, and would have performed his
duty just the same as an officer, re
gardless of rewards offered.
Mr. and Mrs. Vawter Crawford
were visitors at Pendleton and Hot
Lake over Saturday evening and
Sunday. They were called to Hot
Lake by the serious illness of Mrs.
Crawford' brother, John M. Spencer
who had recently undergone'a ma
jor operation at the hands of Dr.
Phy and Is now slowly recovering.
Mr. Spencer suffered a serious re
lapse early Saturday morning, but
he was rallying fine on Sunday eve
ning with every prospect that he
had passed the crisis and would
now fully recover.
Bill Thomson arrived In Heppner
tne nrst or the week from Southern
California where he has been so
journing for the last several years,
and expects to spend a few months
here visiting relatives and old time
friends. On his way from Los An
geles he stopped for a visit at the
family of friends at Newhall just
oerore tne flood catastrophe occur
ring there when the St Francis dam
went out and he has not been able
to learn whether or not his friends
Frank Toung was a visitor In the
city on Saturday for the first time
in many months. He states that
grain In the lower Gooseberry
country is coming along well now.
There had been some caking of the
surface of the ground, and this
seemed to hinder the late fall sown
grain from getting through, but it
Is coming okeh at present
Pat Mollaban returned Sunday
evening from Ontario, Oregon, and
Payette, Idaho, where he spent the
past week visiting his brother John
at the former place and John Kee
gan at the latter. He found these
men doing well In the Idaho coun
try, and business appeared prosper
ous at both Ontario and Payette.
E. A. Hudson, district manager of
the Maytag Washing Machine com
pany with headquarters at Pendle
ton, was a visitor In Heppner on
Wednesday. His territory covers
Umatilla, Morrow and the northern
part of Grant counties and he states
the company is enjoying a fine bus
iness In these various sections
Fred J. Nlchoson and wife of lone
Bpent a few hours in this city on
Saturday. Mr. Nlchoson follows well
drilling in that section, and had just
finished a job that kept him busy
ior some time. He expects business
In this line to pick up a lot this sea
son, with the good crop prospects.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Turner and
son Don arrived from Salem on Sat
urday evening and enjoyed a visit
with relatives and friends here until
Wednesday morning, when they re
turned to the capital city. Mr. Tur
ner Is taking law at Willamette Uni
versity. Albert Miller, representative of a
Pendleton auto firm, was here on
Tuesday, demonstrating a truck to
the city dads, who are contemplat
ing the purchase of a machine of
this nature to carry the fire appar
atus. Vawter Parker arrived from Eu
gene on Saturday and Is spending
the week of Easter vacation at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank S. Parker. Vawter Is a stu
dent In law at IT. of O.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ferguson
spent Sunday at Pendleton, going
over Saturday afternoon to be pres
ent at a birthday party given in
honor of Mrs. O. T. Ferguson, moth
er of Rnymond,
Frank Shlvely departed for Port
, land Wednesday on a business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Huston and
T. J. Humphreys departed on Mon
day morning for Eugene to spend
the week. Mr. and Mrs. Huston
will visit their dauc-hter Mlna raiM.
beth Huston, and Mr. Humphreys
nis emidren, the Misses Leta and
Evelyn and Mr. Roland Humnhrwi
Thev were accompanied ah far aa
Portland by Leonard Delano, U. of
j. stuaent, wno was visiting here
ior a lew days with Vawter Parker
The Music Study club will meet
Monday night March 26, at 8:00
o'clock at the A. M. Phelps home.
The life of Schubert and his works
will be studied at this meeting. Sev
eral members of the club will pre
sent some of bis compositions.
Schubert Is one of the interesting
musicians or history. Though he
nad to overcome many handicaps,
he contributed much to the musical
Mrs. E. D. McMillan of Lexington
was called to Los Angeles on Tues
day on account of the serious illness
of her daughter, Miss Opal Leach.
Miss Leach has been ill for many
months, but was much improved by
me cnmate or southern Callforn a
It Is understood that the illness of
Miss Leach at this time was" the
esuit of an operation bne was com
pelled to undergo.
The Wllllne- worlinra will o-lva Inn.
cheon on Friday, March 30th, in the
-nurcn oi unrist dining room. The
menu Will consist nf Ham rhnwHor
vegetable salad, brown, bread and
butter, pie and coffee. Price 60c.
Will begin serving at 5:30 and con
tinue until 7:00 n. m An nni-nn
and cooked food sale will be held
during the afternoon of the same
date. You will find aprons for all
occasions. 52-1
The O. A. C B. Rock -
hatching, $1 per 100. Mrs. W. P.
run, neppner. 1-4.
