Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 16, 1928, Image 1

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    . society'
Volume 44, Number 48.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Mass Meeting at Court
House Here Saturday.
World War veterans of Morrow,
Gilliam and Wheeler counties will
be given an opportunity to learn all
the benefits to which they are en
titled by state and federal acts at
a mass meeting to be held at the
court house In Heppner beginning
at 7:30 o'clock Saturday evening.
This is one of a series of meetings
being held over the state sponsor
ed by the American Red Cross and
Salvation Army for the purpose of
acquainting World war veterans
with the privileges to which they
are entitled.
With the party to visit Heppner
and address the meeting will be
George M. Love and Carl Moser,
commander and adjutant respect
ively of Oregon Department, Am
erican Legion. A representative of
the governor is expected to accom
pany them, but it is not known who
this will be.
Reports from meetings already
held at different points show that
interest and attendance have sur
passed all expectations. At McMinn
ville the local post estimated an
attendance of 100 and were surpris
ed and pleased when more than 300
responded. Similar reports come
from other points, showing that ex
service men are intensely interested
in this Bervice made possible by the
Red Cross and Salvation Army
working In conjunction with the
American Legion.
All ex-service men of this district
whose names could be obtained, as
well as other Legion posts in the
district, have been sent a letter
calling attention to the meeting and
explaining its purpose. In this let
ter is set out some of the many
privileges which ex-service men
are entitled to enjoy. The letter
Is signed by Mrs. W. P. Mahoney,
chairman of the local chapter Am
erican Red Cross, and E. G. Noble,
mayor of the city of Heppner.
Among the benefits offered by the
United States government that, ac
cording to their statement would
aggregate In a lifetime some $5000,
are the following: free hospital care,
free doctor's care, free surgical ser
vice, free nurses' care, free medi
cine, free medical examinations,
free x-ray pictures, free electrical
treatments for every known dis
ease, free ambulance service in case
of accident or sickness, free meals
and free room while In the hospi
tal, free railroad or automobile
transportation to government hos
pitals and free return trip home,
free and unlimited hospitalization.
All this is offered a World War vet
eran for the remainder of his life
whether or not his ailment or dis
ability Is Incident to war time ser
vice. If sickness or disability Is of
service origin the war veteran is
entitled to receive compensation in
varying amounts from $10 to $100
per month, according to degree of
disability, for the remainder of his
Attention Is also called to the
right of securing $3000 cash from
the state of Oregon, to build or
buy a home, secure farm property.
use In business or otherwise apply
such amount If a World War vet
eran failed to secure adjusted com
pensation In the form of -a free
paid-up life Insurance policy with
in the time formerly allowed, the
same may still be reestablished. All
of these things and more will be ex
plained at the mass meeting Sat
urday night
In summing up their plea for at
tendance by the ex-service men of
the district, the officers say:
"Mr. Ex-Servlce Man, we the un
dersigned, believe that you should
be thoroughly familiar with every
detail concerning the above named
benefits and other benefits that ev
ery World War veteran Is entitled
to and in order that full Informa
tion may be imparted to you, you
are hereby commanded to appear
at the court house, Heppner, Ore
gon, at 7:30 o'clock sharp at a mon
ster mass meeting of World War
veterans. v
"No admission fee; everybody
bring a buddy; no collection.
"This meeting is to be held for the
sole purpose of educating World
War veterans In all the benefits
they are entitled to receive from
the state and federal governments,
and has the endorsement of Hon.
I. L. Patterson, governor of Oregon
Major Albert E. Braynton, Division
al Commander of Salvation Army
Oregon; Judge John H. Stevonson,
Red Cross Portland."
The teachers In the Lexington
school will be hosts and hostesses
on Friday, Feb. 24, to the teachers
of Morrow county in a local insti
tute. A splendid program of enter
tainment has been prepared by the
faculty at Lexington, and the teach
crs of the county can look forward
to a splendid day.
