PAGE TWO HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY,' MARCH 22, 1928. Periodical of the Heppner Public Schools EDITOR johh covsB LET HA KIATT ASSIST A1TT BUS. MQB.KOSELLA DOHEBTY BEPOlTEBSl Haul MoDsid, Muy Bnbm, En Elatt, jMLnett Tur ner, Onn Parker, Stanley Minor, Kill Thomson, Clareno HfcyM, Jon Parker, Jo Bwindig, Oar Anderson. OXAOS NEWS. Nellie Clark was absent from the first grade on account of a mastoid opera tion. Donald Frederlckson Is the captain of the first grade this week. Thomas Gonty has returned to school after having been absent over a week on account of illness. The second grade has taken up the study of clothing, which includes wool, cotton, linen and silk. In connection with the study of cotton. John Craw ford brought some cotton balls to school. This made the study more In teresting and helpful. The nature study in the second grade is discussing flowers. They took a field trip over the hills in the near vicinity for the purpose of studying wild flow era Warren Walker from lone has enter ed the B class of the third grade. The third grade geography class la studying silk and its production. The A class of the fourth grade has been making free-hand product maps of the middle Atlantic states. These are now on display in the class room. The following pupils were absent last week because of colds: Cleo Hiatt, Ilene Kenny and Lydia Ulrich. Luola Benge was a visitor In the fifth and sixth grades Monday, March 19. The sixth A class has started the study of Social Progress and Problems in Oregon from the pioneer times to the present This includes the study of education, churches and other things. The attendance in the sixth grade for the last six weeks was 96.8 per cent The seventh grade has finished prod uct maps of Australia, which are on display on the bulletin boards. Two girls in the seventh grade de serve honorable mention for having the best maps in the room. Carolyn Mayer had the best map of Africa and Doris Cox the best Asiatic may, her's being a map of China. The seventh A class is beginning s study of the forming of the Constitu tion. Later they are planning on hav ing a dramatization of this national event -55-PERSONAXS. Louise Thomson, Marjorie and Mary Clark, Luola -Benge and Velma Fell were alumni who visited the school on Monday. Edna Vaughn again went down to Arlington bringing Zaida Tash back with her. Zaida spent the week end with Edna returning home Sunday. Eva Hiatt came to school Tuesday with a sore throat After getting the day's assignments she was forced to return home. Bobby Turner is said to be improv ing rapidly and gaining strength. 55 TYPING CONTEST. The Eastern Oregon Typing contest will be held at Pendleton, 10 a. m., April 14. The high schools ntering be sides Heppner are as follows: Vale, The Dalles. Adams, Redmond, Imbler, Enterprise, McLaughlin Union, Stan field, Baker. Haines, Arlington, La Grande, Umapine and Dayville. Four members from the local typing class will be selected in the tryouts to be held in the assembly. The date for the tryouts has not yet been set STNODTO. The high school student body assem bled at the auditorium on Friday of last week and held its regular singing hour. The songs were choaen by the members of the senior class and were as tollowb: Bells of St Cary'a Love's old Sweet Song. Sweet Genevieve, America the Beautiful, and Coming inrougn me Kye. BTJHOB. Claud C. : " I read that they operated on a murderer in Chicago and he was cured." Florence B. : "And how?" Claud: "He dlea." Miss Ede: "Does the weather get very warm here during the summer?" Ones P.: "I'll say. Last summer we had to feed our chickens cracked ice to keep them from laying hard boiled eggs." Miss Murray (in domestic science) : "Do I smell something burning?" Jeanette T.: "Yea, it's the pie, but according to the cook-book I can't take it out for ten minutes more." Rod T. : "Do you want to see some thing swell?" Katherine B.: "I'U be delighted." Rod: "Drop thi sponge in some water. -55 BASKETBALL BANQUET. A banquet was given by the booster club for the basketball girls and boys Thursday evening, March 15. The fol lowing persons were present: Mr. Johnson. Alva McDuflee. Henry Robert son, Hazel McDald, Harlan Devin, Kath erine Bisbee, Jack Casteei, Harriet Mor gan, Janie Allstott, Mary Beamer, Er ma Schulz, Steve Thompson, Anna Mc Daid, Harold Gentry, Rosella Doherty, and Evelyn Swindig. On the place cards were: the motto, position on team, where apt to be found, nickname, good for what and mostly noted for what Each one read some else's place card. Four eirls from the booster club served and afterwards everybody wash- ea aisnes. -55 TEESHMAN THEME. The following story was written by Mary White for the freshman English class. Because of its exceptional merit her English teacher, Miss Murray, has requested that it be published, to dem onstrate what can be accomplsihed by a freshman, and to be used as an In centive for the remaining members of the class. "BOKANN1A" Fifteen years ago I resided for the winter in southern Albania. My two maias ana I uvea in a small cottage not far from the village of Scutari, near the Adriatic sea During my stay there I had some very interesting experiences witn two Albanians ot the lower class. which resulted in the discovery and training of one of the greatest singers of today. It was my habit to walk to Scutari