45TH ANNIVERSARY BOOSTER EDITION HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE TWENTY-SEVEN Morrow County Cities are Growing and Prosperous lone and Lexington Seclions Enjoy Plentiful Yields; Land Prices Right TiRIBUTARY to the busy trading and shipping centers of Lexington and lone are located some of the most productive general farms of the county. On these, in the main, wheat is the principal crop and figures given of wheat shipments from these stations and handled by the elevators of these places tell 'the wheat production story well. Improved farm lands in, this section may yet be secured at exceptionally low prices in com parison with production. It is nothing uncommon for a purch aser of farm lands here to profit enough off his first crop to pay for his lands. The section throughout is also well adapted to general diversified farming. The raising of various forage crops, hays, alfalfa, etc., has proved a big success. Large pro duction per acre in alfalfa in particular is recorded on various places. The farmers of the districts are prosperous and the little cities with their mercantile establishments are flourishing. The prospect throughout this whole section looks exceptionally bright for the future. TUM-A-LUM BRANCH MAINTAINED HERE That Heppner and Morrow coun ty well offer opportunities is well evidenced by the (act that the Tum-A-Lum Lumber company, one of the largest concerns of its kind doing business in the west, maintains four branches in the county, one at lone, one at Lexington, one at Irrigon and one at Heppner. This concern whose home offices are at Walla Walla, Washington, own and oper ate 44 branch yards in Washington and Oregon. The local branch has made an en viable record for aggregate yearly business transacted. In charge of the local branch Is Albert Adkins, who has served here In this capacity for the past eight years and has been Instrumental in building up the business with his books showing a steady yearly Increase. PASTIME BILLIARD PARLOR POPULAR For a good many years the Pas time Billiard parlor, soft drink bar, confectionery and cigar store has been a favorite with local and tran sient trade alike, among the men folks of this section. . A home-like, club-like place where they congregate for pleasure and recreation and to while away a pleasant hour. In our larger cen ters too often one associates a bil liard parlor with all that Is bad. And true, often places of this na ture In our, larger centers are '.a detriment 'Such, however, Is not the case at Heppner and In the In stance of the Pastime, as every care is taken to see that there 1b no rowdyism, no selling to minors, no illicit liquor traffic allowed, and in fact, nothing allowed that you would not allow for your men folks in your own home. I The business Is owned and oper ated by a live wire Morrow county booster, M. L. Curran, who started it seven years ago and during these years has achieved business success and numbers today among his friends and patrons all of the peo ple of the county. Mr. Curran was located In The Dalles previous to engaging in business here. - PHOTO ART STUDIO SERVES COUNTY . : A busy photo studio is also well serving the whole of Morrow coun ty. This is what is known as the Boggs Photo Art studio of Heppner, operated by Mrs. T. O. Boggs, a lady of many years experience at the work. She took over the busi ness in October of last year and In this short time has made quite a name for herself as an able photo grapher. Many of the Illustrations seen in this edition were produced from her photos. In these are in cluded the baby group. Both por trait work and commercial work are handled. lone offers you a fine little city in which to live. One of the best schools of the county is located here. A pretty little home city. For Your Household Furnishings Patronize the old reliable home store . 'GUARANTEED VALUES S. E. Moore IONE, OREGON Furniture, Rugs Wall Paper A Booster for This County Since 1 888. LEXINGTON THE HOME OF PURE BREDS. I-.. a Ml " Pure Bred Creamolines on B. F. Swaggart's Eastern Oregon Stock Farm Near Lexington (The first time the story of this strain of horses has been pub lished.) In the pages of this issue we are giving you wonderful examples of success achieved by individuals In commercial and agricultural pur suits. Morrow county has also, however, a unique and distinct en terprise that merits special recog nition. This is the Eastern Oregon Stock Farm, located near Lexing ton, where B. F. Swaggart, the owner and operator, specializes in purebred horses. His Creamoline strain has been giving this section nationwide publicity. First a little history of Mr. Swag gart, personally. B. F. Swaggart settled in this region, in what was then Umatilla county, as early as 1870 and engaged at that time in stockraising, sheep and cattle in the main. Of late years, and in fact, always, a hobby of his has been the Intro ducing of more purebreds and so building up the livestock of the county. i Today he operates a 3000 acre stock farm which is devoted to the usual diversity of crops wjth oats, barley and wheat as leading crops. Of these three crops there were harvested on his place last season more than 20,000 bushels, with an additional 100 tons of hay, he run ning at the same time an average of 200 head of stock. The farm is located ideally ten miles north of Heppner. As mentioned before the partic ular hobby of Mr. Swaggart Is the breeding of his famous Creamoline strain of purebred horses. He has devoted his time, interest and ex pended much money during the past 45 years in raising thoroughbreds, horses, jacks, mules and