Nellie Clark, aged 6, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clark, Is 111 with
scarlet fever. The other members
of the family, the parents and two
boys have been Inoculated with an
titoxin to prevent their taking the
disease, and a strict quarantine la
being maintained.
Mrs. A. H. Nelson of Lexington
underwent an operation at the of
fice of Dr. McMurdo on Wednesday
for the removal of tonsils.
rancis Rider Suicide
At Home Near Irrigon
Despondency was thought to be
the cause of the suicide of Francis
Rider near Irrigon Monday after
noon. Rider took his own life about
o'clock Monday afternoon by lay
ing his head on a stick of dynamite,
the fuse to which he had previously
ignited, according to the evidence
found by M. L. Case, coroner, who
was called on the case at 2:30 o'
clock the same day and left Imme
diately for Irrigon. The mutilated
remains were cared for at Her
miston. The suicide occurred at the Rider
place, a short ways from Irrigon.
With two grown sons and his wife,
Rider had been residing at Irrigon
for some two years, after having
left there once or twice before and
during the- last interval had lived
near Bend. He had (tone a deal of
trading for lands here and there not
to the betterment of his financial
condition, which, it Is believed, led
to despondency and suicide. He had
good reputation among his neigh
bors at Irrigon as a hard working,
conscientious man. He was 59
years, 11 months and 29 days of age
at the time of death.
Farm Market Review.
Weekly Review of Commodity Mar
ket Trends and News.
Corvallls, Feb. 13. GRAIN. The
corn market went sharply higher
last week In the face of continued
heavy receipts. The barley market
was about steady. Rye and oats
were dull. Flax advanced. Domes
tic wheat markets tended to weaken
and then strengthened again at the
close. Soft red winter wheat reach
ed new high prices on several mar
kets because of limited supplies,
active demand from southern mills
and reports of damage to the new
crop. Pacific coast wheat markets
were steady to weaker. European
domesitc wheat reflected the larger
supply of foreign wheat although
Liverpool prices held firm with
heavy receipts from Argentina and
HAY AND FEED. Alfalfa mar
kets continue firm, particularly
leafy, green grades, and alfalfa
meal has made some advances. Feed
prices generally are steady to high
er. POTATOES. Some tendency for
potato prices to strengthen in east
ern markets was noted recently, but
western markets continued weak
and the differential against Idaho
russets in Chicago was widened.'
Pacific Northwest shipments con
tinue to exceed the movement of a
year ago except in Oregon, although
the total shipments to date do not
equal last year. Up to February 4
the total movement from Oregon
was 1120 carloads this year com
pared to 1812 last year at the same
time. Idaho moved 921 more car
loads and Washington 1434 less
than last year for the same period.
BUTTER. The San Francisco
butter market was steady on about
all offerings. Eastern markets were
more nervous on heavier receipts,
Increased storage withdrawals and
a favorable production outlook, but
strength In foreign markets nar
rowed the differential to only 10
cents In favor of New- York over
Copenhagen. The peak of the heavy
southern hemisphere shipments is
now past
WOOL. The sentiment in the
wool markets continued optimistic
and some price advances were noted
last week, although mill buyers are
Inclined to resist The foreign sit
uation continues strong which sup
ports domestic prices in this coun
try. The mohair market was steady
LIVESTOCK. Moderate advances
were made in all kinds of livstock
at Portland last week and the same
tendency was noted In eastern mar
kets. Heavy receipts of hogs at Chi
cago on Monday caused prices to
decline and marked the lowest point
since July, 1924, but there was a re
covery at the last of the week when
receipts dropped off.
Masonic hall was the scene of a
very pleasant party on Saturday
afternoon, when Mesdames S. S.
Strodtman and Harvey Bauman
were hostesses to the members, of
the Eastern Star social club. The
dining hall was attractively decor
ated In honor of Valentine's Day,
and bridge1 afforded entertainment,
with four tables in play. Mrs. D.
