PAGE FOUR HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEB. 16, 1928. (Basettf Simrs THE HErFNER GAZETTE, Established March 30. 1SS3; THE HEPPNER TIMES. Established November IS, 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15. J915. Published every Thursday morning by VAWTEB and SFENCEB CRAWFORD and entered at the Post Office at Hepp- ner. Oregon, as second-class matter. ADVERTISING RATES GIVEN ON APPLICATION. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Tear ,. Six Months Three Months Single Copies $2.00 1.00 .75 .05 Official Paper for Morrow County. Foreign Advertising Representative AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION A BIXFF TVT ACROSS. SHALL a city have the. right of self-government, or shall it be governed by peddlers? Heppner has an ordinance on its statute books providing that peddlers other than those selling produce raised or articles made by themselves, shall pay a license fee of $60 a year, and that all such, peddling without a license, shall be liable to a fine besides. A certain peddler was found Sun day selling his wares without a li cense. He admitted the charge and paid $15 for a quarter of a year's,! license. A fine was mentioned, also, for which he was liable under the city statutes. This he said he would pay, but that the .city would have to pay for his wares. His wares were perishable. If he was fined he avowed he would lay out the flpe in jail; his wares would spoil while he was thus confined, and he would sue the city for damages. He was not fined. We are not judging the city offi cials who had the case in hand. We do believe, however, that a grave issue is at stake; namely, the right of self-government by a people. A city is a recognized division of gov ernment, having powers all its own, so long as they do not conflict with state and federal laws. Within its bounds it is master of its own des tiny. Federal government regulates in terstate commerce while the state has the right to deny circulation and sale within, or entrance into its bounds of commodities not as pre scribed by statute. Through the powers of nation and state the sub divisions of county and city have been protected to a degree' against fraudulent selling of different com modities. But in the final analysis it is up to the latter to assert their rights if they are to maintain their status quo in the scheme of gov ernment, and protect their inter ests. The state has given the counties a right, which, if made use of here would probably banish the peddler problem altogether, insofar as farm produce is, concerned. That is the appointment of a county fruit in spector, whose duty it is to see that . all produce sold complies with the state regulations. The state says that various produce shall be pack ed in certain ways, that any and all packaged, boxed, sacked, or barrel ed produce shall be plainly and truly marked as to grade and quality, and that goods not so marked shall be condemned and so treated as "to make them unsalable. It is the practice of many produce peddlers, say those acquainted with tie game, to buy the culls and off-grade from commission houses, fruit and veg etable associations, and the like, and to sell the stuff as first grade, thereby making their profit This practice would very soon be shown up by a local inspector, and it would be made so unprofitable that those peddlers doing it would either be forced out of business or into more legitimate methods. However, so long as we do not have an inspector, and the produce peddlers continue to come, some with goods as represented, and some not so good, we believe they should be made to pay for the privilege. They offer unfair compe tition to our local merchants, upon whom we must depend all the time, except when a peddler comes along. They sell at a price that makes it impossible for the local merchant to carry first grade produce and compete. In the end it is the con sumer who suffers as much as the merchant, as the consumer cannot rely on the quality of the fruits and vegetables he buys. If the local merchant is assured his market he can afford to handle the very best produce available, the consumer can be assured of the quality; and the price, governed by the turnover, would very probably not be in creased. GOOD ROADS FIRST. Pendleton East Oregonian. MOW that the Oregon-Washington ' highway is completed between Pendleton and Heppner local people have an opportunity for a loop drive that is interesting. The drive can be made from Pendleton to Heppner, returning via Heppner Junction and the Oregon trail, or the trip can be made the other way around according to one's pleasure. Those who have not made the drive along Willow creek in recent years have something ahead of them for the highway leads through good country. When the Pendleton-John Day highway and the Heppner-Spray roads are completed we will have further access to the interior with good results for everyone. People in the John Day valley will then have access to Pendleton, Heppner and other towns now remote to them because of poor