HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1928. PAGE SEVEN , . . . . -------- , i ... ., Mrs. R. W. Turner and son John, who left Heppner ten days ago for Hamilton, Illinois, where Mrs. Tur ner was called on account of the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Henry Harrison, arrived at their destination In prompt time, having had a pleasant and safe journey. Mrs. Turner writes that she found her sister had been suffering with a very bad case of influenza, but she was much improved and would be able to be up again shortly. The Hamilton paper notes their arrl- val there thus: "Mrs. R. W. Tur ner and son John of Heppner, Ore gon, arrived in Hamilton Monday evening for a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Henry Harrison and other relatives. Mrs. Turner will be remembered as Mae Shepherd, a former Hamilton girl. It has been 23 years since she visited Hmall ton." The report of the very serious In jury of L. H. Windsor, and 2 other men who were struck by an automo bile while walking on the highway near Sacramento, Calif., on Friday last, was distressing news to rela tives in this county. Windsor is a nephew of Judge R. L. "Benge and Mrs. Eph Eskelson of this city, and was born on Social Ridge in this county, making his home at Lexing ton for several years. He is the son of Mrs. Ruth Barnett of Pen dleton and Is 34 years of age. His injuries were a broken back, frac tured pelvis bone, broken leg and several broken ribs. . Superintendent and Mrs. Jas. M. Burgess motored to Portland on Friday afternoon, Mr. Burgess o ing to the city to attend a meeting of one of the committees of the Oregon State Teachers' association of which he Is a member. They returned home on Sunday, being accompanied by Mrs. R. D. Gould, mother of Mrs. Burgess, who will visit here for a while. Mrs. Helen Chrlstenson, Mrs. Her man Hill, Mrs. Jack Littell and son Dean, visited the past week with Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Hill of Lexing ton. Herman Hill is now in the employ of the Multnomah hotel at Portland. Mrs. Littell, who is a sis ter of Mrs. W. O. Hill, will make an extended visit at Lexington and Heppner. Otto Lindstrom was here from his home near Morgan on Friday. He reports spring work advancing rap idly in that part of the county now, with prospects of a good season ahead. The winter kflllng of wheat was very slight, as but little of the tender varieties of grain was sown. His own crops are coming along fine. J. L. Tanksley of Lexington was operated on Monday at Morrow General hospital by Dr. Johnston under local anesthesia, one pint of fluid being removed from his left lung cavity, the result of pleurisy. Mr. Balrd has been 111 with Influ enza the past week at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. O. Hager, and though considerably Improved is still very weak. Mr. Balrd celebra ted his 79th birthday on Monday. Bryce Keene, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Keene of lone, fell off a horse last Thursday and fractured his right elbow. After an x-ray the fracture was reduced and put up in splints, Dr. Johnston attending. WANTED By 2 competent men, work on sheep ranch as herders; desire job together, at wages of $50 per month and found. Address R. C. Barringer, Gen. Del., Broadway & Gleeson St, Portland, Ore. Your vision fogsy? Have head aches? Dizziness? Floating spots? See Dr. Clarke, EYE SIGHT SPEC IALIST, In Heppner, .gat and Sun., March 24th and 25th at Hotel Hepp ner. Consultation free. 52-1 Walter Becket, Eight Mile farm er, was in the city Friday having some work done preparatoy to get ting into his fields for the spring plowing. G. L. Bennett, who farms the W. B. Flnley ranch down in the Al pine country, wos in Heppner Mon day looking after business matters. Mr. Bennett can state at this time that much damage was done to Federation wheat down In that part of the county last fall. On his own ranch there is a considerable acre age that is absolutely dead and will have to be reseeded. Some of his neighbors have also suffered a like loss because of the sub-zero weath er the past winter. In parts of Uma tilla county, especially out east of Echo, Mr. Bennett says there is a very large acreage that Is now be ing reseeded. This land was all sown to Federation last fall. The Willing workers will give lun cheon on Friday, March 30th, in the Church, of Christ dining room. The menu will consist of clam chowder, vegetable salad, brown bread and butter, pie and coffee. Price 50c. Will begin serving at 6:30 and con tinue until 7:00 p. m. An apron and cooked food sale will be held during the afternoon of the same date. You will find aprons for all occasions. 