M. Ward led with high honors and
Mrs. A. H. Johnston followed with
second. Guests were Mrs. Elmer
Slocum and Mrs. Mclvin Johnston.
Beglnnnlg February 1, and con
tinuing until Thursday, March 15,
the last day for filing federal in
come tax returns, deputies from the
office of Clyde G. Huntley, collector
of internal rovenuo, will visit the
principal cities and towns of the
state for the purpose of assisting
taxpayers prepare their returns and
compute their taxes. One of these
deputies will be in Heppner from
February 23 to 29 Inclusive to take
care of Morrow county people mak
ing returns.
Ms. Thos. Hughes has been spend
ing the past two weeks at Portland,
making selection of millinery stock
which she will Install in the room
In the McMurdo building on Main
street formerly occupied as a beau
ty parlor. Mrs. Hughes is exper
ienced In this line, having gained
knowledge of the business from
working in leading Portland stores
for several years. The announce
ment of her opening will appear In
these columns shortly.
Many Pendletonians
Attend 1. 0. 0. F. Meet
A large gathering of members of
the I. O. O. F. and Rebekahs was
an event of Saturday evening at
Odd Fellows hall in this city. The
occasion was the meeting of the
Purple Circle of the order, and
many attended from Pendleton, Pi
lot Rock, Heppner, Lexington and
lone. At 6:30 the banquet was
spread and then the Initiation of a
large class of candidates, the total
number beingft.26, was proceeded
with, the degree team from Pendle
ton putting on the work.
The visitors from Pendleton and
Pilot Rock were:
O. A. Magrof, Mr. and" Mrs. O. F.
Steele, W. W. DePuy. Joe Bailey, Julia
M. Cook, Margaret Pilzer, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. W. Christy, Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Mall, J. M. Earner. Neah Winn, Stella
Morton, Dorcas Power, Ella Ross. M.
A. Ross, Beulah Howdyshell, Ethel
Swaggart. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whet
stone, Geo. W. Church, L. M. Summer
field. Bert Linn, Elsie Melatrom, Buddy
Howdyshell, Wilbur Swaggart, Ethel
Bowman, 8. F. Bowman. W. J. Stone
man. Dessa Copenhaver, Ruth Barnett,
Everett J. King. W. J. Youngman, A.
M. Wilson, Carmen O. Oliver, Mae
Powers, Florence King, Eugene Baj:
chet of Pendleton; Frank Meikel, G.
Garrett. Mr. .and Mrs. J. E. Pollock,
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Staver. Mr. and
Mrs. Carl HemDhlll and Paul Gilllland
of Pilot Rock.
A Leap Year party was the order
of the evening at the M. L. Case
residence Friday night when Mrs,
Case entertained for ten guests.
Games early In the evening were
followed by refreshments served, at
attractively decorated tables. Guests
were Miss Lulu Hager, Miss Opal
Briggs, Miss Winnl Larson, Miss
Ona Gilliam, Miss Kate Ede, Miss
Harriet Case, Miss Lillie Allinger,
Miss Mary Notson, and Mrs. Flor
ence Paul. Mrs. Harold Case assist
ed trie hostess.
Wm. Hendrlx, who has been ser
iously ill at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Rasmus In this city for
several weeks past, underwent an
operation on the 13th for removal
of diseased prostate gland, enlarged
to such an extent as to obstruct the
bladder. The operation was per
formed under spinal anesthesia by
Dr. McMurdo, assisted by Dr. G. G.
Gaunt of Condon. Mr. Hendrlx is
reported much Improved at this
John Kenny, victim of an automo
bile accident a couple of weeks ago,
In which he received a badly in
jured hand, was compelled to part
with 'the end of one of the badly
mashed digits which was removed
the past week by Dr. SIcMurdo. In
writing up this accident this paper
had it that Joe Kenny was the vic
tim, but our information was not
exactly right
Chas. Wilcox was badly cut while
handling a colt at his place below
lone on Wednesday of last week.
