Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 08, 1927, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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LorV Creek Ranger.
J. D. French and ions have acquir
ed title to the 9000 acres formerly be
longing to the George Rader estate.
J. L. Carter bought the place just
east of town known as the Bly ranch.
Thia tract consists of 720 acres and is
the old H. N. Bnoham, the Isaac
Splon and the Chas. Bly ranches. Mr.
French and sons took over the Dog
House tract and all the land north of
town. The Rader holdings have al
ways been considered one of the best
stock ranches in Oregon. The new
owners expect to build a modern
home at the Dog House and a greater
portion' of Mr. French's time will be
spent here.
Notice is hereby given that the
County Superintendent of Morrow
County, Oregon, will hold the regular
examination of applicants for state
certificates at the Court House at
Heppner, as follows: Commencing
Wednesday, December 21, 1927, at 9
o'clock a. m. and continuing until
Saturday, December 21, 1927, at- 4
o'clock p. m, I
Wednesday Forenoon
U. S. History, Writing (Penman
ship), Music, Drawing.
Wednesday Afternoon
Physiology, Reading, Manual Train
ing, Composition, Domestic Science,
Methods in Reading, Course of Study
for Drawing, Methods in Arithmetic,
Thursday Forenoon
Arithmetic, History of Education,
Psychology, Methods in Geography,
Mechanical Drawing, Domestic Art,
Course of Study for Domestic Art.
Thursday Afternoon
Grammsr, Geography, Stenography,
American Literature, Physics, Type
writing, Methods in Language, The
sis for Primary Certificate.
Friday Forenoon
Theory and Practice, Orthography
(Spelling), Physical Geography, Eng
lish Literature, Chemistry.
Friday Afternoon
School Law, Geology, Algebra, Civil
Saturday Forenoon
Geometry, Botany.
Saturday Afternoon
General History, Bookkeeping.
I.Bernard Ward, NWVi, W4
) KWW,, and NEVi
Morrow County, Oregon, A Public Corpora
tion, Plaintiff,
Ewing P. Berry, James Carty, Claud L.
Fin ley, 1. V. Peterson. Mike C. Marshall,
M. F. Cochran, i. K. Weatherford, L. D.
Neill, E. O. Neill, Frank Fox. J. A. Lov
er en. Mary Perry. Bernard Ward, J. R.
Nunamaker, E. H. Flemming, C. L.
Swain, R. E. Dodd. Wm. Dodd. Mauric
Hunter, Clifford E. Snow, Alfred R.
Kelly, John W. Martin, C. P. Gammon,
May Powderly, C. F. Whitman, W. C.
Wilson, J. E. Wilaon, T. E. Nunamaker,
Peter Finnie, G. A. Bleakman, W. H.
Miller, John Miller, Hanna Hensley, J.
A. Gibbons, John Foster, Nick Kallas,
Boardman Townsite Company, a corpor
ation, M. B. Willard, E. P. Dodd. W. H.
Stewart, and W. A. Murchie, and any
other person or persons owning or claim
ing to own, or having or claiming to
have any interest or estate in or to the
real property hereinafter described,
' Defendants.
NO. 252.
To Ewing P. Berry, James Carty, Claud L.
Finley, J. V. Peterson, Mike C. Marshall,
M. F. Cochran, J. K. Weatherford. L. D.
NeUl, E. O. Neill, Frank Fox. J. A. Lov
gren, Mary Perry, Bernard Ward, J. R.
Nunamaker, E. H. Flemming, C. L.
Swain, R. E. Dodd, Wm. Dodd, Maurice
Hunter, Clifford E. Snow, Alfred R.
Kelly, John W. Martin, C. P. Gammon,
May Powderly, C. F. Whitman, W. C.
Wilson, J. E. Wilson, T. E. Nunamaker,
Peter Finnie, G. A. Bleakman, W. H.
Miller, John Miller, Hanna Hensley, J.
A. Gibbons, John Foster, Nick Kallas,
Boardman Townsite Company, a corpor
ation. M. B. Willard. E. P. Dodd, W. H.
Stewart, and W. A. Murchie, and any
other person or persona owning or claim
ing to own or having or claiming to have,
any interest or estate in or to the real
property hereinafter described.
Defendants :
OREGON: You and each of you are here
by notified that the above named plaintiff,
a public corporation, is the purchaser, own
er, and holder of certificates of delinquen
cy numbered 120S, 1207, 1211, 1213, 1217,
1221, 12S5. 1237, 1250. 1251, 1255, 1256,
1269, 1276, 1289, 1290, 1291, 1292, 1293.