other dom estic animals, and is today consid ered an excellent authority in these lines. To his credit and the credit of his farm, may it be said that It has a name for breeding the best stallions in the west and that his race horse breeds and their descendants have "won at many of the most Import ant race meets of the United States, Mexico and Canada; Among these were the Sherry string of thoroughbred horses that traveled 4000 miles in the United States and Canada, winning 17 out of 18 world's championship prizes. But again to get to his pet vocation, or rather his particular pets. Forty eight years ago he began to evolve a type of horses that no other brede er has ever produced (examples seen above). They are the descend ants of thoroughbreds for a period of more than a third of a century and represent a distinct breed type with color all their own, called the Oregon Creamolines. These Cream olines are rare specimens of great agility, endurance and speed and so far superior by far to their ances tral thoroughbreds. With a strong symmetrical body and limbs, with dapple gray color, with sparkling eyes full of radiat ing life, a luxurious mane of white with tail of the same color they present, one of the most beautiful spcimens of animal life, with the admiration of all who see them. One of his horses, "Little Dick," tied the world's record at Vancou ver in 1901. Oregon George was a winner that had defeated the two year olds of four divisions, Oregon, Washington, Idaho and British Col umbia. All lovers of horse flesh will be vitally interested to learn more about this Creamoline strain of horses bred and produced exclusive ly by B. F. Swaggart of Morrow county. He extends a cordial invita tion to all to come and visit his modern stock farm near Lexington. Another one of our loyal old timers who has never been weaned away from Morrow county and 'would not today trade Morrow county for the whole state of New York. The Hoot Gibson horse, Palomina, seen in the movies is a product of Mr. Swaggart's farm. Though this horse has passed into the great be yond, he will long be remembered by all lovers of good horses. This horse was a brother to Oregon Sun shine and Oregon Sunburst, now on the farm. PHOTOGRAPHY IS AN ART t We Serve the County Portrait Work Commercial Photography Boggs Photo Art Heppner StUCHC) 0reg0n BERT MASON'S BIG GENERAL STORE Ione's business men are enterpris ing and progressive. Here you will find a spirit of co-operation mani fested that assures success for Ione's future. You will like to live, work and play among these people. That business Is good in the lone section of Morrow county Is well evidenced by its prosperous appear ing, well stocked and busy retail es tablishments. Among the leaders, and a house that is patronized by the people, not only of lone but also of many miles of adjoining agricul tural section, is the big store seen above, Bert Mason's big department store. Bert Mason is one of the men ever working for progress. And his own success here is an example of what others can do. Mr. Mason started in business at lone on a much smaller scale as early as 1898. His father, Joe Mason, was one of the pioneer settlers of the district Bert Mason's first business Interests were as a partner in the firm of Halvorsen & Mason, he later tak ing over complete control. Under his management the business con tinued to show yearly progress and increase. The above modern and spacious store building, a credit to lone, to the county, and to its build er, was erected in 1917, again show ing Mason's confidence in the fu ture of the district Mason's store can clothe and feed the family, and carrying large and varied stocks as it does, keeps the lone trade at home. Bert Mason has also efficiently served lone as mayor for the past four years and under his adminis tration many worthwhile improve ments for the city have been brought about THE ELKHORN IS A BUSY RESTAURANT The local and transient public is assured of first class restaurant service when visiting Heppner. And all this at very popular prices. Ve recommend In particular Edward Chinn's famous Elkhorn restaurant where the very best of foods obtain able, correctly prepared are served in an appetizing way at popular prices. Here Is another busy en terprise deserving of mention In these pages as an example of suc- 33. ' Its history has been one of steady growth. Edward Chinn started here on a small scale in an other location In 1915. His business soon grew. He moved to a larger location. Again he soon saw the need of larger, more modern com modlous quarters. The result that In 1921 he furnished the present modern place. Mr. Chinn is among those who thinks more of Heppner and Morrow county than all the rest of the world. Incidentally dur ing his business days he has erect ed for his family one of the finest residences of our city. Give the Elkhorn and Its service a trial when visiting our locality. lone as a city is growing. Adja cent are some of the finest farms of the country, making lone a good trading center. There is room for more. Investigate lone as a city. We all, always, boost for a greater Morrow County. COME AND LIVE IN IONE Trade in lone with SWANSON Feed and Supply Store WHOLESALE AND RETAIL C. W. SWANSON, Prop. Feed, Flour, Potatoes and Poultry Supplies. Roofing and Building Material i Wood in Carload Lots Paint, Oils, Glass, Doors and Windows. IONE, OREGON IONE'S OWN DEPARTMENT STORE Bristow & Johnson GENERAL MERCHANDISE, PRODUCE FARM IMPLEMENTS Bids you welcome to Morrow County. ft Trade at Home When you patronize the home merchants you are serving your own best interests.