He was thrown into the barbed wire
fence and cut about the arms and
neck. Dr. McMurdo ministered to
him and it was necessary to take
several stitches to close the wounds.
Syd Chaplain in THE FORTUNE
HUNTER, Star theater, Sunday and
FOB RENT 3500 acres sheep
pasture, stock fenced; good grass,
plenty of shade and water. Good
chance to add 2000 acres more if
leased soon. Joins county road from
Heppner to Ritter. Write, telephone
or see C. O. DININS, Ritter, Ore.
Mrs. Ed Burchell of Lexington
was admitted to Morrow General
hospital on Friday and has been
undergoing medical treatment Dr.
Johnston, her physician, reports her
much improved and able to return
to her home on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. French were
in the city on Saturday from their
home at Gurdane. They just recent
ly returned from a very enjoyable
visit with relatives and friends in
California, going as far south as
Los Angeles.
WEST, Star theater tonight and
Mrs. Garnet Barratt returned to
her home today from Morrow Gen
eral hospital where she was a pa
tient under the care of Dr. John
ston for ten days, suffering a se
vere attack of influenza.
Walter Nolan was taken sudden
lone on Friday last. He was suf
Lexington on Thursday. Dr. John
ston was called to attend him and
found Mr. Nolan suffering from a
light form of meningitis.
Walter Eubanks, lone turkey
man, underwent a minor operation
at the hands of Dr. Johnston at
lone on Friday last H was suf
fering from an abscess in the roof
of his mouth.
Mrs. L. B. Ledbetter of lone, who
was operated on Friday at the
hands of Dr. Johnston at Morrow
General hospital, has quite fully
recovered and able to return home.
Clara Bow in THE SCARLET
WEST, Star theater tonight and
Geo. Evans has been a sufferer
from an Infected hand and blood
poisoning for some time and under
the care of a physician. "He is re
ported as very much improved.
Jimmie and Jean Gemmell, crll
dren of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Gem
mell, who have been ill with Influ
enza for the past ten days, are now
able to be up and around.
Mrs. C. C. Cool of lone, recently
operated on at the hands of Dr.
Johnston was able to return to her
home Monday from Morrow Gener
al hospital In this city.
Mrs. Anna Hynd Shaffer and ba
by have returned to their home
from Morrow General hospital.
Morrow County' Younger Gen
eration at Oregon State College.
"A blind date is Just like a horse-
trade. Neither person knows what's
coming, but he is always willing to
take a chance," is the opinion of
Miss Eva Wilcox, freshman in home
economics. Miss Wilcox is In a po
sition to Judge, for she lives In Wal
do hall, the largest hall of residence
for women on the campus, where
dozens of such dates come under
her observation every week.
Besides, If It pertains to horses
in any way, she is an authority, for
in addition to her reputation In
Morrow county as a horsewoman
she Is also rated among the five best
horsewomen In the college. She is
a member of the riding club and
the advanced class In riding. Her
spare hours are spent In the saddle
during the week-ends. During the
Eduoational exposition this week
she will take part in the horse show.
Although Miss Wilcox is regis
tered in home economics, she is an
enthusiastic art student, and a
member of three art classes. One
of her ink drawings appeared In
the co-ed issue of the Orange Owl,
humorous campus publication. She
studies pen and ink sketching,
painting, and essentials of art She
says that next to riding a horse she
would rather draw than anything
else. Next term she plans to change
her course to vocational education,
as it will be better suited to a heavy
course in art.
While she is energetically pursu
ing these activities Miss Wilcox
finds time to earn part of her col
lege expenses and to attend an oc
casional banquet of the 4-H club, in
which she won a scholarship last
year. She is an active booster for
eastern Oregon. In a talk she made
at a banquet recently she said in
answer to a thrust by a webfooter,
Perhaps eastern Oregon Is dry, but
it isn't yet so dry that the cows give
condensed milk."