STRAYED From MIsner ranch
2 bay horses, weight 1200 lbs., white
faces, ro ached manes, trimmed tails
and scars on neck. Reward for in
formation leading to recovery. John
MicneioooK, lone, ore. i
Roy Fueate. in charee of rodent
control for eastern Oregon, has
been at Heppner for several days
this week, and In enmnanv with
County Aeent Smith scent the time
in looking over the situation regard
ing squirrels, a consistent cam
DaiKn or DOlsonlnir thARR rnripnta a
contemplated, and this will be the
means of ridding the county of the
most of them.
Miss Louise Thomson, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Thomson, was
home for a few days this week, en
joying a short visit during Easter
vacation at Ellensburg normal
school, at Ellensburg, Wash. She
returned on Tuesday, Mr. Thomson
taking her by car as far as Arling
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Keithley, ac
companied by Grandma Esteb, mo
ther of Mrs. Keithley, were visitors
in Heppner Saturday from their
Eight Mile home.
Miss Marlorle Clark, ntudent of
University of Oregon, is spending
easier vacation season wiln her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Clark
of this city.
The Sorine of the vear
is the time to feed Dr.
Hess's Stock Tonic, Pan-a-ce-a
for chickens. Use
a package. If results are
not satisfactory return
container and get your
money back.
A car of Snerrv Poul
try Supplies to arrive at
We have a comnlete
stock of Single Trees,
Lead Bars. Clevises and
repair parts for all
kinds of farm machinery.
Our stock of Oliver
Plows, Spriner Tooth
Harrows, etc. is com
plete. For fine alfalfa seed
call on us.
Tents, Stoves and other
supplies for setting up
sheep camp. Sherwin
Williams Marking Ink
in three colors.
Can You Find Your Papers
Have you ever suddenly needed certain papers for some
business emergency, and been unable to find them? Have
you ever searched through the trunk or desk vainly hunt
ing a missing document? This has happened to many peo
ple with losses In dollars and opportunities that are stag
gering. How unfortunate it Is, when a Safe Deposit Box for the
convenient and safe storage of valuable papers would have
prevented such losses. Many men and women are now
keeping their valuable papers and jewelry in Safe Deposit
Boxes in this Bank. And we highly recommend that you,
too, adopt this plan of making sure that you can find im
portant papers at a moment's notice.
The cost Is trifling as low ashrdl mfwy rdl aoln rdlu wyp
The cost Is trifling. And you know that your papers are
SAFE. The convenience, too, is worth many times the
slight yearly charge for a box. We'll be glad to show you
our vaults. You will be impressed with the precautions
taken for your safety, and you'll readily understand why so
many folks are using them. Come In soon.
Farmers & Stockgrowers National
Heppner BUlIc Oregon
Mrs. O. C. Clavoool. of the Frav.
eling Specialty Shop, will display
the season's most attractive line of
ladies and misses wearing apparel
from Portland. San Francis and
New York. This line is not only a
dream of loveliness, but it has price
appeal Desides. At Hotel Heppner,
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,
March 26, 27 and 28. It
Dr. Clarke, of the Clarke OptlcU
Co., 360 A, Alder St, Portland, Ore.,
be In Heppner ah day and evenings,
Saturday and Sunday, March 24th
and 25th, at Hotel Heppner. SEE
Twelve head of jacks the best In
the west for sale or lease; 40 head
of good mules for sale; also 4 head
of milk cows. B. F. Swaggart,
Lexington, Oregon. 62-tf.
For Sale Ranch of 1040 acres.
with water rights; situated on Rhea
creek. A wheat ranch of 1055 acres;
plenty of water, good house and
barn, orchard. D. E. GILMAN,
Heppner. 50tf.
When your appetite
craves something dif
ferent, eat shell fish.
may be had any time.
You may buy
them in bulk.
For Sale or Trade 2 fresh milk
goats and three kids. Box 65, Hepp
ner, ure. it
FOR SALE O. A. C. strain barr
ed Plymouth Rock day old chicks,
delivery by March 10. About April
1st will have another hatch ready
for delivery. $18 per 100. Mrs. C.
H. Furlong, Eight Mile.
Jones Prairie, containing 402 acres
summer grazing land. Owner, Mai
garet Jones, 399 E. 16th St., N.,
Portland, Oregon.
Dr. Clarke. EYE 'SIGHT SPF.fi-
IALIST, in Heppner Sat and Sun.,
March 24th ar.d 25th at Hotel Hepp
ner. 52-1
FOR RENT 3500 acres sheep
pasture, stock fenced; good grass,
plenty of shade and water. Good
chance to add 2000 acres more if
leased soon. Joins county road from
Heppner to Ritter. Write, telephone
or see C. O. DININS, Ritter, Ore.