62-1 Chas. H. Latourell, president of the Heppner Rod and Gun club, was in Portland Sunday and took part in the Everdlng birthday shoot Making a 24 on his first string of 25, his score was counted with the local club, his being one of the three high guns to be counted in the Oregonlan State Telegraphic shoot He returned home Monday. Jess Lteuallen drove in from Wal la Walla yesterday for a short visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Padberg. He is a brother of Mrs. Padberg, and for many years was a resident of this county and lived some of the time in Heppner. He will return to Walla Walla today. Dr. Clarke, of the Clarke Optical Co., 360 A, Alder St, Portland, Ore., EYE SIGHT SPECIALISTS, will be in Heppner all day and evenings, Saturday and Sunday, March 24th and 25th, at Hotel Heppner. SEE HIM ABOUT YOUR EYES. 61-2 The Womens Foreign Missionary society of the Methodist church will hold their regular meeting at the church parlors on Tuesday, March 20, at 2:30 p. m., and a good at tendance Is hoped for. Chas. Melville of Sand Hollow had his back wrenched while riding i n a disc and went to Pendleton Thurs day for medical treatment He was accompanied by his niece, Miss Tichnor. Echo News. You wofi't need to wait about that 181 UNIVERSAL FOOD Rich .wholesome milk. Drink all yea want It's good for you. Alfalfa Lawn Dairy WIOHTMAN BROS., Props. Phone 30F3 CHARTER NO. 11007. RESERVE DISTRICT NO. U. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank AT HEPPNER, IN THE STATE OF OREGON, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON FEBRUARY 28, 1928. RESOURCES Loans and discounts, inciudlng rediscounts, acceptances of other banks and foreign bills of exchange or drafts sold with In dorsement of this bank ... $306 Overdrafts, unsecured . ' U. S. Government securities owned! All United States Government securities '(Including premium, if any) , 7 Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc., owned 9! c unmunj ana natures Real estate owned other than banking house . uawiui reserve witn reoerai rteeerve Hanic , 45(5.14 761.67 700.00 932.42 919.27 331.15 632.19 637.47 Cash In vault and amount due from national banks'"""'." 4l vuecna un oiner oanas in me same city or town as reporting bank .. , 19315 Total of last two Items .. $41 730 62 Miscellaneous cash Items ..... .-. ... 2 215 96 TOTAL ...$400,679.42 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In , unaiviaea proms ...$3,518.60 .. 1,905.11 1 $ 50,000.00 613.49 946 33 108.64 Less current expenses paid Certified checks outstanding . ... Cashier's checks outstanding .............. Total of last two Items $1,063 87 Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days): Individual deposits subject to check 267 Certificates of deposit due in less than 80 days (other than for money borrowed) - a M State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge of assets of this bank or surety bond 7, Total of demand deDoslts (other than hank de posits) subject to Reseive $275,231.60 Time Deposits subjeot to Reserve (payable after SO days, or sub ject to 80 days or more notice, and postal savings) : Savings deposits (Including time certificates of deposit other than for money borrowed) 72 780.46 Total of time deposits subject to Reserve $72,780,46 028.61 602.99 ,700.00 TOTAL ..$400,679.42 State of Oregon, Oonnty of Morrow, ss I, E. D. Hallock, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to (he best of my knowledge and belief. E. D, HALLOCK, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of March. 1928. JOS. J. NYS, Notary Public. (SEAL) My commission expires May 81, 1931. CORRECT-Attest: J. 0. THOMSON, R. L. BENGE. W. G. McCARTY, Directors. wall paper Job. We have the stock at from 6c to 30c a single roll. CASE FURNITURE CO. Watch our win dow for display of quality linoleum and rugs. Robert Rice, from east of Lexing ton, was brought to Heppner Satur day suffering injuries received when kicked by a horse. Dr. McMurdo used an x-ray which revealed no fracture. M. Rowell and wife were visitors the city from lone on Saturday. Mr. Rowell reports that since the spring weather has arrived, things are looking fine in the lone country. Harold Van Horn, who was run over by a disc several months ago, is now quite well recovered, and went out to the farm of Austin Devin on Monday to work. C. W. McNamer, local stockbuyer, shipped two cars of prime beef cat tle from the local yards on Satur day night Their destination was Portland. W. A. Goodwin of Boardman who was recently operated on at Mor row General hospital for bladder trouble is much improved at this time. WANTED Two 3-bottom Oliver plows No. 40 and two Walla Walla discs, 8 and 10 ft Phone John Ml chelbook, lone, Oregon. ' District Attorney Notson was in 'endleton on Monday, where ho was called on account of legal budlness. He returned Monday evening. Mrs. Joe Moyer of Boardman is ill with influenza at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mead, near Lexington. When your appetite craves something dif ferent, eat shell fish. Delicious OLYMPIC OYSTERS may be had any time. You may buy them in bulk. ELKHORN RESTAURANT ED CHINN, Prop. