Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 08, 1927, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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O i
Mr. end Mrs. Marschat of Board
man, were visitors here Saturday. Mr.
Marschat ia principal of the Board-man-
Bchool, and we are informed by
Superintendent Walker that he made
a splendid record in the Boardman
school during Education Week, when
he put on a campaign for the better
ment of the school. This resulted
in the reduction of tardiness in his
department from ,23 to 6 for the
month of November, and so aroused
the Interest of patrons that the vis
its by parents was brought up to 64.
Mr. Marschat has in contemplation
also, a campaign for the betterment
of health conditions, and with that
Milton W. Bower, pastor of the
Christian church, departed Monday
for Tacoma to attend the Northwest
Preachers' parliament of the churches
of the Northwest in session there this
week. The parliament will close to
day, Thursday, and Mr. Bower con
templated making a visit to Hoquiam
where he was located at one time.
Father O'Rourke, formerly pastor
cf St. Patrick's church here, was
warmly greeted by numerous friends
while on a visit to the city, attend
ing the memorial services in honor
of the late Father Cantwell. Rev.
O'Rourke Is pastor of the Catholic
end in view is planning a clinic for
the removal of tonsils of his pupiU, pari8h at The Dalles,
expecting shortly to call in a physi
cian and a trained nurse to handle Albert Slaughter, naturopath from
this work. Marion county, has filed his license
for record with the county clerk and
Rev. G, M. Van Marter and wife of WM practice in Morrow county. It
Montesano, Wash., were guests here j, understood that he comes to Hepp
over the week-end at the home of his ner to take over the practice of J. P.
son, La Verne Van Marter. Mr. Van Conder, who is leaving the city tem-
Harter was cauea to Heppner to ae- porarily.
liver the address at the memorial
services of Hepnner Lodge No. 368, Dr. Clarke of the CLARKE OPTI
B. P. 0, E. For many years he was CAL CO., 360A, Alder St., Portland,
located In Alaska, at Ketchikan, as Ore., EYE SIGHT SPECIALISTS, will
missionary of the Methodist church be in Heppner all day and evening,
in that district. While here Mr.
Van Marter was a visitor on Satur
day evening at the meeting of Hepp
ner Lodge No. 69, A. F. & A. M., and
he entertained the brethern with an
interesting talk in which he outlined
some of his experiences while in Alas
ka. Mr. and Mrs, Van Marter depart
ed for home Monday.
Sunday, December 18th, at Hotel
Tom Deen, formerly of this county
and a resident for many years of the
Hardman section, was a visitor here
this week, coming up from Portland
on Friday last with Emil Johnson.
Nels Johnson was in the city from
his farm on the west side of the
Jake Pearson, pioneer resident of
;.r yesterday It i, gVtting quUe county Saturday. Ti e fall season ha,
...I ...,f. .j A,,,.,. I been ideal, for seeding end much of
;;ld to be an "end to the ba: ' P -
my weather for tne present, mr. Mr and Mra- R B Rj(.e ot Artesian
Pearson has been a resident of tne farm were viojtors here on Saturday.
Butter creek section for the past 49 Mr Rice got his seeajng Ell done, re
years, and he calls to memory but araieg8 0l the heavy rains, nd the
one novemoer as wei as u jrain is coming along fine,
just cast, when it has been too moist I
out his way to do plowing. This was I Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Bennett and
39 vears aeo when, as he recalls, the Jas. McDaniel were Alpine people in
conditions were quite similar to this the city Tuesday. Weather condi
nresent fall of 1927. Mr. Pearson tions had turned just a little cold out
thinks Morrow county Is in line for
several very prosperous seasons
equally as good as the present season
has been.
Jay Hiatt, Rhea creek poultryman,
is well pleased with the results ob
tained from the shipment of turkeys gall stones,
taken to Portland for the Thanks
giving market. Beoides the large
number of turkeys, Mr. Hiatt also
had a lot bf dressed chickens. His
turkeys all passed as number one and
he received 46 cents per pound, the
market price the day he arrived at
Portland. His turkeys and those of
Walter Eubanks of lone were imme
diately loaded onto the cars and sent
to Seattle. Jay will have some more
turkeys ready for the Christmas market.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Klinger of the
Strawberry district were visitors in
this citv on Thursday last, and this
office acknowledges a very pleasant
call from them. Wheatraising andJ
turkev raisini? have encaged the at
tention of Mr. and Mrs. Klinger this
past season, and besides an abundant
crop of wheat on the farm they have
recently purchased, they produced
soma 400 head of turkeys. For the
Thsnksivine market they shipped
250 of the birds, and the others will
go to the market for the Christmas
Charles Harrington, for a numbeT
of years a resident of the Boardman
project, was found dead in his bed
Sunday morning. Coroner Case be
ing called to investigate, decided the
mun had died from natural causes.