roads. We will then be able to drive south to the John Day valley and return via Spray and Heppner if desired or make the trip to Spray first and re turn via Long Creek and Uklan. Needless to say the construction of these roads will be long delayed should the $3 license fee bill pass, 9r. 3famk (Eraur w$&: ENDURANCE I MPORTANCE depends on endurance. tion through time of an achievement of value. head in Science and the Modern World. Endurance is the real test of a man. It is something that we can all have. If we can do nothing else we can hang on and remain the same. Sometimes this is mere pigheadedness and stubbornness. But In this world of fluctuating values and fluctuating men it is a pleas ure to find something stable. One of the strongest pleas of the church is that is has endured throughout the ages and is still going strong. Whatever has endured for a length of time must have something to it The life of an organism depends upon its ability to adjust itself to its surroundings. Life is a tragedy for the unfit - A man is in perfect health when he can breathe the air, enjoy the sunshine and partake of the food that is offered him, and his lungs, his stomach and his other organs are attuned to his environments If they become out of tune or, in other words, he becomes unfit, nature eliminates him. Emerson says that the best test of a book and the finest critic was time, and advised us, as a whole, to read no book that had not been printed twenty years. Time has dealt harshly with some popular favorites, while others have survived. Some of the popular songs our ancestors sang are still popular. No one could tell at the time which they were, but the passing of the years has tested them. It is perhaps a wise thing not to build a monument to a man be fore he is dead. Time must have its opportunity to pass upon him. There is something in mere endurance, and the man who is able to stick a thing out to the bitter end has the advantage over one who is constantly changing. Do not stick to a thing simply because you have chosen it, but after choosing it wisely keep your feet firm and do not vacillate. thus cutting off revenue for the highway department and forcing direct property taxpayers to pay off the $35,000,000 in highway bonds still outstanding. Eastern Oregon will be best serv ed by retaining our present license system for our road program is not yet complete. Good roads are more important than a low license fee. Bad roads mean too much deprecia tion on cars and they take all the joy out of travel. By Arthur Brisbane Something New in Taxes. Marriage a School. Save a Little. Protect Natural Resources A learned legislator says married women ought not to work, and if their husbands earn as much as $2,000 a year, the woman's earnings should be taxed 20 per cent. Under old laws a husband could take what his wife earned; even now in England he controls the children that she produces. For the State to rebuke her in dustry by taxing her earnings 20 per cent would be something new. Bolshevism decides that little girls must not play with dolls, be cause that encourages the bour geois or capitalist idea of family life, developing a taste for mother hood and household duties. Bolshevism interprets the little girl with a doll correctly, but will no more overcome the love of dolls than it could overcome the instinct of self preservation. Maternity is planted in me nearts or iitue gins by a Power far above Bolshevism, just as ambition of another kind is' planted in the hearts of little boys. And that ambition is what makes Communism an impossibility. Dr. M. S. Taylor wires from Chi cago, "Contribute your opinion on legalizing companionate marriage." That question was settled when Eve appeared from Adam's rib. Woman is naturally monogamous, is determined to make man so, will do it eventually, and marriage is the school of monogamy. A companionate marriage ex presses doubt, proves lack of the confidence on which marriage should be based, and, while it is perfectly legal now, divorce being legal, it is a poor, cold-blooded sort of marriage. . Fortunately, the average young couple have no doubts whatever, and only regret the marriage cannot last million years, just to prove it. L Sometimes they are disappointed, nearly always through the hus band's fault But meanwhile the children have been born, blessed with the influence of trust and af fection. The value of a man depends on the respect of his father and moth er for each other. If husband and wife start mar riage in doubt, each leaving the door open for escape, the children's in feriority will reflect their parents' "I may decide to quit" marriage. The Important thing in marriage is the quality of the children, and the next generation. William Fox has bought 307 more theaters, seating 350,000 for $100, 000,000. Twenty-five years ago Fox got in to the theatre business because his employer refused to raise his $17 a week salary. Fox had Just married. The employer said, "Not only I can't raise your $17 a week, but you are getting $2 too much. I am going to Endurance is the reten- Thus says White pay what you are worth, $15." Fox had saved $580 on $17 a week, got control of a tiny moving picture theatre that could take in $7.30 when packed. Now he has 356 the atres. Always save something. If you have brains it will increase. If not, saving will keep yOtt out of the poor house, anyhow. The Prince of discussing trade whether human Wales, hopefully revival, wonders beings invented earrings or trousers nrst- Man s passion for adornment, he thought, probably produced -earrings before clothes.