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Padberg of Clarks Canyon, were visitors in the city for a short time on Monday. Robert Turner, who has been very III with influenza is reported to be fully recovered by Dr. McMurdo. THE BELOVED ROGUE, fascin ating, sparkling, thrilling, star Theater, Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Ed Bergstrom has been very ill the last week, being afflicted with influenza and complications. John Barrymore In THE BELOV ED ROGUE, Star Theater, Sunday and Monday. Dock Brown, prominent resident of Condon, was a visitor here on Wednesday. Jlmmie Gemmell, who is ill with scarlet fever, is much better. "The Call of the Wohelo," March 20, school auditorium. QUO VADIS, Star Theater, Fri day only. FOR RENT 3500 acres sheep pasture, stock fenced; good grass, plenty of shade and water. Good chance to add 2000 acres more if leased soon. Joins county road from Heppner to Ritter. Write, telephone or see C. O. DININS, Ritter, Ore. FOR SALE O. A. C. strain barr ed Plymouth Rock day old chicks, delivery by March 10. About April 1st will have another hatch ready for delivery. $18 per 100. Mrs. C. H. Furlong, Eight Mile. For Sule Ranch of 1040 acres, with water rights; situated on Rhea creek. A wheat ranch of 1055 acres; plenty of water, good house and barn, orchard. D. E. GILMAN, Heppner. 60tf. FOR SALE 9-room residence property on Main street Heppner; $1000 down, balance easy terms. Mrs. Josephine Johnson. 51-2. QUO VADIS, Star Theater, Fri day only. DO YOU KNOW ABOUT Ethyl Gasoline what it is, and why more efficient as a motor fuel? A Representative of the UNION OIL CO. will address a meeting at the COUNCIL CHAMBERS IN HEPPNER TUESDAY, EVE. MAR. 20-8 0' Clock , To tell about Ethyl. Especially for garage men and mechanics, but everyone interested is invited. ' During Lenten Season ON FRIDAYS All varieties of Fresh and Salt Fish OYSTERS, CRABS, CLAMS. Gem-Nut Margarine Brookfield Butter Come in and see our Saturday Special. CENTRAL MARKET "Service with a Smile" -a Successful Six$ now winning Even Greater Success Z-DOOR SEDAN Surpasses all other low-priced sixes in Style, Design and Endurance WANTED To get in touch with parties having spring sheep range to rent Write J. G. Barratt, Hepp ner. Wanted Girl to help with gen eral housework on ranch. Mrs. J. W. Foley, Echo, Ore. 51-52. "The Call of the Wohelo," March 20, school auditorium. Bring Produce Here. Bring your produce to the Central Market, Heppner. We boy poultry, beef, pork, mutton, veal in fact any thing you have to offer in this line, always allowing the highest market price. See us before selling. 41-tf. ' CENTRAL MARKET. Seed Barley We have a limited amount of good Spring harley for seed. Six-rowed white. Try our new mill; you will like the way it does Cleaning, Treating, Steam Rolling. Brown Warehouse Co. Phones: Warehouse 643, Residence 644 The Talkington Plow Hitch A two-stick hitch that you can rig up for any size team at moderate cost. ALSO LEAD BARS Farmers, if you need a Weeder, I can please you. See Weeder now on display. Frank Shively CT?TrfT? Whether you O XL XV. V JLV g v need one board You Can Depend Upon OIatckioad, F you may be sure it will be at your door when you want it. - That's the way we guarantee your satis faction by giving you the quality you are entitled to and the service you expect. Heppner Planing Mill & Lumber Yard A. R. REID, Proprietor Phones Mill 9F25, Yard Main 1123 The minute you tee the New Series Pontiac Six you know that here is an outstanding example of real automotive progress. A more beautiful car than its sensationally popular predecessor! The lowest priced six in the world offering bodies by Fisher with all their famous craftsmanship and long life construction! , And, in addition, equally important ad' ' vancements in design! The G-M-R cylin der head, the cross-flow radiator, and numerous other modern features for con venience, safety and lasting satisfaction. Come in! See and drive this newest and finest Pontiac. Learn how vastly it differs from all other low-priced sixes in style, design and performance! Coupe $745 Sport Cabriolet ... $795 Snort Roadtter. . $745 4-Door Sedan .... $825 Phaeton $775 Sport Landau Sedan $875 Oailond Atl-Amtriroa Six, $104 to $126!. All prle at factory. Dalivcrcd prices Includ minimum handling ckarfM. baty to pay on (h liberal linurd Moon Tim Payment Has. FERGUSON MOTOR COMPANY, Heppner, Oregon I. R. R0BIS0N, lone, Oregon CALL ON US CThe invitation is still extendde to our many friends to come in and see us. You are always welcome whether you buy or not. Our business is growing. We are here to serve you and save you money. Ev erything new and up-to-date. Special Saturday. Mar. 17 Pride of Oregon Butter 50c lb. Kellogg's Bran Flakes 1 Oc California Walnuts 25c Fhone and Delivery Service -:- Charge Account Privilege HUGHES&HUGHES Phone 962 We Deliver NEW SERIES-