The body Was brought to Heppner
and prepared for shipment to rori-
land by Case Furniture company, un
dertakers, and was shipped from here
Tuesday niirht. Mr. Harrington was
aged 63 years, and had been badly
crippled up for some time on account
of disease.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason and Mrs.
E. J. Bristow were -lone people vi&-
itina- HeDDner on Monday. Mr. Mason
reports that business conditions have
been much better this fall in his
town, owing to the abundant crops,
and he states further that growing
crops were never better at the time
of year than they are in the lone
rannfrv at nreaenL Mr. Mason IS
the pioneer merchant of lone and
enjoys a good business.
Emil Johnson came up from Port
land the end of the week and spent
several days here. Having Deen a
resident of this county for about 43
,,,.. it i. hard for Emil to get wean
ed away. He spent several dafti here
Kofnm mtn rain ir home, remaining
. tn attend Doric Lodge No. 20,
K. of P., of which he has been a mem
ber for many years, to witness the
giving of the ranks to his son, Vic-
ton Johnson.
Will T.od.re No. 66. I. O. O. F., at
their regular meeting on Wednesday
evening last, held their election of of
ficers as follows: A. J. Knoblock, N.
n . i t .WV.nn. V. G.: A. J. Chaf-
' '.anrainrv. and Albert Adkins,
treasurer. The appointive offl-ers
m k. named In time for Installation
which occurs near the first of the
Mrs. Polly Church of Dee, Oregon,
ia vlaltlnir w th relatives tn tnis cny.
Mrs. Church, who has made her home
In the Hood R ver valley tor a num
ber of vears. states that business
AnnHltinna are noor there this fall,
owing to the failure of the apple
crop. Mrs. Church is visiting at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Ed Hunt.
On tomorrow, Friday, evening vill
be the regular meeting of Ruth Chap
ter No. 32. O. E. S. This meeting is
Imnnrtnnt as it is the time of the
annual election of officers, and the
Worthy Matron is requesting that
there be a full attendance of the
membership. The session will begin
promptly at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. John Patterson returned home
from a visit to Portland and Corvnllls
nn Thnradav last. She spent 'lhanKs-
rMnir at. the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A. A. Amort in Corvallis, and enjoyed
that way Monday night, and a slight
freeze was recorded.
Mrs. L. Redding of Eight Mile is
patient at Hot Lake sanatorium,
where she is undergoing an opera
tion for appendicitis and removal of
Arthur Smith returned home on
Friday from Portland, after having
spent a couple of weeks in the city
with his daughter, Mrs. Annie Webster.
General housework on farm wanted
by experienced woman. Inquire this
office. 38.
LOST One black mule, 7 years old,
weight between 1100 and 1160, brand
ed inverted figure 3 on right shoulder.
Left my place, 7 miles east of Hard
man, about a month ago. $10 reward
tor information. PAUL WEBB. 33tf.
Dressmaking and ladies' tailoring.
Rooms over Mrs. Taylor's across the
street from Methodist church. All
work guaranteed. Mrs. Ellen Moore.
Sam Boardman, father of the north
end city bearing the same name, was
a visitor here yesterday, having some
business before the county court.
George Thomson, who spent a short
time at Hot Lake where he took some
treatments at the Sanitarium, re
turned home on Saturday.
Henry Peterson, lower Eight Mile
farmer, was a visitor in Heppner on
Saturday. He reports everything look
ing good out his way.
Barney Doh'erty, extensive ranch
man of north Sand Hollow, was at
tending to business affairs in this
city on Monday.
Experienced woman cook, unem
cumbered, wants position on ranch or
in camp; capable of full charge. Box
364, Heppner. 37-8
FOR SALE Three Kentucky Holt
drills, 7-18's, or would trade for
sheep, hogs or cattle. Edward A. Lin
deken, lone. 88-41
See Dr. Clarke, the EYE "SIGHT
SPECIALIST, about your eyes. In
Heppner Sunday, Dec. 18th. Hotel
Reid Buseick, who is now engaged
in the mercantile business at John
Day, was a visitor in Heppner on
Monday. '
Judge J. A. Fee was in the city
from Pendleton Tuesday afternoon
and held a short session of circuit
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Palmer were
Lexington people in the city on Sat
urday from their home near that city.
