Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 08, 1927, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Isabel Perry recommendB K life of crime,
adventure, romance and excitement as a
cure for Archibald Bennett'i nervea. Ar
chie goes to Bailey Harbor to investigate a
house for his sister and spend the night
In the empty house. He is awakened by
footsteps during the Bight; the intruder
fires at him and misses. Archie Ares in re
turn. He doesn't know whether he has
billed or only wounded the man, but fear
ing the publicity, plans to make his es
cape. In his flight he meets "The Govern
or" a master mind criminal who mistakes
him for a fellow criminal, Archie, afraid
to tell the truth, falls in with "The Gov
ernor." A aeries of events leads him to
believe he has shot Putney Congdon the
owner of the house. They proceed to New
Yoik, where they are visited by Julia, the
Governor's sister. Archie promises her he
will stick with the Governor through the
strange phase she claims he is passing
through. While strolling in the park, Ar
chie sees Mrs. Congdon with her two chil
dren, and ia witness to the kidnapping of
the little girl, Edith. He learns from the
Governor that the father-in-law of Mrs.
Congdon a very wealthy man is engaged
in the circulaiton of counterfeit twenty
dollar gold pieces. They go to Rochester,
where the Governor receives a letter from
Ruth, the girl he loves, in which she tells
him he may be able to serve her.
At a dance at Ruth's home Archie meets
Isabel and they are reconciled. Archie
and the Governor promise to And Edith
Congdon and whisk her away to label's
camp. They secure work on Eliphalet
Congdon's farm, where Edith has been
taken. They learn that Putney Congdon
the man Archie shot is also there. While
Archie is teaching Edith to ride the Gov
ernor kidnaps her.
When Putney Congdon leaves the farm,
Archie follows him. They become friendly
and Archie agrees to go with Putney to
Huddleston, where they meet the Governor.
The Governor tells Archie that Carey, Isa
bel's cousin, has blocked the camp and
they are unable to get supplies.
In their hours together Archie had
never been able to free his mind of
the disagreeable fact that he had so
nearly killed 'Congdon, and he was
beset now by the thought that sooner
or later he must confess his culpa
bility in the Bailey Harbor shooting.
"I've got to tell Congdon I shot
him and that he was in no way re
sponsible for Hokey's death," he an
nounced determinedly to the Gover
nor, whom he found pacing the street
in front of the hotel after supper.
"Of course you'll tell him, but not
yet. Until we get L.nt other things
cleared up we'll let him think he
killed Hokey, Just to keep him hum
ble. And now that he's off the in
valid list we'll let him share some
little adventures that lie before us.
Tonight we've got a matter on hand
that's better -done by ourselves. If
you think he's safe for a few hours
we'll go ahead."
He stopped on the way to the wood
bordered shore and produced from a
fence corner nn electric lamp and
two revolvers.
"Stick one of these in your pocket.
We're not going to add to our crimes
if we can help it, but
At a point half a mile from the
village the Governor flashed his lamp
along a bank that hung over the
beach and found a canoe and a row
boat hidden in a thicket.
"We're all fixed . Good old Leary
planted these things for us while we
were at supper."
He gave a whistle and in a mo
ment Leary stood beside them.
They had carried the boats to the
water's edge when the Governor and
denly stood erect. The monotonous
turn turn of a gasoline engine was
borne to them out of the darkness.
"Carey has a boat of some power,"
the Governor remarked, "and as he
carries no lights we've got to take
the chance of sneaking round him
or getting run down. You and Red
take the row boat and trail me; I'll
scout ahead with the canoe."
The canoe shot forward, the Gov
ernor driving the paddle with a prac
ticed hand. The row boat followed,
and as they moved steadily toward
the middle of the bay they marked
more and more clearly the passage of
the launch as it patrolled the farther
shore. They were two-thirds of the
way across the bay when the Gover
nor gave the signal to stop and they
drew together for a conference.
"They must be keeping watch,"
said Archie, calling attention to the
lights on the shore. "If we could
land without frightening the girls
to death"
The Governor whistled through his
teeth. Somewhere to the left of
them as they lay fronting the camp
a sharp blow was struck upon metal.
It was repeated fitfully for several
"It's Carev tinkering his engine,
He's been playing possum off there."
The launch was so near that they
heard the waves slapping its sides
Suddenly Leary sprang up in the toss-
inir boat.