1294, 1296, 1297, 1298, 1300. 1 30 1 . 1302.
1308, 1814, 1316, 1317, 1318, and 1319, is
sued on tbe 15th day of July, 1924, by the
Sheriff and Collector of Delinquent Taxes
for Morrow County, Oregon, and filed by
the said Sheriff and Collector of Delinquent
Taxes in the office of the County Clerk of
the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, on
the 7th day of October, 1924, for taxes
due and delinquent, together with penalty,
interest and costs thereon, upon real prop
erty situated in Morrow County, Oregon.
You are further notified that the amount
for which said certificate is issued is set
opposite and following the description of
the tract or parcel of land hereinafter set
out, the same being the amount then due
and delinquent, lor taxes for the year 1919,
together with penalty, interest anl costs
thereon, upon real property situate in Mor
row County, Oregon, and particularly
bounded and described as hereinafter set
forth, said tract or parcel of land being
assessed for the year 1919 to the first per
son whose name immediately preceeds the
description thereof, and is followed by the
name of the person appearing to be the
owner thereof, as appears on the tax roll
of Morrow County, Oregon, for the year
1926, now in the hands of the Sheriff of
said County for collection, at the date of
the first publication of this summons and
notice, which date is the 8th day of De
cember, 1927.
Certificate No. 1206, James Carty
and James Carty, Sections 1 and
. Southwest quarter of Section
8, Section Northeast quarter
of Section 10, Section 17, Town
ship i North, Range 25 East of
Willamette Meridian ; Southeast
quarter and Southeast quarter
of Northeast quarter of Section
6, Township 2 North, Range 26
East of Willamette Meridian ;
Sections 18, 17, 21, 25, 29, 83
and 86, Township 8 North, Range
25 East of Willamette Meridian ;
Section 86, Township 4 North,
Range 25 East of Willamette
Meridian, and Section 86, Town
ship 4 North, Range 26 East of
Willamette Meridian 11,440.86
Certificate No. 1207, James Carty
and James Carty, Tract No. 9 in
Lot 4. Block ; Lot 6, Block :
and Tract No. 10 in Lot 8, Block
a, of Lexington, Oregon 2.48
Certificate No. 1211, Ewing P. Ber.
rr and James Carty, WtfiSWy,,
" 8WNW and NMNV4, Sec
tion 6, Township 2 North, Range
26 East of Willamette Meridian 28.74
Certificate No. 1218, Claud L. Fin
ley and J. V. Peterson, Southeast
quarter of Northeast quarter of
Section 19, .Township 2 North,
Range 26 East of Willamette Me
ridian - - 9-44
Certificate No. 1217, Mike C. Mar
shall and Mike C. Marshall, AU
of Section 16, Township 8 North,
Range 24, E. W. M 627.64
Certificate No. 1221, M. F. Coch
ran and M. F. Cochran, Lou 1
and 2, and SMjSE of Section
8, except the town of Castle
Rock, Township 4 North, Range
24, E. W. M. Lots 11 to 16, in
clusive, Block 1, Lou to 12,
inclusive, Block 2. LoU to 12,
inclusive. Block 4, South half of
Block I, LoU i to 16, inclusive.
Block 6, LoU 1 to 13, inclusive,
Block 6, LoU 8 to 8. Inclusive,
and South half. Block , Block
7, Block 9, Lot 4 and South, half
of Block 10, Lots 3 to 7 inclu
sive, and LoU 12 to 16, inciu
tive. Block 11. Lots 8 to 7, in
clusive, and South half of Block
12. Blocks 13, 14, lft. 16, 17, and
18, in the Town of Castle Rock 104.00
Certificate No. 12S5. J. K. Weather
ford and J. K- w eatnerlora.
NEViNEL4, SSNEk,, SE"i lees
tract sold, Section 4. Township
1 South, Range 24 East of Wil
lamette Meridian and Blocks
20. 21, 23. 24. 25, 26. 27, and 28,
Wills' Addition to lone, Oregon 91.37
Certificate No. 1237. L. D. Neill and
E. O. Neill. East halt ot soutn
east quarter of Section 2. Town
ship 1 South, Range 27 E. W. M. 5.30
Certificate No. 1250, Frank Fox
and Frank Fox. syi'iit1!, Sec
tion 17, Township 8 South, Range
2S, E. W. M. : WU.NEH, SEV,
NEVi, and EsSE1, Section 20,
Township S South, Range 23
E. W. M. 64.93
Certificate No. 1261, J. A. Lov-
gren and J. A. Lovgren, Nortn
west quarter of Section 17,
Township 3 South. Range 23, E.
