PAGE SIX HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, IIEPPNER, OREGON 45TH ANNIVERSARY BOOSTER EDITION Heppner and Morrow County Want You as a Citizen HEPPNER PLANING MILL & LUMBER CO. IS BUSY INDUSTRY A strictly home Institution that is a credit to this county and con tributes much to our general pro gress in points of production, pay roll, etc., is what is known as the Heppner Planing Mill and Lumber company, the home offices, planing mill and retail yards being located at Heppner proper. The mill is equipped with all the latest and most highly improved devices of woodworking machinery and can well compete here on the ground with all outside firms In these lines. A sawmill is operated by the firm near Heppner which is their source of supply, they owning their own plant and timber. Here is a handy and economical source to supply your building materials. The business is owned and opera ted by Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Reid, who have been opeiating their .-.iw mill interests here successfully for the past 20 years and about a yenr ago, looking to expansion, acquired the retail yard and mill which are now part of their tag business. All usual lines of building mater ials are retailed. These include lumber, roofing, lime, plaster, ce ment, wall board and kindred goods. Before you build it would be advisable to let this home firm figure on your materials. An in dustry that should be encouraged in every possible way. Mr. and Mrs. Reid are making a distinct success of it and as such we take pleasure in making men tion of this business in the pages of this souvenir edition of the Ga zette Times. They have great con fidence in the future of this section and look to 1928 as a record break er in the building line here. Attention Investors. We ask you to carefully look through the pages of this edition. Read of the success achieved by many of our people in both com mercial and agricultural lines. In Morrow county we record no fail ures. These men who have really weathered the early trying times and made good have laid the foun dation for your success. The ini tial development work has been done, the ground work laid, it but needs your taking advantake of the present tmie to get in on the ground floor and succeed in any line. We trust you will give this edition your personal attention. It has been sent to you probably by some personal friend or relative who wants you to live among us and to invest here. You are Invited to make you future home and bus iness in Morrow county. BUCKING THE WILD ONES AT THE HEPPNER RODEO ltb' Seen at the Annual Round-up, the Heppner Rodeo, Recognized as one of the Best Shows of the West. FIE NEW BUILDING ISED BY LOCAL The dairy industry of this county is growing by leaps and bounds. More and more farmers are devot ing their energies to the raising of dairy stock and they are eliminat ing the grades and low producers and gradually substituting pure breds. And right here at Heppner the producer finds a ready cash market for his products. This is a double incentive to dairying. The history of the Morrow County Creamery company has been one of steady growth and expansion. It was organized originally in 1910 by a group of enterprising local farm ers who even then saw in prospect this as a coming dairy country. The first years were naturally hard as there were but few in the dairy game. More and more gradually realizing that the dairy cow afford ed a steady and sure cash income throughout the year, this business grew with the growth of the far mer's dairying operations until to day it is one of our leading and most successful industries. In their "Pride of Oregon" butter alone they turn out more than 120,000 pounds per year. This product is univer sally in demand and is distributed throughout the state and west coast They also manufacture ice cream and their equipment is rated of the best nnd most modern avail able. The future of the dairy Industry is assured and the constant growth of the firm'3 business now calls for even larger quarters. A lot has been secured on the main street where it is planned soon to erect a still more modern and more com pletely equipped plant, on the order shown in above illustration. This will be another decided asset to Heppner and Morrow county. To the largest extent credit for the success of this enterprise must be given its live wire and progres sive manager, W. Claude Cox. who as a young man started driving a milk wagon, worked for the origin al firm in various capacities, learn ed the business from the ground up.'gradually acquiring stock in the firm, and today is its largest stock holder and active manager. , There is no man among us who has great er faith in the future of this sec tion as a dairy country nor is a greater booster for it. Mr. Cox will ever be found ready to do his share when it comes to promoting any venture that has for its object the welfare, progress and further de velopment of this region. Here is an industry, a home industry that should receive every encourage ment. Our country grows as our commercial enterprises grow and as our individuals prosper. Pat ronize, eat and talk "Pride of Ore gon" butter, the home product. The year just closing has been a successful one for Morrow county farmers and business men. The new year, 1928, gives all indications of being better than ever. Get in on the ground floor. Welcome to Morrow county. We want you as one of our farmers or business men and you and your family as a per manent resident. LUNCHEON CLUB LIVE BOOSTERS FOR HEPPNER, COUNTY One of our civic organizations which must be credited with much of the progressive development work recently accomplished here Is what is known as the Heppner Luncheon club, a club formed orig inally as a social get together body but one now whose support and co-operation is always sought in advancing any progressive meas ures. The club membership is compos ed of about thirty of our leading business men who as a body act as our chamber of commerce, there being no active chamber of com merce in existence at this time. A weekly