Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 15, 1928, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Boardman has. a reputation of giving
good home talent plays and each year
there are several presented, but of the
many seen here In the past none has
equaled that given Friday night, March
9. by the high school. The 4-act com
edy "Clarence," by Booth Tarklngton,
was uie vemciB uiecieu lur uiupiaymg
their talents, under the capable coach
ing of Miss Lavelle Leathers, and. the
lads and lassies put on (his difficult
play in an excellent manner.
Ray Barlow in the title role was the
star of the play and his acting was su
perb. Linda Hango as Mrs. Martyn
made an efficient secretary for Mr.
Wheeler, played by Russell Mefford.
Rachel Johnson played opposite him,
and Buster Rands and Helen Chaffee,
as Bobby and Cora Wheeler, quarreled
as brother and sister usually do. Helen
Chaffee as Violet Penny, the popular
governess played her part very well.
Although playing only minor parts Nel
lie Dillon as Delia, Car Wicklander as
the butler, and Alvle Mefford as Hubert
Stem added much to the success of the
play. Miss Leathers is deserving of
great credit for her work for this was
a play such as Is usually given only by
a large high school. The features be
tween acts were especially enjoyed. A
group of singers consisting of Miss El
len Henry, Mrs. Marschat, Mr. Dilla
bough and Mr. Marschat, gave a varied
number of selection and were enthu
siastically received. A motion sing by
four small folks from Miss Henry's
room was especially pleasing. Singing
were Helen Mear, Mary Smith, Normal
Ralnville and Wilson Dexter. A. T.
Hereim, Jr., gave a recitation between
v the first and second acts.
The O.-W. R. & N. has put on a care
taker at Boardman at nights to handle
express and mall. This will enable
them to give proper attention to ship
ments of baby chicks, etc, which arrive
at night, and will be a help to passen
gers leaving or arriving on night trains.
Orvllle E. Hines. the local barber, has
been appointed caretaker and will be
able to handle his barber shop also.
This arrangement should keep a barber
here, as there is not sufficient business
in the bartering line alone.
Abe Hanson, the well driller, spent
Sunday in Goldendale. He Is drilling
on the Bates ranch, and had reached a
depth of 76 feet but was still In rock.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bickford, Mrs. M.
E. Bickford and Mrs. K. L. Hedgren
of La Grande were recent visitors at
the Howard Bates home.
Marauding dogs got into the rabbit
hutches belonging to Mrs. Geo. Gross
on Saturday and killed her fine big
Chinchilla buck and a number of other
The Grange gave a card party Satur
day night at Root's hall, and although
the attendance was not large, a good
game was enjoyed. High honors went
to Mrs. R. C. Mitchell and Chas. Barnes
and consolation to Mrs. Leo Root and
Clarence Berger.
Bob Mitchell has gone to Klickitat
and is working there for a time.
Mrs. Chas. Dillon has been ill with
pleurisy but is gradually Improving.
John Pruter and Elmer Westerfelt
drove to Portland Sunday.
Mrs. W. H. Mefford has set her Incu
bators with 600 Buff Minorca eggs this
A number of- Boardman people have
been getting prune trees from Chas.
Wicklander who has a nursery stock
and received orders to dispose of the
trees. They were given free to those
who came for them.
Alec Wilson spent several days at the
hospital In Hermlston as a result of an
Infection in 'his hand caused from a
recent affray with Glen Carpenter. It
seems that the men got into a dispute
over a cow and came to blows. They
were separated but not until the dam
age was done.
Dan Ransier has been having a crew
cleaning ditch and laterals, getting
ready for irrigation. The water will
be turned on the last of the week.
Harvey Huff is enjoying a visit from
his mother who came up from Dufur
the last of the week.
Mrs. Royal Rands was a Pendleton
visitor on Saturday.
Adolf Skobo has been having an in
fection above one of his eyes which
caused much pain for a few days but
is clearing up. This was above the eye
which he lost three years ago.
One of the gayest parties was that
given Saturday night by Mr. and Mrs.
C. S. Calkins when they entertained
the teachers. Music and games were
the evening's diversion and a lovely
lunch was served. Invited guests were
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. King, Mr. and Mrs.
L. E. Marschat, Mr. and Mrs. Z. J.
Gillespie, Mr. and Mrs. Brice Dilla
bough. the Misses Beougher, Falk,
Leuthers, Chapman and Henry.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mefford motored
to Portland on Wednesday, taking a
load of produce down. He will go
again Wednesday of this week.
Mrs. O. B. Olson and Mrs. Chas. Han
go entertained the Ladies Aid on Wed
nesday, March 7, at the Hango home.