- He is right about that Darwin tells of Patagonian ladies, living in a climate often bitter, that would not think of coming from their huts to let a stranger see them until they had painted their faces and arrang ed their hair. But they did come out without a stitch of clothing. A British nobleman, by the way, owns a pearl earring taken from the ear of King Charles the First after his head had been cut off. The United States pays more to ward the expenses of the League of Nations than any other country ex- kcept Britain although we are not in tne league, mars unusual, we paid more than any other nation for that big war about fifty-nine million dollars a day while we were in it, and we lent the allied fighters ten thousand millions of dollars yet it wasn't our war. Our troubles will come in Ameri ca when our natural resources are exhausted coal, iron, oil, forests, etc. At present we are busy using, wasting. Some day we may be busy regretting. Emil Kekich, sent to Sweden by Hoover's department of Commerce, reports that Sweden has solved her forest problem. The annual growth of timber in Sweden exceeds the annual cutting by 100,000,000 cubic feet, or 1,200, 000,000 lineal feet BOARDMAN Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gorham enter tained a number of friends at 600 on Thursday evening. ' Four tables were played. At the call of the game Mr. Houghton was high and Royal Rands low. The hostess served delicious re freshments. Playing with the host and hostess were Messrs. and Mesdames Nick Faler, Royal Rands, D. F. Ran sier, L. G. Smith, Houghton of Uma tilla, C. G. Blayden and Mrs. Ray Brown and Mrs. Marguerite Johnson. John Pruter was 63 years old Sunday, February 12, so Mrs. Pruter prepared a wonderful turkey dinner for the oc casion and also had Mr. and Mrs. Eck Warren and nephew Donald as honor guests. Mrs. Prater is a famous cook and this dinner was no exception. The fortunate guests were the Farleys, Sla vins. Broyles, Warrens and Elmer Wes terfelt Mr. and Mrs. Albert Macomber and babv of Condon and the fromer's mo ther, Mrs. W. H. Macomber, came over Saturday and were guests at the Nate Macomber and Metiora homes. un Sunday W. H. Macomber and sons and Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Bailey of Grand- view. Wn., came over and were guests at the Macomber home. Mrs. W. H. has been at the Albert Macomber home since ' December 2, returning to her home in Grandview on Sunday. J. O. Saldern died Thursday at his home in Portland. He was 84 years of see. He was tne rather ot Mrs. J. T. Healey. a former Boardman resident now living in Los Angeles. Mrs, J. C. Ballenger and daughter Maxene went to The Dalles for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Jenkins and Elvira and Mr. and Mrs. McCarty of La Grande were guests Sunday at lovely dinner at the Howard Bates home. Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Imus have gone to Cecil. Mr. Imus has been working on the Smith-Duggan baler for some time and Mrs. Imus went to cook for the crew. Omo Imus is with her sister, Mrs. Gross. A telegram stated that Joseph Gilbert had accidentally shot himself at Seattle last week. His wife is a niece or Mrs. Dan Ransier and both Mr. and Mrs. Gil bert have visited here at the Ransier home. He left a wife and two small children. Clifford Olson was home over Sunday from The Dalles where he Is working with the signal crew. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dillon have both been having la grippe last week. Mrs. I. Skobo was ill and the Farleys were also indisposed. All are better at present Mrs. F. A. Fortier and daughter Nor ma returned Thursday Irom Condon where Norma has been under the doc tor's care. While there they stayed at the Arthur Allen home. Mrs. Allen and baby came with them for a visit at the Jess Allen home. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Marschat motored to Pendleton Saturday to consult a spec ialist Mr. Marschat has been Having some eye trouble. Mrs. Dan Ransier went to Hermlston Friday to have a troublesome tooth ex tracted. The novocaine affected her heart and a physician was called In. She was quite ill for a day or so. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Pattee came murs- day from a pleasant motor trip to As toria, Tacoma. Kelso ana otner points of interest. Mrs. Pattee and two chil dren remained with her parents tor a longer visit, Pat having gone back to Condon on Saturday. The basketball game between Arling ton and Boardman had to be cancelled Saturday night because of the inroads of chicken pox and measles in me Ar lington high school. This was a dis appointment to the many fans but the game will be played later. Plans had been completed for entertaining the Arlington teams with refreshments and a dancing party so the high school stu dents held their party without the spec ial guests. Various musicians contrib uted music for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Warren were hon or guests on Friday at a beautifully appointed dinner at the T. E. Broyles home, given by several of the neighbors. A feast was enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. John Brice, Claude Myers, Mrs. Myrtle Bailey and son Art of Arlington, Mrs. Bates. Mrs. Nizer and Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Weston. The Warrens plan to leave shortly, Mrs. Warren going to Jeffer son. Ore., to visit her mother and Mr. Warren to en Shearing. Some scpundrel walked away with four sets of harness from Walter KnaufTs barn last Friday night. The malefactor forgot to take the collars with him. This was certainly a villain ous trick for any one to do right at the time spring work starts. Their re turn would he annreciated. John Brice shipped a carload of hay this week. The garage gave a dance Friday night at the auditorium wltn netcner s or chestra of Pendleton playing. Only a small crowd attended and the cost of the music is so exhorbltant that the financial rain was almost nil. Last fall Walter Knauff shipped 500 millets to the Hawaiian Poultry asso ciation at Honolulu. Word states that these birds which were part of a ship ment, all arrived in fine shape. A congenial group played cards at the Geo. Gross home Thursday evening. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Pat Pattee, Ivv and Earl Olson. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Smith of Seattle came Sunday for a short visit at the Geo. Gross home. Chas. Barlow and wife of Heppner, who went to Portland to get a new model of the For dear, stopped Sun day for a short visit with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Barlow. On Sunday the demonstration car will be in Boardman for the day. Asta and Elnora Skobo. twin daugh ters of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Skobo, were four years old on Monday, Feb. 13. so several of the little folks were asked in for the afternoon. The cakes were lovely, there being a cake for each twin, and the table was very pretty with its viands and a cunning little toy house for each child as a favor. Little tots present were Gordon Gross, Harry Humphrey, Elizabeth Kristensen. Or thun Hereim, Asta, Elnora and Erna Skobo. Grownups who enjoyed the party as much as the children were Mesdames Humphrey. Hubbard, Rich ardson, Hereim and Kristensen. D. S. Barlow and Wife of Heppner were over-Sunday visitors at the J. F. Barlow home. Bert Richardson who has been ill with bronchial asthma for some time went to Hermiston again Monday and the doctor thought it advisable to keep him there for a course of treatments again. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Barlow motored to A? Sedan t. . b. Detroit Different Dodge Brothers Victory Sir is not only a new car but an entirely new and better kind of a can For the first time in history, body and chassis are a single, integral unit. The wide, deep Victory chassis frame, flush with the body lines, eliminates the body sill and the customary body OVERHANG. Major body parts are reduced from 367 to 8! 175 pounds of useless weight are cast off! The gravity center is radically lowered with head-room and road clearance unaffected. The results can not be expressed they must be experienced. No unpleasant skidding or sidesway at the corners. No back-wheel "chatter" when the Lockheed Hydraulic brakes are quickly applied j A smoothness over cobble roads that you have never imagined possible. A swift car that is safe a moderate-priced car unsurpassed in smartness and individuality Cohn Auto Co. Heppner, Ore. Victory Six nnnr. F IHOTHEHS, INC. T.IT. SENIOR SIX AND AMERICA'S Heppner Saturday to visit the latter's grandparents. Henry uorger naa Been m wltn pneu monia and has been at the hospital in Hermlston. He is a brother ox Mrs. Leo Cooney. Boardman is again to have a barber shop. A young man will open a shop in the old post office building soon. The auxiliary will put on a movie Saturday night at Boardman theater, in Old Kentucky." Tne usual price 35c and 15c will be charged. On Saturday. March 3, a movie will be given, followed by an old time dance. The ranadlan la tne mm selected. Proceeds will be used for the fund for drilling a well at the cemetery. The basketball teams will meet lone Friday night on the lone floor. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Spagle were hosts at a pleasant card party Monday evening. Four tables were in play and at the close of the game It was found that Earl Olson had the highest score and Mrs. Pat Pattee the lowest. The hostess served delicious refreshments after the game. Present with the host and hostess were Messrs. and Mesdames Ralph Humphrey. Everett Duggan, L. G. Smith. Royal Rands, Leslie Packard, Mrs. Marguerite Johnson, Mrs. Pat Pat tee, Earl Olson and Howard Packard. The American Legion Auxiliary met with Mrs. Ralph Humphrey Thursday evening. The regular business was transacted and it was also voted to put in tennis courts In town, the movie given Saturday night to help pay ex penses. Daughter: "Mother, at the circus the human, skeleton tried to kiss me." Motner: "uaugmer, l tola you to De ware of strange men." Kind Old Lady: "And what are you going to do when you grow up, my lit tle man?" Urchin: "Foller in me father's fin gerprints." POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT. I hereby announce to the voters of Morrow county that I, will be a candidate for the office of County School Superintendent on the Re publican ticket, at the primaries, May 18th, 1928. HELEN M. WALKER. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce that I will be a candidate before the Republcian primaries on May 18, 1928, for the office of Sheriff of Morrow County, and shall greatly appreciate your support. C. J. D. BAUMAN. FOR COUNTY CLERK. I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for nomination for the office of County Clerk of Morrow County on the Republican ticket at the Primary election. W. O. HILL. FOR COUNTY CLERK. To the Republican Voters of Mor row County, Oregon: I hereby an nounce that I will be a candidate for the nomination of County Clerk at the Primary Nominating Elec tion to be held May 18, 1928. GAY M. ANDERSON. (Incumbent) FASTEST JOUR ALSO ON DISPLAY FOB SHERIFF. I hereby announce to the voters of Morrow county that I will be a candidate for the office of sheriff on the Republican ticket, at the primaries, May 18th, 1928. Q. A. BLEAKMAN. LEGAL NOTICES IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW , COUNT. Herman Neilson, Plaintiff,) va. ) Henrietta Poppenga Dick-) ens, sometimes Known as) Fannie Dickens; Berend) Poppenga and Ella Pop-) penga, his wife; the un-) known heirs of E. L. Mat-)8UMMONB lock, deceased; also all) persona or parties un-) known claiming any) right estate, title or in-) terest in the real proper-) " ty in this complaint dea-) cribed, Defendants) To Henrietta PoDtienea .Dickens, sometimes known as Fannie Dickens; Berend Poppenga and Ella Poppenga, his wife; the unknown heirs at law oi is. Li. Matlock, deceased; also an persons or parties unknown claiming any right estate, title or interest in the real property in this complaint de scribed. Defendants. IN THE NAME OT THE STATE OF OREGON : You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint hied against you in the above entitled suit within four (4) weeks from the date of first publication of this sum mons or Irom the date oi service upon you, if personally served outside of the state of Oregon, and If you fail to answer, for want thereof, the plain tiff will take a decree against you as toiiows, to-wit: That the Dlaintiff is the owner in fee simple of the following described real property in Morrow County, State of Oregon, to-wit: The southwest quarter ot tne Southeast quarter; the South halt of the Southwest quarter and the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 19 in Township Four South, Range 25, E. W. M., Southeast quarter of the South east quarter of Section 19; South west quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 29, and the East half of the Northeast quarter of Section 30 in Townahip Four South, Range 26, E. W. M., in Morrow County. State of Oregon, and that the plaintiff's title be forever quieted against all of the defendants herein named and against all persons claiming by, through or under the de fendants or any of them and for such other relief as to the Court may seem eauitable. This summons is puDiisnea Dy vir tue of an order of Hon. James Alger Fee. Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon lor Morrow county, made and entered on the 23rd day of January, 1928, in which order it was Drovlded that this summons be pub lished for a period of Four (4) weeks in tne Heppner uazette Times, a news paper of general circulation, published at HeDDner, Oregon. Date oi nrst publication, tne asm aay of January, 1928. Attorney for the Plaintiff. Address: Heppner, Oregon. NOTICE OP SHERIFF'S BALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an execution, decree, judgment and order of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Mor row County In that certain suit where in The Federal Land Bank of Spokane, a corporation, was plaintiff and Ralph r inley, same person as Kaipn A. iniey and Jennie E. Finley. his wife, lone National Farm LoanAssociatlon, a cor poration, and Caroline Springer, were defendants, in which suit the plaintiff was awarded a judgment and decree against Ralph Finley, same person as KalDh A. Finley and Jennie E. nniey. his wife, and lone National Farm Loan Association, a corporation, for the sum or $81.25, with interest tnereon at tne rate of 8 per annum from the 18th day of January, 1926; the