"Look ahead!" he exclaimed, level
ing his arm nt a shadow that durted
out of the darkness and passed be
tween them and the launch. The
Governor saw it and stifled a cry of
"Two women in a canoel They're
uninc to run for it!"
The Governor had already turned
the canoe and was furiously plying
his paddle. A lantern shot its benms
from the'phantom craft, but the light
vanished immediately.
"There goes his engine," the Gov
ernor called as he took the lead.
"He's spotted that light and will-try
to run them down."
Isabel and Ruth, attempting to
elude Carey's blockado and seek help
at Huddleston, were forcing a crisis
that might any minute result in dis
aster. It was incredible that Carey
would attempt to run down two wo
men on the dark bay and it was ap
parently his intention to circle round
them and drive them back to the
camp, Neither the canoe of the ad
venturous women nor the launch was
visible from the row boat, though the
engine's rapid pulsations indicated
the line of Carey's pursuit.
The launch executed a wide half-
circle, stopped and retraced Its course.
The Governor called to Archie to
stop following him and move in the
rfimetinn of the town, independently
nf hi. own movements, thus broad
'tiy Meredith Nicholson
Haruy jay
ening the surface they were covering
with a view to succoring the canoe.
"If that blackguard keeps this up
we may have to swim for it) Give
me the oars; I want to warm up!"
Archie and Leary were changing
positions when the launch, executing
another of its gigantic evolutions,
again swept by. A second later they
were startled by a crash followed by
screumB and cries for help. Leary
whistled shrilly to attract the Gov
ernor's attention and bent to the oars.
Carey shut off his power the mo
ment he struck the canoe. A shout
from the Governor announced that
he was hurrying toward the scene Sof
the collision.
"Bear left!" cried Leary, seizing
an oar, "Slow down! Stop!"
The lights playing upon the scene
from the launch fell upon the strug
gling women, the Governor and Leary
swimming toward them, and Archie
steadying the row boat ready to aid
in the rescue.
The rescuers were now dependent
upon sound and the starlight in the
urgent business of marking the posi
tion of the young women. A hand
grasped Archie's trailing oar and in
a moment with Leary's assistance he
had gotten one of the women into
the boat. The men now redoubled
their efforts to find the second victim
of the catastrophe, shouting to keep
tract of one another and to hearten
the girl who was somewhere battling
for her life.
A faint cry, hardly distinguishable
above the commotion of the waves,
caught Archie's ear and he jumped
into the water and swam toward it.
In making a stroke his arm fell" upon
the side of the overturned canoe. A
pitiful little whimper startled him;
he touched a face and his fingers
caught in a woman's hair. The canoe
still retained enough buoyancy to
support him, and his lusty cries
brought the Governor to his side, fol
lowed an instant later by Leary, la
boriously pushing the boat before
They worked in silence save for the
sharp commi.nds of the Governor.
The boat had to be balanced against
the lifting of the second figure over
the side, and Leary managed this,
while Archie and the Governor, after
twice failing, with a supreme effort,
got the second girl aboard.
"They were both tcking care of
themselves when we picked them up,"
said Archie holding to the side of
the boat. "We haven't a case of
drowning to deal with."
"We'll make for the camp as fast
as possible. Ill take me oars, saio
the Governor. "You and Leary fol
low in my canoe."
When they reached the camp they
were met Dy tne camp oocwr anu
Isabel's mother who had heard the
crash of the collision and the reassur
ing cries that had announced the res
cue. Kuth declared tnai sne was aDie
to walk but Isabel became the ob
ject of their immediate concern. She
ay in the boat muttering incoher
ently. Archie gnthered her up m
his arms and bore her to the hos
pital tent where a nurse awaited
We're lucky devils," said the GovH
ernor, as they wrung tne water irom
their clothes in the bath house. "If
we hadn't been just where we were
those girls would have drowned. In
their skirts they couldn't hove made
the Bhore!"
Mrs. Perry came down presently to
report that Isabel and Kutn were
"I wish," she said, "we might pro
claim to the world your gallant con
duct; but for any report of this mat
ter to get abroad would be disastrous,
dire calamity, as you can see. It
would be best for you to return and
keen silent as to the accident."
You may count on our discretion,
said the Governor. "Let me soy first
that as to the danir of starvation,
you need have no fear on that score.
I wired yesterday for a tug l m some
what interested in to pick up sup
plies at Harbor Springs and it will
put in here some ,time during in
When the Governor and Archie
went down to breakfast at nine
o'clock the next morning they learn
ed that Congdon had risen early ond
crone out.