A large number attended. A short
business meeting was held and later a
social hour enjoyed. A most delight
ful luncheon was served. The next
meeting will bft'at the church. March 21.
Prices motored to Pendleton Sunday
night and took In a show.
Mr. Van Meter, foreman of the coal
docks at Measner. Is reported to be ill
In The Dalles hospital. Mrs. Van Mater
is with him.
N. C. Jamieson, Extension Dairy
Specialist from O. A. C. was in Board
man on Monday and talked to the
dairymen on subjects of interest at
Root's hall Monday evening. Abortion,
succulent feeds, concentrates, diseases
of the dairy cow and other subjects
were discussed.
Boardman will have an opportunity
of hearing a good musical program on
Saturday night, March 24, when the
De Moss Entertainers will give a con
cert. The De Mosses gave a concert
here six years ago but have not been
here since and the manager reports
their program and playing as better
than ever.
Mrs. Sybil McMillan of Wasco visited
Sunday at the Ballenger home.
Lee Mead Is wielding the paint brush
on his garage.
W. A. Goodwin Is confined to his bed
in the hospltnl at Heppner. His son,
Charles, was over to see him the latter
part of tbe week.
Mr. and Mrs. 1.. J. Gillespie, Mr. and
Mrs. Claude Coates and daughter Echo
and Carl Dorlng were guests Sunday
at a lovely dinner at tne Lee meaa
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hadley and Mrs.
Lowell Spagle motored to Pendleton on
The Auxiliary met on Thursday night
at the home of Mrs. A. Porter. Busi
ness was transacted and later a social
hour was enjoyed. A, lovely lunch was
served by the hostess. Present were
Mesdames Davis, Macomber, Root,
Goodwin and the hostess.
Mrs. Moyer was taken quite 111 with
heart trouble and on Thursday her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mead, living
near Heppner, came over and took her
to their home.
Assistant County Agent Jenkins of
Hermlston and Mr. Bessee of O. A. C,
called on a number of the farmers last
Thursday and in the evening held a
meeting for the discussion of the farm
account books. This was in the nature
of a "follow up" meeting of the farm
account school started here in Decem
ber. Bert Richardson Is some better but
still unable to do any work. On Mon
day the men of the east end went to
the Richardson ranch and did the spring
toothing, cleaned ditches and other
work. This act was characteristic of
the friendly spirit of the Boardman poo
ple. Mrs. Adolf Skobo and Mrs. Rich
ardson prepared dinner for the men.
According to reports contained In
the papem the past week, the com
mittee at Los Angeles In ciargo of
the distribution of the Hickman re
ward money gave fifty per cent to
Tom Ourdane and Buck Lleuallen,
on a 50-60 basis. There were a num
ber of other claimants to whom the
remainder will be given, The total
reward money was around $50,000
Condon Globe-Times.
"A Prairie Rose," a comedy drama
was presented by local talent of
Heppner under auspices of the
Frank Burns Post American Legion
before a crowd that occupied every
seat In the Liberty theater Friday
evening. Every actor played his or
her part well and although the en
tertainment was nearly three hours
long the audience never lost inter
est In the thrilling comedy, which
at times brought down the bouse
with laughter.
The parts carried by Miss DoLoris
Pearson as Rose Wilder, and C. J.
Walker as Silas Wilder, the micle
and deaf old ranchman, were con
sidered the heaviest of the cast, al
though the parts were well bal
anced. Others taking part were P.
M. Gemmell, James Thomson,
Crocket j-Sprouls, F. B. Nickerson,
Patrick Mollahan, Phillip von Lub
ken, Anne Murray, Mary Patterson
and Martha Wilson.
Heppner Hunter Has
High Count on Coyotes
From the Otegonian of Friday we
have the account of the February
report of the U. S. Biological Sur
vey hunters, and this report shows
that Adam Knoblock of Heppner
was high man in the scoring for
coyotes turned In. The report fol
lows: Thirty United States biological
survey hunters worked all or part
time during Fbruary and turned in
the Bklns or scalps of 145 adult coy
otes, 41 adult bobcats, 30 coyote
Telephone 93
Cleaning -:- Pressing
Through special arrangement with the Model
Cleaners of Pendleton, we give guaranteed work
quick service and reasonable prices.
Steam Pressing at Our Shop on Fridays.
Rush orders any time given speciel attention.
John Skuzeski
pups and 24 bobcat kittens. The
hunters turning in the most animals
were A. J. Knoblock, Morrow coun
ty, 18; H. J. Roosa, Lake county, 17;
T. King, Grant county, 11. in addi
tion to the predatory animals three
badgers and forty-three porcupines
were killed.