and back early every morning before breakfast. I always went alone for I was not the least afraid. One morning during quite a heavy rainstorm I sought refuge in what I thought was a deserted shack. It was very dark and 1 could not see any of my surroundings. Then the rain lessened and to my sur prise I became aware that something was near me. I put out my hand to feel it. The something snored once quite loudly and rolled over. Then It sat up. I perceived it was a very old man. "P-p-pardon," I gasped. "I didn't know you were here. I mean, I thought I was alone." The old man Just stared. I recreated my apology more loudly and rose to go. To my horror the man stood up also. "I really must be going," I assured him firmly. My host gazed at me. He was openly suspicious. I remembered I had been speaking English. I knew enough Al banian to converse with a native, so I repeated all that I had said in Albanian explaining my presence. The wrinkled 'ountenan e ..f the old man broke Into Telephone 93 IF YOU HAVE Gleaning -:- Pressing Dyeing WORK OF ANY KIND, AND WE WILL CALL. Through special arrangement with the Model Cleaners of Pendleton, we give guaranteed work ' quick service and reasonable prices. Steam Pressing at Our Shop on Fridays. Rush orders any time given speciel attention. John Skuzeski "THE HOME TAILOR" SPRINGTIMES FINEST Victoria Wash Dresses Here AND THEY'RE GOING FAST! for afternoon and informal wear IKE a welcome breath of Spring, these six colorful styles come trooping In, all of them brilliant reflections of the new season's most charming modes. In fashion, fabric and finish, they rightfully claim a much higher price. But the VICTORIA GROUP of several thousand stores combined their purchases on these six beautiful models; thus all enjoy a price reduction that only such a large quantity order makes possible. Best of all, you gain MOST! Pongee-finish Prints and Narrow and Wide Cord Dimities Wide array of printed designs In colors guaranteed TUB FAST. Quantity limited, so come early to avoid disappointment Your Choice $2.00 Offered Here Exclusively. All Sizes, 16 to 46. M. D. CLARK a broad smile. He told me his name was Zeolane and asked me to come again. I started to leave but Zeolane laid an old. dirty, gnarled hand on mine and detained me. I did not want to seem rude so I paused. The Man luuthed shrilly, sending the chills up and down my spine and cried in nis queer, cracked voice. Bokannia: Bokannia, my child, come hither!" 1 heard the sweet voice ot a little child mid out ot a heap of animal skins crawled a little girl. "Good morning, grandfather," she called. She ran to the old man. Then, see ing me, she drew back, frightened. She was a beautiful child. Her long, black hair fell over her shoulders In pretty waves. Her black eyes were large and full of expression. Instead of the swar thy skin, characteristic of the Aluan- lans, sne had a lovely pink-and-wnite complexion that contrasted charmingly with her dark hair and eyes. "Good morning. Bokannia" I said and patted her curls reassuringly. she smiled shyly and as 1 went out the door of the little, thatched-roofed, one-roomed cottage, she waved good bye. The storm had passed by and I turn ed my steps homeward as it was too late to continue my hike to Scutari. After breakfast I tried to interest my self in a good magazine from the States, out i kept imnking or tne sweet voice of the pretty little child, Bokannia. I had heard that one who had such a musical voice was sure to be a lovely singer. I determined to have Bokannia sing for me. The next morning I went again to the home of Zeolane. The child was standing in the door-way, digging her bare toes into the soft mud before the door-step. I believe she was watching for me, for wnen she saw me her eye3 lit up joyously and she ran to meet me. She slipped her hand in mine and walk ed by my side to the door. There we stopped. Bokannia ran into the house and I saw she was instructing Zeolane to prepare breakfast for three. Soon the girl came out of the hut with a pail of water and a large scrubbing brush. Laughingly she bade me move away from the doors small Droom she swept and then scrub bed the step. After it was dry I seated myself on it and pulled Bokannia down oy II le. , "Bokannia," I said kindly, "Would you like to sine for me?" I felt verv sure that she was accustomed to sing ing iur ner granaiatner. "Yea" she said ana smiled. Then without any sign of her former shyness she began crooning a beautiful song. I could nut understand the words but the tones were clear and sweet. She had a wonderful voice. I had never neara tnythlng like it. When she had finished Zeolane called us in to break fast of black bread and porridge. I could not help thinking of my good breakfast that I was missing but de cided it was worth it all to have heard Bokannia sing. I ate hastily and then said, "Mr. Zeo lane, may I take Bokannia home with me? I'll bring her back tomorrow morning." The old man consented but I could see it cost him an effort. I took her home and had great fun in dressing lier up in dainty frocks of my own han diwork. My maids and I were greatly pleased with the effect. I washed, comb ed, and brushed her beautiful hair and gave her a general bathing. To their delight she consented to sing for the maids. They agree with me that Bok annia had a wonderful voice. If the giri could have training I was sure the girl would make a name for herself In the operatic world. Then the idea came to me. I had plenty of money. 