(From State Board of Health)
Diphtheria claimed Jess lives in
1927 than in any other year in the
state of Oregon. Timely immuniza
tion reduced the deaths almost one
half. The following JEjgures show
an active campaign "g(.inst diph
theria gives definite results:
Cases Deaths
1924 1404 107
1925 1370 101
1926 936 60
1927 609 38 ,
Every year fewer children are
sacrificed because they are made
immune against this disease. Many
lives have been saved by immuniza
tion and not a life has been lost
traceable to the inoculation of tox
in-antitoxin. Only in a very few
cases has there been any inconve
nience experienced. The control of
diphtheria affords an interesting
example of the power of a commun
ity to eradicate disease. In one
conspicuous Instance the disease
was virtually eradicated.
Diphtheria antitoxin is the out
standing contribution of modern
science to curative medicine. It
has converted one of the most
dreaded diseases of childhood, with
which the generation antecedent to
our own was unable to cope, into
one of the most controllable of dis
eases. Diphtheria immunization is
secured by the inoculation of toxin
antitoxin. The degree to which
immunity has been secured can be
readily tested by the Schick reac
tion. How long the immunity en
dures it is not possible to say at
this time, but undoubtedly in most
cases six or more years, and many
believe it lasts for life.
Parents are beginning to realize
the obligation they owe to their
children in protecting them against
diphtheria. It has, however, been
much easier to secure protection of
school children than the children
of preschool years, although It is in
this period of life that children are
most susceptible to the disease and
the death rate is the highest.
When toxin-antitoxin is properly
made and tested there is no safer
product in the world. The few ac
cidents that have occurred have
been due to faulty technique. In
this country the manufacturers of
this product are tinder the super
vision of the U. S. Public Health
The slogan n this state is "No
Diphtheria in Oregon, after 1930,"
and it begins to look as if this goal
might be reached. The state and
local departments of health, volun
teer health agencies and the doctors
are energetically pushing this anti-
diphtheria campaign.
Familiar land marks of Heppner,
the old Sperry mill and the large
warehouse on the hillside just north
of It, will disappear. These build
ings have been purchased by W. G.
McCaity and Chtis. Swlndig, and
they will raze them, using the build
ing material salvaged for the pur
pose of constructing a number of
cottages on the land used by the
mill site. The work of taking down
the buildings is now proceeding, be
ginning with the warehouse. The
mill has not been used for several
years, but it was among the prom
inent producing plants for a long
time in this part of the state and
turned out a good brand of flour.
The property belonged to the Far
mers Elevator company of this city.
Proposed Gym Classes for
Women Begin March 1st
The proposed gymnasium classes
for town women, sponsored by the
American Legion Auxiliary, will be
gin the first of March. They are to
be held In the new gym one night a
week for twelve weeks, Mrs. Harold
Cohn acting as instructor.
These classes are intended for
women and girls who do not attend
high school. A membership charge
of $2.50 will be made to defray ex
penses. The work will consist of
formal calisthenics, folk dancing
and games. Every woman taking
the course must have tennis shoes.
The suggested costume is a pair of
full black bloomers, a middy blouse
and dark hose. Locker and shower
facilities will be provided. If Inter
ested enroll Immediately with Mrs.
Earl Gilliam, Mrs. Flory or Mrs.
Burgess. It may be necessary to
limit the number. Much pleasure
and benefit will be derived from
these classes.
The next regular meeting of the
American Legion Auxiliary will be
held Tuesday evening, Feb. 21. Hos
tesses are Mrs. A. M. Phelps and
Miss Elizabeth Phelps.
The fact that malicious state
ments have been circulated in
Heppner and surrounding country
that Zena Westfall, graduate nurse
and superintendent of the Morrow
General hospital" was leaving Hepp
ner is false and the management
take this means of notifying their
many friends that the hospital will
continue in the future under the
same management as it has In
the past and hope that we may have
your continued patronage. This
hospital is open day and night, is
equipped with latest modern X-Ray,
Laboratory and Surgery and a grad
uate nurse is on duty 24 hours daily
and is the only modern hospital be
tween The Dalles and Pendleton.