W. M. - - 39.87
Certificate No. 1256. Mary Perry
and Mary Perry, SEl4NW4 and
NEV,SW1h. Section 32, Town
ship 4 South. Range 24 E. W. M. 7.18
Certificate No. 1256, Bernard Ward
SWt.. Section 13. Township 4
South. Range 26 E. W. M. 74.96
Certificate No. 1269, J. R. Nuna
maker and J. R. Nunamaker,
SW4, Section 21, Township
South. Range 27 E. W. M 20.89
Certificate No. 1276, E. H. Flem
ming and E. H. Flemming, S4
Lot 1 and Lots 2, 3, and 4, Block
8. Soerrv's Third Addition to
lone, Oregon 17.09
Certificate No. 1289, C. L. Swain
and C. L. Swain. Lot 8. Block
16, of Irrigon, Oregon .88
Certificate No. 1290. R. E. Dodd
and Wm. Dodd. LoU 9 and 10.
Block 16. of Irrigon, Oregon 2.89
Certificate No. 1291, Maurice Hun
ter and Maurice Hunter, LoU
1 and 2. Block 28. of Irrigon.
Oregon - 1.16
Certificate No. 1292. Clifford E.
Snow and Clifford E. Snow, LoU
8 and 4. Block 28. of Irrigon.
Oregon 1.16
Certificate No. 1293, Alfred R.
Kelly and Alfred R. Kelly, LoU
19 and 20. Block 28. of Irrigon.
Oregon - 1.16
Certificate No. 1294, John W. Mar
tin and John w. Martin, Lot 7,
Block 30, and Lot 11, Block 37,
of Irrigon. Oregon 1.16
Certificate No. 1296, C. P. Gam
mon and C. P. Gammon, Lot 3,
Block 38. of Irrigon. Oregon .82
Certificate No. 1297, May Powder
ly and May Powderly, Lot 6,
Block 39, of IrTigon, Oregon .82
Certificate No. 1298, C. F, Whit
man and C. F. Whitman, Lot 6,
Block 89, of Irrigon, Oregon .83
Certificate No. 1300, W. C. Wilson,
J. E. Wilson and T. E. Nuna-'
maker, LoU 11 and 12, Block 41,
Irrigon, Oregon 10.96
Certificate No. 1801, Peter Finnie
and Peter Finnie, Lot 27, Block
39. Irrigon. Oregon .82
Certificate No. 1302, G. A. Bleak
man and W. H. Miller, North
30 feet of Lot 4, Block B, Hard
man Oregon 183.94
Certificate No. 1808. John Miller
and John Miller, Lot 1, Block 3,
Ferguson's Addition to Hard
man, Oregon 2.88
Certificate No. 1314, Hanna Hens
ley and Hanna Hensley, Lot 6,
Block 8, Castle- Rock, Oregon .... .85
Certificate No. 1316, J. A. Gibbons
and J. A. Gibbons, Lots 13, 14,
15, and 16, Block 4, Castle Rock,
Oregon 2.00
Certificate No. 1317, John Foster,
Nick Kallas and John Foster,
Nick Kallas, LoU 6 to 8, inclu
sive, Block 10, Castle Rock, Ore
gon 2.00
Certificate No. 1818, Boardman
Townsite Company, and M. B.
Willard, E. P. Dodd, and W. H.
Stewart, LoU 7, 8. 10, and 11,
Block 4 ; LoU 8 and 9, Block 7 :
and Lot 7, Block 8, of the town
of Boardman, Oregon 16.65
Certificate No. 1319, Boardman
Townsite Company, and W. A.
Murchie and E. P. Dodd, Lot 24,
Block 8: and Blocks 15 and 16,
of the town of Boardman, Ore
gon 56.77
That said amounU bear interest at the
rate of ten per cent, per annum from the
16th day of July, 1924, the date of issuance
of said certificates.
And you and each of you are hereby
summoned to appear within, sixty days af
ter the date of the first publication of this
summons, exclusive of the day of first pub
lication thereof, towit: December 8, 1927,
and defend the suit in the Court aforesaid,
or pay the amount due as shown above
against said tracU or parcels of land, re
spectively, above described, of which you
are the owner, or in which you have or
claim to have, any interest or estate, to
gether with interest and costs accrued in
this suit thereon.