further sum of J81.25. with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per annum from July 18th. 1926: the further sum of $81.26, with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per annum from January 18, 1927: the fur ther sum of $81.26, with interest there on at the rate of 8 per annum from July 18th, 1927; the further sum of $2252.95, with interest thereon at the rate of 6H per annum from the 18th day of July, 1927; the further sum of $129.05. with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per annum from the 6th day of October, 1926: the further sum of $956.54, with Interest thereon at the rate of 870 per annum from the 23rd day of September, 1927; the further sum of $26, with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per annum from the 7th day of Septem ber, 1927; the further sum of $200 at torneys' fee. and the sum of $28.70 costs and disbursements, which judgment and decree were made and entered on tne 6th day of February, 1928. Now. therefore, by virtue of said exe cution, decree, judgment and order of sale, I will, on Saturday, Marcn lYtn, 192S, al the hour of 10:30 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the front door of the Morrow County Court House in Hepp ner, Morrow County, State of Oregon, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash In hand at public auc tion, all of the following described real property in Morrow County, State of Oregon, to-wlt: The South half of Section numbered Eight; Lots numbered One, Two, Three and Four, the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter, the East half of the Southwest quarter of Section numbered Eigh teen, all In Township Two North, Range Twenty-six, East of the Wil lamette Meridian,' containing 633. 72 acres. or so much of said real property as may be necessary to satlBfy the plain tiffs Judgment, including interest and attorneys' fee and accruing costs of sale. Date of first publication February lbtn, 191:8. - GEORGE McDUFFEE, Sheriff of Morrow County, State of Oregon. NOTICE OF riNAL ACCOUNT." Notice is hereby given that Laura V, Scott, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of W. G. Scott, deceased, has filed her final account with the Clerk of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, and that the Judge of said Court has fixed as the time and place for settlement of said account March 17th, 1928, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. in the Court room of the County Court of the State or Oregon ror Morrow county at Hepp. ner, Oregon. Anvone having objections to said ac count must file the same on or before the said date. LAURA V. SCOTT, Executrix, DR. E. E. BAIRD DENTIST Case Building, Entranoa Center Bt. Telephone Main 1018 Open Evenings and Sundays by Appointment.. AUCTIONEER E.J.KELLER The man wh made tha reasonable prloe. LEXINGTON, OREGON VVM. BROOKHOUSER PAINT IN O PAPERHANQINQ INTERIOR DECORATING Leave orders at Peoples Hurdware Company DR. DAVID S. ROWE (Lloemed) CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN and PHYSIO-THERAPIST Phone 803 Hermiston, Ore. E. H. BUHN EXPERT WATCHMAKER AND JEWELRY REPAIRER Heppner, Ore. T DR. A. H. JOHNSTON PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Graduate Nurse Assistant I. O. O. F. BOTLDINO Phones: Office, Main 933; Res. 492. Heppner, Oregon GLENN Y. WELLS ATTORNEY AT LAW 600 Chamber of Commerce Building, Portland, Oregon Phone Broadway 4254. DR. F. E. FARRIOR DENTIST X-Ray Diagnosis L O. O. P. BUILDING Heppner, Oregon Frank A. McMenamin LAWYER Phone BEacon 4451 1014 Northwestern Bank Building, PORTLAND, OREGON Residence, GArfleld 1949 L. D. McMURDO, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON Trained Nana Assistant Office in Masonic Building 'Heppner, Oregon C L. SWEEK ' ATTORNEY-AT-LA W Offices in first National Bank Building Heppner, Oregon MORROW GENERAL HnCPITAT Maternity Caaei I1UOI 11 AU surgical, MedioaL Wards and Privnte Rooms. Rates Reasonable. MRS. SENA WESTFALL, Graduate Nurse, Superintendent A. H. JOHNSTON, M. D., Physician-iii-Charge. Phone Main 322 Heppner, Ore. Morrow General Maternity Department "The Home of Better Bablet" , Rates Reasonable ; Dependable Service. Phone Main 322 Heppner, Ore. S. E. NOTSON ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Court House Heppner, Oregon AUCTIONEER Farm and Personal Property Bales a Specialty "The Man Who Talks to Beat the Band" O. L. BENNETT, Lexington, Oregon C. J. WALKER LAWYER and Notary Public Odd Fellows Building Heppner, Oregon F. W. TURNER & CO. PIRE, AUTO AND LIFE INSURANCE Old Line Companies. Real Estate. Heppner, Oregon JOS. J. NYS ATTONEY-AT-LAW Roberts Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon J. Perry Conder, N. D. toth year in praotloe in Heppner and j Morrow County. HEPPNER HOTEL BUILDING Office Phone 02, Residence Phone 03. Heppner Sanitarium ITncmial Dr- Ferry Conder ilOSpliai I'hyHlclan in charge Oldest Institution of Healing and Oldest Practicing Physician in Mor row uounty: wltn ine least percent age of fatality and greatest percent age of benefit.