(O. A. C. School of Home Economics)
Grapenuts will take the place of
real nuts in fudge and other candies
successfully. The result is delicious
and inexpensive.
A tablespoonful of vinegar put in
the lard when cooking doughnuts
will prevent them from soaking up
the fat
Chairs and seats for outdoor use
will last longer if kept painted, as
the rain will soon rot them if left
The membership of the Episcopal
church wish to express their apprer
ciation to the members of the cast
of "Prairie Rose" for their interest
in preparing their play for the ben
efit of the church. We especially
wish to thank those who are not
members of the church for giving
their time and effort
A deal was completed on Friday
by which George Ritchie of lone
took over the lone hotel from J. W.
Campbell, who has been running the
hostlery for a number of months
past Mr. Ritchie bought the hotel
property outright from Mr. Camp
bell, the consideration being $6000.
Mr. Ritchie will thoroughly reno
vate the hotel and remodel it, mak
ing it up to date in every respect
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Luttrell ar
rived here on Saturday from New-
berg, and were guests until Monday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mai
colm D. Clark, Mrs. Clark and Mrs.
Luttrell being sisters. Mr. and Mrs,
Luttrell went on to Pendleton Mon
day afternoon for a short visit be
fore returning to Newberg where
Mr. Luttrell is in business.
Lawrence Redding was a visitor
in the city from his Eight Mile
farm on Wednesday. Mrs. Redding,
who has been, a patient at Hot Lake
sanatorium for many weeks, recov
ering from a serious operation, is
now home, much improved, though
the incision has been slow in heal
Stephen Thompson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. R. A. Thmopson was op
erated on at Morrow General hos
pital Saturday by Dr. Johnston for
a case of blood poisoning and infec
tion in his arm. It is expected he
will be able to return to his home
in a few days.
The big sale at the Walter Rood
ranch on Saturday was a complete
success, and the personal property
and stock belonging to Mr. and Mrs.
Sterling Fryrear brought good re
turns. A large crowd attended.
Eric Bergstrom, and his son, Carl
F., were visitors in the city for a
short time on Saturday from their
home in the Gooseberry section.
They wore on the way out to the
Fryrear sale.
E. B. Aldrlch and a party of
friends were visitors in the city for
a short time Sunday from Pendle
ton. Mr. Aldrich is editor of the
East Oregonian of that city.
Mrs. Tilman Hogue of Gooseberry
was operated on under local anes
htcsia at the otilce of Dr. McMurdo
on Wednesday for the removal of
At the office of Dr. McMurdo this
morning, Mrs. Al Stapleton of
Blackhorse had her tonsils removed
under application of local anesthe
sia. Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Evcrson,
who reside near lone, were visitors
in this city on Saturday.
WEST, Star theater tonight and
Friday. j jj
Fred Keyes Arrested;
Unlicensed Peddler
A short term of recorder's court
was held Sunday afternoon to ar
raign Fred Keyes, arrested by Mar
shal Devin for allegedly peddling
oranges without a license. Keyes
plead guilty and paid $15 for a quar
ter of year s license. When a fine
was mentioned, he offered to lay
out the fine, but said the city would
have to pay for the oranges, as they
were perishable and would spoil and
he would sue the city for damages.
The fine was passed up. Keyes
brought the oranges here from
California by truck, there being
some five tons in his load. After
selling to the store trade Saturday
he started selling to the public Sun
day and spent Monday and Tuesday
This was the first arrest of this
nature made since the recent action
by the Heppner Luncheon club to
have the ordinance regarding li
censing of peddlers enforced.
Hal Hoss Resigns as
Secretary to Governor
Salem, Feb. 15. Hal E. Hoss, pri
vate secretary to Governor I. L.