luncheon is held where matters pertaining to Heppner and vicinity are discussed and the members rub elbows and get each other's opinions. Much good has been accomplish ed through the efforts of this or ganization. Among other things they were active workers for and boosters for the new school audi torium which reflects great credit on the school, city and those who were instrumental in bringing it about The secretary of this club will be pleased to answer any In quiries relative to property values, investment opportunities, etc. They bid you welcome and want you to become one of our permanent settlers. Morrow, county's 1927 wheat crop brought a return of nearly $3,000, 000. This year looks just as good. WHAT SHERMAN ELECTRIC CO. WILL MEAN TO COUNTY In discussing the question of what Sherman Electric company control of light and power will mean to Heppner and Morrow county, Mr. Glenn L. Corey, super vising manager of Sherman Elec tric company and district manager of Pacific Power & Light company at The Dalles, said: "I believe that the Sherman Elec tric company will be able to render to the citizens of Heppner and Morrow county a far better elec trical service for their industries, commercial establishments and homes than they have ever known in the past. This is by reason of the fact that we have completed transmission lines into this terri tory capable of supplying the elec trical needs of the territory for a long time to come. This of course means that the community and the district is no longer hampered In its industrial development by lack of adequate electrical power at reasonable rates. Any industries that may be attracted to Heppner will have sufficient electric power available for their needs. The growth of any city is somewhat as sisted or retarded by the type of electric utility operating In it, and you may have assurance that my company will do everything possi ble that is consistent with good bus iness to assist in the development ot this section. "It is now possible for merchants to properly light their establish ments with modern lighting fixtures at reasonable cost, and it is also possible for them to employ labor- saving devices operated by motors ni their places of business. Res taurants and other establishments serving food may now have the ad vantages of complete electric cook ing and baking equipment, improv ing their sanitary conditions in many instances, and rendering a pleasing service to their patrons. All of these things will result in improved appearance of commer cial establishments from the light ing standpoint and this is bound to be reflected to a justifiable extent at least in the amount of business done. "The place, however, in which our influence will be most univer sally felt will, I believe, be the home. Under the rates offered by our company, it is now possible for the housewife to use electricity not only for light but for washing, iron ing, cleaning, cooking, and the re frigeration of foods. All of these things are not only possible but are practical and economical. Think what this means in the life of the average housewife! No longer need she be a slave to the wearisome back-breaking tasks that were to our mothers merely a part of housekeeping. If electricity in the home is used to the fullest possible extent, think of the hours that may be employed in leisure, recreation, self-improvement and in social con tacts, thus presenting a far more enjoyable existence in every re spect. Men usually employ all sorts of labor-saving devices in their fac tories and business offices, and I can see no reason why a housewife is not entitled to just as much con sideration as regards her home equipment. "I want to wish for the citizens of Heppner and surrounding dis tricts a very prosperous and happy year." COMMUNITIES. The county seat of Morrow coun ty is at Heppner, which is also the terminus of the railroad line and the principal distributing point not only for Morrow, but parts of ad jacent counties as well. The pub lic school system Includes a high school course with graduates on the accredited list of the state colleges. In the amount of wool shipped, Heppner ranks second among the towns of Oregon. South of Heppner is Hardman, with a population of 300 the cen ter of a large grazing and agricul tural section. i On the railroad north of Hepp-1 ner arc lone and Lexington, in the j center of the great wheat growing district Boardman and Irrigon, in the Irrigated district of the extreme north end. These towns have pop ulations of 400, 270, 150 and 100 re spectively. All support high schools in connection with their public school systems. The Tires We Sell Are PROTECTED For One Year Against Damage, Injuries, or Any Road Hazard T quote from letter of Instructions of SEIBER f I LIIVG PROTECTED SERVICE CORPORATION V4Jto Seiberling dealers: Our coverage is very broad. We place no limitations upon the customer, no restrictions upon the dealer. We are In your hands to very large de gree. You have a valuable service if you will use it In the matter of claims I would ask you to be guided by your own best judgment. If a tire is brought In for service, if it is not worth the price of a repair it should be replaced, re gardless of its age and service. If It is worth more than the cost of a repair, repair It. Make this wonderful pro tection feature the basis on which your sale Is made. Never lose sight of the Importance of being able to gave people money for themselves. They appreciate a service of that nature. This valuable Protection is Guaranteed by the Seiberling Protected Service Cor poration, a National Protection Organization. Demand and Ride on Tires that Protected Cohn Auto Co. RgBkJr Jtfes m&Sd OUT OF MORROW COUNTY MATERIALS Heppner Planing Mill & Lumber Co. A HOME INDUSTRY Lumber, Building Material, Millwork, Windows, Doors, Woodwork and Cabinetwork We operate our own sawmill, and are able to supply you with your materials better and cheaper (flllllltlimilHIIIItHMHIHIIiniHIIHUimilMHimHtMHIIHIHHIH Ever Boosters for Those Things That Stand For the Progress and Development of Morrow County