The Governor drew from his pock
et a telegram which Leary had car
ried un to him while he was dressing
"A cipher from Perky at Harbor
Springs. Hes got the provisions
aboard but reports that he suspects
the tug of being watched. Its pos
aihlo of course that he and old Eli
nhalet were spotted at Cleveland
when they boarded the boat and that
the Government is keeping an eye on
the Arthur B. Grover. i
Archie fidgeted uneasily.
We've got enough trouble on hand
riirht here without bucking the ed
oral authorities. Of course you'll
warn him at once not to put in herel
"Mv rcolv was sent instantly, I
wired him to hold on to Eliphalet but
to dron all the men he didn't need
to handle the tug at the first con
venicnt point and Bend them singly
into the woods beyond unaersvi
to await Instructions."
Thev had reached tho veranda,
where Congdon joined them. Obvious
lv he was in a serious mood.
"Something's hnppened that bothers
me a little," he said. "A man motor
ed up here while ago, looked th
place over and asked mo a lot of
nuestions about the hotel and its
guests. You understand Comly 1
He hesitated, glancing questioning-
ly from Archie to the Governor.
"You may trust SoulBbury. We
have knowledge of some other thingB
that make it necessary for un till to
stand together."
"This fellow seemed to have busi
ness, here," Congdon continued. "Ha
looked me over in a way I didn't like.
You remember, Comly, I took yos
into my confidence about a little dif
ficulty I had before I came here"
"That little affair on the Maine
Coast? It was a shooting, Saulabury,"
Archie explained soberly.
"Extraordinary!" exclaimed the
Governor, and listened gravely while
Congdon described the shooting at
Bailey Harbor.
"You have troubled about this mat
ter quite unnecessarily," the Gover
nor declared with a wave of the
and. "You were In your own house,
and had every right to be there. You
were defending yourself against a
scoundrel who did his best to kill
But it s most fortunate that we
three have met here, gentlemen and
murderers all!" the Governor went
on airily. "Comly tells me that he
too has been dodging the police, and
make you both feel perfectly at
ease 111 be equally frank and say
that for nearly seven years I've been
mixed up with the leading crooks
f this eountrv.
' "And now to business. We seem
to be fellows with a pretty taote for
adventure, and I'm going to appeal
to your chivalry right now to help
me in a very delicate matter and a
very dangerous one that callB for
prompt attention."
He bade Archie tell the story, in
terrupting occasionally to supply
some detail. When Isabel's name was
mentioned as the head of the camp
Congdon jumped to his feet excitedly.
Why," he flung round upon Archie,
that's the girl who gave me the bad
dvice that got me into all my trou
ble with my wife. And she is cus
todian of my daughter! With my
own child over there at the mercy
of that scoundrel I couldn't refuse,
and I assure you that I cherish no re-
ervtment against Miss Perry. I en
list right now."
Good," the Governor cried, "and
ow to get back to business, ine
tug that's bringing the supplies for
the camp is also towing a launch for
our use. Now, congdon, 11 you ve no
objection to taking orders from me,
I'll ask you to lie off Heart 0' Dreams
the row boat, while the supplies
are unloaded. Our landlord, a trust
worthy person in every particular,
will go with you, Comly and I will
meet the tug and pick up the launch."
While they waited for the tugs
appearance Archie and the Governor
hung off Heart O' Dreams shore, pad
dled close enough to talk with Ruth
at the wharf.
"Everything's all right," she re
ported cheerily. "The doctor is keep
ing Isabel in bed today but merely
to reBt. The camp's running smooth
ly and the girls don't know that they
ate our last bread and butter for
An exclamation from Ruth caused
Archie and the Governor to turn to
ward the lake. The Arthur B. Grover
was steaming slowly into the bay.
moment later Leary whistled to
call attention to the Carey launch,
which was running rapidly toward
the camp.
"Keep out of sight," the Governor
ordered Ruth "and send your young
charges to play in the woods."
Please," she cried, turning to go,
"take care of yourselves! We'd bet
ter give up the fight right now than
have you hurt!"
The Arthur B. Grover had rounded
the point and was feeling its way
toward Heart 0' Dreams. Archie
recogniied Perky, industriously tka
ing soundings and 4azily giving or
ders to the man at the wheel.
There's our new launch trailing
behind like clouds of glory," said the
Governor. "A very snappy little af
fair it is."