Mrs. M. R. Morgan and son Edison
were in Heppner for a short time on
Monday from their home at lone.
Edward A. Lindeken, tractor farm
er of lone, was attending to business
affairs in this city on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. French Burroughs of
Jordan Siding were Heppner visitors
Edward H. Buhn, jeweler, is on a
business trip to Boise, Idaho, this
FOR SALE Second-hand Universal
range; also baby carriage. Phone
462. 31-tf.
Dr. Clarke, Eye Eight Specialist, in
Heppner Sunday, Dec. 18th.
Phill Cohn has been up from his
Portland home this week.
I. N. Prater, who was a resident of
this city for several years, but who
left here right after the Heppner
flood, died at his home in Walla
Walla on December 2nd,at the age of
80 years. Mr. Prater was a victim of
cancer. He is survived by his widow
and two sons and two daughters, these
being Bruce and Glenn Prater and
Mrs. Cora Semple of Walla Walla,
and Mrs. Bess Norton of Pasco.
We wish to thank our friends at
Hardman who so kindly assisted dur-
ing. the sickness and death of our be
loved uncle, Joseph Walker, and for
their sympathy shown our loved ones
in their hour of sorrow.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steers.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Aubrey.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Steers.
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Mrs. Hugh Currin and son George
of Pilot Rock were visitors here on
Tuesday, guests at the home of Mrs.
Currin's mother, Mrs. Jerry Brosnan,
and atetnding the memorial services
in honor of the late Father Cantwell.
Recent Tests
have proved the value of
Our Attrition Mill grinds any
grain to any degree of fineness.
Heppner Farmers
Elevator Company
I Before Buying
If Jewelry For Christmas
? For True Values
All New Goods
of Real Value
No Left-Overs in Our
. Stock.
Nothing Outof-Date.
Mlllllll Illilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllilllllllll
I Ask Your Grocer for the
I Oregon Bakery's t
"Butternut" or "Round-Up" f
i Our home-made pastries are de-
I livered in Heppner fresh daily
Make this
last for
of mile
Make someone supremely happy
this Christmas. Give aBuick for 1928.
Delivery will be made, if you wish,
at your home Christmas morning.
TU tibml G.M.A.C Umptymiuplm k mtMk Vtin4.
Vaughn & Goodman
is only
Never before have we shown a more com
plete or prettier line of
Merchandise for
Our Shirt line is beautiful. Prices ranging
from $2.50 to $5.00.
Neckwear, the largest assortment we have
ever shown $1.00 to $2.50.
Hose in the latest patterns 35c to $1.00.
Men's Scarfs in beautiful and wanted pat
terns $1.50 to $3.50.
Handkerchiefs 25c to $1.00.
You can't make a mistake when you buy
HIM something to wear. It is easy to find
something desirable for a man in a man's
Should you want something a
little out of the ordinary, come
early, we'll order it for you.
A Man's Store for Men
Heppner Gazette Times for Everything in Printing
Women's Silk Hose, Silk to Top, pair $1
Women's Full Fashioned Hose,
Silk to Top, pair $1 .50
One lot of Women's Silk Hose, Regular
Price $1.00, now pair 75c
MEN'S HOSE Fancy Rayon and
Mercerized, New Patterns, pair 50c
E.N.Gonty Shoe Store
TATHER than carry over any considerable portion of our large and
IX beautiful line of Christmas Gift Goods, we are selling everything
at a low margin of profit, giving you most attractive bargains. Before
buying don't fail to see our stock. All quality merchandise. Here are
some of our attractive offerings there are many, many others:
Ladies' Leather Bags .
$8.60 Bags Special $5.69
$12.60 Bags Special $8.98
$6.76 Bags Special : $3.98
$11.60 Bags-Special $9.29
Family Hox Chocolates
Christmas Wrapped. 5 lbs. for $1.98
Portland Rose Petals
Regular 60c, Special 39c
Hohner Harmonicas
Regular 60c, Specially priced at 4Se
Pocket Atomizers
Something new and different. Very special
while they last at Off.
All Christmas Goods Reduced 10 or
more, excepting contract priced lines.
"First for Thirst"
Vanity Coin Cases
Regular $5.25 for $4.J9
Regular $3.76 for $2.98
Regular $6.00 for $4.50
Regular $5.00 for $4.39
Regular $4.75 for .$3.60
" i
Double Compacts
Hand painted. Regularly $1.75, for $1.39
Silver Compacts
Regularly $1.00, for - .... 79e
Hard Candies
Satin French Mixed. 2H lbs. for $1.00
Christmas Wrapped.
a good visit with the family.