Most of the hunters are now shift
ing from poison operations to trap
ping. They will be kept busy on
and adjacent to the principal lamb
ing grounds throughout the shoep
raising areas of tbe state.
The work has been conducted in
co-operation with the Oregon state
livestock sanitary board and vari
ous county courts and livestock as
sociations throughout the state.
Although no definite reports of
rabid coyotes were received from
the district during February there
is now an epidemic of rabies re
ported from southern Baker county.
It 13 handled by the livestock san
itary board.
Squirrels are reported to the bio
logical survey to be showing up in
all parts of the state. Several coun
ty agricultural agents have reported
abnomally large sales of squirrel
Can You Find Your Papers
Have you ever suddenly needed certain papers for some
business emergency, and been unable to find them? Have
you ever searched through the trunk or desk vainly hunt
ing a missing document? This has happened to many peo
ple with losses in dollars and opportunities that are stag- M
How unfortunate It is, when a Safe Deposit Box for the
convenient and safe storage of valuable papers would have
prevented such losses. Many men and women are now
keeping their valuable papers and jewelry in Safe Deposit
Boxes in this Bank. And we highly recommend that you,
too, adopt thla plan of making sure that you can find im
portant papers at a moment's notice.
The cost Is trifling as low ashrdl mfwy rdl aoln rdlu wyp
The cost is trifling. And you know that your papers are
SAFE. The convenience, too, is worth many times the
slight yearly charge for a box. We'll be glad to show you
our vaults. You will be impressed with the precautions
taken for your safety, and you'll readily understand why so
many folks are using them. Come in soon.
Farmers & Stockgrowers National
Heppner Bank Oregon
Men's and Young Men's
Spring Suits
I have just received a beautiful assort
ment of suits for Men and Young Men.
The colors are very pretty and the styles
most becoming for both the conservative
man and the young man.
You should see the
before you buy.
$25.00 10 $45.oo
Many with two pairs of pants.
It Is a sale where you buy an Item at the regular price, then
another Item of the same kind for one cent As an illustra
tion: The standard price of Klenzo Dental Creme Is 50c,
you buy a tube at this price and by paying 1 cent more, or
61c, you get two tubes. Every article In this sale Is a high
class, standard piece of merchandise, just the same as Is sold
every day at the regular price.
This sale was developed by the United Drug Company as
an advertising plan. Rather than spend large sums of money
In other ways to convince you of the merit of these goods,
they are spending it on this sale in permitting us to sell you
a full size package of high standard merchandise for 1 cent
It costs money to get new customers, but the sacrifice in
profit Is justified, knowing the goods will please you.
Copvrioht 1926 United Drug Co.
Mai. 9.9. 9Q OA
j sitaua djxjy swn:
50c Marsala Pound Paper
A quality paper at
big saving.
2 for 51c
Also 50c Marsala
Envelopes to
2 for 51c
50c Klenzo Dental Creme
Keeps the teeth clean
white and beautiful
without injury to the
enamel. Pleasant
tasting a common
sense dentifrice.
2 for 51c
$1.00 Peptona
Enriches the blood and builds
A good tonic for the Spring.
2 for $1.01
$1.00 Harmony Toilet Water.
A Five Ounce Bottle
X. 3tj Ti c . ..
ue rare rragrance or me
natural flowers. Of extra
strength. A variety of odors
from which to select.
2 for $1.01
Every Article Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction
Lemon Cocoa Butter Lotion
Boquet Ramee Talcum
Jonteel Face Powder
Bouquet Ramee Face Powder .
Bouquet Ramee Compact
Bouquet Ramee Rouge
Violet Dulce Talcum
Orange Blossom Talcum
Syta Rouge
Egyptian Palm Soap
Klenzo Tar Shampoo Soap
Georgia Rose Toilet Soap
Juneve Cold Cream 1
2 for 51o
8 for 51c
.2 for 51c
2 for $1.01
2 for 51c
.2 for 51c
-2 for 26c
-2 for 26c
.2 for 260
..2 for 11c
.2 for 26c
.2 for 26c
Juneve Vanishing Cream
Locust Blossom Toilet Water .
Georgia Rose Toilet Water
Arbutus Vanishing Cream
Hair Fix
Riker's Brilliantine
Harmony Cocoa Butter Cold Cream .