1 wouia give this gin a musical educa tion at Berlin. I was right in my belief that Bok annia could be a great singer if given the opportunity. Tonight, after fifteen years Bokannia Is making her American debut in "Aida" with the Metropolitan Opera Company. I am patiently await ing the passing hours 'til the curtain t Ises. Far across the ocean old Zeolane is still able to be joyous with Bokauiua over her success. LEXINGTON. R. H. Lane is making extensive im provements in his confectionery and grocery and meat departments In Lex ington. Fresh paint and varnish by Jor.iifcon ft Thornburg, local decorators, and several large light reflectors have made a wonderful improvement in the appearance of his place of business. Mr. Lane has one of the best cold storage filants in the county. He also has a arge building (tiled with ice, which was shipped in during the winter. Mr. Reedy, owner of the Pendleton Marble works, has purchased the large livery stable formerly owned by Jaa. Carty, and has a crew of men tearing down the building and Js hauling the lumber to his plant at Pendleton by truck. Elmer Hunt, owner of the Lex ington Service Station, has purchased the ground, and this will give him two large lots for parking purposes In con nection with his station. Sylvanus and Lloyd Wright have in' stalled a visible gas pump and are now furnishing Shell Oil to their customers In connection with the repair business in the Lexington Garage. J. R, Ashlnhust, for many years a resident of the Sand Hollow country, was burled in the Lexington cemetery last Thursday, E. L. Wood, minister of the Christian church, conducting the services, which were attended by a large number of friends and neighbors. Wiley Beneflel, a former resident of the Lexington district, visited with old friends here last week, Mr. Beneflel has sold his wheat faYm in Sherman coun ty, and Is now looking for a good wheat ranch In Morrow county. C. R. McAlister is building a neat lit tle residence on his property adjoining the school playground. Jack Littell and M. B. Galloway of Portland visited with W. O. Hill and family, returning on Sunday, accompan ied by Mrs. Littell and son Dean. Mr. Galloway Is one of the old timers of IfArmw Miiint. .. .4 ...... i - v "u mwn many cuanges, especially the fine highway up the Wil- " " " .oiiojr. i 10 regrBui inai no was unable to visit Heppner, where he lived many yearn, as a photographer. A delegation of the Masonic frater- nll. iMurful 1 . , .J .. . . . iuuec i rieppiier last Saturday evening. The occasion was an ffi,.inl viol K r T r t.- i., . . . " ' . "J v. s. x, 1. rittllK oiottll of Stanfleld, also a degree conferred on a inciuucr irum Lexington. Purebred Shire Stud Colt for Sale Sired by Moulton Sykcs No. 9992, registered in the AmnHcnn chir. Horse association. Price right Her man iiieison, riaraman, Ore. 1-8 XOTICB OP TAX BALE- The lands Included In the decree foreclosing the tax liens for the de linquent taxes for the year 1919 will be sold, at the front door of the court house In Heppner, Oregon, at 1 o'clock P. M.. on Saturday, March 24, 1928. Lists of the lands to be sold are post ed in the sheriff's office, on the bulletin board at the front door of the court house, and on the bulletin board in the lobby of the post office at Heppner, Oregon. A list is also on file In the district attorney's office. GEORGE! McDUFFEE, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. 62-1 itep. Getting a II I P. 1 Men's and Young Men's ANNOUNCEMENT ... I am now engaged In the I III ' f jjjl PLUMBING AND HEAT- ' A n K -L i ING BUSINESS II V 111 II lllFO I with the Peoples Hardware t 1 I I I III V 1 1 1 I I I I Co., and will be at your serv- 1 1 .W U J Ik V I ice at all times. I have had I III M (ill many years of experience In I 111 this line and feel qualified to I Ijj Jil I wheelir rrr. I have just received a beautiful assort Alexander Gibb I ment of suits for Men and Young Men. 1 The colors are very pretty and the styles -r j- - most becoming for both the conservative man and the young man. I You should see the BUDDHA TWISTS ' L before you buy. 1 11 $25-00 to'$45-00 JL B 4 Many with two pairs of pants. I UNIVERSAL FOOD Rich .wholesome milk. Drink all yon II fyijrvi L ill Alfalfa Lawn Dairy " 1 WIQHTMAN BROS., Props! A MANS STORE FOR MEN Phone SOTS ( I J Ijl s A F E T Y S E R V I C E If you smoke for pleasure you have the right idea. Enjoyment in smoking is the thing that counts and you get it full measure in Camels Td walk a mile for a Camel C 1938, I. J, Rernslili TofcaeM You Are Ading With Business Prudence WHEN YOU CARRY AN AC COUNT AT THIS BANK AND PAY ALL BILLS BY CHECK. We are vitally interested in the fin nancial welfare of our customers, and urge you to make frequent and ex tensive use of the service, equipment, and organization we offer you. If you are not using the check as a means of payment, we invite you to open your checking account here. Fir National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON Just Arrived! Our Spring Line of David Adler & Sons Collegian Clothes For Men or Young Men or if you want a suit made to your own measure, we will guarantee a fit. Come in and look over our samples Thomson Bros. Dry Goods - Shoes - Groceries I llllllldl