Patterson since the latter's inaug
uration a yearago, has submitted
his resignation to the Governor. Mr.
Patterson, in accepting the resigna
tion, has asked Mr. Hoss to remain
on the job until the first of March,
as the governor intends to be ab
sent from the state for several days
preceding that date. Who will suc
ceed as private secretary has not
been indicated by the Governor.
Mr. Hoss,- who is a potential can
didate for the office of secretary of
state, said in his letter of resigna
tion that he did not feel justified in
spending any time while on the
state payroll to further his own per
sonal career, and indicated that as
soon as he was released from duty
that he would make a state-wide
survey of the situation, and come to
a decision after he had had time as
a private citizen to go thoroughly
into the matter.
The state press, with which Mr.
Hoss has been closely affiliated as
an association officer for a number
of years, has indicated that it will
support him actively if he becomes
a candidate, and considerable inter
est in his political welfare is being
evinced by a substantial group of
friends, representative of all lines,
in the larger centers.
Jack Denial, who for some time
worked on the Jason Biddle farm
on Rhea creek, left here some three
weeks ago, leaving behind some
checks on the bank where he had
no funds to cover, was located at
Pendleton and taken in charge by
Sheriff Cookingham of Umatilla
county Monday. Sheriff McDuffee
brought him to Heppner on Tues
day, and upon his making good the
amount of the check upon which
complaint had been filed against
him, Denial was released. It Is sta
ted that he had given out a num
ber of checks both at Heppner and
lone in the course of numerous
transactions, and reports reached
Heppner Wednesday that he was
wanted in Portland on a charge of
embezzlement of a car. Upon being
released here Tuseday Denial left
for other parts, presumably return
ing to Pendleton.
Mesdames E. E. Clark, Bert Kane
ana Henry Happold entertained a
circle of friends on Tuesday and
Wednesday evenings at cards at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Clark.
Condon won the hotly contested
town team basketball game In the
local gymnasium Saturday evening
by the close score of 24-21. From
the first tip-off to the final whistle
the game was nip and tuck, Hepp
ner leading by a slight margin at
half time, their exceptional passing
showing to an advantage In this
period. They weakened in the sec
ond half, however, and the Condon
boys took the lead, most of the time
by one point until just before the
whistle a field goal made them se
cure. Gerald Smith, ex-Heppner
grade teacher, was an outstanding
player for the visitors, making sev
eral spectacular long shots, while
Thorne and Belghle led in the scor
ing for the locals. With Condon
were Smith and Baker, forwards;
Youngqulst center; Tlerney and O
Rourke, gurads. Heppner's line-up
was, Thorne and Doherty, forwards
Beighle, center; Aiken and Fergu
son, guards. Paul Hisler refereed
Peter Svenson, a native of Swe
den and aged 69 years was commit
ted to the Eastern Oregon asylum
at Pendleton and taken to that in
stltutlon on Tuesday. The old gen
tleman was located in the vicinity
of the Swedish church at Gooseber
ry, where he had been for a few
days, sleeping in the schoolhouse,
visiting nearby homes and asking
for food, and acting in a "queer
manner. Svenson is of the old mili
tary type and has been a resident of
the U. S. for 45 years. He hadn'
been any place and wasn't going
anywhere, according to his state
Tom Boylen of Pendleton shipped
some 3000 head of sheep from the
local yards by special train Sunday
morning. These sheep will be taken
to Colorado by Mr. Boylen and there
placed on feed for a time before go
ing to eastern markets. The sheep
were bought from Messrs. Thomp
son & McNamer.
Noted Impersonator Gives
Program Feb. 29, in
With the appearance of John B.
Ratto on February 29 in the school
auditorium, the Lyceum series for
this year closes. Generally speak
ing it has been very successful the
numbers have all been of an unus
ually high order, and for the most
part were well attended.