Rexall Tooth Paste
2 for 51o
..J8 for 51c
2 for $1.01
J for $1.01
2 for 51c
2 for 51c
2 for 51c
Harmony Quinine Hair Tonic
Harmony Cream of Almonds
Harmony Rolling Massage Cream
Rexall Shaving Lotion
Tiny Tot Talcum .
Rexall Shaving Cream
Rexall Shaving Stick
Klenzo Liquid Antiseptic .
Aspirin, li s .
2 for 51o
2 for 26c
2 for $1.01
2 for 36c
2 for 61c
2 for 51c
2 for 26c
2 for Sic
2 for Sic
2 for 51c
2 for 26c
Aspirin, 100's 2 for 76c
Glyserln Suppositories, Infant 2for26o
Mineral Oil, 16-oz. 2 for $1.01
Peroxide Hydrogen, 16-oz. jJ8 for $1.01
Fluid Extract Cascara Aromatic I.2 for 26c
Spirit Camphor, 1 oz. i 2 for 26c
Tincture Iodine, 1-oz. 2 for 26c
Castor Oil, 3-oz ; 3 for 26c
Cod Liver Oil, 16-oz.
Senna Leaves, 1-oz.
Boric Acid Powder, 4-oz.
Powdered Borax, 4-oz.
Epsom Salts, 8-oz.
Epsom Salts, 16-oz.
-.2 for $1.01
..-.2 for lie
2 for 21o
2 for 16c
2 for 160
.2 for 26o
Catarrh Jelly
Corn Solvent
Bamboo Briar Blood Builder, 16-oz. .
Eczema Ointment
Carbolic Salve
2 for 26c
-.2 for 26c
-.2 for $2.01
2 for 51c
2 for 260
Ko-Ko-Kas-Kets, 60's 2 for 26c
Little Liver Pills, 100's 2 for26o
"One Minute" Headache Powdes, tablet
form 2 for 26c
Milk of Magnesia, 13-oz.
Penetrating Liniment
Toothache Drops
..2 for S6c
..2 for 51o
2 for 16c
..2 for $1.01
American Petrofol, 16-oz. Jt for 61o
Granulated Eff. Sodium Phosphate, 4-OZ..2 for 51o
Zinc Oxide Ointment, tubes 2 for 21c
Calomel, and Soda, 100's 2 for 26c
Maximum Ladies Dressing Combs, coarse
and fine .
Maximum Pocket Combs, 5-inch ,
Maximum Bobbed Hair Comb, with han-
.2 for 41o
.3 for 36c
die .
Laborlite Household Aprons .
Tooth Brushes
Lather Brushes
Cloth Brushes
2 for 26o
2 for $1.01
..2 for 26c
..2 for $1.26
.-.2 for 76c
Hair Brushes 2 for $1.51
Pure Virgin Olive Oil, 12H-OZ. 3 for $1.19
Symond Inn Beef Cubes, 12s 2 for 81c
Fruit Cordial, H-plnts 2 for 26c
Cadet Wrapped Caramels, 1-lb. . 2 for 61c
Liggett's Milk Chocolate Bar, -lb. 3 for S6c
Llggett's Milk Chocolate Blocks 2 for Ho
Jonteel Powder Puffs, 4-in. 2 for 26c
Symphony Royal Papeterie .2 for $1.51
Arabesque Box Stationery 2 for $1.01
Lord Baltimore Box Stationery 2 for 51c
Cascade Pound Paper 2 for 61o
2 for 41o
.8 for 16o
Cascade Linen Envelopes, 50's .
Elmhurst Envelopes
Writing Tablets, Note, ruled, 45 sheets.2 for 11c
Writing Tablets, Note, plain, 45 sheets2 for 11c
Kloenzit Erasers S for 6c
Tinker Tape 2 for 26o
Fly Kil, 8-oz. 2 for 61o
This is Your Opportunity to Obtain Seasonable Household Items at a Big
Saving. There's No Limit to the Quantity You May Buy During the Sale.
A Genuine Mony Saving Sale. Every Article is Standard and Guaranteed.
Patterson & Son
75c Rexall Theatrical Cold Cream
A good cleansing
cream for every day
2 for 76c
75c Harmony Bay Rum
8 ounce bottle.
Made from the finest
distilled Oil of Bay.
Men like this excel
lent product for gen
eral toilet use. Par
ticularly refreshing af
ter shaving.
2 for 76c
30c Rexall Shaving Cream
Produces an abun- ES
dant moist lather,
2 for 31c
$2.00 Maximum Hot Water Bottle
Molded in one piece.
Guaranted for one
2 for $2.01
YOU SAVE $1.99
Also $2.00 Maximum
Fountain Syringe
2 for $2.01