Service of a copy of your answer or
other process may be made on the under
signed attorney for plaintiff, at the place
specified below as his addreBS, and in case
of your failure so to do. judgment and de
cree will be entered against you and each
of you foreclosing said tax liens for the
amount set opposite and following the de
scription of said parcel of land above set
forth, together with interest and cosU
thereon, against said tracU or parcels of
land, and said tracU or parcels of land
will be sold to satisfy said judgment and
decree obtained in this suit.
You are further hereby notified that the
plaintiff will apply to the Court aforesaid
for judgment and decree foreclosing said
tax liens against said property hereinbefore
This summons is published once each
week for six consecutive weeks in the
Heppner Gazette Times, a newspaper of
general circulation in Morrow County, Or
egon, published weekly at Heppner in said
County, the date of first publication there-
of being December t, 1927, and said pub
lication being made in pursuance of the
statutes ef the State of Oregon, said news.
paper having been designated by the Coun
ty Court of the Stale of Oregon for Mor
row County as the newspaper in which said
summons should be published, by order duly
entered in said Court on the 7th day ot
September. 1927.
.By GEO. McDUFFEE. Sheriff of
Morrow County, Oregon, and
District Attorney for Morrow County,
Oregon, and Attorney for Plaintiff,
whose address is Heppner, Oregon.
Date of first publication, December 8, 1927.
Date of last publication. January 19, 1928.
Served while they're
hot from our brand
are delicious,
Try them for break
fast any morning.
Shell Fish
the piece d' resistance
for luncheon or din
ner, will appease the
hunger delightfully.
We receive them
fresh daily.
LOST Black leather hat box with
ladies clothing, between Pilot Rock
and Heppne, on Nov. 11. Reward.
Notify Margaret Kirk, Freewater, Or.
Straw, pasture and alfalfa hay for
sale good pasture. Ralph Butler on
Al Henriksen ranch near Lexington.
All lenses and repairs at half price.
Mail orders only. Muil the pieces.
Thomson Optical Inst. Makers of
good lenses. Est. 1908. Corbett
Bldg., Portland, V)re. 3J-tf.
Do You Deserve Success? 1
Success and Happiness don't come to everyone usually
just to those who deserve it, yho strive to attain it.
Yeu anyone can have success, can easily secure the
better things-of life on an easy plan that is sure to suc
ceed. The plan is systematic saving, and it's easily car
ried out. v
Success and Happinss thru savings do not require sacri
fices or skimping of present needs. You don't have to
give up present comforts. Yon can have the things you
want now and save too. Saving regularly will bring
you at once a greater happiness today as well as in the
Rich .wholesome milk. Drink all yon
want. It's good for you.
Alfalfa Lawn Dairy
Phone 30F8
If you seek success on this plan, you deserve it. And it
will come to you. Let us show you how easy this plan is."
Farmers & Stockgrowers National
Heppner BiMllt Oregon
wxx are cordially invited
-Ota write Martha Meade
regarding any problem in
cooking, table decoration
or menus. She is at your
service without any ob
ligation Call on her
freely. Sperry cook book
on request
Director Home Service Bureau
Sperry Flour Co
San, Francisco -
Sperry Drifted Snow Flour
Sperry Flour Children's Hour, KEX
Ob Jammary 1 ;
Now Only 23 Days Away
not paid in advance will be dropped from the
mailing list. At the same time the bargain offer
of 3 years for $5.00 will be withdrawn.
The reason for the adoption of our new policy has, we believe,
been thoroughly explained. That it, has met with approval
is evidenced by the large number who have already responded.
A considerable number still remain delinquent from whom
we would like to hear. v
It is our desire to have a live subscription list composed of
bona fide subscribers. In times past we have sent the paper
in good faith,- believing that acceptance meant willingness to
pay. In some instances we have found this not to be the case.
If you know yourself to be delinquent and want the paper to
keep coming, may we hear from you before January 1 st)
The Ideal Christmas Gift
News of the home folks to remind the recipient of the giver
every week of the year and now at 3 years for $5.00r-what
more appreciated gift for as long a time can be had for the
money, than a Heppner Gazette Times subscription?
You give us the name and the money we do the rest. There
v is no bother of packing the present, insuring and mailing at
the Christmas tush period. We take care of that, and the
present is mailed on time.
Heppner Gazette Times
Morrow County's Newspaper