Without doubt the last number
will be one of the best of the entire
series, for John B. Ratto is a na
tionally known figure in entertain- (
ment circles. This is not his first
appearance in Heppner, as he was
here several years ago on a former
lyceum course. At that time he
drew a packed house and those who
heard his entertainment are loud in
their praise of It
Mr. Ratto's programs are full of
action and life with not a dull mo
ment. Each impersonation natur
ally and logically follows the pre
ceding one, making a panogram of
associated characters. He presents
his characters in make-up, pencil
ing in full View of the audience, tell
ing an appropriate story the while.
Penciling finished, he turns to the
table mirror, adjusts his wig and
faces about to surprise his audience
with the accuracy of a character
distinct in appearance, speech and
actions, and with a personality all
Its own.
John B. Ratto's impersonations
are a platform attraction which will
be long remembered in the com
Emergency Landing Field
Laid Out by Legion Boys
The boys of the local post Amer
ican Legion, met in sufficient num
bers on Sunday to complete the
work of marking the emergency
landing field on Morrow heights,
and now "Morrow Field" is in shape
for safe landing of any aviator who
is compelled to come down because
of trouble or otherwise, while mak
ing his way over the route east and
west As stated in last issue, this
move is taken by the local Legion
post with the idea that later Hepp
ner may appear on the map as a
regular station for aircraft and it
will serve a good purpose in the
meantime. .
The work was all flrrtshed Sunday
with the exception of the wind mar
ker. A circle, 100 feet in diameter,
with a trench 18 inches wide and six
inches deep filled with crushed rock
and whitewashed marks the field.
and this is permanent More than
16 yards of rock were required to
fill the trench, and the boys found
this the biggest part of the job.
Funeral services for the late
Harvey Scott were held at the
Christian church in this city on
Thursday afternoon, Feb. 9th, Mil
ton W. Bower, pastor, officiating,
and many friends and neighbors at
tending, and attesting the respect
and esteem in which Mr. Scott was
held in this community.
Harvey Scott was born Feb. 8,
1850 in Madison county, Indiana
and grew to manhood in that state.
Later going to Missouri, he was
married on April 6, 1884 at Prince
ton, to Emma Atkinson, to which
union one son, Oral M., was, born.
The family came west in 1900 and
lived for about a year and a half
in Klickitat county, Washington,
near Goldendale and then to Mor
row county, where they have resid
ed since. Mr. Scott followed farm
ing in this county from 1902 to 1914
at which time he retired and re
moved to Heppner, making this city
his home till his death, but never
losing interest in the activities of
farming. In his early manhood Mr.
Scott became a member of the
Christian Union church in the state
of Missouri, to which he gave life
long allegiance, but he was not a
member of any of the fraternal or
Besides the widow, Emma Scott
and the son, Oral M., Mr. Scott is
survived by one brother, W. T. Scott
of Heppner, and two sisters, Emma
Summers of Princeton, Mo., and
Mary Brummett of Spicknard, Mo.
In the passing of Mr. Scott, four
members of his family, one brother
and two sisters have been called
by death, each being past seventy
years of age.
9:45 Bible School. 10:50 Morning
worship and Lord's Supper. 6:30
Chistian Endeavor. 7:30 Missionary
pageant presented by the Women's
Missionary Society. The public is
invited to all services.
The evening program will be:
Song, "Jesus Calls Us O'er the
Tumult" "I Love to Tell the Story."
Prayer; Scripture, I John 4:20-21.
Choir, "Near the Cross."
Pageant "Perfect Love."
Come and see the revel of the
"Imps of Selfishness." The weary
pilgrims searching for happiness
and finally "Spirit of Womanhood"
who holds In her heart the key to
"Perfect Love."
R. McElligott of Portland, was a
visitor here on Saturday, being in
terested in the sale of the land of
the C. M, Davis estate, of which he
is the administrator. This land was
sold at sheriff's sale to satisfy a
judgment held by Ida B. Woodson,
and Mr. McElligott bought it In.