FOR SALE 9-room residence
property on Main street Heppner;
$1000 down, balance easy terms.
Mrs. Josephine Johnson. . 51-2.
WANTED To get in touch with
parties having spring sheep range
to rent Write J. G. Barratt, Heppner.
WANTED Two 3-bottom Oliver
plows No. 40 and two Walla Walla
discs, 8 and 10 ft Phone John Ml-
chelbook, lone, Oregon.
You won't need to wait about that
wall paper job. We have the stock
at from 5c to 30c a single roll. CASE
FURNITURE CO. Watch our win
dow for display of quality linoleum
and rugs.
See Mrs. Claypool for lovliest of
graduation dresses. Hotel Heppner
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,
March 26, 27, 28. It
Bring Produce Here.
Bring your produce to the Central
Market, Heppner. We buy poultry,
beef, pork, mutton, veal in fact any
thing you have to offer in this line,
always allowing the highest market
price. See us before selling.
is assured by the growing demand for
these products.
Peoples Hardware Company . . Heppner
Independent Warehouse Co. . Lexington
C. W. Swanson lone
Heppner Farmers Elevator Company
During Lenten Season
ON FRIDAYS All varieties of Fresh
and Salt Fish
Gent-Nut Margarine v Brookfield Butter
Come in and. see our Saturday Special.
"Service with a Smile"
If Value Mrst is your Policy
you'll choose an All -American Six
fr t
Sedan ,
fVew S.H.. Fnntfae SU, T4I to tKS. M prim
I factory. IMivorort prlcmi InWud minimum
hmndllnf ehargpa. finny to pay on th liberal
Oonmrml Motor Am Payment Plan.
What do you look for in a car ... a
, single emphasized element such as
tyle . . . size . . . performance? Such
as comfort . . . stamina ... price? Or
do you look for that combination of
qualities called value? If you prefer a
"one-sided" car we haven't got what
you want. But If value comes first.
yonH choose an Ail-American Six.
For here Is style attained only In
bodies by Fisher. Long, low lines.
Smart colors. Grace, poise and swank.
Here is else that results from 117
Inches of wheelbase . . . and from
Fisher construction famed for scien
tific distribution of space.
Performance from a whispering
brute of an engine . . . 212 cubic inches
In displacement . . . with a 79-lb.
crankshaft and the G-M-R cylinder
head. Speed ... power . . . snap ... and
flexibility. An Ail-American change of
Thus this General Motors Six leads
Its field in Talue . . . providing evcry
thlng that everybody wants. If you're
going to buy a car for what it will giro
you, come In and see the All-American
Special Sport Equipment
Available on all body typeei all wire wheela
with Urea ... apodal front f.ndere with tiro
walla ... two apeolal tire locha and looking
rlneo enllapifltla trunk rack . . . $100 extra
on open eara . . 9 1 10 on rloeed ear. ... all d i.e
wheela witb aatna equipment, 975 on open
ear. . . . SB5 on oloeed model..
I. R. R0BIS0N, lone, Oregon
Critical Time
Now is the time to be careful of your feed.
. A change of feed or feeding methods is
likely to cause the hens to become broody.
Use 0. K. Feeds you get uniformity at
a reasonable price.
Stock Salt ' Steam Rolled Feeds
Brown Warehouse Co.
Phones: Warehouse 643, Residence 644
The Talkington
Plow Hitch
A two-stick hitch that you can rig up for any
size team at moderate cost.
Farmers, if you need a Weeder, I can please
you. See Weeder now on display.
Frank Shively
Whether you
need one board
v r.. i tt or a truck load.
p you may be sure
it will be at your door when you want it.
That's the way we guarantee your satis
factionby giving you the quality you are
entitled to and the service you expect.
Heppner Planing Mill & Lumber Yard
A. R. REID, Proprietor
Phones Mill 9F25, Yard Main 1123
for Saturday, Mar. 24
Princess Flour, 49-lb. Sack .... $1.95,
6 Boxes Matches 23c
3 Rolls Toilet Paper 23c
2 large cans Ehrman's Best Peaches 55c
2 Large Cans Wado Apicots 55c
2 Large Cans Wadco Asparagus . . 55c
3 lbs. Bulk Macaroni 23c
2 Cans Dromedary Grape Fruit . . . 55c
3 Cans Old Dutch Cleanser 25c
Campbell's Soups, per can 11c
2 Cans Shrimps 38c
2 Cans Crushed Pineapple 45c
Phone and Delivery Service -:- Charge Account Privilege
Phone 962 We Deliver