And a very snappy little man is
hanging over the rail of the tug grip
ping an umbrella. How do you sup-
pvratlnl da lun
Nmw SchmJalt Effmcliv Sep. 5th
Lv. Arlington 11:1 a, m. ia:f f p. as.
- Arrival Tim Thttm Pointtl
IlI p. m. : 0 p. m.
SlSfp.m. 4:0 p.m.
4' p. m. :H s.m,
H4f p.m. 7:1 P-m.
It. Arlington p. m. (if e p. m
Arrival Timm TAeae Point it
t:t p. ns. toil p. m.
411 p.m. II:fp.m.
Connection at Pendleton with
Pendleton-Walla Walla Stages
Arlington Hotel
See Railroad Agent
at various points
en route fop tickets
and information
pose Ferity's explaining an mis to
"Trust Perky to be plausible."
By the time the Arthur B. Grover
had warped in, Carey had brought
his launch to within a dozen yards
of the tug, and his companion was
standing up anxiously scrutinizing
the men on board.
"Prisoners!" he bawled; "every
one of you a prisoner! I know you,
PerTcy and you needn't try any tricks
on me or it'll be worse for you."
"Trapped! Lost!" cried Eliphalet,
"You're mighty right you're lost!"
yelled the officer. "You're a nice old
scoundrel, to be circulating plugged
gold pieces, and a rich man at that.
You're under arrest, do you under
stand?" Perky was thoroughly prepared for
the expeditious delivery of-his car
go, even to wheelbarrows in which
three men now began trundling sup
plies up the wharf and along the
beach to the camp store house. He
naid no heed whatever to the threats
uttered by the officer, and the work
was proceeding rapidly, without noise
or confusion, when they were startled
by a yell.
Leary and Congdon in the row boat
had been stealing up behind Carey's
launch. Leary sprang aboard while
the two occupants were watching the
landing of the stores. Carey, diving
under Leary's arms, seized a club and
knocked him overboard. The detective
jumped into the water and swam to
the wharf, where he was immediately
overpowered and hauled aboard th
tug. By this time Carey was steer
ing for the middle of the bay, where
he watched the tug for a while and
then retired toward his camp.
It was five o'clock when the last
of the cargo was landed in the store
house. The engineer sounded the
whistle. '
Ruth ran down to the shore and
Archie and the Governor went to
meet her.
The Governor gave her the details
of the afternoon and when he finish
ed she cried:
"You angels! It's perfectly splendid!"
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Those who desire photos before Christ
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"By the; way," the Governor added,
when does the camp close?"
"August twenty, if Mr. Corey does-
n t close it sooner."
'That date shall stand without re
ference to Corey's wishes, intentions,
or acta. Please write your father to
be here on that last day and bring
his episcopal robes with him. Have
you anything to add, Archie?"
"You might say to Isabel," said
Archie slowly, "that August twenty
strikes me as the happiest possible
date for our wedding."
"You two talk of weddings as
though we were not in the midst of
battle, murder and sudden death!"
She folded her arms and regarded
them with an odd smile, half wistful,
half questioning, playing about her
lips. '
"I was Just thinking," she said in
a few moments, "how we seem i to
be living in the good old times when
knighls hastened by land or water to
the rescue of ladies in distress. But
I don't quite see through to the
end!" The smile was gone and her
eyes darkened as she ended with a
little quavering, despairing note:
"Something serious and dreadful
threatens us, one and all of us may
be! It's only what do you call such
a thin a presentiment?"
"Please don't think of it!" pleaded
Archie; "Things are bound Jto come
out all right."
"Yes; it will be only a little long
er," muttered the Governor listlessly.
He had responded instantly to
Ruth's confession of her premonition
of impending evil, and Archie, trou
bled by his friend's change of mood,
hastened to end the interview.
"We're not going to lose!" he de
clared. "It's when the world is
brightest that the shadow of a cloud
sometimes mokes us fear to trust
our happiness. Good-by and good
luck! "
She was not reassured, however,
and as she shook hands with them
there were tears in her eyes.
Continued next wee.
Winter AddIm Plenty of good
ones. Began picking Oct. 1st. Bring
sacks. F. Burroughs, Jordan Siding.
smokers dorit change
with the moon
but watch how other smokers
are chanaina to Cheiterfield!
F. W. Turner & Co.
Good Listings in Both Morrow and
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How Delicious
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Red, ripe, juicy apples "one a
day keeps the doctor away."
You'll find a choice variety
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Staple and Fancy
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SS: V" m '
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